Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri

We began to integrate the LUA on the game by associating it with the creation of the monster. This will give us much greater creative flexibility and, above all, greatly simplify the creative process (A lot of new monsters are planned for the game but integrating them with the old system was really problematic) .

Changelog Adds: - Ability to add new monsters to the game with lua scripting. Warning: only two monsters have been added atm, more will come later You can use them as examples or templates: PlanetCentauri/assets/moddable/Monsters/Zombie/ PlanetCentauri/assets/moddable/Monsters/LeafLion/ - New modern opengl renderer, will replace the old rendering system for better performances/compatibility, and can be used in lua. - Ability to add custom shaders (for lua rendering) in PlanetCentauri/assets/Shaders/ Edit shaders.json to add more shaders. Fix: - Cache is automatically cleaned after each update, it should fix weird artifacts in some cases - Little Bugs, a lot, but we forget to list them, sorry <3 Nb: The lua API is documented here and incomplete atm, but do not hesitate to request updates to specific API if required: Also, a tutorial to integrate a new monster in the game using lua:
What we will do next ? You wanted a real village, villagers with personality? With a real job? We're on it!

Shameless request! We research for help : - Someone with good building skill - Someone who know well the game for a playthrough with video record - 2 or more players who play on multiplayer to help us discover hidden bugs.
If you would like to help us, come to our Discord!
If you don't want to help us, come to our Discord!

And good luck with the start of the new school year for all the students!
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri

Do you have the soul of an architect? Have you seen all the Bob Ross videos? Great news, the patch is dedicaded to building and custom painting!

- Big optimizations on the launch time of the game with caching: can be disabled on the Cache options (Game options) => You need to start the game at least one time to create the cache - Added a loading bar when you launch the game - Magic brush and paint that allows you to color blocks - Block/Decoration/Color picker option (F) - A ring selection interface that allows you to access quickly items => decorations of the same family (works also for logic gates) => swords ordered by power => ability to transform a block in another block of the same family, so you can free many space of your inventory => colors for the magic brush - Better tiles rendering (fixed some artefacts, added the possibility to remove outline between specific blocks) - HD tiles are now supported by the engine (so we can create tiles with large textures) - Autotile is now supported by the engine for special blocks like pipes or "separators", and the ability to use a separated block outline to save some VRAM (500% vram space saved when used, useful for blocks with many frames) - Display directly first item in a chest with the Alt key (toggle) - Two state run: no need to maintain shift to run - Recalibrated elemental skills (souls price, SP cost, etc) - Option to display framerate - Create a .bkp of the userdata.bin save when you save (don't overwrite the previous save) - Restaure .bkp of corrupted dynamic chunks Fix: - "multi target" modifier - "solid" open doors when loading - runnic anvil/upgrade ui bug if you save with an item inside the item is not saved

Ring selection


120+ color/gradient variations!

Better rendering (Before/After)


Have a nice Summer sale everyone and if you have any question or want to share your beautiful building/paints, come on our discord!

Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri

I hope you like to get your brain working! But don't worry, this feature is not essential to progress in the game.

ps : A knowledge of logic gates is required to fully utilize the capabilities of this feature!

  • Ancient technology based on the soul energy: access to craft table and new "tutorial rooms" requires a new world (at least to get the craft table, you can return to your world after that). You can find every time a very basic tutorial + the craft table near the sand dungeon entrance.

  • 37 different magitech objects with :
    - The ability to store/backup souls so you can die without regrets
    - Teleporters, up to 255 destinations
    - Souls farming with soul harvester and soul crystalizer
    - Lights and displays
    - Inputs, buttons, detectors, and outputs
    - Basic logic gates and "high level" logic gates (like memories) for binary logic
    - Special components for "analog" logic

  • You can recycle elemental swords with the fundry

  • Some bugfix (UI problems etc)

Tutorial!(you still need to understand the basic of logical gates first

Teleporter! Up to 255 destinations possible

16 segments display - Use logical gates

Neon lights!

Presence detector

psĀ² : The next patch will be about building feature! (Painting, new ui for building/paint etc...)

join our Discord!
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri

I'm Hungry and the title has already summed it all up so have fun and join our Discord!

  • Elemental skills: you can unlock (on the skill menu) and use elemental skills
    with elemental weapons of the same element. You need at least a skill level 3
    (Alpha) or level 4 (Beta) to use an elemental skill.
  • 12 new swords (elemental swords)
  • You can recycle scepters with the crusher, result in gems and new materials
    that will be used later
  • UI is now compatible with multiple skins, you can create your own and add
    it in assets/ui_skin/ using the base "skin_default" (don't forget to change
    the file "skins.json" to add your new skin)
  • New secret recipe
  • world generator bug: number of prisons can be low
  • transformation problems with repty/eagle/devourer (missing flag)
PS: Multi elemental swords are planned

Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
At last! The new patch is here!

What the hell took you guys so long?!!!!
This is complex but to resume. To made what we did possible, we had to redo part of the engine and deal with the bugs innerents to these changes.
More than that, we redo totally the armor system integration, for you, it's invisible, for us, it's the end of a true nightmare that kept us from adding new armors but let's start with the changelog and i will give you more details below.


- The new combat system with the ability to throw monsters to the ground, make combos...
- Many new skills / combos / animations
- New skills interface, integrated direcly into the player's menu, with a preview
- The "ArmorMaker", a software that makes it easy to create new armors
- "ImgUtils", a software with multiple purposes (color indexing, build atlas, etc)

- To cross a platform you now have to do "Down+Jump" and not only "Down"
- New physics with a new system of projection
- New AI for repty/eagle/devourer
- Ice eagle and devourer are now controlable
- Modified the damages of all swords
- You can swim in water and lava
- New sfx/gfx for the player (dashs, double jump, skills...)
- New audio engine that allows to merge nearby sounds to limit audio bugs
- Better error report with stack traces and crash logs (you can find the last crashes in crash_log.txt)

Bug fix
- Fixed the "ghost" parameter exploit in magic creation
- Holding a scepter/gun prevented the use of the skills
- Fixed the Quick Move option (maintain shift + left click) for chest/inventory
- Fixed random crashes related to the minimap


New combat system ?!
We wanted to make the combat system more dynamic and at the same time make the sword more interesting to use. To do that, we made two big changes:

1 - New skills
2 - New GUI for the skills
3 - the possibility for each monster of the game to fall/get up (except one in the last biome and you will understand why by yourself and, of course, except the bosses too)

Gifs is always better than words so here some examples :

For this patch, you will have access to the main branch (energy) of the skill wich will have 4 levels. The level is related mainly to your capacity to throwing/dropping the monster you fight (Each monster have an hidden stat wich is his "weight family")

The colored square you see on the New skill GUI is related to the elemental variation of the skill, it's NOT YET implemented on the game but it will on the next patch wich will be released as soon as possible (2 weeks probably)

To give you an idea of the amount of work we did on animation, here somes examples of "fall/get up" :

And what about the new armor system? It mean that we will have new armors later?
Yes! The old system was summary to create manually every tiny change of any part of armor for any frame of animation and it was a true nightmare to be honest. Here an example of the atlas of 1 armor to give you an idea of the amount of work :

With the new system, we only need to "made this" :

And to rotate them with the new armor system to have everything we need.

And what about weapons? Can we have new weapons in the futur?
The new armor system makes it much easier to integrate new skills, which will make it easier to add new weapons! So yes, it's planned!

Example :


That's it! Thank you a lot for your patience and your support and don't be shy, come on your Discord!

Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
ps : if you can't create a character, relaunch steam you should have a quick patch to download who will fix your problem.


I know, you expect new content or big improvement, it's normal but we have to fix the bugs and developing internal tools for engines (wich will allow us to prepare future major content) first. It takes a little time and is unfortunately invisible to you.

But get ready for the next patch, it will make a major change to the game that will make the gameplay much more dynamic and interesting!

  • Inventory and chests use the new user interface engine
  • Take all, sort, stack, and "put the same items" options added to chests
  • Save is now async, so it should no longer freeze the game
  • Automatic world backup system
  • You can stop fire with the sword
  • After an error screen, you can return to titlescreen with Esc

  • Shadow armor reworked
  • Small windmills can crash the game
  • Random crash when loading a world should be fixed
  • Random crash when you quit the game should be fixed
  • Sometimes, the jungle background appears when you load a world

  • Big rework and refactoring of the internal engine

And don't forget our Discord!
Have a nice day!
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
And don't forget our beautiful discord!

Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri

Hello! it's time to eat so I will not waste time with useless words, have fun!

  • 9 new scepters (shadow magic)
  • New magic on the customizable magic (shadow orb magic,
    with the 'ghost' option and 'follow target' motion)
  • Many missing sfx added (blocks, ores, scepters, etc...)
  • Reworked forest surface
  • Small rework of alchemy crafts
  • Small rework with particles indication when you can't capture a monster
  • Dino cave: portal to T-Rex boss is not generated, zone is destructible
    (requires new world)
  • Monk entrance is destructible
  • Multiplayer: client crash with transmutation table, and polishing machine
  • Alien portal don't work if you want to return to the monk room
  • Fire in magic preview burn dirt blocks
  • If the player try to burn dirt blocks he can take damage if he touches it
  • When snake door is opened, blocks are destroyed but still visible
  • Sometime contact with unloaded chunks burn (like we're in lava)
  • Some crops are not visible when planted

Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
  • Fire propagation: wooden blocks can catch fire if you use fireballs on them. You can use ice magic (or rain) to put out the fire.
  • Dynamic fluids, water on caves, surface lakes. Be careful not to drown yourself!
  • New procedural engine:
  • Fully customizable with json configuration files
  • Manual patterns can be used to generate precise biomes structures, with
    precise water areas, cavern entrances...
  • Manual structures (made in the game in building mode) car be generated
  • Customizable trees and lianas generation on surfaces
  • Fully customizable cave system, with the ability to generate manual structures,
    donjon entrances, liquids, etc...
  • System of "underground surfaces" like hell
  • Fluids are simulated before entering the game

  • Added bubbles on lava
  • Optimized networking: netplay messages are now compressed
  • Replaced world generation with the new procedural engine,
    the plains should be more interesting to explore.
  • Engine: all "in code" biomes parameters are now in configuration files,
    which makes it possible to create new biomes using mods
  • Engine: inherited biomes, to simplify the surface generation with custom zones

  • Fire propagation will be used later for traps and new mechanics.
  • All biomes are not yet reworked, only the plains are using the new
    pattern engine. Next patchs will rework other surface biomes, and maybe even hell.
  • The new procedural engine is not fully completed, some parameters don't exists yet like the ability to change dirt and rock types for caves, or the ability to generate unique objects (like the phenix sword).
  • A tutorial for world modding will be added later

    Water texture is temporary

    Fire! Fire!

    Do not forget our beautiful Discord!
Jun 26, 2019
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri

Yes, we know, where is the god damn patch?!

The next patch will content 3 features :

Liquid & New procedural generation of the surface

Fire propagation

As you can still see on the game, the world on the surface can pretty flat and boring and was a problem for the generation of water surfaces on the surface So we have to redo the procedural generation system by making sure that the engine accepts also chunk made manually.

The good news is that after the patch (we will do a tutorial for that) the new systeme will allow anyone to made their own chunk creation!

Sorry that it take so much time but we have obviously to fix every bugs we found related to theses news feature before we can release the patch.

If all goes well, we should release the patch next week!

Thank you for your patience and have a nice week/holidays!

Do not forget our beautiful discord!