May 1, 2015
Without Within - InvertMouse

Hello friends! I wanted to let you know that I have just launched a merchandise store over on Redbubble. Please feel free to take a look!

I got a bunch of goods that I will be giving away on my social media channels. You can find out more here:




Thank you so much for supporting me m(_ _)m!
May 1, 2015
Without Within - InvertMouse

Hello friends! I wanted to let you know that I have just launched a merchandise store over on Redbubble. Please feel free to take a look!

I got a bunch of goods that I will be giving away on my social media channels. You can find out more here:




Thank you so much for supporting me m(_ _)m!
Without Within - InvertMouse

These days, it is so easy to tease and tease, and by the time the game is released, you have seen way too much. I will share just the above sketch of Excelia, but we are definitely making progress over here. For those who are kindly following me in general, I am working on another game named Cursed Sight, and that project takes priority.

I have also been expanding to more social media platforms. They will all offer different content, so if possible, I would love to have your support on these sites:

Facebook: Main announcements. (

Tumblr: Personal and serious journal entries. (

Pinterest: Behind the scenes sketches etc. (

Twitter: Fun casual stuff. (

I would love to emphasize the Tumblr account in particular. A number of you have kindly messaged me to say Without Within has inspired you in your endeavors. It is a story about an artist, after all. My Tumblr account contains entries about my journey, so I hope I may connect with you on that platform.

Though these sites provide different content, I hope for them to carry the same spirit present in this InvertMouse brand, if I may say that. As for what that attitude is, I think players should be allowed to decide for themselves. Hopefully your impression is a positive one.

Thank you all!
Without Within - InvertMouse

These days, it is so easy to tease and tease, and by the time the game is released, you have seen way too much. I will share just the above sketch of Excelia, but we are definitely making progress over here. For those who are kindly following me in general, I am working on another game named Cursed Sight, and that project takes priority.

I have also been expanding to more social media platforms. They will all offer different content, so if possible, I would love to have your support on these sites:

Facebook: Main announcements. (

Tumblr: Personal and serious journal entries. (

Pinterest: Behind the scenes sketches etc. (

Twitter: Fun casual stuff. (

I would love to emphasize the Tumblr account in particular. A number of you have kindly messaged me to say Without Within has inspired you in your endeavors. It is a story about an artist, after all. My Tumblr account contains entries about my journey, so I hope I may connect with you on that platform.

Though these sites provide different content, I hope for them to carry the same spirit present in this InvertMouse brand, if I may say that. As for what that attitude is, I think players should be allowed to decide for themselves. Hopefully your impression is a positive one.

Thank you all!
Mar 12, 2015
Without Within - InvertMouse

Hello everyone! A lot of you have kindly asked for it, so here it is. Above is a teaser image for Vinty's new adventure. Though we still have months of production ahead, I wanted to reveal that there is indeed a project in the works. Where will this new journey take place? If anyone recognizes that building in the backdrop, that might give it away.

The first draft of the script is 17,000 words in length. Compared to the 4000 word script of Without Within, hopefully this will be a meatier experience while remaining succinct. The script will further evolve in these upcoming months.

At the moment, this new story is a linear one. In the original game, quick bad ends were written to express some of the painful choices artists are forced to make. This time around, I feel like there is no need to repeat that process. Rather than potentially dividing my focus, I hope to tell a single story with maximum clarity. This might change as time progresses, but for now, hopefully you guys will be on board. Please feel free to voice your thoughts, though!

Has anyone here played Shan Gui or Go Go Nippon? I like calling those games "travel novels". When I travel, I often develop a love for new places similar to the way we connect with people. Without Within will always be a series about Vinty's struggles as an artist. However, I also wish to share my joy of visiting unfamiliar places in this new story. I hope we will be able to connect.

Earlier, I mentioned releasing this new story as a DLC, but with my current schedule, it will be well past July before I have any real chance of closing this thing out. If the dates are far enough apart, perhaps it might be more appropriate to put this new title up for another round on greenlight. We will see how things play out.

So, what else is on my plate? Months before Without Within came out on Steam, I have in fact been producing a new project named Cursed Sight. The game has just been announced earlier today, so I really hope you could consider checking it out. All the details are available here:

Thanks everyone! Despite Without Within being that short, so many of you still went in with such a positive attitude. I appreciate that a lot. Thank you so much.
Mar 12, 2015
Without Within - InvertMouse

Hello everyone! A lot of you have kindly asked for it, so here it is. Above is a teaser image for Vinty's new adventure. Though we still have months of production ahead, I wanted to reveal that there is indeed a project in the works. Where will this new journey take place? If anyone recognizes that building in the backdrop, that might give it away.

The first draft of the script is 17,000 words in length. Compared to the 4000 word script of Without Within, hopefully this will be a meatier experience while remaining succinct. The script will further evolve in these upcoming months.

At the moment, this new story is a linear one. In the original game, quick bad ends were written to express some of the painful choices artists are forced to make. This time around, I feel like there is no need to repeat that process. Rather than potentially dividing my focus, I hope to tell a single story with maximum clarity. This might change as time progresses, but for now, hopefully you guys will be on board. Please feel free to voice your thoughts, though!

Has anyone here played Shan Gui or Go Go Nippon? I like calling those games "travel novels". When I travel, I often develop a love for new places similar to the way we connect with people. Without Within will always be a series about Vinty's struggles as an artist. However, I also wish to share my joy of visiting unfamiliar places in this new story. I hope we will be able to connect.

Earlier, I mentioned releasing this new story as a DLC, but with my current schedule, it will be well past July before I have any real chance of closing this thing out. If the dates are far enough apart, perhaps it might be more appropriate to put this new title up for another round on greenlight. We will see how things play out.

So, what else is on my plate? Months before Without Within came out on Steam, I have in fact been producing a new project named Cursed Sight. The game has just been announced earlier today, so I really hope you could consider checking it out. All the details are available here:

Thanks everyone! Despite Without Within being that short, so many of you still went in with such a positive attitude. I appreciate that a lot. Thank you so much.
Without Within - InvertMouse

Hello everyone. Thank you so much for supporting Without Within on Steam. I really appreciate all of your feedback!

Not everyone enjoys visual novels in the community, so I knew there would be some negativity involved in this release. However, when I read reviews of folks enjoying the read, then feeling bummed out that it ended so quickly, I really felt like I had disappointed them. It is like we talking on the phone, and just as a cool topic starts, I suddenly just hung up. I really regret that.

Before some of my titles appeared on Steam, I had a small community of supporters. Without Within was my little gift for those kind people. Once the game hit Steam, even if it is a free title, perhaps it needed more substance. Though I have always preferred being succinct over padding out content, I have absolutely taken everyone's feedback on board.

Even before Without Within arrived on Steam, a few people have kindly asked for more of Vinty's adventures. In response, I do in fact have a new story planned for the end of this year. At the moment, I am working on another project around 40,000 words in length, but it is unrelated to Vinty.

I had wanted to keep this new Vinty adventure a surprise for Christmas of this year. Now that Without Within is on Steam, the situation changes a bit. Should this new adventure be added as a DLC? Or should I return to Greenlight and showcase it as a new title? I will aim to write a more expansive tale, but I have no plans for this to become some sort of epic. In that case, perhaps this new story does not warrant being its own title.

The timing is a big worry I have. DLC releases can be relatively quiet, and if I lose touch with you folks because of this twelve month wait, that would be so unfortunate. I do post updates on Facebook, but I hope to avoid hounding people to like my page 24/7.

So those were some thoughts that I wanted to share with you all. Thank you so much everyone ːthankyouː!
Without Within - InvertMouse

Hello everyone. Thank you so much for supporting Without Within on Steam. I really appreciate all of your feedback!

Not everyone enjoys visual novels in the community, so I knew there would be some negativity involved in this release. However, when I read reviews of folks enjoying the read, then feeling bummed out that it ended so quickly, I really felt like I had disappointed them. It is like we talking on the phone, and just as a cool topic starts, I suddenly just hung up. I really regret that.

Before some of my titles appeared on Steam, I had a small community of supporters. Without Within was my little gift for those kind people. Once the game hit Steam, even if it is a free title, perhaps it needed more substance. Though I have always preferred being succinct over padding out content, I have absolutely taken everyone's feedback on board.

Even before Without Within arrived on Steam, a few people have kindly asked for more of Vinty's adventures. In response, I do in fact have a new story planned for the end of this year. At the moment, I am working on another project around 40,000 words in length, but it is unrelated to Vinty.

I had wanted to keep this new Vinty adventure a surprise for Christmas of this year. Now that Without Within is on Steam, the situation changes a bit. Should this new adventure be added as a DLC? Or should I return to Greenlight and showcase it as a new title? I will aim to write a more expansive tale, but I have no plans for this to become some sort of epic. In that case, perhaps this new story does not warrant being its own title.

The timing is a big worry I have. DLC releases can be relatively quiet, and if I lose touch with you folks because of this twelve month wait, that would be so unfortunate. I do post updates on Facebook, but I hope to avoid hounding people to like my page 24/7.

So those were some thoughts that I wanted to share with you all. Thank you so much everyone :thankyou:!