Black Mesa - [BMS] Adam-Bomb

We hope you guys are enjoying the latest beta. We've been watching and listening closely to your feedback, and we have pushed our first hotfix. This is a code patch to fix bugs and beta issues with the Gonarch and the new UI. We will have additional code and level fixes in future hotfixes/updates. Thank you so much for your continued testing!

Gonarch and Bebcrab AI Changes
  • Gonarch AI now behaves differently and deploys different attack patterns based on Easy/Normal/Hard difficulty.
  • Fixed bug causing Gonarch to do 250 damage on melee attacks
  • Fixed bug causing Gonarch to spawn 60 bebcrabs instead of 15 in lower arena battle
  • Gonarch shove damage in map B chase reduced by 50%
  • Gonarch shove damage in map C chase reduced by 70%
  • Gonarch shove view punch and knock back amount greatly reduced
  • Gonarch AI tweaks for final lair arena battle.
  • Fixed a crash related to Gonarch mortars
  • Fixed a loophole where Gonarch could die/gib in map A and final upper arena
  • Fixed Gonarch physics throw attack not respecting cool-down system under certain conditions
  • Minor Adjustments to chase AI to make it more forgiving, reduce melee attack damage, and scale based on game difficulty setting
  • Bebcrab jump height reduced to 20 units high, making it much less likely they clip one of your rockets
  • Bebcrab damage reduced by 50%
  • Bebcrab max count in final upper arena reduced by 33%

New UI Fixes / Changes
If you are interested in testing the work in progress UI, use -newgameui as a launch command.
  • Fixed major performance drop when using new UI
  • Singleplayer game is now paused when UI or Console is Activated
  • Brought up default Qt behavior for key Auto-Repeat
  • Game Console: Command Input now has history
  • Game Console: Partial Autocomplete implementation (WIP, expect bugs)
  • Game Console: Log Area now 1-2% faster than old UI
  • Added "Enable Developer Console” to the Game options screen
  • Advanced Settings Menu is now fully hooked up

Known Issues
  • Bebcrabs can still be tracked by RPG. We are testing changes to have them not track/collide with RPG rockets. We think the change in jump height has addressed most, if not all of the problem. Let us know what you think!
  • Columns in the final fight arena still kill the player in 1 hit. This will be fixed in a future level update.
  • It is still possible to get the Gonarch stuck in certain areas of the level. We are testing level fixes to address this.

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Half-Life - (Natalie Clayton)

It feels like only yesterday that Half-Life remake Black Mesa was a joke. The highest-profile vaporware of the Source modding community. That thing had been milling around since 2005. Nobody thought it would ever actually come out. I remember feeling properly shook when eventually did in 2012, seven years later.

Except, it wasn’t exactly done. Crowbar Collective have been trying to figure out Xen, Half-Life’s notorious last chapter, for almost as long as the Earth bits were in development. With today’s Gonarch chapter entering public beta, it got a little bit closer to completion.


Black Mesa

Black Mesa's ambitious expansion to Half-Life has reached the last stretch. After a technical beta in June, which tested a few maps, Black Mesa: Xen's first two chapters are now available in the public beta branch. Xen and Gonarch's Layer contain nine maps, so it's triple the size. 

The other chapters will be added to the branch later, letting you test all 18 of the expansion's maps. Before you dive in, you can check out the known issues here. Developer Crowbar Collective says things will get quieter on the update front, but only because the team the expansion ready for launch. 

Xen has grown over the years from a rework of the disappointing Half-Life level to a full campaign with lots of different environments and improvements. It was originally slated for a 2017 launch, but it's changed quite a bit from the original plans.

Black Mesa - [BMS] Adam-Bomb

Testing... Testing...
Beta time! We’ve pushed all of Xen and Gonarch’s Lair to the public beta branch on Steam. The technical beta was just 3 maps, the complete Xen and Gonarch’s Lair is 9 maps.

Thank you to all who tested and who will test for us. We think the feedback so far has made the levels in the technical beta significantly better, and it would not have gotten there without the fresh eyes of the community.

Interloper, Nihilanth, and Endgame will follow after this beta and will double the map count to 18 total maps.

Earthbound has had a soundscape overhaul, fixes to game breaking bugs, and recompile of all the maps. If you take a trip through the earthbound chapters and find any game breakers, please let us know.

Also a reminder, the complete Xen soundtrack is available NOW. You can check it out here:

Also available wherever you buy or stream music.

Known Issues
As we posted earlier, here are some known issues in the current beta. Please report any issues you find to the Steam forums or our Discord.

-The flashlight and other dynamic lights occasionally cut out, then return when you go into the next room. We are investigating.

-In the last map of Gonarch’s Lair, Gonarch might be frozen when he should be playing a stabbing attack. You’ll know it when you see it.

-DO NOT USE OLD SAVES. It will cause issues.

-Linux is launching, but we are still working on getting the graphics to display properly. We apologize for this taking so long.

-You will see large black voids in the levels if you look back the way you came. These are the areaportals (an optimisation technique) not interacting correctly with the fog/xog. We have a simple fix for this that will go in for later patches.

-Some props have the wrong material properties. This is most noticeable in Gonarch’s Lair where it sounds like you are walking on boxes instead of rocks.

-We have greatly increased performance across all maps, but there is still a noticeable frame drop in the Xen swamps as you leave the door into the lower swamp.

-Beneathicles (underwater barnacles) don’t respond to Gluon or explosive damage. This makes them a bit of a pain to clear, but will be fixed!

-Long jump sound effect sometimes plays on map load. We haven’t yet been able to pinpoint why this his happening or why it only happens on some computers.

-Knockback Houndeyes occasionally push you into and through walls, causing the player to get stuck.

-Occasional crash to desktop in Gonarch’s Lair chapter. We think it is something related to the mortar attack.

-In order to fix a crash, HEV crystal chargers temporarily do not have a dynamic light.

-Bebcrabs sometimes walk on 2 legs instead of 4… it’s hilarious.

-Gonarch can occasionally run past you in an important chase sequence. We have tweaked the map to fix this, but it may still happen.


Thank you again to all who have participated, or will participate in the public beta. We may be a bit quiet with updates as we grind and grind in order to wrap the rest of the game up. Hit us up on the Discord if you have any questions!

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Black Mesa - [BMS] Adam-Bomb

Hey all,

We are compiling release candidates of all 9 maps for deployment testing. Unless we find a truly game breaking bug, it will be set live on Steam public beta August 1st. Just one of our levels can take up to 20 HOURS to compile, so it can be quite the process to test final maps. Major issues found by community testing will either be fixed in a later hotfix, or with the release of the rest of the chapters. Before you are able to jump in and help us beta test this Xen thing, please take a quick look at some of our known issues (to help avoid duplicate feedback on things we are already aware of):

-Linux is launching, but we are still working on getting the graphics to display properly. We apologize for this taking so long.

-You will see large black voids in the levels if you look back the way you came. These are the areaportals (a technique used for optimisation) not interacting correctly with the fog/xog. We have a simple fix for this that will go in for later patches.

-Some props have the wrong material properties. This is most noticeable in Gonarch where it sounds like you are walking on boxes instead of rocks.

-We have greatly increased performance across all maps, but there is still a noticeable frame drop in the Xen swamps as you leave the door into the lower swamp.

-Beneathicles (underwater barnacles) don’t respond to Gluon or explosive damage. This makes them a bit of a pain to clear, but will be fixed!

-Long jump sound effect sometimes plays on map load. We haven’t yet been able to pinpoint why this his happening or why it only happens on some computers.

-Knockback Houndeyes occasionally push you into and through walls, causing the player to get stuck.

-Occasional crash to desktop in Gonarch Chapter. We think it is something related to the mortar attack.

-In order to fix a crash, HEV crystal chargers temporarily do not have a dynamic light.

-Bebcrabs sometimes walk on 2 legs instead of 4… it’s hilarious.

-Gonarch can occasionally run past you in an important chase sequence. We have tweaked the map to fix this, but it may still happen.

We wanted to talk about these first, so players know what is out there before they dive in. As always, if you have any issues or crashes please go to our Discord or post them on the Steam forums (avoid questions in the news update as it is really hard to respond to them).

A personal thanks to all the devs who burnt some serious midnight oil getting this together. We will post another news update when the update goes live!

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Jul 17, 2019
Black Mesa - [BMS] Adam-Bomb


We are working on final polish for Xen and Gonarch’s Lair, as well as dropping in the final art, lighting, and fog for Interloper. In addition to that, here’s a quick update for everyone.

Sound Track
First we are pumped to announce the full Xen sound track will be released on August 1st. It will be available pretty much wherever music is.

Coming soon...

New Bloom
Bloom takes bright objects and blurs their color around the edges to create a softer image. When this was first implemented into the Source engine, the effect was in its infancy in video games. Since then, there have been lots of advancements and revisions to how bloom is done. We upgraded the bloom in Black Mesa to a more modern standard. We implemented a new bloom process and changed the values to work on both earthbound and Xen. The bloom values can be controlled through console commands per level.

New UI
This has been one of the longest running and challenging projects we set out to do, but we are really happy with how it is coming together. The goal is a better menu: removal of (irrelevant/out of date) options, clearer (preferences/selections/settings), and more controller support.

All the menus and text smoothly animate, which you can see below.

We are not 100% sure when the new UI will be fully functional, but we are hoping to have it testable with the next beta on August 1st.

As usual, time is flying by! We hope everyone is enjoying their summer. If you would like to chat with us consider joining our Discord. It is the quickest way to get in touch with developers as we also use it for development.

If you are having specific game breaking issues, you can report them on Discord or on our Steam forums. As always, make sure to have a detailed description and your system specs (including your video card).

Thanks everyone!

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Black Mesa

Valve might have shelved Gordon Freeman and his sci-fi misadventures, but Black Mesa developer Crowbar Collective still has one more job for the mute physicist. The studio's Half-Life remake was released in 2015, but since then it's been working on an additional and original campaign that greatly expands Gordon's trip off-world, and you'll be able to play it soon. 

In the original Half-Life, we don't get to see much of the alien world of Xen, but Crowbar Collective has been changing that. The Xen campaign doesn't just make the Xen level full-length—it's closer to a full game, or at least a meaty expansion. Check out the trailer from last year:

You'll have five chapters to work through, and the first two will be entering public beta on August 1. Soon after the beta release of Xen and Gonarch's Lair, Crowbar Collective will launch the rest of the chapters, Interloper, Nihilanth and Endgame. There are no dates for them, but expect them weeks, not months, after the first two. 

That's the last step before launch. Once all the bugs have been squashed, Black Mesa: Xen will leave beta. You'll get access if you have Black Mesa, which is currently on sale, and the betas will be available through the Steam Beta tab in the Properties menu. 

I'm increasingly less frustrated at the prospect of never being able to finish Half-Life officially. With developers working on fan projects to expand the original game and even bring Marc Laidlaw's vision for Half-Life 2: Episode 3 to life, there's still plenty of Half-Life left to play. 

Jul 6, 2019
Black Mesa - [BMS] Adam-Bomb

Hope everyone in the states had a good holiday, and everyone is having a good summer overall. We wanted to give an update on what to expect for Xen.

Thank you so much to everyone that played the technical beta and reported bugs! It was extremely positive and motivating for us. We have already fixed a large number of the issues reported, including some we never would have found on our own. The amount of quality feedback from our community has prompted us to update our release plans.

On August 1st we will roll out the complete Xen AND Gonarch's Lair chapters to public beta. Soon after (think weeks, not months), we will release the concluding chapters, Interloper, Nihilanth, and Endgame to public beta:

The same rules apply as before: If you want to be a part of cutting edge testing and don't mind helping us squash some bugs, this beta is for you! Otherwise, we suggest you hold out a little longer.

We think this staggered release will allow us to more thoroughly test all components of this massive game, and catch bugs faster. Once we can ensure a smooth launch, we'll push the whole Xen campaign out of beta for everyone to enjoy.

Thanks again for the feedback and comments. We will be back shortly with an update showing off some new stuff!

We are still on sale for 60% off until July 9th. As far as we know, this will be the last major sale before the release of Xen, so now is a great time to grab it for yourself or a friend!

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Half-Life - (Dominic Tarason)

The long-delayed Xen chapters of Black Mesa – Crowbar Collective’s remake of the original Half-Life – feel tantalisingly close now. In a Steam blog post yesterday, the devs warn that “If you want the polished, complete Xen experience, you should wait. It won t be long!”, but if you’re ready for your first taste of their re-imagined alien world, you can try it now. The first three (of nineteen) maps are available to play as an opt-in beta, with the intent of testing how badly PCs buckle under the extensive changes they’ve made under the hood. Below, some thoughts on the new Xen.


Black Mesa

Rise and shine! It's been a long, long wait for Black Mesa's final chapters. When Black Mesa (the modder-made recreation of the original Half-Life in the Source Engine) was released in 2015, it ended with Gordon Freeman's leap into the portal that takes him to Xen. The actual Xen levels themselves weren't yet complete. But today, at long last (we've been hearing the Xen levels were almost ready since 2017) , you can get a healthy taste of Xen as the team behind Black Mesa have made three chapters of the alien dimension available in a technical beta.

"The purpose of this beta is to collect bugs and feedback on a range of different computers," a post on the Black Mesa Steam page reads. "We have made significant improvements and changes to the Source engine, and we want the game to run as smoothly as possible. If you want to be on the bleeding edge of testing, opt into this beta. If you want the polished, complete Xen experience, you should wait. It won’t be long!"

There are some known issues with the Xen beta, such as drastically lower framerates while playing in 4K, issues with ragdolls in water, missing collisions with certain plants and roots in the swamp, and a few other little issues, so don't expect it to be a blemish-free experience. Players are encouraged to report bugs on the Steam forum or the game's Discord.

To take part in the beta, find Black Mesa in your Steam library (you'll need to own it, and if you don't it's currently on sale) and right-click on it. Select Properties from the drop-down menu, then choose the beta tab. Opt-in to the public beta and close the menu. You'll see Black Mesa updating to provide you with the Xen chapters. When you launch the game, you can select New Game and choose chapter 15 to start playing the Xen beta.
