Skating around as a roller derby player who is gleefully belching and swearing as she sprays enemies with bullets from her minigun, it s difficult not to have at least a little fun while playing Volition s new third-person open world action adventure RPG. Taking place within the same universe as their Saints Row series, Agents of Mayhem [official site] has the same irreverent humour, and this time is poking fun at superhero groups. … [visit site to read more]
Agents Of Mayhem [official site] explicitly plants Saints Row in a futureworld of supervillains and interplanetary metahuman agencies. I use the word explicitly because Saints Row IV was already at least part way there, using the grammar of a superhero comic if not the language. I played through a mission of Mayhem recently and while I immediately missed some aspects of Saints Row, as an action game, Agents is streets ahead.
The next game from Saints Row developers Volition is not another open crimeworld, but it is… what is it? The announcement of Agents of Mayhem [official site] last week explained it was some sort of third-person, class-based shooter but now you can see quite what that means in the first gameplay footage out of E3. The answer is: yeah, it is some sort of third-person, class-based shooter, and it looks a bit bum? See for yourself.
Saints Row creators Volition today announced they’ll release a new open-world explode-o-rama in 2017, though it’s not a new Saints Row. Not really. Agents of Mayhem [official site] will see the good-ish guys of M.A.Y.H.E.M. (the Multinational Agency for Hunting Evil Masterminds) scrapping with the dastardly L.E.G.I.O.N. (the League of Evil Gentlemen Intent on Obliterating Nations) in open-world shooty antics. Here, check out the announcement trailer: