Naval Action - Ink
Fire changes

From now on only ships carrying fireship upgrades will be able to blow up themselves by turning off survival focus. Other ships will only explode by being under concentrated fire from other ships or being under crewed.

New flags

Various flags are added in the Flag DLC and the Admiralty shop.

These flags added thanks to research and support of the following captains:

Intrepido and SirAlatriste collection

Spanish flags:

Bandera de Corso

Buques Mercantes 1748

Buques Mercantes 1762

El Ferrol 1760

Flandes Flag

Merchant flag

Anolytic collection

Russian flags:

Andrew's Cross Blue

Peter Yacht Flag

Russian-American Company

Tricolor 2

Swedish flags:

Banner 1620

Cross Flag

Thonys and Van stiermarken collection

Dutch flags:

Amsterdam Admiralty

Ostende Ensign

Retribution Ensign


Rotterdam 2


Zeeland 2

No Mercy Flag

Geoctroyeerde West-Indische Compagnie

Stanley Kubrick and Angus collection

British flags:

Blue Ensign Blue

Red Ensign Wide

Scotland Ensign

White Ensign Wide - Barry Lyndon Version

Frozen collection

USA flags:

Reprisal Ensign

Wild Duck Ensign

Rovers and Z4ys collection

Prussian flags:

Brandenburg Ensign

Preussen Ensign

Elegant way collection

Chinese flags:

Commander Flag

Commodore Flag

Officer Flag

Provincial Flag

Oct 10, 2020
Naval Action - Ink
Loot event
New loot event will run from today (now) until Monday maintenance.

Main event changes
  • New items added to special event loot
  • 2 new blueprints added to academy - TEMPORARILY FOR 7 DAYS
  • Additional outpost permit, additional dock permit that can be crafted using special loot items
  • If you already have the Navy Connection using the item will add even more outposts or docks (up to a total limit).

Search locations
  • South Antilles - French and Dutch ships
  • East of Tumbado - area between Cuba and Tumbado. Spanish and Russian Empire ships
  • South of Hispaniola. Russian Empire and Sverige ships
In case of capture of certain ports in the area nation of ships will change.
  • South Antilles - French and Espana ships
  • West of Tumbado - area between Cuba and Tumbado. Britain and Prussia ships
  • South of Hispaniola. Britain and Denmark ship

Other changes
  • Trading vessels base speeds were rebalanced
  • Penetration over distance is increased for fort guns
Naval Action - Gamelabs
Hotfix content

Wind shadow
  • Wind shadow acted as a permanent stun and this was causing hate as it had no counter. It was also slightly too strong as ships of equal size would still get some residual wind if they are tall enough.
  • We reduced the penalty by approximately 20% This means ships with equal length and mast will lose speed but not by 100% and will be able to sail and turn (just slowly). Very small ships will still be affected by full penalty.
  • Wind shadow distance was also reduced by approximately 10%

Hull load influence on speed
Hulls were designed to carry ballast, water and goods. If ship sits too high in water (empty load) its keel is also higher in water. Empty ship cannot be faster than loaded ship because its waterline shape becomes different and keel will not translate wind force into forward movement. Ship will also roll more and be more unbalanced
  • As a result - old design when every ton added was making you slower was removed.
  • Hold weight no longer affects speed
  • The side benefit is also - server is going to be feeling better and your looting will become easier.
  • To counter the abnormally high hold of traders we reduced speed of all trader ships by 1 knot.

Looting bug.
We fixed the bug that did not allow you to loot the ships that was constantly returning the item back to hold or warehouse.

It is still recommended to wait a second to allow goods to load properly into your ship if you play with high ping.

Contracts for ships and ship auction are back!

Hotfix on October 8th
  • Trading vessels base speeds were rebalanced again to make slightly faster than old fully loaded ships. (but not too much faster). This is done because holds no longer affect speed as a result base speeds need to be changed to bring the balance to old numbers.
Oct 2, 2020
Naval Action - Gamelabs
New loot event
New loot event will run from today (now) until Monday maintenance.

Main event changes
  • New items added to special event loot
  • 2 new blueprints added to academy - TEMPORARILY FOR 7 DAYS
  • Additional outpost permit, additional dock permit that can be crafted using special loot items
  • If you already have the Navy Connection using the item will add even more outposts or docks (up to a total limit).

Search locations
  • South Antilles - French and Dutch ships
  • East of Tumbado - area between Cuba and Tumbado. Spanish and Russian Empire ships
  • South of Hispaniola. Russian Empire and Sverige ships
In case of capture of certain ports in the area nation of ships will change.
  • South Antilles - French and Espana ships
  • West of Tumbado - area between Cuba and Tumbado. Britain and Prussia ships
  • South of Hispaniola. Britain and Denmark ship

Other changes
  • Floating battery now has turning penalty (-10%)
  • Determined defender is slightly less powerful (bonus crew lowered from 30% to 25%)
  • Cartagena refit now gives 5% bonus to masts (instead of 3%)
  • Solo Patrol timer increased from 30 to 45 mins
  • Tools weight lowered from 100t to 50t
Naval Action - Gamelabs

Trade chat returns to game as trading is an integral part of the game. It will have limited functionality to remove any chance of toxic messaging or trolling.

Patch contents
  • Any message posted into trade chat will be forced into localized "Lets trade" message
  • Trade chat allows item linking (send to chat) - by right clicking on item and choosing send to chat.

We are continuing working on the rare lag in ship holds and once fixed we will deploy the Navy Connection DLC.
Naval Action - Ink
New features
Changes to current features
  • Tools
    • Increased number of tools dropped from wooden chest
    • Increased supply of tools in regional towns
    • Reduced amount of labor hours for tool production.
  • Chat functionality: Due to still abnormal amount of reports
    • Removed the ability to send mail to enemy players on War server
    • Removed the ability to start private conversations with enemy players on War server
    • Removed trade chat on War server
Bug fixing
  • Fixed the bug that did not allow enough crew for Trader Lynx and Trader Cutter if the ship had 18lb carronades equipped.
  • We are still looking for the rare bug which does not allow looting the captured ships from distance or close range – if you encounter it please report on the Steam forums.
Naval Action - Gamelabs
Hotfix was deployed today
  • Chance for gun locations getting fire lowered from 0-1% to 0-0.5% (0 at full broadside health)
  • Chance to get fire from fireship fitting increased to 75% (per shot)
  • Multiple mods have their fire chance lowered.
  • Increased thickness of carriages to be balanced for current penetration

Fixed the bugs
  • Le requin rotation on battle sails will be less excessive
  • Fixed the bug that windshadow sometimes did not affect negative speed
  • Fixed the bug that reloaded guns if you switched sail presets while having Mortar Perk

Hotfix 4 September 2020
Wind shadow now properly affects
  • the effect of wind on ship rotation from sails
  • heel
  • leeway

Hotfix 8 September 2020
  • Speed was increased across for all vessels to get Endymion to their target speed. (19% increase)
  • Bonuses to sail presets tweaked (all turning bonuses removed, mast bonuses reduced for stationary ships, and penalties were slightly reduced at full sail)
Naval Action - Ink
Seasonal Patch: The “missing link”

The concept existed in Darwin's time, that a chimpanzee-like missing link—that looked like something between humans and apes—would eventually be found at the root of the human family tree.Lucy found in 1974 proved this concept; Ardi further connected these missing links.

Just like the scientists who study the human origin, we strive to find all missing links in the sailing model to make Naval Action (and future games) better.

Missing link one: The Battle Sail
  • Everyone knows why Captains of the Age of sail fought on battle sails. Battle sails allowed to have a clear deck, improved visibility and reduced the risk of fires and falling sails. Many did not know why this allowed the ships to perform, sail and turn and the sailing model did not allow for that. Ships sails worked in linear progression.
  • Careful and deep study of 18th century books on Seamanship helped us to uncover this link and connect the dots. Extra sails have diminishing power and every next sail that is set provides less and less power to the ship. As a result you will sail at very good speed and have best turning at just half of your sail set.
  • For the majority of vessels sail settings will change to
    • slow
    • half
    • battle
    • full
  • Undercooked sail settings (like sails opening and closing when increasing sail) will be fixed

Missing link two: The Wind shadow
  • Ships fought in lines, station keeping was important. Captains who could not - were court martialed, as lack of station keeping caused great danger to fleets and their task. Why they had to keep station and plan maneuvers carefully? One of the main reasons was wind shadow.
  • Wind shadow significantly cuts the wind to leeward. At certain range (depending on the height of the mast) the wind could be completely cut. If you sail in a frigate by the leeward side of the first rate you will completely stop - No wind there. This is being implemented in Naval Action.
  • Your position to the enemy or a friendly ship becomes a lot more important. Ships will get stuck if they don’t keep the station, blobs stop working, chases change, enemy ships will no longer be able to push you into the wind to board.
Missing link three: Sail setting vs Sail furling
  • This one is simple but important. It takes longer to furl (remove) the sail than to set it (drop it down). In active battle captain will have to turn yards and depower sails instead of removing them.
Gunnery changes
  • Multiple treatises on gunnery and ordnance were studied and the main lessons will be applied to Naval Action gunnery.
  • All guns over-penetrate at close range, but long-range penetration does not diminish a lot for heavy guns
  • Long range accuracy grows with cannonball weight
  • The wind shadow and proper sail power will increase the battle distance on some occasions, and the changes the sailing model will help tactical variety in battles
Other changes and fixes

Visual overhauls for ports
  • Dutch
  • British
  • USA
  • Prussia
  • China
  • France
  • Russia (eventually)

Additional descriptions
  • Sailing
    • Fixed and tuned presets for all sails groups and ships
    • Fixed proportional power of yard power
    • Sail furling is now 2x slower compared to sail setting (sail setting/opening) has the same speed as before
  • Sail preset bonuses
    • Added bonuses to presets
      • Lower crew depending on sails preset: more sails will require more crew, less sails will require less crew encouraging you to fight on battle sails
      • Sail damage resistance changes based on sail preset (you get additional resistance when you have minimum sail)
        • mast resistance based on sails open is coming soon
  • New mission content
    • Mission to capture ports added.
      • Requirements
        • Capture several ports from neutrals or top 4 nations
        • Must be all in different regions
    • Front line change:
      • You can now take hostility missions for 2 nearest ports AND 1 nearest port of top 3 nations.
  • Damage model rebalance
    • Full rebalance of hull penetration, cannon penetration and masts thickness numbers, giving better usability to lower calibers and giving more options in range for longer guns
      • Hull thickness difference changed
        • From 25 (cutter) - 75+ (first rates) to 70 - 100
        • Mast thickness changed to 100 (cutter) to 130 (first rates)
      • Gun penetration changes
        • Distance change - heavy long guns can operate at 1km against unpgraded first rates, and at 1.5km against light ships
      • Almost ALL guns penetrate first rates and their not upgraded masts at point blank range
    • Re balanced several upgrades (mostly reduced bonuses on mast thickness)
      • overall mast thickness boosts fell from 70+% from woods and upgrades to 49% total boost (max upgrades max wood)
    • Increased mast HP of lower sections and mid section
    • Increased charge penetration bonus from 10% to 20%
    • Tracking shot accuracy bonus lowered from 40% to 10% as 40% was too much in new penetration logic
  • Economy and looting
    • Changed cannon prices
    • Looting: You can now loot from ANY distance after battle is over.
    • Loki invaders now count in PVE hunts (oops)
    • Rebalanced prices for clan wood delivery missions
    • Teleport to port battle is now 50,000 doubloons
  • Chatting
    • Help chat and global chat is now switched off for War Server.
    • Help chat and global chat will continue working on Peace Server.
  • Added ability to redeem Trincomalee if you already have it in docks
  • Visual upgrade for some nations

Battle sails hotfix has been deployed 22 August
Warning - DONT FIGHT AT FULL SAIL at close/medium range.

Sail combinations bonuses have been updated.

  • Turning bonus - You get better rudder performance due to less heel and water pressure at keel at certain sail positions
  • Yard torque bonus - same as above - due to less resistance at keel you get better yard side torque
  • Crew on sail reduction = 85%. - self explanatory - less sails = less crew to operate
  • Sail damage resistance = less sail open, less damage to rig and entanglement from chain
  • Mast thickness bonus= 45% = less sail open results in less wind pressure on masts ,thus they are harder to take down.
  • Mast damage reduction= -80% = less sail open results in less wind pressure on masts, thus they are harder to break if rig is damaged or mast is hit.
We are thinking of also adding accuracy bonuses to lower sails as you have a lot better visibility on deck for gun crews if you dont have lower main sails opened.

Here is the current state of bonuses after maintenance.

  • Turning bonus
  • Yard torque bonus
  • Crew on sail reduction = 85%.
  • Sail damage resistance
  • Mast thickness bonus= 45%
  • Mast damage reduction= -80%

  • Turning bonus = 5%
  • Yard torque bonus
  • Crew on sail reduction = -85%
  • Sail damage resistance = -75%
  • Mast thickness bonus = 35%
  • Mast damage reduction= -65%

  • Turning bonus = 10%
  • Yard torque bonus = 10%
  • Crew on sail reduction = -75%
  • Sail damage resistance = -60%
  • Mast thickness bonus = 25%
  • Mast damage reduction = -50%

  • Turning bonus = 15%
  • Yard torque bonus = 10%
  • Crew on sail reduction = -50%
  • Sail damage resistance = 40%
  • Mast thickness bonus = 25%
  • Mast damage reduction = -30%

  • Turning bonus =
  • Yard torque bonus =
  • Crew on sail reduction =
  • Sail damage resistance = 10% more damage - due to full wind pressure
  • Mast thickness bonus = -20% less thickness - due to full wind pressure
  • Mast damage reduction = 20% more damage - due to full excessive wind pressure on sails

Hotfix 27 August 2020

  • Hercules, Pandora, Xebec HP buffed, thickness buffed
  • Turning curves changed slightly for more turning penalty at full speed and at less penalties at low speed.
    • Optimal turning zone is from 50 to 85% ship speed. With increased resistance the ability of rudder to turn the ship becomes worse due to resistance of keel
  • Full sails receive a penalty to turning and slightly increased penalty to mast thickness and hp.
  • Determined defender now requires attacker to have 30% more crew to overcome stiff resistance.
Naval Action - Ink
Seasonal Patch: The “missing link”

The concept existed in Darwin's time, that a chimpanzee-like missing link—that looked like something between humans and apes—would eventually be found at the root of the human family tree.Lucy found in 1974 proved this concept; Ardi further connected these missing links.

Just like the scientists who study the human origin, we strive to find all missing links in the sailing model to make Naval Action (and future games) better.

Missing link one: The Battle Sail
  • Everyone knows why Captains of the Age of sail fought on battle sails. Battle sails allowed to have a clear deck, improved visibility and reduced the risk of fires and falling sails. Many did not know why this allowed the ships to perform, sail and turn and the sailing model did not allow for that. Ships sails worked in linear progression.
  • Careful and deep study of 18th century books on Seamanship helped us to uncover this link and connect the dots. Extra sails have diminishing power and every next sail that is set provides less and less power to the ship. As a result you will sail at very good speed and have best turning at just half of your sail set.
  • For the majority of vessels sail settings will change to
    • slow
    • half
    • battle
    • full
  • Undercooked sail settings (like sails opening and closing when increasing sail) will be fixed

Missing link two: The Wind shadow
  • Ships fought in lines, station keeping was important. Captains who could not - were court martialed, as lack of station keeping caused great danger to fleets and their task. Why they had to keep station and plan maneuvers carefully? One of the main reasons was wind shadow.
  • Wind shadow significantly cuts the wind to leeward. At certain range (depending on the height of the mast) the wind could be completely cut. If you sail in a frigate by the leeward side of the first rate you will completely stop - No wind there. This is being implemented in Naval Action.
  • Your position to the enemy or a friendly ship becomes a lot more important. Ships will get stuck if they don’t keep the station, blobs stop working, chases change, enemy ships will no longer be able to push you into the wind to board.
Missing link three: Sail setting vs Sail furling
  • This one is simple but important. It takes longer to furl (remove) the sail than to set it (drop it down). In active battle captain will have to turn yards and depower sails instead of removing them.
Gunnery changes
  • Multiple treatises on gunnery and ordnance were studied and the main lessons will be applied to Naval Action gunnery.
  • All guns over-penetrate at close range, but long-range penetration does not diminish a lot for heavy guns
  • Long range accuracy grows with cannonball weight
  • The wind shadow and proper sail power will increase the battle distance on some occasions, and the changes the sailing model will help tactical variety in battles
Other changes and fixes

Visual overhauls for ports
  • Dutch
  • British
  • USA
  • Prussia
  • China
  • France
  • Russia (eventually)

In second part of the patch (or maybe earlier)
  • Port battle conquest quest
  • New battle ensigns

The patch is now on testbed.

How to get access to the testbed
  • Find the game in your steam library
  • Right click and go to properties
  • Go to Beta tab
  • Enter the key - YlYBRbu8J1UC5py43DY0
  • Select the beta called: Testbed

  • And click close
  • It will download automatically.
  • To return to the main game select none instead of testbed in the beta tab.
Naval Action - Gamelabs

Every owner who bought or will buy the game before Monday 3rd of August will receive a free HMS Trincomalee DLC. If you were thinking about buying the game - this is a perfect moment. Ship DLCs will allow you to get a free ship from the admiralty (including with seasoned wood) once in 24 hours.

From 3rd of august - price of the game will drop as well.

  • Trincomalee was built in from Teak in India by the master shipbuilder Jamshoot Wadia
  • Wadia Group is still operating in India and owns multiple businesses including an airline and a cricket team
  • Trincomalee blueprints were stolen from HMS Java by USS Constitution
  • HMS Java was originally French sailing under name of "Renommee"
  • Trincomalee was built based on the Leda Class designs
  • Interestingly enough, another Leda Class ship HMS Shannon, captured USS Constitution weaker sister-ship Chesapeake
  • Leda class design was based on the French ship "Hebe"
  • Hebe was captured in combat by HMS Rainbow which was the first combat use of the Carronades
  • Hebe was designed by Jacques Sane
  • Sane also designed the Ocean, Duguay-Trouin, the Redoutable. A lot of ships at Trafalgar were designed by Sane
  • Trincomalee was a training ship alongside HMS Implacable. Implacable was at Trafalgar under the name Duguay-Trouin
  • Trincomalee operated till 1986
  • These days Trincomalee is the oldest British warship afloat!

3rd August - HMS Shannon - another leda class ship - was launched at Chatham Dockyard