Robocraft - RapheePlays
We are entering maintenance today at 10:00AM UTC+1 to deploy a fix to several bugs. This will last no longer than one hour
Robocraft - RapheePlays
Hello Robocrafters!

We are planning to enter maintenance on the 22nd or the 23rd of May 2019 at 10:00AM UTC+1 for one hour to address the below issues.

  • In Test mode, players will be able to select gravity conditions to test their robots before battle

  • Players will no longer wait three minutes to join a game if another player disconnects BEFORE the match loads
  • Voice over on BA will now play the correct dialogue
  • Robots with zero weapon load outs will no longer be given an error message telling them that they have a full load out.

We will update this post at the end of the day to confirm whether the maintenance period will happen tomorrow morning or the day after.

Build, Drive, Fight
Robocraft - RapheePlays
Hello Robocrafters!

We hope that you have been enjoying the most recent update! Today we have launched a hot fix which introduces the new visibility conditions to the game. You can read more about this particular feature from the post below:

Alongside this addition, we are also making one more change.

We will be removing Gliese Lake from the map rotation for BA. We noticed that one of the teams was able to attack the other team from the safety of their own base, and this causes some further issues to balancing, giving one team an unfair advantage over the other team.

However, Gliese Lake will still be present in the map rotation for Team Death Match and Elimination.

Thank you everyone who has been playing the game, we hope you enjoy the new visibility conditions!

Build, Drive, Fight
Robocraft - RapheePlays

Hello Robocrafters

We have now released the latest update “Plan, Adapt, Eliminate” to Robocraft!

This update contains the following core highlights

  • Event system added
  • Gravity added to each of the three planets
  • Elimination game mode added with 10 vs 10
  • Weapon balance changes

We did come across a few issues with our visibility condition for the event system. This meant that the fog was not behaving as expected. Certain parts could still be visible through even the thickest fog and lock on weapons were still able to target players through the fog. We were considering delaying this update once more to fix these issues. However as we had already delayed this build once and understand there is a lot of demand to play Elimination, we have decided to force our event system to always select “Clear skies” for all maps for now.

At 10:00Am UTC+1 on 17th of May 2019 we will be entering maintenance to implement a hot fix for the visibility conditions. This will last for approximately one hour

Additionally, we are aware that players are experiencing some server issues, the team responsible for the server are still working on these issues. I’d like to thank everyone who has reported the problems officially, sent output logs and screenshots. We really do hope that this can be resolved soon.

Event System
You’ll be told of the current map, game mode and its conditions BEFORE you even choose to join a game. This means you can select an appropriate robot for the situation.

The event viewer will display the following conditions

  • Map Name
  • Game Mode
  • Gravity
  • Visibility conditions (Currently set to clear at all times)
  • Auto healing active or disabled
  • Air density

The event system will refresh every hour at random so you have enough time to make adjustments to your robots or select one robot from your garage that will work with the current event conditions.

Elimination Returns!

A highly requested game mode returns to Robocraft! When Elimination is selected from the event system, this game mode will come with a few other conditions which are not available in any other game mode.

  • The team size will increase to ten
  • Auto healing will be disabled
  • There will be no respawns

We will be keeping an eye on the performance of this game mode over the coming days. This includes any performance drops or even if there are more active players while this game mode is active. We know a lot of you have been really looking forward to playing this game mode and I hope you all enjoy it!

Alongside these updates are a round of balance changes based upon community feedback.

The full list of changes are below:


  • Increased Healing per Shot by 5% (BUFF)
  • Decreased Energy per Shot by 5% (BUFF)
  • Increased Projectile Speed by 10% (BUFF)
  • Decreased Damage per Stack by 2.5% (NERF)
  • SEEKER (T4 & T5)
  • Increased Projectile Range by 5% (BUFF)
The Mass changes from the previous Feedback Form will be implemented in this patch.
  • T2 - 48 → 32
  • T3 - 60 → 40
  • T4 - 72 → 48


  • Increased Health by 5% (BUFF)
  • Increased Top Speed by 2.5% (BUFF)
  • Increased Agility (BUFF)
  • Increased Health by 5% (BUFF)
  • Increased Top Speed by 2.5% (BUFF)
  • Increased Agility (BUFF)
  • Increased Health by 5% (BUFF)
  • Increased Agility for Heavy bots (BUFF)
  • Increased Jump Height (BUFF)
  • Increased Health by 5% (BUFF)
  • Increased Top Speed by 5% (BUFF)
  • Increased Agility (BUFF)
  • Increased Jump Height (BUFF)
  • Increased Health by 5% (BUFF)
  • Increased Top Speed by 2.5% (BUFF)
  • Increased Agility (BUFF)
  • Increased Jump Height (BUFF)
The Mass changes from the previous Feedback Form will be implemented in this patch.
  • T3 - 160 → 120
  • T4 - 176 → 132
  • Increased Health by 5% (BUFF)
  • Increased Top Speed by 2.5% (BUFF)
The Mass changes from the previous Feedback Form will be implemented in this patch. 22.5 → 12.5

  • Increased Top Speed by 2.5% (BUFF)
  • Increased Agility (BUFF)
  • Increased Optimum Carry Mass by 7.5% (BUFF)
  • Decreased Light bot Agility (NERF)
  • Increased Heavy bot Agility (BUFF)
  • Increased Health by 2.5% (BUFF)
  • Increased Top Speed by 2.5% (BUFF)
  • Increased Agility (BUFF)
  • Increased Top Speed by 2.5% (BUFF)
  • Increased Agility (BUFF)
  • Increased Optimum Carry Mass by 2.5% (BUFF)
  • Increased Top Speed by 2.5% (BUFF)
  • Decreased Spin-up Time (BUFF)
The Mass changes from the previous Feedback Form will be implemented in this patch.
  • T1 - 10 → 7.5
  • T2 - 12 → 9
  • T3 - 14 → 10.5
  • T4 - 16 → 12
  • T5 18 → 13.5


  • Increased Helium Health by 5% (BUFF)
The Lift changes from the previous Feedback Form will be implemented in this patch. 350 → 367.5
Light Cube
  • Increased Cube Health by 5% (BUFF)
Heavy Cube
  • Increased Cube Health by 5% (BUFF)
Blink Module
  • Decreased Blink Cooldown by 10% (BUFF)
  • Increased Blink Range by 10% (BUFF)
Ghost Module
  • Decreased Ghost Cost by 10% (BUFF)
EMP Module
  • Decreased EMP Cooldown by 10% (BUFF)
Window Maker Module
  • Decreased Window Cooldown by 10% (BUFF)
  • Increased Window Duration by 2.5 seconds (BUFF)

  • Event system added
  • Elimination Mode added to event system rotation

  • Party MMR calculations updated to avoid high level parties gettign matched against low level players
  • Better team balancing by trying to balance MMR/Tier better across both teams where possible

  • Ai support player spotting
  • AI will no longer 'disconnect' when a player leaves

  • Improved load times when editing, selecting and creating robots
  • Balance changes to weapons and parts
  • Localisation adjustments (thanks to our Mods!)

  • Fixed an error when trying to upgrade a max CPU bay
  • Cosmetics in robopass screen are now labelled as cosmetic instead of cube
  • clicking 'Get robits' in the insufficient funds dialogue will no longer cause an issue.
  • Robopass progress screen no longer appears at the end of custom games.

Thank you everyone for your patience for this update, we will be working to resolve the issues with the visibility condition over the coming days. So please stay tuned for further info. In the meantime, load up Robocraft and Build, Drive, Fight!


May 14, 2019
Robocraft - RapheePlays
Hello Robocrafters!

We revealed the new Event System last week which adds a new map rotation system which lets players know exactly what map and game mode they will be entering before they even select a robot. You can read more about that system from the link below:

Today we wanted to reveal a new factor which will also be included in the rotation and will affect the type of weapons that you would bring into battle. There are in total three variations that will affect map rotation and the first of which is:

Earth, Mars and GL1214b will each have factors which will affect their visibility.

  • On Earth, your visibility will be affected by a wave of fog lingering over the power plant!
  • While on Mars, nature itself will hurl the very ground around the map with aggressive sand storms!
  • And on the freezing planet of GL1214b, your vision will be obscured by the falling snow!

Here is an example of very poor visibility on the planet GL1214b

As previously shared, the Event System will rotate game maps and game modes every few hours. The Event System will also select a level of visibility for each map and you’ll be alerted before you select a robot and enter the battle.

We expect that visibility will now have an impact on the type of weapons you’ll bring into a game. During good visibility, long range rail guns will be a force to be reckoned with. But during very poor visibility, a high speed tesla robot attacking from the fog will be a formidable opponent!

The visibility will also affect usernames and the distance at which an AI robot will be able to spot you!

Build, Drive, Fight
Robocraft - RapheePlays

Hi Robocrafters,

We will be entering maintenance on 10th of May 2019 at 10:00AM UTC+1 to issue a temporary fix to the "error loading item shop bundle" error. This should last no longer than one hour.

All the best,
Robocraft - RapheePlays
Hello Robocrafters!

Last week we revealed the Event system, designed to make building matter more by providing players with information on the map and game mode BEFORE entering a battle.

Today we wanted to reveal two additional parameters which will be at play for each of the three planets currently available in Robocraft.

Air density

We will be adjusting the density of the atmosphere for each of the planets, This will adjust the flight ceiling. Both Earth and GL1214b will see their air density remain much the same but Mars will be affected by these changes

Mars’ lower than normal air density will mean that aircraft will fly at a lower height than on any other planet. This will mean that those using aircraft as their primary robot will need to be cautious as they won’t be able to fly quite so high on Mars, making them a bigger target for all players.

In addition to air density changes we will also be making adjustments to each planets gravity.


Each planet will have its own gravity which will impact a few core factors when designing your robot.

  • Jump height
  • Falling acceleration
  • Optimum carry mass

Planet Earth is unaffected by these changes so any robots built up to this point will operate as expected on Planet Earth. Below is a comparison gif to show the impact gravity has across each of the three planets when using a heavy mech walker

On Mars, Gravity will be reduced and this means that you’ll even be able to attach more to your robot before their carry mass is maxed out.

But be careful, while playing on GL1214b, Gravity will be increased and will mean that it is in your best interest to design an efficient robot which is not impacted by the increased gravity of the planet.

One more condition to reveal
The Air density and Gravity are locked to a planets atmosphere. But there will be one more condition which will change the battlefield. We'll reveal more news on that soon!

Build, Drive, Fight
Robocraft - RapheePlays
Hi everyone,

Robocraft is now out of maintenance!

This was to implement a temporary fix for an issue with our server and databases. This should remove some error messages which would allow players to continue to play the game while we continue to work on a true fix for this issue.

Thank you for your patience as we try to address these issues. We will continue to update you with further news. As we continue to fix these issues. Please let us know if the issues you have experienced over the last few days have been resolved.

Our team is still working on the server and will continue to address any issues that arise. We are currently looking at our systems to compensate players who were affected by server issues during the weekend and will reveal more news on that soon.

All the best,
Robocraft - RapheePlays
Hello Robocrafters,

Over the weekend we received a number of reports from players who are experiencing issues with connecting to the Robocraft server. There were several variants of messages that have popped up and we have been working over the weekend to try and find the cause and solution to these issues.

Unfortunately we still need a bit more time to fully eliminate these issues and thank everyone for their patience so far

We are sorry about this and are doing our very best to get you back to building, driving and fighting as soon as possible.

I will update this announcement as I receive further news.

All the best,
Robocraft - RapheePlays
Hello Robocrafters,

Yesterday we shared some news regarding our next update title 'Plan, Adapt, Eliminate'. Unfortunately we will need to spend just a little more time to address several issues that were discovered during our tests. We now anticipate that the update will release on the week starting May 13th.

As we get closer to that date, we will confirm a concrete date. We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.

All the best,
