Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - UbiWayfarer


Each season, as we introduce new content, we will now also provide an updated Roadmap to ensure transparency on upcoming features.

We’ve stated previously that the reality of developing for a live game means that our roadmap may evolve depending on the priority given to each feature and various other factors.

As you'll get to see below, Y7S4 is packed with new features and in order to deliver a strong season, a few topics have also moved around.

That said, let’s dive into the mid-season Roadmap update.



Status: confirmed for Y7S4

The Ranked 2.0 system has been fine-tuned and is ready to be released during Y7S4. This will change the way your ranks are attributed as well as updating several other parameters. More information on this feature will be shared during the Y7S4 reveal panel.


New targeted delivery: Early Y8

Our team is currently working on several improvements for consoles such as Advanced Controller Options to customize aiming, which will be released during Y7S4. We’ve decided to move the release of the Controller Layout Presets to early Year 8 to focus on these other console quality-of-life updates.


New targeted delivery: Y8S1

We are hard at work to bring several former Arcade Game Modes into the game permanently, but in order to finalize their implementation we will need more time than anticipated. In order to bring you the best experience, we are shifting the release date of this feature from Y7S4 to Y8S1.


New targeted delivery: Y8S1

We want our players to feel protected, by allowing them to play safely and avoid any undesirable verbal abuse. The end goal is to reduce behaviors such as insults, threats, offensive language and more. We will also continue to adjust the thresholds of reputation penalties that were previously released in order to detect and look at repeat offenders that perform regular abuses through our game systems (friendly fire and unwanted communication). We need time to learn from the Reputation Penalties that have recently been deployed, so we are shifting the release date of Early Voice Chat Penalties from Y7S4 to Y8S1.


Status: confirmed for Y7S4

This new feature will allow players to access their Reputation Standing. During the beta phase, coming in Y7S4, players won’t receive any positive or negative effects based on that Standing. Our objective is to start with a safe onboarding process that gives everyone a chance to adapt and modify their playstyles and interactions accordingly. We are looking forward to the community’s input as we continue to improve this feature.

Stay tuned for the upcoming Y7S4 reveal and join the discussion on Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Discord, Facebook and forums.

Check out the public Roadmap for more information on the changes coming your way!
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi_Zurik


We recently released a security update to the PC population. This new initiative was developed over the past months to combat cheating.

While we cannot share details of the update in order to protect its integrity, we’re confident of the solution we’ve been able to put in place. We take the cheating concerns the community has shared with us seriously and are always looking for novel ways to secure both our game and players.

Note that we will be monitoring the effects of our change closely as it will have an impact on some third-party applications. We will also keep an eye out for any of your reports on changed behaviors.

Please do not hesitate to let us know if any new issues are encountered through the R6Fix platform as it will help us improve our solution.


For an overview on bans, we bring our latest BattlEye and Data Ban numbers, including data until the end of October.


Since our last Anti-Cheat update and with our latest game updates, we’ve continued our work on addressing cheats that have been affecting players. Below are the cheats that we’ve been working on, with updates to them now being live.

• Pause in planning phase
• Amaru NoClip
• Aruni Melee exploit
• Iana NoClip
• Force Gadget
• Infinite Ammo
• Remote/instant Kill


Report Cheaters In-Game

In-game reporting continues to be the best way to get your reports to us. If you’re reporting a cheater on social media, the following can help us to identify and sanction them.

• Clear video or photo proof of the incident
• The offending player’s Username and User ID
• Match ID for any relevant matches
• Date and time of the incident

Can’t see their Username due to Privacy Mode? Getting their Display Name and the Match ID will help.


What it is
With Y7S3.3, we introduced an update to the Reputation System to reduce unwanted communication and the impact that top offenders can have on others, by triggering countermeasures when text abuse is detected.

Text Chat – Grace Period Ended
Going forward, if an offending player continues to be abusive in text chat after two warnings, a Reputation Penalty will be triggered leading to their text chat being restricted for the next 30 matches.

Text Chat Penalties
Players with penalties will start each of their matches with their text chat muted for others by default. Players will still have the option to unmute the offending player, allowing other players to have a choice, while also allowing an extra layer of safety against toxicity.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi_Zurik


What Is It?
The written chat penalty aims to reduce unwanted communication and the impact that top offenders have on others in our game by triggering counter measures when repeated abuse is detected.

Expected Penalty Behavior
Players who engage with a high amount of text chat abuse will firstly receive warnings. If the offense continues after two warnings, the written chat penalty will be triggered, leading to the player’s outgoing text chat being muted to others by default for the next 30 matches.

Current State
Currently the system is in a grace period and during this period players will only receive warnings. Once over, players who did not adjust or amend their ways of communicating, will be sanctioned. We'll continue to monitor and improve this feature.


What Is It?
The Reputation Center in its current release displays information about a player's active penalties and their remaining duration. As the Reputation system evolves, this section will update to display more information about a player's Reputation as well as active penalties.

Where To Find It
With two penalties being live, a Reputation tile has been added to the Home section, below the Alpha Packs tile. This tile will display the number of active penalties and provide access to the Reputation Center.
Oct 18, 2022
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi_Sigma9

Below you will find the download sizes for each platform.

Ubisoft Connect: 675 MB
Steam: 1.4 GB
Xbox One: 854.90 MB
Xbox Series X: 1.17 GB
PS4: 922.3 MB
PS5: 874.8 MB

After monitoring a shadow deployment over the last weeks, abusive text chat penalty will now be activated, starting with its "grace period".

During grace period all players will only see warnings so they can adapt to the new system.

After the grace period is over, players who have sent too many hateful or abusive text chats will receive the abusive text chat penalty which will be active on their account for 30 matches.

For more information:

The Reputation section currently displays information about a player's active penalties and their remaining duration.

As the Reputation system evolves, this section will update to display more information about a player's Reputation as well as active penalties.

You can access this new section by clicking on the Reputation tile in the Home section.

With two penalties live, a Reputation tile has been added to the Home section, below the Alpha Packs tile.

This tile will display the number of active penalties and provide access to the Reputation section.

FIXED - Camera gets stuck in drone view. FIXED - Operators in downed state are eliminated if they fall through a hatch. FIXED - Dot reticle remains on screen if player aims down sights multiple times at once.

FIXED - Multiple LOD issues on various maps. FIXED - Using Kiba Barrier on top of shelves in Basement Arsenal Room of Club House allows players to climb on top of them.

FIXED - Warden is unable to activate his Glance Smart Glasses during a custom session occasionally.
FIXED - Under Barrel Laser cannot be equipped on the RG15.
FIXED - Grim does not receive score points when an ally eliminates an enemy pinged by the Kawan Hive.
FIXED - Ace's S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher will attach to the opposite side of a wooden wall, but will destroy the wall as normal.
FIXED - Dokkaebi is able to use her Melee during the deployment of the Logic Bomb.
FIXED - Vigil is not receiving score points when activating ERC-7 before entering the Kawan Hive.

FIXED - Objective Markers, Operator Names, and Icons disappear the first time the spectator changes floor in Spectator Mode.
FIXED - Barricades are still visible after being destroyed if the player is joining a match in progress.
FIXED - Unmoved hostage eliminated by Goyo's Volcan Shield will be attributed to the one detonating it.
FIXED - In Match Replay, users are unable to select drone view after using the rewind function to go back to the preparation phase.
FIXED - Crosshair Occasionally missing after spawning.
FIXED - Various UI issues.
FIXED - Various Shop and Customization issues.
FIXED - Various Localization issues.

Try out the latest Siege updates on the Test Server and don't hesitate to report any bugs or issues you encounter on the new and improved R6Fix.

Follow us and share your feedback on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook and on our forums.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi_Sigma9


Please note that we are using presence to gauge the popularity of an Operator. This notion had to be introduced to reflect the implementation of the pick & ban.

Presence definition: pick rate of an Operator when not banned. Win Delta: The Win Delta is aggregated from Operator’s Win Deltas per Bomb Site.


  • Logic bomb now affects defenders in Support Mode.
  • Population targeted by this change: All.
This change is meant to curb the advantage of eliminated or Joining-in-progress defenders sitting on cams, particularly at bomb sites. Dokkaebi can now more reliably create openings in the defenders' network for diffuser plants and other strategies.

  • Armor Vests grant withstand.
  • Population targeted by this change: All.
The impact of Armor Vests are difficult to measure in most encounters. To make them more interesting to use and useful in tough situations we've added the withstand ability.

  • Each projectile heals 200 hp (from 40)
  • Add Balif as 3rd Secondary
  • Population targeted by this change: Casual.
The effectiveness of Doc's healing ability suffers greatly from the newly enhanced functionality of Rook's armor plates. So, it's been increased to better match the skill required to hit friendly allies with healing projectiles.

  • Add M45 Meusoc
  • Population targeted by this change: All.
We wanted to add a weapon choice for Castle's 3rd weapon slot.

  • Increase damage to 135 (from 127)
  • Population targeted by this change: All.
To provide a counter for Rook's new utility we've increased Kali's damage output.

  • Increase maximum ammo to 121 (from 71)
  • Population targeted by this change: All.
Ammo has been increased in order to make the TCSG 12 a more attractive option.

  • Increase maximum ammo to 121 (from 71)
  • Population targeted by this change: All.
Ammo has been increased in order to make the TCSG 12 a more attractive option.

  • Reduce maximum Overheal to 20hp (from 40)
  • Population targeted by this change: All
We hoped to reduce any frustration caused by boosted characters as well as normalizing the limits of Oveheal.

Try out the latest Siege updates on the Test Server and don't hesitate to report any bugs or issues you encounter on the new and improved R6Fix.

Follow us and share your feedback on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook and on our forums.
Oct 5, 2022
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi-RedPanda

Below you will find the download sizes for each platform.

Ubisoft Connect: 1.21 GB
Steam: 1.5 GB
Xbox One: 963.28 MB
Xbox Series X: 1.19 GB
PS4: 2.34 GB
PS5: 1.89 GB

Ranked: Increased the chances for Stadium Bravo to appear on the map ban selection screen.

Unranked: Chances for Stadium Bravo appearing on the map ban selection screen increased massively to almost guarantee its appearance.

FIXED - Bullet holes exploit can be replicated on some wooden textures.
FIXED - Players sometimes cannot ping gadgets or Operators while using an Observation Tool.
FIXED - Operator's unique ability cannot be picked up if deployed in their own Barbed Wire.
FIXED - Attackers have limited functionality while stepping on a Welcome Mat immediately after receiving an Adrenaline Surge.
FIXED - Small gaps at top of barricaded double doors that allow players to scan Operators or place gadgets.

FIXED - Multiple LOD issues on various maps.

FIXED - Sights have a different FOV and size when equipped on Glaz's OTs-03.
FIXED - Sights have a different FOV and size when equipped on the Bearing 9.

FIXED - Scramble VFX is missing when switching to or between Observation Tools.
FIXED - Player can get stuck in a drone during gameplay.
FIXED - Recoil pattern preview image doesn't match the new recoils.
FIXED - Users receive Quick Match and Newcomer Free Battle Pass rewards in Ranked and Unranked sessions.
FIXED - AAR Battle Pass tab displays rewards as 120 points instead of 100 points after a player loses a match.
FIXED - Performing an action in a menu and pressing the Options button on a controller creates issues on consoles.
FIXED - Drones are not highlighted for the Spectator during Preparation Phase.
FIXED - Various VFX and SFX issues.
FIXED - Various shooting range issues.
FIXED - Various UI issues.
FIXED - Various Localization issues.
FIXED - Various Shop and Customization issues.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi-RedPanda

With every update we bring our latest BattlEye and Data Ban numbers.

Here are our latest BattEye and Data Ban numbers, including data until the end of August.

Throughout Vector Glare we’ve continued to address cheats that are affecting players. Here are some that have been worked on since our last Anti-Cheat Status Update:

  • Various Instant kill cheats
  • Various Infinite ammo cheats
  • Teleport hack
  • Self revive cheat
  • No clipping cheat
  • Frenzy cheat
  • Various other cheats

The Anti-Cheat team continues to monitor and address other current cheats, though we will be sharing more on these fixes in a future update.

With the new season we increase the window of opportunity in terms of reporting! Players who have disconnected from a match session can now be reported.

Available only in Ranked and Unranked playlists.
Disconnected player information will now be persistent through the scoreboard.
All categories of reports are available.

We understand that it’s not always possible to report a player during a live match due to disconnections, similar names, or maybe you notice something after the fact while reviewing your matches.

Being able to report players during a match replay is an additional step that we’ve taken to make it easier for the community to give feedback when it comes to suspicious players.

With adding these tools, we hope to continue to provide a stream-lined way for players to report suspicious/toxic individuals.

For the best results please make sure to follow these next steps!

Report Cheaters In-Game

In-game reporting continues to be the best way to get your reports to us. If you’re reporting a cheater on social media, the following can help us to identify and sanction them.

  • Clear video or photo proof of the incident
  • The offending player’s Username and User ID
  • Match ID for any relevant matches
  • Date and time of the incident
Think you might have seen a cheater? You can use Match Replay to double check.

Current State

As of the 31st of August, the grace period for RFF is over. Players who trigger all warnings to correct their behaviour, will be sanctioned.

Penalty Levels

Players with a high count of friendly fire offenses will firstly receive a warning. If a player continues to commit friendly fire offenses after a warning has been issued, the RFF Reputation Penalty will be triggered. Players will then have RFF automatically enabled for the next 30 matches.
Sep 20, 2022
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi-RedPanda
Below you will find the download sizes for each platform.

Ubisoft Connect: 1.33 GB
Steam: 1.6 GB
Xbox One: 1.01 GB
Xbox Series X: 1.29 GB
PS4: 1.66 GB
PS5: 1.07 GB

FIXED – The crosshairs don’t blink while cooking a Frag Grenade.

FIXED – Multiple LOD issues on various maps.

FIXED – Players can see Lesion’s Gu Mine icons through walls when entering any Observation Tool.
FIXED – Vigil’s ERC-7 does not prevent him from getting pinged by Grim’s Kawan Hive.
FIXED – Various Victory Celebration issues.

FIXED – Incorrect weapons and sights when launching the Shooting Range from the Operator menu.
FIXED – Destroying Gridlock's Trax Stingers as an Attacker will count towards the "Gadget Removal" personal and community challenges.
FIXED – Texture is sometimes stretched for a showcased Operator.
FIXED – Discrepancy in abandon currency penalties not affecting all game modes.
FIXED – Bravo Packs received while already having the whole Bravo Pack Collection unlocked are disappearing.
FIXED – Various Audio and SFX issues.
FIXED – Various Shop and Customization issues.
FIXED – Various UI issues.
FIXED – Various Localization issues.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi-RedPanda

The Community Artist Bundle Program has brought us some amazing operators cosmetics with the help of talented artists and Prime gaming, and it’s not over yet. We are back at it again with Siege Tales and his bundle for the operator Ela for Y7S3!

With this program, we want to celebrate our amazingly creative and dedicated community artists and give them the chance to have their art styles represented in-game. Each chosen artist will have the opportunity to design a full set for an operator of their choice and the resulting bundles will become available during Year 7 and beyond.

Have a look at the previous bundles:
SAU_SIEGE, Sunstark, FrAgMenT, Pericote and Shinosaaaaaaang

Siege Tales’ Ela Operator Bundle includes:
- Uniform
- Headgear
- Scorpion EVO 3 A1 weapon skin
- Charm

The Siege Tales Operator Bundle will be available via Prime Gaming for a limited time, starting from September 13th.
Prime Gaming members will be able to claim this exclusive set for free. If you’re not a Prime member yet, you can sign up for a free trial.
A Renown Booster is currently available from Prime Gaming until September 13th, so don’t forget to claim this too!
Here’s how you can get these Prime Gaming offers:
- Link your Ubisoft and Amazon accounts here.
- Redeem the respective offer through Prime Gaming here.
- Receive the content automatically in-game within 48 hours.

Since 2014, Siege Tales has been creating cartoons about different video games. In 2018, he discovered Rainbow Six Siege and fell in love with the game. Playing it countless hours with his friends lead him to start an animated cartoon series based on the game – he made over 100 episodes.

Siege Tales aims to use a simple design but keep it clear and recognizable. With this goal in mind, his art style has been changing a lot throughout his journey as a YouTuber. His inspiration often comes from music which helps him getting ideas and already envision his animations, resulting in rhythmed videos.

To celebrate a milestone on his YouTube Channel, Siege Tales had the idea to create a headgear for Caveira. Today, we can celebrate with him another achievement as he had the opportunity to design a whole operator bundle! Ela was the best character to transpose his ideas into a bundle. And of course, his iconic Catveira needed to make an appearance!

Head to Siege Tales’ YouTube channel to watch all his videos! Want to see more? Tik Tok, Instagram, Twitter.

What is the Community Artist Bundle Program?
The Community Artist Bundle Program launched in Y6S1 and it brings operator bundles created by some of our most talented and dedicated Siege fan artists into the game.

I’m a Siege fan artist too – what can I do to get selected as well?
Given the length of our production cycle for in-game content, the fan artists for Year 7 have already been determined. However, we are always on the lookout for future participants. If your goal is to see your bundle in-game, continue showing us your passion and strive to be an outstanding member of the Siege community. We have multiple ways for our dedicated community artists to get more involved with the game, such as the Ubisoft Star Player Program.

How can I get the Y7S3 Siege Tales Operator bundle?
Link your Ubisoft account with your Amazon account here and claim the Operator set through Prime Gaming starting from September 13th. After successfully redeeming the content, it will be available in your in-game inventory within 48 hours. Players must have Ela available as an operator.

Can I buy the Siege Tales Operator Bundle with Renown or R6 Credits as well?
The Siege Tales Operator Bundle is exclusive to Prime Gaming for a limited time only and can be obtained via the Prime Gaming offer as described above. Prime Gaming is included for free with Amazon Prime, and free trials are available for new users.

Will this offer be available on all platforms?
Yes, it can be redeemed on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Amazon Luna, and Google Stadia.

How long will this offer be available?
Following its release on September 13th, you have one month to claim this offer via Prime Gaming.

I don’t see my rewards.
If you’re having trouble redeeming your Siege Tales Operator Bundle, please contact our support.

For more information about Prime Gaming, visit the Prime Gaming FAQ.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - UbiWayfarer

You can find here the updates and fixes made over the course of the Y7S3 Season Test Server. For the full Brutal Swarm Patch Notes, follow the link below:


A larger download will be required for Y7S3 due to a data consolidation. This is to save disk space and reduce overall build size.

Find the download sizes for each platform below.

  • Ubisoft Connect:
    • 66.7 GB if live build was installed with HD PACK
    • 39.4 GB if live build was installed without HD PACK
  • Steam:
    • 71.5 GB if live build was installed with HD PACK
    • 45 GB if live build was installed without HD PACK
  • Xbox One: 30.5 GB
  • Xbox Series X: 33.5 GB
  • PlayStation 4: 59.6 GB
  • PlayStation 5: 57.3 GB



FIXED – Thermite’s Exothermic Charge only destroys the metal part of a reinforced wall.
FIXED – Shotgun rounds are invisible if a player reloads with 1 round left and fires the shotgun at the same time.
FIXED – An Operator’s gadget automatically activates after swapping from their gadget to their ability and then back.
FIXED – Some gadgets have no collision with the hostage.
FIXED – While crouch-walking, the Operator slows down when the controller stick-input is within a certain range.
FIXED – Defenders can still shoot with the Bulletproof Camera while Dokkaebi is hacking the Defenders’ Observation Tools.


FIXED – Meleed barricades on Clubhouse map don’t always appear destroyed for some players after an Attacker has repelled through them.
FIXED – Operators can shoot through indestructible windows on Villa map.
FIXED – Multiple LOD issues on various maps.


FIXED – Nokk’s head slightly changes position when activating HEL Presence Reduction, which makes her less vulnerable when peeking.
FIXED - Can’t change the zoom level on Kali’s CSRX300.
FIXED – Blitz and Fuze’s vault animations with shields equipped don’t match between first and third person point of view.
FIXED – An Operator’s left knee clips through an equipped Ballistic Shield when looking around.
FIXED – Montagne can’t pick up or drop the defuser while Le Roc Shield is extended.
FIXED – IQ’s shoulder is displaced when activating the Electronics Detector.
FIXED – Observation Tools hacked by Dokkaebi aren’t deactivated by Thatcher’s EMP Grenade when an Attacker is using them.
FIXED – Ying’s Candelas are marked with a generic ping instead of a contextual one.
FIXED – Bandit’s Shock Wire can’t be deployed on a reinforced wall if Melusi’s Banshee or Goyo’s Vulcán Canister is deployed in the center.
FIXED – Ace’s S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher has collision issues with other deployable deviced.
FIXED – The activation sequence of Ela’s Grzmot Mine doesn’t reset after being deactivated by Thatcher’s EMP Grenade.
FIXED – Mute receives score points when Blitz goes within range of a Signal Disruptor after activating a flash charge on the G52-Tactical Shield.
FIXED – Mira can’t deploy a Black Mirror near a Ballistic Shield.
FIXED – Operators can’t vault from the sides of Osa’s Talon-8 Shields.
FIXED – Missing Icon for both deploy and pick-up action reminder for Bandit’s Shock Wire.
FIXED – Pinging Iana’s Gemini Replicator produces a generic ping instead of a contextual one.
FIXED – Grim’s Kawan bots have different sizes depending on the set Field of View.
FIXED – Iana can control the Gemini Replicator from the Drone POV when deploying both of them in quick succession.
FIXED – Grim’s Kawan Hive Launcher has a delayed launch when double tapping the firing button with the launcher equipped.
FIXED – Nomad’s Airjab reload animation is incorrect when a grip is equipped to her weapon.
FIXED – Glaz’s Flip Sight is not aligned with the iron sight of the OTS-03 weapon.
FIXED – Various Victory Dance issues for multiple Operators.
FIXED – Various issues with Azami’s Kiba Barrier.
FIXED – Various weapon VFX issues.
FIXED – Various Operator and device VFX issues.


FIXED – The suffix of a player's nickname won't load correctly if they reboot the game while reconnecting to a match.
FIXED – Incorrect voice lines are played when Operators are hit by friendly fire.
FIXED – Skip function doesn't work for Situation videos.
FIXED – Camera gets stuck when spectating a match if the spectated Operator or drone is eliminated or destroyed.
FIXED – Missing drone icons in Match Replay.
FIXED – Missing highlight on the selected player card in Match Replay.
FIXED – Missing light VFX when an EMP Impact Grenade is held in Match Replay.
FIXED – Visual issues in the Home section and Operator Showcase.
FIXED – The After Action Report is not displaying the intended animation.
FIXED – Operator icons overlap when viewing someone else's perspective as a Spectator.
FIXED – Hit indicator is the same color when destroying a teammate device as it is when destroying an opponent's.
FIXED – Destroying Castle's Armored Panel with Hibana's X-Kairos does not count towards the Breakthrough Battle Pass challenge.
FIXED – The warning message is missing from the confirmation panel when activating any type of Booster.
FIXED – Operator Guide steps don't update when changing between Advanced and Standard deployment for drones and devices.
FIXED – Players are unable to use voice and text chat while in the lobby of an Online Custom Game.
FIXED – Various Privacy mode issues.
FIXED – Various UI issues.
FIXED – Various input issues on controllers and keyboards.
FIXED – Various Audio and SFX issues.
FIXED – Various Match Replay issues.
FIXED – Various Spectator mode issues.
FIXED – Various Custom Game issues.
FIXED – Various Customization issues.
FIXED – Various Localization issues.