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AuZtralia is an adventure/exploration game for 1-4 players set in an alternate reality 1930s. The theme is inspired by Martin Wallace's A Study in Emerald. Following the Restorationist war, the northern hemisphere lands lay poisoned and starvation was the norm. Intrepid adventurers set out to explore and settle new lands. Little did they know, after the war, the surviving Old Ones and their remaining loyal human armies made their way to the outback of Australia to lick their wounds.

Build a port, construct railways, mine and farm for food. You’ll need to prepare for the awakening. You’ll need to fight. Everything you do in the game costs time, which is one of AuZtralia's most valued resources.

At a point in time, the Old Ones will wake up and become an active player. They begin to reveal themselves and move, with potentially devastating outcomes.

You’ll need to prepare wisely for the awakening and may have to co-operate with others to defeat the most dangerous Old Ones.


The Big Box version of the game along with two brand new expansions are now on Kickstarter. Try the new expansions for yourself now on Tabletopia!

Revenge of the Old Ones

Revenge of the Old Ones enables a human player to control the evil forces of the Old Ones. As well as deciding where to place your forces, you can summon terrible creatures from the void to create even more havoc at a time that suits you. Now you can raise Nyarlathotep, summon a Ghoul, or call forth the Hounds of Tindalos to defeat the scourge of humans invading YOUR lands.

To counter the evil mind, the humans have more tools: Outposts, stronger Ports, and extra starting resources.


TaZmania is a dual-map expansion for AuZtralia designed specifically for 1-2 players, or 2-3 if playing with the Revenge of the Old Ones expansion.

The fixed map is surveyed for resources and Old Ones. The second map is randomized through terrain tiles: the central core of the island will remain hidden until you venture near. There's a new terrain type: impassable lakes - and the option of locating your Port anywhere on the coast to get to the heart of the action quickly.

Tabletopia - markh110

You are summoned by the Roman emperor to hear about his great plans for expansion. He wants you to found the next great Roman city and bring glory to the Roman Empire!

Carefully plan your city and efficiently connect neighborhoods to gain valuable resources! Spend coins and employ the population to build magnificent monuments! Use legions to conquer distant lands for the Emperor! Produce valuable luxuries to use for scoring points! Gain the Will of the Gods and use it to empower your city! Glory is within your grasp!

Build the greatest Roman cities and bring glory to Rome in this tile-placement, city builder board game for 1-4 players!

In Magna Roma, the objective is to make the most points at the end of the game by building your city efficiently! To do so, players take turns to place city tiles in their city. A newly placed tile must be connected to at least one of the previously placed tiles. When a player places a tile, the connection with the adjacent tiles will result in producing one or more resources for the player. For example, connecting two half-circles found on the tiles produces a coin, a rectangle and triangle produce population, a rectangle and half-circle produce a legion etc. What's more, if the connected shapes are of the same color, the game rewards the player with double the resources.

With these resources, players will be able to play the other actions in the game, such as: build different monuments in your city, gain a Luxury Good, gain the Gods' Favor tiles, conquer new provinces for the Emperor all serving the same goal - to gain the most points at the end of the game and build the greatest Roman city that ever existed!

Tabletopia - markh110

A press-your-luck, resource collecting, get ready for winter board game involving Squirrels with personality. Ages 8+. 1-6 players.

In Nutty Squirrels of the Oakwood Forest, you build the board using a series of leaf cards spreading out into 6 branches from the centre of the tree. Each turn, players have 3 actions to utilize across whichever mix they wish; move onto a leaves card, flip a leaves card to discover power-ups or acorns, or bury acorns for the winter.

Players can carry up to 3 power cards at a time which can give them extra actions, allow them to carry more acorns, steal acorns from other players, swing over broken branches, or unleash an owl to take out their opponents.

The game ends when a player is the first to bury a total of 20 acorns or when there are no more cards left to flip (in which case the highest score wins).

Tabletopia - markh110

As countries look for their next cuppa tea, set sail your most delicious brews in Chai: Tea for 2! Facing off as tea merchants, both players will secure tea clipper contracts while improving their tea plantations. Producing green, white, oolong, yellow, black, and the dark pu'ers, it's a race!

As a standalone two-player game in the Chai series, you'll be using dice worker placement to build your field's tableau. Navigate tea through different production steps with five unique action boards. Each round signals a new season of harvesting new teas as you specialize in matcha, bergamot, sweet teas, and more.

At the start of the game, players set the end game condition to 3, 4, or 5 completed tea clipper contracts. Victory points are also gained by completing tea crates, collecting blooming teas, tableau bonuses, and each merchant's unique speciali-tea.

Tabletopia - markh110

According to the Orkneyinga Saga, Earl Rognvald Kali Kolsson broke into the chambered tomb of Maeshowe, on Orkney, in AD1150. In AD1153, Earl Harald Maddadson and a group of his men sheltered there during a snowstorm. The sagas tell us that Rognvald found treasure there and that two of Harald’s men went mad.

Alone or with a friend, players will on their turn need to play one card to the row and discard one. Managing their hand of five cards players need to make tough calls on what to play while carefully managing their resources of health, food and cards left in their draw deck.

The players will free themselves from the Tomb of Maeshowe once they've removed enough rubble blocking their escape. By playing a set of four "Excavation" cards to the row, the players are able to remove rubble. The timing of when to start a set of "Excavation" cards will be critical since a row of less than four will result in those cards being lost decreasing player chance for survival.

If the player ever finds themselves having 0 health or run out of cards in their draw deck, they have lost and their dead bodies will be found in the Tomb of Maeshowe by Archeologists hundreds of years later.

Other threats presented by their draw deck includes such things as the passage collapsing and running out of food while some well-needed sleep or Odin himself sending a Raven to watch over you can provide you with some much-needed relief.

This updated version of Lee Broderick's Print and Play game Maeshowe offers a streamlined version of the core gameplay while adding a series of mini-expansions and alternate set-ups for more variety, challenge and replayability.

Apr 14, 2021
Tabletopia - markh110

7 Moons is an original board game from Gunpowder Studios, set in a mythical, magical world of dragons and monsters, where 2-4 players seek to save the beautiful kingdom of Dragon Reach from the impending Shadow Army.

An easy to learn, 2-4 player board game of strategy, acquisition and adventure in a mythical, magical land.

In 7 Moons you play a royal emissary, sent out by your monarch into the kingdom to organise the defence of your city against the approaching Shadow Army. You will travel the lands, buying and selling resources to fill your war chest, building defences, recruiting allies and completing quests. You have little time and much to do, so choose your strategy wisely. Those best prepared have the greatest chance of surviving the monstrous onslaught. The rest will not live to see another moon.

Tabletopia - markh110

Mage Noir is a strategy card game. In this duelling game, players become true Mages and fight each other with the power of the elements. The game is focused on crafting spells and is packed with fireballs, crashing waves, devastating tornadoes and powerful magical abilities, all held in the palm of your hand.

Become a Mage and duel your opponents by using the spells at your disposal.

Mana is aggregated at the center of the table, every action you take will change this amount, and you’ll get to claim some of it at the beginning of your turn. But the rest may end up with your opponent, so plan accordingly. The separation of Mana from your deck also means no more failing to draw what you need to cast your spells!

In Mage Noir, you’ll combine lesser spells to create stronger ones. The spell crafting system is simple, logical and very thematic. Will you cast your spells for immediate effects or risk saving them to combine into a game-winning combo?

All of it beautifully illustrated by 7 passionate and talented artists.

Will you be the next Mage Noir?

Tabletopia - markh110

After the fall of Rome, Europe fell into the so-called "dark ages." From the chaos, feudalism arose providing stability to the region over the coming centuries. By the High Middle Ages, the region was prosperous despite much fighting. From your walled city, you are a medieval liege ruling the surrounding lands, settlements, and holdings granted by birthright. This is your fiefdom, and all within it owe fealty and allegiance to you above all others. Each other lord and lady rules a neighboring fiefdom and competes for resources in the unclaimed yet bountiful lands of the countryside between them. Tensions were high and petty feuds common between you and your neighbors until scouts reported a new and deadly threat. Invaders have swept in from the east! Their sizable army is camped on the edges of your realm, and this new common enemy endangers the entire land. Refugees from the fallen eastern lands seek shelter and bring tales of destruction. Old rivalries must be put aside to focus on the onslaught to come and remain unbroken.

After The Empire is a worker placement/resource management game set in the middle ages. During each turn, known as a season, players alternate using worker tokens to take actions, such as gathering resources, building advanced buildings, and recruiting refugees. Once all workers have been committed, players harvest food from their surrounding lands and then prepare for combat.

During each season's combat, invader cards are revealed, with a randomized number of troops and compass direction of attack. Only the wealthiest of castles will draw the attention of larger forces and their siege weapons. You must repair your city and recruit and arm your troops quickly to stand any chance. The winner is the lord or lady who has best preserved their fiefdom and saved up the most gold.

Your life, your wealth, your fiefdom, and your legacy must be protected at all costs!

Tabletopia - markh110

Letter Tycoon is the word game for 2-5 capitalists!

In the game, players take turns forming a word using a seven-card hand and a three-card community card pool, scoring money and stock rewards based on their word. Players may use their earned money to buy one letter "patent" in the word they make. In the future, whenever another player uses one of your owned letters on their turn, you earn money from the bank. Letters that are used less frequently have special abilities, increasing their power.

When enough of the alphabet has been claimed, players finish the current turn, then score all money, stock and letter patents owned. Create the most valuable empire and you can become the letter tycoon!

Tabletopia - markh110

Bacon Project is an expandable card game destined for devoted fans of ‘Player Versus Player’ type games (PvP). The game pits two criminals renowned for their destructive capabilities in an underground arena.

With access to a variety of skills and abilities provided by a selected character, each of the players are charged with accomplishing one objective: To slay their opponent’s character in order to achieve victory. By managing those abilities, players are put to the test of finding the most effective strategies and combinations to achieve said victory.
