Feb 25, 2018
Airships: Conquer the Skies - Zarkonnen
Version 9.7.1 fixes a few crashes and introduces three massive new weapons:

Have fun!
Feb 25, 2018
Airships: Conquer the Skies - Zarkonnen
Version 9.7.1 fixes a few crashes and introduces three massive new weapons:

Have fun!
Airships: Conquer the Skies - Zarkonnen
So here we are, two months later, with the third instalment of the strategic multiplayer dev log. While Christmas and a busy January took their time, a lot of work has gone into making the details of conquest multiplayer work.

The setup GUI now works in the same way as resume, with a set of slots available to players. Any number of players can join in LAN and server-based MP mode, and players can also spectate.

Like in the single-player version, players are now able to do combat setup and use reserves. Combat chat is also much nicer now. Finally, there's now a detailed desync detection system that will report when the world state of two players deviates.

So now is the time to start testing this in earnest! Because it's a big update that changes a lot of things under the hood, I don't just want to dump this on all players. Instead, I'm going to start with a closed alpha.

I'm looking for a small number of players - you, perhaps - who would like to thoroughly test strategic multiplayer. I need feedback both at the technical level with detailed bug reports and at the game experience level, where you tell me what the user interface and game balance needs.

Are you up for it? Join the Discord and message me.
Airships: Conquer the Skies - Zarkonnen
So here we are, two months later, with the third instalment of the strategic multiplayer dev log. While Christmas and a busy January took their time, a lot of work has gone into making the details of conquest multiplayer work.

The setup GUI now works in the same way as resume, with a set of slots available to players. Any number of players can join in LAN and server-based MP mode, and players can also spectate.

Like in the single-player version, players are now able to do combat setup and use reserves. Combat chat is also much nicer now. Finally, there's now a detailed desync detection system that will report when the world state of two players deviates.

So now is the time to start testing this in earnest! Because it's a big update that changes a lot of things under the hood, I don't just want to dump this on all players. Instead, I'm going to start with a closed alpha.

I'm looking for a small number of players - you, perhaps - who would like to thoroughly test strategic multiplayer. I need feedback both at the technical level with detailed bug reports and at the game experience level, where you tell me what the user interface and game balance needs.

Are you up for it? Join the Discord and message me.
Jan 31, 2018
Airships: Conquer the Skies - Zarkonnen
Quick bugfix version, fixing an espionage-related crash, and making GIF recording work properly. Have you tried GIF recording? You should! Go into a replay, choose a cool bit, and hit the GIF button. Show me your creations!

Jan 31, 2018
Airships: Conquer the Skies - Zarkonnen
Quick bugfix version, fixing an espionage-related crash, and making GIF recording work properly. Have you tried GIF recording? You should! Go into a replay, choose a cool bit, and hit the GIF button. Show me your creations!

Jan 30, 2018
Airships: Conquer the Skies - Zarkonnen
v9.7 is out! It adds improved sound effects by Javier Zumer, and a system for gathering anonymous usage statistics.

I'll be using these usage statistics to make the game's GUI more accessible to new players. Do not be alarmed - I'm not making the game simpler, just easier to navigate!

The usage stats cannot be connected to specific players, but if you'd like to turn them off anyway, you can do that in the game settings.
Jan 30, 2018
Airships: Conquer the Skies - Zarkonnen
v9.7 is out! It adds improved sound effects by Javier Zumer, and a system for gathering anonymous usage statistics.

I'll be using these usage statistics to make the game's GUI more accessible to new players. Do not be alarmed - I'm not making the game simpler, just easier to navigate!

The usage stats cannot be connected to specific players, but if you'd like to turn them off anyway, you can do that in the game settings.
Jan 11, 2018
Airships: Conquer the Skies - Zarkonnen
Bugfix release!
  • There can now only be one Pirate King and Elder Dragon in a game at any given time, and they take longer to spawn.
  • The AI can choose to stand aside and let pirates and dragons plunder its city rather than lose its fleet in a hopeless defense.
  • The MP overlay now shows the most recent chat message next to the number of people online.
  • The grand ram now renders correctly on enemy ships when zoomed out.
  • The game now tells you when a save failed due to disk space issues.
  • Fixed a playback divergence issue caused by ramming tree trunks.
  • Made clicks and beeps obey the volume settings.
  • Fixed various rare crash bugs.
Jan 11, 2018
Airships: Conquer the Skies - Zarkonnen
Bugfix release!
  • There can now only be one Pirate King and Elder Dragon in a game at any given time, and they take longer to spawn.
  • The AI can choose to stand aside and let pirates and dragons plunder its city rather than lose its fleet in a hopeless defense.
  • The MP overlay now shows the most recent chat message next to the number of people online.
  • The grand ram now renders correctly on enemy ships when zoomed out.
  • The game now tells you when a save failed due to disk space issues.
  • Fixed a playback divergence issue caused by ramming tree trunks.
  • Made clicks and beeps obey the volume settings.
  • Fixed various rare crash bugs.