Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
Hello everyone!

We know!
We know what really upsets you until today...these chickens, noisy and invasive chickens which only know how to contemplate the emptiness of their existence through the prism of their perfidious eyes.

And we have the solution for you! No more holidays for theses Gallus gallus domesticus! Put the chickens to work to provide energy to your cogs and pipes!

This is the new era of automation and this is only the beginning, many other possibilities will soon come in the next patches!

Oni made a guide to help you to understand how the new feature work!


  • A new craft station: "Engineering Workbench" to access the new crafts
  • Cogs: allows you to carry mechanical energy from one point to another.
    You can connect cogs with belts, you can use cogs of different sizes,
    so you can controle the gear reduction.
    Be careful not to make them turn too fast!

  • Handcrank: generate energy by the force of your arms.
  • Chicken wheel: generator of mechanical energy, allow you to produce
    energy without having to lift a finger.
  • Mechanical craft stations: uses mechanical energy to craft new items:
  • Crusher: recycle some items
  • milling machine: transforms your wheat into flour
  • Milk separator: produces cream from milk
  • Pipes conveyors: pipes that allows you to transport items. You can
    connect a pipe under a chest or a craft station to output items,
    or above to set an input.
  • Mechanical conveyors: allows you to defy gravity and to move items

  • Chests have changed internally to allow pipes connexions (and future
    additions with a new GUI/features...), so if you encouter a new problem
    warn us.
  • Chickens jump at different heights depending on their rarity

    This patch is the first of a serie of updates relative to energy and
    automation. It's only the core of the first energy tier (mechanical energy)
    that can be used directly at the beginning of the game.
    Next updates will introduces new machines based on mechanical systems,
    and new game mechanics.

    Two next tiers will come later: steam and electricity.

    Have a nice week!
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
Hello! This patch don't add anything really interessing for you sadly, but it will add something important to us. A new event journal who memorize your actions on the game, for what purpose ? To understand what you're doing/what happen beofre a bug/crash happen.

In resume, it will greatly help us to identify patterns between players who have the same specific problem and find new cunning bugs .

When you launch the game and click on singleplayer / multiplayer, a message will ask you if you accept that your game data is uploaded to our site, you will have the choice to accept or refuse.

Thank you!

  • Event journal that memorize every main action of the player
    (ex: kill a monster, craft an item, explore a new biome), used
    for game analytics and debugging if enabled by the player.
    Will be used later for an in game menu to see the player journal.
  • Added mini wooden doors for your chicken coop

  • You can kill multiple time a monsters with rotating fireballs with
    damage reflect on your armors
  • Some missing descriptions
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
Hello! Little patch who will add the new spawner system and solve some of multiplayers problems.

You will probably not see immediatly the advantages/evolution of the new spawner but this will allow us to add events, specific monsters (named), World boss etc ...

Others bugs fixes patch are planned maybe this week or next week and will be focused mainly on multiplayer bugs.

Thank you and have a nice week everyone!


New spawner, with a new algorithm
  • Spawn is more dynamic
  • Spawn is better distributed, monsters are not anymore stacked on the borders
    of the screen
  • Spawn don't depend on the "current biome" (biome where the player is located)
    but on the monster's spawn location, so if you are on the edge of two biomes,
    monsters of each biome can spawn
  • Works well in multiplayer
  • Spawn engine is more customizable, and will allow us to create persistant
    world bosses, or persistant monsters (that remains after a save and quit).
    It allow also a better control on the number of monster spawned per chunk,
    and their attributes (effects, levels, etc...)

    Multiplayer fix
  • Pet house items points and experience gain are not sync
  • Crash if a chest window is open and the player die (work also for other objects)
  • Spawner don't work anymore if a client is transformed and return to
    it's normal state (detransform), and some other problems

Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri

Capture and level up your monster could be difficult, especially the first levels, that's why we added the possibility of building a house for them that will allow them to earn XP and eventually to procreate!

Capture a male and female monster from the same species and put them in the house to get, after a few times, an egg that you can make hatch and hope to have a child with the best affixes of his 2 parents!

Keep in mind that we plan to do a lot more later (mini games for your pets, challenge, possibility to fight pets between players, baby monster version etc ...)

Changelog 0.9.7

- Pet houses: standard craft table -> pet tab (purple gem)
=> Allows you to create a home for your pets, and to decorate
it with blocks and decorations. Every monster loves and hates
specific objects. If a monster loves his house, it will earn experience.
=> Allows you to breed monsters: put a male and a female monster
of the same kind, and if they loves their house, you will be able to find an egg later.
- Incubator: allows you to hatch monster eggs.
A "baby" monster shares attributes of his parents. With some patience, you can breed
the perfect monster!

- multiplayer: orbs pillars are not correctly sync
- multiplayer: alien generator is not correctly sync


Pet house examples :

Egg examples :

Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri

- New item: monster analyzer, allow you to show locked effects on monsters/seals
- You can combine two blocks in one if there is a slope
- Slope of common blocks (dirt, rock, wood) now have an 'outline'
- World generation: added slope on the dirt/rock transition. No more blocky effect.
- Added informations of unlocked effects on monsters items (gems, seals)
- Added multiplayer informations (ping, players) to the debug menu (f3 key)

- Dimensional breach (purple things) can be burned/poisoned
- Pets aggro dimensional breach
- Lava golem magma ball don't explode at enemy contact
- Ranged attacks of hand/claw disciple can hit multiple time
- "R key" displayed even if the key was changed and is not 'R'

Slope joins

Slope joins

Double blocks

Have a nice day!
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri

Here a quick patch to fixes somes recent troubles we can encounter on the game.

If you find any another problems on multiplayer you not read on this topic, please, share it with us on the topic below or on discord. Thank you!

- Added a debug menu (f3 key), will be gradually updated

- On Multiplayer, nobody other than the host can catch creatures with a soul gem.
The gem gets destroyed upon "successful" catch.
- The rocket launcher don't do any damages
- The snake door can be definitively blocked by a simple block
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri

Following a recent patch or we have refactore a lot of very old code, many people seem to have problems with the multiplayer.

We will work on it Monday (and other days if necessary) and we will try to make a quick patch as soon as possible to solves theses problems.

If you encounter problems that you can reproduce each time, do not hesitate to make a forum topic (or come on the discord: ) it will greatly help us!

Thank you and have a nice Sunday!
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
Now everything should be ok for the Korean language, thank you for your patience!

- Translation files updated: magic UI is now available for translation => we need translators.
- A better font for the Korean language!

- Missing glyphes on the the bitmap font baking (Korean)
- Rendering bug on descriptions (Korean)
- Bombs inflict OP damages to the T-Rex
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri
Edit : We are aware that the current Korean language have some bugs (missings letters, mismatched objects names etc..) we will fix that today thanks to Chau Sara from our discord for his help!)

Hello everyone and happy new year!

- Korean translation - Big thanks to 정복자 <3
- Keybinding added to the "throw item" option
- Blocks fusion works now on multiplayer (reduces lags if
you love banana bombs)
- Dropped blocks disappear after some time

- Multiplayer: clone throwed items
- UI graphics bug when restarting the game
- Phenix sword can be generated above the hell biome
- T-rex can be damaged by it's own meteors
- Fixed magic error "Precondition failure at particle_system.cpp: 182"
- When you (de)transform into a monster, the velocity is not maintained
- You can transform into a monster when you are on a mount


This is a patch that contains mostly fixes for bugs that had to be resolved but the next patch will contain a new feature, here is a little teasing!

Thank you everyone and have a nice day and don't forget to join our discord!
Planet Centauri - Planet Centauri

The patch you're all waiting for is finally here, the new magic system!

The new system having many more options, it may be slightly confusing at first, so Oni has created an explanatory guide here:

You can now express the full potential of your destructive ambitions!

New magic system:
- totally new interface
- 3 levels of enchantment books, with the ability
of combining up to three different elements
- spell preview to test spells directly inside the creation interface
- possibility to share spells with parchments and text (can be used on forums)
- possibility to load spells parameters from created spells, parchment and text
- can combine multiple spells
- can chain spells with an event system
- continuous spells
- preset system
- gems level increase effects power (burn, frozen, etc...)
- blueprint system to unlock new spells
- warning: some old created spells are not usable anymore, you need to use
the new system to create new ones

- russian translation updated (thanks to NikRogers! <3)
- NPC smith craft fixed (thanks to kulsius! <3)

Special thanks to our discord members for all the help they'd provided! Do not hesitate to join us!

Have fun and have a nice week!

Permadeath Team