Feb 18, 2017
Wayward - Drathy

Hey all,

Excuse the silence on the upcoming beta 2.3 as of late. We have decided to release these newsletters roughly in the middle of the wait for each major release for Wayward, instead of the original bi-monthly plan. We are still working hard on all the new planned changes, and even some yet-to-be-announced-ultra-mega-secret ones. More on that another time; let's start it off with the postmortem on beta 2.2.

Beta 2.2 Postmortem

With beta 2.2, we saw the biggest major patch to date with close to 150 changes and additions. It wasn't without its issues though, prompting a couple quick hotfixes and quicker patches after the release. We try to mitigate this as much as possible, but our resources are limited as always. We appreciate all the early access players coming along for the ride and helping us discover the bugs and help improve Wayward with suggestions.

We were pretty happy with the release overall, and players seemed to enjoy all the new goodies as well. There was a large focus on balance and new-player experience improvements in beta 2.2, as well as the subsequent minor patches. We would like to continue that trend with beta 2.3; however, we would maybe like to skew it more to the general improvements, bug fixes and, new additions side of things a bit more to keep the older players coming back for the major releases as well.

Beta 2.3 Media

We've already revealed some upcoming beta 2.3 features via social media, but here's a round-up of all the beta 2.3 media thus far:

Preview of tilling and gardening changes:

Preview of the new character customization options (with options to name your save and set your seed):

Preview of new fire options and balances. Showing ability to drop items on to fire sources and fire spreading caused by over-stoking a fire:

New Developer!

Another bit of news is we have recently gathered a new developer to add to our small team of part-time workers. Welcome, Mackenzie 'Aarilight' McClane to the team, a long standing community member. While we can't promise faster results, we can likely promise more results. Beta 2.3 is already at over 140 changes/additions.

Newsletter Subscription & Updates

If you would like to get these newsletters delivered via email, you can subscribe to our mailing list.

If you would like to keep up to date on all the news, reveals and other going-ons, check out our Facebook, Twitter, and Subreddit.

Modding Guide Overhaul

With the beta 2.2.2 release, we released a brand new modding documentation and guide, available here: https://waywardgame.github.io/

The guide itself is roughly the same as it was before, with some new information and frequently asked questions; however, the documentation is the star here. You can now browse through every module, enum, function, hook, and more.

We were pretty rough on modders throughout beta 2.2; changing many things throughout each of the minor patches. It's not intentional, but we like to provide the best tools for modification makers and sneak in everybody's requests before the longer wait for the major. Unfortunately, with beta 2.3's codebase going completely modular, beta 2.3 will bring more updates for modders to do to get their mods working. Apologies in advance, but we will try our best to document the updates required through the source code of the official mods.

Mod Showcase


Amax is back at it again with "Spawns", a mod that will allow you to choose what will and will not spawn in your game, basically allow you to disable certain types of creatures (or all of them).


thepicko unleashes another popular mod that allows you to disable weight in Wayward. Casual players rejoice!

Screenshot Showcase

We have seen some crazy Wayward screenshots lately. The amount of work and creativity Wayward players have shown is mind-boggling and always warms my heart. Here's a few of my recent favorites:

Chibale shows us their aberrant shark farming operation.

Takinshi shows off a very impressive end-game screenshot.

Royal Miku finally fell the cave kraken.

Check out all the latest screenshots: http://steamcommunity.com/app/379210/screenshots/?p=1&browsefilter=mostrecent

Steam Guide Showcase

There are not too many guides available for Wayward as of yet, but one recently posted one titled "Common causes of early death: better living through not dying", comes to us from community member, printedship: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=808330081
Some other guides of interest include (self-promotion, yay!):

Reporting Bugs & Debugging for Wayward:

Changing Betas/Branches for Wayward:

We would love your help in writing new guides for Wayward! I'll gladly provide any data you want from in-game if you ever need help on a certain topic. Just let me know!

Video Showcase

In the last little bit, we have seen two prominent let's plays series on Wayward. The first one brought to you by DFuxa, a predominately roguelike YouTuber. The series is still ongoing and is on the 7th episode.

The next showcase is for Chigocraft, a german YouTuber that plays many survival and crafting games.

Thank you to all that make Wayward videos! Appreciate you showing off the game!

And a another thanks to all of you coming on our Wayward journey with us.
Feb 18, 2017
Wayward - Drathy

Hey all,

Excuse the silence on the upcoming beta 2.3 as of late. We have decided to release these newsletters roughly in the middle of the wait for each major release for Wayward, instead of the original bi-monthly plan. We are still working hard on all the new planned changes, and even some yet-to-be-announced-ultra-mega-secret ones. More on that another time; let's start it off with the postmortem on beta 2.2.

Beta 2.2 Postmortem

With beta 2.2, we saw the biggest major patch to date with close to 150 changes and additions. It wasn't without its issues though, prompting a couple quick hotfixes and quicker patches after the release. We try to mitigate this as much as possible, but our resources are limited as always. We appreciate all the early access players coming along for the ride and helping us discover the bugs and help improve Wayward with suggestions.

We were pretty happy with the release overall, and players seemed to enjoy all the new goodies as well. There was a large focus on balance and new-player experience improvements in beta 2.2, as well as the subsequent minor patches. We would like to continue that trend with beta 2.3; however, we would maybe like to skew it more to the general improvements, bug fixes and, new additions side of things a bit more to keep the older players coming back for the major releases as well.

Beta 2.3 Media

We've already revealed some upcoming beta 2.3 features via social media, but here's a round-up of all the beta 2.3 media thus far:

Preview of tilling and gardening changes:

Preview of the new character customization options (with options to name your save and set your seed):

Preview of new fire options and balances. Showing ability to drop items on to fire sources and fire spreading caused by over-stoking a fire:

New Developer!

Another bit of news is we have recently gathered a new developer to add to our small team of part-time workers. Welcome, Mackenzie 'Aarilight' McClane to the team, a long standing community member. While we can't promise faster results, we can likely promise more results. Beta 2.3 is already at over 140 changes/additions.

Newsletter Subscription & Updates

If you would like to get these newsletters delivered via email, you can subscribe to our mailing list.

If you would like to keep up to date on all the news, reveals and other going-ons, check out our Facebook, Twitter, and Subreddit.

Modding Guide Overhaul

With the beta 2.2.2 release, we released a brand new modding documentation and guide, available here: https://waywardgame.github.io/

The guide itself is roughly the same as it was before, with some new information and frequently asked questions; however, the documentation is the star here. You can now browse through every module, enum, function, hook, and more.

We were pretty rough on modders throughout beta 2.2; changing many things throughout each of the minor patches. It's not intentional, but we like to provide the best tools for modification makers and sneak in everybody's requests before the longer wait for the major. Unfortunately, with beta 2.3's codebase going completely modular, beta 2.3 will bring more updates for modders to do to get their mods working. Apologies in advance, but we will try our best to document the updates required through the source code of the official mods.

Mod Showcase


Amax is back at it again with "Spawns", a mod that will allow you to choose what will and will not spawn in your game, basically allow you to disable certain types of creatures (or all of them).


thepicko unleashes another popular mod that allows you to disable weight in Wayward. Casual players rejoice!

Screenshot Showcase

We have seen some crazy Wayward screenshots lately. The amount of work and creativity Wayward players have shown is mind-boggling and always warms my heart. Here's a few of my recent favorites:

Chibale shows us their aberrant shark farming operation.

Takinshi shows off a very impressive end-game screenshot.

Royal Miku finally fell the cave kraken.

Check out all the latest screenshots: http://steamcommunity.com/app/379210/screenshots/?p=1&browsefilter=mostrecent

Steam Guide Showcase

There are not too many guides available for Wayward as of yet, but one recently posted one titled "Common causes of early death: better living through not dying", comes to us from community member, printedship: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=808330081
Some other guides of interest include (self-promotion, yay!):

Reporting Bugs & Debugging for Wayward:

Changing Betas/Branches for Wayward:

We would love your help in writing new guides for Wayward! I'll gladly provide any data you want from in-game if you ever need help on a certain topic. Just let me know!

Video Showcase

In the last little bit, we have seen two prominent let's plays series on Wayward. The first one brought to you by DFuxa, a predominately roguelike YouTuber. The series is still ongoing and is on the 7th episode.

The next showcase is for Chigocraft, a german YouTuber that plays many survival and crafting games.

Thank you to all that make Wayward videos! Appreciate you showing off the game!

And a another thanks to all of you coming on our Wayward journey with us.
Dec 10, 2016
Wayward - Drathy
We are continuing our work on the 2.2 release with this minor patch. This one includes some more bug fixes, improvements, UI updates, and some significant modding changes.

We normally keep the modding changes minimal so as to not break any Workshop submissions after the major releases, but we wanted to provide better options to the modders during the longer wait while we work on beta 2.3. Apologies in advance, but we hope the new options and changes are exciting for your projects.

I think we might still have another patch 2.2 patch in us yet!

  • Added support for shift + right clicking on items within containers to move all of the same type.
  • Added a creature taming hint.
  • Added ability to enable and disable all mods.
  • Fixed an issue where an invisible help window was blocking input inside the options window (caused by a change in beta 2.2.2).
  • Fixed a bug where deleting game data did not reload the game afterwards.
  • Fixed a bug where the height was incorrectly set on the hint windows that popped up during the loading a game and removed the ability for some hints to be shown during load.
  • Fixed some improper title-cased strings in the language file. Literally minor text fixes.
  • Fixed the preserve action showing up as "preservative with..".
  • Fixed a player head graphic issue that caused some pixels to be improperly offset while swimming.
  • Fixed a bug where if you had a doodad placed on a flammable tile, it would not require a fuel for the fire.
  • Fixed an issue that caused either duped, invisible, or broken items when they were moved too quickly between containers and inventory while also passing a turn/moving.
  • Fixed an issue that caused poor accuracy when sorting item in inventory while there were items quickslotted.
  • Fixed a broken text string when deleting your game "you want to delete this game?".
  • Aberrant creatures will now always give negative malignity on death regardless of type.
  • Dismantling and disassembling items now increase or decrease malignity opposite to the value used when crafting said item.
  • The malignity hint now mentions the special rules regarding caves and night creature spawns.
  • Renamed items should now show the renamed name whenever possible.
  • The "enter" bind can now be used for selecting "Yes" inside confirmation screens.
  • You can now use a raft in any depth of water, making it so you can equip a lit torch before rafting.
  • Fixed aberrant creatures not making alternate creature noises when tamed or while making idle sounds.
  • Default actions for thistle seeds, acorns, and poison ivy seeds changed to "plant" from "eat".
  • Tinder has been renamed "wooden shavings" as to not conflict with the new "tinder" grouping.
  • The main menu now allows more content to be displayed, especially on lower resolutions. Additionally, some new menu animations have been added.
  • Other improvements to main menu design with added effects and improved readability.
  • UI elements that are not clickable no longer have hover effects.
  • Added a small delay when moving and turning into a resource tile to prevent accidental gathering.
  • The Starter Quest will now update the quest objectives when an item is dropped or destroyed (removed) as well.
  • Containers in your inventory will now show the 50% reduced weight totals within the tooltip.
  • The mage cloak has been renamed to "mage robe". Since it's a robe...
  • The in-world graphic for the raft now matches the item more closely.
  • Fixed an issue where some highscores text would overflow due to their length.
  • Added Unlok credits within the about section.
  • The modding guide link now goes to the new page (https://waywardgame.github.io/).
  • Split onAddOrUpdateInventoryItem into OnInventoryItemAdd, OnInventoryItemRemove, and OnInventoryItemUpdate.
  • Added a canDropItem hook.
  • Added the ability to get the source of damage via the onCreatureDamage hook.
  • Fixed return null not working for the onCreatureDamage hook.
  • Added CanCreatureSpawn and OnCreatureSpawn hooks.
  • Particle system refactored a bit. Now uses an RGB object and uses new ParticleType for non-defined values.
  • Sortable system has been recoded.
  • Version now automatically added within English translation for upgrade message.
  • [Argus] Fixed "See All" not working as intended.
Dec 10, 2016
Wayward - Drathy
We are continuing our work on the 2.2 release with this minor patch. This one includes some more bug fixes, improvements, UI updates, and some significant modding changes.

We normally keep the modding changes minimal so as to not break any Workshop submissions after the major releases, but we wanted to provide better options to the modders during the longer wait while we work on beta 2.3. Apologies in advance, but we hope the new options and changes are exciting for your projects.

I think we might still have another patch 2.2 patch in us yet!

  • Added support for shift + right clicking on items within containers to move all of the same type.
  • Added a creature taming hint.
  • Added ability to enable and disable all mods.
  • Fixed an issue where an invisible help window was blocking input inside the options window (caused by a change in beta 2.2.2).
  • Fixed a bug where deleting game data did not reload the game afterwards.
  • Fixed a bug where the height was incorrectly set on the hint windows that popped up during the loading a game and removed the ability for some hints to be shown during load.
  • Fixed some improper title-cased strings in the language file. Literally minor text fixes.
  • Fixed the preserve action showing up as "preservative with..".
  • Fixed a player head graphic issue that caused some pixels to be improperly offset while swimming.
  • Fixed a bug where if you had a doodad placed on a flammable tile, it would not require a fuel for the fire.
  • Fixed an issue that caused either duped, invisible, or broken items when they were moved too quickly between containers and inventory while also passing a turn/moving.
  • Fixed an issue that caused poor accuracy when sorting item in inventory while there were items quickslotted.
  • Fixed a broken text string when deleting your game "you want to delete this game?".
  • Aberrant creatures will now always give negative malignity on death regardless of type.
  • Dismantling and disassembling items now increase or decrease malignity opposite to the value used when crafting said item.
  • The malignity hint now mentions the special rules regarding caves and night creature spawns.
  • Renamed items should now show the renamed name whenever possible.
  • The "enter" bind can now be used for selecting "Yes" inside confirmation screens.
  • You can now use a raft in any depth of water, making it so you can equip a lit torch before rafting.
  • Fixed aberrant creatures not making alternate creature noises when tamed or while making idle sounds.
  • Default actions for thistle seeds, acorns, and poison ivy seeds changed to "plant" from "eat".
  • Tinder has been renamed "wooden shavings" as to not conflict with the new "tinder" grouping.
  • The main menu now allows more content to be displayed, especially on lower resolutions. Additionally, some new menu animations have been added.
  • Other improvements to main menu design with added effects and improved readability.
  • UI elements that are not clickable no longer have hover effects.
  • Added a small delay when moving and turning into a resource tile to prevent accidental gathering.
  • The Starter Quest will now update the quest objectives when an item is dropped or destroyed (removed) as well.
  • Containers in your inventory will now show the 50% reduced weight totals within the tooltip.
  • The mage cloak has been renamed to "mage robe". Since it's a robe...
  • The in-world graphic for the raft now matches the item more closely.
  • Fixed an issue where some highscores text would overflow due to their length.
  • Added Unlok credits within the about section.
  • The modding guide link now goes to the new page (https://waywardgame.github.io/).
  • Split onAddOrUpdateInventoryItem into OnInventoryItemAdd, OnInventoryItemRemove, and OnInventoryItemUpdate.
  • Added a canDropItem hook.
  • Added the ability to get the source of damage via the onCreatureDamage hook.
  • Fixed return null not working for the onCreatureDamage hook.
  • Added CanCreatureSpawn and OnCreatureSpawn hooks.
  • Particle system refactored a bit. Now uses an RGB object and uses new ParticleType for non-defined values.
  • Sortable system has been recoded.
  • Version now automatically added within English translation for upgrade message.
  • [Argus] Fixed "See All" not working as intended.
Nov 26, 2016
Wayward - Drathy
Let's fix up some more of those bugs and balance issues!

We still have some work to do in the 2.2.x series, but here's another medium batch of balance tweaks, bug fixes, and miscellaneous smaller improvements. Oh, and a couple minor new things too! There's a good chance if you've reported something in the last week or so, you'll see it in the list below. But if not, like I said, we still have some plans for more of these quicker minor patches.

Have fun!

  • Fixed a bug that did not allow water routing (digging pathways of water).
  • Fixed an issue where tile animations would continue to occur after a lava tile was changed into something else.
  • Fixed a bug that was showing the corpse carving hint when walking over blood instead of corpses.
  • Fishing on to land no longer produces a water sound effect.
  • Fixed an issue where a never-ending saving screen would occur when saving an older game that used mods that added creatures.
  • Added a check to stop errors when dismantling an impossibly weighted item (that appeared in beta 2.0).
  • Fixed an issue that changed doodads into other doodads when travelling to a new island after reloading that game (due to save conversion).
  • Fixed a bug where the character's facing direction was not updated when a confirmation screen was triggered.
  • Fixed a bug where breaking open a locked chest would not spill its contents.
  • You are no longer allowed to place tiles or build doodads over lava.
  • Fixed an issue where the new milestone fix was causing the game not to load. This was hot-fixed within the 2.1.1 update.
  • Hostile creatures now break aggression more commonly.
  • Malignity from skill use now occurs whether or not you gained in that skill. To counter-balance this, many skills have a much decreased malignity gain. Additionally, some skills now reduce malignity as well (new feature).
  • The malignity you gain from stat gains is now scaled based on the stat itself. The malignity gained from this method now starts off lower than previously.
  • Decreased spawning chance of claw worms slightly.
  • Aberrant creatures now have a cap on attack damage values.
  • Aberrant creature scaling now uses a linear progression, rather than a step/staircase; more smoothly ramping the difficulty.
  • Reduced plant spreading chance slightly.
  • Increased the damage of the flintlock pistol slightly.
  • Slightly increased chances of resources on digging.
  • Decreased effectiveness of equipment/armor and parrying against burn damage.
  • Increased overall performance and reduced CPU/memory usage. These changes will have a greater impact on lower-end systems.
  • Plants now heal themselves over time (durability repairs itself).
  • Fade in/out transitions of windows/overlays are now a bit smoother.
  • Added coconuts palms to oasis templates.
  • Gathering plants and other environmental doodads no longer reduce their default durability.
  • Digging lava with hands now burns you.
  • You now receive the completion point for a Starter Quest as soon as you have reached it automatically so you can skip it if you missed clicking on the "Complete Quest" if going back a quest.
  • Added a "Close" button to the ending of the Starter Quest.
  • Added a "Start Quest" button to the beginning of the Starter Quest.
  • Added more different types of lava templates and tweaked existing ones.
  • Casting your net/line out (via fishing) on to items will now pick them up.
Nov 26, 2016
Wayward - Drathy
Let's fix up some more of those bugs and balance issues!

We still have some work to do in the 2.2.x series, but here's another medium batch of balance tweaks, bug fixes, and miscellaneous smaller improvements. Oh, and a couple minor new things too! There's a good chance if you've reported something in the last week or so, you'll see it in the list below. But if not, like I said, we still have some plans for more of these quicker minor patches.

Have fun!

  • Fixed a bug that did not allow water routing (digging pathways of water).
  • Fixed an issue where tile animations would continue to occur after a lava tile was changed into something else.
  • Fixed a bug that was showing the corpse carving hint when walking over blood instead of corpses.
  • Fishing on to land no longer produces a water sound effect.
  • Fixed an issue where a never-ending saving screen would occur when saving an older game that used mods that added creatures.
  • Added a check to stop errors when dismantling an impossibly weighted item (that appeared in beta 2.0).
  • Fixed an issue that changed doodads into other doodads when travelling to a new island after reloading that game (due to save conversion).
  • Fixed a bug where the character's facing direction was not updated when a confirmation screen was triggered.
  • Fixed a bug where breaking open a locked chest would not spill its contents.
  • You are no longer allowed to place tiles or build doodads over lava.
  • Fixed an issue where the new milestone fix was causing the game not to load. This was hot-fixed within the 2.1.1 update.
  • Hostile creatures now break aggression more commonly.
  • Malignity from skill use now occurs whether or not you gained in that skill. To counter-balance this, many skills have a much decreased malignity gain. Additionally, some skills now reduce malignity as well (new feature).
  • The malignity you gain from stat gains is now scaled based on the stat itself. The malignity gained from this method now starts off lower than previously.
  • Decreased spawning chance of claw worms slightly.
  • Aberrant creatures now have a cap on attack damage values.
  • Aberrant creature scaling now uses a linear progression, rather than a step/staircase; more smoothly ramping the difficulty.
  • Reduced plant spreading chance slightly.
  • Increased the damage of the flintlock pistol slightly.
  • Slightly increased chances of resources on digging.
  • Decreased effectiveness of equipment/armor and parrying against burn damage.
  • Increased overall performance and reduced CPU/memory usage. These changes will have a greater impact on lower-end systems.
  • Plants now heal themselves over time (durability repairs itself).
  • Fade in/out transitions of windows/overlays are now a bit smoother.
  • Added coconuts palms to oasis templates.
  • Gathering plants and other environmental doodads no longer reduce their default durability.
  • Digging lava with hands now burns you.
  • You now receive the completion point for a Starter Quest as soon as you have reached it automatically so you can skip it if you missed clicking on the "Complete Quest" if going back a quest.
  • Added a "Close" button to the ending of the Starter Quest.
  • Added a "Start Quest" button to the beginning of the Starter Quest.
  • Added more different types of lava templates and tweaked existing ones.
  • Casting your net/line out (via fishing) on to items will now pick them up.
Nov 20, 2016
Wayward - Drathy
Hey all, we have a small patch ready for release to fix some of the issues you've all spotted since the beta 2.2 release. We are still working on some other things, but wanted to get some of these bigger issues ironed out sooner rather than later. Enjoy, and please report any issues!

If you want to keep up with all the development, we would recommend you check out our Trello: https://trello.com/b/PWX1Hpjn/wayward-todo

Here's the changelog:

  • Fixed the heavy lag while dragging items into quickslots. Performance while dragging items has also been improved.
  • Fixed a bug where item weight from a gathered doodad would only take in to account the first item across all of the items gathered. This caused the dismantle errors. If you still have a branch with 0.1 weight as a result of this, simply discard it, or use it in a craft to fix the issue.
  • Fixed water containers and other items that return other items on use from disappearing when used/consumed when coming from beta 2.1.3 saves.
  • Fixed an issue where milestones were getting reset on every game load.
  • Fixed quickslot items appearing above dialog/windows.
  • Fixed blood still being visible on the turn when it was removed.
  • Fixed a bug where you never would receive hand damage when gathering without a tool.
  • Fixed a bug where gather with hands still used a tool if equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where crafting tabs were launching the Steam overlay. This was hotfixed into beta 2.2 prior to this release.
  • The order of the thirst and hunger bars have been swapped to match the notifications and messages (and internal data).
  • You will no longer get stuck at 0 malignity when maxing out the caps of both positive/negative. When maxing out one side of your malignity, the opposite side will be increased/decreased.
  • When carving a corpse with blood on top of it, it will now remove all blood on top of it and carve the corpse automatically.
  • Added the "You removed the blood." message anytime you remove blood from a tile indirectly (closing a door, building on a tile, etc.) and added particle effects/sounds to the action.
  • Removed an unused forceAberrant property on spawnFromGroup.
  • Fixed addCreature not working properly for mods.
  • [Troposhere] Fixed some errors and broken functionality while in the Troposhere.
  • [Developer Tools] Fixed a bug where the refresh mod section would disappear on game reloading.
Nov 20, 2016
Wayward - Drathy
Hey all, we have a small patch ready for release to fix some of the issues you've all spotted since the beta 2.2 release. We are still working on some other things, but wanted to get some of these bigger issues ironed out sooner rather than later. Enjoy, and please report any issues!

If you want to keep up with all the development, we would recommend you check out our Trello: https://trello.com/b/PWX1Hpjn/wayward-todo

Here's the changelog:

  • Fixed the heavy lag while dragging items into quickslots. Performance while dragging items has also been improved.
  • Fixed a bug where item weight from a gathered doodad would only take in to account the first item across all of the items gathered. This caused the dismantle errors. If you still have a branch with 0.1 weight as a result of this, simply discard it, or use it in a craft to fix the issue.
  • Fixed water containers and other items that return other items on use from disappearing when used/consumed when coming from beta 2.1.3 saves.
  • Fixed an issue where milestones were getting reset on every game load.
  • Fixed quickslot items appearing above dialog/windows.
  • Fixed blood still being visible on the turn when it was removed.
  • Fixed a bug where you never would receive hand damage when gathering without a tool.
  • Fixed a bug where gather with hands still used a tool if equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where crafting tabs were launching the Steam overlay. This was hotfixed into beta 2.2 prior to this release.
  • The order of the thirst and hunger bars have been swapped to match the notifications and messages (and internal data).
  • You will no longer get stuck at 0 malignity when maxing out the caps of both positive/negative. When maxing out one side of your malignity, the opposite side will be increased/decreased.
  • When carving a corpse with blood on top of it, it will now remove all blood on top of it and carve the corpse automatically.
  • Added the "You removed the blood." message anytime you remove blood from a tile indirectly (closing a door, building on a tile, etc.) and added particle effects/sounds to the action.
  • Removed an unused forceAberrant property on spawnFromGroup.
  • Fixed addCreature not working properly for mods.
  • [Troposphere] Fixed some errors and broken functionality while in the Troposphere.
  • [Developer Tools] Fixed a bug where the refresh mod section would disappear on game reloading.
Wayward - Drathy

Wayward Beta 2.2 "Tamed" is now available!

Wayward is currently on sale from November 18th to November 25th, 2016.

With beta 2.2, a large focus was placed on balance this time around and smoothing out the early and late game states in Wayward. Making it easier for new players and new games, but more smoothly ramping up to a more challenging experience for end-game scenarios.

As there was many balancing changes and additions that will alter playstyles, we look forward to everybody's thoughts and opinions on the flow of things. This is something that will constantly be refined as we go forward. With taming being included as a whole new playstyle, I imagine there is still work to be done here.

Besides the balance reworks, there's also a huge haul of new content, options, and UI/user experience improvements. The change list is pretty massive once again. Sorry/not sorry! We hope that you spot one or two of your suggestions in the changelog, but if not, there's always next time!

Beta 2.2 also marks the longest time spent on a major update since launching on Steam. We've heard comments that players would rather have smaller major updates that take less time to come out. From a marketing and promotional standpoint, this would be tricky to do, but if enough people want it, we may consider changing this aspect. As always, we plan to do a couple smaller patches after this major.


New (25 changes)
  • Added creature taming and item offering.
  • Added an option to confirm when stepping on to fire or dangerous object.
  • A new creature has been added.
  • A new lava tile has been added (with added support for tile lighting and animation).
  • Over 25 new items and doodads added. Included in this are all clay/stone/sandstone versions of campfires, furnaces, and kilns. Also included in this is a wealth of new unique resources and simulation-focused corpse carved resources.
  • A dismantle tab has added to crafting (so you don't have to go into an item's menu to dismantle items).
  • Added a "Drop Under Yourself" (instead of facing tile) option.
  • Added a new option to warn players on possible item break when crafting with items with 0 durability.
  • A new "Pick-up All" option has been added to the actions menu when facing a stack of items.
  • Added a hint for filtering/moving/resizing windows when scrolling on windows for the first time.
  • Crafts can now be sorted by skill (shown in a list like categories).
  • Item/action menu and quickslot binds now show the key they have been re-binded to.
  • Added a new skeletal remains doodad that will replace skeleton spawns in abandoned houses that only animate when near.
  • Corpses now decay into their resources (as given when carved).
  • Added a new option for disabling crafts when equipped or within a quickslot.
  • There is now a sunset and sunrise (atmospheric lighting color shifts).
  • Added a blood in water graphic/corpse object.
  • Added a couple more rare random events.
  • You can now "Dig With Hands" from the actions menu without using a shovel with the same potentially harmful effects as gathering without a tool.
  • Added support for media/browser keyboard keybinds in the options.
  • Each doodad and tile event now has a unique description.
  • Each creature now has a unique description.
  • A new milestone was added.
  • Added the following item groups: seed, fruit, vegetable, and tinder.
  • Added a warning dialog when trying to go back Wayward versions.
Bugs (24 changes)
  • Fixed a performance issue that increased CPU as much as 50% on some lower-end computers, even when idle.
  • Fixed an oversight that had tall grass drop grass seeds instead of tall grass seeds.
  • Fixed some instances where creatures did not pathfind behind obstacles reliably.
  • Fixed filtering not working after sorting in the crafting window.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented harpies, boglings, zombies, hobgoblins, and skeletons from dropping some loot.
  • Cancelled sorting when using a hotkey. This fixed some instances of "ghost" items in inventory
  • Fixed a bug where two turns were taken on successful transmogrification.
  • Fixed a bug where plants would inherit their planted seed's weight.
  • Fixed a bug that would not allow the game to be run when within a directory with a "#" in the name.
  • Fixed some instances of dismantling items adding up to more than the weight of the original item as well as other cases when dismantling was returning items with weights that was too low.
  • Fixed an issue where backspace did not work as a key bind.
  • Fixed an issue where some creatures could never spawn as aberrant forms.
  • Fixed a bug that made certain items heavier when not crafted directly (wrought iron arrows in treasure chests for example).
  • Fixed a bug where mod keybinds were randomly changing on reload.
  • Fixed a rare issue where random events could spawn plants on improper tiles.
  • Fixed an issue where if there was enough keybinds added via mods, it would cut off display of all or some of them.
  • Fixed a bug where the monster hit sound was not played if no damage was caused.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in a bunch of "undefined" messages when clicking "Clear Messages" when scrolled in a non-default placement.
  • Fixed an issue where telling time via the sundial was not accurate.
  • Fixed a bug that would not remove light source from extinguished torches for a turn.
  • Fixed many typos and grammatical issues throughout.
  • Fixed a bug that showed two damage values when pouring water on to a fire elemental.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to transfer more weight than the maximum allotment to a container when using the shift/move all functionality.
  • Fixed a bug where growing plants did not have any durability by default.
Balance (25 changes)
  • Reduced weight of all lockpicks, bullets, and (iron) arrowheads.
  • Decreased max attack of zombie, but increased max hp slightly.
  • Increased most creature resistances to make damage types more impactful in combat.
  • Reduced difficulty of crafting waterskins and water stills.
  • Reduced scaling aberrant damage and defense a bit, but increased their health slightly (based on player's strength).
  • Increased maximum range on all ranged weapons/tools except for composite bows which was reduced in range.
  • Composite bows now also have a reduced damage and durability.
  • Increased base damage on all bullets and arrows.
  • Increased difficulty of transmogrifying.
  • There is now a maximum reinforcement amount per item (based on quality). Increased max durability given on each reinforce significantly.
  • There is now a malignity limit of -/+ 64000.
  • Smoothed out malignity increase/decrease values across all creatures focusing on gaining less malignity near start of game, and gaining more in late game.
  • Doubled the negative malignity gained when travelling.
  • Stone Arrowheads now have a larger variety of weight. Previously they could only be crafted as 0.1 weight.
  • Large rocks now dismantle into 3 stones instead of 2.
  • Logs now dismantle into 2 tree bark (with the wooden poles) instead of 1.
  • Reduced the healing effect of sutures slightly.
  • Wrong tools and hands now reduce overall chance of resource gathering.
  • Malignity directly effects spawn rate frequency. This is no longer dictated by the length of your game save/turns.
  • Filling and drinking water will now decrease water depth if not connected to enough water.
  • Increased pouring damage against fire elementals significantly.
  • Malignity now effects aberrant spawning chances (more malignity = more aberrants, less malignity = less aberrants).
  • Drakes now can break down walls.
  • There is now a higher chance for creature drops (from loot tables specifically) to be of higher quality/legendary.
  • Reduced maximum starting dexterity (stamina).
Improvements (57 changes)
  • Nights now get a bit more dark, and have a stronger blue tint.
  • Maximum lighting radius now differ from each doodad (campfires will provide more light than furnaces as an example).
  • Added variable lighting radius to fire and lit doodads (campfires, furnaces, etc.) based on the fire's strength.
  • Equipping multiple torches will now use both of their light bonuses.
  • Increased lighting radius of all torches slightly.
  • Display total amount of items over the required in crafts (8/2 instead of 2/2).
  • Inspection (and tool-tips) now reveals if creatures are aberrant.
  • Forge and Anvils are now just "Stone Anvils" with an updated recipe. You will now require to be around another fire source and an anvil now for blacksmithing.
  • Milestones are now sorted alphabetically.
  • Decreased weight of leather hides and now dismantles from the newly added animal pelts (with animal fur).
  • "Bones" renamed to "Bone Fragments" and no longer act the same as a "bone". They can be dismantled into two bone needles instead. These have also been added to many creature corpses that were missing bones.
  • Low decay items (within 10% of decaying) are now shown in a red border (like low durability items).
  • Tweaked skeletal mage aberrant graphic (looks more distinct).
  • Keybinds for the action menu are now strictly set and do no change based on context. For example, closing a door will always be the same shortcut/hotkey now.
  • Items that decay into creatures (eggs to chickens) now will hatch within player's inventory, containers on tiles and doodads and will also be announced with a message.
  • Grass blades and leaves now can be used as tinder.
  • Pirate ghosts now spawn from magical essence decay/break.
  • Disassembling found items/equipment/etc. will now produce quality items based on the quality of the item being disassembled.
  • Pile of ash no longer burns under fires.
  • Things that would spawn on decay from items will now also spawn on the item being completely broken/destroyed.
  • Wooden fences now use 2 logs and a wooden pole now (instead of 3 logs) and can be disassembled.
  • Rotten meat item is now generalized graphically (so it doesn't just symbolize a steak).
  • Underground lakes are now a bit less massive.
  • Sleeping interruption now checks a square around you instead of just the four adjacent tiles.
  • Many improvements done to the Starter Quest including reducing the amount of quests and mentioning how long it will take.
  • You can no longer bind keys to left click (mouse 0).
  • You can now be within a 3x3 area of a required doodad instead of having to face it directly.
  • Improved information and grammar across all hints. Hints are no longer worded as though you triggered them (for players that browse them organically).
  • Added failure skill gain on gathering/digging when not getting any resource.
  • Fire elementals and drakes now avoid water.
  • Fire no longer damages flying creatures.
  • Drakes can now pass/stay in fire.
  • Doodads now display their quality in world tool-tips.
  • Added the ability for corpses to burn.
  • You can no longer disassemble arrowheads, bullets or lockpicks (due to it giving back more resources than weight could suggest).
  • If a random event occurs within sight, it is now reported in your messages, "You notice...".
  • Tweaked the corpse graphic for sharks to match the new blood in water graphic.
  • Added particle effects to stoke fire.
  • Collecting doodads that don't have a skill use (like walls) will now reduce stamina like other doodads (based on mining skill).
  • Added all water contains to creature loot (instead of just waterskins).
  • Disassemble requirements are now shown in tooltip.
  • Fire colors have been improved and are now more vibrant.
  • "Carve" from the actions menu is now "Carve With Tool", "Gather" is now "Gather With Hands", and "Rest" is now "Rest on Ground", giving more information to what is happening.
  • Improved the readability and display of dismantled items in tool-tips (no longer shows A Wooden Pole, A Wooden Pole, A Wooden Pole, ... for example).
  • You can no longer right (or left) click to drop while moving/experiencing a delay.
  • Particles brightness is now dependent on both ambient light and local light sources (no more black particles near light sources at night).
  • You now gain some skill when dismantling/disassembling (based on the item's associated skill).
  • You now gain anatomy skill when pouring water on yourself.
  • You now gain camping skill when lighting fires.
  • There is now a "News" button on the main game screen.
  • You can now build up tiles over water, raising the water with each tile. There are no more restriction set for adjacent land for this.
  • Separated the item action for equipping to your "hands", to two options for left and right hands.
  • Torches will now be doused when swimming.
  • You can no longer have lit torches in containers.
  • You can now disassemble containers (items will move to your inventory).
  • Prefixes have been added to creature corpses (fixing some grammatical issues).
  • You no longer pick-up items under creatures while attacking them.
Developer/Modding (12 changes)
  • Added support for back equippables to overlay over hair as well as provide custom sprites for water animations.
  • Added the following hooks: CanPlayerAttack, IsTileInspectable, OnInspectTile, OnCreatureDeath, and GetPlayerMaxHealth.
  • Added getLoadedModByName to make interacting with other mods from your mod easier.
  • The Wayward source and mods now use ES6 compilation.
  • Spawning groups are now defined as a creature property "spawnGroups" for defining creatures that spawn in caves, at night, as guardians, etc. This is no longer controlled within the spawning functions.
  • A new grouping system for doodads "DoodadTypeGroups" has been added.
  • Cleaned up parameters for skillGain.
  • Items, terrain, and creatures now have prefix support.
  • Reformatted language definitions. Prefixes now appear as the first parameter.
  • There is many new namespaces within the API including Corpse, TileEvent, and Creature. Previously, many creature functions were within the "game" namespace.
  • All references for "monster" has been changed to "creature".
  • Modding guide has been updated and improved.
Mods (4 changes)
  • [Developer Tools] Added a template spawner.
  • [Developer Tools] Added a listing of mods and refresh buttons within the options menu.
  • [Developer Tools] Added an unlock recipe button.
  • [Reincarnate] Fixed an issue where reincarnate was not always sending you to a new location on death.
Wayward - Drathy

Wayward Beta 2.2 "Tamed" is now available!

Wayward is currently on sale from November 18th to November 25th, 2016.

With beta 2.2, a large focus was placed on balance this time around and smoothing out the early and late game states in Wayward. Making it easier for new players and new games, but more smoothly ramping up to a more challenging experience for end-game scenarios.

As there was many balancing changes and additions that will alter playstyles, we look forward to everybody's thoughts and opinions on the flow of things. This is something that will constantly be refined as we go forward. With taming being included as a whole new playstyle, I imagine there is still work to be done here.

Besides the balance reworks, there's also a huge haul of new content, options, and UI/user experience improvements. The change list is pretty massive once again. Sorry/not sorry! We hope that you spot one or two of your suggestions in the changelog, but if not, there's always next time!

Beta 2.2 also marks the longest time spent on a major update since launching on Steam. We've heard comments that players would rather have smaller major updates that take less time to come out. From a marketing and promotional standpoint, this would be tricky to do, but if enough people want it, we may consider changing this aspect. As always, we plan to do a couple smaller patches after this major.


New (25 changes)
  • Added creature taming and item offering.
  • Added an option to confirm when stepping on to fire or dangerous object.
  • A new creature has been added.
  • A new lava tile has been added (with added support for tile lighting and animation).
  • Over 25 new items and doodads added. Included in this are all clay/stone/sandstone versions of campfires, furnaces, and kilns. Also included in this is a wealth of new unique resources and simulation-focused corpse carved resources.
  • A dismantle tab has added to crafting (so you don't have to go into an item's menu to dismantle items).
  • Added a "Drop Under Yourself" (instead of facing tile) option.
  • Added a new option to warn players on possible item break when crafting with items with 0 durability.
  • A new "Pick-up All" option has been added to the actions menu when facing a stack of items.
  • Added a hint for filtering/moving/resizing windows when scrolling on windows for the first time.
  • Crafts can now be sorted by skill (shown in a list like categories).
  • Item/action menu and quickslot binds now show the key they have been re-binded to.
  • Added a new skeletal remains doodad that will replace skeleton spawns in abandoned houses that only animate when near.
  • Corpses now decay into their resources (as given when carved).
  • Added a new option for disabling crafts when equipped or within a quickslot.
  • There is now a sunset and sunrise (atmospheric lighting color shifts).
  • Added a blood in water graphic/corpse object.
  • Added a couple more rare random events.
  • You can now "Dig With Hands" from the actions menu without using a shovel with the same potentially harmful effects as gathering without a tool.
  • Added support for media/browser keyboard keybinds in the options.
  • Each doodad and tile event now has a unique description.
  • Each creature now has a unique description.
  • A new milestone was added.
  • Added the following item groups: seed, fruit, vegetable, and tinder.
  • Added a warning dialog when trying to go back Wayward versions.
Bugs (24 changes)
  • Fixed a performance issue that increased CPU as much as 50% on some lower-end computers, even when idle.
  • Fixed an oversight that had tall grass drop grass seeds instead of tall grass seeds.
  • Fixed some instances where creatures did not pathfind behind obstacles reliably.
  • Fixed filtering not working after sorting in the crafting window.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented harpies, boglings, zombies, hobgoblins, and skeletons from dropping some loot.
  • Cancelled sorting when using a hotkey. This fixed some instances of "ghost" items in inventory
  • Fixed a bug where two turns were taken on successful transmogrification.
  • Fixed a bug where plants would inherit their planted seed's weight.
  • Fixed a bug that would not allow the game to be run when within a directory with a "#" in the name.
  • Fixed some instances of dismantling items adding up to more than the weight of the original item as well as other cases when dismantling was returning items with weights that was too low.
  • Fixed an issue where backspace did not work as a key bind.
  • Fixed an issue where some creatures could never spawn as aberrant forms.
  • Fixed a bug that made certain items heavier when not crafted directly (wrought iron arrows in treasure chests for example).
  • Fixed a bug where mod keybinds were randomly changing on reload.
  • Fixed a rare issue where random events could spawn plants on improper tiles.
  • Fixed an issue where if there was enough keybinds added via mods, it would cut off display of all or some of them.
  • Fixed a bug where the monster hit sound was not played if no damage was caused.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in a bunch of "undefined" messages when clicking "Clear Messages" when scrolled in a non-default placement.
  • Fixed an issue where telling time via the sundial was not accurate.
  • Fixed a bug that would not remove light source from extinguished torches for a turn.
  • Fixed many typos and grammatical issues throughout.
  • Fixed a bug that showed two damage values when pouring water on to a fire elemental.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to transfer more weight than the maximum allotment to a container when using the shift/move all functionality.
  • Fixed a bug where growing plants did not have any durability by default.
Balance (25 changes)
  • Reduced weight of all lockpicks, bullets, and (iron) arrowheads.
  • Decreased max attack of zombie, but increased max hp slightly.
  • Increased most creature resistances to make damage types more impactful in combat.
  • Reduced difficulty of crafting waterskins and water stills.
  • Reduced scaling aberrant damage and defense a bit, but increased their health slightly (based on player's strength).
  • Increased maximum range on all ranged weapons/tools except for composite bows which was reduced in range.
  • Composite bows now also have a reduced damage and durability.
  • Increased base damage on all bullets and arrows.
  • Increased difficulty of transmogrifying.
  • There is now a maximum reinforcement amount per item (based on quality). Increased max durability given on each reinforce significantly.
  • There is now a malignity limit of -/+ 64000.
  • Smoothed out malignity increase/decrease values across all creatures focusing on gaining less malignity near start of game, and gaining more in late game.
  • Doubled the negative malignity gained when travelling.
  • Stone Arrowheads now have a larger variety of weight. Previously they could only be crafted as 0.1 weight.
  • Large rocks now dismantle into 3 stones instead of 2.
  • Logs now dismantle into 2 tree bark (with the wooden poles) instead of 1.
  • Reduced the healing effect of sutures slightly.
  • Wrong tools and hands now reduce overall chance of resource gathering.
  • Malignity directly effects spawn rate frequency. This is no longer dictated by the length of your game save/turns.
  • Filling and drinking water will now decrease water depth if not connected to enough water.
  • Increased pouring damage against fire elementals significantly.
  • Malignity now effects aberrant spawning chances (more malignity = more aberrants, less malignity = less aberrants).
  • Drakes now can break down walls.
  • There is now a higher chance for creature drops (from loot tables specifically) to be of higher quality/legendary.
  • Reduced maximum starting dexterity (stamina).
Improvements (57 changes)
  • Nights now get a bit more dark, and have a stronger blue tint.
  • Maximum lighting radius now differ from each doodad (campfires will provide more light than furnaces as an example).
  • Added variable lighting radius to fire and lit doodads (campfires, furnaces, etc.) based on the fire's strength.
  • Equipping multiple torches will now use both of their light bonuses.
  • Increased lighting radius of all torches slightly.
  • Display total amount of items over the required in crafts (8/2 instead of 2/2).
  • Inspection (and tool-tips) now reveals if creatures are aberrant.
  • Forge and Anvils are now just "Stone Anvils" with an updated recipe. You will now require to be around another fire source and an anvil now for blacksmithing.
  • Milestones are now sorted alphabetically.
  • Decreased weight of leather hides and now dismantles from the newly added animal pelts (with animal fur).
  • "Bones" renamed to "Bone Fragments" and no longer act the same as a "bone". They can be dismantled into two bone needles instead. These have also been added to many creature corpses that were missing bones.
  • Low decay items (within 10% of decaying) are now shown in a red border (like low durability items).
  • Tweaked skeletal mage aberrant graphic (looks more distinct).
  • Keybinds for the action menu are now strictly set and do no change based on context. For example, closing a door will always be the same shortcut/hotkey now.
  • Items that decay into creatures (eggs to chickens) now will hatch within player's inventory, containers on tiles and doodads and will also be announced with a message.
  • Grass blades and leaves now can be used as tinder.
  • Pirate ghosts now spawn from magical essence decay/break.
  • Disassembling found items/equipment/etc. will now produce quality items based on the quality of the item being disassembled.
  • Pile of ash no longer burns under fires.
  • Things that would spawn on decay from items will now also spawn on the item being completely broken/destroyed.
  • Wooden fences now use 2 logs and a wooden pole now (instead of 3 logs) and can be disassembled.
  • Rotten meat item is now generalized graphically (so it doesn't just symbolize a steak).
  • Underground lakes are now a bit less massive.
  • Sleeping interruption now checks a square around you instead of just the four adjacent tiles.
  • Many improvements done to the Starter Quest including reducing the amount of quests and mentioning how long it will take.
  • You can no longer bind keys to left click (mouse 0).
  • You can now be within a 3x3 area of a required doodad instead of having to face it directly.
  • Improved information and grammar across all hints. Hints are no longer worded as though you triggered them (for players that browse them organically).
  • Added failure skill gain on gathering/digging when not getting any resource.
  • Fire elementals and drakes now avoid water.
  • Fire no longer damages flying creatures.
  • Drakes can now pass/stay in fire.
  • Doodads now display their quality in world tool-tips.
  • Added the ability for corpses to burn.
  • You can no longer disassemble arrowheads, bullets or lockpicks (due to it giving back more resources than weight could suggest).
  • If a random event occurs within sight, it is now reported in your messages, "You notice...".
  • Tweaked the corpse graphic for sharks to match the new blood in water graphic.
  • Added particle effects to stoke fire.
  • Collecting doodads that don't have a skill use (like walls) will now reduce stamina like other doodads (based on mining skill).
  • Added all water contains to creature loot (instead of just waterskins).
  • Disassemble requirements are now shown in tooltip.
  • Fire colors have been improved and are now more vibrant.
  • "Carve" from the actions menu is now "Carve With Tool", "Gather" is now "Gather With Hands", and "Rest" is now "Rest on Ground", giving more information to what is happening.
  • Improved the readability and display of dismantled items in tool-tips (no longer shows A Wooden Pole, A Wooden Pole, A Wooden Pole, ... for example).
  • You can no longer right (or left) click to drop while moving/experiencing a delay.
  • Particles brightness is now dependent on both ambient light and local light sources (no more black particles near light sources at night).
  • You now gain some skill when dismantling/disassembling (based on the item's associated skill).
  • You now gain anatomy skill when pouring water on yourself.
  • You now gain camping skill when lighting fires.
  • There is now a "News" button on the main game screen.
  • You can now build up tiles over water, raising the water with each tile. There are no more restriction set for adjacent land for this.
  • Separated the item action for equipping to your "hands", to two options for left and right hands.
  • Torches will now be doused when swimming.
  • You can no longer have lit torches in containers.
  • You can now disassemble containers (items will move to your inventory).
  • Prefixes have been added to creature corpses (fixing some grammatical issues).
  • You no longer pick-up items under creatures while attacking them.
Developer/Modding (12 changes)
  • Added support for back equippables to overlay over hair as well as provide custom sprites for water animations.
  • Added the following hooks: CanPlayerAttack, IsTileInspectable, OnInspectTile, OnCreatureDeath, and GetPlayerMaxHealth.
  • Added getLoadedModByName to make interacting with other mods from your mod easier.
  • The Wayward source and mods now use ES6 compilation.
  • Spawning groups are now defined as a creature property "spawnGroups" for defining creatures that spawn in caves, at night, as guardians, etc. This is no longer controlled within the spawning functions.
  • A new grouping system for doodads "DoodadTypeGroups" has been added.
  • Cleaned up parameters for skillGain.
  • Items, terrain, and creatures now have prefix support.
  • Reformatted language definitions. Prefixes now appear as the first parameter.
  • There is many new namespaces within the API including Corpse, TileEvent, and Creature. Previously, many creature functions were within the "game" namespace.
  • All references for "monster" has been changed to "creature".
  • Modding guide has been updated and improved.
Mods (4 changes)
  • [Developer Tools] Added a template spawner.
  • [Developer Tools] Added a listing of mods and refresh buttons within the options menu.
  • [Developer Tools] Added an unlock recipe button.
  • [Reincarnate] Fixed an issue where reincarnate was not always sending you to a new location on death.