Heavy Metal Machines - naZg(abe)

  • Clunker and Photon have returned to the game.
  • Option for modifying the weapon activation mode has been removed.
  • “Combat Test” subtitle has been removed from the Main Menu.
  • “Learn More” button has been removed from the Main Menu.
  • Game’s logo has been updated on the Main Menu.
  • Visual enhancements to the tutorial interface.
  • Turkish language has been added.
  • Skin store access has been unlocked.
    • Only Idol skins will be available for now.
Dev Notes: Due to all the changes that we’ve made in our pilots, some skins needed to be updated both on visual aspects and animation mechanics. We started this work with the Idol skins, which we are releasing initially, and after this, we will make the adjustments in the other to release them as fast as they are ready to go live.

In-Game Interface Updates
  • In-game interface elements have been repositioned.
    • Chat and Weapons have swapped places on the in-game interface.
  • Chat has been repositioned on game mode screen and end of match screen.
  • Visual effects enhancements in weapons ready to shoot.
  • Visual effects enhancements in weapons during the cooldown time.
  • Specific colors have been added to each weapon.

Cooldown Indicators
  • Cooldown indicators have been added to the game.
    • Mouse pointer indicator.
    • Indicator on the top of the player’s HP bar.
  • Option to turn on or turn off these indicators has been added.
    • Option can be changed in the “Interface” tab.

Gameplay and Balance
  • A dropper has been added to the front of the delivery line when the Overtime initiates.
Dev Notes: After analyzing the matches performance after the Overtime’s been introduced, we noticed we needed to bring, along to the delivery line, the final dropper to keep the competitivity during the Overtime.

  • Maximum launching speed has been reduced.
  • Weight has been increased.
  • Collision of the bomb has been removed while it is in possession of anyone.
Dev Notes: Due to some unwanted interactions between bomb and weapons, when it’s in possession of a player, we decided to remove the collision on this situation for now.

  • Weapon 1: Wind Hunter
    • Damage has been increased from 120 to 150.
    • Projectile’s slowdown has been reduced by 12.5%
  • Weapon 2: Bull Rush
    • Effect area has been increased by 60%.
Devs Notes: We have made some change in Weapon 2 to make the damage more consistent. The damage caused wasn’t working as we planned before.

Little Monster
  • Special Weapon: Iron Maiden
    • Now, when Little Monster lands above an enemy, she jumps again using the special weapon. This recharges part of her auto-repair effect.

  • Weapon 1: Shock Away
    Expands a magnetic field that pushes the enemies and causes damage to them.
    • Damage: 100
    • Cooldown: 2.25 seconds

  • Weapon 2: Death Magnet
    Shoots a magnet tow that keeps the enemies attached. Double activation: stops the magnet effect immediately.
    • Initial Damage: 100
    • Final Damage: 100
    • Duration: 2.5 seconds
    • Cooldown: 10.5 seconds

  • Weapon 3: Electric Rush
    Magnetize his machine gaining speed and pushing away the enemies. Causes a little damage if he collides with some opponent.
    • Duration: 1.5 seconds
    • Cooldown: 6 seconds

  • Special Weapon: Singularity
    Explodes a magnetic field around him, attracting opponents to his direction.
    • Damage: 200
    • Duration: 3 seconds

    • Weapon 1: Harder
      Projects disintegrators lasers. After hitting an opponent, the damaging effect still affects the target for a while.
      • Damage per Second: 170
      • Area Duration: 1 second
      • Duration of the damaging effect on the target: 0.5 seconds
      • Cooldown: 3 seconds

    • Weapon 2: Better
      Projects sidelights that repairs allies for an extended duration. After hitting an ally, the repair effect still affects the target for a while.
      • Repair per Second: 300
      • Area Duration: 3 seconds
      • Duration of the repair effect on the target: 3 seconds
      • Cooldown: 10 seconds

    • Weapon 3: Faster
      Speeds up leaving a laser and light track repairing the allies and causing damage to enemies.
      • Repair per Second: 150
      • Damage per Second: 75
      • Duration: 1 second
      • Cooldown: 6 seconds

    • Special Weapon: Stronger
      Activates “Better” and “Faster” for an extended duration
      • Duration: 8 seconds

    • Passive: Lights on Me
      Hitting targets with her weapons trigger auto repair
      • Repairing percentage by damage caused: 100%
      • Repairing percentage by repair made: 100%

    Known Bugs
    • Damage and repair numbers of Photon’s Weapon 1 and 2 are inconsistent.
Heavy Metal Machines - naZg(abe)

  • Clunker and Photon have returned to the game.
  • Option for modifying the weapon activation mode has been removed.
  • “Combat Test” subtitle has been removed from the Main Menu.
  • “Learn More” button has been removed from the Main Menu.
  • Game’s logo has been updated on the Main Menu.
  • Visual enhancements to the tutorial interface.
  • Turkish language has been added.
  • Skin store access has been unlocked.
    • Only Idol skins will be available for now.
Dev Notes: Due to all the changes that we’ve made in our pilots, some skins needed to be updated both on visual aspects and animation mechanics. We started this work with the Idol skins, which we are releasing initially, and after this, we will make the adjustments in the other to release them as fast as they are ready to go live.

In-Game Interface Updates
  • In-game interface elements have been repositioned.
    • Chat and Weapons have swapped places on the in-game interface.
  • Chat has been repositioned on game mode screen and end of match screen.
  • Visual effects enhancements in weapons ready to shoot.
  • Visual effects enhancements in weapons during the cooldown time.
  • Specific colors have been added to each weapon.

Cooldown Indicators
  • Cooldown indicators have been added to the game.
    • Mouse pointer indicator.
    • Indicator on the top of the player’s HP bar.
  • Option to turn on or turn off these indicators has been added.
    • Option can be changed in the “Interface” tab.

Gameplay and Balance
  • A dropper has been added to the front of the delivery line when the Overtime initiates.
Dev Notes: After analyzing the matches performance after the Overtime’s been introduced, we noticed we needed to bring, along to the delivery line, the final dropper to keep the competitivity during the Overtime.

  • Maximum launching speed has been reduced.
  • Weight has been increased.
  • Collision of the bomb has been removed while it is in possession of anyone.
Dev Notes: Due to some unwanted interactions between bomb and weapons, when it’s in possession of a player, we decided to remove the collision on this situation for now.

  • Weapon 1: Wind Hunter
    • Damage has been increased from 120 to 150.
    • Projectile’s slowdown has been reduced by 12.5%
  • Weapon 2: Bull Rush
    • Effect area has been increased by 60%.
Devs Notes: We have made some change in Weapon 2 to make the damage more consistent. The damage caused wasn’t working as we planned before.

Little Monster
  • Special Weapon: Iron Maiden
    • Now, when Little Monster lands above an enemy, she jumps again using the special weapon. This recharges part of her auto-repair effect.

  • Weapon 1: Shock Away
    Expands a magnetic field that pushes the enemies and causes damage to them.
    • Damage: 100
    • Cooldown: 2.25 seconds

  • Weapon 2: Death Magnet
    Shoots a magnet tow that keeps the enemies attached. Double activation: stops the magnet effect immediately.
    • Initial Damage: 100
    • Final Damage: 100
    • Duration: 2.5 seconds
    • Cooldown: 10.5 seconds

  • Weapon 3: Electric Rush
    Magnetize his machine gaining speed and pushing away the enemies. Causes a little damage if he collides with some opponent.
    • Duration: 1.5 seconds
    • Cooldown: 6 seconds

  • Special Weapon: Singularity
    Explodes a magnetic field around him, attracting opponents to his direction.
    • Damage: 200
    • Duration: 3 seconds

    • Weapon 1: Harder
      Projects disintegrators lasers. After hitting an opponent, the damaging effect still affects the target for a while.
      • Damage per Second: 170
      • Area Duration: 1 second
      • Duration of the damaging effect on the target: 0.5 seconds
      • Cooldown: 3 seconds

    • Weapon 2: Better
      Projects sidelights that repairs allies for an extended duration. After hitting an ally, the repair effect still affects the target for a while.
      • Repair per Second: 300
      • Area Duration: 3 seconds
      • Duration of the repair effect on the target: 3 seconds
      • Cooldown: 10 seconds

    • Weapon 3: Faster
      Speeds up leaving a laser and light track repairing the allies and causing damage to enemies.
      • Repair per Second: 150
      • Damage per Second: 75
      • Duration: 1 second
      • Cooldown: 6 seconds

    • Special Weapon: Stronger
      Activates “Better” and “Faster” for an extended duration
      • Duration: 8 seconds

    • Passive: Lights on Me
      Hitting targets with her weapons trigger auto repair
      • Repairing percentage by damage caused: 100%
      • Repairing percentage by repair made: 100%

    Known Bugs
    • Damage and repair numbers of Photon’s Weapon 1 and 2 are inconsistent.
Heavy Metal Machines - Hoplon.Sath

Wednesday [28/03/2018] at 7:00am EDT [13:00 CET] we'll be doing a full maintenance on all our services, which means that HMM will be unplayable for the entirety of the maintenance. We expect everything will be back online by 14:00pm EDT [20:00 CET].
Heavy Metal Machines - Hoplon.Community

Wednesday [28/03/2018] at 7:00am EDT [13:00 CET] we'll be doing a full maintenance on all our services, which means that HMM will be unplayable for the entirety of the maintenance. We expect everything will be back online by 14:00pm EDT [20:00 CET].
Heavy Metal Machines - Hoplon.Sath

This week’s update brings a total of 475 fixes, and we are listing here the XX major ones that can be commonly noted by players. In addition, Metal Herald has received some important tunings.

  • A message blocker has been added for SPAM messages.
    • This will prevent the same message to be sent multiple times.
  • Some keys have been blocked to be used as hotkeys.

    Dev Notes: We have detected some international keyboard related problems, which has some different keys in comparison to the conventional one. We decided to block some keys of being hotkeys options until we can create a new solution.
Metal Herald
  • Severely reduced the gain of Special Weapon when you hit Weapon 1 and 2 to compensate two fixed bugs.
    • Problem of no gain of Special Weapon when Metal Herald gives a shield to allies has been fixed.
    • Problem of Metal Herald’s Special Weapon gain even if don’t hit any target has been fixed.
  • Weapon 1
    • Cooldown has been increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds.
  • Weapon 2
    • Cooldown has been increased from 1.75 to 3 seconds.
    • Life’s cost to use the weapon has been increased from 70 to 180.
    • Now Metal Herald gets the double of Special Weapon gain when he hits the enemy with the full weapon.

    Dev Notes: After a lot of community feedback, we’ve made some changes on Metal Herald that we believe will provide a better experience with the pilot for both players who play with and players who play against him.

Bugs Fixed
On this version, we have fixed 475 bugs. Check out those with the most relevance:

Major Bugs
  • Windrider
    • Special Weapon didn’t repair the expected.
  • Dirt Devil
    • It was possible to grab the bomb through the walls in some cases.
  • Killer J.
    • Activation of passive weapon didn’t disable the Weapon 3 in some cases.
  • Artificer
    • Weapon 1 shot the visual effect color of the enemy team in some cases.
  • Wildfire
    • Weapon 1 visual effects got stuck in the arena in some cases.
  • Animations
    • Victory animation was exhibited even if it wasn’t the victory point in some cases.
    • Victory and lost animations weren’t exhibited in some cases.
  • Interface
    • It was possible to interact with the main menu buttons even with the options screen opened.
    • Pick screen tooltips didn’t appear in some cases.
    • Objective indicator pointed up in some cases.
    • Broken record feedback was shown even without any broken record in some cases.
    • Damage and repair feedbacks weren’t shown in some cases.
    • Objective indicator didn’t appear in some cases.
    • After a match, Daily Missions screen didn’t appear on the main menu in some cases.
    • “Next Day” marker didn’t appear in the Daily Rewards screen in some cases.
    • Founder’s Pack border didn’t appear in some cases.
  • Social
    • It wasn’t possible to mute the chat in some cases.
    • It wasn’t possible to navigate on the friend’s list in some cases.
    • Messages on the social chat didn’t appear to some players in some cases.
    • “Add friend” button didn’t work in some cases.
    • Group wasn’t discarded even with only one player on it in some cases.
    • Players were shown in incoherent filters on the friend’s list in some cases.
  • System
    • Players had high weapon’s delay after a delivery in some cases.
    • Game stopped working after lost the connection in some cases.
    • Game stopped working after player pressed Ctrl+Alt+Del in some cases.
  • Tutorial
    • Minimap didn’t appear in the tutorial early steps in some cases.
    • After canceling the tutorial, the conclusion screen appeared in some cases.
    • Tutorial obstacles didn’t appear in some cases.
    • Tutorial minimap didn’t appear in some cases.
    • Wildfire was dragged away from the arena in some cases.
  • Arena
    • Bomb did enter partially on the goal and didn’t score in some cases
  • Respawn
    • Camera didn’t focus on the rebuilding circle after you picked an area to rebuild in some cases.
    • It was possible to rebuild outside the arena in some cases.
    • Camera didn’t focus on the bomb during the rebuilding period in some cases.
    • Rebuilding circle didn’t appear in some cases.
  • Custom Match
    • Custom Match code wasn’t created in some cases.
    • Player got into an endless looping when tried to enter in a custom match on the exact moment that it starts in some cases.
    • Player was kicked out from the lobby after 10 seconds in some cases.
  • Progression
    • Player didn’t get rewards after winning a match in some cases.
  • Profile
    • Stats numbers on the profile screen weren’t calculated correctly in some cases.

Minor Bugs
  • Gameplay
    • All 8 players entered in automatic pilot even if they were trying to control their car in some cases.
    • Bomb went out of the arena and bots started to kill themselves on the crusher in some cases.
    • Weapon 1’s icon didn’t appear before it was used in some cases.
  • Social
    • Name of a chat on the social screen wasn’t centralized in some cases.
    • Chat messages vanished after a while in some cases.
    • Social menu was able to be opened on the pick screen in some cases.
  • Interface
    • Game mode buttons were misaligned in some cases.
    • Social media tooltip could overlap all the other buttons in some cases.
    • “Buy” button moved if the player passes the mouse over it in some cases.
    • Mission completed font got different size in some cases.
    • Founder’s Pack effect didn’t fit on the player’s portrait in some cases.
    • “Profile” button could be clicked even after it disappears in some cases.
    • Buttons stopped working if repeatedly clicked in some cases.
    • Activate microphone tooltip has an incoherent break line in some cases.
    • Weapon’s interface still appeared during the replay in some cases.
    • Friends tooltip on the friend’s list took too long to appear in some cases.
    • Special Weapon button appeared with a wrong color when it was ready to use in some cases.
    • Character’s name moved when players close the help screen inside the pick’s screen in some cases.
    • Store’s texts were misaligned after the player bought a pilot in some cases.
    • Fonts in news window got blurred in some cases.
    • Rewards progression icon was misaligned in some cases.
    • Bomb’s image on the tutorial was outdated in some cases.
    • Restoring the settings to default on the options menu could crash the game if the players was finding a match at the same time in some cases.
    • Tutorial’s second step window appeared with no text in some cases.
    • Wrong message appeared when a player tried to pause the match with the stat screen opened in some cases.
  • Arena
    • Spotlights on the arena’s end were turned off in some cases.
    • Some Temple of Sacrifice elements were transparent in some cases.
    • Bomb got stuck between blockers on the Temple of Sacrifice in some cases.
  • Animation
    • Bomb’s explosion animation wasn’t shown wright in some cases.
Heavy Metal Machines - Hoplon.Community

This week’s update brings a total of 475 fixes, and we are listing here the XX major ones that can be commonly noted by players. In addition, Metal Herald has received some important tunings.

  • A message blocker has been added for SPAM messages.
    • This will prevent the same message to be sent multiple times.
  • Some keys have been blocked to be used as hotkeys.

    Dev Notes: We have detected some international keyboard related problems, which has some different keys in comparison to the conventional one. We decided to block some keys of being hotkeys options until we can create a new solution.
Metal Herald
  • Severely reduced the gain of Special Weapon when you hit Weapon 1 and 2 to compensate two fixed bugs.
    • Problem of no gain of Special Weapon when Metal Herald gives a shield to allies has been fixed.
    • Problem of Metal Herald’s Special Weapon gain even if don’t hit any target has been fixed.
  • Weapon 1
    • Cooldown has been increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds.
  • Weapon 2
    • Cooldown has been increased from 1.75 to 3 seconds.
    • Life’s cost to use the weapon has been increased from 70 to 180.
    • Now Metal Herald gets the double of Special Weapon gain when he hits the enemy with the full weapon.

    Dev Notes: After a lot of community feedback, we’ve made some changes on Metal Herald that we believe will provide a better experience with the pilot for both players who play with and players who play against him.

Bugs Fixed
On this version, we have fixed 475 bugs. Check out those with the most relevance:

Major Bugs
  • Windrider
    • Special Weapon didn’t repair the expected.
  • Dirt Devil
    • It was possible to grab the bomb through the walls in some cases.
  • Killer J.
    • Activation of passive weapon didn’t disable the Weapon 3 in some cases.
  • Artificer
    • Weapon 1 shot the visual effect color of the enemy team in some cases.
  • Wildfire
    • Weapon 1 visual effects got stuck in the arena in some cases.
  • Animations
    • Victory animation was exhibited even if it wasn’t the victory point in some cases.
    • Victory and lost animations weren’t exhibited in some cases.
  • Interface
    • It was possible to interact with the main menu buttons even with the options screen opened.
    • Pick screen tooltips didn’t appear in some cases.
    • Objective indicator pointed up in some cases.
    • Broken record feedback was shown even without any broken record in some cases.
    • Damage and repair feedbacks weren’t shown in some cases.
    • Objective indicator didn’t appear in some cases.
    • After a match, Daily Missions screen didn’t appear on the main menu in some cases.
    • “Next Day” marker didn’t appear in the Daily Rewards screen in some cases.
    • Founder’s Pack border didn’t appear in some cases.
  • Social
    • It wasn’t possible to mute the chat in some cases.
    • It wasn’t possible to navigate on the friend’s list in some cases.
    • Messages on the social chat didn’t appear to some players in some cases.
    • “Add friend” button didn’t work in some cases.
    • Group wasn’t discarded even with only one player on it in some cases.
    • Players were shown in incoherent filters on the friend’s list in some cases.
  • System
    • Players had high weapon’s delay after a delivery in some cases.
    • Game stopped working after lost the connection in some cases.
    • Game stopped working after player pressed Ctrl+Alt+Del in some cases.
  • Tutorial
    • Minimap didn’t appear in the tutorial early steps in some cases.
    • After canceling the tutorial, the conclusion screen appeared in some cases.
    • Tutorial obstacles didn’t appear in some cases.
    • Tutorial minimap didn’t appear in some cases.
    • Wildfire was dragged away from the arena in some cases.
  • Arena
    • Bomb did enter partially on the goal and didn’t score in some cases
  • Respawn
    • Camera didn’t focus on the rebuilding circle after you picked an area to rebuild in some cases.
    • It was possible to rebuild outside the arena in some cases.
    • Camera didn’t focus on the bomb during the rebuilding period in some cases.
    • Rebuilding circle didn’t appear in some cases.
  • Custom Match
    • Custom Match code wasn’t created in some cases.
    • Player got into an endless looping when tried to enter in a custom match on the exact moment that it starts in some cases.
    • Player was kicked out from the lobby after 10 seconds in some cases.
  • Progression
    • Player didn’t get rewards after winning a match in some cases.
  • Profile
    • Stats numbers on the profile screen weren’t calculated correctly in some cases.

Minor Bugs
  • Gameplay
    • All 8 players entered in automatic pilot even if they were trying to control their car in some cases.
    • Bomb went out of the arena and bots started to kill themselves on the crusher in some cases.
    • Weapon 1’s icon didn’t appear before it was used in some cases.
  • Social
    • Name of a chat on the social screen wasn’t centralized in some cases.
    • Chat messages vanished after a while in some cases.
    • Social menu was able to be opened on the pick screen in some cases.
  • Interface
    • Game mode buttons were misaligned in some cases.
    • Social media tooltip could overlap all the other buttons in some cases.
    • “Buy” button moved if the player passes the mouse over it in some cases.
    • Mission completed font got different size in some cases.
    • Founder’s Pack effect didn’t fit on the player’s portrait in some cases.
    • “Profile” button could be clicked even after it disappears in some cases.
    • Buttons stopped working if repeatedly clicked in some cases.
    • Activate microphone tooltip has an incoherent break line in some cases.
    • Weapon’s interface still appeared during the replay in some cases.
    • Friends tooltip on the friend’s list took too long to appear in some cases.
    • Special Weapon button appeared with a wrong color when it was ready to use in some cases.
    • Character’s name moved when players close the help screen inside the pick’s screen in some cases.
    • Store’s texts were misaligned after the player bought a pilot in some cases.
    • Fonts in news window got blurred in some cases.
    • Rewards progression icon was misaligned in some cases.
    • Bomb’s image on the tutorial was outdated in some cases.
    • Restoring the settings to default on the options menu could crash the game if the players was finding a match at the same time in some cases.
    • Tutorial’s second step window appeared with no text in some cases.
    • Wrong message appeared when a player tried to pause the match with the stat screen opened in some cases.
  • Arena
    • Spotlights on the arena’s end were turned off in some cases.
    • Some Temple of Sacrifice elements were transparent in some cases.
    • Bomb got stuck between blockers on the Temple of Sacrifice in some cases.
  • Animation
    • Bomb’s explosion animation wasn’t shown wright in some cases.
Heavy Metal Machines - naZg(abe)

Here is another Combat Test update! In this version, we bring back four adjusted pilots already designed to fit the new gameplay vision. They were projected according to the community feedback we received about the first four characters and everything that we’ve learned on what players think it’s the ideal for Heavy Metal Machines. With these four, we got eight reworked characters in less than 15 days. And here's a spoiler: we’ll have more pilots coming back in March! We hope that you guys like this update and keep sharing your feedback with us to build a great game together!

  • Visual enhancements to the search interface
  • Visual enhancements on the match found screen
  • New background art for the Main Menu
  • Visual enhancements to the contextual menu
  • Visual enhancements on the end of match screen
  • Terminology for “Temporary HP” has been altered to “Shield”
  • Compatibility with joystick has been removed
Dev Notes: We decided to remove the compatibility between game and joystick in this version. The removal occurred due to its current usability and behavior, considering that, on average, only 5% of the players started the match using it. For this reason, the feature will be disabled until we get the usability at a good enough place to provide a great experience for the users as we think is the ideal.
  • Visual update on Wildfire’s machine
    • Current model will be redefined as a skin (cash) based on the community’s suggestion
    • New model will serve as the base skin (default) for the character
Dev Notes: We made this update to make her machine more visually attractive and to better fit her new weapon mechanics.

  • Temple of Sacrifice
    • Last Blocker on the final stretch of the track has been removed
    • Shape of the last Dropper in front of the delivery line has been changed
Dev Notes: We noticed that it was common for players to miss the bomb throw in this arena, even without enemies to intercept. This happened due to the final Dropper’s format. The change made aims to ease the bomb delivery when the player is alone, but without getting rid of the challenge when close to enemies. This happens, mainly, due to the rest of the arena already have a satisfactory level of difficulty for the users’ experience.

The scale of the bomb has been reduced to ease its manipulation. Now, the bomb can be thrown more efficiently, farther and more unpredictably to the opposing defenses - you didn’t think we were just making things easier, right? This makes it visually easier for the players to understand.

Out of combat repair
  • The time needed to start out of the combat repair has been reduced from 7 to 6 seconds

Characters Balance
  • Wildfire
  • Weapon 2: Blast of Fire
    • Explosion damage has been reduced from 200 to 100.

Dirt Devil
  • Weapon 1: Trap!
    Drops three land mines which cause damage to enemies that pass through them
    • Damage per mine: 55
    • Cooldown: 2.5 seconds
  • Weapon 2: Get’em Boyz!
    Calls a helicopter that attacks a certain area. The helicopter moves forward slowly during its entire duration.
    • Damage per second: 200
    • Cooldown: 10 seconds
    • Duration: 5 seconds
  • Weapon 3: Ride On!
    Shoots a harpoon with chains that sticks to the target. Double activation: pulls yourself to the target at great speed
    • Impact damage: 100
    • Damage per second: 25
    • Cooldown: 8 seconds
  • Special Weapon: Release the Devil!
    Shoots a flare gun that fixes on walls. When it fixes, creates an whirlwind that pulls the enemies to its center and explodes after a certain time. Double activation: fixes the marker on the current position.
    • Damage on the center: 800
    • Damage on the edges: 200
    • Duration: 1.5 second
      • Dev Notes: For this weapon, specifically, we feel that we weren't able to get it exactly where we wanted yet. In the next updates, we will make some changes to improve its experience for the players.
  • Passive: Kick the Dirt!
    When he collides frontally with enemies, Dirt Devil jumps above them. During the jump, he’s immune to damage.

Killer J.
  • Weapon 1: Twist the Metal
    Shoots fireworks that make opponents go haywire.
    • Damage per firework: 13.3
    • Cooldown: 3 seconds
  • Weapon 2: Wait for it…
    Throws a trinket that fixes itself on the target. After 2 seconds, the target is forced to accelerate out of control. Double activation: Forces the target to accelerate out of control instantaneously.
    • Impact damage: 130
    • Explosion damage: 50
    • Cooldown: 10 seconds
  • Weapon 3: Punchline
    Lights rockets that boosts himself forward and then explodes after a certain time.
    • Explosion damage: 150
    • Cooldown: 6 seconds
  • Special Weapon: The Big Joke
    Shoots fireworks on the enemies’ tires, making them spin around out of control.
    • Damage per second: 75
    • Duration: 3 seconds
  • Passive: Clownmikaze
    When he is almost dying, Killer J. activates a time bomb on his machine.
    • Explosion damage: 1000
    • Time until the explosion: 2 seconds

Metal Herald
  • Weapon 1: Shadow Stroke
    Shoots metal energy. Causes damage if hits an enemy and gives him shield. Part of the shield is received instantaneously and the other part is received during the following 3 seconds.
    • Damage: 100
    • Instant shield: 50
    • Cooldown: 1 second
  • Weapon 2: Runes of Sacrifice
    Self-flagellates in the name of metal, shooting a wave that causes damage to enemies and gives shield to allies.
    • Damage caused to himself: 70
    • Rune damage: 150
    • Rune shield: 150
    • Area damage: 50
    • Area shield: 150
    • Cooldown: 2.25 seconds
  • Weapon 3: Black Metal
    Transports himself to the metal dimension, boosting himself forward and becoming phased. Upon returning, receives a shield.
    • Shield: 150
    • Cooldown: 6 seconds
  • Special Weapon: Herald’s Decree
    Starts the metal symphony, giving shield to all allies around him.
    • Shield per second: 240
    • Instant shield: 300
    • Duration: 4 seconds
  • Passive
    Metal Herald doesn’t have a passive.

  • Weapon 1: Wind Hunter
    Summons the eagle spirit that collides with enemies.
    • Damage: 120
    • Cooldown: 2 seconds
  • Weapon 2: Bull Rush
    Invokes the herd of spiritual buffaloes, blocking the opponents' path.
    • Damage per second: 200
    • Duration: 3 seconds
    • Cooldown: 10 seconds
  • Weapon 3: Indomitable Spirit
    Gets surrounded by the spiritual cavalry, leaving repairing orbs on the way
    • Damage per second: 100
    • Duration: 2 seconds
    • Cooldown: 6.25 seconds
    • Repair per orb: 15
  • Special Weapon: Realm of the Ancients
    Shifts herself and nearby allies to the spiritual dimension.
    • Duration: 1.5 seconds
    • Repair per second: 200
  • Passive
    Windrider doesn’t have a passive.
Heavy Metal Machines - naZg(abe)

Here is another Combat Test update! In this version, we bring back four adjusted pilots already designed to fit the new gameplay vision. They were projected according to the community feedback we received about the first four characters and everything that we’ve learned on what players think it’s the ideal for Heavy Metal Machines. With these four, we got eight reworked characters in less than 15 days. And here's a spoiler: we’ll have more pilots coming back in March! We hope that you guys like this update and keep sharing your feedback with us to build a great game together!

  • Visual enhancements to the search interface
  • Visual enhancements on the match found screen
  • New background art for the Main Menu
  • Visual enhancements to the contextual menu
  • Visual enhancements on the end of match screen
  • Terminology for “Temporary HP” has been altered to “Shield”
  • Compatibility with joystick has been removed
Dev Notes: We decided to remove the compatibility between game and joystick in this version. The removal occurred due to its current usability and behavior, considering that, on average, only 5% of the players started the match using it. For this reason, the feature will be disabled until we get the usability at a good enough place to provide a great experience for the users as we think is the ideal.
  • Visual update on Wildfire’s machine
    • Current model will be redefined as a skin (cash) based on the community’s suggestion
    • New model will serve as the base skin (default) for the character
Dev Notes: We made this update to make her machine more visually attractive and to better fit her new weapon mechanics.

  • Temple of Sacrifice
    • Last Blocker on the final stretch of the track has been removed
    • Shape of the last Dropper in front of the delivery line has been changed
Dev Notes: We noticed that it was common for players to miss the bomb throw in this arena, even without enemies to intercept. This happened due to the final Dropper’s format. The change made aims to ease the bomb delivery when the player is alone, but without getting rid of the challenge when close to enemies. This happens, mainly, due to the rest of the arena already have a satisfactory level of difficulty for the users’ experience.

The scale of the bomb has been reduced to ease its manipulation. Now, the bomb can be thrown more efficiently, farther and more unpredictably to the opposing defenses - you didn’t think we were just making things easier, right? This makes it visually easier for the players to understand.

Out of combat repair
  • The time needed to start out of the combat repair has been reduced from 7 to 6 seconds

Characters Balance
  • Wildfire
  • Weapon 2: Blast of Fire
    • Explosion damage has been reduced from 200 to 100.

Dirt Devil
  • Weapon 1: Trap!
    Drops three land mines which cause damage to enemies that pass through them
    • Damage per mine: 55
    • Cooldown: 2.5 seconds
  • Weapon 2: Get’em Boyz!
    Calls a helicopter that attacks a certain area. The helicopter moves forward slowly during its entire duration.
    • Damage per second: 200
    • Cooldown: 10 seconds
    • Duration: 5 seconds
  • Weapon 3: Ride On!
    Shoots a harpoon with chains that sticks to the target. Double activation: pulls yourself to the target at great speed
    • Impact damage: 100
    • Damage per second: 25
    • Cooldown: 8 seconds
  • Special Weapon: Release the Devil!
    Shoots a flare gun that fixes on walls. When it fixes, creates an whirlwind that pulls the enemies to its center and explodes after a certain time. Double activation: fixes the marker on the current position.
    • Damage on the center: 800
    • Damage on the edges: 200
    • Duration: 1.5 second
      • Dev Notes: For this weapon, specifically, we feel that we weren't able to get it exactly where we wanted yet. In the next updates, we will make some changes to improve its experience for the players.
  • Passive: Kick the Dirt!
    When he collides frontally with enemies, Dirt Devil jumps above them. During the jump, he’s immune to damage.

Killer J.
  • Weapon 1: Twist the Metal
    Shoots fireworks that make opponents go haywire.
    • Damage per firework: 13.3
    • Cooldown: 3 seconds
  • Weapon 2: Wait for it…
    Throws a trinket that fixes itself on the target. After 2 seconds, the target is forced to accelerate out of control. Double activation: Forces the target to accelerate out of control instantaneously.
    • Impact damage: 130
    • Explosion damage: 50
    • Cooldown: 10 seconds
  • Weapon 3: Punchline
    Lights rockets that boosts himself forward and then explodes after a certain time.
    • Explosion damage: 150
    • Cooldown: 6 seconds
  • Special Weapon: The Big Joke
    Shoots fireworks on the enemies’ tires, making them spin around out of control.
    • Damage per second: 75
    • Duration: 3 seconds
  • Passive: Clownmikaze
    When he is almost dying, Killer J. activates a time bomb on his machine.
    • Explosion damage: 1000
    • Time until the explosion: 2 seconds

Metal Herald
  • Weapon 1: Shadow Stroke
    Shoots metal energy. Causes damage if hits an enemy and gives him shield. Part of the shield is received instantaneously and the other part is received during the following 3 seconds.
    • Damage: 100
    • Instant shield: 50
    • Cooldown: 1 second
  • Weapon 2: Runes of Sacrifice
    Self-flagellates in the name of metal, shooting a wave that causes damage to enemies and gives shield to allies.
    • Damage caused to himself: 70
    • Rune damage: 150
    • Rune shield: 150
    • Area damage: 50
    • Area shield: 150
    • Cooldown: 2.25 seconds
  • Weapon 3: Black Metal
    Transports himself to the metal dimension, boosting himself forward and becoming phased. Upon returning, receives a shield.
    • Shield: 150
    • Cooldown: 6 seconds
  • Special Weapon: Herald’s Decree
    Starts the metal symphony, giving shield to all allies around him.
    • Shield per second: 240
    • Instant shield: 300
    • Duration: 4 seconds
  • Passive
    Metal Herald doesn’t have a passive.

  • Weapon 1: Wind Hunter
    Summons the eagle spirit that collides with enemies.
    • Damage: 120
    • Cooldown: 2 seconds
  • Weapon 2: Bull Rush
    Invokes the herd of spiritual buffaloes, blocking the opponents' path.
    • Damage per second: 200
    • Duration: 3 seconds
    • Cooldown: 10 seconds
  • Weapon 3: Indomitable Spirit
    Gets surrounded by the spiritual cavalry, leaving repairing orbs on the way
    • Damage per second: 100
    • Duration: 2 seconds
    • Cooldown: 6.25 seconds
    • Repair per orb: 15
  • Special Weapon: Realm of the Ancients
    Shifts herself and nearby allies to the spiritual dimension.
    • Duration: 1.5 seconds
    • Repair per second: 200
  • Passive
    Windrider doesn’t have a passive.
Heavy Metal Machines - naZg(abe)

Tuesday [06/03/2018] at 6:00am EST [12:00 CET] we'll be doing a full maintenance on all our services, which means that HMM will be unplayable for the entirety of the maintenance. We expect everything will be back online by 13:00am EST [19:00 CET].
Heavy Metal Machines - naZg(abe)

Tuesday [06/03/2018] at 6:00am EST [12:00 CET] we'll be doing a full maintenance on all our services, which means that HMM will be unplayable for the entirety of the maintenance. We expect everything will be back online by 13:00am EST [19:00 CET].