Jan 18, 2020
Faeria - Atmaz
The Seifer Seasonal Cup is NOW LIVE!

Watch the best players in Faeria fight for the seasonal championship!

Watch it at https://www.twitch.tv/faeriatv!

Who do you think will win?

See the brackets here.
Faeria - Atmaz
Seifer Seasonal Cup

The Seifer Seasonal Cup takes place TOMORROW.

  • When: Saturday, January 18th. 16:00 CET
  • Where: FaeriaTV

Watch the best players in Faeria fight it out until there's only one winner left. You're guaranteed to see some good games in the Seasonal Cup. It's a great way to learn from the pros!

Localisation help

Interested in helping translate Faeria? Please read the full blog post here...
Faeria - Atmaz
A few weeks ago we mentioned we were planning on working on a solution for the leaderboard name issues.

Well.. we decided to just put it in-game!

When we finish the work on this, you'll be able to check the ladder in-game without having to open any web browser.

Read more here...
Faeria - Atmaz
Faeria is now officially available on the XBOX Game Pass for PC!

Will I have the same account as on Steam?

Nope, this is a completely independent release from Steam and all accounts are separate (but equal!). However, anyone playing from XBOX Game Pass for PC can play against anyone on Steam. Xbox Game Pass for PC users may see a special icon next to the name of Steam users.

What this means for you on Steam is - more players to play against!

Find out more in our weekly blog post, Faeria Friday...
Faeria - Atmaz
The New Mulligan

During the mulligan, cards that are chosen to be discarded will no longer be able to reappear.

With this change, it will be as if any card you pick to mulligan will have any identical copies of it plucked from your deck and set to the side, then you draw new cards from your deck. It will therefore be impossible to redraw that same card or any copy of it.

New Seasonal Cardbacks

Seasonal cardbacks have been added to the game for the rest of 2019. All 12 seasonal card backs this year tell the complete story of the genesis of the world of Faeria, in chronological order.

If you earned a 2019 Seasonal Card back previously and it was displaying the default cardback placeholder - it should now be fixed.

Performance tweaks

This week we've applied a few adjustments that should help improve the general performance of Faeria. Please continue to let us know if Faeria seems to be behaving oddly slowly for you.

Bug fixes / misc
  • Tooltips should now be properly appearing once again.
    (In a future patch, we plan on adjusting the way they appear so that the text does not roll off the screen in some cases.)
  • Hitting the back button when viewing lore pages or crafting mode will now bring you back to the collection screen instead of the home screen
  • Fixed a graphical glitch where sometimes cards would perform multiple somersaults after your opponent played an event

Patch notes can also be found here.
Faeria - Atmaz

We're planning on pushing an important change to the way mulligans work next week.

When we apply the patch, cards that are chosen to be discarded in the starting hand will no longer be able to reappear.

Normally, Faeria has always worked like many other card games in real life. Cards you mulligan would be placed back into your deck, shuffled, then you draw an equal number of cards back. You could potentially draw the same card again.

With this change, it will be as if you set the cards to the side and drew an equal amount off the top of your deck.

We recognize this can be a pretty dangerous change, and have long been hesitant to make this adjustment. Rush and combo decks that must have that "perfect starting hand" suddenly will have a slightly better chance of obtaining it. Then again... so will everyone else. Either way, we'll definitely be keeping an eye on it.

What do you think?

64-bit issues

We had some Mac users reporting issues with 64-bit configuration on Steam. We have fixed the problem and it should no longer be happening. Thank you for the reports!

Read the whole Faeria Friday post here...
Faeria - Atmaz
How to report a bug

We're aware of some issues being reported over the last couple weeks or so about increased latency, lag, or otherwise slow performance in-game. We're mostly unable to reproduce these issues in-house, but have made some adjustments today that may help things.

If they don't help you, however, we'd love to know more about it.

What's the best way to report a bug?

Now may be a good time to remind everyone the best way to report any bug, including things like this.

Official Bug Report Form

- https://www.faeria.com/bugs

Submitting anything via this form will reach us. If we need more amplification, we may reply and ask for further details. Otherwise, we'll do our best to reproduce the problem ourselves and find a fix.

Official Discord

You can also directly message some of us in our Discord channel if that makes it easier for you.

- Official Discord

Official Support Email

If you need to attach any files that can't be linked, you may want to send us an email directly. It goes to the same place.

- Our support email address: http://mailto:support@abrakam.com

Remember to include this sort of information whenever possible:

- Your SupportID, if the problem is unique to your account
- This can be found in your friends list and is a short series of letters and numbers.
- Any steps to reproduce the problem reliably
- If the problem is a crash, include any relevant crash logs in the report.
- Depending on your operating system you can find the file "output_log.txt" at "%APPDATA%/../LocalLow/Abrakam/Faeria." This is what we usually need.

Basically, use any of the above methods that are most convenient for you. We'll do what we can to resolve the problem as fast as we can. Crashes and game disrupting problems take the highest priority.

Thank you for your continued reports!

You can read the full blog post here...
Faeria - Atmaz
Development update

We know the development news has been a bit slow lately, and you want things to be going faster just like we do - but we're spinning a lot of administrative plates right now involved with console release and... more!

It can be frustrating when we can't talk about some things that are coming along, but we hope you'll be pleasantly surprised when they begin to surface.

November Season Reset Top 50

Here are the top 50 Ranked accounts for our November ladder reset!

  • 1 - MastermindII - 1864
  • 2 - SuperbLizard - 1850
  • 3 - Martus - 1787
  • 4 - Elpaniko23 - 1763
  • 5 - RudiRotz - 1756
  • 5 - WinstonWolf - 1756
  • 7 - Gisfug - 1752
  • 8 - Ishpard - 1751
  • 8 - Sabo10 - 1751
  • 10 - yasudarasu - 1750
  • 11 - Amoeba - 1749
  • 12 - XoQo - 1737
  • 13 - BudgetLizard - 1736
  • 14 - Chriscross - 1729
  • 15 - UndeadTerror - 1717
  • 15 - Dickleton - 1717
  • 17 - happyjo - 1715
  • 18 - Windir - 1712
  • 18 - Aiwinne - 1712
  • 20 - bamserr - 1711
  • 21 - evgeney24 - 1707
  • 22 - shun_1ro - 1704
  • 23 - seshoumara - 1702
  • 24 - gray-star - 1701
  • 25 - Ornestein - 1699
  • 26 - Waldemar - 1698
  • 27 - ReplayMam - 1696
  • 28 - Showz - 1695
  • 29 - BAMSER - 1692
  • 30 - oxoisimba - 1691
  • 31 - zamuz - 1687
  • 32 - spookey18 - 1684
  • 33 - Frymn810 - 1683
  • 34 - xged - 1680
  • 35 - TheTrueQuAz - 1676
  • 36 - InkPuddle - 1671
  • 37 - LaurentKP - 1670
  • 38 - Alvar - 1669
  • 39 - mackusher - 1666
  • 40 - Krauhs - 1662
  • 41 - Muzlov - 1658
  • 42 - ImBeautiful - 1653
  • 43 - WinstonWolf - 1650
  • 44 - parashara - 1643
  • 44 - aleks87 - 1643
  • 46 - Brindacier - 1638
  • 47 - Kalky - 1636
  • 48 - razaak - 1632
  • 49-50 - Ahtsuko - 1628
  • 49-50 - SummerOfLove - 1628

Note: This list does not filter out alternate accounts for the purposes of FWC points.

See the full blog post here
Faeria - Atmaz
Ranked Leaderboard

We've had the issue of our Ranked leaderboard in the past few months where usernames are not being displayed.

This, of course, is part of the consequence of our recent account changes in preparation for console.

While deliberating on the easiest way to fix this, we're edging toward a solution that may leave us off better than we were to begin with.

How would you like to see leaderboards in-game? Just asking!

Read the full blog post here
Faeria - Atmaz
Seasonal Cardbacks

We've been a bit delayed on getting out Seasonal Cardbacks recently, but that's all about to change.

Next week we'll be patching in the past two months of Seasonal Cardbacks, and preparing for this month's as well.

As a reminder, all of the monthly cardbacks this year tell the story of the genesis of Faeria.

August's Cardback:

Gaea's sacrifice and the creation of the Tree of Gaea.

September's Cardback:

Alua's trap - Orobouros bites his tail and swallows Alua.

October's Cardback (this month's):

Thyrians creating the First Orb in Vasirion's temple.

You still have over a week to earn October's Cardback!

See the full blog post here.