Squad - Merlin
We are now pushing a version 7.5 hotfix release, here are the changes:
  • Fixed a client side crash relating to effects code in the engine introduced following the upgrade to Unreal Engine version 4.12.
  • Fixed some possible memory corruption which may have been leading to crashes relating to the initialization of the console on startup.
  • Fixed a rare server crash in vehicle claiming code.
  • Pulled in a performance fix for Alpha 8 using a much faster method for drawing nametags. Note that in order to facilitate this, nametags will now be rendered through walls for nearby friendlies.
  • Performance improved on the maps Op First Light, Kohat, Sumari and Logar by fixing improperly sized terrain textures.
  • Fixed soldiers being invisible in local play on Jensen's Range, a bug introduced in a performance fix for alpha 7.4.
  • Fixed an exploit relating to users tweaking their FOV outside of acceptable ranges.
  • Increased the starting velocity for the spectation camera from 2.5 to 15 meters per second.
Squad - Merlin
We are now pushing a version 7.5 hotfix release, here are the changes:
  • Fixed a client side crash relating to effects code in the engine introduced following the upgrade to Unreal Engine version 4.12.
  • Fixed some possible memory corruption which may have been leading to crashes relating to the initialization of the console on startup.
  • Fixed a rare server crash in vehicle claiming code.
  • Pulled in a performance fix for Alpha 8 using a much faster method for drawing nametags. Note that in order to facilitate this, nametags will now be rendered through walls for nearby friendlies.
  • Performance improved on the maps Op First Light, Kohat, Sumari and Logar by fixing improperly sized terrain textures.
  • Fixed soldiers being invisible in local play on Jensen's Range, a bug introduced in a performance fix for alpha 7.4.
  • Fixed an exploit relating to users tweaking their FOV outside of acceptable ranges.
  • Increased the starting velocity for the spectation camera from 2.5 to 15 meters per second.
Squad - Merlin
We are now pushing a version 7.4 hotfix release, which contains:
  • Fixed the round start crash and a number of other crashes, all caused by the improper deletion of physical materials in memory.
  • Pulled in a performance fix developed for Alpha 8 relating to the rendering of other people's character meshes.
  • Fixed up the deployable repair station blocking lean and deployables.
  • Made reflection spheres not appear in game. (As an aside, we would like to assert that reported sightings of UFO's in squad are *completely* unfounded and baseless!)
  • Made the wire fences at the fool's road train station penetrable.
  • Fixed not being able to enter certain tunnels at the Fool's Road hilltop.
  • Fixed players not being able to drive vehicles into the fortress on Fool's Road.
  • Fixed the Sumari AAS 3 flags being cappable by 1 person.
  • Fixed the Sumari skirmish layer cap zones being too high in the air.
  • Fixed some road and spline bugs in Chora.
  • Finally, please note there is at least one other moderately occurring crash that we are still aware of and actively investigating.
Squad - Merlin
We are now pushing a version 7.4 hotfix release, which contains:
  • Fixed the round start crash and a number of other crashes, all caused by the improper deletion of physical materials in memory.
  • Pulled in a performance fix developed for Alpha 8 relating to the rendering of other people's character meshes.
  • Fixed up the deployable repair station blocking lean and deployables.
  • Made reflection spheres not appear in game. (As an aside, we would like to assert that reported sightings of UFO's in squad are *completely* unfounded and baseless!)
  • Made the wire fences at the fool's road train station penetrable.
  • Fixed not being able to enter certain tunnels at the Fool's Road hilltop.
  • Fixed players not being able to drive vehicles into the fortress on Fool's Road.
  • Fixed the Sumari AAS 3 flags being cappable by 1 person.
  • Fixed the Sumari skirmish layer cap zones being too high in the air.
  • Fixed some road and spline bugs in Chora.
  • Finally, please note there is at least one other moderately occurring crash that we are still aware of and actively investigating.
Squad - Merlin
We are now pushing a version 7.3 hotfix release, which contains:
  • Disabled async loading as an attempted fix for loading related crashes, and possibly a number of other crashes & bugs.
  • Added an attempted fix for a crash caused by a specific effect emmiter.
  • Added fixes for materials and material settings on a number of maps to prevent a specific type of crash. [This means a very large download for this patch]
  • Removed an unused analytics plugin as a fix for round start stuttering.
  • Updated the Easy Anticheat SDK.
  • Updated turret bounds to avoid them popping out.
  • Fixed some ambient sounds on Sumari and Kohat.
  • Removed a number of unused materials.
  • Fixed errors with two fence materials.
  • Fixed an improper texture size which was causing a small loading delay.
  • Increased the max data cache size as an improvement for both Squad and Mod developers.
  • Cleaned up unusued references to trace channels without actual properties which were causing log spam.
  • Cleaned up some orphaned break points in Blueprints as a reduction of log spam.
Squad - Merlin
We are now pushing a version 7.3 hotfix release, which contains:
  • Disabled async loading as an attempted fix for loading related crashes, and possibly a number of other crashes & bugs.
  • Added an attempted fix for a crash caused by a specific effect emmiter.
  • Added fixes for materials and material settings on a number of maps to prevent a specific type of crash. [This means a very large download for this patch]
  • Removed an unused analytics plugin as a fix for round start stuttering.
  • Updated the Easy Anticheat SDK.
  • Updated turret bounds to avoid them popping out.
  • Fixed some ambient sounds on Sumari and Kohat.
  • Removed a number of unused materials.
  • Fixed errors with two fence materials.
  • Fixed an improper texture size which was causing a small loading delay.
  • Increased the max data cache size as an improvement for both Squad and Mod developers.
  • Cleaned up unusued references to trace channels without actual properties which were causing log spam.
  • Cleaned up some orphaned break points in Blueprints as a reduction of log spam.
Squad - Chuc
Hi Squaddies,

Vroom vroom! We hope you all have been enjoying V7 and the introduction of Vehicles thus far. Like with any new feature we will be going through heaps of iteration, so expect more expanded functionality and features to the system in order to bring vehicles even closer to our vision for them in Squad.Aside from the release and the subsequent support patches, August has been a month more dedicated to the well-being of the team than development. We had a huge week where more than 20 members of the Offworld family met up in Cologne, Germany, to enjoy some R&R, attend GDC Europe and Gamescom 2016. Now that were rested from our trip, were raring to get back into our development chairs!

GDC & Gamescom 2016 After Action Report

The Offworld Industries team travelled to Cologne, Germany, for GDC and Gamescom 2016. The team was met with beautifully warm summer weather, and what it seemed like the entire European gaming community, as the largest gaming event in Europe unfolded.

Offworld Industries is a team that is completely decentralised with employees spread across over 10 countries, and so weve taken the opportunity to gather (almost!) everybody in one place for a good old friendly face-to-face and unwind over drinks, video games, minigolf and zombie lasertag. It was also the perfect time to have a number of critical team-wide meetings where we can work out issues internally, with the game and our plan going forward not only with Squad but also future projects.

Our team also attended GDC Europe where we got to sit in on a number of eye-opening talks, in particular by a number of studios that went through the crowdfunding to Early Access route, and in general to get a feel for the state of the industry. Gamescom soon followed where the team got to experience in full force the marketing juggernaut a trade show can be. A number of fans also got to meet some of us in person! (not that hard to spot since we were the only ones with Squad T-Shirts!)

Community Manager Litoralis and Programmer Trancer also got some time to sit in an interview with the German community website BF-Games, of which you can read below.

New Apartment Blocks and Urban Environment Development

At the risk of sounding like a property developer.. Youre looking at the beginnings of a new set of urban apartment blocks as well as more set dressing material for our mappers to really start carving out a proper Eastern European urban map. Coming soon to a map near you!

Kord Heavy Machine Gun

The Russian counterpart to the M2A1 Browning is ready for implementation into the game in the form of the Kord Heavy Machine Gun. Firing the massive 12.7x108mm round it is capable of destroying unarmored and lightly armored vehicles with ease. Below is the weapon in its tripod configuration.

M252 81mm Mortar

A few months ago we showed off the M1937 82mm Mortar, and now we are presenting the US Army answer to that in the form of the M252 81mm Mortar. Hot off the modelling pipeline it is ready for implementation along with the M1937 in a future system featuring Mortars. That should keep Terrys head down!

US Army Soldier Expansion

Our art team is preparing a few more variants to the US Army soldier models in the form of unique load bearing equipment for the Automatic Rifleman, Marksman (helmet) and Medic, adding more variation to an already detailed faction lineup.

Modding Update

Our talented modders have been real busy behind the scenes working away at their own total conversions and projects. They have their own version of Monthly Recaps in the form of The Wrench, so please check out the write up and support the work of the next generation!

KLMK Uniforms by Marv
Al Basrah Remake by ChanceBrahh
Al Basrah Remake by ChanceBrahh
3-Kings by EliteLurker
Kunar by Axton
Kunar by Axton

Before we close out, the development team would like to thank all the contributors for their continued work on the Squad Wiki.

If you are new to Squad, this is a fast evolving resource to get yourself up to speed on all of Squad's content and gameplay concepts. For those who have been with us through development, we ask that you join in contributing, knowledge is power, power is strength, stronger Squaddies make a stronger Squad. The wiki itself will also be undergoing some design upgrades too, so look forward to that!As our team members bounce back after a well deserved rest, expect many exciting developments in coming months as we double down on game optimisations and other quality of life improvements for next patch!

Offworld Out.

Squad - Chuc
Hi Squaddies,

Vroom vroom! We hope you all have been enjoying V7 and the introduction of Vehicles thus far. Like with any new feature we will be going through heaps of iteration, so expect more expanded functionality and features to the system in order to bring vehicles even closer to our vision for them in Squad.Aside from the release and the subsequent support patches, August has been a month more dedicated to the well-being of the team than development. We had a huge week where more than 20 members of the Offworld family met up in Cologne, Germany, to enjoy some R&R, attend GDC Europe and Gamescom 2016. Now that were rested from our trip, were raring to get back into our development chairs!

GDC & Gamescom 2016 After Action Report

The Offworld Industries team travelled to Cologne, Germany, for GDC and Gamescom 2016. The team was met with beautifully warm summer weather, and what it seemed like the entire European gaming community, as the largest gaming event in Europe unfolded.

Offworld Industries is a team that is completely decentralised with employees spread across over 10 countries, and so weve taken the opportunity to gather (almost!) everybody in one place for a good old friendly face-to-face and unwind over drinks, video games, minigolf and zombie lasertag. It was also the perfect time to have a number of critical team-wide meetings where we can work out issues internally, with the game and our plan going forward not only with Squad but also future projects.

Our team also attended GDC Europe where we got to sit in on a number of eye-opening talks, in particular by a number of studios that went through the crowdfunding to Early Access route, and in general to get a feel for the state of the industry. Gamescom soon followed where the team got to experience in full force the marketing juggernaut a trade show can be. A number of fans also got to meet some of us in person! (not that hard to spot since we were the only ones with Squad T-Shirts!)

Community Manager Litoralis and Programmer Trancer also got some time to sit in an interview with the German community website BF-Games, of which you can read below.

New Apartment Blocks and Urban Environment Development

At the risk of sounding like a property developer.. Youre looking at the beginnings of a new set of urban apartment blocks as well as more set dressing material for our mappers to really start carving out a proper Eastern European urban map. Coming soon to a map near you!

Kord Heavy Machine Gun

The Russian counterpart to the M2A1 Browning is ready for implementation into the game in the form of the Kord Heavy Machine Gun. Firing the massive 12.7x108mm round it is capable of destroying unarmored and lightly armored vehicles with ease. Below is the weapon in its tripod configuration.

M252 81mm Mortar

A few months ago we showed off the M1937 82mm Mortar, and now we are presenting the US Army answer to that in the form of the M252 81mm Mortar. Hot off the modelling pipeline it is ready for implementation along with the M1937 in a future system featuring Mortars. That should keep Terrys head down!

US Army Soldier Expansion

Our art team is preparing a few more variants to the US Army soldier models in the form of unique load bearing equipment for the Automatic Rifleman, Marksman (helmet) and Medic, adding more variation to an already detailed faction lineup.

Modding Update

Our talented modders have been real busy behind the scenes working away at their own total conversions and projects. They have their own version of Monthly Recaps in the form of The Wrench, so please check out the write up and support the work of the next generation!

KLMK Uniforms by Marv
Al Basrah Remake by ChanceBrahh
Al Basrah Remake by ChanceBrahh
3-Kings by EliteLurker
Kunar by Axton
Kunar by Axton

Before we close out, the development team would like to thank all the contributors for their continued work on the Squad Wiki.

If you are new to Squad, this is a fast evolving resource to get yourself up to speed on all of Squad's content and gameplay concepts. For those who have been with us through development, we ask that you join in contributing, knowledge is power, power is strength, stronger Squaddies make a stronger Squad. The wiki itself will also be undergoing some design upgrades too, so look forward to that!As our team members bounce back after a well deserved rest, expect many exciting developments in coming months as we double down on game optimisations and other quality of life improvements for next patch!

Offworld Out.

Squad - Merlin
We are now pushing a version 7.2 hotfix release, which contains:

  • Fix for physx crashing [The most common crash currently]. Added a workaround in vehicle physics assets for a deeper bug in physx.
  • Fixed a common crash caused by a landscape material issue.
  • Fixed a crash related to vehicle seat code.
  • Allowed sounds shorter than 10 seconds to be loaded async on map load as a fix for some of the stuttering issues players have been seeing.
  • Fixed a number of issues with collision meshes on environment objects.
  • Removed unneeded landscape hole material from Operation First Light.
  • Disabled ribbons in effects for time being to negate a memory leak.
  • Optimized tick rate on effects. (ie not realtime).
  • Removed a few trace messages in the source to reduce some log spam.
  • Made an adjustment to the trace channels and presets used in vehicle collisions to accomodate another vehicle fix.
  • Pushed a simple collision setup for the radiotower, moving it from complex to simple collision, which should stop it from crashing people.
  • Foliage Cvar exploit fixes.
  • Added some ambeint sounds to Yehorivka and Sumari.
  • Updated default unbound binding text to "None" from "QWE".
  • Checked all collision assets for physmat assignment.
  • Added wheel effects on ural.
  • Reduced wheel effects to 4 on all vehicle types.
  • Assigned wreck meshes to "block all".
  • Increase m2 yaw to 30 degrees from 25.
Squad - Merlin
We are now pushing a version 7.2 hotfix release, which contains:

  • Fix for physx crashing [The most common crash currently]. Added a workaround in vehicle physics assets for a deeper bug in physx.
  • Fixed a common crash caused by a landscape material issue.
  • Fixed a crash related to vehicle seat code.
  • Allowed sounds shorter than 10 seconds to be loaded async on map load as a fix for some of the stuttering issues players have been seeing.
  • Fixed a number of issues with collision meshes on environment objects.
  • Removed unneeded landscape hole material from Operation First Light.
  • Disabled ribbons in effects for time being to negate a memory leak.
  • Optimized tick rate on effects. (ie not realtime).
  • Removed a few trace messages in the source to reduce some log spam.
  • Made an adjustment to the trace channels and presets used in vehicle collisions to accomodate another vehicle fix.
  • Pushed a simple collision setup for the radiotower, moving it from complex to simple collision, which should stop it from crashing people.
  • Foliage Cvar exploit fixes.
  • Added some ambeint sounds to Yehorivka and Sumari.
  • Updated default unbound binding text to "None" from "QWE".
  • Checked all collision assets for physmat assignment.
  • Added wheel effects on ural.
  • Reduced wheel effects to 4 on all vehicle types.
  • Assigned wreck meshes to "block all".
  • Increase m2 yaw to 30 degrees from 25.