Primal Carnage: Extinction - dinosauriac
The Meltdown Event rages on, with only a couple of weeks left before it's over. We're back today with a smaller update that features a bunch of extra tweaks and polishing of the new Ceratosaurus class.

There are several notable gameplay improvements made in response to community feedback, and we'll be continuing to re-balance and adjust the feel of the game over the next few months.


After seeing it in the wild, we felt that Ceratosaurus wasn't quite living up to its tanky brawler role...

To remedy this, we've gone in and added additional strong points to the beast, as well as giving Cerato the ability to attack during sprint while its roar is active.

Ceratosaurus can still be countered hard by nets, but only has to endure a few seconds before breaking free instead of the agonizing wait period it had previously. And to not make things too easy for the new guy, Pyro's flamethrower now ignores Cerato's armour and Cerato itself now deals slightly less charge headbutt damage than it did previously.

These and a whole helping of minor bugfixes and tweaks, from movement speed increases to better tail whip replication, will hopefully leave Ceratosaurus in a good place for the foreseeable future.


For all you artists out there, we are making available a community resource pack to create custom content for our new Ceratosaurus class.

Whether you're a budding skin designer who sees a fresh canvas to tear into, or an excited animator wanting to try their hand at taunts for this big bruiser, the resource pack should have all you need.

(Please read the enclosed help text files for important information).

We will also be releasing an update to the Primal Carnage: Extinction SDK and workshop upload tools soon, so you can actually view your hard work in-game. For now.. get creative!


Humans have been able to free pinned team mates from raptor pounces since the game began, but small dinosaurs were left without any such help from their own team when netted.

This has been something we've wanted to address for a long time now, and with this update we're happy to say that non-Tyrant dinos can now rescue other dinosaurs who have been downed by trapper nets (and even receive a points bonus for doing so!).

It takes two bites / slashes to tear the net off your teammate, but if you are Cryolophosaurus you can melt through it more quickly using your acid. We're considering extending the ability to Dilo in future as well.


We have quite a selection of other small tweaks and changes with this update, see below for a complete list of all the balance adjustments, gameplay improvements, bugfixes and more...

VERSION 1.18.1
  • First quick pass of adding TDM support to the new Volcano map
  • Fixed servers encountering slowdown whenever a Ceratosaurus roared
  • Fixed spawn system not correctly checking for enemies when rating spawn points.
  • Spawn system now prioritizes placing you closer to teammates.

  • Ceratosaurus and Carnotaurus now correcly replicate their attack animation direction.
  • Reduced netted time for Carno and Cerato

  • While its roar is active, Ceratosaurus can use its primary attack when sprinting.
  • Increased walking speed for Ceratosaurus
  • Increased Cerato roar duration from 15 to 20 secs
  • Increased strong point armour bonus from 30% to 40%
  • Fixed a hole in Cerato's armour on its chest, added armour to lower arms
  • Increased tail whip skill move damage bonus to 30%
  • Adjusted tail whip skill move timing window
  • Increased air turn speed for Ceratosaurus
  • Made tail whip attack hits more reliable
  • Fixed stamina leeching and whip cracks working on already dead enemies
  • Moved Ceratosaurus head cam to first cosmetic slot
  • Added new Ceratosaurus Snap Taunt as a rare drop
  • Added names to the new Cerato challenges

  • Reduced max range of stungun from 1800 to 1500
  • Increased hit detection radius of Pyro's flamethrower
  • Flamethrower flames now largely ignore armour strong points, dealing almost full damage.
  • Updated pathfinder flare limit code so that no more than 3 flares can be placed too close together

  • Non-tyrant dinosaurs can now free downed teammates from nets with two bites / slashes.
  • Cryolophosaurus can spit acid on nets to quickly dissolve them, freeing teammates faster.
  • Added new Net Rescue assist points bonus for freeing teammates
  • Trappers now receive 100 netted bonus points if another player kills a dino they netted.

  • If a dinosaur has been damaged in the last last 3 seconds, they cannot heal at a corpse.
  • If a Tyrant has been damaged in the last 5 seconds, they cannot heal at a corpse.

  • Fixed a bug where players were stuck unable to spawn / change class if selected class was full.
  • Fixed scoreboard locking up controls upon closing if a cursor appeared

  • Possible fix for Soft Side achievement tracking
  • Fixed incorrect requirements for Combo! achievement
  • Updated the Leech Master achievement to be more difficult- now requires draining a human's stamina pool completely

  • Updated the Spinosaurus secondary attack animation
  • Disabled blood decals appearing (in large numbers!) when ragdolls get stuck in geometry
  • Started overhauling character ragdoll physics

  • Various optimizations both game-side and server-side

VERSION 1.18.2
An additional hotfix has been released to address a handful of recent issues...
  • Removed a problematic spawnpoint on Volcano
  • Added extra safety checks to spawn system
  • Fixed spawn system not correctly weighting spawns that were unsupported by current class
  • Ragdolls now retain character momentum velocity after death
Happy Hunting!
-The Primal Carnage Team
Sep 11, 2020
Primal Carnage: Extinction - dinosauriac
Burning with fury, a new threat has been unleashed...


For years Carnotaurus has endured the loneliness of being the only class without a friend. Until today.
Enter the Ceratosaurus, a big, bulky brawler that's always spoiling for a fight...

Featuring heavy armour on its head and shoulders, Ceratosaurus takes reduced damage from any attacks aimed at its front. To effectively fight this beast, you need to approach things from a different angle.

Ceratosaurus may not be as fast as its lighter cousin, but makes up for it in sheer brawn.

Thick muscular arms slash out alongside its lethal jaws in a one-two punch of a primary attack. When in close quarters, it can use a devastating Tail Whip that deals severe damage and hurls enemies aside.

And if it feels a little tired after all that action? Roaring engages Cerato's rage mode, allowing it to steal stamina from enemies by biting them. This filthy leech can easily gain its energy back with a well-timed bellow and bite, allowing it to stay mobile despite its rather stout legs.

After several months of development, working hand-in-hand with modellers, texture artists and testers from the Primal Carnage community, we hope you are as thrilled as we are with this newest addition to the game!


This update also brings in a selection of new achievements to unlock. It's been a while since we added some of these, so we thought, what better time than with the addition of our new pal?

Hmm, there's a certain theme here..

In addition to these 6 achievements, there are also a handful of others to work towards while completing your weekly challenges (several of which miiiight just be Cerato-related now). We'll be adding more of both cheevos and challenges in future updates.

NEW MAP : Volcano

From the inventive mind of ArchShiranui comes another hot new community-created level...

Volcano is a rocky, inhospitable lava field replete with deadly magma flows, dark forbodeing caves, and even hazardous steam vents!

In celebration of PC-Volcano being added, we now have a new map stamp available for purchase in-store. Support the creator and receive a special Nightfall Pteranodon skin as a reward for your generosity!

We are launching Volcano as a Freeroam-only map, but intend to add support for other modes such as Team Deathmatch in future updates. For now simply relax and bask in the warm glow of a 1000 degree volcanic eruption..


Today's store update contains an avalanche of Ceratosaurus content, but does bring with it a handful of new Mutations, with some brilliant new takes on Pteranodon and a simply stupendous Suchus mutation for Tyrannosaurus...

The third and final gift of the Meltdown Event is also now available, with the Summer Twilight Gift added to the in-game store. A sample of the sizzling skins waiting inside can be seen below...

With the launch of Meltdown Part 3 we will be rotating in a selection of new reward items for gift givers (this will occur every major update for the foreseeable future).

To see what you'll receive for opening a gift and get a closer look at all of the new items added in Meltdown Part 3, (including several free drops) simply visit the special event Trello board here.

  • Added NEW Ceratosaurus class!
  • Added NEW Volcano map!

  • Added support for StrongPoints (armor) on characters
  • Added armor to Ceratosaurus head and neck - 30% incoming damage reduction

  • Increased health restored from dinosaur bite kills from 10% to 25%
  • Increased raptor frenzy duration and reduced its stamina drain speed
  • Fixed attack cooldowns for Pteranodon not working
  • Reduced Ceratosaurus bite attack damage to 47
  • Increased flamethrower instant hit damage from 2.92 to 2.98

  • Increased crouch turning speed for Bruisers
  • Fixed bruisers being able to crouch while in sprint
  • Bruisers can no longer sprint while stunned
  • Tyrants & Bruisers can no longer bite while stunned

  • Reduced stungun ammo from 17 to 12
  • Reduced stunned time for Tyrants from 5 to 3.5 seconds
  • Reduced stunned time for Carno from 5 to 2.5 seconds

  • Increase netgun spread width
  • Reduced netgun reserve ammo from 5 to 3
  • Increased netgun reload time from 3 secs to 3.75 secs
  • Fixed reload cheat time of netgun being overly short

  • Dinosaurs that are not intended to be able to sprint while netted now stop sprinting if they become netted during sprint.

    Known Issues:
  • The achievements "Combo!" and "Get on Their Soft Side" may not track correctly.
  • Tail whip animations are not replicated exactly to other players
  • Carno stats assert dominance on the class selection screen when first hovering over Cerato


The Summer of Carnage multi-month event draws to a close with Meltdown Part 3 as its grand finale.

All event items added in Meltdown Parts 1 & 2 are still available until the end of the event, alongside the brand new items from Part 3. The free item codes obtained through the Summer Scavenger Hunt are also still active until Meltdown concludes at the end of September.

We hope you've enjoyed this epic three act extravaganza!

If you want to know what's coming next to Primal Carnage Extinction,
check out the official Discord here!

Until next time...

Primal Carnage: Extinction - dinosauriac
A new patch for Primal Carnage: Extinction has just been released!
This patch includes numerous minor bug fixes and several small but meaningful gameplay improvements.

The Meltdown Event is still ongoing, with more sizzling hot content on the way later this summer. We're still hard at work on a certain new Bruiser class coming soon, but until then check out the latest changes and tweaks made hand in hand with our community testers....

Patch Notes:
  • Dinosaurs can now continuously attack by holding down primary fire
  • Humans are now highlighted to teammates when grabbed by Pteranodon
  • Trapper knife's damage bonus now also applies to Stunned enemies
  • Hatchets that get stuck in surfaces (not players) can now be retrieved

  • Explosives now correctly deal 50% damage to their owners
  • Fixed cases where explosives could do double damage to enemies
  • Updated bouncing logic and lifetime management of rockets
  • Reduced spread of grenade launcher rocket when not crouched
  • Reduced rocket launcher grenade arming time from 1.1 to 0.8 secs
  • Reduced rocket max time before exploding from 4 secs to 3 secs
  • Fixed rockets exploding when hitting teammates

  • Increased sensitivty of sniper scope from 0.15 to 0.25
  • Fixed molotov bottle vanishing when thrown
  • Added new in-air particle effect for molotovs
  • Reworked acid pool damage falloff to work better
  • Increased interval between acid pool damage ticks from 0.8 to 0.85 secs

  • Your killer's current rank and Evolution level are now shown on the death screen
  • Added unique nameplate background to the death screen for Evolved players
  • Added the player's Evolution level to the main menu's name card

  • Fixed an issue that could cause Sprays to be set incorrectly for the current class
  • Fixed the Pyro not having the option to select None in the Spray loadout
  • Fixed incorrect progress tracking on Cryo acid kills challenge
  • Default items should now be usable when not connected to the economy
  • Various fixes to skins, taunts and mutation models
  • Switched to a new more reliable release build process

We hope you enjoy these adjustments and look forward to hearing your feedback!
Remember you can always catch up with us on the official discord channel, we don't bite (usually!).

See you soon...

Jul 31, 2020
Primal Carnage: Extinction - dinosauriac
A new update is now available for Primal Carnage: Extinction!

Meltdown Part 2 is the second phase of our epic summer of carnage, a special multi-month event.
Things are really starting to heat up now!

Check out the highlights of today's major update (and a tease of what's next) below...


The eagle-eyed among you may have already seen a hint at what's coming later this summer.
Yes, it's true. Carnotaurus is getting a friend.

It's been quite a road to get here, but we're excited to officially announce that a second Bruiser class is in development for Primal Carnage Extinction!

Something always felt wrong to us with Carnotaurus being all by its lonesome, and those greedy Tyrants hogging the spotlight with not two but three(!) subclasses... Well, it's time to put things right.

Created in collaboration with artists in the community, Ceratosaurus is a heavy-hitting brute that we can't wait to share more about! This thrilling new addition to the dinosaur team will be coming your way soon, so keep an eye out for more info in the coming weeks...


For a long time there have been issues relating to class limits in Primal Carnage: Extinction, let's face it - they just never worked 100%, mysteriously failing to kick in on the second round of a match, or just straight up ignoring certain values. Unfortunately, we simply never had the time or manpower to address these issues in the past.

However- the community is ever-resourceful.

Many thanks to the efforts of PCE server hoster Rothir, a dedicated player who spent weeks sifting through server code to find the root of the problems here. Due to their efforts and the recent hiring of a second programmer, we were able to undertake a complete rewrite of the class limit system. It is now more robust and much less prone to error. We're confident that the issues it was afflicted with previously are now a thing of the past.

We hope this comes as a welcome relief to server operators, and must again thank our community for their dedication and hard work in keeping PCE alive and kicking!

A note on Proportional Class Limits:

These can and should be used in conjunction with hard limits for each class. The equation for this gets into the decimal points usually depending on what you set. A couple of quick examples:

Proportional Limit = 0.1 (needs 10 players in the server before a second class of this type can spawn)
Proportional Limit - 0.05 (needs 20 players in the server before a second class of this type can spawn)


We heard you, generosity is overrated. You should of course get something in return for giving others a gift, selflessness is so last century. Messaged received!

This update introduces new Gift Giver Rewards for players magnanimous enough to open gift boxes in-game. Upon doing so, the person that opened the gift will receive a guaranteed item. These items use a new system that enables them to rotate on a regular basis, similar to how the store rotates assets in and out. Each gift has its own reward item that will swap out every week or two for a new one.

A new Summer Sunset Gift has been added to the store alongside the Summer Meltdown and classic Summer 2016 gifts, you can find info about the items included in each here.


Today's update brings a selection of new default items unlocked by the intrepid codebreakers who took part in the Summer Scavenger Hunt! Every class in the game now has at least one free starter mutation.

Of course there's also a new in-game store rotation today as well, including NINE hot new mutations,
FIVE new dinosaur taunts, and a bumper beachwear pack for humans!

In addition to this, all of the content from Meltdown Part 1 is still available, and will remain purchasable until the end of the event when the leaves start to fall this autumn.

The same goes for free item codes unlocked through the scavenger hunt. You can find them here.
Simply use the Redeem Key option on the in-game store to claim your copy of each.


There are some significant changes to gameplay with this update, aimed at improving player control.
For starters, we have implemented aiming for dinosaur swipe attacks across the board.

Whether you're playing a Tyrant or a Carno, you can now aim the direction of your secondary attack by looking. Turn the camera in the direction you want the attack to go and it will follow.

This allows for a greater level of precision when using swipe attacks and we hope it helps some of you complete a couple of the trickier challenges out there.

Carnotaurus now has a reworked secondary attack that it can use on the move. This is a throwback to a design tried out early in Extinction's life cycle, and better fits its role as the fast Bruiser. It no longer locks you in place and the attack has controllable direction, as mentioned above.

On the human side, we have addressed various exploits that could lead to teamkilling and reduced the chances of being able to suicide via explosives. Critical hits (headshots) now do 30% bonus damage, rewarding skilled aim. Damage falloff distances and other aspects for various weapons have been adjusted as well with feedback from our Open Testing players, you can read the details in the full changelog below.


Complete change notes for Primal Carnage: Extinction version 1.17:
  • Rewritten class limit system, should no longer have issues on second round.

  • Rex and Spino can now aim their swipe attacks by looking left or right
  • Added momentum to humans hit by Tyrannosaurus tail swipe attack
  • Added new two-handed slash attack for Spinosaurus, both hands do damage now in one sweep.

  • Carno now has a mobile secondary attack, direct your lunges left or right based on the camera.
  • Reduced damage of Carno secondary attack from 90 to 75
  • Increased time while falling before sprinting is cancelled as Carno
  • Reduced base corpse healing speed slightly, so that it is less likely to outpace fire damage.
  • Increased corpse use range for Tyrants

  • Increased distance that Tyrant footstep camera shake is felt
  • Removed fullscreen flash from stungun screen fx
  • Updated look of dilo spit screen fx, is now much more opaque.

  • Increased base headshot damage bonus from 20% to 30%
  • Sniper rifle headshots now do double damage
  • Reduced sniper rifle zoom level from 3x to 2x
  • Increased max effective range of sniper rifle
  • Reduced accuracy when hip firing with sniper rifle

  • Added ricochet behaviour to assault rifle grenade launcher
  • Assault rifle grenades willnow bounce if you fire too close to yourself.
  • Fixed arming time for AR grenade, will not explode for 1.1 seconds after firing.

  • Increased damage and radius of thrown grenades
  • Explosives now deal quarter damage to their owner
  • Timed frag grenades now do significantly more damage than impact grenades
  • Explosive Grenegg is now based on the impact grenade
  • Fixed missing class select info text for the Explosive Grenegg

  • Removed crit multiplier on AR grenade and hatchets
  • Fixed certain cases where friendly fire was possible after death

  • Reduced fire rate for default shotgun
  • Reduced effective damage distance of default shotgun
  • Spaz12 shotgun reload timing is now closer to default shotgun

  • Added new Stegosaurus corpse variant
  • Added Stego corpse to a handful of maps
  • Static lighting improvements to Borealis, ForestChasm, Snowbound, Docks
  • Collision fixes on Snowbound and Borealis

  • Possible fix for flare sounds stuttering / repeating

  • Changed stungun crosshair
  • Expanded hint text for a few challenges, added class names to all challenges
  • Added gift item contents to their inventory descriptions
  • Fixed awkward controller navigation on loadout screen
  • Consistency pass on human and dino loadout screens
  • Added soft gradient behind item icon text

  • Added new default mutation unlocks from Summer Scavenger Hunt
  • Additional model fixes and cosmetic updates
  • Disabled certain console commands used for exploiting
  • Various unrealscript optimizations

    Known Issues:

  • Setting a spray in the Scientist loadout will override sprays equipped on other classes
  • Velocity applied to swipe victims is sometimes inconsistent
  • Body textures on alpha spiked carno skins may appear blurry


Our third and final conflagration of carnage is planned for next month, with Meltdown Part 3 arriving in August. We're hoping a certain Ceratosaurus will be joining us, and that you will too. See you then!

Jul 3, 2020
Primal Carnage: Extinction - dinosauriac
A new patch is available for Primal Carnage: Extinction, addressing a few issues that were identified after the Meltdown update recently went live. We also have some news about future changes to the human characters.

Version 1.16.1 Change Notes

  • Fixed dino health restoration from bite kills not working correctly at times
  • Fixed several challenges not tracking properly
  • Updated hint text for challenges and evolutions
  • Fixed some missing text characters from end game screen
  • Health bar is now a brighter, more consistent red colour
  • Fixed missing descriptions / names in a few areas
  • Added PhantomCave map image to Host Game
  • Adjusted attachment offsets for a couple of mutations
  • Fixed certain gift items not dropping
  • Various skin fixes

Version 1.16.2 Change Notes

  • Added new default mutation: Serratus Rex (spiked "alpha" rex model)
  • The majority of Spiked Rex skins are now compatible with mutations
  • Fixed projection and spawning issues with Cryo acid pools
  • Fixed texture opacity masking on a couple of skins
  • Physics optimizations to some cosmetic items
  • Disabled some client-side error logging that may have been causing slowdowns
  • Fixed an incorrect scavenger hunt skin reward
  • Challenge tracking fix for headshots
  • Challenge tracking fix for grenade launcher
  • Challenge tracking fix for Carno charges
  • Challenge tracking fix for tranquilizer kills
  • Fixed a bug with challenges being replaced
  • Preparations for unified challenge reset time (upcoming)

Human Character PSA

We're happy to say we've brought an old friend back to work on updating the human animation system.

Maccollo was one of the main animators on the original Primal Carnage game. He's an extremely talented artist and we're glad to say he is going to be replacing the existing human animation rig completely, with customized movesets for every character.

click for high fps...

This process will take a fair bit of time, so it will likely be a couple of months before these changes are in your hands. We wanted to share this exciting news early, and give a heads up to any community creators who might be working on human taunts or custom human meshes for the current skeleton.

We will be endeavoring to port much of the user-created content for humans to the new rig ourselves, but may need the help of the original creators in this regard. If you are working on new human content, it might be worth holding off engaging in more ambitious efforts such as making full character models for now (hats, backpacks etc. are fine though, being separate objects).

Future Changes to Challenges

We're putting things in place to allow to improvements to challenge synchronization with the economy server and make them more consistent. These are still in testing, so we hope you understand and be patient with these changes, as we believe they will be for the better.

Currently in development:
  • A consistent Challenge and Drop reset time for all players. Previously this used to be relative to when you first logged in. The new system will reset challenges and drop limits at the same time each week.
  • The ability for us to enable/disable/replace Challenges "on the fly". As you may have experienced with the recent update, sometimes challenges can be broken. We're investigating how to fix and replace challenges remotely.
  • Methods for us to adjust Challenge targets without needing to patch, if a challenge is seen as "too easy" or "too hard" for its given tier.
  • The ability for us to issue the same Challenges to all players during a reset cycle. While we're not sure how this one will go, it could be interesting to have 1 or more challenges to be the same for all players- so you can work together to complete common goals.
  • Continued improvements to Challenge rewards, with different item drops (or multiple items!) being rewarded for completing challenge tiers.

As we roll these changes out, it may result in some shorter "challenge weeks" - i.e. you may not have the full 7 days that you normally would to complete challenges. We hope you agree that the overall improvements and new bonuses coming in the near future for challenge completion will make it worthwhile. The first major change will be the synchronization of everyone's challenge reset timer early next week. We will announce on the official discord when this change is live for everybody.

Meltdown Part 2

The Meltdown Event is underway and we're hard at work on the second part of this sizzling summer shindig. Keep an eye out towards the end of July for more news on what's coming in Part 2!

And if you haven't already, you might want to check out the Summer Scavenger Hunt going on right now on Discord, for the chance to unlock special time-limited item codes!

The first few codes have only just been revealed, with many more left to uncover! Keep track of how the community is progressing by checking the Special Event Trello board.

Jun 26, 2020
Primal Carnage: Extinction - dinosauriac
Welcome to MELTDOWN.

From a second scavenger hunt, to new mutations, new maps, a challenges overhaul (and even MORE)... this is one meaty event. So meaty in fact, that we are splitting it in two - MELTDOWN is a summer-long extravaganza! There's that much meat.

You can forget Jurassic June, this thing's too big to be contained to one month! Meltdown: Part One launches today with the start of the Summer Scavenger Hunt and a major game update.

Meltdown: Part Two will come hurtling in like a meateor hopefully by the end of July.
It's gonna be a wild ride!

Today's Update

Phantom Cave

This is the first new Get to the Chopper level added to the game since release (we're so sorry, GTTC fans).

Developed in close collaboration with talented community member L. Merah, we're excited to finally add another Steam Workshop level to Primal Carnage: Extinction's official roster.
(And hope there will be many more to come!)

This little adventure has the human team battle through a hostile lava cavern to reach their rescue point. Phantom Cave features death pits aplenty, inventive lighting that gives dinosaurs lots of places to hide, and a twisty-turny layout that keeps you on your toes.

(note: if you have subscribed to the Steam Workshop version of Phantom Cave,
you will need to unsubscribe in order to play the official version)

So what are you waiting for?
Run! GO!


Extinction's weekly challenges have featured the same set of rather difficult tasks for quite a while now. There's certainly people who can put days upon days into games, but we understand that not everyone has that kind of time.

So today, we're introducing tiered challenges.

These provide players with different options they can try tackling. Bronze challenges are less stressful and can usually be completed within an hour or two. Silver challenges will take you a little while longer to complete. At the top end of the scale are Gold challenges, for those players who want a real test of skill and have a lot of time on their hands.

Each challenge tier offers different levels of EXP upon completion.
  • Bronze challenges currently award 1000 EXP
  • Silver challenges currently award 2500 EXP
  • Gold challenges currently award 5000 EXP
  • Complete all three challenges to receive item rewards!

We've added 25 new challenges with this update and hope people like the new tiered system!
Several existing challenges have also been rebalanced as part of this to make them less punishing.
We'll be listening to feedback and hope to add more rewards for challenge completions in future.

On that note, it's been a long time since we've brought new cheevos in, so we currently have a couple cooking in the oven for Meltdown Part 2 that will tie into the newly updated challenge system.

Elsewhere, loot drop tables have been adjusted to remove the oldest human and dino items.
These ancient relics are now only available through crafting, and new free drops have replaced them.


Have you been stuck at rank 50 for years? Has that cruel EXP bar mocked you with the promise of a new rank that never comes? Well, rejoice! Progression has been extended to include new Evolutions!

When you hit rank 50, you now have the option to start anew at rank 0 by Evolving, simply click the gold Evolve button when it appears under your name on the main menu.

Doing this resets your EXP to zero and in the process you are rewarded with two rare items, one of them for humans and one for dinosaurs. And don't worry, we'll be adding extra UI support for Evolutions, so you can let everyone know just how much of a badass you are.


It's back!

Work with your fellow human or dinosaur to discover the secrets of the Summer Scavenger Hunt! Decipher all of the clues to unlock special limited time event items!
You can keep track of the deciphered codes and see all the items added in the Meltdown Update by checking Trello...

So where do we start?

Join the Primal Codebreakers on discord here

Around the game you will find hidden messages and images to decode, these fragments reveal a variety of mysterious rewards and surprises if you figure out the meaning behind the madness.

Some clue fragments will only be "activated" after the scavenger hunt has reached a certain point.
So be sure to keep in the loop.

What's the mission?

The Summer Scavenger Hunt has three stages of difficulty to progress through, starting with piecing together a series of code fragments from the crazed words of a lost survivor. Those fragments, in groups of three, will grant you special event items when entered on the in-game store. Once the Meltdown is over, they will no longer be available.

The second stage of the Summer Scavenger Hunt requires a higher tier of cryptography, and is activated once all of the codes for stage one have been discovered. Be on the lookout for various pictographs around the levels that will set you on the path towards a maze of intense code-breaking. Solving these will reward you with clues for Stage 3.

The final stage of the Summer Scavenger Hunt will require intense collaboration, and if its secrets are discovered will unlock new default items for everyone when Meltdown Phase 2 hits next month. Good luck, everyone!

  • Added new Phantom Cave GTTC map
  • Added scavenger hunt secrets

  • All challenges are now rated as bronze, silver, gold with different EXP awards
  • Re-balanced certain existing challenges
  • Added 20+ new challenges

  • Dinosaurs now regain 10% of their health back from bite kills (does not include Tyrants)
  • Fixed some projectiles not implementing IgnoreHumans and IgnoreDinos correctly
  • Fixed the Pyro being able to kill himself with his own flamethrower
  • Fixed being unable to spawn in Hunt mode

  • Fixed 4th Anniversary Gift not working
  • Fixed a couple of default skins that still didn't support mutations
  • Fixed a few skins that had incorrect textures or attachments

  • Updated store layout, added support for previewing more cosmetics (hats) in the store
  • Started work to improve readability of menus and HUD
  • Scoreboard update: can now see what class everyone is playing regardless of team
  • Health, roar and stamina bars now go from saturated to desaturated as they drain


We've only given you a tiny peek at what's coming in Meltdown: Part Two so far. There's new legendary sprays and mysterious rewards to be unlocked via the scavenger hunt, but we've much bigger surprises yet to be revealed.

Join us in July, won't you?

Bring your friends!
Get 60% off the Extinction 4-pack during the Steam Summer Sale!

Primal Carnage: Extinction - dinosauriac
We've got some fun new stuff in-store for everyone's favourite mercenaries this week, but first, a look at what's in today's patch...

PATCH 1.15.2

This patch brings additional compatibility for dinosaur mutations, allowing Novaraptor model mutations to work with classic feathered raptor skins, and fixing some skins that should have supported mutations but didn't previously. We'll be continuing to extend mutation support in future, and plan to convert the Spiked Tyrannosaurus model into a default mutation option soon.

There are also a couple of other minor fixes, and stability improvements both under the hood and with our economy server architecture. We're continuing to add extra checks and optimizations to improve overall connectivity. This patch also lays the groundwork for some of the new features coming in the Meltdown update later this month.


We're adding a bunch of new community-created human items to both the in-game store and free drop / crafting pool. After 2000+ days of dinosaurs hogging the spotlight, it's time for the mercenaries to shine!

There's several new outfits and addons for the human team, ranging from a swanky new backpack everyone gets for free (and its slightly less worse for wear companion), to a wonderfully ironic firefighter outfit for everyone's favourite Pyromaniac, and even a couple of brand new human taunts.

That said, don't panic if you're looking for where the Mutations have gone.
You can still find them under the Bundles tab in the Extinction Store.


We are releasing a content update for the Primal Carnage: Extinction development tools today. This brings the latest material shaders and maps to the public dev kit, so creators can test what their sprays look like and see how cool new environments such as the Borealis facility were constructed!

We have a dev wiki that goes into details about how to use the editing tools. The SDK can be found in the Software tab of your Steam library (~9GBdownload , unpacks to ~18GB on your hard drive).

If you haven't gotten involved in making your own content for PCE and are interested in where to start, check out these links...

We are currently putting together a community mapping contest that will have some seriously sweet prizes, which we hope to share more details on soon. So now's a great time to start learning the tools!


For a long time, users have been able to evade server bans by using Steam Family Sharing. We've had an increase to the number of regular players over the last few months, and a lot of new server owners. We want to do all we can to support our community server operators, and have therefore taken the difficult decision to disable Steam Family Share when the Meltdown update releases later this month.

We realize that not everyone who uses Family Sharing is doing so to break the rules, but for security's sake and to improve things for the community as a whole, this is a step we feel compelled to take.

After more than 5 years, playing via Steam Family Share will no longer be supported by the end of June.


The Meltdown Event for PCE will be arriving soon! We're really looking forward to running our second community scavenger hunt and launching a seriously meaty update. It's so meaty in fact that it's going to be split in two, as a summer-long extravaganza! (That's a lot of meat).

We're happy to say that we're adding the first new Get to the Chopper level ever (please forgive us, GTTC players), and there are some bugfixes planned for GTTC in general as well.

Along with a second wave of dinosaur mutations, you can look forward to a completely overhauled challenge system in Meltdown Part 1! This introduces rank evolutions (reset your level and receive rewards!), and new tiered challenge levels.

Meltdown Part 2 arrives later in July and introduces new cosmetic types, including legendary sprays. The system for stat track items is also being completely rewritten, with support for more items and better functionality in general.

And depending on how far along the community gets with the summer scavenger hunt, there may well be some extra special surprises unlocked for everyone when Phase 2 arrives!


Changes included with today's patch for Primal Carnage: Extinction:

-Challenge verification improvements
-Fixed localized pricing in store appearing as a "discount"

-Added new human outfits and weapon skins

-Fixed a rendering issue with decloaked Hunt raptors
-Classic feathered raptors now support model mutations
-Fixed certain default rex skins not supporting mutations
-Fixed double barrel skins half-working in third person
-Fixed some cosmetic offsets on Royal Dilo

-Numerous other minor fixes and tweaks to various skins

May 29, 2020
Primal Carnage: Extinction - dinosauriac
Okay, we know everyone's been asking about new dinosaur classes for the longest time.
We don't have any plans for that currently, but we've got the next best thing...


Model mutations are new cosmetic items that can modify the appearance of your dinosaur character!

These range from subtle alterations to more overt transformations that may resemble other species.
To give everyone a chance to see how these work, we have partnered with the community to provide three default mutations, that you will have right from the start...

free mutations: Inflexus Novaraptor, Serratus Spinosaurus, and Crassarius Oviraptor

Store-bought model mutations come with a free skin, and are compatible with most of the existing skins in your library as well. For example, equipping an Imperius Acro mutation with the Biohazard Acro skin.

The only limitation when using mutations right now is pairing them with skins which already use a custom model. Items such as Spiked T-Rex skins, Feathered Novaraptors, Alpha Carnos, and Royal Dilos are therefore incompatible with mutations (for now?).

Special thanks to community members such as Dinobear, Velociboy and Mr. Troodon for spearheading this latest exciting addition to Primal Carnage: Extinction!

Have you ever wanted to be the next Banksy? Is inappropriate graffiti your bag?
Well, now you can leave your mark on the world by spraying these sweet new tags in-game!

Sprays are a new type of free drop. Equip one in your loadout, walk up to a surface and press P to place it.

Sprays feature different styles depending on if they are placed by a human or dinosaur. Humans have those ever-useful opposable thumbs, so they use spray cans to make beautiful designs in living colour. Dinosaurs on the other hand, claw their designs into the walls using the blood of their enemies!

You're probably pretty familiar with these if you've spent any time on the official Primal Carnage discord.

The first wave of Sprays are based on the lovely server emojis that community members BBQ and SilentCicada graciously created for us. Different sprays can be equipped per-class, and to start you off we are providing you all with everyone's favourite Happy Carno.

That's right!, humans now have their backpack slots.. uh.. back.

Pyro can swap in alternate fuel tank styles once more (3 new ones have even been added this update), and we'll be adding different rucksacks for the other humans soon. We're keenly interested to see what new items the community will come up with, now that this extra customization option is available!


When PCE resumed development recently, we introduced health and ammo pickups for humans to use in the regular ranked game modes. This has helped with the overall pace of the game and reduced the amount of camping going on, but also put the dinosaurs at a slight disadvantage.

For that reason, the bigger dinos (Tyrants and Bruisers) are now able to heal faster when eating from corpses, and Tyrants receive more health from eating humans.

We hope these are positive changes that will make players not have to turn tail as Tyrant so much, allow Carno users to stay in the game more, and reduce the time you are vulnerable when feeding at a corpse. Tyrants these days have a much bigger health pool than they did when we started several years ago, and without accelerated healing speed it was quite a chore to restore.

Stamina drain is less of a worry for Carno and Spitters now, and Dilophosaurs now have larger spit globs with increased hit radius to make things easier (because not everyone is a precision venom sniper).

As for humans, their shotguns no longer have the effective range of sniper rifles, and the sniper rifle itself has higher scope sensitivity. For additional fixes and tweaks, see the full patch notes lower down..

We've started the process of upgrading the Extinction Store to be more user-friendly.
A big part of this is allowing you to "try before you buy."

When you click on a skin or mutation in the store, it will be previewed for you in the customization screen. This lets you take a good look at these beautiful community created designs, instead of having to squint at a postage stamp version.

-Previewing is only available if browsing the store from the Main Menu, not during a match.
-Other cosmetics (hats, shackles, etc.) and / or bundles do not currently support previewing.

Unfortunately we couldn't fit any new challenges into this update, but a major rework of the system will be coming soon. We want to make challenges more rewarding to complete and will be making some big changes to them that we hope people will be excited about. Stay tuned.


We'll be back in June with the Meltdown event. For now, here's the full patch notes for today's update...

  • NEW: spray customization slot added
  • NEW: model mutation customization slot added
  • NEW: store preview option for skins

  • PC-Borealis: various asset and collision optimizations
  • GTTC TheFalls: fixed missing sub-objective text
  • GTTC TheFalls: removed annoying river rock that tyrants were getting stuck on
  • PC-TheFalls: added more corpses to inside the dome area
  • PC-TheFalls: moved most human spawn points to outside of the dome

  • Spitters: increased base movement speed from 360 to 380
  • Spitters: reduced sprint stamina consumption rate
  • Cryo: faster stamina regeneration time
  • Dilo: increased size and hit radius of spit
  • Carno: reduced sprint stamina consumption rate

  • Raised max health of Spinosaurus from 4200 to 4400
  • Increased healing speed of Tyrants and Carnotaurus
  • Increased health received by eating humans as Tyrant
  • (was: victim health + 50, now: victim health +450)

  • Fixed players marked by Ptera roars not granting kill assists to the Ptera
  • Added +10 EXP assist for Ptera roar marking players

  • Slight increase to sniper rifle scope sensitivity
  • Reduced momentum transfer on sniper rifle bullet impacts
  • Reduced sniper rifle damage at maximum range from 60% to 50%
  • Tweaked damage falloff for default shotgun and Spaz12 to have shorter effective range

  • Fix for Royal Dilo eye glow & antlers not lining up properly (thanks to Shurrackia!)
  • Potential fix for Enforcer MK2 doing weird things with arm meshes
  • Fixed the human backpack slot, expanded functionality to other classes
  • Potential fix for creating TDM games using the Host Game menu
  • Added a bunch of new free drop items

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention...

Primal Carnage: Extinction - dinosauriac
We've got a lot of cool new things to share, but first, a word about the "eggstravaganza" we just had..

The Easter Eggcitement Is Over
Okay, we've eggshausted our puns. With the end of the Easter event upon us, we have concluded our first community scavenger hunt. Over the course of 6 days, players collaborated in-game and on Discord to find all the clues and decipher their riddles, unlocking special time-limited item codes.

Unravelling the mysteries of the scavenger hunt tested your knowledge of dinosaurs, prehistoric media and videogames. From a fictional phone number that provided a key piece of the puzzle, to an alphabet substitution test based on dinosaur nicknames, dozens of fragments were figured out and finally pieced together by the efforts of the intrepid primal codebreakers.

A real big thankyou to everyone who got involved!
We all had a lot of fun, and the team is already thinking about another similar event in the future.

In other news- points bonuses in Capture the Egg are back to normal now, and the Oviraptors have been netted and cleared out of the Extinction Store (FYI- if you still see any hanging around, you may not be fully connected to the PCE servers!).

Extinction Roadmap
With the Easter event out of the way, here's a sneak peek at what we're working on next...!

MAYHEM is up first, planned for the end of next month. We're introducing model "mutations" to PCE, which replace the default model for a dino class with a genetically different version. These modifications can dramatically change the look of your dinosaur, with some giving the *appearance* of a neighbouring species.

Talented community artists like Velociboy and DinoBear are already working on several variations...

Also coming next month are unique human and dinosaur sprays to use in-game. Whilst humans are blessed with opposable thumbs and can make beautiful art as seen below, the dinosaurs haven't quite figured out how to use a spray can (yet). Instead they will use the blood of their enemies and those sharp claws to leave their mark on the world.

(Alongside big content updates like these, we will also be continuing to address bugs and other issues, such as investigating just what is going on with Hunt mode).

MELTDOWN is the second major update in the works, and should be out sometime in June. This is a huge multi-week event, with a lot of community participation. Debuting with the Meltdown update will be the next two officially accepted Workshop maps, and they're HOT HOT HOT!

...PC-Volcano by ArchShiranui

...GTTC-PhantomCave by L.Merah

We are also working on several improvements to the ranking system, which involves tweaking the rewards received from rankups and challenge completions, and allowing players to "evolve" by starting fresh. Evolving resets your current rank to zero, but will give you something special for doing so!

There are 2 new community contests that we're planning at the moment as well, which will be announced in-between these updates, both here and on the official Discord.

And on top of that, we have another big surprise waiting to be unveiled closer to Meltdown's release which we're bursting to talk about-- but can't reveal right now, sorry.

We hope you're excited for what we've shown so far, keep an eye out for future announcements!

Extinction Store: it's rewind time!
Since game updates resumed at the tail end of last year, the number of impressive new creations from the community has skyrocketed. In fact, we've just passed the threshold of 500 items officially accepted on Steam Workshop!

To mark this milestone (and allow us to put all our efforts into the next major game updates), we're rolling back the clock to feature some of the best items that have been accepted since we returned in October. We have a handful of new skins in today's update, but check back over the next few weeks for a selection of modern classics cycling back in-store.

If you missed out first time around, now might be your chance to grab the skin that got away!

Patch Notes
We are pushing another patch out today, to end the Easter festivities and resolve some minor bugs...
  • Easter Eggstravaganza disabled
  • Double EXP when playing CTE mode is now ended
  • Cleaned up some crazy scribbles someone had left everywhere

  • PC-Borealis: fixed CTE human spawn protection being enabled in TDM
  • PC-Borealis: various optimizations

  • Sniper rifle damage at max range increased from 20% to 60%
  • Updated the Excited Oviraptor taunt to be less back-breaking
  • Fixed a rigging oversight with the feathered Novaraptor mesh
  • Fixed white paws Novaraptor skin using incorrect feathers type
Apr 11, 2020
Primal Carnage: Extinction - dinosauriac
The easter update for Primal Carnage: Extinction is now available. It's a bumper event featuring our own version of an easter egg hunt, Oviraptors galore and a new addition to CTE mode! Check it out...


We're running a SCAVENGER HUNT during the easter event! Look hard enough and you will find certain clues hidden around the maps. Once deciphered, these reveal a fragment of a special code. When a code is completed, players can enter it on the in-game store to receive an event item.

Each code is made of three fragments that must be entered in the right order, and there are 9 codes in all. We have a dedicated Primal Codebreakers channel on Discord, where players can work together to solve the riddles. Get involved!

(*Special item codes can be redeemed once per player)

A special thankyou to the following community creators for contributing to this event:
ArchShiranui, Akira, Ghostway, Mathew Mii, Paradox_Sox, Velociboy, Visser Al, and waddigator


We're thrilled by the reaction to the new Borealis map and are happy to announce that it now supports Capture the Egg mode! Those crafty dinosaurs have had plenty of time to build nests all over the cloning facility after it was evacuated, with dozens of clutches hidden all over the place. Time to get in there and clear the place out.

As a reminder- each team takes turns playing humans, after which the one with the most egg points is crowned the winner. Remember: the highest value eggs are furthest from base!

For the duration of the Easter Eggstravaganza, players will receive double extinction points while playing Capture the Egg mode! We've also added a new throwable weapon that may or may not trick the scalies...

We call it the "Explosive Grenegg" -stroke of genius from the guys in the lab, nasty surprise if mama tries to take this one back to the nest!

So get out there and steal some babies!
Wait, that sounded wrong...


You might have noticed a certain *feathered fiend* is everywhere in the Extinction Store today. We've got Oviraptors coming out of our ears over here! We think one of them might have found a leftover jar of brain hormone, and having hijacked a remote terminal is now trying to take control of the item list.
They pecked apart the control pad on the door, so it could take a couple weeks before we're able to get in there and clear out the chickens... In the meantime, you can browse all the feathered finery on display by using our special event page on Trello.

We're aware that many, many people are cooped up at home due to the coronavirus pandemic. Hopefully all of you are regularly washing your hands and staying safe indoors! If you're looking for something to do though, you could do a lot worse than becoming a dinosaur...

We'll soon be launching a month-long discount for Primal Carnage: Extinction, because who needs to go outside when you can hunt dinosaur eggs instead of chocolate ones? Stay safe people!

Below is the complete changelist for the Easteru pdate. We have a special something for Acro players who might have felt a little left out after Rexes and Spinos got their buff assists recently...

  • New Acro roar assist -get bonus points if a player makes a kill under the influence of your roar!
  • Double EXP enabled on Capture the Egg mode
  • Added an "eggcellent" new challenge
  • Added timed eggsplosive grenegg as a default item
  • Secret clues now hidden on several TDM & GTTC maps
  • PC-Borealis map: added support for CTE mode
  • PC-Borealis map: collision fixes and refinements
  • PC-Borealis map: can now go under the helipad in Freeroam
  • PC-Borealis map: raised kill-Z floor to stop people surviving a fall into the river
  • PC-Borealis map: added more spawn points
  • PC-Borealis map: various level optimizations

-The Primal Carnage Team
