Unclaimed World - kubluu
Hi - a new (small) patch is now available. These are the fixes:

-Population cap added. This is intended to keep the colony size within the boundaries we are testing and optimizing for. (Later the cap can be changed by players when the data files become available).
-Strategy hint on tier policy. Hovering over the 'No majority' label will now list strategy suggestions and show how long it can expected to take to reach the majority for that policy.
-Improved the AI so characters will not give up (drop) their weapon or tool for another character if near threats, and the two characters are far apart.
-Corrected a bug where the reload tasks did not disappear after salvaging the sentry, or sometimes allowed the sentry part to be reloaded after it had been taken down.
-Corrected a UI bug where the slider was not reset when a modal dialog appeared.
-Increased bolt action defense rating from 0.4 to 0.55
-Increased coil rifle/sentry defense rating from 0.55 to 0.8
-Reduced advanced weapons prices with app. 50%
-Reduced price of barge transportation with 33%
-Increased barge speed with 33%
-Added more hints to the loading screen
Unclaimed World - kubluu
Hi - a new (small) patch is now available. These are the fixes:

-Population cap added. This is intended to keep the colony size within the boundaries we are testing and optimizing for. (Later the cap can be changed by players when the data files become available).
-Strategy hint on tier policy. Hovering over the 'No majority' label will now list strategy suggestions and show how long it can expected to take to reach the majority for that policy.
-Improved the AI so characters will not give up (drop) their weapon or tool for another character if near threats, and the two characters are far apart.
-Corrected a bug where the reload tasks did not disappear after salvaging the sentry, or sometimes allowed the sentry part to be reloaded after it had been taken down.
-Corrected a UI bug where the slider was not reset when a modal dialog appeared.
-Increased bolt action defense rating from 0.4 to 0.55
-Increased coil rifle/sentry defense rating from 0.55 to 0.8
-Reduced advanced weapons prices with app. 50%
-Reduced price of barge transportation with 33%
-Increased barge speed with 33%
-Added more hints to the loading screen
Sep 18, 2016
Unclaimed World - kubluu
Hello! We continue adding smaller fixes as we approach release from Early Access on Oct 4th. During this phase we will be grateful for any feedback as we polish the game as much as possible.

This release can be found on the beta(testing) branch at first, after a while we will move it to the default branch as well. It also works with previous saves.

Here are the fixes:

Ammo policy
You can now decide which type of ammo the colony uses against vermin: You may want to conserve some ammo types for protection against dangerous animals, for hunting or for keeping a high colony Security rating. Your ammo policy is controlled on a new page on the Policy screen.

Misc. fixes:
-Corrected an issue where characters failed to eat because they were carrying too much and unable to drop items.
-Corrected a UI bug where the status icons would change on hover.
-When trying to load a save game that is out of date, you will now get a more precise error message.
-Corrected an issue where the graph would not be displayed when the interval was short. Now it will show an extended value from the last datapoint. Also made the graph update instantly when selecting a new data source or range.
-Added a confirmation box to the save dialog when entering a name that already exists.
-Added a blinking cursor to the text boxes.
-Corrected an issue where gather tasks were removed instantly when some other process for producing the item existed.
-Fixed a crash when using the furniture upgrade.
-Hints added to loading screen.
-Improved the section for setting the resolution on the Options dialog.
Sep 18, 2016
Unclaimed World - kubluu
Hello! We continue adding smaller fixes as we approach release from Early Access on Oct 4th. During this phase we will be grateful for any feedback as we polish the game as much as possible.

This release can be found on the beta(testing) branch at first, after a while we will move it to the default branch as well. It also works with previous saves.

Here are the fixes:

Ammo policy
You can now decide which type of ammo the colony uses against vermin: You may want to conserve some ammo types for protection against dangerous animals, for hunting or for keeping a high colony Security rating. Your ammo policy is controlled on a new page on the Policy screen.

Misc. fixes:
-Corrected an issue where characters failed to eat because they were carrying too much and unable to drop items.
-Corrected a UI bug where the status icons would change on hover.
-When trying to load a save game that is out of date, you will now get a more precise error message.
-Corrected an issue where the graph would not be displayed when the interval was short. Now it will show an extended value from the last datapoint. Also made the graph update instantly when selecting a new data source or range.
-Added a confirmation box to the save dialog when entering a name that already exists.
-Added a blinking cursor to the text boxes.
-Corrected an issue where gather tasks were removed instantly when some other process for producing the item existed.
-Fixed a crash when using the furniture upgrade.
-Hints added to loading screen.
-Improved the section for setting the resolution on the Options dialog.
Sep 14, 2016
Unclaimed World - kubluu
Hi, this is a small update which contains the following fixes and changes:

-Corrected a crash that might happen sometime after the game had been saved or loaded once.
-Corrected a crash that might happen during production or eating if the character was destroyed.
- Farming and fish trapping are now shown as processes. So for crop items there will now be a datasheet with the requirements for growing that crop, such as tools, farm plots, greenhouse etc.
-Corrected an issue where buildings could not be accessed for maintenance.
-Corrected the display of items on the first page in the event log list, and also set a cap on the total number of messages that will be kept.
-Corrected a bug where the user selected haul to storage priority was not set on the new hauling tasks.
-Tweaked hauling, so 'hauling to trade' now takes precedence over normal hauling.
-The dog will now escape from blocked terrain in the same way humans do.
-Corrected an issue where a character attempted to sleep on blocked terrain.
-Corrected a confusing sentence in the 'Clay Pit' tutorial about buying oil tubers.
-Watercane stems regrow twice as often now (2 times a year)
-Moved spears to the Weapons category and changed their descriptions. (Functionality unchanged)
Sep 14, 2016
Unclaimed World - Refactored Games
Hi, this is a small update which contains the following fixes and changes:

-Corrected a crash that might happen sometime after the game had been saved or loaded once.
-Corrected a crash that might happen during production or eating if the character was destroyed.
- Farming and fish trapping are now shown as processes. So for crop items there will now be a datasheet with the requirements for growing that crop, such as tools, farm plots, greenhouse etc.
-Corrected an issue where buildings could not be accessed for maintenance.
-Corrected the display of items on the first page in the event log list, and also set a cap on the total number of messages that will be kept.
-Corrected a bug where the user selected haul to storage priority was not set on the new hauling tasks.
-Tweaked hauling, so 'hauling to trade' now takes precedence over normal hauling.
-The dog will now escape from blocked terrain in the same way humans do.
-Corrected an issue where a character attempted to sleep on blocked terrain.
-Corrected a confusing sentence in the 'Clay Pit' tutorial about buying oil tubers.
-Watercane stems regrow twice as often now (2 times a year)
-Moved spears to the Weapons category and changed their descriptions. (Functionality unchanged)
Unclaimed World - Refactored Games
Hello, a new version is now available! In this big patch we have focused on polishing the interface and balancing the game.

We've also decided on a...
RELEASE DATE: Tuesday, October 4th 2016!

Yes, we're nearing the end of Early Access. We would be glad to hear any feedback you have so we can do the final polish and it would also help us tremendously if our players would update any old Steam reviews or post brand new ones!
This is the Current roadmap which explains which features we want to add before and if possible after release.

See this video for a quick demo of recent additions - it shows how to manage production conveniently:

ATTACK zone:
The new ATTACK action is a more aggressive action than the existing PATROL. It allows you to move several armed colonists into a zone to kill any dangerous animals and/or vermin. The difference between this and the existing PATROL action is that PATROL is for permanent defense while ATTACK is a brief combat sweep which is auto-cancelled when there are no more targets in the zone. ATTACK will also be less discerning about which creatures to engage and which ones to leave alone.
You set the number of attackers with a slider and check a box if you want to target vermin as well.
(The PATROL zone now also has the number of patrollers set with a slider.)

Threat feedback:
-Skull icons show which animals are seen as threats that the colony wants to eliminate.
-THREATS overlay: Displays areas that are dangerous because animals have been seen there. This overlay can help you to clear away threats that the colonists otherwise stay away from.
-BUILDABLE AREA overlay: Shows blocked terrain the same way that the 'Build' action does.

HUNT window:
Now only lists animals which have been discovered on the map and now shows whether the hunt zone is located in an animal's habitat (the 'animal track' icon). This makes hunting more useful as a permanent way to get food or resources from an area, since it shows which animals can be expected to appear.

Misc. UI improvements:
-All HUD windows are resizable, movable and are brought to front when moved.
-Production HUD windows now have colored headers so info can be found easier. In cases where there are more than one way to produce an item (such as clay) they now show the names of the processes which can be paged between.

-Storage conditions and amount of time left is now shown on the Condition bar for selected items or their parts.
-Tooltip on Stored items bar shows the total capacity as well.
-Information on entity tooltips about durability when indoor/outdoor/refrigerated etc, and also storage capacity.

-'Create Game' screen now has descriptions of each selected difficulty.
-'Meeting' event screen now shows the emigration risk % of each person who complains (More details can be found in the Personnel screen)

-Task panel now has an explanation tooltip for when Cancel Task is not available.

New Ledger screen:
This screen helps identify problems in food production. It shows how much food is produced, consumed and lost to spoilage or vermin. It also shows data about the nutrition consumed by the colonists:

'Basket': (Survival tier) Catches modest amount of 'carbon tail' fish on freshwater locations.
'Fish weir (sticks)': (Survival tier) Catches modest amount of 'carbon tail' on fish weir locations.
'Hoop net': (Basic Food tier) made from cotton fishing net. Catches larger amount of 'carbon tail' fish on freshwater locations.
'Fyke': (Basic Food tier) made from a hoop net and a fishing net. Catches larger amount of 'streak fin' fish on saltwater locations.
'Fish weir (netting)': (Basic tier) Made from fishing nets. Catches larger amount of 'carbon tail' on fish weir locations.
-The fishing net is made from cotton string, preserved with shadeleaf resin.

-Fixed a crash that would happen when running the game on a high-DPI monitor and allowing scaling of the game window.
-Maintenance will now be possible on tools such as campfires that are in use continuously. Maintenance will be forced in between production batches (maintenance and production can no longer happen at the same time.)
-On the world map, the starting site SELECT button is now disabled if no transportation is available from the location (this also prevents a crash that could happen if selecting sites in reverse order).
-Corrected a bug that made turnip animals almost impossible to kill.
-Corrected an issue where a modal dialog that appeared while the user was dragging or resizing a window would mean that the operation did not finish and the cursor stayed in the resize state.
-Corrected some bugs in the event log paging system.
-Fixed a bug on the small farm plot Menu.
-Camera can now move with WASD as well as arrow keys and RMB-drag
-Corrected some issues with the stockpile window. Also, fish traps no longer have a stockpile setting.
-Updated tutorials with new images and instructions that teach the new features.

-Changed construction of peat stack and woodpile so they require sticks as input.
-The Improvised greenhouse now requires fewer gut sheets to build.
-Increased the chance of hitting smaller prey with ranged weapons.
-Expert shooters and archers now have an additional 25% increase in their chance to hit a target.
-Farm robot can now also harvest crops.
-Crop output from fields increased with 20%

Tiers and ratings:
-Fertilizers now require Medium tech tier. This means that farm plot soil will deplete until you advance to Medium tier and can buy/make fertilizer.
-Balanced the Survival shelters so that it's quicker to put up the simplest shelter types. The big wigwam on the other hand now requires more materials.
-Beds (upgrades) for the Clay hut are now Medium tier. 'Furniture' is a new upgrade.
-Cookhouse is now Medium tier.
-Balanced the security ratings of different weapon types to make them more spread out and logical. (Also improved the tooltip about how the colony's Security rating is calculated)
-A tool shed can now be built on Basic tier.

Thanks for reading - we're looking forward to your feedback!
Unclaimed World - Refactored Games
Hello, a new version is now available! In this big patch we have focused on polishing the interface and balancing the game.

We've also decided on a...
RELEASE DATE: Tuesday, October 4th 2016!

Yes, we're nearing the end of Early Access. We would be glad to hear any feedback you have so we can do the final polish and it would also help us tremendously if our players would update any old Steam reviews or post brand new ones!
This is the Current roadmap which explains which features we want to add before and if possible after release.

See this video for a quick demo of recent additions - it shows how to manage production conveniently:

ATTACK zone:
The new ATTACK action is a more aggressive action than the existing PATROL. It allows you to move several armed colonists into a zone to kill any dangerous animals and/or vermin. The difference between this and the existing PATROL action is that PATROL is for permanent defense while ATTACK is a brief combat sweep which is auto-cancelled when there are no more targets in the zone. ATTACK will also be less discerning about which creatures to engage and which ones to leave alone.
You set the number of attackers with a slider and check a box if you want to target vermin as well.
(The PATROL zone now also has the number of patrollers set with a slider.)

Threat feedback:
-Skull icons show which animals are seen as threats that the colony wants to eliminate.
-THREATS overlay: Displays areas that are dangerous because animals have been seen there. This overlay can help you to clear away threats that the colonists otherwise stay away from.
-BUILDABLE AREA overlay: Shows blocked terrain the same way that the 'Build' action does.

HUNT window:
Now only lists animals which have been discovered on the map and now shows whether the hunt zone is located in an animal's habitat (the 'animal track' icon). This makes hunting more useful as a permanent way to get food or resources from an area, since it shows which animals can be expected to appear.

Misc. UI improvements:
-All HUD windows are resizable, movable and are brought to front when moved.
-Production HUD windows now have colored headers so info can be found easier. In cases where there are more than one way to produce an item (such as clay) they now show the names of the processes which can be paged between.

-Storage conditions and amount of time left is now shown on the Condition bar for selected items or their parts.
-Tooltip on Stored items bar shows the total capacity as well.
-Information on entity tooltips about durability when indoor/outdoor/refrigerated etc, and also storage capacity.

-'Create Game' screen now has descriptions of each selected difficulty.
-'Meeting' event screen now shows the emigration risk % of each person who complains (More details can be found in the Personnel screen)

-Task panel now has an explanation tooltip for when Cancel Task is not available.

New Ledger screen:
This screen helps identify problems in food production. It shows how much food is produced, consumed and lost to spoilage or vermin. It also shows data about the nutrition consumed by the colonists:

'Basket': (Survival tier) Catches modest amount of 'carbon tail' fish on freshwater locations.
'Fish weir (sticks)': (Survival tier) Catches modest amount of 'carbon tail' on fish weir locations.
'Hoop net': (Basic Food tier) made from cotton fishing net. Catches larger amount of 'carbon tail' fish on freshwater locations.
'Fyke': (Basic Food tier) made from a hoop net and a fishing net. Catches larger amount of 'streak fin' fish on saltwater locations.
'Fish weir (netting)': (Basic tier) Made from fishing nets. Catches larger amount of 'carbon tail' on fish weir locations.
-The fishing net is made from cotton string, preserved with shadeleaf resin.

-Fixed a crash that would happen when running the game on a high-DPI monitor and allowing scaling of the game window.
-Maintenance will now be possible on tools such as campfires that are in use continuously. Maintenance will be forced in between production batches (maintenance and production can no longer happen at the same time.)
-On the world map, the starting site SELECT button is now disabled if no transportation is available from the location (this also prevents a crash that could happen if selecting sites in reverse order).
-Corrected a bug that made turnip animals almost impossible to kill.
-Corrected an issue where a modal dialog that appeared while the user was dragging or resizing a window would mean that the operation did not finish and the cursor stayed in the resize state.
-Corrected some bugs in the event log paging system.
-Fixed a bug on the small farm plot Menu.
-Camera can now move with WASD as well as arrow keys and RMB-drag
-Corrected some issues with the stockpile window. Also, fish traps no longer have a stockpile setting.
-Updated tutorials with new images and instructions that teach the new features.

-Changed construction of peat stack and woodpile so they require sticks as input.
-The Improvised greenhouse now requires fewer gut sheets to build.
-Increased the chance of hitting smaller prey with ranged weapons.
-Expert shooters and archers now have an additional 25% increase in their chance to hit a target.
-Farm robot can now also harvest crops.
-Crop output from fields increased with 20%

Tiers and ratings:
-Fertilizers now require Medium tech tier. This means that farm plot soil will deplete until you advance to Medium tier and can buy/make fertilizer.
-Balanced the Survival shelters so that it's quicker to put up the simplest shelter types. The big wigwam on the other hand now requires more materials.
-Beds (upgrades) for the Clay hut are now Medium tier. 'Furniture' is a new upgrade.
-Cookhouse is now Medium tier.
-Balanced the security ratings of different weapon types to make them more spread out and logical. (Also improved the tooltip about how the colony's Security rating is calculated)
-A tool shed can now be built on Basic tier.

Thanks for reading - we're looking forward to your feedback!
Unclaimed World - Refactored Games
This is just a small update which has various UI improvements and a fix to error reporting.

-Stockpiles and trade storage can now have a limited amount of goods specified with a slider in the stockpile window (see image below). This is useful when you want to trade only some part of your food or materials. The slider also has an 'unlimited' setting, which is the default.
-Tools now have a list of all the objects/processes that they can be used for (with a maximum cap).
-Some HUD windows such as gather, stockpile, hunt are now resizable.
-All HUD (green pop-up) windows are now movable.

-In the Task Manager panel, made some adjustments to the priority groups 'Sowing/Harvesting', 'Weeding/Fertilizing' and 'Check Traps'.
-Made a fix so that more crashes can be presented to the player as a dialog instead of only appearing in the Windows log.

Unclaimed World - kubluu
This is just a small update which has various UI improvements and a fix to error reporting.

-Stockpiles and trade storage can now have a limited amount of goods specified with a slider in the stockpile window (see image below). This is useful when you want to trade only some part of your food or materials. The slider also has an 'unlimited' setting, which is the default.
-Tools now have a list of all the objects/processes that they can be used for (with a maximum cap).
-Some HUD windows such as gather, stockpile, hunt are now resizable.
-All HUD (green pop-up) windows are now movable.

-In the Task Manager panel, made some adjustments to the priority groups 'Sowing/Harvesting', 'Weeding/Fertilizing' and 'Check Traps'.
-Made a fix so that more crashes can be presented to the player as a dialog instead of only appearing in the Windows log.
