Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Fraser Brown)

We ve been battered by wave after wave of survival romps since Minecraft popularised the genre, with its deadly nights and groaning zombies, almost a decade ago. In its wake, we’ve been introduced to a cavalcade of punishing, persistent environments intent on putting us in an early grave.

The masochistic impulse to put ourselves through the wringer for entertainment has spread to RPGs, management games, cosmic sandboxes and more than a few horror games, so even if you don t fancy punching rocks and trees while wandering around in the wilderness, you might still find a survival game to tickle your fancy. (more…)

ASTRONEER - staymighty

Steam 'Early Access' players will receive this update September 6th, 2018.

Update 0.10.1 contains a complete overhaul to the crafting and progression systems, including new resources, minerals, recipes, modules, and a new shuttle! Watch the trailer here:

New Crafting Progression

In order to prepare for new items that will be added in 1.0 as well as creating a progression that encourages exploration, we have overhauled the progression of crafting. There are now new resources in the world to gather, completely new craftable resources, and a new resource type, Atmospheric! Now, in order to craft everything in the game, Astroneers must travel to different planets. Progression now happens in a few stages:

Stage 1: Gathering resources with your terrain tool. In addition to the existing in-game resources, there are several new mineral deposits found throughout the world, and different densities of those resources on different planets.

Stage 2: Smelting and Refining resources. Like the current version of Astroneer, step two requires smelting and refining materials. There are new smeltable resources, be sure to check their UI card for more details!
  • Smelter has been renamed “Smelting Furnace”
  • More resources can be smelted
Stage 3: Extracting resources from soil. This system has gotten a complete overhaul. Rather than just extracting all resources, the newly dubbed Soil Centrifuge's role is now to help Astroneers extract common resources without all of the manual labor. This should allow players to focus on finding rare resources and automate the process of gathering items like compound and resin.
  • Mineral Extractor has been refactored into the “Soil Centrifuge”
  • Centrifuge provides easy access to common and uncommon resources but no longer can create all resources.
Stage 4: Compositing two resources together. Stage 4 now requires some science! In order to create rare composite resources, Astroneers must use the "Chemisty Lab" to combine resources from the above steps. Rare resources will now sometimes require a specific atmospheric gas to create.
  • Hydrazine Catalyzer has been refactored into a “Chemistry Lab”
  • Brand new resources can be crafted by combining multiple resources together
  • Some high-level resources require an Atmospheric resource as a type of fuel
Stage 5: Collecting Atmospheric Resources. As mentioned above, Atmospheric Resources are a new resource, and the new Atmospheric Condenser is the way to gather them. Not all atmospheres have every gas, and some have higher concentrations of gases than others, so make sure to visit new planets in order to collect all gases for crafting!
  • Fuel Condenser has been refactored into the “Atmospheric Condenser”, and visuals for the module have been completely replaced
  • Allows you to collect different resources from the planet’s local atmosphere
  • Different planets have different resource availabilities!
New Resources and Recipes

A new ore has been added - Sphalerite. Sphalerite can be smelted into Zinc, and is found above ground and below ground on most planets.

New types of resource deposits have been added - Quartz, Clay, and Graphite.
  • Quartz can be smelted into Glass
  • Clay can be smelted into Ceramic
  • Organic can now be smelted into Carbon. Coal deposits have been removed from the game and any existing Coal nuggets have been migrated to Carbon nuggets.
  • The Medium Generator now uses Carbon!
The following new crafted resources can be created at the Chemistry Lab:
  • Rubber
  • Plastic
  • Aluminum Alloy
  • Tungsten Carbide
  • Graphene
  • Diamond
  • Hydrazine
  • Silicone
  • Explosive Powder
  • Steel
  • Titanium Alloy
  • Nanocarbon Alloy
The following new atmospheric resources can be gathered using the Atmospheric Condenser:
  • Hydrogen
  • Argon
  • Methane
  • Nitrogen
  • Helium
  • Sulfur
To enable early game exploration of new planets, two new items have been added: the Solid-Fuel Thruster and the Small Shuttle.
  • The Solid-Fuel Thruster is unlocked in the Catalog for 500 Bytes and is printed from the Small Printer for 1 Aluminum and 1 Ammonium. This disposable thruster will enable you to take a one-way trip to another planet so you can collect the resources you need to complete your crafting progression. For your convenience, it prints to a small package that fits in your backpack, so be sure to take spares with you if you want to make round trips!

  • The Small Shuttle is unlocked in the Catalog for 1500 Bytes and is printed from the Vehicle Bay for 2 Aluminum. The Small Shuttle works with both the Hydrazine Thruster and the Solid-Fuel Thruster.
Recipes for many of the objects in game have changed! The goal of these changes is to give each item a clearer place in the crafting and gameplay progression. We hope players will now have a much more gratifying sense of progression as they unlock and craft new technology!

Because this is such a big change for the game, we’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback on the forums.

General Changes

The Catalog has received a visual redesign! We heard your feedback loud and clear on this, and with all the new recipes, we decided to overhaul the catalog and the information provided within. We hope that players will now make better informed decisions when spending bytes and planning out progression!
  • The Catalog display now shows the required resources to help you decide how to spend your hard-earned bytes
  • To further streamline Research and Printing, researchable items have been arranged by the printer type they come from (Backpack, Small Printer,
  • Medium Printer, Vehicle Bay) instead of their gameplay role.
  • All Fabricators have been renamed to Printers.
Collectible power nuggets and oxygen nuggets have been removed from the game!
  • To mitigate oxygen “rescue” moments, oxygen filters are unlocked by default and resin deposits are more common.
  • To mitigate power collection, the collectible nuggets surrounding hazards will collect as organic for small power generators.

Hovering over the required Resource holograms on printers now displays information about obtaining that Resource in their Tooltip. There are tons of new things, so this should help players find the resources they need!

EXO Wrecks and fallen Astroneer backpacks now have a chance to grant the newly added resources. See you in the stars fallen friends.
Byte values of researchable items have been adjusted
Byte costs of purchasable items have been adjusted


The following live issues have been fixed as of version
  • [AS-2487] - Fixed a bug where the Smelter sound loop would persist for Client players in Multiplayer games after smelting has finished
  • [AS-2676] - Fixed a bug where the Client player in Multiplayer games was unable to hear the Smelter when it was active
  • [AS-3330] - Fixed a bug where the Client player in Multiplayer games was not able to see the preview holograms while printing Medium and Large Rovers
  • [AS-3341] - Fixed a bug where Vehicle Bay will pop to center of the Shelter once it has been unpacked
  • [AS-3362] - Fixed a minor issue with the Medium Solar hologram which appeared too bright in the Catalog
  • [AS-3363] - Fixed a minor issue with the Terrain Analyzer image clipping through the background of the Catalog
  • [AS-3419] - Control + Click shortcut should once again work on the Landing Zone control panel
  • [AS-3426] - Fixed a bug with the item pads of small objects becoming separated from the object under certain conditions
  • [AS-3461] - Fixed an issue where Fireworks explosion became visually offset with the rocket
  • [AS-3465] - Smelter will no longer drop items to the ground when queuing up resources
  • [AS-3509] - Items will no longer fall out of world when packages are unpacked upside down
  • [AS-3522] - Fixed a bug where the green light on the side of certain module packages did not light up
  • [AS-3523] - Fixed a bug where Printers were not prevented from printing when items were placed in the center of the preview hologram
  • [AS-3541] - Fixed a long term usability issue where Smelter slots did not have priority over platform slots for placing ores for processing.
  • [AS-3571] - FIxed a visual issue where the Medium Storage became unskinned for a brief moment when unpacking
  • [AS-3602] - Fixed a number of localization issues in the Quick Help menu screens
  • [AS-3608] - Fixed a number of objects whose holograms appeared too large in the Catalog and caused readability issues with localized text
  • [AS-3647] - Fixed a bug where the Small Fabricator could finish its current printing process while being stowed in the backpack
  • [AS-3665] - Resources found in the white resource caches now show UI information cards
  • [AS-3669] - Exit key is no longer present in the shuttle UI when in orbit
  • [AS-3739] - Fixed an issue that occured when the player died with the research catalog open which caused previously unlocked items to show as locked and unpurchasable after respawn.
Thanks for reading! This is a big change for the game, and we would love your feedback. Use this thread to give us your thoughts!

Aug 6, 2018
ASTRONEER - staymighty

Steam 'Early Access' players will receive this update today, August 6th, 2018. 

Update 0.9.2 contains the groundwork for extensive changes to the crafting and resource systems, as well as additions to printer lists and changes to printers overall! 

You can find these updates in, the current build of the game.


New resource deposits have been added to the solar system! Titanite, Wolframite, and Hematite deposits can now be found on the surface of planets and in caves. But you won’t be able to find all of these on Terran, intrepid Astroneers will have to travel the solar system in order to find the new resources.

  • Titanium has been changed to be the refined form of Titanite. 
  • Wolframite and Hematite can be smelted into Tungsten and Iron, respectively. 
New recipes have been added to include these new smelted resources! New resources need new recipes to print them! These are just a few items that will be using this new resource progression, be on the look out for more items in updates very soon.
  • Drill Head: 1 Tungsten and 1 Resin
  • Extra Large Platform: 2 Iron
  • Extra Large Storage: 2 Iron and 2 Aluminum 
  • Fireworks: 1 Titanium
  • Thruster: 2 Tungsten

- Medium Printer has been removed as part of an ongoing effort to streamline crafting. With the introduction of the Small and Medium Fabricators, the Medium Printer became increasingly redundant and created confusion about where objects can be crafted. 
  • All objects that previously printed from the Medium Printer can now be crafted from the Small Fabricator. 
  • Existing Medium Printers in saved games have been automatically converted to Small Fabricators. 
- Thruster is now a craftable object. It is available in the Catalog for 2000 Bytes and prints from the Small Fabricator for 2 Tungsten. 

- The respawn rate of Harvestables has been positively adjusted!

- EXO wrecks can now be found in caves! Adventurous Astroneers will also discover new large wrecks on the surface that hint to each planet’s theme.

- The orange launch button has been removed from the Shuttles. You can now use the Auxiliary keys (Z / X on keyboard or RB / LB on gamepad) to launch into orbit. 

- Beacons have received an update and a bug fix.
  • Beacons are once again visible when slotted. Now players actually can locate their vehicles if a beacon has been put in a slot on the chassis.
  • They can now be turned off. This option is available when you finish cycling through all of the color options using the input keys. 
  • They can now be turned on, off, and their color can be changed using the aux keys when slotted onto an auxiliary slot on vehicles and backpacks.


The following live issues have been fixed as of version

A number of frequently occurring low-level crashes have been fixed, increasing overall stability. 
  • [AS-2475] - Fix an issue where the Backpack "No power” notification did not account for attached extra power from batteries. 
  • [AS-2521] - Fixed an issue in Multiplayer games where an incorrect required resource notification is displayed when a Client player scrolls between craftable objects with a resource in their backpack.
  • [AS-2576] - Picking up or quick stowing a bundleable item into the Backpack no longer starts a new bundle if a non-full bundle of that item is already in the backpack.
  • [AS-2598] - Fixed a Multiplayer issue where the Backpack printer did not display necessary resource to craft for the Client player.
  • [AS-3256] - If you open the catalog while your terrain tool is out, it will be put away. This fixed an issue where the mouse did not work with the catalog if the catalog was opened while the terrain tool was equipped.
  • [AS-3261] - Fixed an issue where Medium Generators attached to a Rover aux slot could not be toggled using the aux keys. 
  • [AS-3267] - Fixed an issue in the Tutorial, where the Research Module control panel could not be examined when the progress tooltip refreshed too quickly.
  • [AS-3294] - Fixed an Audio issue causing the reverb audio filter to persist when Players exited a cave. 
  • [AS-3311] - Fixed a small visual issue where the Trade Module Rocket appeared unskinned for a brief moment when the Trade Module platform is unpacked.
  • [AS-3331] - Spiker Seeds now have a UI card. 
  • [AS-3339] - Client players should once again be able to slot items to the top slots on the Medium and Large Rovers. 
  • [AS-3349] - Fixed an issue on the Xbox One where the selection cursor persisted upon respawn if the Astroneer died while browsing the catalog.
  • [AS-3382] - Drop SFX have been restored on small modules. 
  • [AS-3383] - Pick-up and placement SFX for Small Wind Turbine, Small Solar, and Small Generator have been restored. 
  • [AS-3389] - Clients should once again hear Fuel Canister emptying SFX. 
  • [AS-3396] - Vehicle Bays should now be able to print Rovers and the Small Shuttle on top of a wrecked Spaceport. 
  • [AS-3424] - Blowing up a Large Shredder should no longer leave an unusable partial Scrap resource. 
  • [AS-3430] -  When modules are picked up from their bases, their control panels will now close automatically instead of jittering erratically. 
  • [AS-3463] - Tweaked the Fireworks sound effect so it no longer starts before the visual effect appears.
  • [AS-3525] - Resource slots on small fabricator can disappear or reappear as camera is rotated to put it offscreen
  • Fixed a number of small localization bugs, naming inconsistencies, and text spacing issues.
  • Restored a number of missing icons indicating the contents of a printed package. 
The addition of new Wrecks and Discovery types will cause terrain seams in old saves. This will no longer be an issue once Terrain 2.0 gets rolled out!

Thanks for reading! Can't wait to see you all at PAX in a few weeks to talk about some really exciting news related to Terrain 2.0! Keep an eye out on our Youtube channel about the next info related to what we are bringing to Pax West!

Jul 6, 2018
ASTRONEER - staymighty

Steam 'Early Access' players will receive this update July 6th, 2018. 

Update 0.9.0 contains a new gameplay mechanic and module, the Shredder, and tons of new things to discover while exploring planets!

You can find these updates in, the current build of the game.


Players can now find new types of EXO discoveries while exploring! From small crashed dropships to sprawling empty outposts, these discoveries await you on the surface of all planets across the solar system. Some of these structures are still somewhat usable… will you strip them of their goods, or settle down and repurpose their working parts into a new base of operations? Some of these include:
  • Solar and wind farms
  • Wrecked dropships
  • Abandoned spaceports
These discoveries will also provide valuable parts that you can use for shredding, which brings us to our next addition...


The Small Shredder and Medium Shredder have been added to the game! Shredding is a new gameplay mechanic in Astroneer, that will allow players to use found and created materials to create Scrap, a new resource. Scrap is created by shredding items and modules you no longer need, or wrecked objects and debris you find in the world. Players can then use scrap to trade for materials at the Trade Platform. 
  • The Small Shredder is available in the Catalog for 500 Bytes and prints from the Small Fabricator for 1 Aluminum

  • Medium Shredder is available in the Catalog for 1000 Bytes and prints from the Medium Fabricator for 2 Aluminum

The trade platform has been updated to be the primary source of trading for Scrap. Instead of trading using crafting materials, you now use the trade platform to send scrap away in exchange for resources you might need! We will continue to make adjustments to the exchange rates so make sure to let us know how these work for you!

  • As part of ongoing improvements to the in-game UI, the Power and Oxygen status visualizations have been changed to icons and notification tags rather than floating text. 
  • Hovering over another player in Multiplayer games now gives you a bit of information about them. 

  • Harvestables now appear on Radiated and Arid, as well as in Caves on all planets! The design team is eager to hear your feedback on respawn rates and point grant values of Harvestables. Please visit the forums, or other social channels, and let us know what you think!
  • All Rovers now have tighter turn radius, enabling more awesome donut maneuvers, but also better maneuverability in caves. 


A number of frequently occurring low-level crashes have been fixed, increasing overall stability. 
  • [AS-3127] - Fixed a crash that occurred when printing a Large Shuttle both a Power Nugget and directional power to the Vehicle Bay.
  • [AS-762] - Fixed a UI bug where the text on the Vehicle Bay would flip upside down when approaching it in a vehicle. 
  • [AS-877] - Fixed a long standing issue in the Trade Platform where the trade resources would appear inconsistently between client and host players in Multiplayer games. 
  • [AS-2792] - Fixed an Audio issue where storm effects would not return if a player entered and then exited a cave during a storm. 
  • [AS-2840] - Footstep sound effects have returned!
  • [AS-2841] - Fixed an Audio issue where the Lowpass filter would remain in effect after dying.
  • [AS-3048] - Adjusted the headers in the Quick Help menu so they no longer overlap in Windowed mode or with longer translations. 
  • [AS-3065] - Fixed a bug where a Terrain Analyzer occupying a Backpack slots would interfere with the ability to place objects directly into the Backpack.
  • [AS-3097] - Fixed a camera collision issue that occurred when a player would pan across in front of the Habitat causing the Landing pad to flicker in and out. 
  • [AS-3104] - Small platforms should no longer topple over easily on uneven ground.
  • [AS-3106] - Filter hologram should once again be present on the Backpack printer preview. 
  • [AS-3114] - Fixed an issue where an unusable Examine prompt would appear when selecting the Small Fabricator in your Backpack. 
    [AS-3129] - The Dropship should no longer be deployable when it is placed on a Shuttle. 
  • [AS-3149] - Fixed an Audio issue where  only the first hydrazine canister attached to a shuttle would play its associated SFX when fuel is transferred into shuttle tank.
  • [AS-3150] - Fixed an annoying issue where Hard Terrain and its surrounding terrain could not be flattened together without the appearance of a small gap or jagged edges. 
  • [AS-3175] - Tooltips no longer remain visible on the Terrain Tool after closing the Backpack.
  • [AS-3289] - Fixed a major issue on the Xbox One causing the game to not save after entering the Habitat and then powering down the console. 

  • In a higher latency situation, rejoining players may appear at first where they last were in a Multiplayer game, but due to latency, input is still bound to the EXO satellite and on pressing 'A' they get relaunched from the station.

  • The addition of new POI's and Discovery types will cause terrain seams in old saves. This will no longer be an issue once Terrain 2.0 gets rolled out.

    Thanks for reading, and if you want to see some behind the scenes about this update, watch the vlog!
Today's Deal: Save 20% on ASTRONEER!*

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*Offer ends July 5th at 10AM Pacific Time

Astroneer, the open world survival and exploration sandbox from System Era, is now in its second year in Early Access and aiming for a 1.0 release at the end of 2018. Its trailer at E3 announced the December release for 1.0, and if you watch closely you can pick up some hints for a few things it plans to deliver. Astroneer currently supports up to 4-player co-op, but a scene near the end of the trailer shows more than four astronauts running around together.

"We want to push that player number as high as we can go," said Joe Tirado of System Era when we spoke at E3. "No specifics there, but we have a dedicated server running [in-house] and we've had as many as 10 people running around." A scene in the trailer shows nine co-op astronauts—not quite enough for a battle royale match, as System Era joked on April 1st, but it's still definitely more than four.

And while many players enjoy the self-guided sandbox experience of Astroneer, "We've also heard this call of people want stuff to do," Tirado said. "They want directed goals, they want exposition about the universe we built." These goals will be a part of version 1.0. These aren't quests, Tirado told me, and there won't be a proper campaign in Astroneer. But players interested in a more directed experience will have a path to follow if they're looking for one.

"High level goals of the game that you sort of aspire to once you've learned the mechanics of the game," Tirado said. "So, I'm really good at systems, I'm really good at deforming [terrain], so some of those goals might be using those skills to problem solve and figure out how to use deformation to circumnavigate some sort of problem that you encounter."

Those who are perfectly happy to follow their own bliss don't need to concern themselves with these goals if they don't want to, said Tirado. "The game will be telling you that those things are there, but not necessarily forcing you in their direction."

As a reward for completing some of these optional high-level goals, Astroneer also plans to introduce player customization. System Era isn't completely sure yet what the nature of the customization in 1.0 will be, though they're looking at a few different options. Above you can see some concept art of different color palates for spacesuits—some could be specific to the different planets and could be worn as a sign that you've visited them. The idea of adding mission patches is also being explored as a way to decorate your astronaut to show off where you've been and how much you've achieved.

Crossplay is currently supported between Windows Store and Xbox versions of Astroneer, but 1.0 also plans to include the Steam version in that crossplay as well. For more on what's coming in Astroneer in 1.0, you can visit its official site and take a peek at its development roadmap.


Steam 'Early Access' players will receive this update today, June 14th, 2018.

Update 0.8.0 contains a new tutorial, the beginnings of a complete overhaul to the game UI, and a completely new element in the Research system, Harvestables!

You can find these updates in, the current build of the game.

The game has an all-new Tutorial experience that is accessible from a new drop pod in the Main Menu! The goal of the new Tutorial is to introduce the basic concepts of Terrain deformation, Oxygen / Power management, Research, Exploration, and Basebuilding in a more streamlined way to new players. We hope that this tutorial will be good for new players to Astroneer, but also to players who haven't played the game in a while but are coming back!
  • When launching Astroneer for the first time, new and returning players will be prompted to try the new Tutorial. Returning players can skip the Tutorial and it will be available to replay at any time from the Main Menu.
  • In order to match the unlock progression of the Tutorial, new games will now begin with the Canister, Tethers, Small Generator, and Open 1-Seat unlocked, in addition to the modules and platforms already available by default.
  • Even if you’re already familiar with the game, we encourage you to play through the new Tutorial. We will continue iterating on the experience over the coming months so please be sure to share your feedback with us in the forums!

The game has been updated with a "v1" of an overhaul to all of Astroneer’s in-game text UI. Instead of persistent floating text, almost all interactive items, modules, chassis, and resources, have been updated with a "UI card" visual design.
  • All modules and resources now have an icon associated with them.
  • Hovering over holographic input indicators will now tell you the resource required for module, printer, and fabricator recipes.
  • Proximity-based tooltips have been added to all embedded Resources.
  • Position indicators have been removed from vehicles, so be sure to print Beacons and slot them on your Vehicles if you intend to walk very far away!
  • Some areas like: main menu UI, spaceflight UI, Backpack UI, as well as UI for the Trade Module and Mineral Extractor will be updated in a future release.

There are now special plant and mineral formations on Terran, Barren, Arid, and Exotic planets that spawn unique objects you can instantly research for a variable amount of Bytes. These Harvestables will respawn their research items over time, and also have a chance to spawn a large, single-use Research Item at their root. Be warned, though: uprooting the plant or mineral will prevent it from respawning their instant-use research items. So weigh your options carefully between single use and respawning values - and be careful where you dig! The goal of the Harvestables system is to smooth out the starting gameplay experience by offering small, renewable sources of Bytes in areas that might have a low density of Research Chests, and to provide interesting points of interaction across the surface of planets.

Your Backpack inventory and location are now preserved between multiplayer game sessions! When returning to your friend’s saved games or rejoining after a lost connection, your Astroneer will load in the last location you left them. Also, in order to fix a number of bugs that could occur if clients joined before the host deployed the shelter, multiplayer is now unavailable until the host has landed on the starting planet and deployed the shelter.


  • [AS-2855] -- Fixed an issue where storms were appearing pixelated for players on the Xbox One
  • [AS-2890] - Fixed a bug with Generators so they once again pull available organic from backpack slots
  • [AS-2894] - Fixed a bug where Terrain Analyzer color meters changed to black upon exiting game and reloading the saved game.
  • [AS-2917] - Audio should now reset properly after Astroneer death.
  • [AS-2935] - Player backpack oxygen tank should once again pull oxygen from connected tanks or filters.

In a higher latency situation, rejoining players may appear at first where they last were in a Multiplayer game, but due to latency, input is still bound to the EXO satellite and on pressing 'A' they get relaunched from the station.


Also, just in case you missed it, we were at E3 and announced some big news! Astroneer is now slated to go into full 1.0 in December 2018! We will be updating the roadmap to reflect the rest of our plans during Early Access, but rest assured, we will continue updating and adding to the game in order to make 1.0 a huge advancement of Astroneer!

Click here if you want to hear more about what we revealed at E3, including news about cross-play between Steam and Xbox via dedicated servers, increased multiplayer counts, and more.

When you are done with that watch the E3 trailer below!

ASTRONEER - staymighty

Rovers are now more configurable than ever! The Rover Update contains a new vehicle, updated driving controls, new methods to use rovers in fun ways, and a ton of performance upgrades!


The Small Rover has been added to the game. It is available in the Catalog for 1000 Bytes and prints from the Vehicle Bay for 2 Compound. 

Absolute Steering has been implemented for vehicles. Vehicles are now controlled by the movement keys regardless of camera position! (WASD by default on keyboards, and RT / LT and the left thumbstick on controllers). Absolute Steering is enabled by default as of this update, but players may change back to the original camera-directed steering mode by disabling Absolute Steering in the options menu. 

The physics model for Rovers has been overhauled.
  • Lateral friction has been added to wheels to prevent rampant sliding.
  • Drag force has been added to Rover acceleration for a more natural velocity cap and more natural steering at high speeds.
  • Acceleration forces now take contact normals into consideration to allow wheels to “roll” over smaller obstacles instead of plowing into them.
  • Contextual Button activation have been implemented for vehicles. Certain items attached to the Auxiliary Slots on vehicles can now be activated by pressing the Contextual Buttons (Z / X or RB / LB by default). More items, such as the Drill and Winch, will become usable in this way in future updates. 
The Thruster has been revised to work better with Rovers.
  • Can now be toggled using the above Contextual Buttons when attached to the Vehicle Auxiliary Slots.
  • Applies a more balanced force for better in-air stability.
  • Can now accelerate Rovers above their max drive speeds.
The research cost and recipe of the Medium Rover has been adjusted. Its cost is now 3000 Bytes (up from 2000 Bytes) and requires 2 Compound and 2 Aluminum to print. 

The built-in batteries on the Medium and Large Rover have been tuned to require more active power sources. The primary reason for the power and recipe changes is to further differentiate the roles of the Medium and Large Rovers from the Small Rover. The Small Rover is intended to be used a light exploration vehicle, while the Medium and Large Rover are meant to serve as heavier haulers and mobile bases. 


We have made a number of improvements to performance on both PC and Xbox, particularly targeting very large save files and multiplayer games. Specific areas of focus include infrastructure refactors and fixes, removing unnecessary animation overhead, reducing the processing cost of deformation, and optimizing older assets that have not been updated in quite some time. This is an ongoing effort that will continue throughout Early Access, but this latest effort should be noticeable for players on the Xbox in particular. Xbox One now utilizes DirectX 12, further improving rendering efficiency on Xbox One and will allow for future rendering quality improvements.  

Xbox One X and Xbox One S consoles can now play the game in HDR. Please calibrate your monitor using the default Xbox One calibration screen prior to launching the game. 

  • The ‘Flatten Mode’ on the Terrain Tool has been adjusted to provide more consistent results at any angle.
  • Reward tables of Discoveries have been updated with new items. 
  • Additional Quick Help screens have been added to the game to help you after the initial Tutorial experience. Press F1 on your keyboard or the Menu button on your gamepad to check them out! 
  • Reduced overall game package size (reduced download sizes and load times)
  • Upgraded game engine to Unreal 4.18.
  • Fixed a number of issues with wheel collision which were causing Vehicle wheels to stretch in strange ways. These fixes should greatly reduce the number instances of stretchy wheels.
  • [AS-2597] - Fixed a bug where some Fabricators displayed nonfunctional contextual verbs. 
  • [AS-2599] - Fixed an issue where  the 'Use' and 'Examine' inputs prompts did not properly respond to input
  • [AS-2622] - Fixed an interaction bug where the 'Exit' prompt displays instead of 'Enter' when one or two seats of a 3-Seat attachment are occupied.
  • [AS-2630] - Fixed a bug where a on-functional 'Place’ verb appeared when interacting with another player’s Habitat
  • [AS-2637] - Fixed a bug where a player could not operate Winch if another player occupied vehicle it was attached to. 
  • [AS-2647] - Fixed an intermittent bug where the Client players model did not appear to animate to the Host player while using the Terrain Tool.
  • [AS-2675] - Fixed an issue where Vehicles became embedded in certain kinds of terrain when printed from the Vehicle Bay. 
  • [AS-2689] - The Habitat side slots can once again hold resources and other 1-slot items.
  • [AS-2690] - Fixed an annoying bug where the Vehicle Bay became inoperable for the Client player if the Host was using the control panel while the Client was joining the game. 
  • [AS-2691] -  Fixed a bug where a non-functional ‘Enter’ command appeared when hovering over another player’s Drop Pod in Multiplayer. 
  • [AS-2695] - power cells look like holograms on clients
  • [AS-2736] - Fixed a graphical corruption in the power conduit material. 
  • [AS-2754] - Fixed a minor issue with Research rates showing decimal places off-screen on the control panel. 
  • [AS-2844] - Fixed an issue where players could infinitely replicate smelted items. Sorry, not sorry. 
  • Fixed a number of localization bugs in the “Learn More” help screens. 

  • Storm textures showing up as pixelated on the Xbox One
  • Audio might become muffled after an Astroneer dies. We are working to resolve this issue.
  • The game sometimes looses audio when settings are changed. This can be fixed by deleting your game usersettings.ini

Thanks for reading! Hope everyone has fun driving the new rover! We will talk again around E3 ;)


This article was originally published in PC Gamer issue 316. For more quality articles about all things PC gaming, you can subscribe now in the UK and the US. 

Until this week, my most recent conversation about Astroneer involved bumping into former lead designer Jacob Liechty at GDC in San Francisco. He was in the process of leaving the company and we had a fascinating chat about his new work in AI safety. 

Playing Astroneer roughly a year on, that chat came back to me. I meant to check in with the game’s progress and fiddle around with multiplayer. What I ended up doing was listening to a 2015 episode of The Partially Examined Life—a philosophy podcast—featuring Nick Bostrom. 

Bostrom is the director of the Future of Humanity Institute at the University of Oxford. I came across his work when I used to write for Wired because questions of existence and existential risk sit alongside areas of rapid change (like AI) and can feed into how we alter legislation. 

These questions are a valuable part of how we grapple with an unknowable future and our own culpability or control. Depending on whether you believe in the Singularity they might be the most important questions we face today. But the conversation can become paralysing—it invokes an inconceivable level of change brought about by people and tech over which you likely have no control.

Pottering around in Astroneer’s optimistic future makes those questions easier to contemplate. It helps switch off that vast shadowy powerlessness which threatens to overwhelm the topic after a while. 

Right now there’s a discussion of existential risk playing in my ears. But it’s balanced by my hands being plunged into Astroneer’s peaceful future where we figured this all out.


In Astroneer, for example, there are no think pieces about the destruction I may be wreaking on the ecosystem, I’m not trying to navigate politics, and the tech which is keeping me alive isn’t slipping out of my grasp. There’s a wiki if I can’t remember what a filter does, for goodness sake. 

I have a functional base and a backlog of mysterious lumps which I can analyse to generate data. If I accumulate enough data, I can acquire blueprints for crafting and exploration options. I’m torn between a pursuit of the shuttle which I can use to reach new planets, or investing in rovers so I can scoot around.

I could have tamped down my existential dread with any pleasantly compelling game, but it felt like a vague continuation of that conversation with Liechty to do it via Astroneer. It also led me to this quote in his exit post on the Astroneer blog: 

“The thing I love about Astroneer is how thematically aspirational it is, both to its emotional depths and also to the sky, stars and beyond. Humanity is ceaselessly mediating the boundary between its internal existential questions and its external aspirations. These are exciting times both for age-old philosophical questions and for brand-new explorations and frontiers.”

ASTRONEER - staymighty
This week's vlog covers our trip to GDC, the work being done to improve performance, and upgrades to rover steering! Also, a rodeo llama.

As part of the work needed to move forward in development, the team is going to take some time during the time allotted for the next update to focus on performance! In the vlog, Brendan walks us though our reasoning for spending some time to do this now, as well as some of the performance benchmarks we are trying to hit! Click below to watch the vlog.
Andrew has also been working on a directional steering control scheme to offer as an option to the current camera based one, and Veronica shares some of her early impressions of how that was feeling, while also testing the new rover we showed off during our April Fool's joke.

Thanks for reading, and make sure you subscribe to our youtube channel to keep up with the rest of our development vlogs!
