Skyhook - Megastorm Games
Today we're introducing one of the biggest changes to the game thus far. The characters are no longer exactly the same!

Each character now has a different type of dodge move. In addition to that, all characters have the ability to perform a parry, which deflects hooks, by dodging downwards while standing. With these changes and more to come, we hope to add some more depth and challenge to Skyhook, while keeping its accessibility.

This is a big change for us, so we'd love to hear what you think!

You can always reach out to us here on Steam or privately at

  • Anara disappears and reappears at the end of her dodge, making her unpredictable and scary as hell to fight.

  • Fin can control his direction while dodging on the ground and cancel his dodge. Be careful though, his air dodge is not nearly as powerful.

  • Runa has the most balanced dodge, it resembles the original dodge mechanic the most.

  • Jade has the fastest dodge, and quickly changes directions onces its over.
  • Parry enemy hooks by doding downwards while standing, sending their hook flying back to them.

Other Features
  • Random option in character selection.

  • Explosions are now a lot bigger and a bit more dynamic.
  • Powerups and chest now light up.
  • Increased fast fall speed.

  • Fixed bug with ghosts not interacting with hooks properly.
  • Fixed bug with dead bodies getting stuck on edges
Skyhook - Megastorm Games
Today we're introducing one of the biggest changes to the game thus far. The characters are no longer exactly the same!

Each character now has a different type of dodge move. In addition to that, all characters have the ability to perform a parry, which deflects hooks, by dodging downwards while standing. With these changes and more to come, we hope to add some more depth and challenge to Skyhook, while keeping its accessibility.

This is a big change for us, so we'd love to hear what you think!

You can always reach out to us here on Steam or privately at

  • Anara disappears and reappears at the end of her dodge, making her unpredictable and scary as hell to fight.

  • Fin can control his direction while dodging on the ground and cancel his dodge. Be careful though, his air dodge is not nearly as powerful.

  • Runa has the most balanced dodge, it resembles the original dodge mechanic the most.

  • Jade has the fastest dodge, and quickly changes directions onces its over.
  • Parry enemy hooks by doding downwards while standing, sending their hook flying back to them.

Other Features
  • Random option in character selection.

  • Explosions are now a lot bigger and a bit more dynamic.
  • Powerups and chest now light up.
  • Increased fast fall speed.

  • Fixed bug with ghosts not interacting with hooks properly.
  • Fixed bug with dead bodies getting stuck on edges
Skyhook - Megastorm Games
We're very excited to bring you Skyhook Update #4! You'll find the game is a lot faster now with more emphasis on quick reaction times and slick shots, along with a bunch of new features! Full changes below:

  • New Power Up: The Berserker Helmet - increases your movement speed, hooking speed, and jump power.

  • Hooks will now clash when they collide with your enemy's hook

  • New Tombs stage.

  • Gameplay speed and gravity has been increased.
  • Player’s will now show which direction they’re aiming.

  • Improved pathfinding for AI bots.
  • Invisibility now lasts until the player dies.
  • Shield now lasts until the player is hit once. It then breaks and grants some invincibility frames.
  • If a player is idle off screen for too long, a cannonball will drop and kill them.
  • Explosions will now throw a player out of any mount they are in.
  • Onion skin effect now shows during Slow Motion powerup.
  • Improved UI performance using Unity UI system.
  • New cannon sfx.
  • Fixed flickering issue when moving on a ship.
  • Fixed bug where cannonballs would explode when passing through a player’s heart icons.
  • Fixed bug where gamepads would get stuck vibrating after player left the join screen.
  • Fixed bug where hook would get stuck in wall after player got in a ship.
  • Fixed bug where player would wallslide upwards when pressing the jump button in a corner.
  • Fixed bug where teammates wouldn't always get transformed during the mirror powerup.
Skyhook - Megastorm Games
We're very excited to bring you Skyhook Update #4! You'll find the game is a lot faster now with more emphasis on quick reaction times and slick shots, along with a bunch of new features! Full changes below:

  • New Power Up: The Berserker Helmet - increases your movement speed, hooking speed, and jump power.

  • Hooks will now clash when they collide with your enemy's hook

  • New Tombs stage.

  • Gameplay speed and gravity has been increased.
  • Player’s will now show which direction they’re aiming.

  • Improved pathfinding for AI bots.
  • Invisibility now lasts until the player dies.
  • Shield now lasts until the player is hit once. It then breaks and grants some invincibility frames.
  • If a player is idle off screen for too long, a cannonball will drop and kill them.
  • Explosions will now throw a player out of any mount they are in.
  • Onion skin effect now shows during Slow Motion powerup.
  • Improved UI performance using Unity UI system.
  • New cannon sfx.
  • Fixed flickering issue when moving on a ship.
  • Fixed bug where cannonballs would explode when passing through a player’s heart icons.
  • Fixed bug where gamepads would get stuck vibrating after player left the join screen.
  • Fixed bug where hook would get stuck in wall after player got in a ship.
  • Fixed bug where player would wallslide upwards when pressing the jump button in a corner.
  • Fixed bug where teammates wouldn't always get transformed during the mirror powerup.
Skyhook - Megastorm Games
Update #3 is live on Steam! Train your Skyhooking skills against AI bots in the new Training mode. Fight your friends to earn over 30 trophies in Versus mode.


Training Mode
  • This new mode allows you to practice your Skyhook skills against various types of AI controlled bots. This mode is still in beta as I improve the behavior and difficulties of the bots. Practice mode takes place in a new flat practice stage. I hope to soon bring these bots into Versus matches to fight against! Here’s a clip of some bots in action:
Ship Log Menu
  • This menu screens shows persistent stats, like how many hours you’ve played and session based stats like how many kills and deaths each player has.

  • It also shows all the trophies you’ve earned in matches and what they mean.

  • Added 10 new match trophies.
  • New camera system to better deal with scaling to different resolutions.
  • Steam Cloud integration (save data will be reset!)

  • New Skyhook logo.
  • New music for the Tombs of Ra.
  • Sound effects when entering ships and turrets.
  • Sound effects for treasure chests landing.
  • Improved Jade splash art.
  • Improved Indicators when players are offscreen.
  • New dodge animations for Anara and Runa.
  • Updated to Unity 5.1

  • New spawn system avoid spawning a player where other players may be hanging out.
  • Balanced treasure spawn points on all maps.
  • Balanced spawn points on Kingsfall I.
  • Shorter initial spawn time for chests during matches with less than 3 lives.
  • Ship obstructions: Ships will now slowly sink if they are in a position where no one can jump into them.
  • Sudden death powerup will scale by 5 seconds based on the number of players in a match.
  • Increased sensitivity to allow players to tap down twice to drop through platforms.

  • Fixed issue where hook would face the wrong direction when player is spawning.
  • Fixed bug where players and chests would not properly stick to moving platforms and airships.
  • Fixed bug where sudden death powerup would attack your own team members.

If you have any bugs or feedback feel free to post them on our Bug Discussion Board
Skyhook - Megastorm Games
Update #3 is live on Steam! Train your Skyhooking skills against AI bots in the new Training mode. Fight your friends to earn over 30 trophies in Versus mode.


Training Mode
  • This new mode allows you to practice your Skyhook skills against various types of AI controlled bots. This mode is still in beta as I improve the behavior and difficulties of the bots. Practice mode takes place in a new flat practice stage. I hope to soon bring these bots into Versus matches to fight against! Here’s a clip of some bots in action:
Ship Log Menu
  • This menu screens shows persistent stats, like how many hours you’ve played and session based stats like how many kills and deaths each player has.

  • It also shows all the trophies you’ve earned in matches and what they mean.

  • Added 10 new match trophies.
  • New camera system to better deal with scaling to different resolutions.
  • Steam Cloud integration (save data will be reset!)

  • New Skyhook logo.
  • New music for the Tombs of Ra.
  • Sound effects when entering ships and turrets.
  • Sound effects for treasure chests landing.
  • Improved Jade splash art.
  • Improved Indicators when players are offscreen.
  • New dodge animations for Anara and Runa.
  • Updated to Unity 5.1

  • New spawn system avoid spawning a player where other players may be hanging out.
  • Balanced treasure spawn points on all maps.
  • Balanced spawn points on Kingsfall I.
  • Shorter initial spawn time for chests during matches with less than 3 lives.
  • Ship obstructions: Ships will now slowly sink if they are in a position where no one can jump into them.
  • Sudden death powerup will scale by 5 seconds based on the number of players in a match.
  • Increased sensitivity to allow players to tap down twice to drop through platforms.

  • Fixed issue where hook would face the wrong direction when player is spawning.
  • Fixed bug where players and chests would not properly stick to moving platforms and airships.
  • Fixed bug where sudden death powerup would attack your own team members.

If you have any bugs or feedback feel free to post them on our Bug Discussion Board
Skyhook - Megastorm Games
Update #2 is now live! This build brings a lot of balance changes, gameplay tweaks, and visual aesthetics. Feedback from the community has been a huge part of these improvements, so thank you and I looking forward to hearing more!

  • First version of Trophies for each player at the end of every match.
  • New World Map with Random option and variation selector.

  • New background music for the Swamplands (formerly Anuran Shrines)

  • Player will automatically climb up through a platform when holding in the up direction or pressing the dash or jump button, while swinging into the bottom of a platform.
  • Added telegraphs to where sudden death bombs will fall to.

  • Sudden death will no longer spawn in the Tombs of Ra.
  • Changed player’s arm during wall sliding to show their sheathed Skyhook.
  • Added some acceleration for when hooks return to you.
  • Starting spawn point assignment for each player is randomized at the start of each match
  • When the Doppelganger powerup is in effect, all players will stay transformed even after dying until the timer for the powerup ends.
  • Added a ghost trail effect to when players dodge to better track enemy movement.

  • Rumble effects added for winning games and opening chests
  • Game will automatically pause when it is minimized or loses focus during a match.
  • Background ambient sounds will now stop playing after match ends.
  • Background music will be lower when game is paused.
  • Compressed some background music audio files
  • Updated Jade’s pirate flag to look more like a cat.
  • Added sound effects to pause menu
  • Reset save files for game options to prepare for Steam Cloud integration.
  • Removed tips and added short loading screens featuring character art.

  • Adjusted dodge animations so that it is clear when a player is hit after their dodge ends.
  • Removed Mirror powerup from spawning during 1 on 1 matches.
  • Increased wall jump height to match normal jump height
  • Adjust spawn points in Swamplands II

  • Fixed issues with XInput not working on Windows.
  • Fixed Rematch button after match ends not always working.
  • Fixed counting killing yourself with your own cannonball as a kill stat.
  • Fixed sudden death bombs being counted as a kill stat for other players.
  • Fixed clouds so that they always spawn relative to the camera’s current position.
  • Normalized input during Match Settings to prevent too many inputs at once.
  • Fixed alignment of player’s arm with rope when wall sliding.
  • Fixed hooks not raycasting properly when returning to owner.
  • Fixed bug where hook would sometimes detach from platform if player was falling fast
  • Fixed bug where Doppelganger powerup decal would disappear too early.

Thank you to everyone who has purchased the game so far! If you have any bugs or feedback feel free to post them on our Bug Discussion Board
Skyhook - Megastorm Games
Update #2 is now live! This build brings a lot of balance changes, gameplay tweaks, and visual aesthetics. Feedback from the community has been a huge part of these improvements, so thank you and I looking forward to hearing more!

  • First version of Trophies for each player at the end of every match.
  • New World Map with Random option and variation selector.

  • New background music for the Swamplands (formerly Anuran Shrines)

  • Player will automatically climb up through a platform when holding in the up direction or pressing the dash or jump button, while swinging into the bottom of a platform.
  • Added telegraphs to where sudden death bombs will fall to.

  • Sudden death will no longer spawn in the Tombs of Ra.
  • Changed player’s arm during wall sliding to show their sheathed Skyhook.
  • Added some acceleration for when hooks return to you.
  • Starting spawn point assignment for each player is randomized at the start of each match
  • When the Doppelganger powerup is in effect, all players will stay transformed even after dying until the timer for the powerup ends.
  • Added a ghost trail effect to when players dodge to better track enemy movement.

  • Rumble effects added for winning games and opening chests
  • Game will automatically pause when it is minimized or loses focus during a match.
  • Background ambient sounds will now stop playing after match ends.
  • Background music will be lower when game is paused.
  • Compressed some background music audio files
  • Updated Jade’s pirate flag to look more like a cat.
  • Added sound effects to pause menu
  • Reset save files for game options to prepare for Steam Cloud integration.
  • Removed tips and added short loading screens featuring character art.

  • Adjusted dodge animations so that it is clear when a player is hit after their dodge ends.
  • Removed Mirror powerup from spawning during 1 on 1 matches.
  • Increased wall jump height to match normal jump height
  • Adjust spawn points in Swamplands II

  • Fixed issues with XInput not working on Windows.
  • Fixed Rematch button after match ends not always working.
  • Fixed counting killing yourself with your own cannonball as a kill stat.
  • Fixed sudden death bombs being counted as a kill stat for other players.
  • Fixed clouds so that they always spawn relative to the camera’s current position.
  • Normalized input during Match Settings to prevent too many inputs at once.
  • Fixed alignment of player’s arm with rope when wall sliding.
  • Fixed hooks not raycasting properly when returning to owner.
  • Fixed bug where hook would sometimes detach from platform if player was falling fast
  • Fixed bug where Doppelganger powerup decal would disappear too early.

Thank you to everyone who has purchased the game so far! If you have any bugs or feedback feel free to post them on our Bug Discussion Board
Skyhook - Megastorm Games
With Early Access version 0.1 Skyhook now has a new versus stage in the Tomb of Azan'Ra, customizable keyboard and gamepad input, and a few other improvements.

Here is the full changelist:

  • New Controls menu allows players to create custom keyboard and gamepad mappings.
  • New stage variation in the Tomb of Azan’Ra

  • Player join screen will only show one view for everyone’s controls as long as all gamepads are the same. Will automatically adjust if new gamepads/keyboard join the match.

  • Player hearts and icon HUD now fade out when they are overlapping a player.
  • Updated Fin’s voice over and added new dialogue.
  • Dust FX plays when dashing on the ground.
  • Improved background art for the Tomb of Azan'Ra
  • Improved player physics calculations for tighter platforming.
  • Increased gravity, resulting in snappier jumps and movements
  • Updated to latest versions of XInput. Now supports 64bit.
  • New music for Kingsfall by our composer Julian Shanahan.
  • Keyboard menu navigation now needs to be done with Arrow keys, Enter button, and Esc button.

  • Fast fall is now only activated when tapping down while in the air.
  • Fixed sorting issue with dust FX in Kingsfall and Tomb of Azan'Ra

As always please post any feedback, suggestions, or bug reports here on Steam or email us at

Thank you for playing!
Skyhook - Megastorm Games
With Early Access version 0.1 Skyhook now has a new versus stage in the Tomb of Azan'Ra, customizable keyboard and gamepad input, and a few other improvements.

Here is the full changelist:

  • New Controls menu allows players to create custom keyboard and gamepad mappings.
  • New stage variation in the Tomb of Azan’Ra

  • Player join screen will only show one view for everyone’s controls as long as all gamepads are the same. Will automatically adjust if new gamepads/keyboard join the match.

  • Player hearts and icon HUD now fade out when they are overlapping a player.
  • Updated Fin’s voice over and added new dialogue.
  • Dust FX plays when dashing on the ground.
  • Improved background art for the Tomb of Azan'Ra
  • Improved player physics calculations for tighter platforming.
  • Increased gravity, resulting in snappier jumps and movements
  • Updated to latest versions of XInput. Now supports 64bit.
  • New music for Kingsfall by our composer Julian Shanahan.
  • Keyboard menu navigation now needs to be done with Arrow keys, Enter button, and Esc button.

  • Fast fall is now only activated when tapping down while in the air.
  • Fixed sorting issue with dust FX in Kingsfall and Tomb of Azan'Ra

As always please post any feedback, suggestions, or bug reports here on Steam or email us at

Thank you for playing!