Squad - Gatzby

Hey, squaddies!

January’s nearly in the bag, but that doesn’t mean we can’t keep having a blast! We’ve got a special shoutout this week: Royal Battalion is hosting Here Come The Girls to benefit the World Wildlife Fund! Charity: it does a squaddie good.

January 30
5:30 PM PT (0130 UTC, 24/1)

Squad Ops: Operation Broken Crossbow

January 31
5:30 PM PT (0130 UTC, 25/1)

Squad Ops: Regular Event

February 1
All Day

Official Squad Showdown Signups Open

11:00 AM PT (1900 UTC)

[RIP] Rusty in Places vs. The World

11:30 AM PT (1930 UTC)

Squad Ops: Crazy Horse

2:30 PM PT (2230 UTC)

Squad Ops: SOTT Basic

February 2
11:00 AM PT (1900 UTC)

Here Come the Girls: Benefiting the WWF

Something about today seems familiar… Was that a rodent?!


See you in February, folks! Enjoy The Big Game and/or massive snacking, elsewise beware of shadows.

Would you like to see your event here? Let us know.

Offworld out.
Squad - Gatzby
Hey squaddies,

Welcome to the first Wrench of a new year! Hopefully, you’ve all had a chance to enjoy some holiday rest, because we’re back in business with some impressive modding updates. And don’t forget, we’ve officially released the first batch of whitelisted mods.

Without further ado, let’s see who may be in the running for the next batch!

Ramiel by Noxxid3

Noxxid3 has spent the holiday season returning to an old favorite, Ramiel. Not only has the dock area been completely revamped, but the landscape has been resculpted with new brushes, providing a more realistic feel. (A special shout-out to Assi for some pointers!) Things are looking a little less clay-like overall.

While looking great, Ramiel isn’t full complete: Noxxid3 has some big plans. Items on the agenda include finishing the Ramiel soundtrack, improvements to rock and ground clutter, expanded areas and points of interest, with an eye toward making it as close to a 1-to-1 recreation of the old PR favorite as possible. In short, it’s going to get even more awesome.

Anyone who’s looking to help test is welcome to get in touch. Special accommodations will be made for Gary.

Gaza Mod by Daresios

Gaza also comes to us from the storied past of Project Reality and is definitely a welcome addition to The Wrench! Daresios is setting out to recreate the feel of Gaza from the good old days, though you’ll likely notice some redesigns to the original map, created by Outlaw7. (Outlaw7 has kindly given his blessing, so it has a genuine Seal of Authenticity!)

The buildings and terrain of the map will be the most notable differences. Never fear, though: this 2×2 km map will feature no small amount of accessible buildings, rooftops, balconies, and terrifyingly narrow alleyways. Love asymmetric warfare? Looking to up your parkour game? Hot damn does Daresios have a treat for you!

You might notice a new faction between bouts of CQB: Hamas. A classic PR faction will make its return based on retextured Insurgent and Militia models. Loadouts will vary from the regular Insurgent faction, but you should look there for inspiration and tactics.

You can get involved or just keep up to date by joining the Gaza Mod Discord.

Bundeswehr Mod by Bundeswehr Mod Team

The Bundeswehr Mod Team sends along a pretty stunning update, featuring all sorts of on-going weapon development. Included are the HK P8A1 by .:Jinjer, progress on the 120mm Tampella mortar by Pollack, and last, but not least, w0lf3k is just warming up his animation skills on the HK G36A3.

In case you missed it back in December, the team published their first blog post, revealing their development schedule for both map and faction. Check out all the news you can use right here or hop in their Discord server to be there as news breaks!

Iron Dawn by SPECTR_Eternal and AVR Mod Team

The holidays have a tendency to derail even the best plans, but SPECTR_Eternal and the AVR Mod Team managed to push through and deliver an update on Iron Dawn!

Even better, they’re anticipating that performance playtesting should begin in mid-to-late February.

Today’s offering includes some cheeky pieces of AVR armor, as well as a segment of Iron Dawn showcasing a ruined highway section with battle-scarred checkpoints. If you want to see what else they’ve been up to, be sure to join their Discord.

Raid on Rostov by wunda

Fresh from the whitelisting of Harju, wunda brings the fight back to the Balakin Munitions Factory outside of Rostov-on-Don with a major overhaul of Raid On Rostov.

Updated to meet Squad’s more recent visual expectations and moving from 1.5km to a full 4km map. The battle now extends outside the factory into farms and the forest.

We think it’s looking amazing and can’t wait to give it a playtest!

Squad ProMod by ProMod Team

Another one with the honor of being first among the whitelisted, the ProMod Team sends along an update to show us what they’ve been up to in the meantime. Notably, they’ve performed a graphical update to the much-beloved Operation First Light. Also included are the new stabilized Warrior and CROWS Bulldog variants, giving the British forces a usability upgrade.

Speaking of upgrades, they are also currently in the prototyping phase of Hex Capture Chains for Territory control. What’s that, you ask? They’ve conveniently already answered!

“This will allow us to give ticket gain when a team captures X amount of hexes in a row without losing one. We think this system is a lot smarter than simply awarding ticket gain on each individual hex as that has the danger of giving too many tickets on back and forth capture instead of only rewarding a team that manages to capture a considerable amount of territory all at once. We look forward to implementing and testing this in the very near future and think it will vastly improve TC, especially at a competitive level.”

It sounds like a solid move. It should be interesting to see where they take Territory Control next! Promod is freely available on the Steam Workshop.

Svinesund by Alac

Alac claims he’s “getting there, slowly,” but Svinesund is looking better than ever. In fact, he’s just released a freshly cooked playable layer to the Workshop. The layer features both tanks and choppers, so be sure to give it a floor run and see how it plays. He’s also planning to submit it for whitelisting.

As part of that quest, Alac has been focusing on optimization to make sure the map performs on a level that discerning squaddies have come to expect.

With additional community testing, honing in on cap zones and other refinements should be the last big step, so be sure to give Alac your feedback!

Middle East Escalation and Realism Mod by Bigyes

Bigyes assures us we’ll be getting our daily allotment of alphabet soup, “M.E.E. adds four new factions, USSF, RUSF, SAF, and IS.” The mod, of course, doesn’t stop there but moves right on into a desert-themed reinterpretation of Op FL known as Operation Desert Light.

Want more? You got it! Bigyes reports there are also significant gameplay changes, getting started with vault cancellation, increased lean angle, a modified stamina system, recoil changes, and more!

Better yet, you can download the mod right now on the Steam Workshop, where future updates will include a new map, commander changes, and new character models. Hooo boy, there’s a lot going on!


The ATHENA Team has big ambitions: to turn Squad into a sandbox that allows for experimentation with ideas and concepts that further the teamwork-driven experience while rewarding personal skill. Or, put more simply, they want to put you in control of what makes Squad play like Squad.

ATHENA hopes to keep Squad accessible to new players while offering a way for enthusiasts to up the level of public play — all skill levels welcome.

The team has some impressive plans for the future, including a robust medic overhaul ranging from revive mechanics to bleed and bandaging changes. If you’d like to know more, head over to their Discord server to stay informed!

Australia Faction Mod by Midnight Interactive

With the end very much in view, the entire Aussie Team (or as those in the know know ’em: Midnight Interactive) wants to extend their profuse thanks for all the on-going support, feedback, and testing!

They’ve passed along some images of the PWS, the pilot, and, if we do say so ourselves, some delicious, delicious eye candy.

You can help test the mod, or be the first to see them sneak out some new character models, but joining their Discord server.


If you’re still looking for a New Years’ resolution, the modding community has an easy one for you: play more Squad! See you next month, soldier.

Would you like to see your mod featured in The Wrench? Let us know by submitting it here!

Squad Modding Hub Management Team Out.

Please note: Offworld Industries is not responsible for mod content. Please contact the creator for assistance.
Squad - Gatzby

Hey, squaddies!

The folks at Squad Ops have some pretty killer events lined up for us this weekend, but don’t forget to look ahead to next week when the Squad Community Cup Finals determine league champions! You can always find Squad events by visiting our calendar. Check out the link at the bottom to get your event featured!

January 23
5:30 PM PT (0130 UTC, 24/1)
Squad Ops: SOTT Basic

On this day in 1855, John Browning was born. He would go on to create firearms still in use today, like the M1911 pistol.

January 24
5:30 PM PT (0130 UTC, 25/1)
Squad Ops: MARS Scenario (Long Session)

In 1908, Robert Baden-Powell published Scouting for Boys in England, leading to the birth of the Boy Scouts.

January 25
11:00 AM PT (1900 UTC)
[RIP] Rusty in Places vs. The World

11:30 AM PT (1930 UTC)
Squad Ops: Operation Spartan Trail

2:30 PM PT (2230 UTC)
Squad Ops: SOTT Basic

Raise a glass for Robert Burns Day! Scots Wha Hae!

January 26
12:30 PM PT (2030 UTC)
Squad Ops: SOTT Basic

Looking Ahead
The Squad Community Cup will be broadcasting their finals next week. Check out their Discord server for more information!

We’ll see you on Monday, squaddies. Don’t let anyone steal your red stapler.

Would you like to see your event here? Let us know.

Offworld out.
Squad - Gatzby
First, a huge thank you to all of the modders and testers that came out last week to make sure everything was ready to roll! (Not sure what whitelisting is? Click here!)

Before you head off for all the fun, we have a few things you should know first.

File Size
Due to the way the mod versioning check works, clients are currently required to have both the Windows and the Linux files for a given modification. (This is due to needing to be compatible to both Windows and Linux servers.) As a result, client files are effectively double the size they should be. This will be addressed in a future update and we appreciate your patience. (And your bandwidth.) We recommend monitoring your installed modifications if you run into disk space issues for the time being.

Viewing Installed Modifications
To see what modifications you have installed, navigate to https://steamcommunity.com/ and log in. Then, from the top menu, navigate to Community, then to Workshop. On that page, scroll down until you see “Your Workshop Files” on the right side of the screen. Click on “My Files” and proceed to the next screen. Click on “Subscribed items” to view your installed modifications.

Note: Manually deleting a modification without unsubscribing may cause your client to crash. To properly uninstall a mod, please unsubscribe through the Steam Workshop.

The Mods
Without further ado, we’re proud to announce the first officially whitelisted modifications for Squad! Here’s your first graduating class, squaddies:

Harju by wunda
Please welcome Harju, a map for Squad by wunda, to the whitelist! Harju has the stage set by the arrival of Russian Expeditionary Forces just outside of the fictional town on the brink of war. In retaliation for the Battle of Narva, the Finnish coastline has been the target of raiding and a NATO carrier group is being deployed to bolster defensive forces aiming to repel the invasion.

At 4 km, Harju provides a variety of tactically challenging locales, building around a large bay separating the urban town center from the surrounding forest and farmland. The southern peninsula is home to residential housing, farmland, and a large industrial port. wunda‘s map currently supports at least three weather variations, your favorite modes, and more is on the way!


Squad ProMod
Forged in the fires of Squad’s competitive community (especially the Squad World Championships), Squad ProMod sets out to rebalance Squad’s meta, as well as give server owners and event organizers unprecedented control. Further, they’ve managed to enhance the Squad experience by providing better support for streamers and casters — something we can all enjoy!

With over 45 custom layers, ProMod not only tweaks game modes, game mechanics, and the maps themselves, it revives some of your favorites like Operation First Light. Chora and Fool’s Road have also been optimized for competitive play, making sure there’s no shortage of classic Squad play. Even better, they’ve set out to improve lightning and terrain wherever they can, really elevating the visual appearance of the mod. This action-packed package also includes layers with CAS helicopter support implemented by the ProMod team!

You can find a full list of features here. Congratulations and welcome to the whitelist, folks!

Another amazing modification born out of the milsim community of squaddies playing with squaddies, we welcome the Squad Ops Hardcore mod to the whitelist! While the maps addon isn’t quite ready yet, there’s no shortage of changes included in this package.

Squad Ops Hardcore Mod aims to create a focus on tactical and intense Squad gameplay through respawning changes, weapon rebalancing, Commander mode reworks, as well as addition (and reworked) kits! We’ve even heard they might have some surprises floating around. The gameplay modifications aim for a more realistic and immersive “hardcore’ experience through new kits, spawning options such as a specialized recon kit with a suppressed carbine for squadmates to spawn on. SquadOpsHC also features its own CAS helicopter implementation.

Note: The custom maps add-on did not pass initial testing, however that still leaves an astonishing 76 layers to play while the map pack is updated!

Be sure to check out the complete documentation to see what else the team has achieved.

Offworld out.
Squad - Gatzby
Hey squaddies!

We’re extremely excited to announce the beginning of our partnership with Operation Supply Drop’s Games to Grunts Program! This means that Offworld Games like Squad and Post Scriptum will be available to any member of the military community that qualifies! (You can find OSD’s requirements here, or get started with an ID.me account here.)

Games to Grunts: Squad

Offworld Industries would not be here without the dedicated work of veterans around the world, both on and off the team, and we’re delighted to be able to give a little something fun back. We hope you’ll help spread the word to your pals in uniform!

Who is Operation Supply Drop?

OSD is a Veteran Support Ecosystem enhancing veteran’s lives through community engagement. Since 2010, OSD has impacted over 900,000 veterans, active military, and their family members through award-winning programs emphasizing Social Connectivity, Professional Development, and Community Service. Learn more about OSD at https://weareosd.org/

Games to Grunts is an OSD Social Connectivity program providing video games to members of the military community via digital download codes. The program was started as a direct result of the trends in the gaming industry towards digital distribution.

They've become experts at putting games in the hands of troops and have learned a lot while distributing over 1,000,000 games since 2010. Because OSD is first and foremost about community support, we noticed that the mechanism for getting games to troops hindered our ability to loop those we serve back into the community to provide them and their families further support. Digital Key distribution, preceding the Games to Grunts program, required sending a spreadsheet with gaming keys to a single point of contact on a post or in a unit, keeping us from cultivating a relationship at the individual level. Games to Grunts now solves this challenge by connecting OSD to the recipient ensuring they benefit from their services in a more personal and direct way while enjoyed great games from partners supporting our military.

Offworld out.
Squad - Gatzby

Hey, squaddies!

We trust everyone is well-rested after the winter holidays and sufficiently fueled ready for a new year of Squad community antics. We’re straight into 2020 with the regular favourites for this first installment of this year’s Weekend Roundup!

January 8
5:30 PM PT (0130 UTC, 9/1)
Squad Ops: Operation Frozen Dinner

January 9
12:30 PM PT (1930 UTC)
Squad Community Cup: ProG vs Blood Jaegers

Squad Community Cup: Husaria vs Franco-German Brigade

On this day in 1942, the US Joint Chiefs of Staff positions were created.

January 10
11:00 AM PT (1800 UTC)
[RIP] Rusty in Places vs. The World

5:30 PM PT (0130 UTC, 10/1)
Squad Ops: Operation Sleeping Serpents Part 1

January 11
12:30 PM PT (1930 UTC)
Squad Ops: Operation Sleeping Serpents Part 2

5:30 PM PT (0130 UTC, 12/1)
Squad Ops: Operation Sleeping Serpents Part 3

January 12
The Royal Aeronautical Society is formed in London on this day in 1866.
Settle yourself in the new year and back into a routine with this weekend’s community events!

Would you like to see your event here? Let us know.

Offworld out.
Squad - Gatzby
Hey soldiers!

You stormed the Black Friday gates, didn’t get hacked on Cyber Monday, and may have even survived Thanksgiving with the family. Why not get a little fun going this time?

Squad will be 20% off for the Steam Winter sale! If you’ve been waiting to treat yourself or that special someone to an artillery barrage, there’s no time like the present.

Winter Break

While we have your attention, we wanted to let you know that Offworld Industries will be on Winter Break beginning on December 21st. We’ll be back in the office on Monday, January 6th, but please be aware that response times will be slower at this time as we operate with reduced staff.

We hope you all have a chance to enjoy a seasonal celebration with your loved ones and we appreciate all the love you've given us throughout the year! Here's to an even more awesome 2020!
Dec 18, 2019
Squad - SgtRoss
Greetings Squaddies, we hope all of you are having a wonderful holiday season, and if not, well...maybe you should get on Squad and relieve some stress!

So, with that holiday spirit in mind, we've been checking our list and checking it twice to see what in the game has been naughty or nice and boy did we find some naughty boys. Some of the highlights of this update are the removal of buddy rally except the Insurgent faction and a few adjustments to the commander.

That's not all though, we got a long laundry list of updates and fixes to sink your fangs into this holiday season, so get out there and show each other that wonderful holiday spirit!

Beta 18 Patch Notes
Infantry Gameplay
  • Removed Buddy Rally feature from all factions exception Insurgents.
  • Updated lean raycast to be more robust (less potential for full wall clipping).
  • Updated minimum rearming for persistent ammo from 3 mags to 2 mags.
  • Updated brightness for DSHK and Beretta M9A1.
  • Updated GB crewman and pilot face to not have face camo.
  • Updated GB Rifleman1 to have a camouflaged face.Updated infantry smoke grenade fx to be better optimized with a more efficient texture and particle cutouts.
  • Updated smoke grenades to have no light emitters for improved performance.
  • Updated LAT, Tandem, TOW impact VFX against armor (fewer emitters, more performance).
  • Updated CAF Carl G Tandem projectile's minimum arming distance to ~40-50m (was 80+m).
  • Fixed being able to sprint during bandaging - cannot do this anymore.
  • Fixed the headset on the British soldier being too reflective.
  • Fixed GB Engineer having an ironsight icon instead of a SUSAT icon in the role selection menu.
  • Fixed rockets having no impact FX on the sand.
  • Fixed infantry bodies being visible inside smoke grenade clouds.
  • Fixed smoke effects resetting when changing Effects settings during gameplay.
  • Fixed previous weapons still being equipped after changing kits in a vehicle.
  • Fixed exploit where Players that disconnect from a server do not take tickets away from that team - (When an Incapacitated player disconnects, they take away a ticket. When a Live active player disconnects, they do not take away a ticket).
  • Fixed kit limits and inventory for CAF Rifleman Kits.
  • Fixed CAF Crewman SL, Pilot SL being in the wrong order.
  • Fixed a few inconsistencies in CAF kits.Fixed C8A3 Eotech rifle not having any firing animations on the rifle.
  • Fixed ET552 reticle being misaligned between the C8A3 Eotech and C8 M203 Eotech variants.
  • Fixed C14 reticle being offset from the center, making marker creation via Radial being offset.
Vehicle Gameplay
  • Added Abandoned Vehicle Cleanup System - Unoccupied Vehicles that are in the field and not in 150m proximity of a friendly RP or FOB, a 20-minute timer causes the vehicle to start taking burning damage. This system is intended to reduce the amount of long-abandoned vehicles in the field, while not being too heavy-handed with player’s choosing to park their vehicles strategically (or “capture” enemy vehicles for some time.)
  • Updated the Vehicle Emergency Accident Recovery option in the Radial Menu UI for the Helicopters to be hidden for now - this feature is currently not supported with Helicopters.
  • Fixed Soft Map Boundary not always working when helicopters fly too far out of bounds.
  • Fixed T72B3 zeroing on the AP, HEAT, Frag, and Coax weapons.
  • Fixed MATV Woodland wreck showing desert skin.
  • Fixed Technical DShK - fixed spelling on the interactable popup (wrong lower cases).
  • Fixed CAF M939 Transport Truck not having ammo resupply, crewman request, and vehicle recovery options.
  • Fixed helicopter instrument panel reflections to align with local space instead of world space to prevent rotation.
  • Fixed BFV TOW arming distance, should be the same as the emplaced TOW now.Fixed TAPV blurry driver's seat.Fixed TAPV M2 gun being offset while moving and driving.
  • Fixed issue with MATV asphalt dust blinding the player.Fixed missing reload sounds on T-72.
  • Fixed Leo2A6 wreck having missing faces.
  • Fixed TAPV Driver having his feet poke out of the TAPV's chassis.Fixed Leo2A6 incorrect UI hint with seat 4 "Q" key.
Commander Gameplay
  • Updated Commander ticket cost to 2 tickets (down from 5).
  • Updated A10/SU25 airstrike "inbound" delay timer to 15 seconds (was 30 seconds).
  • Fixed the Support Action category image for the commander list.
  • Fixed third-person camera breaking when the player flies far away and then flies close by again, then switches to the soldier in UAV.
  • Fixed Client Crash when a commander is trying to access actions in a specific way.
  • Fixed UAV z-fighting issues by adding a near clip plane for UAV users. 
  • Fixed INS & MIL Spandrel not being a valid vehicle to activate the Commander Support Actions.
  • Fixed not being able to enter the UAV view (button appeared to be missing in some circumstances).
  • Fixed specific command actions closing the UAV view unintentionally.
  • Fixed CO being able to retain commander abilities active status after getting in a vehicle when near a hab. 
  • Fixed incorrect voice over lines for RUS, GB, INS Commander.
Deployables Gameplay
  • Updated Indirect Fire Shelter deployable to be much more resilient to Explosives, Mortars and Artillery projectiles.
  • Updated Interact Zone for deployables - increasing the interact zone so now shovels can interact with deployables from farther away.
  • Fixed the Vehicle Bay on Jensen's range, so it now allows up to 3 vehicles spawned in the world at one time from each Vehicle Bay.
  • Fixed having to enter a Deployable Emplacement by holding the 'F' key - now it is a keypress.
  • Fixed INS FOB Radio having higher hp and different damage values to the other FOB Radios.
User Interface
  • Added CAF fixed theme music upon joining (using the USA as a placeholder for now).
  • Added CAF fixed win/defeat themes (using the USA as a placeholder for now).
Gameplay Map Layers
  • Added new map layers: CAF Narva RAAS v1 and CAF Tallil Outskirts RAAS v1.
  • Updated CAF map layers to use a soft map boundary system.
  • Updated Main Menu Entry Map - Helicopter sounds are now much quieter. 
  • Al Basrah Invasion v1 - fixed glitched temp ammo crate @ VCP.
  • Belaya Invasion v1 fixed a minor naming issue with random CP's.
  • Chora RAAS v1 - fixed Radio Station having the wrong CP name.
  • Gorodok - lowered max altitude for Helicopters from 1500m to 800m.
  • Mutaha TC v1 updated to include soft boundaries.
  • Narva RAAS v1 fixed CPs having offset names that were misleading to where the actual cap zone was.
  • Narva Invasion v1 adjusted vehicle layout.
  • Yehorivka Invasion v2 - Tweaked vehicle layout to give USA more capability.
  • CAF Kamdesh Invasion v1 - Fixed black minimap, added randomized CPs, and fog of war.CAF Kohat Invasion v1 - fixed TAPV being woodland instead of arid.
  • CAF Kohat Invasion v1 - fixed Insurgent protection zone no deploy being too large, preventing insurgents from building on the Radio Tower CP.
  • CAF Manic-5 fixed main base helipads from being too high off the ground.
  • CAF Manic-5 RAAS v1 fixed not being able to lean inside specific capture points.
  • CAF Manic-5 RAAS v3 fixed US ammo crates not resupplying.
  • CAF Manic-5 RAAS v4 fixed capture points not working.
  • CAF Manic-5 Invasion v1 & v2 fixed not being able to lean inside certain capture zones.
  • CAF Manic-5 Invasion v2 fixed USA ammo crates not being useable.
  • CAF Manic-5 Skirmish v1 / v2 disabled Commander.CAF Manic-5 Skirmish v1 fixed sunken ammo crate at CAF main.
  • CAF Nanisivik Invasion v1 fixed flipped LUVA1’s.
  • CAF Yehorivka RAAS v1 fixed ammo crates at CAF main.

  • Updated collisions on 118 trees with a new set standard collision so that the top third (bendy part) of all trees no longer have a collision. This is especially relevant for helicopter pilots.
  • Reduced large 4k foliage textures to 2k, where they did not need that high fidelity for performance improvements.
  • Updated Middle East power poles so that projectiles no longer collide with them.
  • Updated Oak and Birchwood materials to allow projectile penetration.
  • Fixed visual artifacts and missing mesh pieces on Industrial Office.
  • Fixed collision and LODs on several Middle Eastern urban buildings.
  • Fixed LOD popping on urban residential buildings, construction crane, dirt/rubble piles,  and European grassy cliffs.
  • Fixed floating geometry/bad collision on a rubble afghan house.
  • Fixed several cliff physmat issues.
  • Fixed gas cylinders missing geo on their interior faces and material to avoid unnatural "glowing" effect.
  • Fixed door frames on the urban building, added simple garage doors.
  • Fixed oak shrub material issues.
  • Fixed bunker corridor textures.
  • Fixed crotalaria bush LODs.
  • Fixed back face on the roof trim of Eastern European houses.
  • Fixed hole in roof and stairs on Middle Eastern urban building and fixed material errors.
  • Fixed Middle Eastern residential building not allowing things like deployables/ammo bags to be placed on the roof of the building.
  • Fixed the woodshed LOD2 tri reduction setting, so the holes in the rear wood planks now remain visible at far distances.
  • Fixed Z-fighting near stairs, UV mapping on the part of the window frame and LOD polycounts, and transition distances on Middle Eastern block building.
  • Fixed police station building static’s windows so players can no longer jump through them.
  • Fixed upper wood planks collision on yeho destroyed barn buildings.
  • Fixed invisible walkway on the upper exterior of the European yellow residential building.
  • Fixed wooden house antennae using the wrong texture and having a misaligned door.
  • Fixed visible gaps in ornate house seams.
  • Fixed floating decals and incorrect collision on several Middle Eastern compound houses.
Al Basrah
  • Added a "No Deploy Zone" at the same depth as the pain volume to prevent players from glitching FOB radios into the bottom of rivers.
  • Updated the shadows not to be drawn on grass, crops, and trash for optimization.
  • Fixed floating trash foliage in grid F8-9-6.
  • Fixed floating road spline in grid F7.
  • Fixed floating trash and wood planks at Basrah Airport.
  • Fixed incorrect Ground Physmats near poppy production POI, causing very slow vehicle driving.
  • Fixed a couple of floating buildings in POI Nikola.
  • Updated RU Main Base on AAS v2 to have a larger opening for vehicles leaving Main.
  • Fixed some triangle lighting artifacts inside buildings.
  • Fixed water canal spillage near Radio Station POI.
  • Fixed compound walls that players could walk through grid G9-7-7.
Fool's Road
  • Fixed jagged road edges on Fools Road.
  • Adjusted gaps between trailers at FOB Papanov.
  • Fixed tunnel wall glitch exploits.
  • Fixed broken materials on Fools road tunnels.
  • Fixed floating tree near Homestead.
  • Added more details to POI’s in the NW sector, adding several new trench defense positions.
  • Updated Gorodok Minimap.
  • Updated Lighting.Reduced fog density.
  • Fixed field brightness values.
  • Fixed floaters and other smaller issues.
  • Fixed industrial building sign frame and piping having wrong, incorrect texture.
  • Fixed floating bush grid C5-1-8.
Jensen’s Range
  • Added BMP-2 and CAF vehicles to the Vehicle Armor Diorama.
  • Updated the outdated Landscape & Foliage on one of the oldest maps, increasing the texture quality up to the standard of more recent Squad maps.
  • Updated cull volume settings for better performance optimization.
  • Updated lighting layers.
  • Removed inadequate performance greenhouses.
  • Added road from SE main and several other small POI improvements.
  • Updated terrain detail painting.
  • Updated Mutaha minimap.
  • Updated cull distance for medium and large statics so they won't cull in the UAV view.
  • Updated Police station razor wire fence to have a pain volume.
  • Updated two building clusters to use wider wall openings.
  • Updated the interior of a grape dryer building due to blocked stairs.
  • Fixed floating wall in grid F3-4-7.
  • Fixed some floating splines.
  • Fixed double moon on the Mutaha dusk layer.
  • Fixed Mutaha compound walls having the wrong physmat for the metal lattice.
  • Fixed LOD distances to avoid decal popping.
  • Fixed Old Hospital window frame UV’s.
  • Fixed Apartment Building missing faces and gaps in doorways.
  • Fixed water plane texture flickering depending on the viewing angle.
  • Fixed Building near Geneva Apts having windows that back onto another building.
  • Fixed player collision on Narva's small birch trees.
  • Fixed player collision on the chimney of a small industrial building.
  • Fixed player collision on Narva's train depot building.
  • Fixed some trees that were clipping through buildings.
  • Increased view distance to ~1500m and decreased fog density.
  • Updated fog color.
  • Updated cull distance of small foliage rocks on Tallil to render further out.
  • Fixed multiple missing faces on the Damaged Aircraft Bunker concrete slab section.
  • Fixed Aggressive bush popping on LOD’s.
  • Fixed cement slab debris not having collision grid F7-5-3.
  • Fixed rock formation allowing players to lean into rocks grid J6-5-9.
  • Fixed floating grapevines in Eridu (replaced with Olive Trees).
  • Updated Skorpo's minimap to include short tunnel (from Korsneset to Halcene) and shallow shoals on the coast near Marina.
  • Updated Skorpo to soft map boundaries on many map layers.
  • Fixed Norwegian House LOD materials.
  • Added more detail to the Training Camp area.
  • Fixed various floating trash NW of Walled Courts.
  • Fixed moon banding on the ultra-dynamic sky (AAS_v1).
  • Fixed incorrect vehicle collision on Wood bridge in grid B3-2-3.
  • Updated Belovia POI with more detail for infantry gameplay.
  • Updated other POI for small gameplay enhancements and improvements.
  • Updated Yehorivka Minimap.
  • Fixed several small bugs.
  • Added simple editor tools (post-process materials) for visualizing elevation in the viewport.
  • Added clickable link to EULA for first-time mod uploaders.
  • Added error feedback to mod uploaders when Steam is not open.
  • Removed the warning (spam) of including engine/game content in a cook.
  • Removed 4k and other unneeded texture samples in master materials (foliage shaders mostly).
  • Removed DirectX 10 (SM4) option since it's not supported.
  • Updated name of 1 al basrah lighting layer: LL_Sunset instead of LL_Sunrise.
  • Updated name of team info for Russia: RUS_DE instead of RU_DE and RUS instead of RU.
  • Updated kit names for the USA from USarmy to USA.
  • Fixed demoreccommands.
  • Fixed many CAF redirectors.
  • Updated MapRotation.cfg for B18 with new CAF maps.
  • Removed lightbulb statics from Main Base helipads.
  • Removed broken depth of field toggle from admin cam.

Known Issues
  • TAPV is using MATV wreck as a placeholder.
  • Commander - Map icon for Commander shows up on the Map as the SL’s Squad number, instead of a Star. This is going to be fixed in a future update to align the map CO icon with all the other icons for CO, which is a star.
  • Commander - When the commander changes to the UAV camera, he cannot hear local audio anymore, even though he still sees local audio transmissions in the bottom left corner. Others can still hear him when he talks. Additionally, when leaving the UAV camera, he hears all of the local audio broadcasts at the same time, originating from the point where they were initially transmitted from - even if the person doing the transmission has moved afterward.
  • Commander - A10 gun run & SU25 rocket strike sometimes lands way off-target. We have narrowed down this issue to the Commander CAS marker being placed near/on top of building statics, causing the A10 / SU25 to fly at a high altitude, which throws off the targeting — working on a solution for this to come in a future update.
  • Helicopter Tail Rotor component currently can only take damage from collisions with the ground, statics, and other vehicles. Projectile damage to tail rotors comes in a future update.
  • Helicopters have various handling tweaks, damage values, and small bugs that are being addressed in a future update.Vehicle Reset Feature does not currently work with Helicopters.
  • Clients frequently crash at the end of a round, upon map switch, due to a UE4 Particle Crash bug upon seamless map travel. Actively pursuing a fix for this crash.
  • When clients get a crash to desktop and the Crash Reporter appears, pressing “Send and Restart Squad” will restart Squad without EAC, which prevents players from joining most public servers. The workaround solution, for the time being, is to press “Send and Close.” A proper fix for this issue is under investigation.
  • Occasional client crashes in various circumstances. Detailed crash reports help us fix things faster, and we truly appreciate those that have filled out and sent crash reports.
  • Players occasionally spawn without full ammo on their first spawn on a server. This occurs if a player was in the match during the map switch but did not spawn during the staging phase. We are actively investigating a fix for this bug.
  • Occasionally a player does not spawn at a Rally Point. This often happens when numerous players are spawning in at the same time — actively investigating a fix for this bug.
  • Server performance may periodically dip when a server has a high population and high load. We are continuously working to improve server performance and optimization.
  • Occasionally Self-bandaging fails. We are actively investigating a fix for this issue.
  • The CP Icon (Capture Point / Flag) will sometimes not show up on a client’s HUD in the RAAS game mode. This is related to the RAAS “Lanes” feature. We are investigating a fix for this issue.
  • Insurgent HAB still has a spawning issue where there’s a chance the player spawns on top of the model instead of inside it — actively investigating a fix for this bug.
  • ATGM projectiles desync for other players that are not the gunner, however, what the gunner sees should be the actual synced projectile. This is an inherent problem, and the solution is in the long term.
  • Vehicles parking brake gets stuck “On” if a player exits the vehicle while holding the parking brake (Default Spacebar). When encountering a vehicle that appears healthy but is not able to move, try hitting Spacebar to turn the parking brake “Off’ — investigating a fix for this issue.
  • "Alt-tabbing” out of Squad during a loading screen freezes the client. The recommended solution, for now, is to run in the “Borderless” mode.
  • Ammo rack component (on IFVs and Tanks) takes a very long time to repair.
  • Audio module for Squad is initialized at the game start. If a Player does not have a microphone plugged in at launch, or accidentally unplug their microphone and then plug it back in, Squad needs to be restarted to get the microphone to work again.
  • SFX bug while Firing in full auto. If the player presses the fire button for a short period, the sound effect gives the impression that you fired more rounds then you did.
  • Localization for most language translations is currently out of date. We plan to push a full localization pass when we are much closer to full release and are locking down all the text that needs to be translated for the game.
  • Local/Offline Bug with Commander - Insurgent / Militia Handheld Drone does not move in local.
  • Local/Offline Bug with Commander -  UAV hovers in one position instead of moving along the flight path in local.Local/Offline Bug with Commander -  CAS does not do damage in local.
  • Local/Offline Bug with Vehicles: When playing offline on Jensen’s Range, Tracks, Wheels, and other components are not destructible while on the Jensen’s Range in Local play.
  • Local/Offline Bug with Weapon damages: When playing offline on Jensen’s Range, Weapon damages with both Infantry and Vehicle weapons are not accurately replicated.
  • Local/Offline Bug with Scoped Emplacements: When playing offline on Jensen’s Range, if a player exits an Emplacement while looking through the scope, the Scope remains on the Player’s HUD until they get back in the Emplacement and then Scope out.

Squad - Gatzby
Hey squaddies,

It’s the last Wrench of the year and we’ve definitely got some presents, regardless of if you’ve been naughty or nice. We’re still down with Krampus coming after you for your misdeeds, though.

Join us on the Community Modding Discord where you can join discussions and meet the modding community. It’s a great place to share your ideas and passions with like-minded people that will happily help you create something awesome.

Bundeswehr Mod by Bundeswehr Mod Team

We’re stoked to welcome the Bundeswehr team back to the Wrench, only partially so people stop asking the Wrench team for an update. Even better, they’ve launched their own website — a glorious resource for all things Bundeswehr mod!

Work commences on their first Fulda Gap layer, to be known as the “Battle for Uttrichshausen.” Going on what we’ve seen so far, it should be particularly intense.

To round out the month, the team is also presenting =AFFE=.: Jinjer’s G36A3 in basic configuration, as well as his Panzerfaust 3.

Finnish Defence Forces by FDFMod Team

Things are really picking up over at the FDFMod HQ! This time, they’re passing along progress shots of both completely new vehicles, like the SISU NA-122, and others getting their coat of paint on. You are, of course, going to need a Crewman kit to pilot some the awesome new hardware, so they’ve included that new kit too =).

They’ve not been slouching in the small arms department either, with a variety of weapons being finished and topped off with goodies like optics.

They’re swiftly approaching the end of graphics work on small arms and will be moving on to implementing (and assuring quality, of course) them in the engine soon.

Australian Faction by Aussie Mod Team

The Lads from Nod are pushing overtime in this last month of the year to make sure you have some truly gorgeous eye-candy for your holiday feast. With fingers crossed, they’re moving into the world of fixing up bugs, creating the remaining roles, and praying to Sphere for a smooth release.

The Aussie Mod Team would like to extend their utmost thanks for all the support throughout the year and encourage you to keep kicking ass in 2020! (You’ve got a week or two to start stretching.)

If you’d like to help the Aussie Mod team, or just offer some feedback, be sure to join their Discord server to offer your thoughts, feedback, or fixes.

Svinesund from Alac

Alac writes, “This time I could produce a bit more. So have the progress on one of the main village and the customs facility.”

Not content to stop there, he’s also been hard at work on the faction’s camouflage. While it won’t be a fully accurate pattern, it will be optimized to provide better concealment than tan or green in the stark landscape presented by Svinesund. Deployables have also been reworked with a white camo net for the HMG bunker, and a handcrafted camo net for HABs.

Alac hopes to have the map available for testing by Christmas if you’re interested in taking it for a spin!


Enjoy your holidays, squaddies. We’ll see you for a whole new year of badassery in January!

Would you like to see your mod featured in The Wrench? Let us know by submitting it here!

Squad Modding Hub Management Team Out.

Please note: Offworld Industries is not responsible for mod content. Please contact the creator for assistance.
Squad - SgtRoss
We have come to the finals of Squad Charity League with the last fight for season 4 between Doc's Office and Iron Wolves. To tune in and watch the battle of the giants for charity: https://www.twitch.tv/squadcharityleague with Truespeeda.

You never know, might even win some goodies. All donations go to a great cause which is charity: water.

Support the cause and go DONATE!

charity: water is a nonprofit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries.
