Build a Game Universe - Build a Game Universe
Week 62 - 63 - New Tile, Features and Updates

(November 30th - December 13th, 2017)

Mid-week update for Build a Game Universe is here!

Dynamic Circuits tile was added to the list (Default tileset). The tile creates a circuit-like effect to add extra movement to the scene.

+Circuits in the Background

+Circuits by Trigger

The trigger system now supports the Input (button or joystick direction) for enter and exit states. What does that mean for you? As an example, you can use the 'up' direction (or any direction) to enter a teleport or door. You can use the interact button to turn on and off most tile animation states and core behaviors, and more.

Along with the trigger system upgrades, you can use them in combination with things like the bomb tile. The player can pickup the bomb, and have it ignited at the same time with a count down.

+ Bomb trigger event and pickup

+ Crate pickup and activate teleporter

+ Coin tile pickup with a trigger option to enable coin on collide pickup.

Pickup tile audio increment!
Enabling the audio increment will let you play different pickup sounds as the player collects coins. There's also a time based option and pitch increment option available. Here's a video link (with audio) to see the different options in action.
Coin pickup with combo audio clips

Tile Builder App
+ Template system is being completed. Which means, you will be able to save and load templates and use them for each project. Meaning, we'll be able to make starter templates for Tile Builder and you can use those to get things rolling quicker. :)

Bug Note.
Tuesday build had bugs (if you noticed). We have fixed the issues and a new build is already up. Thank you for letting us know!

Release Notes (and current bug list)

Training Videos
1025+ videos are available for learning Build a Game!
116 videos are available for learning Tile Builder!

Our Silver Standard Reminder (Silver Coin Allowance)!
During the beta program, you will receive 1,000 silver coins into your account each week. Have fun purchasing games and tiles!

Beta Group Signup
Sign up for the Beta. Email to get your steam key and be a part of the testing. =)

Have a wonderful week building and playing. :)
Thank you!
Chad - Nathan - Eric
Build a Game Universe - Build a Game Universe
Week 62 - 63 - New Tile, Features and Updates

(November 30th - December 13th, 2017)

Mid-week update for Build a Game Universe is here!

Dynamic Circuits tile was added to the list (Default tileset). The tile creates a circuit-like effect to add extra movement to the scene.

+Circuits in the Background

+Circuits by Trigger

The trigger system now supports the Input (button or joystick direction) for enter and exit states. What does that mean for you? As an example, you can use the 'up' direction (or any direction) to enter a teleport or door. You can use the interact button to turn on and off most tile animation states and core behaviors, and more.

Along with the trigger system upgrades, you can use them in combination with things like the bomb tile. The player can pickup the bomb, and have it ignited at the same time with a count down.

+ Bomb trigger event and pickup

+ Crate pickup and activate teleporter

+ Coin tile pickup with a trigger option to enable coin on collide pickup.

Pickup tile audio increment!
Enabling the audio increment will let you play different pickup sounds as the player collects coins. There's also a time based option and pitch increment option available. Here's a video link (with audio) to see the different options in action.
Coin pickup with combo audio clips

Tile Builder App
+ Template system is being completed. Which means, you will be able to save and load templates and use them for each project. Meaning, we'll be able to make starter templates for Tile Builder and you can use those to get things rolling quicker. :)

Bug Note.
Tuesday build had bugs (if you noticed). We have fixed the issues and a new build is already up. Thank you for letting us know!

Release Notes (and current bug list)

Training Videos
1025+ videos are available for learning Build a Game!
116 videos are available for learning Tile Builder!

Our Silver Standard Reminder (Silver Coin Allowance)!
During the beta program, you will receive 1,000 silver coins into your account each week. Have fun purchasing games and tiles!

Beta Group Signup
Sign up for the Beta. Email to get your steam key and be a part of the testing. =)

Have a wonderful week building and playing. :)
Thank you!
Chad - Nathan - Eric
Build a Game Universe - Build a Game Universe
Week 61 - New Tileset and more!

(November 23nd - 29th, 2017)

Last week was awesome! We took some time to put together another tileset called Sunny Land by Ansimuz.

This platformer style set, comes with a colorful cast of characters and over 80 environment pieces! Sunny Land Video

The 8 bit adventuring furry fox is ready for any world you can build!
Check it out in the Market Center today!

With the the new tileset came extra testing, added features and bugs (that we fixed). Let's take a look at some of those!
In total there are about 30 gifs of coolness happening, but for this post, here's the top 5 favorite.

+ Teleporting Made Fun!
New ways to use the teleporter in Build a Game.

Crate Throwing!
Toss crates at enemies (The frogs)

+ New Auto tile types!
Develop multiple types of auto tiles including the complete set (46), a box (9), row (3), column (3) and a mix of row.column (6).
Complete set of 46 tiles

Box set of 9 tiles

Row set of 3 tiles

Column set of 3 tiles

+ Lever Activating
Dual Switches

Moving Floor!

+ Ladder Grow! (ex.Mario vine)


Plus one extra! :)
+ Jump Dashing

Weapon Tile got an upgrade. There is now a laser scope feature available!

Final Note.
With a refreshing week behind us, it's time to get back to finishing the gui tile. :)

Release Notes (and current bug list)

Training Videos
1025+ videos are available for learning Build a Game!
116 videos are available for learning Tile Builder!

Our Silver Standard Reminder (Silver Coin Allowance)!
During the beta program, you will receive 1,000 silver coins into your account each week. Have fun purchasing games and tiles!

Beta Group Signup
Sign up for the Beta. Email to get your steam key and be a part of the testing. =)

Have fun with the new Sunny Land tileset!
Thank you!
Chad - Nathan - Eric
Build a Game Universe - Build a Game Universe
Week 61 - New Tileset and more!

(November 23nd - 29th, 2017)

Last week was awesome! We took some time to put together another tileset called Sunny Land by Ansimuz.

This platformer style set, comes with a colorful cast of characters and over 80 environment pieces! Sunny Land Video

The 8 bit adventuring furry fox is ready for any world you can build!
Check it out in the Market Center today!

With the the new tileset came extra testing, added features and bugs (that we fixed). Let's take a look at some of those!
In total there are about 30 gifs of coolness happening, but for this post, here's the top 5 favorite.

+ Teleporting Made Fun!
New ways to use the teleporter in Build a Game.

Crate Throwing!
Toss crates at enemies (The frogs)

+ New Auto tile types!
Develop multiple types of auto tiles including the complete set (46), a box (9), row (3), column (3) and a mix of row.column (6).
Complete set of 46 tiles

Box set of 9 tiles

Row set of 3 tiles

Column set of 3 tiles

+ Lever Activating
Dual Switches

Moving Floor!

+ Ladder Grow! (ex.Mario vine)


Plus one extra! :)
+ Jump Dashing

Weapon Tile got an upgrade. There is now a laser scope feature available!

Final Note.
With a refreshing week behind us, it's time to get back to finishing the gui tile. :)

Release Notes (and current bug list)

Training Videos
1025+ videos are available for learning Build a Game!
116 videos are available for learning Tile Builder!

Our Silver Standard Reminder (Silver Coin Allowance)!
During the beta program, you will receive 1,000 silver coins into your account each week. Have fun purchasing games and tiles!

Beta Group Signup
Sign up for the Beta. Email to get your steam key and be a part of the testing. =)

Have fun with the new Sunny Land tileset!
Thank you!
Chad - Nathan - Eric
Build a Game Universe - Build a Game Universe
Week 60 - Gui Tile Extended

(November 16th - 22nd, 2017)

Next on the list (and still in the works) is gui. At its core, the design is to make gui an enjoyable experience for the developer and user. :) Let's take a look at some new features!

Gui Tile (Feature Updates)
+ Gui Ids
- can now track each other with out connected brushes
- provide an auto connected gui system

+ Gui Navigation
- allows id ordering for moving and selecting each gui tile
- provides quick logic for last selected and smart movement
- controlled by mouse, keyboard, joystick, and touch

Navigation with joystick

+ Gui Receivers
- create actions (toggle, movement, etc) with all gui tiles
- item tiles can now directly call gui receivers (videos below)
- gui receivers display data (image and text info) from other tiles

On Click Receivers move off-screen and fade

On Pickup Receiver moves up on-screen (toggle) message box

On Pickup Receiver moves left to right on-screen (toggle) message box

+ Gui Connector
- combines multiple gui tiles into a single action
- connects gui tiles, receivers and actions into a single click

Toggle all gui states within a group, with connectors

Final Note.
We have another week+ of gui development. The todo list looks like this:
- Scrolling and scrollbar connections
- Lock/Unlock selection
- Carousel selection
- Click Actions (ex. load, save, next, previous)

Thanks for following along!

Release Notes (and current bug list)

Training Videos
1025+ videos are available for learning Build a Game!
116 videos are available for learning Tile Builder!

Our Silver Standard Reminder (Silver Coin Allowance)!
During the beta program, you will receive 1,000 silver coins into your account each week. Have fun purchasing games and tiles!

Beta Group Signup
Sign up for the Beta. Email to get your steam key and be a part of the testing. =)

Have a great day giving thanks (Happy Thanks Giving)!
Thank you!
Chad - Nathan - Eric
Build a Game Universe - Build a Game Universe
Week 60 - Gui Tile Extended

(November 16th - 22nd, 2017)

Next on the list (and still in the works) is gui. At its core, the design is to make gui an enjoyable experience for the developer and user. :) Let's take a look at some new features!

Gui Tile (Feature Updates)
+ Gui Ids
- can now track each other with out connected brushes
- provide an auto connected gui system

+ Gui Navigation
- allows id ordering for moving and selecting each gui tile
- provides quick logic for last selected and smart movement
- controlled by mouse, keyboard, joystick, and touch

Navigation with joystick

+ Gui Receivers
- create actions (toggle, movement, etc) with all gui tiles
- item tiles can now directly call gui receivers (videos below)
- gui receivers display data (image and text info) from other tiles

On Click Receivers move off-screen and fade

On Pickup Receiver moves up on-screen (toggle) message box

On Pickup Receiver moves left to right on-screen (toggle) message box

+ Gui Connector
- combines multiple gui tiles into a single action
- connects gui tiles, receivers and actions into a single click

Toggle all gui states within a group, with connectors

Final Note.
We have another week+ of gui development. The todo list looks like this:
- Scrolling and scrollbar connections
- Lock/Unlock selection
- Carousel selection
- Click Actions (ex. load, save, next, previous)

Thanks for following along!

Release Notes (and current bug list)

Training Videos
1025+ videos are available for learning Build a Game!
116 videos are available for learning Tile Builder!

Our Silver Standard Reminder (Silver Coin Allowance)!
During the beta program, you will receive 1,000 silver coins into your account each week. Have fun purchasing games and tiles!

Beta Group Signup
Sign up for the Beta. Email to get your steam key and be a part of the testing. =)

Have a great day giving thanks (Happy Thanks Giving)!
Thank you!
Chad - Nathan - Eric
Build a Game Universe - Build a Game Universe
Week 58-59 - More Tile Updates

(October 31th - November 15, 2017)

Time for a quick update before the week is gone!
We are in the mid-end-ish of several tiles and have a few fun things to show. :)

Light Rays! (New Tile Type)
The light ray tile type is designed for quick atmosphere in your scenes. It can be positioned and scaled or fullscreen.

+ Click to add it to the scene!

+ Skew

+ Shear

+ In-game position, rotation and scaling

Group brush -> Now has features!
When parenting tiles to one another, it's now possible to have children and parent tiles react to hit/hurt states and die states.

+ On parent hurt drop connected child

+ On child hurt, drop from parent connection

+ On parent die drop all connected children

Gui Tile
+ The gui is getting polished. We'll post a full article next week on all the new features and abilities for ui development in Build a Game. Way to much to go in to right now, but we're attempting to make Build a Game gui super easy 'and' flexible. That's the challenge. :)
+ The full story, next week!

Release Notes (and current bug list)

Training Videos
1025+ videos are available for learning Build a Game!
116 videos are available for learning Tile Builder!

Our Silver Standard Reminder (Silver Coin Allowance)!
During the beta program, you will receive 1,000 silver coins into your account each week. Have fun purchasing games and tiles!

Beta Group Signup
Sign up for the Beta. Email to get your steam key and be a part of the testing. =)

Have a fun time creating in Build a Game Universe!
Thank you!
Chad - Nathan - Eric

Build a Game Universe - Build a Game Universe
Week 58-59 - More Tile Updates

(October 31th - November 15, 2017)

Time for a quick update before the week is gone!
We are in the mid-end-ish of several tiles and have a few fun things to show. :)

Light Rays! (New Tile Type)
The light ray tile type is designed for quick atmosphere in your scenes. It can be positioned and scaled or fullscreen.

+ Click to add it to the scene!

+ Skew

+ Shear

+ In-game position, rotation and scaling

Group brush -> Now has features!
When parenting tiles to one another, it's now possible to have children and parent tiles react to hit/hurt states and die states.

+ On parent hurt drop connected child

+ On child hurt, drop from parent connection

+ On parent die drop all connected children

Gui Tile
+ The gui is getting polished. We'll post a full article next week on all the new features and abilities for ui development in Build a Game. Way to much to go in to right now, but we're attempting to make Build a Game gui super easy 'and' flexible. That's the challenge. :)
+ The full story, next week!

Release Notes (and current bug list)

Training Videos
1025+ videos are available for learning Build a Game!
116 videos are available for learning Tile Builder!

Our Silver Standard Reminder (Silver Coin Allowance)!
During the beta program, you will receive 1,000 silver coins into your account each week. Have fun purchasing games and tiles!

Beta Group Signup
Sign up for the Beta. Email to get your steam key and be a part of the testing. =)

Have a fun time creating in Build a Game Universe!
Thank you!
Chad - Nathan - Eric

Build a Game Universe - Build a Game Universe
Week 56-57 - Tile Updates

(October 17th - 30th, 2017)

Example Tileset Downloads
Both default tileset and player (full set) are available for use as examples. Also, you can use it to follow along with the Tile Builder videos.
+ Build a Game Universe Default Tileset(Single Frame)
+ Build a Game Universe Player Tileset(Multi Frame)

+ Added playerAi to default set
+ Added player passthrough to jump on top of players

+ Updated Impact system for all tile hit/hurt/impact effects (push and pull)

+ Added controlled impacting

+ Added directional impact hitting

+ Added a 'Save' button on the toolbar (Hotkey: Control+S)

+ Updated the tile volume hurt effect (impact)
+ Revised the tile volume jump (in water) movement - smoother
+ Added a playerAi tile to the default tileset (near, follow, and hp enabled for attack)
+ Updated player tile (default tileset) with jumppound hitpoint enabled

Also, we updated the release notes (below).
Release Notes (and current bug list)

Final Notes.
We'll take a look at the Sprite Editor after our full release of Build a Game, just so we can stay focused on one set of updates. :) Thank you!

Training Videos
1025+ videos are available for learning Build a Game!
116 videos are available for learning Tile Builder!

Our Silver Standard Reminder (Silver Coin Allowance)!
During the beta program, you will receive 1,000 silver coins into your account each week. Have fun purchasing games and tiles!

Beta Group Signup
Sign up for the Beta. Email to get your steam key and be a part of the testing. =)

Have a great time building in Build a Game Universe!
Thank you!
Chad - Nathan - Eric

Build a Game Universe - Build a Game Universe
Week 56-57 - Tile Updates

(October 17th - 30th, 2017)

Example Tileset Downloads
Both default tileset and player (full set) are available for use as examples. Also, you can use it to follow along with the Tile Builder videos.
+ Build a Game Universe Default Tileset(Single Frame)
+ Build a Game Universe Player Tileset(Multi Frame)

+ Added playerAi to default set
+ Added player passthrough to jump on top of players

+ Updated Impact system for all tile hit/hurt/impact effects (push and pull)

+ Added controlled impacting

+ Added directional impact hitting

+ Added a 'Save' button on the toolbar (Hotkey: Control+S)

+ Updated the tile volume hurt effect (impact)
+ Revised the tile volume jump (in water) movement - smoother
+ Added a playerAi tile to the default tileset (near, follow, and hp enabled for attack)
+ Updated player tile (default tileset) with jumppound hitpoint enabled

Also, we updated the release notes (below).
Release Notes (and current bug list)

Final Notes.
We'll take a look at the Sprite Editor after our full release of Build a Game, just so we can stay focused on one set of updates. :) Thank you!

Training Videos
1025+ videos are available for learning Build a Game!
116 videos are available for learning Tile Builder!

Our Silver Standard Reminder (Silver Coin Allowance)!
During the beta program, you will receive 1,000 silver coins into your account each week. Have fun purchasing games and tiles!

Beta Group Signup
Sign up for the Beta. Email to get your steam key and be a part of the testing. =)

Have a great time building in Build a Game Universe!
Thank you!
Chad - Nathan - Eric
