Sep 27, 2019
Scrap Mechanic - Kacper

Hi Mechanics!

It’s been another great month at the Scrap Mechanic HQ. Our team has been working hard! We have plenty of awesomeness to show you!

Before we get on the road and take you to some of the cool new stuff we’ve lined up today, we have a small update on Survival Mode’s release timing. We do not have a date yet.
Stepping back and looking at all the tremendous work our team has done on Survival so far, it’s clear that this mode has far outgrown our initial ambitions and evolved into something that itself represents a gigantic upgrade on the entire Scrap Mechanic game.
There are tons of new content and features, hundreds of new building parts and blocks, a completely new open world environment with enemies and places to explore, a big graphical upgrade as well as optimizations and much, much more. Sometimes we joke that this is basically Scrap Mechanic 2 at the office!

We know you’ve been waiting very patiently for information on when you’ll be able to get your hands on and play Survival Mode for yourselves, and we promise that we are doing all we can to get there as soon as possible.
Right now, the honest assessment is that it’s still too soon for us to commit to a hard deadline when we’re still iterating on the final pieces of Survival. It’s difficult to estimate the time required to tweak and balance all the things that we want to get right. However, we hope that this Devblog gives you some reassurance that we are going in the right direction and things are looking good. Hang in there a bit more Mechanics!

New Dressbot!
Straighten your tie and prepare to meet the newest addition to the crafting family, the awesome Dressbot!
During your adventures you will come across mystery boxes with clothing that you can take back to the Dressbot to craft and add to your wardrobe. However, in order to adjust your look the metal tailor will require cotton from cotton plants that you will discover around the world. All clothing that you craft and unlock will be available to use across worlds and other game modes. You can even change clothing at any time from the main menu, as well as in game by using the Dressbot’s wardrobe!

Base defence!
We’ve previously shown you some brief combat gifs on our Twitter account, but you guys really don’t know what’s in store. What makes combat in Scrap Mechanic so interesting is the creative aspect and finding creative solutions that will help you survive. For example, many players will build a static or moving base to store their resources and items. However, when Farmbots find your hideout, you’d better have your traps and defensive solutions in place, otherwise it’s going to be a very short game.
Today we are showing the Haybots in action for the first time and a playerbase under attack!

Oh! And if someone was thinking they will camp up on a lift. That will not work. Bots will pull you down.......

Glow-worm to glowstick!
Introducing our new wildlife addition, the glow-worm!
This little guy is harmless and can be picked up and placed down anywhere in your base, making it pretty much the perfect pet. Even better, these guys can help you craft glowsticks, which come in multiple colors. You can also craft your own signature color when playing with other Mechanics. Oh, and they absolutely love to munch on cardboard blocks! We still need a name for these glow-worms so help us with some name suggestions below.

Open world progress!
Another aspect of Survival Mode we know you’re desperate to see more of is the world itself and how it works. As we’ve mentioned previously, the whole world is built out of premade tiles that are skewed, creating a seamless, varied environment that is completely random, but at the same time beautiful and fun to explore. We are really happy about how this all came together.
What’s also new since the last time we showed you the world is our system that can draw a lot of physical items on screen at the same time, making it possible for us to have around 3,000 trees and rocks visible at once. It really makes the world a lot more immersive and for those of you with a bit older PCs, don’t worry: we’ve spent a lot of extra time optimizing to ensure it runs well on all kinds of hardware. This world has a few new biomes that are not included in the gifs, but we will show them in a later Devblog for sure.

Welcome to the Propane Station!
Well, at least it’s what we call it at the moment.
It’s time for us to reveal a new location… and careful, this one’s explosive!
The Propane Station is a highly volatile area previously used to create explosives to dig out mines on the planet. These locations are now abandoned and even better, house some very aggressive Totebots. It’s a high risk, high reward type of place, great for finding explosives and gasoline and other useful items. Just watch where you step, Mechanics…

Cookbot and food!
Is anyone else feeling hungry? Then you’ll enjoy our next invention…
In our last Devblog we showed you some early concepts of the Cookbot – and here he is in the game! This amazing mechanical cook will help you whip up tasty food in no time, which will in turn help keep your health up and also the health of any friends who might need a revive. We’re sure you can’t wait to sink your teeth into every Scrap Mechanic’s favorite food, a delicious pizza burger!

Fantastic Farming!
Farming is one of the features that we’re still polishing up here at Scrap Mechanic HQ and putting a lot of attention on. When we have everything in place, we promise we’ll show you a detailed overview of where we’ve got with this feature. But for now, here are some work in progress images to give you some idea of how it looks!

That’s it for this time!
Time for us to get back to all the iteration work. Connecting and balancing the survival mode.
There is a lot more cooking so we will be back soon with more exciting survival news!

For all the latest news, follow us on
Jun 14, 2019
Scrap Mechanic - Kacper

Hi Mechanics!

It’s that time again! when we take you on a trip down development lane to show you some of the new exciting things that we’ve been working on at the Scrap Mechanic HQ. All our time is dedicated to survival mode at the moment with a lot of new things getting added daily. We’ve also been collecting a lot of optimization requests and feedback from the community. There is still a lot we can do to make your crazy and more complex creations run even better. We plan to do a proper optimization update later when we can free up some more time. Just a small update on that. With that said, let’s move on to what you mechanics are here for: A nice big update on survival development!

Haybots gone haywire!
You might recognize parts of this new farmbot from our teaser tweet last week. We are super excited to introduce you to the Haybot for the first time! But don’t get too close unprepared since they are very unreliable and dangerous. Originally made to make haystacks and package them in plastic wrap, these Haybots have gone out of control. Now they’re often found doing nonsensical things in ruins, like tearing them down and filling them with hay. The Haybot would best be described as the “Zombie” of Farmbots.

New survival music
Our amazing musician Zhea has been working on a lot of new tracks for survival. Since the game has a lot of exploration and building, A lot of the music is beautiful, moody and atmospheric. However, today we like to share a snippet from when things intensify in Survival. Potatoes fired! Take cover!
Check it out HERE

Big menu redesign!
We did a little tease of the inventory redesign previously.
The feedback that we received from you was fantastic and helped us direct the redesign more to the communities liking. Here is an update on some of the new changes. Please keep in mind that this is still not set in stone and we are still trying out new things. But please let us know what you think of this redesign above.

Introducing the new multitool! Or maybe more accurately described as the refinery handtool. it’s lucky that all mechanics came equipped with one. Very handy in survival situations if your maintenance ship crashes and you’re stranded. A lifesaver when it comes to refining wood, farmbot legs and stone into blocks. However, it’s a bit slow. So upgrading to a Refinebot would be more efficient for sure.

The crash!
We were not sure whether we should keep this crash site a secret for its release...
After all, it’s where you start in Survival mode. But we changed our mind. You mechanics need to see more of the cool things we’ve been working on so here goes! Including some early concepts. We don’t want to spoil too much, so let’s leave it at that.

Crates with loot
Scattered around the map, mechanics will find these smash-able crates!
We are still not sure who scattered them around the planet. They might have fallen from a cargo ship? It’s still a mystery to be resolved. However! They do contain some good items at times so they are totally worth to smash and have a look inside. Who knows! you could be lucky!

Cookbot concept!
The Cookbot is a new addition to the helping bots that the Mechanic can craft. This master chef will take your ingredients and make the most delicious dishes! Just absolutely yummy! Some are even so good that they can revive a fallen mechanic in multiplayer. But it will cost you some adventuring and harvesting to help the Cookbot put it all together.

Random fun stuff!
Let’s close it off with some smaller but fun random things that you might enjoy.

Our crazy Totebots now have a final animation in place. Do they look scary enough?

We also did some updates to our engine and added a nice translucency when the sun hits the trees and bushes.

Also! more work has been done on the dynamic lights and shadow casting. Here is an updated gif.

Lastly, we want to say a big thanks to all the amazing support and patience from you mechanics.
We are speeding the survival development up as much as we can without compromising on quality. We hope you agree that it’s the right decision.

We will be back soon with more news!

For all the latest news, follow us on
Mar 18, 2019
Scrap Mechanic - Kacper

Greetings Mechanics!

Set your thrusters to max, because there's a fully-armed and operational devblog coming your way!

First, we'd like to acknowledge the amazing content coming from the Challenge Builder community. Some of the concoctions you've come up with have truly blown us away. For example, we really didn't expect Challenge Mode to be used to build escape rooms and parkour challenges: those are the sort of surprises that make the long hours building Challenge Mode really worthwhile for us. There are some impressive challenges up on the workshop right now, made by the awesome Scrap Mechanic community. We really encourage everyone to go HERE and try some of them! 
Anyway, we know you're here for some Survival news, and we are ready to deliver! Onwards...

Survival, piece by piece!
Let's start with the necessary but less fun background stuff that we've been working on. When developing a game, it's common to build features and segments separately that eventually must be pieced together. For Survival, we're now starting to weld these elements in to one. 
For example, a seamless transition from the open world into a warehouse, or loading in rooms at the right time and other related optimizations. This has taken a lot of our time these last months and there is still some "knitting" left to do. But it's really exciting to see these elements finally come together for a more cohesive survival experience. 

Tapebots are Tough!
The Tapebots are coming closer! We're currently tweaking their behavior to make sure they're as satisfying as possible to battle. We really want Mechanics to respect the enemies in Scrap Mechanic. The Tapebots will be very dangerous and the players will need to be tactical, creative and show quick reflexes in order to deal with them.
We hope that this less forgiving approach to difficulty will make situations more tense and exciting, as well as a lot more fun in co-op where you and your friends really can work together to take enemies down. So, don't go running into the warehouses spraying and praying... you'll only end up knocked out next to all the great loot!

Upgrade Parts and Components!
In the past weeks we've been teasing some of the new upgradeable interactive parts on our Twitter. Now you can see them in full 3D glory!
Basically, we are working on letting Mechanics upgrade the interactive parts in Survival. These upgrades will allow things like more connections, faster speed, less gas consumption and more! The sounds will also change from level to level. The way you will upgrade these parts is with the new Component Kit found when exploring the world. This new consumable will be highly sought after and something a lot of Mechanics will look for. 

A Big Lift
When we started working on Scrap Mechanic, the lift was only for lifting stuff. But during development the lift had more functions added and overall became more useful, for stuff such as spawning blueprints and a few more new functions coming for Survival.
To match these new features, we've redesigned the lift to fit its uses visually. But on top of that we're also adding a cool new lift remote that the Mechanic will pull up when using the lift. We also might let Mechanics put different cool charms on their remote. We'll see! 

Dress Up
After much toil, we've finally got character customization up and running the way we wanted. It really is a bit of a shock (in a good way) to see our Mechanic in so many different outfits suddenly, running around in the game.
We're sure you'll agree it's a lot of fun to style your mechanic and really make him your own. It was a lot of work, but we think it was worth it. Not only will you try to hunt down useful parts in Survival but also cosmetics to unlock that you can impress your Mechanic friends with. Here are some in-game shots!

Pack Attack
Say hello to Packing Stations! One way to accomplish farmer quests in Scrap Mechanic will be to load up these mobile fruit and vegetable houses, thus making the produce ready for delivery to the farmer hideouts. All Mechanics need to do is drive up to the correct socket and then fill it up until it spits out a packaged crate. But have your lifting creations ready, because they need to be stacked and transported!

Visual Spit 'n' Polish
The eagle eyed among you will notice that we're really pushing the graphics in Scrap Mechanic these days. We want to make sure that by the time Survival comes out, the game as a whole will be a much more visually appealing and moody experience. So here are a few new visual details.

Dynamic lights will now both cast shadows and even take colour into account. We have to be careful with this one, since it's expensive. But we think we can optimize it enough to run well! Here's an example.

We've also gone back and updated a lot of the old parts to make sure they fit the new updated Scrap Mechanic visual style. They really came out nicely! Let's see if you can spot the improvements...

Since metal is something that we have a lot of in Scrap Mechanic, we've also updated that to allow parts to have a nice shiny chrome effect!

Thanks for your support – and for playing!
We will be back soon with more Scrap Mechanic news!

For all the latest news, follow us on
Scrap Mechanic - Cokkies

Hi Mechanics!

It's been a real joy for us to hear about your experiences with the new Challange Mode. We had no idea there was such an impressive amount of skilled mechanics out there that just burned through all 40 challenges in no time!

Thankfully, those 40 were just the beginning. We've only scratched the surface of what we can do with Challange Mode and next up is the Challenge Builder that makes it easy for you and your friends to build and share your own Challange packs on the workshop.

Keep in mind that you have to beat your own challenges to get them approved for sharing on the workshop. This is so we can make sure that all challenges that get uploaded can be completed.

There are already a bunch awesome challenges on the workshop that you can download and play HERE!

While we are at it, work on Survival mode is going great.
We are right now doing work on less interesting things in the background of the game that knits the Survival mode together. But we should be back soon with a new devblog with a lot of new things.

We will be back soon with more Scrap Mechanic new!

For all the latest news, follow us on
Scrap Mechanic - Cokkies
Updated February 20
  • Fixed path issues that happened for users with UTF-8 characters in windows username.
  • Optimizations to object meshes and textures to save video memory. Mods referencing the old version of these can automatically update to the new ones in the test version of the Mod Tool.
Updated February 15
  • Fixed a bug where the challenge would not be completed if already inside the goal when activated.
  • F5 does no longer try to reset the Challenge Builder.
  • Added a message when starting Challenge Builder, hinting about console commands to enable or disable tools like the spudgun and the pre-built creations in the lift.
  • Fixed a bug that could happen when using challenge balls as decorations in the challenge.
  • Fixed a bug that could sometimes cause some creations in the challenge to not be saved.
Updated February 14
  • Builderbot animation fixes.
  • Builderbot thruster effect.
  • Fix for missing creations from previous playthroughs if there is no chest.
  • Fix for loading previously finished challenges with no player made creations started with the Challenge Starter.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause some static creations to count as dynamic player-made creations.
  • Fixed an issue where the build area did not update when welded.
  • Builderbots can no longer attempt to sit in seats, causing a crash.
  • Fixed an issue where some chat commands were not working.
  • 64x64 block building when building challenges.
  • Starting the game with -dev launch option shows error messages for mods.
Hi Mechanics!

It's been a real joy for us to hear about your experiences with the new Challange mode. We had no idea there was such an impressive amount of skilled mechanics out there that just burned through all 40 Challenges in no time!

Thankfully, those 40 were just the beginning. We've only scratched the surface of what we can do with Challange mode and next up is the Challange builder that makes it easy for you and your friends to build and share your own Challange packs on the workshop. It’s up on the test branch right now for testing!

Here is how you enter the test branch:

Keep in mind that you have to beat your own challenges to get them approved for sharing on the workshop. This is so we can make sure that all the challenges that get uploaded can be completed.

While we are at it, work on Survival mode is going great.
We are right now doing work on less interesting things in the background of the game that knits the Survival mode together. But we should be back soon with a new devblog with a lot of new things.

For all the latest news, follow us on
Jan 31, 2019
Scrap Mechanic - Cokkies

Hi Mechanics!

We have a nice improvement update today with some needed fixes.
For example. The creation that you finish the challenges with will now be saved if you replay that challenge. But there is more! Here is the full list of all the fixes we’ve done!

Update List:
  • Creations that beat a challenge will now be saved in the start zone next time the player replays the challenge.
  • Added more building parts in some challenges to give players more building options.
  • Music from Creative mode is no longer playing in Challenge mode.
  • The Challenge mode ball now has an animated glow effect.
  • F1, F2, F3 now changes hotbar row selection. It can still be changed with Alt+1, Alt+2 and Alt+3.
  • Popup menus can now be closed with the escape key.
  • Fixed an issue with the sensor noticeable at high velocity.
  • The game no longer shows a gray screen when loading up a challenge for the first time.
  • Fixed some minor issues with the lift and the weld tool.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when someone was joining the game while creations were being modified.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when joining a game while creations were being modified.
  • Fixed a crash that could randomly occur for clients.
  • Made some memory allocation fixes.
  • Fixed an issue with some DLL files.
  • Better error checking for mods in the mod tool.
  • Some new scripting features.
  • Fixed some texture cache issues for mods that should result in faster load times.
  • Fixed a crash that happened after the game failed to start because of missing graphics drivers and other graphics related issues.
  • Fix for shader loading when running the game on Linux using Wine.

We will be back soon. Next up! the Challenge builder!

For all the latest news, follow us on
Scrap Mechanic - Cokkies
Updated January 25
  • Possible fix for shader loading when running the game on Linux using Wine.
  • Fixed a crash that happened after the game failed to start because of missing graphics drivers and other graphics related issues.
  • Fixed an issue with the sensor noticeable at high velocity.
Hi Mechanics!
We have an improvement update up on the test branch today with some needed fixes. But before we release it, we would like to see how it runs for all you Mechanics.

Here is how you enter the test branch:

Update List:
  • Creations that beat a challenge will now be saved in the start zone next time the player replays the challenge.
  • Added more building parts in some challenges to give players more building options.
  • Music from Creative mode is no longer playing in Challenge mode.
  • The Challenge mode ball now has an animated glow effect.
  • F1, F2, F3 now changes hotbar row selection. It can still be changed with Alt+1, Alt+2 and Alt+3.
  • Popup menus can now be closed with the escape key.
  • The game no longer shows a gray screen when loading up a challenge for the first time.
  • Fixed some minor issues with the lift and the weld tool.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when someone was joining the game while creations were being modified.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when joining a game while creations were being modified.
  • Fixed a crash that could randomly occur for clients.
  • Made some memory allocation fixes.
  • Fixed an issue with some dll files.
  • Better error checking for mods in the mod tool.
  • Some new scripting features.
  • Fixed some texture cache issues for mods that should result in faster load times.
Scrap Mechanic - Cokkies

Hi Mechanics!

We’ve got an early Christmas present for you today: Challenge Mode has finally arrived!

It’s time to put your creativity to the test in the Master Mechanic Trials, a fun set of challenges all mechanics must take before they’re officially dispatched to the farming planet to perform maintenance on those pesky Farmbots.

The Master Mechanic Trials contain 40 challenges to overcome - and only the truly brilliant mechanical mind will pass them all!

The Challenge mode introduces a whole new mode to Scrap Mechanic where for the first time you’ll need to build things to reach a goal. This is our biggest update by far since initial release and we are super excited to add it to the game. We hope you will have as much fun playing it as we had making it!

With that said, we will keep adding and improving the challenge mode as we move forward in 2019. More challenges will be added. An easy-to-use challenge builder will be added together with general polishing here and there. So please look forward to that as well.

Don’t forget to let us know what more you would like to see in the Challenge Mode.

Check out the update list:
  • Added challenge mode.
  • Added a lot of scripting features that are now available for modders. Check out the Lua Script API for more info.
  • Added a sphere shape type.
  • Fixed a network synchronization issue causing crashes for clients.

We would like to also take this opportunity to thank all of you for sticking with us and being so patient about survival mode since release. 2019 will be an amazing year for all you Scrap Mechanics! We hope you have an amazing festive break!

We hope you will have a great time playing the new Challenge Mode!

For all the latest news, follow us on
Scrap Mechanic - Cokkies
Updated December 20
  • Spudgun preview fix.
  • When a challenge starts; interactive part gui closes.
  • Fixed a bug where you could skip a level if 2 players pressed next at the same time.
  • Players can now share tools.
  • Selected hotbar fix for inventory gui.
  • Fixed speed calculation for wind sound when seated.
  • Fixed stuck visualizations when building.
  • Challenge lift item description fix.
  • Crash fix when loading worlds with missing modded parts.
  • Audio issue fixed when using map inspector.

Updated December 19
  • New effects.
  • Friction tweaks.
  • Added translations.
  • Multiple users can use the map inspector at the same time.
  • Fixed a networking issue.
  • Updated inventory gui.
  • Updated chest gui.
  • Fixed an issue where the ball spawner could spawn multiple balls.
  • Fixed an issue where objects falling through ground in creative did not respawn on the surface.
  • Tile editor crash fix.
  • Other crash fixes.

We have updated the test with a lot of various fixes.
We also added a new fun challenge for testing!

Updated December 15
  • Added a new challenge.
  • Added a work in progress inventory update.
  • Fixed challenge lift bugs.
  • Fixed networking synchronization issue causing crashes for clients.
  • New textures.
  • Added tutorial arrows.
  • Fixed missing restrictions of interactive parts.
  • Various crash fixes and bugfixes.
  • Fixed missing icons for mods.


Hi Mechanics!

We’ve just uploaded a very early test for the new Challange Mode. It’s now playable on the test branch. It contains a very stripped down version of 3 simple challenges.

Please keep in mind when testing that there are a lot of things still missing in this test that will be added in the final release.
We would really appreciate if we could get help from our amazing community to test it out and see how it runs, so we can deal with as many possible crashes and bugs before the final release.

Here is how you access the test!

We will be back soon with a lot more Challange Mode fun!

For all the latest news, follow us on
Nov 23, 2018
Scrap Mechanic - Kacper

Hi Mechanics!
It’s time to sit back and relax because we have a ton of new survival stuff to share with you. In this devblog we want to dig deeper in to some survival mechanics and consumables that we have been working on.

 But before we jump in to all the goodness we would like to answer one of the biggest questions we get the best we can. “When is survival mode coming out?” Over the past months things have really been moving fast at the Scrap Mechanic HQ and a lot of the core features are in place. We are feeling more confident with our internal release date. But we don’t want to commit to an exact date just yet in case we want to add or optimize more things as we move forward. We really want to have this freedom to make sure that we deliver something that we are happy with. But our goal is to have survival in your hands in 2019. This is not a promise, just a goal. 
With that said, things are looking very promising from where we stand.

Now! let’s jump in to some new awesome things we have been working on!

Resource containers

It’s finally time to introduce you to how the resource consumption will work in Scrap Mechanic. 
Right now we have 6 working containers in survival mode. 
Gas container, Ammo container, Battery container, Seed container, Fertilizer container and Water container. All of these work as a chest for each specific resource. Fore example, you will connect the gas container to the gas engine to power your vehicle.
 The blue dots on the side shows you how much gas is left in the container. 
Pretty simple. Each container comes with two sockets as well. More on that here below. 

Pipe and socket
We are really excited about our new connecting system since it’s both visual and easy to use.
 These pipes allow the player to transport blocks, parts and consumables from one place to another. For example, from a refinery to a craftbot in to a chest. 
This is how players will also be able to fill up containers without doing it manually. Let’s say you build a gas station and want to fill up the gas containers on your vehicle. Then all you have to do is drive up to a pipe and make sure it’s close to the socket, and it will start filling up the container. 
What’s so cool about this feature is that it opens up a lot of possibility for automated chains and open up a lot of creativity.

Some of you mechanics that are following us on twitter have seen a sneak peek of our latest robot. The tapebot. 
Originally doing the packaging work in the warehouses. 
They have now gone crazy and covered large sections of the warehouse with tape, similar to a spider web. Shooting tape rolls at intruding mechanics. Fortunately, sharpshooter mechanics with spudguns will be able to dissemble the tapebots with a few well placed potatoes. The tapebots is one of the main reason why mechanics really have to stack up on potatoes before entering the large warehouses. You better shoot them first.

Upgrade interactive parts
When testing out core gameplay in survival mode. We quickly noticed that
some interactive parts are way to powerful to start with and made it to easy to survive. So we started testing the idea of having the interactive parts upgradeable. This was a great idea since it also added a really nice progression to the survival experience. For example a lvl 1 Thruster will consume a lot of gas quickly, but a lvl 5 Thruster will use less gas and allow the player to create flying vehicles later in their adventure. 
The interactive parts will be upgraded by using component kits found in the world. All the interactive parts will also change looks with each lvl making it easy to spot how upgraded they are. Of course, the higher the level the better they look and sound and more features are unlocked. In the next devblog we will show
these in-game.

New encrypter
In our past devblog we presented a new part. The encrypter that hid all the connection points on the creation it was attached to. We have now made a new encrypter that makes creations indestructible until the encryper is removed or the creation gets blown up. This part will protect your creations from other players and farmbot encounters. But make sure you hide it well!

Challange mode
We have done some great progress on the challange mode that we hope to release in time for Christmas! It comes with 40 challanges to beat. Modders will also be able to create their own challanges and put them on the workshop. We also plan to put a challange editor in the future so that every player will be able to make a batch of challanges and share with other players. The challange mode will really put your building skills to the test.
 Only a true mechanics will pass all 40 challanges that we have prepared. 

New visual improvements

While the team is working away on survival, we have put one of our coders on giving the lighting and shaders some proper face lift to make Scrap Mechanic look up to date and a pure pleasure to look at. It’s been way to long since we did any graphics improvements.
 We want survival to have a much stronger mood and atmosphere.
 Something we can’t achieve with the current lighting and shaders. 
So we have done a lot of improvements that really makes the game a lot better. For example, metal material now really looks like strong shiny metal. 
We have also remade the vegetation and made much better trees and rocks. 
All adjusted to our new resource gathering mechanic. They now also sway beautifully with the wind.
Day night cycle has also been added to our survival branch. 
We hope you enjoy the images demonstrating these new changes.
We have a few more graphical improvements in the works.

That’s it for this time Mechanics! We will be back soon with more awesome stuff! Until next time!

For all the latest news, follow us on