Battleborn - Grimmali2K
A few ways to describe the members of the Jennerit Imperium: Pragmatic, ruthless, and sinister. Once spanning the universe, the Jennerit now converge around their throneworld planet, Tempest, as the rest of the universe winks out of existence.

What makes these morally questionable survivalists so unique? We sat down with Battleborn’s Creative Director, Randy Varnell, for some answers.

What influenced the design of the Jennerit?

When we started the early faction design, we knew we wanted a group to be the “bad guys” – dark and sinister. In fact, the very first keyword for their faction was “Destroy,” which encapsulated early ideals of this group. They are aggressive warriors, and are happy to invade and attack when it suits the needs of their civilization. Close-quarters combat and life-stealing are really the key ingredients here.

What did you want to get across when conceptualizing and designing the Jennerit?

We started with very gothic influences, and then meshed it with some modern visuals from movies like “Tron” which emphasize high contrasts of light and dark. While we wanted to evoke the “bad guy” appeal, we didn’t want the Jennerit to BE the bad guys outright. So, much of the depth of Jennerit lore and rebellion comes from describing the ethos of their civilization and how they respond to it. But you can still see much of that influence there.

Tempest architecture concepts

City on the planet, Tempest

In fact, Rath was the first Jennerit character we created and we kicked off his concept under the tagline “laser katana samurai vampire.”[Nailed it.] Strange as those words are together, they speak a lot to what we hoped to capture with the Jennerit: Noble warrior-code, high tech, and life-leeching goodnesss.

Rath concept design

What do each of the Jennerit characters have in common? What are some differences between them?

Gameplay wise, the Jennerit characters avoid standard gun-based weapons. They are skilled (and arrogant) warriors who prefer to engage their enemies up close. All but immortal, the Jennerit harness the dark energies of the universe to Sustain the most worthy warriors. As a faction, they also use tech that can manipulate the life energies of other beings. They do it in different ways, but all of the Jennerit characters are capable of some form of life steal. Really. Totally NOT vampires.

Jennerit ability effect animations

What differs widely among the Jennerit are the types of tech they apply to combat. Rath favors swords of his own forging. Deande uses customized dancing fan blades combined with stealth. Ambra calls forth solar energy with her ceremonial staff. Powerful, expressive, personal, and often in-your-face-close.

Attikus concept design

Jennerit Battleborn
Battleborn - Grimm
A few ways to describe the members of the Jennerit Imperium: Pragmatic, ruthless, and sinister. Once spanning the universe, the Jennerit now converge around their throneworld planet, Tempest, as the rest of the universe winks out of existence.

What makes these morally questionable survivalists so unique? We sat down with Battleborn’s Creative Director, Randy Varnell, for some answers.

What influenced the design of the Jennerit?

When we started the early faction design, we knew we wanted a group to be the “bad guys” – dark and sinister. In fact, the very first keyword for their faction was “Destroy,” which encapsulated early ideals of this group. They are aggressive warriors, and are happy to invade and attack when it suits the needs of their civilization. Close-quarters combat and life-stealing are really the key ingredients here.

What did you want to get across when conceptualizing and designing the Jennerit?

We started with very gothic influences, and then meshed it with some modern visuals from movies like “Tron” which emphasize high contrasts of light and dark. While we wanted to evoke the “bad guy” appeal, we didn’t want the Jennerit to BE the bad guys outright. So, much of the depth of Jennerit lore and rebellion comes from describing the ethos of their civilization and how they respond to it. But you can still see much of that influence there.

Tempest architecture concepts

City on the planet, Tempest

In fact, Rath was the first Jennerit character we created and we kicked off his concept under the tagline “laser katana samurai vampire.”[Nailed it.] Strange as those words are together, they speak a lot to what we hoped to capture with the Jennerit: Noble warrior-code, high tech, and life-leeching goodnesss.

Rath concept design

What do each of the Jennerit characters have in common? What are some differences between them?

Gameplay wise, the Jennerit characters avoid standard gun-based weapons. They are skilled (and arrogant) warriors who prefer to engage their enemies up close. All but immortal, the Jennerit harness the dark energies of the universe to Sustain the most worthy warriors. As a faction, they also use tech that can manipulate the life energies of other beings. They do it in different ways, but all of the Jennerit characters are capable of some form of life steal. Really. Totally NOT vampires.

Jennerit ability effect animations

What differs widely among the Jennerit are the types of tech they apply to combat. Rath favors swords of his own forging. Deande uses customized dancing fan blades combined with stealth. Ambra calls forth solar energy with her ceremonial staff. Powerful, expressive, personal, and often in-your-face-close.

Attikus concept design

Jennerit Battleborn
Battleborn - Grimmali2K

The Jennerit are a ruthless and driven faction, willing to bend the natural order of the universe to ensure their own survival. At its peak, the Jennerit Empire spanned the universe. The Jennerit race originated from the planet Tempest, but eventually moved its seat of power (the “throneworld”) to the planet Jennar as the Empire coalesced.

After the Betrayal of Rendain, and the Darkening of the planet Jennar, Rendain moved the official seat of power back to Tempest and renamed the empire the Jennerit Imperium.

The Planet Tempest

Masters of their domain, the Jennerit artificially positioned their throneworld, the planet Tempest, to suit the liking of the Jennerit upper-class. Tempest has long been an artificially tidally-locked planet, set in orbit around the star, Solus. This creates a frozen side of the planet, a super-heated side of the planet, and a narrow, habitable equatorial band where most of the civilization resides. This also means that as a tidally-locked planet, Tempest is incredibly windy, reaching Category 5 hurricane force winds up to 255 km/h. The Jennerit harness the immensely strong surface winds to power massive wind turbines.

Download this Battleborn poster here

In order to claim full mastery over Tempest, the Jennerit employ a massive moon-sized starship called Exodus. The starship houses the Sustainment Engine and massive power facilities capable of storing energy from other planets (like Tempest) for use in Sustainment. In short, Exodus is essential to harnessing the dark energies of the universe and powering the Jennerit’s Sustainment process.

Despite its massive size, Exodus is capable of faster-than-light travel and often moves from planet-to-planet to collect vast amounts of energy to power Sustainment procedures. Many of the Sustained – and those worthy of being Sustained – live aboard Exodus, though some still reside on Tempest.

Tempest Features

The settled band of Tempest has been built to reflect much of the cultures caste-based structure. The upper castes of the Jennerit live in floating cities above the planet’s surface, collectively known as the “Echelon.” Here, visitors can view the opulent artistry of the Jennerit culture, featuring ornate gold and red spires and spikes among the spacey-gothic architecture.

The lower settlements, near the planet’s surface, are full of industrial facilities, refineries, massive wind turbines, mines and work camps of the Thrall. Giant tether-elevators connect the lower settlements to Echelon, and these giant tendrils reach to the sky across the planet.

Lastly, the Jennerit Fighting Pits can be found on almost any settled Jennerit world, both within the lower settlements and within Echelon itself. As a society, the Jennerit venerate warriors of all stripes and participate widely as a culture in observing these events.

Jennerit Battleborn
Battleborn - Grimm

The Jennerit are a ruthless and driven faction, willing to bend the natural order of the universe to ensure their own survival. At its peak, the Jennerit Empire spanned the universe. The Jennerit race originated from the planet Tempest, but eventually moved its seat of power (the “throneworld”) to the planet Jennar as the Empire coalesced.

After the Betrayal of Rendain, and the Darkening of the planet Jennar, Rendain moved the official seat of power back to Tempest and renamed the empire the Jennerit Imperium.

The Planet Tempest

Masters of their domain, the Jennerit artificially positioned their throneworld, the planet Tempest, to suit the liking of the Jennerit upper-class. Tempest has long been an artificially tidally-locked planet, set in orbit around the star, Solus. This creates a frozen side of the planet, a super-heated side of the planet, and a narrow, habitable equatorial band where most of the civilization resides. This also means that as a tidally-locked planet, Tempest is incredibly windy, reaching Category 5 hurricane force winds up to 255 km/h. The Jennerit harness the immensely strong surface winds to power massive wind turbines.

Download this Battleborn poster here

In order to claim full mastery over Tempest, the Jennerit employ a massive moon-sized starship called Exodus. The starship houses the Sustainment Engine and massive power facilities capable of storing energy from other planets (like Tempest) for use in Sustainment. In short, Exodus is essential to harnessing the dark energies of the universe and powering the Jennerit’s Sustainment process.

Despite its massive size, Exodus is capable of faster-than-light travel and often moves from planet-to-planet to collect vast amounts of energy to power Sustainment procedures. Many of the Sustained – and those worthy of being Sustained – live aboard Exodus, though some still reside on Tempest.

Tempest Features

The settled band of Tempest has been built to reflect much of the cultures caste-based structure. The upper castes of the Jennerit live in floating cities above the planet’s surface, collectively known as the “Echelon.” Here, visitors can view the opulent artistry of the Jennerit culture, featuring ornate gold and red spires and spikes among the spacey-gothic architecture.

The lower settlements, near the planet’s surface, are full of industrial facilities, refineries, massive wind turbines, mines and work camps of the Thrall. Giant tether-elevators connect the lower settlements to Echelon, and these giant tendrils reach to the sky across the planet.

Lastly, the Jennerit Fighting Pits can be found on almost any settled Jennerit world, both within the lower settlements and within Echelon itself. As a society, the Jennerit venerate warriors of all stripes and participate widely as a culture in observing these events.

Jennerit Battleborn
Feb 19, 2016
Battleborn - Grimmali2K

The Jennerit are ruthlessly pragmatic. They strive for perfection and they are not about to let something like mortality stand in their way. To that end, the Jennerit harness dark energies of the universe to twist the natural order of things as they see fit. In their bid to master life, members of the Jennerit must choose how they will use their power: Will they side with Rendain to bring the end of the universe? Or will they fight with the Battleborn to save the last star?

Who are the Jennerit?

Space vampires. No, we jest. They are almost certainly not space vampires. (But they kind of are space vampires.)

At their peak - before the Varelsi threatened the remaining star systems in our universe - the Jennerit Empire was the most far-reaching civilization in existence. They are extremely competent (if invasive) scientists, they are ruthlessly efficient at survival, and they have a strong appreciation for warfare and martial combat.

While there are a few races that comprise the star-spanning Empire, the core of the empire are members of the race called the “Jennerit”. As a race, the Jennerit are known for angular features and four-fingered hands, which set them aside from the more “human” denizens of the universe.

The Jennerit despise any race who express flaws and inefficiencies (which are, in fact, most other races). Even their own society has evolved into caste-based layers with the genetically-altered Sustained at the top, non-Sustained Jennerit just below them, and everything and everyone else below. The Thralls are altered beasts who have been given a modicum of intelligence and are widely employed as a slave race for labor and as grunt warriors.

Any Deed. Any Price.

The Jennerit are pragmatists. They are perfectionists. Anything they deem imperfect must be fixed or destroyed. If the Jennerit need to manipulate the laws of the universe in the process, so be it. As the official motto of the Jennerit Empire states: “Any Deed. Any Price.”

To become Sustained, to live forever, is an alluring prospect. Tens of thousands of years ago, Empress Lenore discovered “Sustainment,” a process by which the Jennerit can expend enormous amounts of power to make a single being all-but-immortal. The Sustained do not age and do not grow ill from natural illnesses. There are Sustained Jennerit who are nearly 20,000 years old in the universe.

As mentioned, this process is extremely energy-expensive, consuming stored energy on a planetary scale just to alter one being. Therefore, Sustainment isn’t done often, and candidates for sustainment are vetted through a rigorous process, finally approved by the Empress herself. What’s even rarer, and quite unusual, is when a member of a non-Jennerit race is allowed to become Sustained.

The Betrayal of Rendain

Lothar Rendain, the right-hand of Empress Lenore for nearly 20,000 years, earned his spot by leading the Jennerit military. He even served as the central commander for multi-faction alliances against the Varlesi… then something changed.

As more solar systems winked out of existence, Rendain felt something needed to be done. The Varlesi and the coming Darkening seemed inevitable. The only practical solution seemed obvious to him - He had to survive. And that meant betraying his Empress and aiding in the destruction of the remaining universe. After all, when the objective is worth it: “Any Deed. Any Price.”

Seeing an inevitable alliance with the Varelsi as the most pragmatic option to survival, Rendain led a coup on the throneworld of Jennar, resulting in the Darkening of the planet and everyone on it—including the Empress Lenore. Rendain’s new order – named the Jennerit Imperium – began working with the Varelsi to finish the work of Darkening the universe. Those still loyal to the Empress were dealth with – or fled.

Now, Rendain fights a two-front war – alongside the Varlesi to destroy the remaining universe against the Battleborn and combating a growing resistance that’s rising throughout the Jennerit Imperium.

Jennerit Battleborn
Feb 19, 2016
Battleborn - Grimm

The Jennerit are ruthlessly pragmatic. They strive for perfection and they are not about to let something like mortality stand in their way. To that end, the Jennerit harness dark energies of the universe to twist the natural order of things as they see fit. In their bid to master life, members of the Jennerit must choose how they will use their power: Will they side with Rendain to bring the end of the universe? Or will they fight with the Battleborn to save the last star?

Who are the Jennerit?

Space vampires. No, we jest. They are almost certainly not space vampires. (But they kind of are space vampires.)

At their peak - before the Varelsi threatened the remaining star systems in our universe - the Jennerit Empire was the most far-reaching civilization in existence. They are extremely competent (if invasive) scientists, they are ruthlessly efficient at survival, and they have a strong appreciation for warfare and martial combat.

While there are a few races that comprise the star-spanning Empire, the core of the empire are members of the race called the “Jennerit”. As a race, the Jennerit are known for angular features and four-fingered hands, which set them aside from the more “human” denizens of the universe.

The Jennerit despise any race who express flaws and inefficiencies (which are, in fact, most other races). Even their own society has evolved into caste-based layers with the genetically-altered Sustained at the top, non-Sustained Jennerit just below them, and everything and everyone else below. The Thralls are altered beasts who have been given a modicum of intelligence and are widely employed as a slave race for labor and as grunt warriors.

Any Deed. Any Price.

The Jennerit are pragmatists. They are perfectionists. Anything they deem imperfect must be fixed or destroyed. If the Jennerit need to manipulate the laws of the universe in the process, so be it. As the official motto of the Jennerit Empire states: “Any Deed. Any Price.”

To become Sustained, to live forever, is an alluring prospect. Tens of thousands of years ago, Empress Lenore discovered “Sustainment,” a process by which the Jennerit can expend enormous amounts of power to make a single being all-but-immortal. The Sustained do not age and do not grow ill from natural illnesses. There are Sustained Jennerit who are nearly 20,000 years old in the universe.

As mentioned, this process is extremely energy-expensive, consuming stored energy on a planetary scale just to alter one being. Therefore, Sustainment isn’t done often, and candidates for sustainment are vetted through a rigorous process, finally approved by the Empress herself. What’s even rarer, and quite unusual, is when a member of a non-Jennerit race is allowed to become Sustained.

The Betrayal of Rendain

Lothar Rendain, the right-hand of Empress Lenore for nearly 20,000 years, earned his spot by leading the Jennerit military. He even served as the central commander for multi-faction alliances against the Varlesi… then something changed.

As more solar systems winked out of existence, Rendain felt something needed to be done. The Varlesi and the coming Darkening seemed inevitable. The only practical solution seemed obvious to him - He had to survive. And that meant betraying his Empress and aiding in the destruction of the remaining universe. After all, when the objective is worth it: “Any Deed. Any Price.”

Seeing an inevitable alliance with the Varelsi as the most pragmatic option to survival, Rendain led a coup on the throneworld of Jennar, resulting in the Darkening of the planet and everyone on it—including the Empress Lenore. Rendain’s new order – named the Jennerit Imperium – began working with the Varelsi to finish the work of Darkening the universe. Those still loyal to the Empress were dealth with – or fled.

Now, Rendain fights a two-front war – alongside the Varlesi to destroy the remaining universe against the Battleborn and combating a growing resistance that’s rising throughout the Jennerit Imperium.

Jennerit Battleborn
Battleborn - Grimmali2K
Let’s recap for a second. So far, we’ve introduced you to 18 of the 25 playable heroes in Battleborn at launch: Axe-wielding dwarves, mountain men with miniguns, sentient mushrooms, laser sword space vampires…oh, yeah, and a penguin-piloting a mech suit – all fighting to save the last star in the universe.

Today, we’re introducing you to two more Battleborn heroes: Attikus and Galilea. If you’ve ever wanted to play as hulking monsters on the battlefield (in more ways than one) we’ve got your new mains right here. Learn how you can get the most out of them, whether you’re playing solo, splitscreen, or 5-player co-op in Story Mode, or teaming up with buddies in the three unique competitive multiplayer modes.

Slave. Laborer. Greatest warrior among the Jennerit underclass – the Thralls. All his life, Attikus’ been told what to do, shoved into the deepest mines of Tempest and kept down. Thanks to an experimental biotech harness, this already-imposing brute was given the one thing the Jennerit didn’t expect: Intelligence. The only thing more dangerous than a huge, imposing beast with an axe to grind against his oppressors…is a smart imposing beast with an axe to grind against his oppressors.

Main Attacks:
Barefisted Brawling – While his normal fist would just as easily knock you out, watch out for when his abilities are fully charged. You’ll be seeing stars as his enhanced hand delivers a burst of shield-draining damage.

Charged Hook – Hold back for a couple seconds and Attikus’ high-octane haymaker delivers a world of pain. To your face.

Pounce - Just because this beast is huge doesn’t mean it can’t move. Attikus can leap to a target location and knock foes back.

Hedronic Arc - That metal arm grafted to Attikus’ body? He uses it to shock enemies when they come in for a closer look.

Hedronic Eruption – Attikus’ ultimate ability hurls shockwaves of energy to clear enemies out of his path.

Hedronic Collector - A fringe benefit of the biotech harness – his passive ability can syphon energy from killed enemies. Once enough energy gets collected, he can pay it forward, juicing up the next skill he uses and making it even more powerful.

Best tactic for fighting against Attikus: Keep your distance. Stun, slow or shoot at Attikus – just keep him out of arm’s reach!

A sacred order within the Eldrid, the Arbiters of Being were charged with undermining the Jennerit Empire’s technology, and Galilea was its most promising warrior. Entrusting her with a long undercover mission, Galilea was embedded within the Jennerit and worked her way through the recruits of the Silent Sisters. During an attempt to sabotage their Sustainment technology, Ambra discovered and attacked Galilea, mortally wounding her. Once a close friend, Ambra attempted to use Sustainment to save Galilea’s life but it was only partially successful. Now unstable, immortal and reeking of life-draining dark energy, Galilea is at war with herself and her new powers as she hopes to find a new purpose among the Peacekeepers.

Main Attacks:
Wraith’s Greatsword - She may be a fallen holy warrior of the Eldrid, but Galilea is still incredibly handy and swift in close combat.

Sentinel’s Greatshield – When Galilea is ready to wade deep into combat, and stare her enemy in the eye, nothing’s better than a shield for deflecting blows and defending allies.

Shield Throw - That shield Galilea wields can do a lot more than simply absorb damage – give it a toss and share the pain! And, no, she has nothing to do with a certain someone that rhymes with Shnaptain Shamerica.

Desecrate – Always ready for a sword fight, she curses the ground beneath enemies to amplify damage against them.

Abyssal Form - Take personal time-out with this ability. Galilea’s ultimate ability explodes into dark energy allowing her to take a break from the action or run for cover. During that time, she takes reduced damage and regenerates a huge chunk of her health.

Corruption - The more that she connects blows and uses skills, Galilea’s Corruption grows. Once charged, she begins projecting a passive aura that drains the health of nearby enemies.

Best tactic for fighting against Galilea: Keep your distance, attack from behind, where she can't block with her shield, and keep her on the move so she can't bunker down with Desecrate and Corruption.

Pre-order Battleborn now on Steam! If you want to learn more about Battleborn before it launches on May 3rd, check out Battleborn on Facebook, Twitter @Battleborn, on YouTube, Instagram, and the Battleborn blog – we’re always updating it with more details and backstory around the game!
Battleborn - Grimm
Let’s recap for a second. So far, we’ve introduced you to 18 of the 25 playable heroes in Battleborn at launch: Axe-wielding dwarves, mountain men with miniguns, sentient mushrooms, laser sword space vampires…oh, yeah, and a penguin-piloting a mech suit – all fighting to save the last star in the universe.

Today, we’re introducing you to two more Battleborn heroes: Attikus and Galilea. If you’ve ever wanted to play as hulking monsters on the battlefield (in more ways than one) we’ve got your new mains right here. Learn how you can get the most out of them, whether you’re playing solo, splitscreen, or 5-player co-op in Story Mode, or teaming up with buddies in the three unique competitive multiplayer modes.

Slave. Laborer. Greatest warrior among the Jennerit underclass – the Thralls. All his life, Attikus’ been told what to do, shoved into the deepest mines of Tempest and kept down. Thanks to an experimental biotech harness, this already-imposing brute was given the one thing the Jennerit didn’t expect: Intelligence. The only thing more dangerous than a huge, imposing beast with an axe to grind against his oppressors…is a smart imposing beast with an axe to grind against his oppressors.

Main Attacks:
Barefisted Brawling – While his normal fist would just as easily knock you out, watch out for when his abilities are fully charged. You’ll be seeing stars as his enhanced hand delivers a burst of shield-draining damage.

Charged Hook – Hold back for a couple seconds and Attikus’ high-octane haymaker delivers a world of pain. To your face.

Pounce - Just because this beast is huge doesn’t mean it can’t move. Attikus can leap to a target location and knock foes back.

Hedronic Arc - That metal arm grafted to Attikus’ body? He uses it to shock enemies when they come in for a closer look.

Hedronic Eruption – Attikus’ ultimate ability hurls shockwaves of energy to clear enemies out of his path.

Hedronic Collector - A fringe benefit of the biotech harness – his passive ability can syphon energy from killed enemies. Once enough energy gets collected, he can pay it forward, juicing up the next skill he uses and making it even more powerful.

Best tactic for fighting against Attikus: Keep your distance. Stun, slow or shoot at Attikus – just keep him out of arm’s reach!

A sacred order within the Eldrid, the Arbiters of Being were charged with undermining the Jennerit Empire’s technology, and Galilea was its most promising warrior. Entrusting her with a long undercover mission, Galilea was embedded within the Jennerit and worked her way through the recruits of the Silent Sisters. During an attempt to sabotage their Sustainment technology, Ambra discovered and attacked Galilea, mortally wounding her. Once a close friend, Ambra attempted to use Sustainment to save Galilea’s life but it was only partially successful. Now unstable, immortal and reeking of life-draining dark energy, Galilea is at war with herself and her new powers as she hopes to find a new purpose among the Peacekeepers.

Main Attacks:
Wraith’s Greatsword - She may be a fallen holy warrior of the Eldrid, but Galilea is still incredibly handy and swift in close combat.

Sentinel’s Greatshield – When Galilea is ready to wade deep into combat, and stare her enemy in the eye, nothing’s better than a shield for deflecting blows and defending allies.

Shield Throw - That shield Galilea wields can do a lot more than simply absorb damage – give it a toss and share the pain! And, no, she has nothing to do with a certain someone that rhymes with Shnaptain Shamerica.

Desecrate – Always ready for a sword fight, she curses the ground beneath enemies to amplify damage against them.

Abyssal Form - Take personal time-out with this ability. Galilea’s ultimate ability explodes into dark energy allowing her to take a break from the action or run for cover. During that time, she takes reduced damage and regenerates a huge chunk of her health.

Corruption - The more that she connects blows and uses skills, Galilea’s Corruption grows. Once charged, she begins projecting a passive aura that drains the health of nearby enemies.

Best tactic for fighting against Galilea: Keep your distance, attack from behind, where she can't block with her shield, and keep her on the move so she can't bunker down with Desecrate and Corruption.

Pre-order Battleborn now on Steam! If you want to learn more about Battleborn before it launches on May 3rd, check out Battleborn on Facebook, Twitter @Battleborn, on YouTube, Instagram, and the Battleborn blog – we’re always updating it with more details and backstory around the game!
Battleborn - Kit_2K
The Eldrid, an ancient faction charged with understanding and preserving the natural order of the physical universe trace their origins back to the Aztanti who once settled the planet Ekkunar. Long ago, Eldrid influence stretched across galaxies. Now, they – like everyone else in the Solus system – have fallen back and face extinction at the hands of the Varelsi.

We recently cornered Battleborn’s Creative Director, Randy Varnell, and bombarded him with some questions about the Eldrid faction’s design.

What did you want to get across when conceptualizing the Eldrid?

The Eldrid’s first key word for us was “Nature”. We knew we wanted to take a group that could pull in more natural and fantastical influences into the design, but hold true to the science fiction we were creating without having to blame everything on “magic”. The Eldrid were created specifically for those who appreciate elves, dwarves and other magical beings, but want to take them for a spin around the Last Star.

Thorn concept design

What influenced the design of the Eldrid?

You certainly see that Nature theme woven throughout the Eldrid look. Eldrid factional armor tends to be flowing and organic and earth-toned. It echoes primitive undertones of plants, claws, or bones while harboring sophisticated inner-workings. We pull equally from classical fantasy, wild plant life, and great fantasy visualizations like Princess Mononoke or Nausicca: Valley of the Winds.

Mellka concept design

What do each of the Eldrid characters have in common? What are some differences between them?

All of the Eldrid characters pull in elements from nature. Thorn’s armor looks like insect chitin. Bolder crafted his shield from ancient runic ruins. Miko dresses in garments with strange sigils and signs. Even Mellka uses an artifact glove that has biologically mutated and grafted itself to her.

Boldur concept design

But for all the themes, each Eldrid is quite different. Thorn is Aelfrin. Miko is the last mushroom-like being of its species. Boldur is a strange dwarf native to Ekkunar. They are all willing to fight for Eldrid beliefs and causes, but they all do so in different ways.

Mellka's action poses

Can you tell us a bit about some core Eldrid abilities?

The Eldrid are masters of biology, and so feature greater Health and Health Regeneration by default than any other Battleborn group. This helps compensate for their refusal to use shields. Advanced biological techniques are used for much of their gear, which is more grown than fabricated. Eldrid almost never use shields, for example, preferring to use other natural or biological techniques for tending to combat-related injuries.

Miko concept design

As Eldrid are very diverse in their cultures, every group has their own favorites and specialties in combat. The Aelfrin prefer bows and knives. The Ekkuni dwarves like heavy martial weapons. Miko biologically generates all of its kunai-thorns and spores as needed.

Eldrid effect animations

What are some key characteristics of Eldrid weapons?

They are organic and biological, using advanced natural structures to channel potent and lethal energies.

Mellka's weapon design

Also, the Eldrid celebrate the significance of things they make. They often give names to their weapons. Well-constructed weapons are often passed down through a family lineage or to successors within an order, granting them legendary status in the fight to preserve order in the universe.

Eldrid Battleborn
Battleborn - Grimm
The Eldrid, an ancient faction charged with understanding and preserving the natural order of the physical universe trace their origins back to the Aztanti who once settled the planet Ekkunar. Long ago, Eldrid influence stretched across galaxies. Now, they – like everyone else in the Solus system – have fallen back and face extinction at the hands of the Varelsi.

We recently cornered Battleborn’s Creative Director, Randy Varnell, and bombarded him with some questions about the Eldrid faction’s design.

What did you want to get across when conceptualizing the Eldrid?

The Eldrid’s first key word for us was “Nature”. We knew we wanted to take a group that could pull in more natural and fantastical influences into the design, but hold true to the science fiction we were creating without having to blame everything on “magic”. The Eldrid were created specifically for those who appreciate elves, dwarves and other magical beings, but want to take them for a spin around the Last Star.

Thorn concept design

What influenced the design of the Eldrid?

You certainly see that Nature theme woven throughout the Eldrid look. Eldrid factional armor tends to be flowing and organic and earth-toned. It echoes primitive undertones of plants, claws, or bones while harboring sophisticated inner-workings. We pull equally from classical fantasy, wild plant life, and great fantasy visualizations like Princess Mononoke or Nausicca: Valley of the Winds.

Mellka concept design

What do each of the Eldrid characters have in common? What are some differences between them?

All of the Eldrid characters pull in elements from nature. Thorn’s armor looks like insect chitin. Bolder crafted his shield from ancient runic ruins. Miko dresses in garments with strange sigils and signs. Even Mellka uses an artifact glove that has biologically mutated and grafted itself to her.

Boldur concept design

But for all the themes, each Eldrid is quite different. Thorn is Aelfrin. Miko is the last mushroom-like being of its species. Boldur is a strange dwarf native to Ekkunar. They are all willing to fight for Eldrid beliefs and causes, but they all do so in different ways.

Mellka's action poses

Can you tell us a bit about some core Eldrid abilities?

The Eldrid are masters of biology, and so feature greater Health and Health Regeneration by default than any other Battleborn group. This helps compensate for their refusal to use shields. Advanced biological techniques are used for much of their gear, which is more grown than fabricated. Eldrid almost never use shields, for example, preferring to use other natural or biological techniques for tending to combat-related injuries.

Miko concept design

As Eldrid are very diverse in their cultures, every group has their own favorites and specialties in combat. The Aelfrin prefer bows and knives. The Ekkuni dwarves like heavy martial weapons. Miko biologically generates all of its kunai-thorns and spores as needed.

Eldrid effect animations

What are some key characteristics of Eldrid weapons?

They are organic and biological, using advanced natural structures to channel potent and lethal energies.

Mellka's weapon design

Also, the Eldrid celebrate the significance of things they make. They often give names to their weapons. Well-constructed weapons are often passed down through a family lineage or to successors within an order, granting them legendary status in the fight to preserve order in the universe.

Eldrid Battleborn