Miscreated - Jenilya
All servers will be going down at 4:00pm (EST) for update 61. Patch notes will be released after the servers are restored.

We're sorry for any inconvenience during this time.

Thank you.
Miscreated - Jenilya

To celebrate all this you can get Miscreated for 50% off during the Steam Summer Sale. You can find Miscreated here:


Amalgamated Kiosks
  • Several kiosks have been placed around the map in Amalgamated branded buildings
  • Kiosks will allow players to store and retrieve items to/from their Steam inventory for the game
  • To store and retrieve items it will cost amCoins - a new in-game currency which can only be found or looted as you play the game
  • amCoins are like any other item you find and carry on your player, and can be looted from your corpse
  • amCoins, and a few other specific items, cannot be stored in a kiosk
  • The amCoin cost will vary depending on the item - weapons are more expensive to store and retrieve than rags, for example
  • You may use the kiosk system to transfer items between servers - store them on one server, then retrieve them on another
  • Only crafting guides and a few cosmetic items can be sold or traded on Steam - all other items cannot be sold/traded and are for your use only
  • If an item is stackable, only a full stack can be stored in a kiosk - stack size is displayed in Steam
  • Damaged items cannot be stored (you will be able to repair items in a future update)
  • Only empty magazines can be stored in a kiosk - unload the ammunition first, then store the magazine and ammo separately
  • There is a base building part kiosk that spawns in the world and can be dragged back to your base using some vehicles so the kiosk can be used there
  • A kiosk placed in a base can only be used by clan members of the base it is in
  • Only you can see your items stored in a kiosk, and multiple people can use a kiosk at the same time
  • Items stored in a kiosk cannot be looted by other players

Server Renters

Should you desire to disable the kiosks on your rented server you can add the following line to your hosting.cfg file to disable them. This will prevent players from being able to store or retrieve items on your server:
steam_inventory_enable = 0

  • New waist slot added to players. Used for fanny-style packs
  • When scavenging for items the action menu will appear with a scroll wheel icon if there are items you can find
  • Scavenging for items added to many of the newer world assets
  • Optimized net behavior of environmental areas
  • Fixed issue with corpses who have been interacted with that could cause them to disappear too soon
  • AI team fixed some memory leaks on the servers - will increase server stability
  • Fixed bug which allowed being able to store items inside of other items when you shouldn't be allowed to do so
  • Shader cache updated to reduce stalls while playing

  • Many crafting times reduced, some greatly - especially for base parts
  • Craftable fanny pack added
  • Fixed recipe for 2 meter versions of the nerve grenade trap

  • Amcoin Ledger added - can store up to 100 amCoins
  • Fanny pack added - several color variations - will not be displayed on your character for now
  • Increased view distance for mushrooms
  • Heatpack item added - start storing them for the upcoming temperature system

  • Vehicle damage should be correctly sent to all clients
  • Fixed how vehicle damage is applied - fixes the seemingly random vehicle despawns
  • Jet ski added - 2 person vehicle - textures and sound effects are WIP - they will be improved
  • Increased number of spawning dirt bikes
  • Increased number of spawning quad bikes
  • Fixed bus physics proxy setup
  • Fixed pick up truck physics proxy setup

Base Building
  • Large storage crate size increased from 20 to 25 slots
  • Can now place 4 small storage crates in a base (was 1)
  • Can now place 2 large storage crates in a base (was 1) - requires Storage crafting guide to craft large crates

  • Changed baby spider explosion damage type so it doesn't do as much damage to vehicles

  • UI scale size slider added (50% to 125% sizing)
  • New hints added to main screen
  • Icon quantity field adjusts its width automatically - fixes clipping issue when the count is > 99
  • If a player's inventory is open then the health bar of any targeted base building part is hidden while the inventory is opened
  • Almost all in-game icons have been regenerated, so the looks of many icons will change slightly

  • Added new dock area north of Hayward
  • Added New Cargo Ship area north of the docks
  • Added new Residential bunkers (spread around the map)
  • Added New Log Cabins
  • Added new makeshift bunkers (spread around the map)
  • Fixed graffiti on some broken buses

  • Fixed UVs on Aviator glasses
  • Fixed some skinning issues on female hazmat suit
  • Jetski animations
  • First Select animations added for the AT-12 Shotgun and the 870 Tactical Shotgun

  • Added LOD for bus wheels
  • Fixed destroyed LODs for pick up truck - added damaged version of wheels
Miscreated - Entrada Interactive
A Twitch stream will be starting in about 30 minutes on twitch.tv/miscreated at 5PM Eastern time. The main topic will be some upcoming inventory changes. Please stop by and see what will be new!
May 24, 2018
Miscreated - Jenilya

New Inventory UI
  • Updated theme/look
  • Now scales correctly based on the the screen resolution
  • Damage bar is displayed for items that have health
  • Tooltip updated with a lot more information - damage amounts, bleed chance, resistances, etc.
  • Scrollable inventory list
  • Mouse wheel works to scroll inventory and lists - can also scroll while dragging an icon
  • Tooltips will no longer go offscreen
  • Context menus and tooltips windows dynamically adjust their size as needed

Environmental Changes

The game is now aware of the area a player is in and evaluates a shelter value (how much protection you receive from the area from weather)

The following types of areas are detected:
- Insides of houses and bases as well as areas partly inside
- Ocean, rivers and seas you can dive into
- Sewers, caves, cellars and bunkers
- Vehicles

The radstorm is deadly when you are not seeking shelter or have protective items equipped or consumed. Radiation areas are detectable with a Geiger counter or noticeable by a slightly blue glow. Stock up on anti-rad pills, anti-rad mushrooms or potassium-iodine pills before entering known radiation areas. You can check item details and differences in your inventory tooltips by hovering over them. Anti-rad pills, anti-rad mushrooms or potassium-iodine pills help against radiation. The environment protection effects scale with the health of the item, this can be checked in the UI

Other environmental stats on items include:
- Physical (Tornado, Collisions, Fall damage)
- Gas Smoke (Gas Grenades and areas)
- Blindness (Flashbang)
- Fire (Molotov, Fire areas)
- Explosions (Grenades, Exploding vehicles)
- Feet sharp (Punji traps)
- Ray radiations (very little protection against that even with full hazmat gear; only reduced in sheltered areas if the area isn't causing the effect itself)
- Additional to the environmental stats which apply to the player in general, body part protection stats exist which are also be output in the UI.
- For relevant protective types there is differentiation of what is causing it (e.g. ground based, rain based, gas based)
- Future work: Temperature, Acid, Electricity, Wetness/Humidity, Rain, Fire area revamp

Changed behaviour of radiation stats:
- Additional radiation received after 100% gets converted to damage
- Radiation slowly is healed (25% per hour), but only up to 40% of it
- Radiation reduces now up to 25% of your max health until cured
- While over 85% radiation you start to slowly lose health and can't heal until the radiation is cured first

Going underwater in the middle of a radiation storm protects against its negative effects

  • Many updates to the environmental effects in the game
  • Environmental effects will now damage and/or kill you - wear appropriate clothing
  • Tweaked visuals of bullet impact effects to improve visuals at a distance
  • Fixed apple, repair, and killing brute achievements
  • Items no longer get dropped in game until the drop is confirmed in the database
  • Slightly increase speech facial visibility/strength
  • Shorten radstorm peak, increase warning period
  • Fix Surviotron display appearing after being kicked from a server
  • Add time of day ("TOD") into damage log outputs so server admins can see what the in-game time was during events
  • Scale explosion bleed chance off of received damage, rather than base 50% chance
  • If a server loses connection to the backend database it will restart the server to prevent player progression loss
  • Changed underwater state detection for correct drowning/oxygen level processing
  • Some new hints and additions added to main menu
  • Decreased max penetration thickness on projectile ammo
  • Shader cache updated
  • Removed some EAC, and sound engine, spam from client logs
  • Made changes to code causing issues with vehicle controls - May cause issues typing in some clan names while driving
  • Include any placeable (tents, storage boxes, etc) in the base faction 2
  • Kythera major version update - performance improvements, bug fixes, updates to behavior trees

  • Pistol flashlight added
  • Added flashlight support to AA12 shotgun
  • Updated/improved some item descriptions
  • Environmental protections added to majority of clothing - check tooltips for information
  • Fixed shoulder pads not being destroyable
  • Potassium iodide pills added
  • Potassium iodide pills offer resistance against radiation for some time and can be extended up to 3x, but with a 50% reduction from the original duration
  • Survivotron updated to display radiation and temperature
  • Add tritium sights to pistols and tactical shotgun
  • Fixed several issues with lug wrench damage processing
  • Increased spawn chance for anti-rad pills and anti-rad mushrooms
  • Geiger counter (on Surviotron) will sound and display radiation when present, all interactable objects and areas now. (This can also be muted)

  • Items that initially spawn in a vehicle are now correctly stored in the database - they would disappear on server restart before
  • Altered damage behavior on the bicycle
  • Updated damage configuration on sedans and several other tweaks
    5-ton truck - fixed destroyed vehicle bugged wheel proxies, handling when < 100% wheel condition
  • Tweaked third person camera distance on dirt bike and removed roll suppression in first person when leaning
  • Armored trucks, sedans, and SUVs partially protect players from environmental effects (only enclosed seats)

  • Spider AI buffed - be careful and observant!
  • Baby spiders added - spawned from the large spider mutant
  • Venom spit aim improved to sometimes hit unconscious players
  • Disable breakage effects on fish and the incorrect spawning of ice particles
  • Some mutants will take evasive action if a player stares directly at them
  • Fix for some animation updates not being sent over the network
  • Make bird boids invulnerable to prevent physicalized corpse from colliding with vehicles
  • Bear is more likely to chase if player runs away
  • Bear will move closer to the player instead of standing up occasionally
  • Mutants turn to face you more often for melee attacks
  • Reduced teleporting issues for mutants in close combat

  • Above ground radiation areas have been revamped - they are also more noticeable as being dangerous
  • Added more mushroom spawns by in land water areas (i.e. swamps and rivers)
  • Added small sewer rooms to various towns on the map (for radiation storm shelter)
  • Revamped Radiation valley near center of map

  • Fixed mag orientation for M40A5 during reloading
  • Added faster strafing animations for the human spider mutant
  • Extra out of reach animation added for the human spider mutant
  • Altered setup for the crossbow ammunition to solve some issues during reloading - also added reload from empty animation
  • Altered no weapon falling loop to suit our SFP camera system

  • Added missing physics proxy on the drying rack
  • Optimized massive trash piles
  • Fixed some incorrect surface types on ammo models

Have feedback on the update? Post here:
Or join us on Discord and talk with us live: https://discordapp.com/invite/miscreated
Miscreated - Jenilya

  • Updated to latest EasyAnitCheat version
  • Additional fixes to help reduce chance of a server not accepting incoming connections
  • If a memory allocation fails for any reason the game will terminate (helps fix a low memory exploit)
  • Many shader compilation issues fixed
  • Procedural facial animations support added (mouth, eyes, brows)
  • Slightly reduced chances of light fog and rain
  • Environmental effect/detection/protection system in place (testable with Geiger counter integrated in Survivotron) - player is not damaged in this update (soon though!)
  • Shader cache updated

  • Geiger counter support added to Survivotron
  • Added throwable C4 explosive item (detonates after 3 seconds)
  • Added propane tank trap (two sizes)
  • Added in 2 meter size versions for many existing traps
  • Adjusted weight of rugs and pelts
  • Bear meat is curable on a drying rack
  • Fixed spelling of khaki items
  • Puffy jacket items added (many variations)
  • Fixed raincoat descriptions and protection configurations
  • Fixed yellow raincoat weight
  • In-game map updated to match level updates
  • Lowered weight of propane tank and propane tank traps

  • Second seat added to the tractor
  • Updated tractor damage setup
  • General tractor configuration improvements

Base Building
  • Added in new metal wall with large shooting window
  • Added in optimized tow versions for some metal parts that didn't have them (makes towing them easier)
  • Changed plated parts surface type from metal_thick to metal to make projectile penetration more realistic
  • Fixed descriptions on roof parts

  • New spider-like AI added
  • Mutants will throw rocks on sight sometimes
  • Mutants will no longer attempt to throw rocks at a target behind them
  • Improved netsync code for AI

  • Added new Gas Station building on the north east beach road
  • Fixed issue where AI would walk into a lake close to the center of the map
  • Fixed other minor issues reported by testers

  • Several general improvements to audio playback
  • Added attenuation set up for small generator
  • Added sound effects for human spider mutant
  • Level audio optimization (possibly improves audio squealing bug - please provide feedback)
  • New select sound effect for pistols and rifles

  • Human spider animation set
  • Procedural mouth movement when using VoIP, and blinking added - update to relevant face items to accommodate
  • Chewing animation added while eating
  • Tractor second seat animations added
  • Reload animations added for magazine weapons when no magazine is present
  • Altered magazine set up for above weapons to better deal with magazine display during reloading
  • Animation support for puffy jackets
  • First equip animation added when player is already in tactical mode - for AT15, MK18, and M16

  • Increased physics proxy height on some hotel floors to help prevent objects dropping through them
  • Optimized pallet piles for better performance
  • Updated oil tanker meshes
  • Added LODs for trap items that were missing them
  • Slight physics proxy tweak on ShotgunSide trap
  • Optimized LODs for some base building parts when seen at a far distance
  • Numerous tweaks/improvements to warehouse model and textures

Feedback thread is located here:
Mar 20, 2018
Miscreated - Jenilya

Miscreated is currently 50% off for one week alongside the release of Update #57.

Want to see what is in the latest update? Check here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/299740/discussions/13/1697167803858433286/

Have some questions before you decide to buy? Come join the community on Discord, our developers are active and always helping with questions. Join here: https://discordapp.com/invite/miscreated

Find Miscreated here:
Mar 20, 2018
Miscreated - Jenilya

Miscreated is currently 50% off for one week alongside the release of Update #57.

Want to see what is in the latest update? Check here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/299740/discussions/13/1697167803858433286/

Have some questions before you decide to buy? Come join the community on Discord, our developers are active and always helping with questions. Join here: https://discordapp.com/invite/miscreated

Find Miscreated here:
Miscreated - Jenilya

  • Fixed crash when entering the dirt bike with the lights on (was a client only hotfix released earlier)
  • Tents, campfires, and drying racks can be placed in a clan member's base (in addition to anywhere away from a base)
  • A player picking up/harvesting an item won't cancel another player's crafting action
  • If a player drops any item while crafting then their current crafting action is cancelled
  • Fixed a dupe item glitch
  • Don't allow attacking while sitting
  • Don't allow kicking while sitting
  • Looting some clothing items from a corpse/crate will no longer cause the underlying player's skin mesh to also show
  • Fixes for properly hiding underlying layers of clothing
  • Fixes for several physics issues
  • Special attack key (default T) cannot be used to attack using a melee weapon (use the normal fire/attack key)
  • Updated shader cache to reduce stalls while playing
  • Can now kick and punch while holding binoculars
  • Decreased metal base part mass for improved towing experience

Base Building
  • Upgraded tower added
  • If a cable attach position could not be found then the cable isn't displayed - prevents power cables from going clear across the map
  • Adjusted how base lights are created in code to help eliminate invisible parts (where you could still see the action menu)
  • Fixes for missing base building parts on clients

  • Reduced giant gnome spawn chance
  • Craftable sand bag now uses the sandbag model instead of the generic wooden block
  • Fixed spelling casing on server crafted items
  • Adjusted welding mask overlay
  • Ghillie suit variations added
  • Fixed wool gloves green item description
  • Raincoats added (several color variations)
  • Spiked football shoulder pads added (craftable item)
  • C4 trap added
  • Remove tactical speed reduction for fists (when not wielding a weapon)
  • Decreased tactical speed reduction for Bows
  • Updated texture on map item to show latest map additions

  • Player speed now affects AI visual perception - move slow to be less noticeable
  • AI now correctly scale damage when they are hit based on where you hit them at
  • Mutants can now throw rock when they are in tight spaces
  • Easier to lose mutants when trying to hide from them
  • Improved mutant search behavior after losing target
  • Adjusted AI stimulus level from player footsteps

  • Northeast mountain area near Cape Bay, Clyde Hill and Orca Dam is now open
  • Northeast beach area beyond Cape Bay is now open
  • Added new Radar Dish area
  • Added AI exclusions for Orca Dam lake
  • Map signs placed in the world now display your location on the map
  • Other minor fixes and tweaks to various building prefabs and world object placements
  • Fixed hole in bear cave
  • Optimized bear caves and improved lighting for them
  • Fixed cube map in the Orca dam tunnel (improves lighting there)
  • Fixed several spawner positions on abandoned vehicles and Orca Dam

  • Attempted fix for audio high-pitch squeal bug. Please provide feedback on Discord if you're still experiencing this bug.

  • Wolf slope animations added
  • Fixed some blendspace issues with the bear and two-headed dog
  • Fixed LODs for rooster when ragdolling
  • Pickaxe - once over of poses to make sure there is no clipping with the camera
  • MK18 Reaper - change fire mode animations added
  • Axe - some general animation fixes

  • Optimized dam prefab/area
  • Fixed several missing surface type errors
  • Added LODs for cargo pants on ground models
  • Added LODs for hoodie on ground models
  • Increased roof physics proxy on motel to help prevent playing being able to clip up through it to get on top where they shouldn't be able to

Feedback thread is located here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/299740/discussions/0/1697167803858436550/
Miscreated - Jenilya

  • Fixed crash when entering the dirt bike with the lights on (was a client only hotfix released earlier)
  • Tents, campfires, and drying racks can be placed in a clan member's base (in addition to anywhere away from a base)
  • A player picking up/harvesting an item won't cancel another player's crafting action
  • If a player drops any item while crafting then their current crafting action is cancelled
  • Fixed a dupe item glitch
  • Don't allow attacking while sitting
  • Don't allow kicking while sitting
  • Looting some clothing items from a corpse/crate will no longer cause the underlying player's skin mesh to also show
  • Fixes for properly hiding underlying layers of clothing
  • Fixes for several physics issues
  • Special attack key (default T) cannot be used to attack using a melee weapon (use the normal fire/attack key)
  • Updated shader cache to reduce stalls while playing
  • Can now kick and punch while holding binoculars
  • Decreased metal base part mass for improved towing experience

Base Building
  • Upgraded tower added
  • If a cable attach position could not be found then the cable isn't displayed - prevents power cables from going clear across the map
  • Adjusted how base lights are created in code to help eliminate invisible parts (where you could still see the action menu)
  • Fixes for missing base building parts on clients

  • Reduced giant gnome spawn chance
  • Craftable sand bag now uses the sandbag model instead of the generic wooden block
  • Fixed spelling casing on server crafted items
  • Adjusted welding mask overlay
  • Ghillie suit variations added
  • Fixed wool gloves green item description
  • Raincoats added (several color variations)
  • Spiked football shoulder pads added (craftable item)
  • C4 trap added
  • Remove tactical speed reduction for fists (when not wielding a weapon)
  • Decreased tactical speed reduction for Bows
  • Updated texture on map item to show latest map additions

  • Player speed now affects AI visual perception - move slow to be less noticeable
  • AI now correctly scale damage when they are hit based on where you hit them at
  • Mutants can now throw rock when they are in tight spaces
  • Easier to lose mutants when trying to hide from them
  • Improved mutant search behavior after losing target
  • Adjusted AI stimulus level from player footsteps

  • Northeast mountain area near Cape Bay, Clyde Hill and Orca Dam is now open
  • Northeast beach area beyond Cape Bay is now open
  • Added new Radar Dish area
  • Added AI exclusions for Orca Dam lake
  • Map signs placed in the world now display your location on the map
  • Other minor fixes and tweaks to various building prefabs and world object placements
  • Fixed hole in bear cave
  • Optimized bear caves and improved lighting for them
  • Fixed cube map in the Orca dam tunnel (improves lighting there)
  • Fixed several spawner positions on abandoned vehicles and Orca Dam

  • Attempted fix for audio high-pitch squeal bug. Please provide feedback on Discord if you're still experiencing this bug.

  • Wolf slope animations added
  • Fixed some blendspace issues with the bear and two-headed dog
  • Fixed LODs for rooster when ragdolling
  • Pickaxe - once over of poses to make sure there is no clipping with the camera
  • MK18 Reaper - change fire mode animations added
  • Axe - some general animation fixes

  • Optimized dam prefab/area
  • Fixed several missing surface type errors
  • Added LODs for cargo pants on ground models
  • Added LODs for hoodie on ground models
  • Increased roof physics proxy on motel to help prevent playing being able to clip up through it to get on top where they shouldn't be able to

Feedback thread is located here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/299740/discussions/0/1697167803858436550/
Miscreated - Jenilya

  • Snow weather chance decreased to 3% now
  • Fixed some issues with snow weather pattern not being synchronized the same on each client
  • Fixed a couple more physics issues
  • Christmas only items no longer spawn, but can still be used if you have them already
  • Steam achievements added (more will be added in future updates)
  • Fixed rain occluder in some mobile homes
  • Disabled water ripple effect except on Very High water setting - performance optimization
  • Minor physics fix
  • Updated shader cache

  • Added boost support to dirt bike so it can do wheelies
  • Tweaked dirt bike handling
  • Adjusted damage model on the dirt bike
  • Increased mass of armored vehicles, slowed steering and increased inertia for more realistic handling
  • Bicycle moved to the two-wheeled physics system - same system the dirt bike uses
  • Disabled wind on vegetation caused by vehicles (slight optimization)

Base Building
  • Punching or kicking base parts no longer causes damage to them
  • Bear rug added

  • Decreased damage from pipe bomb
  • Bow sights added for the recurve bow (optic and reflex)
  • Arrow speed and max distance increased
  • Hazmat items added - multiple colors
  • Ghillie suit added
  • Bear meat added (used in crafting)
  • Bear pelt added (used in crafting)
  • Map items updated

  • Hordes will occur less often on servers with fewer players
  • Bear added

  • Fixed a prefab that caused the trash to float above the ground
  • Fixed some bats in caves that would appear above the cave on the ground
  • Added AI exclusion areas for swimming pools
  • Abandoned vehicle prefabs now spawn more car parts
  • Fixed some objects in the sewers that had their draw distance set too low
  • Moved some spiker spawners out of a small building - could cause brutes to spawn inside and become stuck
  • Bear caves added
  • Bear spawns added

  • Bear character added
  • Optic and reflex scope added for the recurve bow
  • Skinning fix for odd pocket deformation on police jacket
  • Fixed disappearing weapons (m40a5, crafted rifle, and crafted smg) when on edge of the camera view
  • Guitar knocking sounds changed to custom sounds
  • Ghillie suit added
  • Hazmat suit, gas mask, and scba air system added
  • Added in female version of the football shoulder pads
  • Fixed minor skinning issue on the police vest
  • Fixed animation when picking up duct tape
  • Sloped movement animations for the two headed dog added

  • Changed the guitar tapping sound to a new sound (was using the wooden door knock sound) - Still use F2-F4 to play songs
  • Decreased volume of some sewer sounds - especially steam

  • Added LODs for dirtbike
  • Fixed shell ejection helper rotation on the Mk18, so shells eject the correct direction
  • Fixed a texture on the apple trees
  • Fixed players being able to jump through a window on the modern family house
  • Fixed a physics proxy issue on the fire department