Jul 27, 2021
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi_Frog

Y6S2.2 will release the week of July 26 on all platforms. For additional information and further details on the balancing changes listed below, please see the Y6S2.2 Designer's Notes.

  • Ubisoft Connect: 1.48 GB
  • Steam: 850 MB
  • Xbox One: 1.28 GB
  • Xbox Series X: 1.61 GB
  • PS4: 1.77 GB
  • PS5: 1.43 GB

  • Added 2.0x scope to ACS12 (removed 1.5x scope).
  • Added 1.5x scope to MX4 Storm.
  • Removed 1.5x scope from C1.
  • Added Deployable Shield (removed Proximity Alarm).
  • Increased Shumikha Launcher grenades to 14 (from 10).
  • Improved DP-27 destruction:
    • 0 to 4.99m: 0.3 radius hole per shot.
    • 5 to 7.99m: 0.2 radius hole per shot.
    • Beyond 8m: 0.2 radius hole after three shots.
  • Modified M762 recoil so it's harder to control:
    • Increased vertical recoil.
    • Horizontal spread is stronger to the the left.
    • Long burst recoil starts on the 8th bullet (was 12th).

  • Increased damage to 69 (from 59).
  • Increased damage to 63 (from 57).

Included Favela map in Ranked and Unranked
  • Added the reworked Favela map to Ranked and Unranked playlists so players have more opportunities to play and test it.
Added feature to report players who left the game
  • In the Post-Action Report, Ranked and Unranked players can now block or report players who disconnected before the last EOR replay.

  • FIXED - Players can vault through barricades after a single melee hit.       
  • FIXED - Operator Selection remains stuck on screen during gameplay.     
  • UPDATED - Players can destroy a barricade with certain weapons, causing it to desync and become exploitable. There is an ongoing investigation into this issue to ensure it works as expected for players.  
  • FIXED - Players can deploy a reinforcement or barricade while falling through a hatch.     
  • FIXED - Players can select the same Operator as another player during a match.  
  • UPDATED - Sometimes the Windows cursor remains stuck on screen, blocking camera movement. There is an ongoing investigation into this issue to ensure it works as expected for players.  
  • FIXED - Some players above 4400 MMR are unable to Squad queue with other players, despite being within the accepted MMR range.           
  • FIXED - Players lose camera control if they play a match while under an Abandon Penalty.
  • FIXED - Operators can fall out of bounds or clip through the wall to get inside the building after exiting rappel in the gap between vents at EXT Forklift Alley on Kanal map.       
  • FIXED - Attackers have unfair LOS into 1F Main Hallway and 2F Landing after vaulting over a bush on Villa map.               
  • FIXED - The destructible floor doesn't fully break when Sledge uses the Breaching Hammer on the metal support beams on Favela map.  
  • FIXED - Two soft walls cannot be reinforced while Defenders are standing on a reinforced hatch in 1F Public Bathroom on Consulate map.    
  • FIXED - Gap on top of barricaded doorway allows LOS into EXT Pedestrian Customs on Border Map.          
  • FIXED - Several LOD issues on Villa map.
  • FIXED - Defuser can be dropped behind indestructible plant pots at EXT Terrace on Villa Map.      
  • FIXED - Player movement dips while passing over the triangular gap between PC boxes in 2F Coin Farm on Favela Map.       
  • FIXED - Deployable devices float when placed on wooden beams on Kafe Dostoyevsky map.
  • FIXED - Fuze starts a round with a default weapon loadout if the player doesn't swap between weapons during Operator Selection.        
  • FIXED - Jackal stops rappelling for a moment if gadget is enabled or disabled.      
  • FIXED - Lights on Ace's S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher appear in an incorrect location.
  • FIXED - When Kali cancels a reload by switching weapons, the player is unable to ADS.    
  • FIXED - When Buck cancels a Skeleton Key reload, the player is unable to ADS.    
  • FIXED - Jackal's Eyenox Model III continues to ping Defenders after Jackal is eliminated.  
  • FIXED - IQ's Electronics Detector automatically reequips after IQ places a Breach Charge.
  • FIXED - Multiple localization issues throughout the game.             
  • FIXED - Deployment SFX is silent when a player deploys a Frag Grenade or C4, then crouches or goes prone at the same time. 
  • FIXED - New HUD can be activated through a game console command.   
  • FIXED - Popup for redeeming the Sunstark bundle crashes the game.       
  • FIXED - Prompts may linger on screen over several rounds.          
  • FIXED - The iron sight attachment for the ITA12S and SMG-12 floats in multiple menus.  
  • FIXED - Players can create a hole in Castle's Armor Panel if they melee a spot near the frame on both sides.               
  • FIXED - Rappel SFX is sometimes inaudible.         
  • FIXED - Keyboard players who browse the Charms category in the shop experience navigation issues.
  • FIXED - UMP45 has the wrong weapon skin thumbnail for Six Major NA 2021.       
  • FIXED - Booster icon is missing from the Booster activation confirmation side-panel.        
  • FIXED - Battle Pass tab in Post-Action Report does not immediately update for players who complete the last tier of the Battle Pass. 
  • FIXED - Incorrect Traditional Chinese character present in Thunderbird's Bio.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi_Frog

In this latest edition of Designer’s Notes, we'll go into more detail about the balancing changes that’ll come with the Y6S2.2 patch and give you an insight into the reasons behind these changes.


Please note that we are using presence to gauge the popularity of an Operator. This notion had to be introduced to reflect the implementation of the pick & ban.

Presence definition: pick rate of an Operator when not banned. Win Delta: The Win Delta is aggregated from Operator’s Win Deltas per Bomb Site.



  • Added 2.0x scope to ACS12 (removed 1.5x scope)
  • Added 1.5x scope to MX4 Storm
Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.

Despite having a solid mix of utility, including a solid primary weapon and secondary shotgun, deployable shield and impacts, and high speed, her presence in the Balancing Matrix is still low. By changing up her scopes, the intention is to open up new role opportunities for her.

In particular, this should make Alibi more viable in roaming scenarios and appeal to players who are more frag-focused.

  • Removed 1.5x scope from C1
  • Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.
In her current state, Frost has the highest win delta of all the Defenders and possesses a very high kill/death ratio when compared against other Defenders. To prevent her from holding longer angles as comfortably and bring her more in line with other operators, we have removed the 1.5x scope from her C1.

This isn't the only piece to the Frost puzzle, though. We know that her Welcome Mats play a role in her overall strength, but want to first understand the role her gun plays before deciding if it will be necessary to shift focus to this utility. As such, we will be keeping a close eye on her updated performance over time.

  • Added Deployable Shield (removed Proximity Alarm)
  • Increased Shumikha Launcher total ammunition to 14 (from 10)
  • Improved DP-27 destruction:
    • 0 to 4.99m: 0.3 radius hole per shot
    • 5 to 7.99m: 0.2 radius hole per shot
    • Beyond 8m: 0.2 radius hole after three shots
Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.

Playing Tachanka should be a blast, but as it stands he has a very low presence in the Balancing Matrix. One of the reasons for this is that his Shumikha Launcher tends to be quite situational and can be unsafe to fire since it renders him defenseless. In addition to increasing its total ammunition to encourage more active usage, Tachanka now has a Deployable Shield which will offer him more protection when using the launcher.

That's not the only improvement Tachanka's received to his destructive capabilities. His DP-27 is also capable of making larger holes per shot at mid-range which, when combined with the added protection of his Deployable Shield, should make him a more fearsome anchor.

  • Modified M762 recoil, harder to control.
    • Vertical recoil increased
    • Horizontal spread will be stronger to the the left
    • Long burst recoil will start on the 8th bullet (was 12th)
Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.

Looking at the Balancing Matrix, Zofia continues to have a very high presence, which is due in part to the high fragging potential and ease of use of her M762. In order to bring her more in line with other operators, her M762's recoil has been increased making it harder to control. This comes in the form of increased vertical recoil and more of a horizontal spread to the left.

What's new about this approach (and something we'd love your feedback on), is that while the horizontal spread will be stronger than other guns, it will be more predictable and with much less randomness. This means that while it will initially be harder to control, it should be possible to master the recoil pattern over time.

Since this will require a greater degree of control over her shots to secure frags, we expect Zofia to be less of an all-around pick who has both a strong, easy-to-use primary weapon and useful gadget. Her gadget will continue to be a draw, but those looking for a more easy to use frag-focused Attacker will find Ace, Sledge, and Iana more enticing options.


Following experimentation on the Test Server, we've made the decision to put Nøkk's balancing rework on hold.

Our initial objective with this idea was to expand on the player experience of being invisible, making her more useful in a wider range of situations by addressing how her utility interacts with recent gadget and ability additions.

With her existing kit, Nøkk is already a difficult operator the detect. She is invisible to cameras, and she doesn't make noise. If we were to add another invulnerability to detection, it would require removing something from her kit. No operator should be able to reach the bombsite totally undetected, after all.

Most recently, we tried removing the HEL Presence Reduction's ability to muffle sounds, but found players missed this noise reduction more than they liked the immunity to proximity detectors that replaced it. This makes sense, as muffled sounds have more universal utility, whereas proximity immunity's usefulness depends on the Defenders' team composition.

On top of this, we feel that players should always be able to trust their gadgets. By adding this experimental immunity to proximity detection, it made a wide range of additional utility feel unreliable, which we want to avoid.

As a result, we've decided to put these experimental changes on hold and stick with the Nøkk you know and love as we explore other possibilities for the future.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to test out this change on the TS and shared constructive feedback with us. It's hugely appreciated and helps guide future changes that you will truly enjoy playing with!


  • Increased damage to 69 (from 59)
Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.

In its current state, the ACS12 has a very low pick rate. Especially when compared with the ALDA and Mx4, the ACS12's fragging potential was more limited, so we have increased the damage of its shots. This should help to bring it more in line with its contemporaries and make it a more viable option.

Note, this change does not affect damage drop-off values, which will remain the same.

  • Increased damage to 63 (from 57)
Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.

Similar to the ACS12, the TCSG-12 has a very low pick rate. In order to make it a more viable option, its damage has been increased.

With Goyo and Kaid already being viable operators, this is not intended to further increase their fragging potential. The increase to damage, while a step up from where it was previously, brings the TCSG-12 to a state that is still weaker than it was at release. This should help keep it in balance while still offering options when it comes to selecting their loadouts.
Jun 30, 2021
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi_Frog

The Y6S2.1 Patch will be released on June 29th on all platforms.

Y6S2.1 Patch Sizes

Below you will find the download sizes for each platform.
  • Ubisoft Connect: 1.35 GB
  • Steam: 1 GB
  • Xbox One: 2.85 GB
  • Xbox Series X: 3.04 GB
  • PS4: 1.45 GB
  • PS5: 1.18 GB

  • FIXED – Timers are set to old values in Quick Match and Newcomer playlists.
  • FIXED – Bulletproof camera uses old FOV.
  • FIXED – Players lose control of first-person view if they join a Custom Game while under an Abandon Penalty.
  • FIXED – Players who leave a Ranked or Unranked match might be unable to rejoin due to infinite loading.           
  • FIXED – Battle Pass 'Sweeper' challenge can be completed by destroying friendly gadgets.
  • FIXED – Players who enter Support Mode while there are no available Observation Tools are not able to see the Operator model for the player they are viewing.
  • FIXED – Missing torso or head can be observed during death replay if Operator was eliminated with explosives.
  • FIXED – Timer for Post-Action Report is short by 10 seconds.
  • FIXED – Thunderbird is counted in the Battle Pass 'Work for Hire' challenge.
  • FIXED – Minor EOR Replay issues.
  • FIXED – A shield can be placed into a reinforced wall and used to pass through walls.
  • FIXED – Various defuser planting and retrieval issues in specific areas on Favela map.
  • FIXED – Multiple clipping, collision, lighting, and navigation issues on Favela map.
  • FIXED – Multiple LOS issues on Favela map.
  • FIXED – Multiple LOD issues on Favela map
  • FIXED – Various LOD, asset, and clipping issues on multiple maps.
  • FIXED – Various issues with Kapkan's Entry Denial Device on specific maps.
  • FIXED – Devices can be placed on a ceiling fan in 1F Customs Inspection on Border map.
  • FIXED – Oryx can't climb or grip the hatch in B Wine Cellar on Villa map.
  • FIXED – Defenders cannot reinforce 2 soft walls while standing on the reinforced hatch in 1F Public Bathroom on Consulate map.
  • FIXED – When a player destroys a barricade and vaults through it, the barricade does not replicate properly.
  • FIXED – Thunderbird is locked in-game but unlocked in the Operator album.
  • FIXED – Thunderbird's Kóna Station marker is visible to Attackers.
  • FIXED – Thunderbird's Kóna Station is inverted during deployment animation.
  • FIXED – Montagne's Le Roc Shield appears in front of him when he uses Observation Tools.
  • FIXED – Smoke's Remote Gas Grenade disappears from view when the observer is over 18 M away.
  • FIXED – Visual HUD for Jackal's Eyenox Model III is missing.
  • FIXED – Thunderbird's Kóna Station can generate debris or be destroyed during deployment or retrieval.
  • FIXED – If Warden walks over a hatch while a teammate is reinforcing, the reinforcement animation is cancelled.
  • FIXED – Lights on Ace's S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher blink while device is in disabled state.
  • FIXED – When Doc's Stim Pistol heals a player affected by Lesion's GU, the GU is removed.
  • FIXED – IQ's device is automatically reequipped after placing a Breach Charge.
  • FIXED – When eliminated, Maestro can move the Evil Eye camera.
  • FIXED – Animation glitch occurs if IQ switches between primary and secondary weapons while Electronics Detector is equipped.
  • FIXED – Enabling RAW input affects mouse movement randomly.
  • FIXED – Host cannot kick another player in a Local Custom Game.
  • FIXED – Multiple text and voice chat issues.
  • FIXED – Multiple customization issues.
  • FIXED – Multiple UI, menu, and localization issues.
  • FIXED – Various VFX issues.
  • FIXED – Multiple Caster HUD issues in Spectator Mode.
  • FIXED – Abusive Chat report option is not displayed for teammates unless PC chat is set to All.
  • FIXED – Voice Abuse report option is missing for teammates who are not in the player's Squad.
  • FIXED – Infinite loading occurs after cinematic for Situation Cold Zero.
  • FIXED – Flash hider and compensator have old descriptions.
  • FIXED – Generic drone antennas are not fully black.
  • FIXED – There are no controls displayed in-game when using a PS5 controller on PC.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi_Frog

Updated: June 16th 2021

We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.


Smoke Canister Gas Propagation

The propagation of the gas from Smoke’s Remote Gas Grenades was often problematic, appearing on the other side of undamaged walls, floors, or ceilings. We’ve reworked the propagation system for the gas itself, meaning the toxic gas will no longer travel through unbroken, or unopen boundaries, though it will spread through walls, floors, or ceilings where gaps have been created. We also changed the sound that the Remote Gas Grenades make upon detonation, making it much more distinct.

Status: COMPLETE. Available at Y6S2 launch!

Bullet Hole Peeking

Single bullet holes are often used to gain an advantage, and we recognize that the difficulty in spotting such holes from a distance can cause frustration for some players. With the changes we’re implementing to tackle this, single bullets will no longer create an isolated hole through a wall or barricade (this does not affect weapons with more destructibility), though firing multiple bullets or meleeing a wall will cause a larger hole to appear, as is the case at the moment. This should help reduce the frustration caused by singular bullet holes while still allowing players to make use of destructible surfaces.

Please note, bullet holes in thin materials like window glass and the inner cores of props are not affected by this change.

Status: COMPLETE. Available at Y6S2 launch!

Improved Flash Detection + Consistency

The goal here is to make flash detection more reliable and to give players confidence in this type of utility by improving its consistency. Basically, when you throw a flash, we want you to know how this will affect your opponents and the environment. The solution that we’re working on simulates the light bouncing off objects in the immediate environment, and the results we're seeing are encouraging. We’re currently evaluating the strength of flashes and are excited for players to get a chance to test this change soon!

Status: Y6S3

Enemies Are Too Hard To See With Certain Skins Equipped

We know that certain operator skins are well-known for blending into some environments, and this has led to situations where players felt they were at an unfair disadvantage. Our solution is to add a rim lighting effect to operators. So far, we're quite happy with the results and feel it is cohesive with the art style of the game. We are in the process of aligning on the colour of the rim lighting, and ensuring the effect is consistent across the game's many unique cosmetics.

At the end of the day, we want players to be able to choose the cosmetics they want without gaining an unfair advantage of any kind.

Status: Y6S3


As the topics above near completion, we’re beginning to set our sights on some additional changes that we believe will have a positive impact on player experience. We wanted to give you an early look at what we're beginning work on and will share more details and timing for these in subsequent Top Issues updates.

Loadout Reset

We’re aware that loadout and customization reset issues are prevalent for some players. While we have noticed the issue occurring during in-game events, we know that the issue is not exclusive to those. We’re investigating the issue and working towards a reliable reproduction and solution for this.

Flinch Animations in PvP

The flinch hit reaction has been a prominent topic across the player base, and this an area that we feel can be improved. We're investigating this topic and and will share updates in future editions of this blog.

DBNO Kills

Getting an enemy to a DBNO state and not receiving a point for the kill has been a source of frustration for players. We’re looking at this, as we feel that the player who downed the enemy should be awarded with the kill point if the enemy is taken out. Not only would this be more rewarding for the initial player, but this could remove a cause of toxicity from the game.

Friendly Fire – Team Gadget Launcher Damage

We are currently looking into the impact of hitting an ally with a gadget (e.g. Lesion's Gu Mines) or a launcher's direct hit (e.g. Mozzie's Pest), so that it no longer deals direct damage or results in a points loss. We are considering this change because such interaction does not bring any additional value to the gameplay experience, while also adding a form of unnecessary toxicity.

Following this, our intended plan is to remove the various damages caused when these situations occur. However, damage related to the end result of a gadget's deployment (e.g. actual explosion of a frag grenade) or launcher's actions (e.g. explosion of Ash's Breaching Round) will still inflict damage to allies and will still be considered within the Reverse Friendly Fire system.


Servers & Connectivity

During Neon Dawn and Crimson Heist we have seen connection based issues having a negative impact on players, and this is an area that we continue to work on at a global level, as we aim to resolve issues at their root.

In order to improve player experience, we’ve implemented a number of changes and shared our results in connectivity updates here and here. These changes have included migrating PC and PlayStation users to better servers, relocating the data centers for Japan and Australia, and launching a Middle East data center. Looking to the future, we have set a number of next steps, including global server migration on Xbox, working with partners to improve performance of the Middle East data center, and migrating servers in the South Africa data center.

Cheating, Hacking & Toxicity

Automating Data Bans

In our last Anti-Cheat DevBlog, we mentioned that we were working on building new cheat detections based on statistics to uncover our most disruptive cheat users. While this process was originally performed manually to stress test and validate its accuracy, we're excited to announce that we've updated it to be automatic. This mean that sanctions for cheaters identified through data-based detections will be delivered faster, reducing their impact on the community!

Implementing this automated process allows us to work in parallel and strengthen our collaboration with BattlEye. In the coming months, we will continue to develop new models and detection opportunities to increase our velocity on this front.

MMR Rollback

We are continuing to evolve the MMR rollback system by improving reactivity and minimizing negative impacts on honest players. The goal of MMR rollback is to help players who were in an unfair match. That being said, we know that it is frustrating for honest players to have their MMR rolled backed for matches where they won against a cheater, and we are working to address that.

We will continue to tweak the design as we work towards a clear and fair system. We are not able to share an exact timeline right now but are aiming for Season 3; stay tuned for more updates!

Preventative Sanctions

This past year we have been working on the implementation of preventative sanctions, one of the first visible aspects of the reputation system. In the future, by detecting patterns of griefing and harassment, we will be able to preventatively activate sanctions, allowing us to quickly deal with repeatedly disruptive players and reduce the frustration associated with them.

One of our first integrations for preventative sanctions will be oriented around Reverse Friendly Fire, and we will then expand the scope to other issues. We believe that this new way of controlling regular abuses will greatly contribute to the detection and prevention of disruptive behaviour. As with other topics above, stay tuned for more updates!

Abandon Match Penalties

We have increased sanction penalties for abandon-related offences, which players will notice with the launch of North Star. Paired with the recent improvements to match cancellation, we expect this to help discourage players from match abandons and limit the overall impact on committed players.

DDoS On Consoles

Over the last two seasons, we’ve made valuable progress in our fight against DDOS attacks on console, mitigating the effects of attacks. In addition to this, players who use this method of cheating are being banned, and our detection of such actions are constantly being improved. We will continue to look for methods of continued improvement as we seek to protect players from DDoS attacks.

Status: Ongoing

Mouse & Keyboard On Consoles

This subject is still a project priority, and the team continues to make progress. We appreciate your patience and look forward to sharing more in the future as we continue to refine our approach.

Status: Ongoing


Updated: November 30th 2020

We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.


Mouse & Keyboard on Consoles

Description: We are making progress on the matter, but it's a very challenging task and we are unable to predict the outcome of our investigations at this time.

Status: Ongoing

DDoS on consoles

Description: In close collaboration with our partners, new ways of mitigating DDoS attacks have been deployed. According to our metrics, we believe that we made significant progress on the topic and that we are seeing a notable reduction of the phenomenon.

We are also aware that the situation is not solved for everyone and that it remains an issue for some of our players. We will keep on working on the topic and provide regular updates.

Status: Ongoing

Streamer Mode

Description: The purpose of Streamer Mode is to protect our content creators with settings that allow them to increase their anonymity while streaming. The settings intend to discourage and prevent disruptive players from using streamers' public information in a toxic way.

The settings work to prevent two major disruptive behaviors:

  • Queue Sniping: When players taunt or kill a streamer after deliberately queuing at the same time as them.
  • Stream Sniping: When players intentionally use another players live-stream for information, or to act in a toxic manner because they are aware of the live-stream.

Status: First half of Y6

Cheating & Hacking

Description: Along with our partners, we continue making progress in terms of detection, communication and vulnerability improvements. Additional measures and fixes are scheduled to be released with Operation Neon Dawn.

We invite all our players to use the in-game reporting panel to flag any cheater you may encounter.

Status: Ongoing

Servers and Connectivity

Description: We have noticed an increase of connectivity issues during Operation Shadow Legacy; the entire Siege team has dedicated considerable resources and time to identify potential leads.

Once again, in close collaboration with our partners on that topic, we have made substantial progress. Additionally, we continue to have a closer look at the current connectivity issues and are exploring potential improvements.

A more in-depth communication should be released at some point in the future, we would like to offer the community a better understanding of our infrastructure and challenges.

Status: Ongoing


Runouts & Defuser Planting Detection

Status: Improvements released with Neon Dawn, refer to our patch notes for additional information.

Defuser Retrieval Improvements

Description: It is possible to drop the defuser in locations where it cannot be picked up again by running over it. Often outside of the map, in cracks, gaps between objects, holes, etc.

To fix this, we created a 'Pickup Defuser' interaction that works at a distance. It will aim for defuser retrieval to act like picking up any other gadget.

We deployed this new system during Y5S.3.3 but we encountered some complications. We hope to release a newer version very soon.

Status: During Y5S4

Bullet Holes peeking

Description: Single bullet holes are often used to gain an advantage during gunfights. We recognize that this situation can be quite frustrating for some players who couldn't spot the bullet hole from the distance. We are currently exploring different options to make smaller bullet holes more easily noticeable or unusable for such situations. We have made substantial progress and are quite confident about this solution. There is still some work to be done and we are not quite ready to share more for now.

Status: Y6S2

Enemies are too hard to see with certain skins equipped

Description: Certain Operator skins are notorious for blending quite effectively within the environment. This led to situation where players considered to be victim of an unfair advantage. We are investigating how to make Operators stand out a bit more from the environment.

Our goal is to let everyone pick and choose their skins without providing any sort of advantage. We will proceed with caution on that topic, as we don't want this solution to clash with the general art direction of the game.

Status: During Y6

Audio tinnitus

Description: Following numerous community feedback, we have decided to reconsider the audio tinnitus triggered upon taking damage. We acknowledged that the reduced sound feedback was having a very strong impact on gunfights and could lead to some frustration.

By substantially reducing the tinnitus, we hope to offer fairer gunfights and a better chance to win duels.

Status: Y5S4

Improved Flash detection/consistency

Description: The rework intends to make flash detection more reliable. Enemies are often not affected by flashes due to objects and obstacles. We want to simulate the light ricocheting with the environment, to improve the effectiveness of flashbangs & other similar gadgets.

Due to shifting priorities, we hope to address this topic a bit later during Year 6.

Status: Y6S2
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi_MyAnh

Updates and fixes made over the course of the Y6S2 Test Server. For the full North Star Patch Notes, follow the link below.

North Star Season Patch Notes


Below you will find the download sizes for each platform.
  • Ubisoft Connect: 6 GB
  • Steam: 4 GB
  • Xbox One: 4 GB
  • Xbox Series X: 5 GB
  • PS4: 4 GB
  • PS5: 4 GB


  • FIXED – Desync between reload animation and inventory ammo for some weapons.
  • FIXED – Small props and debris on floor can block fire propagation.
  • FIXED – Fire propagates under half-wall in 1F Waiting Room on Border map.
  • FIXED – PC players cannot rotate their selected weapon if they are in the middle of prepping a device to be deployed.
  • FIXED – Pause timer for Local Custom Games has a maximum time of 10 minutes.
  • FIXED – Nitro Cell deals only 80 damage in PVE.
  • FIXED – Pulse's Cardiac Sensor doesn't detect opponents at a particular angle.
  • FIXED – If host leaves a Local Custom Game, the Pause/Resume feature is not immediately transferred to the new host.
  • FIXED – Players who leave a Ranked or Unranked match may cause infinite loading and be unable to rejoin.
  • FIXED – Player card has no icon or cause of death when an Operator is eliminated by Gridlock's Trax Stingers.
  • FIXED – Death replay icon is present when a player is bleeding out.
  • FIXED – When an Operator is pinged with red pings before they are eliminated, the pings do not appear in death replay.
  • FIXED – AOE deployment effect of multiple devices is not seen during death sequence.
  • FIXED – Allied outlines don't appear during death sequence.
  • FIXED - Players can't see through bullet holes made in barricades.
  • FIXED – In Hostage, EOR displays player point of view if round times out or ends with no eliminations.
  • FIXED – Reinforcement animation ends before progress bar completes.
  • FIXED – On the last elimination, the player card appears for a fraction of a second before EOR.
  • FIXED – Defuser cannot be picked up after defusing 1 bomb in PVE.
  • FIXED – Scope reflection lens appears stretched on Favela map.
  • FIXED – Sound is muffled when player hits the opaque side of Mira's Black Mirror.
  • FIXED – If Warden walks over the same hatch a Defender is reinforcing, the reinforcement animation is canceled.
  • FIXED – If Operator is healed by Doc's Stim Pistol while affected by Lesion's GU, it removes the effect of the GU.
  • FIXED – Operator is sometimes missing parts of torso or head during death replay if they eliminated themselves with explosives.

  • FIXED – Multiple LOD issues on various maps.
  • FIXED – Various defuser planting and retrieval issues in specific areas on maps.
  • FIXED - Exploitable gaps in various map areas.
  • FIXED – Multiple clipping, collision, destruction, and asset issues on various maps.
  • FIXED – Multiple lighting issues on various maps.

  • FIXED – While sprinting, Operators are unable to vault over 1F Tellers counter on Bank map.

  • FIXED – Collision issues with windows between 1F Tellers and 1F Waiting Room on Border map.
  • FIXED – Bulletproof camera's view is obscured when deployed on a server in 1F Server Room on Border map.

  • FIXED – Players can glitch through the van in B Garage on Consulate map.

  • FIXED – A pixel peak is present between 2F Mezzanine Stairs railing and east wall on Favela map.
  • FIXED – Incorrect compass location is displayed at southeast end of EXT Back Alley on Favela map.
  • FIXED – LOD issue on wood planks around wall that's east of EXT Football Field on Favela map.
  • FIXED – Operators can get stuck between the wooden beams and car battery on Favela map.
  • FIXED – Operators can get stuck between the plant pot and trash bin on Favela map.
  • FIXED – Invisible collision on small cement stairs at EXT Street on Favela map.
  • FIXED – Uncomfortable transition between EXT Tunnel and EXT Football Field on Favela map.
  • FIXED – Players clip through floor of 1F Laundry when exiting rappel near the pink wall at EXT Courtyard on Favela map.
  • FIXED – Ceiling fan above mattress in 1F Blue Bedroom can block Operator movement on Favela map.
  • FIXED – Player movement is hindered when approaching the ramp near EXT Market Roof spawn point on Favela map.
  • FIXED – Floors covered by fallen doors on Favela map are difficult to destroy with melee attacks and Maverick's Breaching Torch.
  • FIXED – No destruction VFX after destroying empty trash bags on Favela map.

  • FIXED – Insufficient light inside the cabinet in 2F Main Corridor on Kafe map.

  • FIXED – LOS can be created by shooting through the foam ceiling on Kanal map.

  • FIXED – LOS can be created by shooting through the foam ceiling on Oregon map.

  • FIXED – Operator's legs clip the wall when they go prone between the wall and sign at EXT Picnic Area on Outback map.

  • FIXED – Attacker drones will lose functionality after going under the tables at 1F Restaurant on Tower map.

  • FIXED – Northwest corner of EXT Veranda is darker than the rest of the balcony on Villa map.
  • FIXED – Lighting is missing in areas around EXT Front Entrance and EXT Greenhouse on Villa map.

  • FIXED – Multiple scoring issues for various Operators.
  • FIXED – Multiple device issues for various Operators.
  • FIXED – Multiple minor animation issues.

  • FIXED – Highlight around Alibi's Prisma is missing.

  • FIXED – Aruni's Surya Gate deployment scoring is not capped at 3.

  • FIXED – Defenders' phones appear invisible in Support Mode while players are resetting them after Dokkaebi's Logic Bomb.

  • FIXED – Echo's Yokai is briefly seen after being destroyed if the player presses the space bar at the same time that it's destroyed.
  • FIXED – Echo's MP5SD has a muzzle flash even though it's suppressed.

  • FIXED – Finka's boost does not provide ADS speed increase for Blitz and Montagne.

  • FIXED – Flores does not take damage from his RCE-Ratero Charge if he uses another one at the same time as the explosion.

  • FIXED – Hibana's first person view is offset when she rappels upside down, making X-Kairos pellets bounce off the wall.

  • FIXED – Controller rumble issues for Jackal's Eyenox Model III.

  • FIXED – Maverick's melee animation breaks when the Breaching Torch is equipped.

  • FIXED – Melusi's hands are missing from her deployment animation.
  • FIXED – Collision issues between Melusi's Banshee Sonic Defense and sticky devices.

  • FIXED – No feedback text when Oryx's Remah Dash is unavailable.

  • FIXED – Smoke's Remote Gas Grenade does not propagate properly on some floors and ceilings on Oregon, Club House, Coastline, Theme Park, and Outback maps.

  • FIXED – Missing bonus score for Tachanka's Shumikha Launcher incendiary grenade kills.
  • FIXED – Tachanka's hands clip through DP27 in loadout preview and fullscreen view in the Operators section.

  • FIXED – On PC, the PS5 controller is not functional with the new input system.
  • FIXED – Microphone icon inside the scoreboard may be missing.
  • FIXED – Multiple UI and Options menu issues throughout the game.
  • FIXED – Multiple audio, SFX, and, VFX issues throughout the game.
  • FIXED – Multiple localization issues throughout the game.
  • FIXED – Enabling RAW input randomly affects mouse movement.
  • FIXED – Various cosmetic and shop issues.
  • FIXED – Various Match Replay issues.
  • FIXED – NVidia Reflex Latency Indicator is triggered by any shot in the gameplay session.
  • FIXED – Voice and text options for blocked players are not disabled in scoreboard.
  • FIXED – Player cards still appear in Support Mode when Interface Preset is set to Cinematic.
  • FIXED – Players using controllers cannot navigate scoreboard during Post-Action Report.
  • FIXED – When Render Scaling is set to 100, the display is too zoomed-in.
  • FIXED – Observation Tools camera view is distorted in match replays when user rewinds.
  • FIXED – Bodies of eliminated Operators are misplaced in match replays when user rewinds.
  • FIXED – Custom Game playlists disappear after player reboots the game.
  • FIXED – Text for W/L and K/D ratios overlaps in some languages.
  • FIXED – Buck's default uniform clips through Isolation headgear.
  • FIXED – Hibana's player card appears inside of opponent's player card.
  • FIXED – Unable to invite players to a Squad after leaving a Custom Game lobby.
  • FIXED – The crosshair is missing for several devices.
  • FIXED – If player exits Maestro's Evil Eye while shooting the turret, smoke and electricity VFX will remain on screen.
  • FIXED – When spectating an Operator with a launcher, weapon info is replaced with launcher info in Caster HUD.
  • FIXED – Hibana's player card is missing X-Kairos icon.
  • FIXED – HP number turns white when an overhealed Operator enters and exits Observation Tools.
  • FIXED – Mozzie's drone counter displays 96 captured drones when an Attacker drone is destroyed.
  • FIXED – Thunderbird's name is close to the edge of her player card.
  • FIXED – Players were unable to redeem the 6th pick on some rounds during the SI.
  • FIXED – Texture Quality option text isn't positioned correctly.
  • FIXED – When a player leaves during Post-Action Report, their stats disappear from scoreboard.
  • FIXED – All players appear eliminated if scoreboard is opened during transition from Planning Phase to loading screen.
  • FIXED – The crosshair is missing for several devices.
  • FIXED – Active screen area is not properly scaled with widescreen letterbox enabled.
  • FIXED – When a player selects another player in the scoreboard, the reporting function doesn't appear.
  • FIXED – Game remains in infinite loading state after cinematic for Cold Zero situation.
  • FIXED – Various localization issues throughout the game.
  • FIXED – Timer for Thunderbird's Kona Station disappears if the Show Objective Indicator option is set to OFF.
  • FIXED – Flash hider and compensator have outdated descriptions.
  • FIXED – Players may lose functionality on multiples tabs if Synchronizing Data is encountered in AAR.
  • FIXED – Players will crouch if they leave the drone POV with Observation Tool input.
  • FIXED – Overlap issue observed between the PS4/PS5's Options icon and the Settings logo.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi_Frog

Announcing the next Y6S2 Streamer Charms!

Each season will bring the release of new charms, as well as a return of the streamer’s charms from previous seasons!






Ad9m Alfredoplays AnneMunition Beaulo Bighead BikiniBodhi Bnans Braction6 Drid Gabbo IceyCat25 Interro JerichoFive JessGOAT Jinu6734 Just9n Kalera KingGeorge KittyR6 Kixstar LagonisR6 Lil_Lexi Lt Custard MacieJay Matimi0 MrBboy45 Narcoleptic Nugget PaladinAmber Pengu Punjistick REMGURI / 렘쨩 Rubsarb Salty Academy SexyCake Shorty SilphTV TangyD Tatted THE_M3RY Tranth Varsity WhiteShark67 z1ronic Zander Zigueira

How to acquire charms

These charms are only available by subscribing to the respective streamer’s Twitch channel with a linked Uplay account. For more information on how to link your Uplay and Twitch account, as well as opt in for Twitch Drops, please refer to this FAQ.

How to get involved

Given the length of our production cycle for in-game content, the participants for Y6S1 S2, S3 & S4 have already been determined. We are always on the lookout for additional content creators to add to the program and will be exploring new candidates in 2021. If your goal is to see your charm in game, we use the following criteria to begin the selection process for potential candidates:

Requirements to be considered
  • Approximately 350+ concurrent viewers – preferable.
  • Average of 10 Rainbow Six streams per month.
  • Average of 20 hours of Rainbow Six streamed per month.
  • Positive standing with Ubisoft/Rainbow Six Siege.
  • High quality level of content.
  • Twitch Partnered.
  • Rainbow Six Siege reserves the right for final decision.

Consideration for Removal
  • Less than 10 Rainbow Six Siege main streams over 3 months.
  • Level of quality dropping below an acceptable level.
  • Standing with Rainbow Six Siege/Ubisoft compromised.
  • Any actions that may negatively affect the R6S/Ubisoft brand.
  • Loss of Twitch Partnership.
  • Rainbow Six Siege reserves the right for removal of any charms.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi_Frog

Throughout Year 6 Season 2, we are excited to continue the Sixth Guardian Program! The program aims to support a charity via the sales of an in-game bundle which is available throughout the entire length of a Season, with 100% of net proceeds (with a minimum of $6 USD per bundle sold) going to the charity. Your purchases will help to directly support a charity and help a diverse range of causes. Together, we hope to unite the Rainbow Six Siege community and make a positive change outside of our game.

The program's inaugural run, with Y5S4's Doc Bundle, proved very successful, resulting in over $170,000 USD raised for AbleGamers Charity. We thank the great folks at AbleGamers for the wonderful partnership, and hope to find opportunities to work with them again in the future!

This Season, we’re releasing the "Valkyrie SG" bundle. All proceeds will go towards Stack Up, which is a wonderful military charity supporting active and veteran service members from the US and allied nations by promoting positive mental health and combating veteran suicide through gaming.

This bundle features a full Valkyrie set with Stack Up's signature red coloring and Sixth Guardian branding. Specifically, the set includes:

  • Uniform
  • Headgear
  • Weapon skin
  • Charm

The bundle will be limited in time and available only for this Season. Make sure to check it out before Season 2 ends!
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi_MyAnh

In Y6S1 we’ve teamed up with Prime Gaming and launched our Community Artist Bundle Program by releasing the very first community-designed operator bundle: The SAU_SIEGE Bundle for Caveira.

With this program, we want to celebrate our amazingly creative and dedicated community artists and give them a chance to be represented in-game. Each selected artist gets to create a full set for an operator of their choice and these bundles will drop over the course of Year 6 and beyond.

We’re excited to continue our partnership with Prime Gaming in Y6S2 North Star to bring you the next edition of our Community Artist Bundle Program. As we announced during the Ubisoft Forward Post Show on June 12th, it’ll be a bundle created by artist Sunstark for the operator Lion.

Have a look at the full VOD of Ubisoft Forward to learn more about this bundle in a video interview with Sunstark herself, and for more exciting news and updates from our Siege Community Team.

This set for Lion includes the Sunstark:
  • Uniform
  • Headgear
  • V308 Weapon Skin
  • Charm


The Sunstark Operator Bundle will become available through Prime Gaming starting from Thursday, June 17th. Make sure to claim it once it's live, as it will be available for a limited time only!

Prime Gaming members will be able to claim this exclusive set for free. If you’re not a Prime member yet, you can sign up for a free trial.

Until the Sunstark Operator Bundle will be live on June 17th, you can unlock a 7-day Renown Booster with Prime right now!

Here’s how you can get these Prime Gaming offers:


Sunshine Kim, better known as “Sunstark”, is a professional concept artist from South Korea and she has been drawing impressive fan art of Siege’s operators since 2017. Through her attention to detail and love of the operators’ biographies, she became a role model to many artists and a core pillar in the Siege community.

But there’s even more to her story than that – while her Lion bundle was in production last year, Sunstark was hired by Ubisoft to work full-time on Siege as a Character Concept Artist. We’re proud to have such a talented personality coming from the community and joining our art team to create even more amazing content for our players in the future!

Lion is Sunstark’s absolute favorite operator (she calls herself “the mother of all lions”), so it was crystal clear to her (and us!) that she wanted to create this set for him. When she drew a concept of Lion as a firefighter some time ago, she received many heartwarming messages from real firefighters, who wanted to see her design in-game. This inspired her to dedicate her Lion bundle to first responders in our community.

Have a look at her Twitter and Instagram channels and make sure to follow her for more awesome art!


What is the Community Artist Bundle Program?

The Community Artist Bundle Program launched in Y6S1 and it brings operator bundles created by some of our most talented and dedicated Siege fan artists into the game.

I’m a Siege fan artist too – what can I do to get selected as well?

Given the length of our production cycle for in-game content, the fan artists for Year 6 have already been determined. However, we are always on the lookout for future participants. If your goal is to see your bundle in-game, continue showing us your passion and strive to be an outstanding member of the Siege community. We have multiple ways for our dedicated community artists to get more involved with the game, such as the Siege Champions Program.

How can I get the Y6S2 Sunstark Operator bundle?

Link your Ubisoft account with your Amazon account here and claim the Operator set through Prime Gaming starting from June 17th. After successfully redeeming the content, it will be available in your in-game inventory within 48 hours. Players must have Lion available as an operator.

Can I buy the Sunstark Operator Bundle with Renown or R6 Credits as well?

The Sunstark Operator Bundle is exclusive to Prime Gaming for a limited time only and can be obtained via the Prime Gaming offer as described above. Prime Gaming is included for free with Amazon Prime, and free trials are available for new users.

Will this offer be available on all platforms?

Yes, it can be redeemed on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Amazon Luna, and Google Stadia.

How long will this offer be available?

Following its release on June 17th, you have one month to claim this offer via Prime Gaming.

I don’t see my rewards.

If you’re having trouble redeeming your Sunstark Operator Bundle, please contact our support.

For more information about Prime Gaming, visit the Prime Gaming FAQ.
May 24, 2021
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi_Frog

Rainbow Six Siege is introducing Year 6 Season 2, North Star! When some of our beloved Operators end up in a difficult situation, only the best of the best can come to the rescue. Introducing Thunderbird, a free-spirited pilot from the Nakoda Territories in Saskatchewan, Canada. Possessing a quiet strength, she uses the Kóna Healing Station to help the fallen on the battlefield.

This season, players can expect balancing changes to Melusi, Smoke, Mira, and Nøkk, a redesign of the scoreboard, and much more. New after-death gameplay will also be featured on the Test Server. Read the Patch Notes below for more information.

View Patch Notes
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi_Frog

In this latest edition of Designer’s Notes, we'll go into more detail about the balancing changes that’ll come with North Star and the Y6S2 patch. This season, we have quite a wide range of balancing tweaks and overall reworks (with a number coming exclusively to the Test Server for, well, TESTING). There's a ton to cover below, so scroll on for insights into the reasons behind these changes.


Please note that we are using presence to gauge the popularity of an Operator. This notion had to be introduced to reflect the implementation of the pick & ban.

Presence definition: pick rate of an Operator when not banned. Win Delta: The Win Delta is aggregated from Operator’s Win Deltas per Bomb Site.



Starting off with a big topic, we first want to make it clear that Gameplay After Death will not come to Siege's Live servers this season. Instead, we want to give you an early look at this rework on the Test Server for two important reasons:
  • You have more opportunities to familiarize yourself with theses huge changes before they hit Live.
  • We have more time to get your feedback and adjust things ahead of release, as needed.
On that note, a survey will be made available via in-game news on the Test Server, running from May 26th to May 28th. Your feedback will be hugely important in the continued development of this feature, so we look forward to hearing your thoughts!

First, what is the intention behind Gameplay After Death?

Put simply, we want players to feel invested in their team's success, right up until the last second of the round. We want players to be able to feel their impact on the match outcome. In doing so, our goal is to keep players interested and engaged, even after their operator has been eliminated. This means less downtime, and a greater range of gameplay opportunities in Support mode.

Ultimately, it's essential to us that this is balanced so that players remaining alive in a match is always the superior option.

Even if this change means that getting fragged will be a bit less punishing than it was before, it should still be something players actively avoid, given the threat that loss of utility and support poses.

In other words: one of the things we want to make certain of before releasing this system is that it is never a valid strategy to initiate careless fights early in the round and not worry about dying.

We are very aware that this change will likely affect the whole game's balance. Operators whose abilities revolve around observational tools in particular will need to be rebalanced as we take this new system into account. We've already begun this task and will continue doing so with the help of your feedback. We know that this feature will bring a fundamental change, but it is a change that we believe will continue to sharpen the Siege experience.

After all, you can't rework an operator without breaking a couple mounted LMGs.

What are the changes?

We have added a number of gameplay elements for players on both sides to aid them after their operators have died:

  • Dead players can control and drive their own drone, including Twitch’s drone. You cannot drive the drone of another operator.
  • Antennas are shown on regular drones when the owner dies, in order to help opponents know if the drone belongs to a dead or alive operator.
  • The abilities of observation tools and gadgets can be used.
    • i.e. Twitch’s and Zero’s lasers
  • If you died with regular drones in your inventory, they will spawn at your original spawn location.
  • An operator ability like Twitch's Shock Drone won’t spawn after death.

Specifically for Defenders, we have added new tools to help counter the threat of Attacker drones:
  • Bulletproof Camera Rework
    • The camera can now rotate.
    • The camera can shoot an EMP burst to disable Attackers' electronic gadgets and drones for 8 seconds.
    • The first player in the camera can use the ability to shoot. Unlike operators' abilities, there is no notion of ownership
  • Drone Counter
    • The Drone Counter is displayed exclusively to Defenders to help them track the number of regular drones their team has destroyed or captured.
    • This is intended to incentivize Defenders to be aware of the importance of destroying drones, especially in a context where dead players can still drone them out.
    • This counter is not meant to reveal extra intel to Defenders. It only reflects Defenders' actions and doesn't take into account special drones - only regular ones.
  • Echo, Maestro and Mozzie can control and use their abilities after death.
    • Note for Maestro: Teammates will be able to rotate the turret like any other observation tool, although Maestro will maintain priority over other Defenders.
Some additional topics to consider about Gameplay After Death:
  • A number of changes released before and during this season will also help player experience in this new context:
    • Yokai drones no longer have cloaking, limiting the potential source of frustration of dealing with invisible after-death drones.
    • The bulletproof glass of the Maestro’ Evil Eye can be shattered with a melee to deny vision when it is closed (same of the Bulletproof Camera and more on these below).
    • The introduction of the GONNE-6 helps a wider range of operators deal with these.
  • While it will not be available in this initial test, Attackers being able to repick their operator in the Prep Phase (coming later in Year 6) will encourage players to more thoroughly scout the objective and Defenders' setups to collect info, putting their drones at risk.
  • We are actively exploring and looking for more options relating to:
    • Dokkaebi's Logic Bomb affecting dead Defenders.
    • New secondary gadgets that can help with info denial.
As mentioned above, we know that there are many questions of how this will affect the game's overall balance. This is a big part of why we are turning to the Test Server to test this. We value your feedback and extensive knowledge of the game, and want to make sure we're bringing you along on the journey before this officially hits Live servers. We hope all these explanations help to give you context into this change to game flow and invite you to give it a try on the Test Server and let us know what you think – we’ll be paying close attention to your feedback!

  • Adjusted the flow and content of replays after being fragged
Gameplay After Death made it important to improve the flow from the moment a player dies, to when they can control their observation tools. We took this opportunity to revisit the entire death sequence that had remained untouched since the launch of Siege.

Our main focus was to help players understand how they died and keep them in the action. We feel it is important for players to understand exactly what happened in order for there to be an opportunity to learn. Thus, the camera will now look towards what killed the player for a few seconds (note: this can be reduced to two seconds in Custom Game settings) without slow motion or a sudden close-up on the opponent. Then, players can watch the replay to get additional details if needed.

Depending on their needs, players will be able to skip through this death sequence as quickly as they want in order to get into their cameras and help their team. We also wanted to make sure the amount of intel shared during the sequence was fairer. In this way, only relevant details to a given frag will be shared with eliminated players. For example, when dying to a Kapkan trap, players won’t be informed of how much HP Kapkan has, or where he is.

  • When a player is eliminated, a transparent operator icon will appear in place of their body and remain for the duration of the round.
Due to the differences in how the server and the client handle their positioning, the bodies of eliminated players have the potential to create unfair gameplay scenarios. While one player may see an eliminated body laying one way, another player may see it oriented slightly different. This rework should help to even the playing field and ensure consistency between players' experiences.

This will guarantee that lines of sight are not unfairly obstructed, that gadgets, defusers or prone operators can't be hidden in them, and will make it easier for players to identify which operator was eliminated.

  • Line of sight through bullet holes in soft surfaces has been blocked
With this rework, players will no longer be able to peek through individual bullet holes in the environment. This previously created unfair gameplay scenarios in which peekers could take out unsuspecting players without them having the tools to effectively identify the potential threat.

Now, players will have to shoot a soft surface multiple times in order to create a hole big enough to peek through, providing those being peeked upon a fairer chance to identify and react to this threat. Please note that bullet holes in thin materials like window glass, barricades, and the inner cores of props are not affected by this change.

Speaking to barricades specifically, they were excluded from this feature as they work differently than walls. That being said, even though removing bullet holes from walls is a huge step toward addressing the issue, we are acutely aware that bullet holes in barricades will still pose a similar concern. We are currently working on a solution to address this for a future update and will keep you informed as we have more to share.

  • Operator armor will be converted to HP:
    • 3-armor operators will have 125 HP
    • 2-armor operators will have 110 HP
    • 1-armor operators will have 100 HP
  • Rook's Armor Plates will grant a buff to permanent HP for the round:
    • Picking up Armor Plates will buff an operator's maximum HP by 20 until the end of a round
  • Any heals will heal up to this new maximum value for the duration of the round
As we've previously mentioned with "hidden" passives, there are certain mechanics in Siege that are difficult to convey in straightforward terms without understanding a number of different variables. Armor is one of those mechanics. It's obvious that a 3-armor operator will be harder to take down than a 1-armor, but knowing the exact values requires lab time and isn't conducive to quick thinking in a match.

To streamline this and establish clear health pools for all operators, each armor class has been assigned a different HP total. This should make it easier for players to accurately judge the impact of an offensive play and coordinate accordingly, taking the mystery out of armor values.

Please note, this is a TEST SERVER ONLY change. As this rework nears completion and the team uses this additional time to finetune and tweak it, we wanted to give you a chance to try it out on the Test Server. We're excited to hear what you think!

  • A melee hit will now shatter the glass of Mira's Black Mirror, Maestro's Evil Eye, and the Bulletproof Camera
  • Shattered glass is opaque and prevents these devices from being used to spot players
  • When Mira's Black Mirror is shattered, vision is denied on both sides
    • When the canister is destroyed, the device now shatters and explodes (solely a visual effect) instead of falling to the floor
  • When Maestro's Evil Eye is shattered, he has to open the device to see through it
It's no secret that there's a ton of value to be found in bulletproof utility. Due to their durability and limited counters, they can continue to provide support to their owners long into a match. With Y6S2, we are introducing a new counter to these powerful tools in the form of shattered glass. Now, players will be able to limit the usefulness of bulletproof gadgets with a well-placed melee hit.

At its most basic, this melee hit will make it impossible for players to see through the shattered glass of their device as it will turn opaque, requiring them to adapt their strategy on the fly. This means opposing players will have more options at their disposal when it comes to dealing with one. Will you use an explosive to guarantee the utility's destruction? Risk exposing yourself to shatter it with a melee hit and throw off enemy intel? Avoid it entirely? In addition to the basic act of shattering, different gadgets will react differently to this rework.

For Mira's Black Mirror, shattered glass will hinder the vision of players on both sides of the window and will now explode when the canister is destroyed. This will make aggressive windows in heavily reinforced spaces easier to deny, although well-protected windows will still favour the Defenders given the risk associated with approaching a window.

As for Maestro's Evil Eye, even after being shattered, he will be able to use it as a microphone and can still open the device to use its turret functionalities. This should help even out the risk vs. reward of Evil Eye placement as this new counter will require Maestro players to be more thoughtful with their placement or risk losing part of its utility.

Finally, Bulletproof Cameras are expected to survive longer in matches, albeit with their glass shattered. Since they are now melee-proof from the front but can be shattered with this melee, opposing players will have to make the choice of burning explosive utility to eliminate them, leaving them operational-yet-shattered, or spending time looking for the right angle to destroy them.

  • Toxic gas from Smoke's Remote Gas Grenade will not travel through walls, floors, and ceilings
  • A new sound plays when the canister is detonated
  • Toxic gas damage increased to 15 HP every 0.66 seconds while in area of effect
Thanks to his ability to simultaneously flush out choke points and create visual cover, Smoke can be an invaluable addition to team compositions and a ton of fun to play. Somewhat less fun is coming up against Smoke and having his toxic gas travel through walls, creating obstacles that shouldn't exist. To combat this, we've reworked his Remote Gas Grenade to release its gas more naturally, filling spaces without leaking through solid walls, floors, and ceilings.

This helps improve the experience of facing him, as Attackers will be able to better predict the impact and effect of a thrown canister. Not only this, but it should eliminate a number of exploits that made certain bomb sites easier to defend, requiring a more dangerous playstyle that risks denial in order to achieve similar results.

In addition to changing the behavior of this toxic gas, we've modified the way that its damage is tracked, dealing flat damage over time for the whole duration that someone is in the toxic cloud's area of effect. We have also added a new sound for when the canister detonates. This means that even though Smoke's gas no longer defies the laws of physics, it will remain a formidable deterrent for approaching Attackers.

  • Flash Hider
    • Reduces the speed and intensity of vertical recoil
  • Compensator
    • Reduces the speed and intensity of horizontal recoil
In their previous state, muzzle attachments needed a shake-up. Put simply, it was difficult to grasp exactly what impact each had when equipped. We want you to feel a clear difference between the muzzle attachments, allowing you to make an informed choice in your loadout and understand the distinct advantages each bring to the table.

Now, these two attachments fill more unique roles. The compensator focuses on helping to control horizontal recoil, making it a great choice for weapons with noticeable swing. For the flash hider, the focus is on vertical recoil and limiting vertical spread of bullets. These changes allow players to more closely tailor their loadouts to the needs of the weapons they’re using.

We expect that this will make some weapons feel easier to control than before once players begin experimenting, so as always, we will be closely monitoring performance and stats, and will adjust as needed.

  • Reduced Breaching Rounds to 2 (from 3)
  • Modified R4-C recoil, harder to control:
  • Increased vertical kick
    • Horizontal spread will be more constant and stronger to the the right
    • Long burst recoil will start on the 8th bullet (previously the 12th)
  • Breaching Rounds are now immune to electricity
Population targeted by this change: Top Ranked and Pros.

Likely surprising no one, Ash is currently positioned with the highest presence of any Attacker or Defender on the Balancing Matrix. Not only does she have the highest kill-per-round ratio among Attackers, but her Breaching Rounds offer a great deal of flexibility and utility in the heat of combat. At the end of the day, Ash is a great all-around pick who unfortunately outclasses some of her contemporaries.

In order to bring her more in line with other frag-forward operators like Iana, we have reduced her available Breaching Rounds and increased the recoil of her R4-C. For context, this recoil increase is less intense than that of Jäger in Y6S1.3, but we still want to hear what you think after getting your hands on it on the Test Server.

Now, on to the Breaching Rounds. As you may recall, this reverts a change from Y5S4 that granted Ash an additional one. The original intention for this was to balance out the utility meta and increase the pace of the game in the wake of rebalances to projectiles in attack and catchers in defense. Now, with new denial tools like the GONNE-6 and the brand new rework to Melusi's Banshee (more on that below) that reduces the need to burn a Breaching Round to reliably eliminate it, we feel that this change is no longer necessary and by reverting it, it will make other operators more appealing.

  • Finka's ability will fill up teammates' base health. The exceeding boost health will be allocated as overheal

Coinciding with the announcement of Thunderbird, our latest operator and owner of a healing gadget, we wanted to make some adjustments to Finka to bring her gadget in line with Thunderbird's and Doc's. Specifically, we felt it was important to make sure their healing effects were consistent with one another.

Now that the additional health of Finka's Adrenal Surge is no longer tied to an active timer, this should help to make it less of a situational tool, encouraging more active usage of it.

  • When HEL Presence Reduction is active:
    • Proximity-based gadgets are not triggered
    • Gadgets affected: Ela's Grzmot Mine, Melusi’s Banshee, Proximity Alarm, and Metal Detectors
  • Laser-based gadgets are triggered
  • Sounds made by Nøkk are no longer muffled
  • Glitch effect cancels proximity immunity, resulting in the activation of any gadget in range
Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.

Following up on our last set of tweaks to Nøkk's HEL Presence Reduction Device, we wanted to take this experimentation a step further by drilling down to its effect on laser-based gadgets. Now, while use of the HEL will allow Nøkk to bypass proximity gadgets, laser-based gadgets will still pose a threat, activating as normal.

Between this and the removal of noise reduction on her ability, we want to strike a healthy balance between stealthy counter-intel utility that rewards smart play, and her becoming the embodiment of everyone's favorite extraterrestrial hunter from the 80's. The use of her HEL should be interesting to use, but not so effective that it bypasses all opposition.

As a reminder, this is a TEST SERVER ONLY change. We will turn it off before releasing the new season to continue working on her. As with the previous change, we have tested this change internally and are interested to hear your feedback so we can iterate as needed before deploying such a notable change to the wider community.

  • Banshees are now deployed closed and will open when triggered, revealing a Banshee Core
  • Banshee Cores are vulnerable to bullets and melee attacks
  • The device now also detects enemies' feet (previously detected head and hip)
Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.

We promised that we were listening to your Melusi feedback! It's no secret that bulletproof gadgets can be difficult and costly to deal with, so adding in the disorienting effects of the Banshee, Melusi had quite a strong gadget on her hands and her extremely high presence in the Balancing Matrix reflects that. In order to better balance its strengths and its weaknesses, we've added a new mechanic to this gadget.

Banshees will now deploy in a closed, bulletproof and melee-proof state. Once a player activates a Banshee, it will open up, revealing its Core, which is its weak point. The Banshee Core can then be destroyed with gunfire or melee attacks, giving players multiple options for approaching and eliminating one outside of relying on explosives.

This should help to alleviate some of the frustration caused by this gadget, while still rewarding strategic use of it. Since Attackers need to activate the Banshee to reveal its weak point, thoughtful positioning will be more important than ever to unleash its full potential.

  • Modified K1A recoil, harder to control:
    • Mild increase to vertical kick
    • Horizontal spread will be more constant and stronger to the the right
    • Long burst recoil will start on the 6th bullet (previously the 12th)
Population targeted by this change: Casual and Top Ranked.

We don't mean to spoil a change coming a little further down this page, but the SMG-12 is getting a buff. That's great news for Vigil, as its improved recoil and high fire rate will make it a more desirable kit choice, especially when you take his role as a roamer into account. In order to make sure his loadout doesn't become too stacked, however, we have increased the recoil of his K1A slightly. We feel this is a fair compromise for the increased firepower of the SMG-12, but look forward to hearing your thoughts.

  • Added same resource management system as Twitch's drone to Argus Camera
    • Cooldown: 15s
    • Initial/Maximum shots: 1
Population targeted by this change: Casual and Top Ranked.

Who says Twitch's drones should have all the fun? To add additional utility to Zero's Argus Cameras, they now come equipped with an identical resource management system. Not only will this give him better gadget denial value, but this should help incentivize more creative camera placement as players seek to maximize their survival. Specifically, we have noticed that his cams are often destroyed soon after deployment, so while we look forward to seeing more strategic placement, we expect this to keep the increase in denial capability in line.

This increase in utility is offset by a long cooldown, so players will have to pick their shot carefully to make the most of it. Even so, this addition should help introduce a new layer to Zero's strategy for newer players and veterans alike.


  • Modified recoil, easier to control:
    • Horizontal spread will be more constant and closer to the center
Population targeted by this change: Casual and Top Ranked.

While Hibana and Echo are relatively close to the center of Win Delta on the Balancing Matrix, their fragging potential could use a buff as we have noticed their kills-per-round fall. By making the Bearing 9 more reliable and consistent on its horizontal axis, this should give both operators the push they need, while also equipping new operator, Thunderbird, with a quality loadout.

For Echo in particular, this also increases the viability of running a shotgun and SMG combo loadout.

  • Modified recoil, easier to control:
    • Reduced first shot kick
    • Reduced vertical kick
    • Horizontal spread will be more predictable and constant to the left
    • Long burst recoil will start on the 12th bullet (previously the 6th)
Population targeted by this change: Casual and Top Ranked.

As noted before, Vigil, Dokkaebi and Warden will all be getting a buff in the form of reduced recoil for the SMG-12. Its high rate of fire is a force to be reckoned with but it has historically been quite difficult to tame. By reducing the recoil, we feel this should help to make it a more desirable choice, especially for operators like Dokkaebi for whom this is her only close-range option.

  • Operators affected:
    • Jäger's ADS
    • Ela's GRZMOT Mine
    • Nomad's Airjab
    • Kaid's Rtila Electroclaws
Population targeted by this change: Casual.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to accurately judge the effective area of a proximity-based gadget when placing it. We would much rather players worry about realizing their strategic plans than second-guess whether they should place their GRZMOT Mine a little more to the left.

To help illustrate their effective range, a visual effect - this is no change to power level - has been added to some operators' gadgets at the time of placement. This should place more of a focus on creative and strategic deployment as players are able to more quickly and efficiently visualize their gadget's effect on the map.


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