Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko
A new feature in this update is Onscreen Hands! This allows you to see and play from your hand from any position. This is great for those who prefer to have their hands in a static position on screen. Now everyone can have the best seat!

We also focused on figuring out where any networking issues are coming from, so we have added networking indicators next to your names on the top right, so you know exactly what’s going on.

Type /debug in chat and take screenshots of your readout if any networking issues come up. Use the following networking chat commands to help make adjustments when clients are connected.

Network Commands
  • /networktickrate 20-120 (default 60) - this is how often the network will transmit data each second.
  • /networkpackets 1-5 (default 2) - how many packets per tick to send out. Higher values make it so more objects can be synchronized each tick. (Host only command)
  • /networkinterpolate 0-5 (default 1.1) - the amount of time for interpolation, increasing this value increases smoothness but also increases input lag for the clients. (Client only command)
  • /networkquality 0-2 (0=high, 1=medium, 2=low) - changes the overall quality presets.

    If you are having networking issue try:

    /networkquality 2

    This will require 4 times less bandwidth than the default.
    Restarting the game will reset these commands to default.

Onscreen Hands
  • New feature onscreen hands that allow you to see and manipulate your hand from any location.
  • The onscreen hand functions just like it does normally.
  • Everything you do in your onscreen hand will be shown in your regular hand, so other players will still know what you’re doing.
  • This allows you to view your camera in any direction or zoomed in, yet still see your hands.
  • Objects can also go in your onscreen hand.
  • Mousing over an object in your hand will show you the full view of the object.
  • When you pull cards & objects into your onscreen hand, you will see a line indicator so you know it is there and the max size it can be.
  • If you want a larger onscreen hand, you will need to extend the size of your regular hand zone.
  • Cards will scale based on the size of the hand zone.
  • You can toggle the onscreen hand by pressing H.
Network Indicators
  • Added new network icon indicators so you can tell what is happening with the host or client.
  • Hover over the icons for more detailed info.
  • The icons will show for each person, to show what your connection is to a particular person.
  • - This shows when you are connecting to this player.
  • - This shows when you are connected to this player through Steam’s relay servers. Performance is not optimal.

  • Open the following ports if you are still having connection/network issues:

    UDP 3478 (Outbound)
    UDP 4379 (Outbound)
    UDP 4380 (Outbound)

  • - This shows when you are disconnected from this player.

DLC - Darkest Night Improvements
  • Updated tokens that needed to have the proper green & gold backs.
  • Updated token rotations.
  • Some tooltips have been updated.
  • Some snap points have been adjusted.
  • Added camera states for quick views.

UI Improvements
  • Updated all custom content menus to match rest of UI.
  • Updated chat settings to match rest of UI.
  • Updated icons next to names to have outlines for better readability.
Scripting Improvements
  • createInput()/editInput() added int tab (None = 1, Select Next = 2, Indent = 3)
  • inputs now default to tab select next.
  • Fixed issue pressing A with a controller resetting pointer position.
  • Fixed issue with scripted movement of an object not always syncing to clients.
Stay up to date on development by following us on Twitter and Facebook!

Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko
A new feature in this update is Onscreen Hands! This allows you to see and play from your hand from any position. This is great for those who prefer to have their hands in a static position on screen. Now everyone can have the best seat!

We also focused on figuring out where any networking issues are coming from, so we have added networking indicators next to your names on the top right, so you know exactly what’s going on.

Type /debug in chat and take screenshots of your readout if any networking issues come up. Use the following networking chat commands to help make adjustments when clients are connected.

Network Commands
  • /networktickrate 20-120 (default 60) - this is how often the network will transmit data each second.
  • /networkpackets 1-5 (default 2) - how many packets per tick to send out. Higher values make it so more objects can be synchronized each tick. (Host only command)
  • /networkinterpolate 0-5 (default 1.1) - the amount of time for interpolation, increasing this value increases smoothness but also increases input lag for the clients. (Client only command)
  • /networkquality 0-2 (0=high, 1=medium, 2=low) - changes the overall quality presets.

    If you are having networking issue try:

    /networkquality 2

    This will require 4 times less bandwidth than the default.
    Restarting the game will reset these commands to default.

Onscreen Hands
  • New feature onscreen hands that allow you to see and manipulate your hand from any location.
  • The onscreen hand functions just like it does normally.
  • Everything you do in your onscreen hand will be shown in your regular hand, so other players will still know what you’re doing.
  • This allows you to view your camera in any direction or zoomed in, yet still see your hands.
  • Objects can also go in your onscreen hand.
  • Mousing over an object in your hand will show you the full view of the object.
  • When you pull cards & objects into your onscreen hand, you will see a line indicator so you know it is there and the max size it can be.
  • If you want a larger onscreen hand, you will need to extend the size of your regular hand zone.
  • Cards will scale based on the size of the hand zone.
  • You can toggle the onscreen hand by pressing H.
Network Indicators
  • Added new network icon indicators so you can tell what is happening with the host or client.
  • Hover over the icons for more detailed info.
  • The icons will show for each person, to show what your connection is to a particular person.
  • - This shows when you are connecting to this player.
  • - This shows when you are connected to this player through Steam’s relay servers. Performance is not optimal.

  • Open the following ports if you are still having connection/network issues:

    UDP 3478 (Outbound)
    UDP 4379 (Outbound)
    UDP 4380 (Outbound)

  • - This shows when you are disconnected from this player.

DLC - Darkest Night Improvements
  • Updated tokens that needed to have the proper green & gold backs.
  • Updated token rotations.
  • Some tooltips have been updated.
  • Some snap points have been adjusted.
  • Added camera states for quick views.

UI Improvements
  • Updated all custom content menus to match rest of UI.
  • Updated chat settings to match rest of UI.
  • Updated icons next to names to have outlines for better readability.
Scripting Improvements
  • createInput()/editInput() added int tab (None = 1, Select Next = 2, Indent = 3)
  • inputs now default to tab select next.
  • Fixed issue pressing A with a controller resetting pointer position.
  • Fixed issue with scripted movement of an object not always syncing to clients.
Stay up to date on development by following us on Twitter and Facebook!

Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko
A major part of this update focused on rewriting and optimizing the net code for object position synchronization which makes up the majority of the game’s network traffic. You will notice a huge improvement as the client when moving objects around with reduced input lag. This data will also now pass through Steam’s P2P network backend. Slowly but surely we are going to migrate all the netcode to use the Steam P2P.

We also have some additional fixes and improvements for Voice Chat that should hopefully resolve the last of the issues.

Thanks for your patience and post on our forums of any issues that come up along the way so we can make sure it is working properly.

DLC - Darkest Night
  • Darkest Night has gotten a complete overhaul with a brand new look!
  • We have also added expansions #2-5 for free as part of this update. (#1 was already included)
  • Read the notes in the Notebook for additional info.
  • As this DLC was updated, please note that any existing save files will no longer work.

Networking Rewrite
  • Reduced bandwidth usage for moving objects by around 300%.
  • Upped tick rate to 60Hz from 30Hz.
  • Greatly reduced the input lag of moving objects around for clients with better interpolation, tick rates, and unreliable packet.
  • Less chance of the network getting backed causing everything to be massively delayed forcing a reconnect.
  • Added a smart system to dial back the send rate on objects when having to synchronize hundreds of objects per second.
  • Host no longer has to network sync other players pointer that info is now directly communicated between each player saving bandwidth.
  • Overall players should be able to host more with less connection issue with these improvements.

Voice Chat Improvements
  • Hopefully fixed up the last of the P2P errors.
  • Dynamic quality adjustments based on packet loss.
  • Improved voice quality slightly with newer Opus version.

Configuration Menu & UI Improvements
  • Updated Configuration menu to add in a Sound tab.
  • You can now adjust various volumes and choose your microphone from this menu.
  • The Game tab has been updated with some additional options like Look Speed, Invert, Field of View and Movement Speed.
  • The Pointers have been moved to the Interface tab.
  • Updated all sliders and scrollbars.

Scripting Improvements
  • Improved 3d UI Interactions.
  • Fixed editInput() bugs.
  • Fixed scripting zone bug with cameras

DLC - The Great Dinosaur Rush
  • New Model and image for the board to fix misprint.
  • New tracker cube Assetbundles.
  • The player mats have been moved down closer to the Hand Zone.
  • The hidden zones are a lot bigger now, about 2x as big, and moved above the player mats.
  • Bones and Notoriety Tokens are smaller so they all fit into the hexes on the board now.
  • "Start Game" script has been modified to adjust to board and other changes.
  • Fixed green hidden zone so it's no longer reversed.

3D UI Interaction Improvements
  • Backside of 3d UI is no longer interactable.
  • Can now pick up object on top of 3d UI.

  • Optimized hand performance with lots of objects.

  • Fixed issue with Steam Authentication Failed messages.

Stay up to date on development by following us on Twitter and Facebook!

Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko
A major part of this update focused on rewriting and optimizing the net code for object position synchronization which makes up the majority of the game’s network traffic. You will notice a huge improvement as the client when moving objects around with reduced input lag. This data will also now pass through Steam’s P2P network backend. Slowly but surely we are going to migrate all the netcode to use the Steam P2P.

We also have some additional fixes and improvements for Voice Chat that should hopefully resolve the last of the issues.

Thanks for your patience and post on our forums of any issues that come up along the way so we can make sure it is working properly.

DLC - Darkest Night
  • Darkest Night has gotten a complete overhaul with a brand new look!
  • We have also added expansions #2-5 for free as part of this update. (#1 was already included)
  • Read the notes in the Notebook for additional info.
  • As this DLC was updated, please note that any existing save files will no longer work.

Networking Rewrite
  • Reduced bandwidth usage for moving objects by around 300%.
  • Upped tick rate to 60Hz from 30Hz.
  • Greatly reduced the input lag of moving objects around for clients with better interpolation, tick rates, and unreliable packet.
  • Less chance of the network getting backed causing everything to be massively delayed forcing a reconnect.
  • Added a smart system to dial back the send rate on objects when having to synchronize hundreds of objects per second.
  • Host no longer has to network sync other players pointer that info is now directly communicated between each player saving bandwidth.
  • Overall players should be able to host more with less connection issue with these improvements.

Voice Chat Improvements
  • Hopefully fixed up the last of the P2P errors.
  • Dynamic quality adjustments based on packet loss.
  • Improved voice quality slightly with newer Opus version.

Configuration Menu & UI Improvements
  • Updated Configuration menu to add in a Sound tab.
  • You can now adjust various volumes and choose your microphone from this menu.
  • The Game tab has been updated with some additional options like Look Speed, Invert, Field of View and Movement Speed.
  • The Pointers have been moved to the Interface tab.
  • Updated all sliders and scrollbars.

Scripting Improvements
  • Improved 3d UI Interactions.
  • Fixed editInput() bugs.
  • Fixed scripting zone bug with cameras

DLC - The Great Dinosaur Rush
  • New Model and image for the board to fix misprint.
  • New tracker cube Assetbundles.
  • The player mats have been moved down closer to the Hand Zone.
  • The hidden zones are a lot bigger now, about 2x as big, and moved above the player mats.
  • Bones and Notoriety Tokens are smaller so they all fit into the hexes on the board now.
  • "Start Game" script has been modified to adjust to board and other changes.
  • Fixed green hidden zone so it's no longer reversed.

3D UI Interaction Improvements
  • Backside of 3d UI is no longer interactable.
  • Can now pick up object on top of 3d UI.

  • Optimized hand performance with lots of objects.

  • Fixed issue with Steam Authentication Failed messages.

Stay up to date on development by following us on Twitter and Facebook!

Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko
In the last update we ran into crashing issues using Steam’s voice chat, so we temporarily turned off voice chat while we investigated.

After working all weekend and implementing a brand new system, we think we have something even better! Crystal clear voice using the latest Opus codec, the gold standard of voice chat. This new voice chat should sound better and perform better than Steam Voice or our old system.

Currently, Team Voice Chat icons do not show for other players. Disable voice chat only disables your voice. Click on a name to mute individual players in the meantime.

Thanks for your patience during this time. Hopefully the new voice chat works well for you all. If you have any feedback, please post on our forums.

Voice Chat Commands:
  • /mics (will return a list of available mics with a number.)
  • /setmic # (to assign your new mic as default.)
  • This will be moved into the configuration menu in the future.

Other Additions
  • Scripting inputs now support BBCode.
  • Fixed movement/jitter with scripting 3d ui.
  • Fixed auto save not occurring during a table flip.
  • Fixed steam authentication issues when reconnecting to server.

Linux Troubleshooting
  • If you are having problems talking to others players make sure your GLIBCXX_3.4.20 is on this version. This might change in the future.
Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko
In the last update we ran into crashing issues using Steam’s voice chat, so we temporarily turned off voice chat while we investigated.

After working all weekend and implementing a brand new system, we think we have something even better! Crystal clear voice using the latest Opus codec, the gold standard of voice chat. This new voice chat should sound better and perform better than Steam Voice or our old system.

Currently, Team Voice Chat icons do not show for other players. Disable voice chat only disables your voice. Click on a name to mute individual players in the meantime.

Thanks for your patience during this time. Hopefully the new voice chat works well for you all. If you have any feedback, please post on our forums.

Voice Chat Commands:
  • /mics (will return a list of available mics with a number.)
  • /setmic # (to assign your new mic as default.)
  • This will be moved into the configuration menu in the future.

Other Additions
  • Scripting inputs now support BBCode.
  • Fixed movement/jitter with scripting 3d ui.
  • Fixed auto save not occurring during a table flip.
  • Fixed steam authentication issues when reconnecting to server.

Linux Troubleshooting
  • If you are having problems talking to others players make sure your GLIBCXX_3.4.20 is on this version. This might change in the future.
Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko
We’ve been working on a lot of stuff these past few weeks to finally use Steam networking. We’ve got a great head start by converting our old voice chat over to Steam Voice, so you’ll see a great improvement! We’re still working on the full conversion, so let us know what you think thus far.

So many of you have been asking for the ability to create character sheets since nearly the beginning and it hasn’t been easy to come up with something that was feasible, but now we have! Through scripting - createInput(), you can now create your own custom character sheets.

The Great Dinosaur Rush by Ape Games is now in Tabletop Simulator as DLC!

The Great Dinosaur Rush, or the Bone Wars as they’re otherwise called, were a period of incredible advancement in paleontology (discovery of fossils).

NEW DLC - The Great Dinosaur Rush

Voice Chat Revamp
  • We are now using Steam Voice Chat and p2p.
  • Better quality and less bandwidth used.
  • No strain on the host’s bandwidth with true p2p.
  • Client players can mute other players. Host will mute/unmute for everyone.
  • Volume input/output can be controlled in the Steam voice chat settings as shown above.
  • You might hear a few pops here and there, so we’re still working out the kinks.
  • Please leave us any feedback you encounter with the new voice chat. Thanks!

Scripting Improvements
  • Updated getHandObjects(int index = 1).

  • onChat(string message, Player).
  • Added onUpdate() deprecated update().
  • Added onFixedUpdate() deprecated fixedUpdate().

  • setValue() and getValue() works with hidden zones now.
  • putObject() works with infinite bags.

  • Added tooltip variable to createButton().
  • Added createInput(), getInputs(), editInput(), removeInput(), clearInputs().

  • Optimized lua events calls if not being used.
  • Save and play doesn't update thumbnail.
  • Improved the global starter script.

Steam Improvements
  • Added better error handling for Steam api calls.
  • More verbose Workshop uploading and updating in chat.
  • Fixed a potential achievement issue losing progress.

Camera Mouse Control Improvements
  • Frame rate independent (No more slow down or speed up based on FPS).
  • No smoothing and more responsive.

  • Character Sheets can now be created with scripting createInput()
  • You can now change colors in Hotseat mode.
  • Increased camera render distance by double for large games.
  • Auto save will no longer clutter chat
  • Cloud Manager will now automatically preview .obj and assetbundle files.
  • Reduced the input lag of moving objects around for clients.
  • Improved colliders on deal color wheel.
  • D6 now has consistent dot orientation to match the rest.
  • Improved lighting for UI 3D objects in menus.

  • Scripting menu is now properly disabled for promoted players.
  • Fixed double enter on text tool.
  • Fixed decals not being uploaded to cloud with the upload all button.
  • Fixed issue with expanding a save or mod after searching causing it to go back to the Games menu.
  • Fixed issue with being able to exploit names on player list.
  • Fixed issue with name getting stuck on the table & UI when disconnecting.
  • Fixed issue with player names containing ":" messing up name coloring in chat.
  • Fixed sideways piecepack dice rotation values.
  • Fixed d4s rolling behavior.
  • Fixed UI layering order with 3D objects so they don't have to be disabled anymore.

Stay up to date on development by following us on Twitter and Facebook!
Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko
We’ve been working on a lot of stuff these past few weeks to finally use Steam networking. We’ve got a great head start by converting our old voice chat over to Steam Voice, so you’ll see a great improvement! We’re still working on the full conversion, so let us know what you think thus far.

So many of you have been asking for the ability to create character sheets since nearly the beginning and it hasn’t been easy to come up with something that was feasible, but now we have! Through scripting - createInput(), you can now create your own custom character sheets.

The Great Dinosaur Rush by Ape Games is now in Tabletop Simulator as DLC!

The Great Dinosaur Rush, or the Bone Wars as they’re otherwise called, were a period of incredible advancement in paleontology (discovery of fossils).

NEW DLC - The Great Dinosaur Rush

Voice Chat Revamp
  • We are now using Steam Voice Chat and p2p.
  • Better quality and less bandwidth used.
  • No strain on the host’s bandwidth with true p2p.
  • Client players can mute other players. Host will mute/unmute for everyone.
  • Volume input/output can be controlled in the Steam voice chat settings as shown above.
  • You might hear a few pops here and there, so we’re still working out the kinks.
  • Please leave us any feedback you encounter with the new voice chat. Thanks!

Scripting Improvements
  • Updated getHandObjects(int index = 1).

  • onChat(string message, Player).
  • Added onUpdate() deprecated update().
  • Added onFixedUpdate() deprecated fixedUpdate().

  • setValue() and getValue() works with hidden zones now.
  • putObject() works with infinite bags.

  • Added tooltip variable to createButton().
  • Added createInput(), getInputs(), editInput(), removeInput(), clearInputs().

  • Optimized lua events calls if not being used.
  • Save and play doesn't update thumbnail.
  • Improved the global starter script.

Steam Improvements
  • Added better error handling for Steam api calls.
  • More verbose Workshop uploading and updating in chat.
  • Fixed a potential achievement issue losing progress.

Camera Mouse Control Improvements
  • Frame rate independent (No more slow down or speed up based on FPS).
  • No smoothing and more responsive.

  • Character Sheets can now be created with scripting createInput()
  • You can now change colors in Hotseat mode.
  • Increased camera render distance by double for large games.
  • Auto save will no longer clutter chat
  • Cloud Manager will now automatically preview .obj and assetbundle files.
  • Reduced the input lag of moving objects around for clients.
  • Improved colliders on deal color wheel.
  • D6 now has consistent dot orientation to match the rest.
  • Improved lighting for UI 3D objects in menus.

  • Scripting menu is now properly disabled for promoted players.
  • Fixed double enter on text tool.
  • Fixed decals not being uploaded to cloud with the upload all button.
  • Fixed issue with expanding a save or mod after searching causing it to go back to the Games menu.
  • Fixed issue with being able to exploit names on player list.
  • Fixed issue with name getting stuck on the table & UI when disconnecting.
  • Fixed issue with player names containing ":" messing up name coloring in chat.
  • Fixed sideways piecepack dice rotation values.
  • Fixed d4s rolling behavior.
  • Fixed UI layering order with 3D objects so they don't have to be disabled anymore.

Stay up to date on development by following us on Twitter and Facebook!
Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko
Another week is upon us and with that, a new patch! This update brings in a new DLC by SlugFest Games. We’re happy to bring you The Red Dragon Inn: Battle For Greyport! Now available in Tabletop Simulator!

You and your adventuring companions are just returning to the bustling city of Greyport after your latest adventure. You are all looking forward to relaxing and spending some of your hard-earned loot at The Red Dragon Inn. The party will have to wait, though, because the city is under attack by evil monsters!

We also have an exciting update to Hands, where you can now bring any object into them! Your hands aren’t just for cards any more! And not just that, but you can now draw and deal from loot bags, infinite bags and stacks!

We also have a new tool for you in the gizmo side menu - Rotation Values! What does this mean? You can now create custom tooltips for your dice or anything else that needs a tooltip that changes depending on the rotation of the object. Names or numbers are allowed!

Read on for the full details!

DLC - The Red Dragon Inn: Battle For Greyport

Hand Improvements
  • Hands can now work with any object if enabled in the toggles menu.
  • Deal and draw works on individual objects like a singular card.
  • You can now deal and draw from bags, infinite bags, and stacks.
  • Works with arbitrary rotation and sideways cards.
  • Improved spacing with hands to work better and on dynamic sized objects.
  • Improved hands reacting to manipulation with the gizmo tools better.
  • Optimized performance of hands.
  • Improved lift height when grabbing something from a hand.
  • Fixed issue when dealing / drawing that the wrong hand could grab the object.
  • Fixed clipping issues when flipping / rotating cards in your hand.
  • Fixed object stacking together when they were in a hand.

Set Rotation Value on Object Tooltip
  • This allows you many options like custom dice tooltips or custom tiles with different tooltips depending on what side its laying on.
  • Number or name values are both allowed.
  • You can mouse over any object with rotation values and press a number to make it change to that. Or use the contextual menu and Rotation Value to the number.
  • It will try to add up totals on the same objects just like the built in dice do.
Scripting Improvements
  • Added bool use_hands
  • Added deal(int number, string player_color = "Seated", int index = 1)
  • Added setRotationValues(Table), getRotationValues()

  • Added getHandCount()
  • Updated getHandTransform(int index = 1)
  • Updated setHandTransform(Transform, int index = 1)
Three Kingdoms Redux DLC Improvements
  • Adjusted the initial number of dealt cards.
  • Fixed issue with the deck labels for the Generals.
  • Fixed scripting issue with cards being dealt sideways.
Khronos Hunter DLC Improvements
  • Three marked spaces have been added with snap-points.
  • An extra rescaled version of the square-marker bag has been added to each player area so level-ups can be marked on these extra cards.
  • The mana-coin bags in each player area have been moved to make room for these spaces.

UI Improvements
  • You can now use BB Code colors on black text. Ex, works in Notebook now.
  • Black text is more readable in chat.
  • Fixed being able to move a file / folder to the same location it already is at.
  • First loading scene is now async and has a spinning loading wheel.
  • Optimized CPU usage with lots of objects by 10-20% reduction.
  • Uncapped FPS will no longer cap to 144 but unlimited.
  • Quarter now has heads or tails tooltip.
  • Fixed auto raise so that you can't pick up an object over and over again to make it fly upwards.
  • Fixed issue with Sticky toggle not working properly on bowls.
  • Fixed flickering with 2D pointer when using tools.

Stay up to date on development by following us on Twitter and Facebook!
Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko
Another week is upon us and with that, a new patch! This update brings in a new DLC by SlugFest Games. We’re happy to bring you The Red Dragon Inn: Battle For Greyport! Now available in Tabletop Simulator!

You and your adventuring companions are just returning to the bustling city of Greyport after your latest adventure. You are all looking forward to relaxing and spending some of your hard-earned loot at The Red Dragon Inn. The party will have to wait, though, because the city is under attack by evil monsters!

We also have an exciting update to Hands, where you can now bring any object into them! Your hands aren’t just for cards any more! And not just that, but you can now draw and deal from loot bags, infinite bags and stacks!

We also have a new tool for you in the gizmo side menu - Rotation Values! What does this mean? You can now create custom tooltips for your dice or anything else that needs a tooltip that changes depending on the rotation of the object. Names or numbers are allowed!

Read on for the full details!

DLC - The Red Dragon Inn: Battle For Greyport

Hand Improvements
  • Hands can now work with any object if enabled in the toggles menu.
  • Deal and draw works on individual objects like a singular card.
  • You can now deal and draw from bags, infinite bags, and stacks.
  • Works with arbitrary rotation and sideways cards.
  • Improved spacing with hands to work better and on dynamic sized objects.
  • Improved hands reacting to manipulation with the gizmo tools better.
  • Optimized performance of hands.
  • Improved lift height when grabbing something from a hand.
  • Fixed issue when dealing / drawing that the wrong hand could grab the object.
  • Fixed clipping issues when flipping / rotating cards in your hand.
  • Fixed object stacking together when they were in a hand.

Set Rotation Value on Object Tooltip
  • This allows you many options like custom dice tooltips or custom tiles with different tooltips depending on what side its laying on.
  • Number or name values are both allowed.
  • You can mouse over any object with rotation values and press a number to make it change to that. Or use the contextual menu and Rotation Value to the number.
  • It will try to add up totals on the same objects just like the built in dice do.
Scripting Improvements
  • Added bool use_hands
  • Added deal(int number, string player_color = "Seated", int index = 1)
  • Added setRotationValues(Table), getRotationValues()

  • Added getHandCount()
  • Updated getHandTransform(int index = 1)
  • Updated setHandTransform(Transform, int index = 1)
Three Kingdoms Redux DLC Improvements
  • Adjusted the initial number of dealt cards.
  • Fixed issue with the deck labels for the Generals.
  • Fixed scripting issue with cards being dealt sideways.
Khronos Hunter DLC Improvements
  • Three marked spaces have been added with snap-points.
  • An extra rescaled version of the square-marker bag has been added to each player area so level-ups can be marked on these extra cards.
  • The mana-coin bags in each player area have been moved to make room for these spaces.

UI Improvements
  • You can now use BB Code colors on black text. Ex, works in Notebook now.
  • Black text is more readable in chat.
  • Fixed being able to move a file / folder to the same location it already is at.
  • First loading scene is now async and has a spinning loading wheel.
  • Optimized CPU usage with lots of objects by 10-20% reduction.
  • Uncapped FPS will no longer cap to 144 but unlimited.
  • Quarter now has heads or tails tooltip.
  • Fixed auto raise so that you can't pick up an object over and over again to make it fly upwards.
  • Fixed issue with Sticky toggle not working properly on bowls.
  • Fixed flickering with 2D pointer when using tools.

Stay up to date on development by following us on Twitter and Facebook!