ARK: Survival Evolved - Jen
Sponsored Mod Program Spotlight!

It’s another exciting month in the mod program as we look to introduce you to two new and exciting mods we are sure you will like! Over the past few months we’ve introduced new mods that revamp gameplay but this month we’ll be adding a content mod and a new map.

Maps have a way of rejuvenating your passion for a game and everyone loves additional content. Especially content that adds new functions to existing mechanics you’ve used since you first started surviving. Without further ado, here are the new mods entering the program!


This map is filled with vast open plains, open for you to build to your heart's desire. The map has a slight fantasy feel but relies heavily on natural landscapes, dense forests, and amazing mountains. This will be one to keep an eye on for sure!

Saddle Emporium

Saddles are, arguably, one of the most used and needed items in ARK. Something that you will see thousands of times in your gameplay. Not only do these saddles give your creatures a visible flair, some of them offer benefits such as weight reduction. Drop by the workshop page to see what dinos are coming next!

TLC Phase 1/v277 Patch

As you may know by now we are hard at work with patch v277, TLC Phase 1. If you want to keep up-to-date on everything that will be in the patch please check out the link below which is a list of patch notes so far.


To read the rest of the Community Crunch this week, check out our announcement post on survivetheark!

Keep on surviving!
ARK: Survival Evolved - Jen
Sponsored Mod Program Spotlight!

It’s another exciting month in the mod program as we look to introduce you to two new and exciting mods we are sure you will like! Over the past few months we’ve introduced new mods that revamp gameplay but this month we’ll be adding a content mod and a new map.

Maps have a way of rejuvenating your passion for a game and everyone loves additional content. Especially content that adds new functions to existing mechanics you’ve used since you first started surviving. Without further ado, here are the new mods entering the program!


This map is filled with vast open plains, open for you to build to your heart's desire. The map has a slight fantasy feel but relies heavily on natural landscapes, dense forests, and amazing mountains. This will be one to keep an eye on for sure!

Saddle Emporium

Saddles are, arguably, one of the most used and needed items in ARK. Something that you will see thousands of times in your gameplay. Not only do these saddles give your creatures a visible flair, some of them offer benefits such as weight reduction. Drop by the workshop page to see what dinos are coming next!

TLC Phase 1/v277 Patch

As you may know by now we are hard at work with patch v277, TLC Phase 1. If you want to keep up-to-date on everything that will be in the patch please check out the link below which is a list of patch notes so far.


To read the rest of the Community Crunch this week, check out our announcement post on survivetheark!

Keep on surviving!
ARK: Survival Evolved - Jen
Dino TLC Phase 2 Preview!

In our previous Dino TLC updates we showed you our progress on Phase 1 of the Dino DLC pass, which includes the: Direbear, Procoptodon, Gigantopithecus, Direwolf, and Tyrannosaurus Rex. We are targeting the release of Phase 1 to take place during the week of February the 18th on PC. The plan is for the Dino TLC pass is to role out these changes in multiple phases. Throughout the next few months, some creatures will receive visual changes, as well as functional/gameplay changes.
Today, we'd like to share some screenshots and provide some insight into what we're planning for Phase 2 of the TLC pass. We've been reading all your feedback and suggestions regarding the creatures; our artists and gameplay team have found it to be beneficial in the decision-making process. Something to keep in mind is that not all creatures will receive a visual update, but we will cover ones we feel (with your feedback) need it. Sometimes there may be function gameplay changes which weaken certain aspects of creatures; however, if we take anything away, we always plan to add to it through another dimension.

Please remember that these are still works-in-progress and are therefore subject to change before final release, which includes both visual redesigns, as well as gameplay changes. 

The Argentavis!

The Argentavis has long since been a favourite flyer to many. With its high health, weight, and stamina it's an essential air mount that now will be getting a bit more love. The Dino TLC will grant the Argent a new saddle that will receive reduced weight capabilities on obsidian and various other materials, and the ability to craft smithy items within the saddle.

The Argent will now be able to carry two additional passengers, one with its claws and one in its beak. The Argent will be carrying heavier than current creatures in its talons, while its beak will be able to support the weight of smaller creatures.

Lastly, upon consuming a corpse the Argent will receive rapid health regeneration, making this vulture a formidable aerial tank!

The Spinosaur!

The quadruped stance of the Spinosaur has been a hotly debated since it first joined and ever since. Those for the stance enjoyed its dog-like run while those against felt like it was not true to the real-world version of the dino. With the TLC pass, the Spinosaur will now be able to operate in both a bipedal and a quadruped stance. When on two legs the Spino will move slower but be able to bite and use its claws to do increased damage, while on four legs it will be able to move faster.

Due to its affinity to water, the Spino will receive a buff which applies a bonus to movement speed, turning radius, attack damage, and health regen when fighting in water, and will last for some time after exiting the water. It will also prefer prime fish for taming (over prime meat) and have an increased chance at gathering prime fish meat.

Patch Notes!

But before we can do all of that in Phase 2, we have to get through this upcoming patch first! 

TLC Phase 1/v277 Tentative Patch Notes: ETA Week of February 18th

Please keep in mind that these notes are tentative, some parts of it may change before release (such as the values for creature-balance), as well as more general fixes included for Patch Day.

Dino TLC - The Procoptodon!
- Receives a model update, animation update, sound pass, and some new abilities:
- Will take reduced fall damage
- Carry weight will be noticeably increased
- Can carry small creatures and baby dinos in its pouch
- A knockback kick which can affect significantly larger dinos
- Added an aimed jump which can be used by holding down the Jump key
- Carried characters in a pouch have reduced food consumption rate when carried by Mate-Boosted Female Procoptodons.
- Babies imprinted while in a carried Procoptodon pouch receive more affinity

Dino TLC - The Gigantopithecus A.K.A Bigfoot!
- Receives a model update, animation update, new fur, sound pass and some new abilities:
- The Bigfoot will receive an armour-degrading attack; this means when it fights, it'll do more damage to your armour's durability. It is important to note that the armour-degrading attack will not affect the Yeti creatures found in the game.
- Added the capability to climb ziplines (but not jump between them)
- Added a jump
- It can now carry and throw small creatures
- Throwing has been made more accurate, similarly to crabs with targetting cursor

Dino TLC - Direbear!
- Receives a model update, animation update, new fur and some new abilities:
- When riding a Direbear, players will be immune to bees. They won't be able to knock you off your bear, and they will target focus the bear instead of the player.
- The Direbear will also be able to harvest honey from wild beehives without attracting bees or hurting the hive. Plus the amount of honey it receives will be 2x the standard amount.

Dino TLC - The Direwolf!
- Receives a model update, animation update, new fur and some new abilities:
- Howl now activates a pack buff for 5 minutes (with a minute cooldown). When the Alpha howls, the pack also howls. The pack buff strengthens the Alpha, as well as its pack (reduced amount vs Alpha)
- Hunter's Instinct passive buff which will allow it to sniff out people/creatures with less than 50% health
- Sniff tertiary ability to indicate nearby explorer notes, or to detect buried/stealth creatures

Dino TLC - The Rex!
- Receives a model update, animation update,  and some new abilities:
- Its roar should receive a CD and make non-allies (under a certain dragweight) poop to act as a small stun/interrupt. There will be a cooldown on victims so that they cannot be pooplocked continuously.
- The roar will not be able to scare anything above its level
- Roar will cause players to poop but not stun them
- Rex's ability to climb over small rocks and steeper slopes have been improved.

Creature Specific Bug Fixes & Balance Balance
- Dragon's Fire Breath direct impact damage reduced by 50%
- Fixed a bug which caused Rock Drake and Wyvern eggs to sink below their nests over time.
- Added Rock Golem Saddles to Scorched Earth Loot Table
- Added Basilisk and Rock Drake Saddles to Aberration Loot Table
- Uploaded Creature stats now display Movement Speed and Melee Damage
- Fixed a case where certain creatures would get stuck under the map/inside the map when colliding with larger creatures (most noticeably seen the Rock Drake and Basilisk)
- Fixed a case where certain creatures would get stuck under the map/inside the map when colliding with larger creatures (most noticeably seen the Rock Drake and Basilisk)
- Fixed an issue which was causing a desync with the Reaper's collision
- No longer need pheromone to claim Reaper Kings
- Moschops will no longer flee when told to harvest dino corpses
- Fixed a bug where some creatures would not be able to attack at low server FPS
- Bronto's and Paracer's breeding time have increased by 50% (equivalent to Quetz)
- Reduced Bronto HP gain per level by 33%
- Reduced Bronto base HP by 10%
- Reduced Paracaratherium base HP by 10%
- Reduced Paracer HP gain per level by 25%
- Reduced Tuso Base HP by 20%
- Reduced Tuso HP gain per level by 25%
- Reduced Dunky resistance to bullets to 40%
- Reduced Dunky other resistances to 60%
- Stego Plate Resistant reduced to 30%
- TEK Tapejara no longer inflicts raid damage (how you inflict torpor on titan, krab, and golem)
- AI Option for Dinos to only attack conscious targets added to Titanboa
- Skittish Stance added to tamed dinos

- Creative Mode building
- Server option to disable fog
- ARK will now scan your steam achievements and update your local profile accordingly to restore any lost skins/hairstyles.
- Add messages to tribe logs with information about uploading and downloading creatures
- Made a respawning player not targettable by Wild AI
- Option to hide learned engrams
- Players can now directly go from Proning to Crouching position
- Ambient Sounds have their own volume slider
- Right Click Context option added to folders to equip everything insider, allowing for rapid gear switching
- Created a "Use Last PIN Code" so players can quickly access secured structures
- Silencer now hides the name of the player who has killed you from the kill message and tribe log
- Server Option to make Supply Crates random (?RandomSupplyCratePoints=true)
- Option to enable NVIDIA Ansel on Servers (-ServerAllowAnsel)
- Prevented specific graphical flags from being invited via .ini files
- AxisMapping is now taken into account when underwater
- Cooldown added to tribe's changing their name
- 5 Second character and base immunity added to ORP servers when first logging in
- Fixed a collision issue affecting some dino gates that allowed unintended entry
- Fixed multiple unintended mechanics (will explain in a bit more detail after the update drops ;))
- Fixed an issue where the Tek Teleporter built on pillars/ceilings would push players and creatures beneath it.
- Fixed a crash caused by using ForceTame when riding a Dino
- Improved Red Crystal collision so they can be harvested more efficiently by Anky
- Corrected the Aquatic Mushroom description
- Removed collision from glowsticks which would cause movement problems with certain creatures
- Fixed multiple client/server crashes
- Fixed an issue where some zip line anchors were outside of replication range, preventing them from being used.
- Fixed a case which would allow players mounted on certain creatures to throw/place C4 a lot further (e.g. Stego)
- Corrected an incorrect icon with the Seeker Dossier
- Fixed a case where teleporting outside of a large base with the TEK Teleporter would show foliage that was harvested
- Fixed multiple map issues (holes and collision)
- Fixed a case where some foliage would not replicate appropriately on Aberration

Evolution Event

Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Tuesday the 29th of January at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

2x Harvesting Rate
2x Taming Rate
2x EXP Rate


To read the rest of the Community Crunch this week, check out our announcement post on survivetheark!

Keep on surviving!
ARK: Survival Evolved - Jen
Dino TLC Phase 2 Preview!

In our previous Dino TLC updates we showed you our progress on Phase 1 of the Dino DLC pass, which includes the: Direbear, Procoptodon, Gigantopithecus, Direwolf, and Tyrannosaurus Rex. We are targeting the release of Phase 1 to take place during the week of February the 18th on PC. The plan is for the Dino TLC pass is to role out these changes in multiple phases. Throughout the next few months, some creatures will receive visual changes, as well as functional/gameplay changes.
Today, we'd like to share some screenshots and provide some insight into what we're planning for Phase 2 of the TLC pass. We've been reading all your feedback and suggestions regarding the creatures; our artists and gameplay team have found it to be beneficial in the decision-making process. Something to keep in mind is that not all creatures will receive a visual update, but we will cover ones we feel (with your feedback) need it. Sometimes there may be function gameplay changes which weaken certain aspects of creatures; however, if we take anything away, we always plan to add to it through another dimension.

Please remember that these are still works-in-progress and are therefore subject to change before final release, which includes both visual redesigns, as well as gameplay changes. 

The Argentavis!

The Argentavis has long since been a favourite flyer to many. With its high health, weight, and stamina it's an essential air mount that now will be getting a bit more love. The Dino TLC will grant the Argent a new saddle that will receive reduced weight capabilities on obsidian and various other materials, and the ability to craft smithy items within the saddle.

The Argent will now be able to carry two additional passengers, one with its claws and one in its beak. The Argent will be carrying heavier than current creatures in its talons, while its beak will be able to support the weight of smaller creatures.

Lastly, upon consuming a corpse the Argent will receive rapid health regeneration, making this vulture a formidable aerial tank!

The Spinosaur!

The quadruped stance of the Spinosaur has been a hotly debated since it first joined and ever since. Those for the stance enjoyed its dog-like run while those against felt like it was not true to the real-world version of the dino. With the TLC pass, the Spinosaur will now be able to operate in both a bipedal and a quadruped stance. When on two legs the Spino will move slower but be able to bite and use its claws to do increased damage, while on four legs it will be able to move faster.

Due to its affinity to water, the Spino will receive a buff which applies a bonus to movement speed, turning radius, attack damage, and health regen when fighting in water, and will last for some time after exiting the water. It will also prefer prime fish for taming (over prime meat) and have an increased chance at gathering prime fish meat.

Patch Notes!

But before we can do all of that in Phase 2, we have to get through this upcoming patch first! 

TLC Phase 1/v277 Tentative Patch Notes: ETA Week of February 18th

Please keep in mind that these notes are tentative, some parts of it may change before release (such as the values for creature-balance), as well as more general fixes included for Patch Day.

Dino TLC - The Procoptodon!
- Receives a model update, animation update, sound pass, and some new abilities:
- Will take reduced fall damage
- Carry weight will be noticeably increased
- Can carry small creatures and baby dinos in its pouch
- A knockback kick which can affect significantly larger dinos
- Added an aimed jump which can be used by holding down the Jump key
- Carried characters in a pouch have reduced food consumption rate when carried by Mate-Boosted Female Procoptodons.
- Babies imprinted while in a carried Procoptodon pouch receive more affinity

Dino TLC - The Gigantopithecus A.K.A Bigfoot!
- Receives a model update, animation update, new fur, sound pass and some new abilities:
- The Bigfoot will receive an armour-degrading attack; this means when it fights, it'll do more damage to your armour's durability. It is important to note that the armour-degrading attack will not affect the Yeti creatures found in the game.
- Added the capability to climb ziplines (but not jump between them)
- Added a jump
- It can now carry and throw small creatures
- Throwing has been made more accurate, similarly to crabs with targetting cursor

Dino TLC - Direbear!
- Receives a model update, animation update, new fur and some new abilities:
- When riding a Direbear, players will be immune to bees. They won't be able to knock you off your bear, and they will target focus the bear instead of the player.
- The Direbear will also be able to harvest honey from wild beehives without attracting bees or hurting the hive. Plus the amount of honey it receives will be 2x the standard amount.

Dino TLC - The Direwolf!
- Receives a model update, animation update, new fur and some new abilities:
- Howl now activates a pack buff for 5 minutes (with a minute cooldown). When the Alpha howls, the pack also howls. The pack buff strengthens the Alpha, as well as its pack (reduced amount vs Alpha)
- Hunter's Instinct passive buff which will allow it to sniff out people/creatures with less than 50% health
- Sniff tertiary ability to indicate nearby explorer notes, or to detect buried/stealth creatures

Dino TLC - The Rex!
- Receives a model update, animation update,  and some new abilities:
- Its roar should receive a CD and make non-allies (under a certain dragweight) poop to act as a small stun/interrupt. There will be a cooldown on victims so that they cannot be pooplocked continuously.
- The roar will not be able to scare anything above its level
- Roar will cause players to poop but not stun them
- Rex's ability to climb over small rocks and steeper slopes have been improved.

Creature Specific Bug Fixes & Balance Balance
- Dragon's Fire Breath direct impact damage reduced by 50%
- Fixed a bug which caused Rock Drake and Wyvern eggs to sink below their nests over time.
- Added Rock Golem Saddles to Scorched Earth Loot Table
- Added Basilisk and Rock Drake Saddles to Aberration Loot Table
- Uploaded Creature stats now display Movement Speed and Melee Damage
- Fixed a case where certain creatures would get stuck under the map/inside the map when colliding with larger creatures (most noticeably seen the Rock Drake and Basilisk)
- Fixed a case where certain creatures would get stuck under the map/inside the map when colliding with larger creatures (most noticeably seen the Rock Drake and Basilisk)
- Fixed an issue which was causing a desync with the Reaper's collision
- No longer need pheromone to claim Reaper Kings
- Moschops will no longer flee when told to harvest dino corpses
- Fixed a bug where some creatures would not be able to attack at low server FPS
- Bronto's and Paracer's breeding time have increased by 50% (equivalent to Quetz)
- Reduced Bronto HP gain per level by 33%
- Reduced Bronto base HP by 10%
- Reduced Paracaratherium base HP by 10%
- Reduced Paracer HP gain per level by 25%
- Reduced Tuso Base HP by 20%
- Reduced Tuso HP gain per level by 25%
- Reduced Dunky resistance to bullets to 40%
- Reduced Dunky other resistances to 60%
- Stego Plate Resistant reduced to 30%
- TEK Tapejara no longer inflicts raid damage (how you inflict torpor on titan, krab, and golem)
- AI Option for Dinos to only attack conscious targets added to Titanboa
- Skittish Stance added to tamed dinos

- Creative Mode building
- Server option to disable fog
- ARK will now scan your steam achievements and update your local profile accordingly to restore any lost skins/hairstyles.
- Add messages to tribe logs with information about uploading and downloading creatures
- Made a respawning player not targettable by Wild AI
- Option to hide learned engrams
- Players can now directly go from Proning to Crouching position
- Ambient Sounds have their own volume slider
- Right Click Context option added to folders to equip everything insider, allowing for rapid gear switching
- Created a "Use Last PIN Code" so players can quickly access secured structures
- Silencer now hides the name of the player who has killed you from the kill message and tribe log
- Server Option to make Supply Crates random (?RandomSupplyCratePoints=true)
- Option to enable NVIDIA Ansel on Servers (-ServerAllowAnsel)
- Prevented specific graphical flags from being invited via .ini files
- AxisMapping is now taken into account when underwater
- Cooldown added to tribe's changing their name
- 5 Second character and base immunity added to ORP servers when first logging in
- Fixed a collision issue affecting some dino gates that allowed unintended entry
- Fixed multiple unintended mechanics (will explain in a bit more detail after the update drops ;))
- Fixed an issue where the Tek Teleporter built on pillars/ceilings would push players and creatures beneath it.
- Fixed a crash caused by using ForceTame when riding a Dino
- Improved Red Crystal collision so they can be harvested more efficiently by Anky
- Corrected the Aquatic Mushroom description
- Removed collision from glowsticks which would cause movement problems with certain creatures
- Fixed multiple client/server crashes
- Fixed an issue where some zip line anchors were outside of replication range, preventing them from being used.
- Fixed a case which would allow players mounted on certain creatures to throw/place C4 a lot further (e.g. Stego)
- Corrected an incorrect icon with the Seeker Dossier
- Fixed a case where teleporting outside of a large base with the TEK Teleporter would show foliage that was harvested
- Fixed multiple map issues (holes and collision)
- Fixed a case where some foliage would not replicate appropriately on Aberration

Evolution Event

Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Tuesday the 29th of January at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

2x Harvesting Rate
2x Taming Rate
2x EXP Rate


To read the rest of the Community Crunch this week, check out our announcement post on survivetheark!

Keep on surviving!
ARK: Survival Evolved - Jatheish

Dino TLC Update!

At the end of last year, we were very excited to share with you the early progress of our Dino TLC update! We know it's something you guys have been looking forward to for a long time, so here we are with another update!

The plan is for the Dino TLC pass to role out in multiple phases. Throughout the next few months, some creatures will receive visual changes, as well as functional/gameplay changes. We are targetting the release of Phase 1 to take place during the week of February the 18th. In addition to Dino TLC Phase 1, we will also be rolling out our turret limit to all Official Servers.

Today, we'd like to share some more screenshots and provide some insight into what we're planning for Phase 1 of the TLC pass! We've been reading all your feedback and suggestions regarding the creatures; our artists and gameplay team have found it to be beneficial in the decision-making process. Something to keep in mind is that not all creatures will receive a visual update, but we will cover ones we feel (with your feedback) need it. Sometimes there may be function gameplay changes which weaken certain aspects of creatures; however, if we take anything away, we always plan to add to it through another dimension.

Please remember that this is still work-in-progress (especially the fur!) and therefore will be subject to change before final release, which includes both visual redesigns, as well as gameplay changes. Anywho, without further ado!

The Direbear

We believe the Direbear is in relatively secure place at the moment. Though, we're still planning on making a few changes to it!

When riding a Direbear, players will be immune to bees. They won't be able to knock you off your bear, and they will target focus the bear instead of the player.

In addition to this change, the bear will also be able to harvest honey from wild beehives without attracting bees or hurting the hive. Plus the amount of honey it receives will be 2x the standard amount.

The Procoptodon

Right now, if you're using The Procoptopdon, it's primarily for transportation. We don't see it as a highly combative mount, more so a utility creature with its fantastic jump, and ability to carry a second person.

Here's what we're planning:

The Procotopdon will take reduced fall damage; its carry weight will be noticeably increased, and it will gain the new ability to carry baby dinos and small creatures in its pouch.

We figure that puts the creature in a decent spot, and the suggestion of using the pouch to carry babies was excellent, thanks /r/playARK!

Ah, we've forgotten something...

Oh yeah! We're going to give it a kick! It'll be a pretty tough, and even be able to knock back some significantly large creatures!

The Gigantopithecus A.K.A Bigfoot!

We had quite a few ideas pop into our heads when coming up with some additional abilities for the Bigfoot. Did it need more strength and fighting abilities? What about how well it moves? Could we provide it with some new features? Ultimately, here's what we've settled on:

The Bigfoot will receive an armour-degrading attack; this means when it fights, it'll do more damage to your armour's durability. It is important to note that the armour-degrading attack will not affect the Yeti creatures found in the game.

Its movement needed some work! So we'll be giving it the ability to jump, which is kinda critical, considering it will need to know how to hop on and off all the zip-lines it's going to climb! Yup, that's right. It'll be able to use zip-lines!

In addition to those changes, we'll also be improving it's throwing ability, so it's more accurate (similarly to the Crab) and providing it with the ability to carry (on its shoulder) small creatures and throw them!

The Direwolf!

It's a wolf.. and what are wolves good for? Hunting. Now if you're a wolf, and you're hunting, what exactly are you going to rely on the most? Your nose!

In Phase 1 of the update, we'll be introducing a new ability, a passive buff, as well as changing how it's howl and pack buff currently work.

First of all, the howl will activate the pack buff for a duration of time (we're thinking 5 minutes right now). This means it won't be active all the time, but to compensate, we'll be strengthing the buff to make the wolves stronger. As a little bonus is that when the Alpha Wolf howls, so will all the others! We're also planning for this mechanic play out with wild wolves too.

As for its nose, we're doing two things. We're providing it with a passive buff which allows it to sniff out people or creatures with less than 50% health, and this will be indicated via an icon. Think of it like the hunter's instinct.

Secondly, we'll be giving it a 'Sniff' tertiary ability to indicate nearby explorer notes, as well as detect stealth or buried creatures.

and finally...

The Tyrannosaurus Rex

It's in a pretty strong place at the moment; it's considered one of the top-tier creatures. It is used continuously to fight bosses, as well as often seen in PVP. So we didn't want to give it too many changes to avoid making it overpowered, here's what our plan is:

We're going to improve it's movement/climbing ability so that it doesn't get stuck behind small rocks and can climb up steeper slopes.

We're also planning to change the Roar. When targetting an enemy and using the roar, the enemy will be forced to poop. There will be a cooldown on both the Rex and people who have recently pooped, so you can't pooplock them with 10 Rexes.

That pretty much covers it for Phase 1 of the TLC-pass, let us know what you think, whether we're missing anything glaringly obvious! We're also planning (not definite!) on carrying out more visual changes to the following creatures: Spino, Sarco, Carno, Raptor, Female Deer, Plesio, and Argie. Let us know what you'd like to see improved with those, as well as any other creatures you think may need some love that we're overlooking.

NVIDIA Freestyle: Customize Your ARK’s Appearance In Real-Time

Check out the latest NVIDIA GeForce® Experience™ and #GameReady driver for exciting new ways to customize the look of your ARK with NVIDIA Freestyle! There are 15 available filters, 38 different settings, and many possible combinations, enabling you to create a truly unique look for your gameplay with just a few clicks!

Freestyle game filter and Ansel photo mode features will be available in beta. Just download the latest GeForce Experience app (release 3.12) and Game Ready Driver (release 390) and enable Experimental Features in GeForce Experience settings. Join the beta and be the first to try these new features in GeForce Experience today

Check out this articles for all the latest details and how to use the Freestyle filters on your ARK!

New Freestyle Contest!

We'll also be introducing a new category to our Nvidia Ansel contests for all Freestyle entries! You can submit images or a video (up to 1 minute long) using the new awesome filters for a chance to win 200$ (double our normal Ansel reward). Check out our contest submission thread for all the details!

Evolution Event++

Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 15th of January at 12 PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

2x Harvesting Rate
2x Taming Rate
2x EXP Rate
2x Maturing
2x Less Breeding Interval
2x Mating

You can check out our full crunch for all the latest news here!

That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on:


All the best,
Studio Wildcard
ARK: Survival Evolved - Jat

Dino TLC Update!

At the end of last year, we were very excited to share with you the early progress of our Dino TLC update! We know it's something you guys have been looking forward to for a long time, so here we are with another update!

The plan is for the Dino TLC pass to role out in multiple phases. Throughout the next few months, some creatures will receive visual changes, as well as functional/gameplay changes. We are targetting the release of Phase 1 to take place during the week of February the 18th. In addition to Dino TLC Phase 1, we will also be rolling out our turret limit to all Official Servers.

Today, we'd like to share some more screenshots and provide some insight into what we're planning for Phase 1 of the TLC pass! We've been reading all your feedback and suggestions regarding the creatures; our artists and gameplay team have found it to be beneficial in the decision-making process. Something to keep in mind is that not all creatures will receive a visual update, but we will cover ones we feel (with your feedback) need it. Sometimes there may be function gameplay changes which weaken certain aspects of creatures; however, if we take anything away, we always plan to add to it through another dimension.

Please remember that this is still work-in-progress (especially the fur!) and therefore will be subject to change before final release, which includes both visual redesigns, as well as gameplay changes. Anywho, without further ado!

The Direbear

We believe the Direbear is in relatively secure place at the moment. Though, we're still planning on making a few changes to it!

When riding a Direbear, players will be immune to bees. They won't be able to knock you off your bear, and they will target focus the bear instead of the player.

In addition to this change, the bear will also be able to harvest honey from wild beehives without attracting bees or hurting the hive. Plus the amount of honey it receives will be 2x the standard amount.

The Procoptodon

Right now, if you're using The Procoptopdon, it's primarily for transportation. We don't see it as a highly combative mount, more so a utility creature with its fantastic jump, and ability to carry a second person.

Here's what we're planning:

The Procotopdon will take reduced fall damage; its carry weight will be noticeably increased, and it will gain the new ability to carry baby dinos and small creatures in its pouch.

We figure that puts the creature in a decent spot, and the suggestion of using the pouch to carry babies was excellent, thanks /r/playARK!

Ah, we've forgotten something...

Oh yeah! We're going to give it a kick! It'll be a pretty tough, and even be able to knock back some significantly large creatures!

The Gigantopithecus A.K.A Bigfoot!

We had quite a few ideas pop into our heads when coming up with some additional abilities for the Bigfoot. Did it need more strength and fighting abilities? What about how well it moves? Could we provide it with some new features? Ultimately, here's what we've settled on:

The Bigfoot will receive an armour-degrading attack; this means when it fights, it'll do more damage to your armour's durability. It is important to note that the armour-degrading attack will not affect the Yeti creatures found in the game.

Its movement needed some work! So we'll be giving it the ability to jump, which is kinda critical, considering it will need to know how to hop on and off all the zip-lines it's going to climb! Yup, that's right. It'll be able to use zip-lines!

In addition to those changes, we'll also be improving it's throwing ability, so it's more accurate (similarly to the Crab) and providing it with the ability to carry (on its shoulder) small creatures and throw them!

The Direwolf!

It's a wolf.. and what are wolves good for? Hunting. Now if you're a wolf, and you're hunting, what exactly are you going to rely on the most? Your nose!

In Phase 1 of the update, we'll be introducing a new ability, a passive buff, as well as changing how it's howl and pack buff currently work.

First of all, the howl will activate the pack buff for a duration of time (we're thinking 5 minutes right now). This means it won't be active all the time, but to compensate, we'll be strengthing the buff to make the wolves stronger. As a little bonus is that when the Alpha Wolf howls, so will all the others! We're also planning for this mechanic play out with wild wolves too.

As for its nose, we're doing two things. We're providing it with a passive buff which allows it to sniff out people or creatures with less than 50% health, and this will be indicated via an icon. Think of it like the hunter's instinct.

Secondly, we'll be giving it a 'Sniff' tertiary ability to indicate nearby explorer notes, as well as detect stealth or buried creatures.

and finally...

The Tyrannosaurus Rex

It's in a pretty strong place at the moment; it's considered one of the top-tier creatures. It is used continuously to fight bosses, as well as often seen in PVP. So we didn't want to give it too many changes to avoid making it overpowered, here's what our plan is:

We're going to improve it's movement/climbing ability so that it doesn't get stuck behind small rocks and can climb up steeper slopes.

We're also planning to change the Roar. When targetting an enemy and using the roar, the enemy will be forced to poop. There will be a cooldown on both the Rex and people who have recently pooped, so you can't pooplock them with 10 Rexes.

That pretty much covers it for Phase 1 of the TLC-pass, let us know what you think, whether we're missing anything glaringly obvious! We're also planning (not definite!) on carrying out more visual changes to the following creatures: Spino, Sarco, Carno, Raptor, Female Deer, Plesio, and Argie. Let us know what you'd like to see improved with those, as well as any other creatures you think may need some love that we're overlooking.

NVIDIA Freestyle: Customize Your ARK’s Appearance In Real-Time

Check out the latest NVIDIA GeForce® Experience™ and #GameReady driver for exciting new ways to customize the look of your ARK with NVIDIA Freestyle! There are 15 available filters, 38 different settings, and many possible combinations, enabling you to create a truly unique look for your gameplay with just a few clicks!

Freestyle game filter and Ansel photo mode features will be available in beta. Just download the latest GeForce Experience app (release 3.12) and Game Ready Driver (release 390) and enable Experimental Features in GeForce Experience settings. Join the beta and be the first to try these new features in GeForce Experience today

Check out this articles for all the latest details and how to use the Freestyle filters on your ARK!

New Freestyle Contest!

We'll also be introducing a new category to our Nvidia Ansel contests for all Freestyle entries! You can submit images or a video (up to 1 minute long) using the new awesome filters for a chance to win 200$ (double our normal Ansel reward). Check out our contest submission thread for all the details!

Evolution Event++

Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 15th of January at 12 PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

2x Harvesting Rate
2x Taming Rate
2x EXP Rate
2x Maturing
2x Less Breeding Interval
2x Mating

You can check out our full crunch for all the latest news here!

That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on:


All the best,
Studio Wildcard
ARK: Survival Evolved - Jen

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays, Survivors!

As this year draws to a close, we're going to end off 2017 with a little holiday-themed event! Though smaller than our previous Winter events, we hope Survivors enjoy their holiday time on the ARK. Survivors will experience Santa's Elves inhabiting the ARKs, spreading joy to all those who tame them.

This holiday-themed event brings the following changes to the ARKs (available on the holidayevent branch for dedicated servers):

- One-time Wild Dino respawn
- 5% chance of new wild creatures being Xmas coloured
- 50% chance of white-coloured Dire Bears
- All hat-wearing wild dinos are wearing Santa hats and Megaloceros have been replaced with Reindeer
- 12 AM through to 5 AM provides a temporary buff to live connected players which boosts loot crate quality by 40% (over base values, 15% over LioMagic values), drops more loot, and adds more cosmetics to loot crate drops.

Be sure to send us all your holiday-themed screenshots, videos, and artwork as we'd love to see them!

The event will begin at 12 PM ET on Saturday the 23rd of December and runs until 12 PM ET on Sunday the 1st of January.

ARK Winter Sale!

Happy Holidays Everyone! For those who've yet to experience the joys of ARK, nows your chance to get in as we have a huge host of discounts with the Winter Sale!

ARK will be participating in this year's Steam Winter Sale! It runs from now through the holiday until the 4th of January!

Evolution Event

Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Tuesday the 26th of December at 12 PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

2x Harvesting Rate
2x Taming Rate
2x EXP Rate


To read the rest of the Community Crunch this week, check out our announcement post on survivetheark!

We hope you all have a wonderful holiday and we'll be back at the beginning of the New Year!

Keep on surviving!
ARK: Survival Evolved - Jen

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays, Survivors!

As this year draws to a close, we're going to end off 2017 with a little holiday-themed event! Though smaller than our previous Winter events, we hope Survivors enjoy their holiday time on the ARK. Survivors will experience Santa's Elves inhabiting the ARKs, spreading joy to all those who tame them.

This holiday-themed event brings the following changes to the ARKs (available on the holidayevent branch for dedicated servers):

- One-time Wild Dino respawn
- 5% chance of new wild creatures being Xmas coloured
- 50% chance of white-coloured Dire Bears
- All hat-wearing wild dinos are wearing Santa hats and Megaloceros have been replaced with Reindeer
- 12 AM through to 5 AM provides a temporary buff to live connected players which boosts loot crate quality by 40% (over base values, 15% over LioMagic values), drops more loot, and adds more cosmetics to loot crate drops.

Be sure to send us all your holiday-themed screenshots, videos, and artwork as we'd love to see them!

The event will begin at 12 PM ET on Saturday the 23rd of December and runs until 12 PM ET on Sunday the 1st of January.

ARK Winter Sale!

Happy Holidays Everyone! For those who've yet to experience the joys of ARK, nows your chance to get in as we have a huge host of discounts with the Winter Sale!

ARK will be participating in this year's Steam Winter Sale! It runs from now through the holiday until the 4th of January!

Evolution Event

Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Tuesday the 26th of December at 12 PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

2x Harvesting Rate
2x Taming Rate
2x EXP Rate


To read the rest of the Community Crunch this week, check out our announcement post on survivetheark!

We hope you all have a wonderful holiday and we'll be back at the beginning of the New Year!

Keep on surviving!
ARK: Survival Evolved - Jatheish

Aberration Roundup!

First of all, a huge wholehearted thank you from everyone here at Studio Wildcard to the ARK Community! Since Aberration released we have received a number of kind messages of support for the game and our team. We appreciate each and every one of you; your feedback, creations, videos, live streams, drawings, screenshots, they mean everything to us and we will be forever grateful to the love you show our game.

Aberration has been available for a few days now and it has been an absolute blast. Seeing the game do so well on each platform, with so much fan support behind it is incredible. We're looking forward to the weeks ahead and can't wait to experience more of your Aberration stories!

In honour of Aberration's release, it's time to offer a bounty!


We're awarding $2000 to the first person who provides video proof of them defeating the Alpha Aberration Endboss on an Official Aberration server! Remember to include proof that this has taken place on an Official Server, you can do so by showing us the main menu which will indicate the server you're on!

You can send your entries to or Tweet us your video here

Dino TLC Preview

Now that Aberration has been released the question on your mind might be: what's in-store next for ARK?

Today we're excited to share with you the first few images of our Dino TLC update that is currently being worked on. These images are still work-in-progress and are therefore subject to change before final release, but here are the updated Rex, Ape, and Dire Wolf models.

Studio Wildcard started out as a small studio and as we've progressed through ARKs development, we've grown tremendously! We've been able to bring on very talented animators and character artists to work on the project.

You've seen some of their work in our more recent creatures and expansion packs, and now they'll be taking their abilities and showing some love to some of the original creatures we launched with. We're excited to see where these creatures go with the new advanced techniques and can't wait to show you how they turn out!

These three are not the only models that are planned to be upgraded. We have more coming as well but that'll have to remain a Mysterious Mystery for now!

Ragnarok Update!

Ragnarok Fans! We've got some exciting news regarding the map and its development! In the coming week, Ragnarok will be approximately 100% complete internally, and we'll be releasing a PC update to add in the latest part of the map. We are expecting to deploy this update on Wednesday the 20th of December.

ARK: Super Fan Edition!

The Super Fan Edition of ARK: Survival Evolved is now available for purchase without the game or seasons pass included, for those who already own the game. Thanks for your patience on this, and we're excited to finally get those items out to you guys:

- HANDCRAFTED, LEATHER-BOUND EXPLORER'S NOTEBOOK: featuring the Dossiers of every creature you'll encounter in "ARK: Survival Evolved", with tips on capturing, taming and training them. With 100+ creatures in the game currently, there's plenty to read up on in this fantastic tome.
- THE OFFICIAL ARK LOGO NECKLACE: to show your dedication to being a Survivor.
- A CLOTH MAP OF THE ARK ISLAND: so you'll always know where you are!
- SUPER FAN EDITION CHEST: All of this Ark-themed booty comes packed in a faux-wooden chest that will impress your friends and fellow players!

You can purchase it worldwide today on our website:

Evolution Event

Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 18th at 6 PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

2x Harvesting Rate
2x Taming Rate
2x EXP Rate

That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on:


All the best,
Studio Wildcard
ARK: Survival Evolved - Jat

Aberration Roundup!

First of all, a huge wholehearted thank you from everyone here at Studio Wildcard to the ARK Community! Since Aberration released we have received a number of kind messages of support for the game and our team. We appreciate each and every one of you; your feedback, creations, videos, live streams, drawings, screenshots, they mean everything to us and we will be forever grateful to the love you show our game.

Aberration has been available for a few days now and it has been an absolute blast. Seeing the game do so well on each platform, with so much fan support behind it is incredible. We're looking forward to the weeks ahead and can't wait to experience more of your Aberration stories!

In honour of Aberration's release, it's time to offer a bounty!


We're awarding $2000 to the first person who provides video proof of them defeating the Alpha Aberration Endboss on an Official Aberration server! Remember to include proof that this has taken place on an Official Server, you can do so by showing us the main menu which will indicate the server you're on!

You can send your entries to or Tweet us your video here

Dino TLC Preview

Now that Aberration has been released the question on your mind might be: what's in-store next for ARK?

Today we're excited to share with you the first few images of our Dino TLC update that is currently being worked on. These images are still work-in-progress and are therefore subject to change before final release, but here are the updated Rex, Ape, and Dire Wolf models.

Studio Wildcard started out as a small studio and as we've progressed through ARKs development, we've grown tremendously! We've been able to bring on very talented animators and character artists to work on the project.

You've seen some of their work in our more recent creatures and expansion packs, and now they'll be taking their abilities and showing some love to some of the original creatures we launched with. We're excited to see where these creatures go with the new advanced techniques and can't wait to show you how they turn out!

These three are not the only models that are planned to be upgraded. We have more coming as well but that'll have to remain a Mysterious Mystery for now!

Ragnarok Update!

Ragnarok Fans! We've got some exciting news regarding the map and its development! In the coming week, Ragnarok will be approximately 100% complete internally, and we'll be releasing a PC update to add in the latest part of the map. We are expecting to deploy this update on Wednesday the 20th of December.

ARK: Super Fan Edition!

The Super Fan Edition of ARK: Survival Evolved is now available for purchase without the game or seasons pass included, for those who already own the game. Thanks for your patience on this, and we're excited to finally get those items out to you guys:

- HANDCRAFTED, LEATHER-BOUND EXPLORER'S NOTEBOOK: featuring the Dossiers of every creature you'll encounter in "ARK: Survival Evolved", with tips on capturing, taming and training them. With 100+ creatures in the game currently, there's plenty to read up on in this fantastic tome.
- THE OFFICIAL ARK LOGO NECKLACE: to show your dedication to being a Survivor.
- A CLOTH MAP OF THE ARK ISLAND: so you'll always know where you are!
- SUPER FAN EDITION CHEST: All of this Ark-themed booty comes packed in a faux-wooden chest that will impress your friends and fellow players!

You can purchase it worldwide today on our website:

Evolution Event

Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 18th at 6 PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

2x Harvesting Rate
2x Taming Rate
2x EXP Rate

That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on:


All the best,
Studio Wildcard