Steamroll - Anticto
Dear community,

We are working hard to push a huge update to Steamroll. This update takes much longer than any other because it has a lot of changes, and it is a candidate to be the complete game.

Here is a list of some of the changes we are trying to include:
- added additional final level.
- added Scarabeus moving and shooting animations.
- redesigned all the user interface.
- final version of all props.
- reviewed the script and added the "steamlog" to keep track of the story.
- extended the music loop system.
- added internal per-level goal systems.
- added steam achievements.
- added steam trading cards.

We are not sure when will this version be ready, but we are sure we want to have it in beta for some time, to be able to fix all the bugs and optimise it. We will provide access to anyone interested, but we won't push it as the main version until it is good enough!

Back to work!

The Steamroll Team
Steamroll - Anticto
Dear community,

We are working hard to push a huge update to Steamroll. This update takes much longer than any other because it has a lot of changes, and it is a candidate to be the complete game.

Here is a list of some of the changes we are trying to include:
- added additional final level.
- added Scarabeus moving and shooting animations.
- redesigned all the user interface.
- final version of all props.
- reviewed the script and added the "steamlog" to keep track of the story.
- extended the music loop system.
- added internal per-level goal systems.
- added steam achievements.
- added steam trading cards.

We are not sure when will this version be ready, but we are sure we want to have it in beta for some time, to be able to fix all the bugs and optimise it. We will provide access to anyone interested, but we won't push it as the main version until it is good enough!

Back to work!

The Steamroll Team
Dec 17, 2015
Steamroll - Anticto
Steamroll - Anticto
Dear community,

We have just pushed update #22 out on Steam! This version has some changes related to the feedback received by players during the Granada Gaming show: faster balls. We had heard that request before, and always tried to resist, but this time we had to yield and do it :). Now steamball simulation is faster and people will have to wait less to see their pretty walls deployed. Oh, and we added a new level:

Bullet list of changes:
- added new level "Uphill Struggle"
- steamball physics simulation goes faster.
- fixed the usual typos in translations.
- fixed some crashes in the Driller level.
- added camera position widget when deployed in a base.

We will spend some time now in bug fixes and optimisation before releasing new levels, since we have some accumulated work in that area.

Enjoy Steamroll, and happy solstice holidays!

The Steamroll Team
Steamroll - Anticto
Dear community,

We have just pushed update #22 out on Steam! This version has some changes related to the feedback received by players during the Granada Gaming show: faster balls. We had heard that request before, and always tried to resist, but this time we had to yield and do it :). Now steamball simulation is faster and people will have to wait less to see their pretty walls deployed. Oh, and we added a new level:

Bullet list of changes:
- added new level "Uphill Struggle"
- steamball physics simulation goes faster.
- fixed the usual typos in translations.
- fixed some crashes in the Driller level.
- added camera position widget when deployed in a base.

We will spend some time now in bug fixes and optimisation before releasing new levels, since we have some accumulated work in that area.

Enjoy Steamroll, and happy solstice holidays!

The Steamroll Team
Dec 10, 2015
Steamroll - Anticto
Hello community!

A quick announcement to say that we have released another update! This one is more of a bug-fixing update, but it also includes refreshed 2D artwork like this:

...and some usability improvements like colouring the walls and ramps in the prediction with the same colour than their icons and item pickups.

The next update will bring a new level and many more improvements next week!

The Steamroll team
Dec 10, 2015
Steamroll - Anticto
Hello community!

A quick announcement to say that we have released another update! This one is more of a bug-fixing update, but it also includes refreshed 2D artwork like this:

...and some usability improvements like colouring the walls and ramps in the prediction with the same colour than their icons and item pickups.

The next update will bring a new level and many more improvements next week!

The Steamroll team
Steamroll - Anticto
Hello again,

This has been a very busy week and we are back with a new update, number #20 for Steamroll Early Access. In this update we have added many things, including another new level.

We recommend to everyone who played the "Driller" level, to play it again because we have added a final cut-scene that introduces the next level (otherwise you may not understand what happened).

Change log:
- Added new level: "Low Pressure"
- Added cut-scene at the end of "Driller"
- Added decals on the ground for explosions.
- Fixed mouse focus problem with the change list in the main menu.
- replaced some button by a bigger version to show that they can be pressed with the Scarabeus (no need to shoot a steamball all the way up the Escher level!)

Enjoy it and let us know your feelings, as usual!

The Steamroll Team
Steamroll - Anticto
Hello again,

This has been a very busy week and we are back with a new update, number #20 for Steamroll Early Access. In this update we have added many things, including another new level.

We recommend to everyone who played the "Driller" level, to play it again because we have added a final cut-scene that introduces the next level (otherwise you may not understand what happened).

Change log:
- Added new level: "Low Pressure"
- Added cut-scene at the end of "Driller"
- Added decals on the ground for explosions.
- Fixed mouse focus problem with the change list in the main menu.
- replaced some button by a bigger version to show that they can be pressed with the Scarabeus (no need to shoot a steamball all the way up the Escher level!)

Enjoy it and let us know your feelings, as usual!

The Steamroll Team
Steamroll - Anticto
Dear community,

The 19th update for Steamroll is live now for all platforms! In this update we added an additional level where you enter Valuska's workshop. Big problems require big solutions!

We also fixed several bugs related to mouse focus reported by our players, tweaked the difficulty of some levels like the Meeting Point and added the coolest "Level completed" and "You died" sounds you'll ever find in a game with steamballs.

As usual, send us your feedback and any bugs you find!


The Steamroll Team