Guild of Dungeoneering Ultimate Edition - Myll_Erik
Check out Giantwaffle playing Guild of Dungeoneering right now live on Twitch TV
Guild of Dungeoneering Ultimate Edition - Myll_Erik
Check out Giantwaffle playing Guild of Dungeoneering right now live on Twitch TV
Guild of Dungeoneering Ultimate Edition - Gambrinous
Today I want to talk a bit more about the thing you do the most in Guild of Dungeoneering: send out your expendable minions valued guild members on Quests!

Time For An Adventure

You start the game with a tiny guild and a single loyal follower, the Chump. And there's just one Adventure available, which is a pretty easy one that acts as a nice introduction to the game. Adventures are places you can send your dungeoneers to try and tackle Quests. Most adventures feature a series of quests you need to tackle in order, though there are some that just have a single quest. The final quest in an adventure is always a boss battle.

Here's what the world map looks like when you just have that introductory adventure to attempt.

As soon as you beat this first adventure, taking down your first boss, you unlock three further adventures. So from now on you have a bit of choice about which ones you want to try next. And as you beat these ones, more unlock!

Always Be Questin'

Click on any adventure icon on the world map and you get to see the current quest for that location. Multi-part adventures should be revisited after each victory until you beat the boss and clear the adventure. Here's that starting adventure... of course since it's your first task we couldn't resist sending you off to deal with some rats!

This is also where you select which of your dungeoneers to send on the quest, and of course where you pick a blessing. Blessings are part of the unlock system - make sure to unlock at least one early on. They give your dungeoneer a bonus for that particular quest run.

Here's an example of a multipart adventure before you beat the first Quest and then just before taking on the final boss Quest.

So How Do I Win Again?

Within any particular quest you'll see your objectives at the top right. Sometimes they are simple, like this one where you just need to kill any three monsters (with some rats pre-provided).

Sometimes they are a bit more involved. Here we need to steal the Orb of Nosiness, which is protected by that scary looking Eye Beast. And to make it worse we only have 8 turns before he turns us to stone!

Exploring The Campaign Map

As you plunder your way through the campaign map you will get to explore new regions. At first you'll do your questing in The Grasslands, but once that's thoroughly looted you'll get to try the Azca Jungle:

Each region has it's own unique tileset when you are questing there. Check out this sweet jungle action!

Our third region in the game is the Dwarven Mines, which is full of nasty contraptions.


And of course we have a finale adventure once you've battled your way through all three regions. I won't spoil it for you!
Guild of Dungeoneering Ultimate Edition - Gambrinous
Today I want to talk a bit more about the thing you do the most in Guild of Dungeoneering: send out your expendable minions valued guild members on Quests!

Time For An Adventure

You start the game with a tiny guild and a single loyal follower, the Chump. And there's just one Adventure available, which is a pretty easy one that acts as a nice introduction to the game. Adventures are places you can send your dungeoneers to try and tackle Quests. Most adventures feature a series of quests you need to tackle in order, though there are some that just have a single quest. The final quest in an adventure is always a boss battle.

Here's what the world map looks like when you just have that introductory adventure to attempt.

As soon as you beat this first adventure, taking down your first boss, you unlock three further adventures. So from now on you have a bit of choice about which ones you want to try next. And as you beat these ones, more unlock!

Always Be Questin'

Click on any adventure icon on the world map and you get to see the current quest for that location. Multi-part adventures should be revisited after each victory until you beat the boss and clear the adventure. Here's that starting adventure... of course since it's your first task we couldn't resist sending you off to deal with some rats!

This is also where you select which of your dungeoneers to send on the quest, and of course where you pick a blessing. Blessings are part of the unlock system - make sure to unlock at least one early on. They give your dungeoneer a bonus for that particular quest run.

Here's an example of a multipart adventure before you beat the first Quest and then just before taking on the final boss Quest.

So How Do I Win Again?

Within any particular quest you'll see your objectives at the top right. Sometimes they are simple, like this one where you just need to kill any three monsters (with some rats pre-provided).

Sometimes they are a bit more involved. Here we need to steal the Orb of Nosiness, which is protected by that scary looking Eye Beast. And to make it worse we only have 8 turns before he turns us to stone!

Exploring The Campaign Map

As you plunder your way through the campaign map you will get to explore new regions. At first you'll do your questing in The Grasslands, but once that's thoroughly looted you'll get to try the Azca Jungle:

Each region has it's own unique tileset when you are questing there. Check out this sweet jungle action!

Our third region in the game is the Dwarven Mines, which is full of nasty contraptions.


And of course we have a finale adventure once you've battled your way through all three regions. I won't spoil it for you!
Guild of Dungeoneering Ultimate Edition - Gambrinous
Hi folks!

Following up from my last post which covered how you upgrade your Guild, today I'd like to talk a little bit about how classes work in Guild of Dungeoneering.

Character Classes

Hero archetypes aka classes are as old as the hills. It's a concept that lets you say that this hero is good at healing and that one is better at smashing faces and basically everyone gets it straight away. So naturally we're using classes in Guild of Dungeoneering! We do have a couple of twists. Firstly a lot of our classes don't sound like the regular fantasy RPG classes as we're willing to let a little humour invade this sometimes overly serious genre. Secondly since heroes always get reset (you can level-up in a single dungeon run, but once you are back in the guild it's back to their starting stats) we are using the unlocking of new classes as a replacement for how you might level-up a single hero in other games. Essentially your guild is the hero you are role-playing as in Guild of Dungeoneering, and thus that's what you level up and customise.

But lets talk a bit about the actual hero classes you'll be filling your guild with. Lets start with the Chump which is the not-very-good dungeoneer you start out with.

The Chump

Every character class comes with six cards comprising their starting battle deck. These are the moves you'll be using in combat, and you are able to add to them by finding equipment on dungeon runs. But those starting six are very important. Unfortunately the Chump's battle deck is pretty lackluster.

So that's three weak attacks (that's the icon for 1 physical damage), one ok attack and then two weak blocks. And to add to that Chumps have no special abilities. Better find them some sweet loot as soon as possible if you want to beat any bosses. On the plus side they are so awful that they make everyone else look pretty good!

The Cat Burglar

The Cat Burglar is one of four classes you can unlock quite early on in the game, what we call the Tier 1 classes (the chump is the only Tier 0 class). Each of the four has it's own special playstyle, strengths and weaknesses so you are very likely to find some of them are better for particular adventures. What does the Cat Burglar's combat deck look like?

So the Cat Burglar is specialised around dealing out physical damage only, including an unblockable attack (pounce), a quick attack (scratch) and two self-buffs (catnip) which let you bide your time before striking even harder – ie when a monster's guard is down and they don't have a block ready. Their downside is that they have absolutely no blocking in their starting deck. Maybe something you could shore up with some equipment? Or you could push their specialty even more with some more quick attacks. The choice is yours! And they do have one starting trait called [Covetous] which gives them one additional choice of loot card after each battle – so you will be more likely to be able to specialise them in a given dungeon run.

The (Aging) Barbarian

The Barbarian is one of our Tier 2 classes that becomes available a little further into the game. It sounds like a regular fantasy class but we've decided to make the ones that join YOUR guild really, really old. Well, beggars can't be choosers you know! So what's their battle deck look like?

Ok, that's a LOT of damage output with 4 cards dealing two physical damage and one even doing three, though a lot of them come with a penalty where the barbarian also hurts themself. Withstand is a unique card which stops them dying for the next two rounds – very powerful! They also start with a special trait called [Deathwish] which gives them +2 health in any battle against a monster of higher level. Finally their AI is special in that they are drawn to attack monsters that are of higher level than themself (most dungeoneers try and avoid these monsters). These things all add up to a class that can take down monsters other classes wouldn't have a hope against early on in dungeon runs. But do Barbarians have the late-dungeon staying power those other classes have? Well I guess you'll have to see!

Adventures & Quests

That's just a quick peek at three classes. There's 14 different ones in the game for you to enjoy! Join me next time when I talk about the Adventure & Quest system and the world map.

Guild of Dungeoneering Ultimate Edition - Gambrinous
Hi folks!

Following up from my last post which covered how you upgrade your Guild, today I'd like to talk a little bit about how classes work in Guild of Dungeoneering.

Character Classes

Hero archetypes aka classes are as old as the hills. It's a concept that lets you say that this hero is good at healing and that one is better at smashing faces and basically everyone gets it straight away. So naturally we're using classes in Guild of Dungeoneering! We do have a couple of twists. Firstly a lot of our classes don't sound like the regular fantasy RPG classes as we're willing to let a little humour invade this sometimes overly serious genre. Secondly since heroes always get reset (you can level-up in a single dungeon run, but once you are back in the guild it's back to their starting stats) we are using the unlocking of new classes as a replacement for how you might level-up a single hero in other games. Essentially your guild is the hero you are role-playing as in Guild of Dungeoneering, and thus that's what you level up and customise.

But lets talk a bit about the actual hero classes you'll be filling your guild with. Lets start with the Chump which is the not-very-good dungeoneer you start out with.

The Chump

Every character class comes with six cards comprising their starting battle deck. These are the moves you'll be using in combat, and you are able to add to them by finding equipment on dungeon runs. But those starting six are very important. Unfortunately the Chump's battle deck is pretty lackluster.

So that's three weak attacks (that's the icon for 1 physical damage), one ok attack and then two weak blocks. And to add to that Chumps have no special abilities. Better find them some sweet loot as soon as possible if you want to beat any bosses. On the plus side they are so awful that they make everyone else look pretty good!

The Cat Burglar

The Cat Burglar is one of four classes you can unlock quite early on in the game, what we call the Tier 1 classes (the chump is the only Tier 0 class). Each of the four has it's own special playstyle, strengths and weaknesses so you are very likely to find some of them are better for particular adventures. What does the Cat Burglar's combat deck look like?

So the Cat Burglar is specialised around dealing out physical damage only, including an unblockable attack (pounce), a quick attack (scratch) and two self-buffs (catnip) which let you bide your time before striking even harder – ie when a monster's guard is down and they don't have a block ready. Their downside is that they have absolutely no blocking in their starting deck. Maybe something you could shore up with some equipment? Or you could push their specialty even more with some more quick attacks. The choice is yours! And they do have one starting trait called [Covetous] which gives them one additional choice of loot card after each battle – so you will be more likely to be able to specialise them in a given dungeon run.

The (Aging) Barbarian

The Barbarian is one of our Tier 2 classes that becomes available a little further into the game. It sounds like a regular fantasy class but we've decided to make the ones that join YOUR guild really, really old. Well, beggars can't be choosers you know! So what's their battle deck look like?

Ok, that's a LOT of damage output with 4 cards dealing two physical damage and one even doing three, though a lot of them come with a penalty where the barbarian also hurts themself. Withstand is a unique card which stops them dying for the next two rounds – very powerful! They also start with a special trait called [Deathwish] which gives them +2 health in any battle against a monster of higher level. Finally their AI is special in that they are drawn to attack monsters that are of higher level than themself (most dungeoneers try and avoid these monsters). These things all add up to a class that can take down monsters other classes wouldn't have a hope against early on in dungeon runs. But do Barbarians have the late-dungeon staying power those other classes have? Well I guess you'll have to see!

Adventures & Quests

That's just a quick peek at three classes. There's 14 different ones in the game for you to enjoy! Join me next time when I talk about the Adventure & Quest system and the world map.

Guild of Dungeoneering Ultimate Edition

Guild of Dungeoneering is a game of dungeon exploration and guild management, with a neat conceit that sees you building dungeons yourself from randomly distributed cards. You'll place everything from floor tiles to enemies and treasure in each dungeon, with the aim of challenging—but not overwhelming—your largely automated dungeon-delver characters, so they have a chance of defeating each area boss. Once a fight occurs, it plays out via simple turn-based combat, again using nicely tactile-seeming cards. (Pretty much everything is done with cards in Guild of Dungeoneering.)

Why am I going on about Guild of Dungeoneering? Because it's finally been given a release date, after what seems like an age. July 14th is the date to note in your Filofaxes, and on your electronic telephones. The date was accompanied by a short new trailer, helpfully giving games journo types like me something to stick at the end of their articles. It offers a nice overview of what Gambrinous' RPG is all about.

Ta, PCGamesN.

Guild of Dungeoneering Ultimate Edition - Gambrinous
Wow do we ever have a lot of news all at once today. Yes we do! Lets get right into it shall we?

Release Date: July 14th!

The game is coming out on July 14th! Get excited! Do a little dungeoneering dance. Roll some dice! Yeah!

New Trailer!

Feast your eyes and ears on this beauty. And then share it with your friends!
Preorders, with a lovely little bonus!

You can preorder the game right now for $14.99 | €14.99 | £10.99 or so. And as a very special thank you to everyone who does so we are going to give you our first Adventure Pack for free when it comes out a few months after launch. It's called Pirates Cove and will add some extra adventures, loot and dungeoneers to the mix.

Grab yourself a copy, then high five the next person you see!
Guild of Dungeoneering Ultimate Edition - Gambrinous
Wow do we ever have a lot of news all at once today. Yes we do! Lets get right into it shall we?

Release Date: July 14th!

The game is coming out on July 14th! Get excited! Do a little dungeoneering dance. Roll some dice! Yeah!

New Trailer!

Feast your eyes and ears on this beauty. And then share it with your friends!
Preorders, with a lovely little bonus!

You can preorder the game right now for $14.99 | €14.99 | £10.99 or so. And as a very special thank you to everyone who does so we are going to give you our first Adventure Pack for free when it comes out a few months after launch. It's called Pirates Cove and will add some extra adventures, loot and dungeoneers to the mix.

Grab yourself a copy, then high five the next person you see!
Guild of Dungeoneering Ultimate Edition - Valve
Guild of Dungeoneering is Now Available for Pre-Purchase on Steam!

Prepurchasers receive the first Adventure Pack free!* Check the store page for more details.

Become the ultimate Dungeon Master as you bribe, entice and coax your heroes through their adventures on a quest to restore your guild to its ultimate glory!
Guild of Dungeoneering is a turn-based dungeon crawler with a twist: instead of controlling the hero you build the dungeon around him. Using cards drawn from your Guild decks, you lay down rooms, monsters, traps and of course loot! Meanwhile your hero is making his own decisions on where to go and what to fight. But will he be strong enough to take on the dungeon's overlord? In between dungeon runs you manage your Guild, building new rooms to attract new classes of adventurer and to expand your decks of cards with more powerful items and events.

*Offer ends July 14th