Boss 101 - Donley Time Foundation


We have a ton of great suggestions but could always use another if you have one!

Design a Hat for Boss 101. Well, more like SUGGEST a Hat for Boss 101! HAHA!

So yes, we are planning on getting Boss 101 in your hands soon and ONE LAST THING we are doing is running a contest to YOU to suggest a hat. Drop us a line anywhere (details follow) and we'll collect all the submissions and pick one to go into the game in Boss 101 style. Suggest what you like but realize we will have to respect various licenses and copyrights. Also we will be taking any suggestion and Boss 101’ing it in our own way. You only need to supply a suggestion and we will put it on the list.

General Contest Rules and Guides:
- Entry is free and thank you for your support!
- Suggest any subject, theme or person you might like to see as a Boss 101 hat
- You can suggest anything - animate or inanimate!
- Please use common sense. Offensive or tasteless suggestions aren’t needed or welcome.
- If your idea is chosen we will do our best to bring it to life
- You can suggest in the replies here or mail us at hatcontest @ (remove spaces)
- The contest will run three weeks

Thank you for your time and we appreciate all your support!

Boss 101 Info Roundup
Release Date: 2017
Planned Price: $9.99
Boss 101 Steam Store Page:
Please wishlist us if you would be so kind!
Boss 101 - Donley Time Foundation


We have a ton of great suggestions but could always use another if you have one!

Design a Hat for Boss 101. Well, more like SUGGEST a Hat for Boss 101! HAHA!

So yes, we are planning on getting Boss 101 in your hands soon and ONE LAST THING we are doing is running a contest to YOU to suggest a hat. Drop us a line anywhere (details follow) and we'll collect all the submissions and pick one to go into the game in Boss 101 style. Suggest what you like but realize we will have to respect various licenses and copyrights. Also we will be taking any suggestion and Boss 101’ing it in our own way. You only need to supply a suggestion and we will put it on the list.

General Contest Rules and Guides:
- Entry is free and thank you for your support!
- Suggest any subject, theme or person you might like to see as a Boss 101 hat
- You can suggest anything - animate or inanimate!
- Please use common sense. Offensive or tasteless suggestions aren’t needed or welcome.
- If your idea is chosen we will do our best to bring it to life
- You can suggest in the replies here or mail us at hatcontest @ (remove spaces)
- The contest will run three weeks

Thank you for your time and we appreciate all your support!

Boss 101 Info Roundup
Release Date: 2017
Planned Price: $9.99
Boss 101 Steam Store Page:
Please wishlist us if you would be so kind!
Boss 101 - Donley Time Foundation
Hello and welcome to the latest Boss 101 Update!

Some quick development updates and then onto the main development blog!

Very Super Early Beta Testing has begun!

Yep, you heard right – we have started to send out Steam keys to selected groups for play testing feedback. If you think you are on that list and haven’t gotten a key – please be patient. You can always mail us at hello(at)donleytimefoundation(dot)com if you have any questions.

General feedback is positive and we’re doing gameplay tweaks to make things smooth for the end user. All in all though – no major hitches and we’re moving forward with wrapping the game up.

Making an In-Game Wiki

You know about the Professor’s Wiki in Boss 101! Originally this was the place for neat lore about the various people you meet in the game but has expanded a bit.

You can see here we have the main Command Center and the WIKI itself.

Each page here ORIGINALLY started as a straight piece of art displayed all at once. This art included the words, images and placement or everything. This was my personal idea (me being Tim) and let me assure you it was a terrible one. HAHAHAHAHA! Joshua had a much better idea about how to do this. Basically, do it the right way (like almost everybody else would). We broke the page into pieces, art, words in an XML file, animations, etc. All this is created separately and then assembled in the AMAZING editor that Joshua created for our game.


Samples of the art

In the editor here you can see we have places to assign art, images and the like as well as write up the words for the page. REALLY NICE STUFF and a huge speed improvement over the old way.

Now – of course, we just had to go and fill it with awesome information for you – which we DID!

Design a Hat for Boss 101. Well, more like SUGGEST a Hat for Boss 101! HAHA!

Suggest-A-Hat Contest Ends Next Sunday August 20th

So yes, we are planning on getting Boss 101 in your hands soon and ONE LAST THING we are doing is running a contest to YOU to suggest a hat. Drop us a line anywhere (details follow) and we will collect all the submissions and pick on to go into the game in true Boss 101 style. Suggest what you like but realize that we will have to respect various licenses and copyrights. Also we will be taking any suggestion and Boss 101’ing in our own way. You only need to supply a suggestion and we will put it on the list.

General Contest Rules and Guides:
- Entry is free and thank you for your support!
- Suggest any subject, theme or person you might like to see as a Boss 101 hat
- You can suggest anything - animate or inanimate!
- Please use common sense. Offensive or tasteless suggestions aren’t needed or welcome.
- If your idea is chosen we will do our best to bring it to life
- You can suggest in the replies here or mail us at hatcontest @ (remove spaces)
- The contest will run three weeks

Don’t forget the Suggest-A-Hat contest wraps up next Sunday. We have a ton of entries and many good suggestions, drop yours in if you haven’t. You may be happy to know we MIGHT be able to open up a few more slots for suggestions. We’ll keep you posted!

Thanks for joining us today and we appreciate your support. With the Early Beta testing going on you can be assures we are wrapping things up. Look for more news about a release date soon and thank you for hanging in there with us as we wrap Boss 101 up.

We know it’s not always easy to wait for something you are excited about but we also want you to get our very best product. Thank you again and talk with you soon!



Boss 101 Info Roundup
Release Date: 2017
Planned Price: $9.99
Boss 101 Steam Store Page:
Please wishlist us if you would be so kind!
Boss 101 - Donley Time Foundation
Hello and welcome to the latest Boss 101 Update!

Some quick development updates and then onto the main development blog!

Very Super Early Beta Testing has begun!

Yep, you heard right – we have started to send out Steam keys to selected groups for play testing feedback. If you think you are on that list and haven’t gotten a key – please be patient. You can always mail us at hello(at)donleytimefoundation(dot)com if you have any questions.

General feedback is positive and we’re doing gameplay tweaks to make things smooth for the end user. All in all though – no major hitches and we’re moving forward with wrapping the game up.

Making an In-Game Wiki

You know about the Professor’s Wiki in Boss 101! Originally this was the place for neat lore about the various people you meet in the game but has expanded a bit.

You can see here we have the main Command Center and the WIKI itself.

Each page here ORIGINALLY started as a straight piece of art displayed all at once. This art included the words, images and placement or everything. This was my personal idea (me being Tim) and let me assure you it was a terrible one. HAHAHAHAHA! Joshua had a much better idea about how to do this. Basically, do it the right way (like almost everybody else would). We broke the page into pieces, art, words in an XML file, animations, etc. All this is created separately and then assembled in the AMAZING editor that Joshua created for our game.


Samples of the art

In the editor here you can see we have places to assign art, images and the like as well as write up the words for the page. REALLY NICE STUFF and a huge speed improvement over the old way.

Now – of course, we just had to go and fill it with awesome information for you – which we DID!

Design a Hat for Boss 101. Well, more like SUGGEST a Hat for Boss 101! HAHA!

Suggest-A-Hat Contest Ends Next Sunday August 20th

So yes, we are planning on getting Boss 101 in your hands soon and ONE LAST THING we are doing is running a contest to YOU to suggest a hat. Drop us a line anywhere (details follow) and we will collect all the submissions and pick on to go into the game in true Boss 101 style. Suggest what you like but realize that we will have to respect various licenses and copyrights. Also we will be taking any suggestion and Boss 101’ing in our own way. You only need to supply a suggestion and we will put it on the list.

General Contest Rules and Guides:
- Entry is free and thank you for your support!
- Suggest any subject, theme or person you might like to see as a Boss 101 hat
- You can suggest anything - animate or inanimate!
- Please use common sense. Offensive or tasteless suggestions aren’t needed or welcome.
- If your idea is chosen we will do our best to bring it to life
- You can suggest in the replies here or mail us at hatcontest @ (remove spaces)
- The contest will run three weeks

Don’t forget the Suggest-A-Hat contest wraps up next Sunday. We have a ton of entries and many good suggestions, drop yours in if you haven’t. You may be happy to know we MIGHT be able to open up a few more slots for suggestions. We’ll keep you posted!

Thanks for joining us today and we appreciate your support. With the Early Beta testing going on you can be assures we are wrapping things up. Look for more news about a release date soon and thank you for hanging in there with us as we wrap Boss 101 up.

We know it’s not always easy to wait for something you are excited about but we also want you to get our very best product. Thank you again and talk with you soon!



Boss 101 Info Roundup
Release Date: 2017
Planned Price: $9.99
Boss 101 Steam Store Page:
Please wishlist us if you would be so kind!
Boss 101 - Donley Time Foundation

Boss 101 Screenshot

Liftoff for adventure with Boss 101!
Boss 101 - Donley Time Foundation

Boss 101 Screenshot

Liftoff for adventure with Boss 101!
Boss 101 - Donley Time Foundation


We have a ton of great suggestions but could always use another if you have one!

Design a Hat for Boss 101. Well, more like SUGGEST a Hat for Boss 101! HAHA!

So yes, we are planning on getting Boss 101 in your hands soon and ONE LAST THING we are doing is running a contest to YOU to suggest a hat. Drop us a line anywhere (details follow) and we will collect all the submissions and pick on to go into the game in true Boss 101 style. Suggest what you like but realize that we will have to respect various licenses and copyrights. Also we will be taking any suggestion and Boss 101’ing in our own way. You only need to supply a suggestion and we will put it on the list.

General Contest Rules and Guides:
- Entry is free and thank you for your support!
- Suggest any subject, theme or person you might like to see as a Boss 101 hat
- You can suggest anything - animate or inanimate!
- Please use common sense. Offensive or tasteless suggestions aren’t needed or welcome.
- If your idea is chosen we will do our best to bring it to life
- You can suggest in the replies here or mail us at hatcontest @ (remove spaces)
- The contest will run three weeks

Thank you for your time and we appreciate all your support!

Boss 101 Info Roundup
Release Date: 2017
Planned Price: $9.99
Boss 101 Steam Store Page:
Please wishlist us if you would be so kind!
Boss 101 - Donley Time Foundation


We have a ton of great suggestions but could always use another if you have one!

Design a Hat for Boss 101. Well, more like SUGGEST a Hat for Boss 101! HAHA!

So yes, we are planning on getting Boss 101 in your hands soon and ONE LAST THING we are doing is running a contest to YOU to suggest a hat. Drop us a line anywhere (details follow) and we will collect all the submissions and pick on to go into the game in true Boss 101 style. Suggest what you like but realize that we will have to respect various licenses and copyrights. Also we will be taking any suggestion and Boss 101’ing in our own way. You only need to supply a suggestion and we will put it on the list.

General Contest Rules and Guides:
- Entry is free and thank you for your support!
- Suggest any subject, theme or person you might like to see as a Boss 101 hat
- You can suggest anything - animate or inanimate!
- Please use common sense. Offensive or tasteless suggestions aren’t needed or welcome.
- If your idea is chosen we will do our best to bring it to life
- You can suggest in the replies here or mail us at hatcontest @ (remove spaces)
- The contest will run three weeks

Thank you for your time and we appreciate all your support!

Boss 101 Info Roundup
Release Date: 2017
Planned Price: $9.99
Boss 101 Steam Store Page:
Please wishlist us if you would be so kind!
Boss 101 - Donley Time Foundation

Hello and welcome back to the Boss 101 development update for the week! Thank you for joining us!

Help us design a hat!

Do not forget the hat contest is still going on for this week and NEXT. All you need to do is reply to this post and suggest a hat you would like to see in Boss 101. THAT’S IT! If we choose your idea we’ll make it and YOU and YOUR FRIENDS will get to see it in Boss 101. Some basic notes about the contest.

General Contest Rules and Guides:
- Entry is free and thank you for your support!
- Suggest any subject, them or person you might like to see as a Boss 101 hat
- You can suggest anything animate or inanimate!
- Please use common sense. Offense or tasteless suggestions aren’t needed or welcome.
- If your idea is chosen we will do our best to bring it to life
- You can suggest in the replies here or mail us at hatcontest @ (remove spaces)
- The contest will run till August 20th 2017

On Screen Warnings

As you may know already we have a series of status effects in the game that can trip up your fight against the bosses. Of course we provide you with PLENTY of counters for any move a boss can make but we are always accounting for the times when you may get caught flat footed. For those times we have on screen warnings to tell you what is going on and what you need to do.

In the great effort to clean up and polish the game we have been re-examining assets we made one, two or even three years ago. THREE YEARS! Holy moley!

The status arrows and warnings were done a while back and when we were tuning the game we wanted to add a little punch to them so they stood out and you could see them a little better. Let’s take a look at some of the before and after shots so you can see what we are talking about.

First off is the basic struggle arrow. This is what you would get when you are frozen or webbed in the game. It is designed to inform you about how to deal with your current status. We have a countdown that speeds up if you wiggle your control directions. Classic struggle stuff. Check out the before and after. You will notice things were scaled up and we added a nice glow around the edges to pop it off the screen a little better.

Old Version

New Version

Here’s another status indicator that got a touch up. Check out this before and after.

Old Version

New Version

Finally we have MISTER SNAIL! Some of the boss weapons can slow your movement speed so we have Mister Snail to tell you about it. LOOK HOW HAPPY HE IS!

Old Version

New Version

Some examples of the Work in Progress shots from the game

Old version WIP in game – old number countdown and old art

New version WIP in game – old number countdown and new art

Screenshot mock up with the new number countdown

OK – that was a lot to cover and we hope you enjoyed this look at the progress towards final. We expect to do a status update about where we are in the next week or so. Generally speaking - it’s all good news so stay tuned and THANK YOU for all the support.

Please always remember to LIVE YOUR DREAMS!


Boss 101 Info Roundup
Release Date: 2017
Planned Price: $9.99
Boss 101 Steam Store Page:
Please wishlist us if you would be so kind!
Boss 101 - Donley Time Foundation

Hello and welcome back to the Boss 101 development update for the week! Thank you for joining us!

Help us design a hat!

Do not forget the hat contest is still going on for this week and NEXT. All you need to do is reply to this post and suggest a hat you would like to see in Boss 101. THAT’S IT! If we choose your idea we’ll make it and YOU and YOUR FRIENDS will get to see it in Boss 101. Some basic notes about the contest.

General Contest Rules and Guides:
- Entry is free and thank you for your support!
- Suggest any subject, them or person you might like to see as a Boss 101 hat
- You can suggest anything animate or inanimate!
- Please use common sense. Offense or tasteless suggestions aren’t needed or welcome.
- If your idea is chosen we will do our best to bring it to life
- You can suggest in the replies here or mail us at hatcontest @ (remove spaces)
- The contest will run till August 20th 2017

On Screen Warnings

As you may know already we have a series of status effects in the game that can trip up your fight against the bosses. Of course we provide you with PLENTY of counters for any move a boss can make but we are always accounting for the times when you may get caught flat footed. For those times we have on screen warnings to tell you what is going on and what you need to do.

In the great effort to clean up and polish the game we have been re-examining assets we made one, two or even three years ago. THREE YEARS! Holy moley!

The status arrows and warnings were done a while back and when we were tuning the game we wanted to add a little punch to them so they stood out and you could see them a little better. Let’s take a look at some of the before and after shots so you can see what we are talking about.

First off is the basic struggle arrow. This is what you would get when you are frozen or webbed in the game. It is designed to inform you about how to deal with your current status. We have a countdown that speeds up if you wiggle your control directions. Classic struggle stuff. Check out the before and after. You will notice things were scaled up and we added a nice glow around the edges to pop it off the screen a little better.

Old Version

New Version

Here’s another status indicator that got a touch up. Check out this before and after.

Old Version

New Version

Finally we have MISTER SNAIL! Some of the boss weapons can slow your movement speed so we have Mister Snail to tell you about it. LOOK HOW HAPPY HE IS!

Old Version

New Version

Some examples of the Work in Progress shots from the game

Old version WIP in game – old number countdown and old art

New version WIP in game – old number countdown and new art

Screenshot mock up with the new number countdown

OK – that was a lot to cover and we hope you enjoyed this look at the progress towards final. We expect to do a status update about where we are in the next week or so. Generally speaking - it’s all good news so stay tuned and THANK YOU for all the support.

Please always remember to LIVE YOUR DREAMS!


Boss 101 Info Roundup
Release Date: 2017
Planned Price: $9.99
Boss 101 Steam Store Page:
Please wishlist us if you would be so kind!