Aug 5, 2016
Empyrion - Galactic Survival - EmpyrionGame

Happy Birthday, Galactic Survivalists!

Only 12 months ago - on August 5, 2015 - we released the first public version of "Empyrion - Galactic Survival" on Steam. Since then, we have added many awesome features (dedicated servers, procedurally generated planets, solar system, factions, PvE, PvP, Steam workshop, structural integrity, tutorial, player progression, planet configuration, difficulty settings, marketplace and much more) and we have significantly improved the visuals of Empyrion.

Can’t remember, joined us in a later version or your memories are kind of blurry? Let’s take a quick tour: The first decorations (small plants and stones) got company by more and more diversified decorations, leading up to the introduction of grass and large trees & rocks, separating the previously empty planets into real landscapes with dense forests and vast open plains. The upcoming "Anniversary Update" will further improve the visuals and among others will add different terrain textures for the different areas & biomes!

As our community has grown in leaps and bounds in the meantime, not all of you will remember these early stages and how much the visuals have changed. So, let’s have a look together:

That’s how Akua looked like in the early days of pre-Alpha – compared to the Anniversary Version we will be releasing in a few days:

Other visuals improved as well. Do you remember how water looked like? Or your first vessel back in the early days of pre-Alpha? We bet you do – and if not, well ...just look at these comparison screenshots.

Desert Planet Comparison:

Desert Planet 2 Comparison:

Lava Planet Comparison:

Space Comparison

Ship Design Comparison:

One of our goals has always been, to not only have loads of new features offering a great gameplay experience, but also that Empyrion should take place in a living and breathing world! Now, 365 days after the initial Steam release, the Anniversary Update (Alpha 3.0) is just around the corner and will do another step in that direction. Because the level of deco is already high on some of the planets, these changes might have become more subtle by now, compared to the comparison we did above. Nevertheless, new plants, new trees increasing the diversity and forest density, deco particles, herds and more will add new and important ambient and functional elements to our idea of a Living World.

But what about the other big features? Mining updates, balancing of weapons and vessels, radar, shields, large planets, new devices and all the other things you are waiting for? Of course we did NOT forget about all the cool toys that will make you happy. Some of those just need a lot of preparation and careful consideration. While working on the Anniversary Update, we already tracked down some technical hurdles and created milestone concepts for upcoming big features – planned for Autumn 2016.
Want to know more? Keep your eyes and ears open in the upcoming weeks!


Empyrion Dev Team
Aug 5, 2016
Empyrion - Galactic Survival - EmpyrionGame

Happy Birthday, Galactic Survivalists!

Only 12 months ago - on August 5, 2015 - we released the first public version of "Empyrion - Galactic Survival" on Steam. Since then, we have added many awesome features (dedicated servers, procedurally generated planets, solar system, factions, PvE, PvP, Steam workshop, structural integrity, tutorial, player progression, planet configuration, difficulty settings, marketplace and much more) and we have significantly improved the visuals of Empyrion.

Can’t remember, joined us in a later version or your memories are kind of blurry? Let’s take a quick tour: The first decorations (small plants and stones) got company by more and more diversified decorations, leading up to the introduction of grass and large trees & rocks, separating the previously empty planets into real landscapes with dense forests and vast open plains. The upcoming "Anniversary Update" will further improve the visuals and among others will add different terrain textures for the different areas & biomes!

As our community has grown in leaps and bounds in the meantime, not all of you will remember these early stages and how much the visuals have changed. So, let’s have a look together:

That’s how Akua looked like in the early days of pre-Alpha – compared to the Anniversary Version we will be releasing in a few days:

Other visuals improved as well. Do you remember how water looked like? Or your first vessel back in the early days of pre-Alpha? We bet you do – and if not, well ...just look at these comparison screenshots.

Desert Planet Comparison:

Desert Planet 2 Comparison:

Lava Planet Comparison:

Space Comparison

Ship Design Comparison:

One of our goals has always been, to not only have loads of new features offering a great gameplay experience, but also that Empyrion should take place in a living and breathing world! Now, 365 days after the initial Steam release, the Anniversary Update (Alpha 3.0) is just around the corner and will do another step in that direction. Because the level of deco is already high on some of the planets, these changes might have become more subtle by now, compared to the comparison we did above. Nevertheless, new plants, new trees increasing the diversity and forest density, deco particles, herds and more will add new and important ambient and functional elements to our idea of a Living World.

But what about the other big features? Mining updates, balancing of weapons and vessels, radar, shields, large planets, new devices and all the other things you are waiting for? Of course we did NOT forget about all the cool toys that will make you happy. Some of those just need a lot of preparation and careful consideration. While working on the Anniversary Update, we already tracked down some technical hurdles and created milestone concepts for upcoming big features – planned for Autumn 2016.
Want to know more? Keep your eyes and ears open in the upcoming weeks!


Empyrion Dev Team
Jul 30, 2016
Empyrion - Galactic Survival - EmpyrionGame
Hi Galactic Survivalists!

We just fixed another crash that occasionally occurs on playfields that operate close to the maximum structure limit. The result of this crash is an "endless loading screen" because you cannot connect anymore to this playfield.

Please note: as a result of the investigations, we recommend setting MAXSTRUCTURES in the dedicated.yaml NOT higher than about 200 or 220 for crowded servers. This should prevent getting corrupted playfields when mobile structures (CV, SV) enter "nearly full" playfields, breaking the 255 structure limit - which can result in endless loading screens for players.

Changelog: Alpha 2.3.2 (Build 524)

Changes / Improvements:
- Console cmd "di" is now accessible for every player (before: game master and above)

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed crash on playfields that are close to the maximum structure limit
Jul 30, 2016
Empyrion - Galactic Survival - EmpyrionGame
Hi Galactic Survivalists!

We just fixed another crash that occasionally occurs on playfields that operate close to the maximum structure limit. The result of this crash is an "endless loading screen" because you cannot connect anymore to this playfield.

Please note: as a result of the investigations, we recommend setting MAXSTRUCTURES in the dedicated.yaml NOT higher than about 200 or 220 for crowded servers. This should prevent getting corrupted playfields when mobile structures (CV, SV) enter "nearly full" playfields, breaking the 255 structure limit - which can result in endless loading screens for players.

Changelog: Alpha 2.3.2 (Build 524)

Changes / Improvements:
- Console cmd "di" is now accessible for every player (before: game master and above)

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed crash on playfields that are close to the maximum structure limit
Jul 27, 2016
Empyrion - Galactic Survival - EmpyrionGame
Hi everyone,

We have released Patch 2 for the Alpha 2.3 that fixes another annoying bug related to crossing the green barrier with a passenger on board.
Note: This patch is only client-side and does not require updating your server.

Changelog: Alpha 2.3.1 (Build 523)

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Passenger not able to cross the green barrier (passenger in SV/HV/CV gets locked in position and warped to the other side of the planet)
Jul 27, 2016
Empyrion - Galactic Survival - EmpyrionGame
Hi everyone,

We have released Patch 2 for the Alpha 2.3 that fixes another annoying bug related to crossing the green barrier with a passenger on board.
Note: This patch is only client-side and does not require updating your server.

Changelog: Alpha 2.3.1 (Build 523)

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Passenger not able to cross the green barrier (passenger in SV/HV/CV gets locked in position and warped to the other side of the planet)
Jul 25, 2016
Empyrion - Galactic Survival - EmpyrionGame
Hi everyone,

We have released another small patch that fixes the problem of turrets sometimes shooting through terrain in single player.

Changelog: Alpha 2.3.1 (Build 522)

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Turrets shooting through terrain under certain circumstances in single player mode
Jul 25, 2016
Empyrion - Galactic Survival - EmpyrionGame
Hi everyone,

We have released another small patch that fixes the problem of turrets sometimes shooting through terrain in single player.

Changelog: Alpha 2.3.1 (Build 522)

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Turrets shooting through terrain under certain circumstances in single player mode
Jul 21, 2016
Empyrion - Galactic Survival - EmpyrionGame
Hi guys,

We released a small patch that should fix the "Crazy-Capital-Vessel-Spinning-Bug". This bug was introduced in the last version and resulted in uncontrollable spinning Capital Vessels when they were equipped with a lot of generators.

It is a client-side patch - so no need to update your servers.

Changelog: Alpha 2.3.0 (Build 521)

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed problem with CV spinning uncontrollably around their own axis in certain situations
Jul 21, 2016
Empyrion - Galactic Survival - EmpyrionGame
Hi guys,

We released a small patch that should fix the "Crazy-Capital-Vessel-Spinning-Bug". This bug was introduced in the last version and resulted in uncontrollable spinning Capital Vessels when they were equipped with a lot of generators.

It is a client-side patch - so no need to update your servers.

Changelog: Alpha 2.3.0 (Build 521)

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed problem with CV spinning uncontrollably around their own axis in certain situations