Stellaris - MrFreake_PDX

written by Alec Beals

Hey all!

My name is Alec Beals, one of the several concept artists who worked on the Toxoids Species Pack. Today I’ll be taking you on a very fashionable walk through the seriously expanded clothing component of this pack. In a later dev diary we will go into more detail examining the design process of a species, so this will be an informally focused look at our experiences creating the clothing of Toxoids.

A Quick History of Toxoids

At the end of our visual development process we found ourselves with a diverse array of species for the Toxoid pack. Our intention was to give around a third of them something to wear. By and large, we don’t specify which species will or won’t be clothed at the start of this process. Most artists generate concepts for creatures designed to wear nothing at all, as well as many with clothing designed specifically for that species in mind.

Once we are sufficiently satisfied with how much we’ve explored what is and is not a ‘Toxoid,’ the actual process of deciding the characteristics of our species begins. This is a fairly quick process where we assign common traits (scholar, brute, aggressive, needs pants, etc.) To everyone, after that’s done it’s time to start the clothing process!


Toxoids represented a great opportunity for us to try out some aesthetic choices that had either been missing or only slightly touched on before in Stellaris. It also represented a recurring challenge: “How do we create a series of space-faring civilizations that maybe aren’t so neat and tidy without making them look like a bunch of post-apocalyptic hitchhikers?” In the end, we vaguely defined three broad areas of inspiration: High Tech Survivalism, Wasteland Toxpunk, and Protective Fashion. While we drew from each, we decided to avoid the wasteland aesthetic since it clashed the most with our sci-fi setting.

Finding style

After this, we are at the point where we feel comfortable with both having a unique style while also ensuring that it fits well into the grander scheme of Stellaris.

For this pack, we especially wanted to reference some of the great work done on the ships in the clothing we designed. Another decision made early on was in keeping with the visual and narrative theme that roles like Scientist and General should have a decidedly more roughed-up appearance. After all, Toxoids aren’t afraid to get their numerous hands dirty.

Initially we do not focus too much on what roles each outfit will end up as and more with what makes interesting design. Here are some rough sketches I did using a basic human to explore quite a few styles.

Making it Unique

“What’s so special about all this!” You say, between rounds of Caravan Slots. For all prior Species Packs, clothing has been a relatively straightforward process of creating a single outfit per role, and giving it several different sizes. These have always done a great job but they come with drawbacks; they mask the creature from the neck down and generally come with more limited animation opportunities.

A comparison of a role outfit amongst multiple species from earlier Stellaris and Toxoids.

With the new camera settings requiring clothing designs far beyond the original scope as well as our diverse cast of candidates, we felt that in order to do these designs justice we were going to need to create outfits more specific to each species:

Some early stages of concept and refinement. Some designs such as the Ruler seen here lasted for quite a while before being changed.

We also decided that robots shouldn’t be left out of the fun, so Toxoids is introducing the first ever clothed machine! With support of our fantastic animators, we even discussed the idea of introducing masks, backpacks, and more as ways of adding variety. Eventually it was decided that each species would get more or less a tailor-made outfit.

A continuation from the above image, this time with color and material passes, as well as figuring out how to apply each design uniquely to each of our clothed species.

An example of how assets are re-used and modified and also how small details can make noticeable differences between species.

Achieving this would require re-using as many assets as possible while still making enough changes, new details, and species-conforming components that each one felt as if it was designed for the individual wearer.

An example of ways we were looking to expand the clothing even more, also look how many artists are on this single page!

As previously mentioned, we wanted to explore add-ons such as masks, backpacks and more. Some of these concepts were not new to Stellaris, but we still felt like they could be expanded.

For the most part, during our initial development phase these proved to be costly in terms of time (complicated with the layering of species, gender, role and color variant) or in terms of the in-engine animation budget. This is the nature of the job, and it’s important to know when to push towards a solution and when to recognize something isn’t feasible.

Robots with Skirts

As mentioned above, we have a robot with clothes! This was an aspiration I specifically wanted to see as a long time Stellaris player. After all, even a cold and calculating near-immortal machine might want to try on an outfit or two for a change.

Initially, I had hoped we could have both different heads and unique back components for each role, as well as animated sub-components. However, as with some of the other designs for non-machine clothing, these added up substantially, and quickly exceeded what can be done in-engine. Eventually it was settled on using different heads as well as a specific back component for the Ruler.

Personally I think this adds a nice variety to our machine species, and I hope you agree because I would love to draw robots with pants next.

Bringing it to life

Once the designs and rendering are done, the next step is to separate and export files for animation. Breaking out and cleaning up each separate layer can take a while. Across all our species there’s around 150-200 total assets just for the clothing. Separating these for animation can also be a finicky process. Depending on the complexity of the costume, the method used requires all assets to line up with one another, since they will have to be layered over the original character.

Any additional components (such as the cape for a governor) need to also fit in a space unfilled by anything else. Below is a .gif showcasing how this works across an entire set:

Not shown: the dozens of stray pixels I had to hunt down during cleanup

The next step is animation, which deserves its own Dev Diary for all the effort and complexity it entails, but for now I would like to shout out our amazing animators Hannah and Mota for all the work they’ve done on this and everything else for Toxoids.

For the clothing, assets just shown being broken apart are reconstructed and layed in a 3D program (by Maya in our case). Here’s an example of what that looks like outside of the normal in-game Stellaris view:

Here you can see the robot being re-constructed in Maya

Extensive work is then done rigging and preparing the 2d images to actually be able to warp and bend in a way to help stimulate more fluid animation. This can take a variety of forms, such as creating nodes where fabric and banners can bend to areas where the 2d art will stretch and pull during animation. This is also where the animation budget I mentioned before rears its ugly, if not sensible head. All the points of articulation you see add up quite fast when you also include the character beneath the clothes.

The art can take quite a beating in the process of being rigged for animation

You’ve heard of T-pose, and A-pose, but have you ever heard of the ‘You want HOW MUCH for alloys!?’ pose?

Further complicating everything is the need for the clothing to work with some pretty dynamic animations for characters. Luckily, our animation team is amazing and was able to pinpoint any clothing that may have needed to be removed before this part of the process began. Originally there were way more hanging banners than we see now.

Coming together, final thoughts

Finally it’s all pieced together, beautifully animated, and in game! After the requisite amount of corrosive sludge, sweat and tears, we’ve got some finely attired Toxoids. Minor tweaks aside, at this point the work is done:

This individual has never once considered if there’s more to life than being really, really, ridiculously well dressed.

Believe it or not, there are even more steps and miscellaneous details that I’ve completely passed over as to not turn this into a novel. To my knowledge, this was the most intensive and experimental clothing development cycle of any pack so far. For a variety of reasons, quite a bit of what was attempted wasn’t able to make it into the final build. However, I still feel like everything done for Toxoids can push Stellaris even further going forward.

Thanks for reading. I hope you learned something and best of luck in your future space endeavors!

Next Week

Next Tuesday we'll be back with The Tale of the Questing Knights.

See you then! Also, Pre-Order Toxoids Now!
Stellaris - MrFreake_PDX

Rise from the primordial ooze with the Toxoids Species Pack on September 20th for USD9.99/GBP7.19, and is available to preorder now!

In Toxoids, you will gain the chance to detoxify toxic worlds, sacrifice the long-term survival of your species for short-term gains, and make the tough choices necessary to survive a hostile galaxy.

The Toxoids Species Pack includes:
  • 15 New Species Portraits (+1 for the owners of the Synthetic Dawn Story Pack)
  • 2 New Origins
    • Knights of the Toxic God
    • Overtuned
  • 3 New Civics
    • Toxic Baths
    • Scavengers
    • Relentless Industrialists
  • 4 New Species Traits
    • Incubators
    • Inorganic Breath
    • Noxious
    • Exotic Metabolism
  • New Toxic Shipset, cityscape, throne room backdrop, and advisor voice
* Some content may require content sold separately

See what features await you in the toxic depths of this Species Pack - just check the seals on your hazard suit before digging in!

Preorder the Toxoids Species Pack today!

Stellaris - MrFreake_PDX

written by Eladrin and Gruntsatwork

‘Sup, trash bangers?

Today we’ll be taking a look at some of the features coming in the Toxoids Species Pack. As we’re on an accelerated dev diary schedule, there’s no time to lose! Let’s jump straight into this and turn it over to Gruntsatwork.


One of our two new Origins for Toxoids, Overtuned is the grim but exalting reminder that a brief life burns the brightest. Through invasive surgery and by modifying biochemical pathways you can impart your pops with 13 new overtuned traits. Each of these traits is a mirror to an already existing, far more survivable trait.

As you can see, the overtuned traits can even be picked with their “natural” opposing traits, or stacked with their mirrors for all your double-dipping needs. There are next to no restrictions on mixing them with other traits, so feel free to create whatever biological monstrosities you can imagine.

In practice, the overtuned traits are all about as strong or slightly weaker than their mirror traits, usually cheaper in trait point cost and reduce your leader lifespan depending on their point cost.

In addition to their normal effects, the origin will also grant you access to a new edict called “Damn the Consequences”.

This edict doubles the positive effect of all overtuned traits, but also doubles the upkeep of those pops. Its unity cost is a percentage of your own unity income, so you will always be able to damn the consequences. Furthermore, the edict has a lock-in period of 5 years, which means you will not be able to cancel the edict until it has been active for those 5 years.

New Traits

With Toxoids, we are adding 4 new traits to the game, available to all portraits and 3 of these traits will be available at gamestart.


Incubator pops will enjoy only a modest bonus on their capital worlds given their starting number of pops but fresh colonies will quickly reveal its full power.

Inorganic Breath

A small but flavorful addition to our trait roster, to better support your exotic needs.


Noxious pops will decrease the happiness of all non-noxious pops on the same planet, while in turn receiving a happiness bonus for every non-noxious and therefore unhappy pop. Talk about toxic neighbors.

Exotic Metabolism

Exotic Metabolism however, is an advanced Trait and will thus require fully finished Genetic Ascension, as it requires a robust economy to support their exotic upkeep.

Its benefits are strong, its upkeep severe and it requires a deep investment into biological enhancements, we hope to see some interesting builds with this.


Toxoids will also bring 3 new civics with it, to give you more of that slimy but satisfying feeling.

Mutagenic Spas

Our first civic that does not start you out with its special building, Mutagenic Spas, and all of its alternate versions, give you the option of boosting your pop growth on highly industrialized worlds, as your pops enjoy the fruits of your pollution.

Relentless Industrialists

Relentless Industrialists will have to deal with an ongoing situation about the environmental effects of their increased efficiency in alloy and consumer goods production. Of course, should you be cold-hearted and profit-oriented enough, it becomes a self-solving problem, if you can afford to work in such a hostile environment.


Arriving hand in hand with one of our changes for the free patch, namely the ability to choose what you wish to gain from debris, alloys or research, the new Scavenger civic will allow an empire to gain both benefits as well as salvage some actual ships from the debris.

Megacorps have access to all three civics.

Detox Ascension Perk

Even the toughest species can’t quite survive in a world that is entirely poisonous.

50% poisonous however is another beast altogether.

With the Detox ascension perk, empires will be able to turn those giant balls of death into giant balls of not-quite-death.

Given how perilous toxic worlds are, this act of terraforming will be a bit more involved than normal, since even after the initial phase makes them colonizable, there will be remnants of their toxic pasts interfering with their prosperity.

Next Dev Diary

This Thursday we’ll have a dev diary from the Artists, including some interesting things about the character’s outfits and what we’ve done differently there.

See you then! Don't forget you can Pre-Order Toxoids Now!
Stellaris - PDX_MordredViking
Hello everyone!

Today we’re announcing our next Species Pack that will be released alongside the 3.5 “Fornax” update, the Toxoids!

Whether you burn the future for the benefit of today or scavenge the past, Toxoids are survivors. Toxoids gives you the chance to gamble the future of your planets for immediate gains, and make the tough sacrifices necessary to survive a hostile galaxy.

Pre-Order the Toxoids Species Pack today!

The Toxoids Species Pack will be bubbling over with things such as:

New Origins:
Knights of the Toxic God:
In the depths of your homeworld, rumors rumble of a true power buried under the toxic sludge. Do you dare to dredge up the secrets of your past - and potentially unleash them upon the galaxy?

The candle that burns the brightest, burns itself into the galaxy’s memory! Play as a species that can gain more and more traits at the cost of its own lifespan, and live for today without worrying about sticking around for tomorrow!

New Civics:
Toxic Baths:
Grow your population fast with a fresh infusion of mutagenic sludge - so long as you’re willing to tolerate the costs to your planet and your people!

One empire’s trash is your empire’s treasure! Don’t be too proud to harvest debris and destruction for quick construction projects of your own.

Relentless Industrialists:
If you’re going to keep up with demand, you’re going to have to learn to ignore all of those petty regulations and negative opinions. The surviving population will thank you for all of the resources you gain!

New Traits:
Repopulate quickly when your planet is empty, but those growth facilities can fill up fast!

Inorganic Breath:
Your own people are a source of valuable exotic gasses! It’s a shame the respirators are so expensive.

Other species can’t stand being around you, and it seems like your mere existence is making your planets awful places to live. On the other hand, other empires have a very difficult time wanting to fight or subjugate you, and it’s hilarious to see the look on their faces when you’re in the room!

Exotic Metabolism:
You’ve adapted to ask “are you going to eat that?” where other species would be calling the hazmat team. Eat faster, live longer, and enjoy a terrifying rainbow of flavors!

New Cosmetics:
Species portraits, ship models, and cityscapes that only a mother could love.

New Advisor:
Grow your empire alongside a relentless source of noxious sarcasm!

The Toxoids Species Pack and the Stellaris 3.5 “Fornax” update will be released on September 20, 2022, and will be playable at PDXCon this Friday and Saturday at Münchenbryggeriet here in Stockholm.

We’ll be moving to a rapid dev diary release schedule for the next few weeks as we attempt to cover everything that’s in the Toxoids Species Pack. We’ll see you next Tuesday with the next Stellaris Dev Diary.

Pre-Order the Toxoids Species Pack today!
Stellaris - MrFreake_PDX

written by Eladrin

Hello again!

This week we’re going to look at some more things that are going into the upcoming Stellaris 3.5 “Fornax” release.

Megastructures in the Outliner

One of the things going into Fornax is something we’ve wanted for a very long time on PC - a Megastructure section in the Outliner.

As shown here, the Megastructures section will list all megastructures within your territory, including ruined ones as well as Gateway Sites (but not completed gateways, as that would be too much clutter).

Never again will you lose track of where you left that Gateway Site or Ruined Sentry Array!

Accessibility Improvements

We talked about some accessibility improvement goals before the summer, and some of them are going into Fornax.

When enabled, Mouse Side Button Mode allows Mouse 4 and Mouse 5 to toggle pause state and galactic/system views.

Page Up and Page Down will also now adjust the camera zoom level.

Other accessibility improvement projects are ongoing for future updates. I hope to have text to speech available in an Open Beta later on in the year for the 3.6 “Orion” update.

Golden Tiyanki Status

The Caravansary Caravan Coalition will now reward their most loyal patrons with Golden Tiyanki status. Those who have purchased a sufficient number of Reliquaries will now be granted the honor of being able to purchase as many as they like, directly for credits, with no more cooldowns for their best customers.

Good luck, the Galatron is waiting!

(This should make a couple of related achievements significantly less painful to acquire. They do eventually get pretty expensive, however.)

More Achievements

Continuing from last week, here are the rest of the new Species Pack achievements we're planning for Fornax.


Holy Water - Drench a Fallen Empire’s holy world.

There Be Dragons - Have at least 13 dragons you own in your capital system.


With Great Power - As a Necrophage, do not invade any pre-ftl civilisations until you defeat the crisis OR have at least 10 observation stations around pre-ftl worlds.

Recent History - As a Memorialist empire, have Galactic Memorials on five tomb worlds that did not start the game as tomb worlds.


Room for Desert - Consume another empire’s desert homeworld.

Can You Smell What the Lithoids are Cooking? - As a Lithoid empire, keep another Lithoid pop as Livestock or Process them.


Growing Like Weeds - As a budding species that does not have the Clone Army origin, achieve a base organic pop assembly of at least 10/month on your capital.

Tend the Garden - Become the custodian of Wenkwort Artem, designating it a resort world with a Ranger Lodge and all original blockers present.


Directive 67 - As a Clone Soldier empire, denounce a Spiritualist fallen empire as a crisis in the Galactic Community then destroy them, without blowing up their final planet.
(We're so mean to the Spiritualist Fallen Empire!)

Destroy the People of Earth! - As the Commonwealth of Man, destroy the United Nations of Earth with your ruler being a human with a symbiotic brainslug, without blowing up their final planet.

We also have one more being added to Synthetic Dawn:

Machine Supremacy - Win the game as a machine uprising.

Now I’ll turn it over to Iggy for an update on Relics.

Relic Updates

Hello everyone! I am Iggy and I am back to show you the fruit of our collaboration from back earlier in the summer. Firstly we reviewed some of the feedback about the untouched relics so please enjoy even more relics with enhanced flavor and fewer pain points.

The Khan’s Throne now grants you access to the Satrapy Subject Preset letting you extort fleet capacity from your subject.

Also the Defragmentor will now have a usage for non-robot empires granting 10% energy upkeep reduction to all jobs buildings and districts.

And finally the Head of Zarqlan now has the spiritualist ethics attraction locked to the active, and the size of the fleet increases with activation, up to a max after 5 uses. Also due to popular demand the head will now spawn for the AI instead of the player 25% of the time and the AI will colonize holy worlds when they possess the relic.

Further Changes to Already Balanced Relics:
  • The Psionic Archive now allows Gestalt Empires to find Psionic Theory which in turn will grant them access to Zro Mining.
  • The Brood Queen will now grant a stacking empire modifier to swarm type weapons (Missiles and Strike Craft) for each use and will also spawn the Carrier variant on use.
  • The Pox Sample will increase the likelihood that you find Biological Technologies
  • The Omnicodex now gives +25 relation with non robot empires if you are a robot one.
  • The Reality Perforator active modifiers now last 2-5 years instead of 1-5 years

For the rest of the changes please see Dev Diary #259.

Next Week and PDXCon

Next week is PDXCon at Münchenbryggeriet here in Stockholm, but we’ll still have a dev diary taking a peek at some of the content coming out with Fornax. If you come visit us at the convention, we’ll have Fornax up and running, a Stellaris Q&A Panel where we'll be taking questions from the audience, and I’m planning on holding a small workshop where we’ll reveal how our summer experiments have gone.

There are still a few tickets left if you're in the area.

See you next week!
Stellaris - MrFreake_PDX

written by Eladrin

Hi everyone, I hope you’ve had a wonderful summer.

Today we’ll start going into some of the things planned for the upcoming Stellaris 3.5 “Fornax” update.

New Difficulty Settings

With the improvements that have been made to the AI over the past few updates, we’ve noticed that new players are finding things a bit more challenging and there have been some requests for an easier difficulty setting. As such, we’re adding a Civilian difficulty setting, and making Cadet the default difficulty.

Civilian difficulty further increases the bonuses players receive in Cadet difficulty, with an additional bonus towards completing First Contact.

Now, we’re aware that most of you that read these dev diaries are looking for a greater challenge rather than the opposite, but we have some things for you as well.

Two new settings are being added that allow you to better customize the difficulty of your game.

Rather than being a simple toggle, Scaling Difficulty can now be set to Off, Mid Game, or Late Game - if set to Mid Game, AI bonuses will scale from zero to the selected difficulty by the Mid-Game Start Year. Late Game will provide the current behavior of scaling to the selected difficulty by the End-Game Start Year.

Difficulty Adjusted AI Modifiers is a new toggle that can dramatically increase the strength of the AI on higher difficulty levels as the game progresses. If enabled, the AI bonuses apply to all other modifiers the AI accumulates.

As an example, the Geothermal Fracking technology grants +20% Minerals from Miners. On Grand Admiral difficulty with this setting enabled, this technology would instead grant AI empires a 40% bonus.

Fornax will also bring one other tiny little addition to the galaxy generation settings for players looking for an extra challenge.

The Crisis Type setting will now have an option for All, which will spawn every crisis sequentially, with each subsequent crisis being stronger than the previous. The galaxy is counting on you. No pressure.

Species Pack Achievements

Stellaris achievements have always been a bit tongue in cheek and enjoyable to make, if not always enjoyable to complete. (I’m looking at you, Galatron achievements!)

We’ve submitted to the demands of our artists, and will be adding three achievements to each species pack that has previously been released.

While Stellaris achievements have traditionally always been careful to not require “cross-dlc”, we didn’t enforce that restriction to some of these since we felt that if you have all of the Species Packs you probably have everything else already.

Here’s one example from each.


Fishing for Trouble - As an angler empire, provoke a Fallen Empire into declaring war on you and win.


There’s a Zombie on my Lawn - As a Necroid empire, eradicate a Plantoid empire, or vice-versa, without blowing up their final planet.


Rock Beats Paper - As a Lithoid empire, show the Galactic Community exactly what you think of that strongly worded letter.


Strange Mood - As a Master Crafter empire, fully construct a megastructure while you have a Covenant with a Shroud entity.


DIY - As an Idyllic Bloom empire, convert the junk worlds of the Ketling Star Pack into Gaia Worlds.

Next Week

Next week I'll spoil more of the achievements, and go into some quality of life changes. Iggy will also give a compiled update on relic changes based on your feedback.

We'll be a bit slow with replies to this dev diary as we're currently at a staff conference. We'll catch up as we can.

See you next week!
Stellaris - MrFreake_PDX
PDXCON2022 returns to Stockholm this September! Join us on the road to PDXCON2022 with another Grand Campaign!

Watch our developers as they play through a customized game of Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, Hearts of Iron, and Stellaris and follow laws passed by our Community-led Senate. Following the great tradition laid down last year for PDXCON, there may be familiar faces, returning arch-rivals, and maybe some new friends!

What is a Grand Campaign?

The story of a Grand Campaign is written in the senate, where Community-formed and led parties propose and vote on laws, that our developers have to follow on stream. This Grand Campaign spans the timeframe of four of our games, spanning several thousand years of alt-human history. Starting in the Crusader Kings era, all the way to Stellaris. In between games, we will transfer elements of one era to the next, so that the entire game is played in the same universe. This year, we've teamed up with some of your favorite modders, to make it that much more entertaining!

How can I get involved?

Join the Senate on discord! Parties on discord are still accepting newcomers, and while the bills have been passed for Crusader Kings, there are still around a thousand years of history, and ~40 hours of streams that your laws can directly affect! There will also be quick votes held on discord for in-game events deemed appropriate to pass to the senate by our Game Masters.

Where can I watch?

Join us on, starting at 1000 AM CEST (0800 UTC)!

What is PDXCON?

PDXCON2022 is an opportunity to meet some of your favorite developers, live in person at our annual Paradox Convention! Join a massive board game session, attend Paradox games’ orchestra & play our games (potentially including some cool new unreleased content)! Get the tickets while supplies last!

See you there!
Stellaris - MrFreake_PDX

written by Alfray_Stryke

Hey folks, and I hope everyone is having a fantastic summer/winter break (depending on your hemisphere). I’ve found some time between my other summer experiments and the work we’re doing for 3.5 “Fornax” to dive into the feedback/suggestions lists. Since Eladrin is still away, you’re getting another sneak preview of what I’ve been working on.

One of the frequent requests from the Unity rework that was part of the 3.3 “Libra” patch earlier this year was for us to return Culture Workers to the game. Currently, they exist only as jobs provided by some event buildings, but many in the Community felt we removed some flavor/roleplay aspect when we removed them.

Over summer, I’ve been experimenting with potentially adding them back in. For context, in the current version of the game Culture Workers are a Specialist job that belongs to their own economic category, produce 3 Unity and 3 Society Research with an upkeep of 2 Consumer Goods.

Let’s have a look at an Autochthon Monument constructed by the UNE shortly after the start of the game.

Showing the Culture Workers with some unusual modifiers

To start with, the monument is retaining the Unity from Jobs modifier and the passive Unity production per Ascension Perk, but additionally provides 2/4/6 Culture Worker jobs per tier of the monument. The same applies to the Corporate version of the monument.

The sharp-eyed might notice that there’s some odd modifiers being given: Worker Happiness? Pop Upkeep Reduction? What, might you ask, has happened?

In this experiment, we’re looking at Culture Workers having an output that depends on the Ethics of your empire. After all, what influences your culture the most if not your ethics?

These are the ethics-based modifiers we’re currently testing and whether their effects are Empire-wide or only affecting the planet that the building has been constructed on:

  • Materialist: +2 Amenities (Planet)
  • Spiritualist: -2.5% Amenity Usage (Planet)
  • Militarist: +1 Naval Capacity (Empire)
  • Pacifist: -2.5% Crime (Planet)
  • Egalitarian: +2.5% Worker Happiness (Planet)
  • Authoritarian: +5 Ruler Political Power (Planet)
  • Xenophobe: +3 Edict Fund (Empire)
  • Xenophile: -2.5% Pop Upkeep (Planet)

These modifiers are provided by both Culture Workers and Death Chroniclers (as their job-swap with the Memorialist civic) and are doubled in the case of Fanatic ethics. They are intended to be a small buff/addition to the job, with the Unity production from both the jobs and the building being the primary draw.

Additionally, Culture Workers/Death Chroniclers now belong in the Administrator category, in the Culture Worker sub-category meaning they’ll benefit from multiplicative bonuses to Administrator output (such as those provided by the Unification or Ecclesiastical planetary designations). They produce a base of 4 Unity and +10% Government Ethics Attraction (+2.5% Stability for Death Chroniclers) with 3 Consumer Goods upkeep.

There’s also been some discussion around having Resort Worlds add Culture Workers, and if I find time I’ll be looking into that as well.

To ensure that hive-minds and machine intelligences don’t feel left out, Sensorium/Simulation Sites now provide 2/4/6 Evaluator jobs per tier of the building. These now provide 4 Unity and 3 Amenities in exchange for an upkeep of 2 Energy.

A hive-mind sensorium site providing 2 evaluator jobs.

Chronicle Drones provide the same Unity and Amenities output but give an additional +2.5% Stability in exchange for slightly higher upkeep (and that upkeep being based off of the upkeep cost of the pop working the job). Like their individualist equivalents, these jobs both now belong to the Evaluator sub-category of the Administrators jobs.

I’m not sure if we’ll have another surprise dev diary over summer, but our normal schedule should resume once Eladrin’s back and we’ll start delving into 3.5. Regardless I’ll be keeping a close eye on this thread for your thoughts, suggestions and any feedback.
Stellaris - MrFreake_PDX
Hello Stellaris Community!

We've got a special treat for you today! MaxTheCatfish is here with our Top 10 Beginner and Intermediate Tips and Tricks for galactic domination! Whether its your first game, or if you've played hundreds of hours, you never know what you might learn!

Top 10 Beginner Tips:

Top 10 Intermediate Tips:

What would you consider your #1 "Expert" Tip? Let us know in the comments!
Stellaris - MrFreake_PDX

written by Iggy

Hello everyone, Iggy here with a surprise dev diary! I am a Content Designer who has worked as a Custodian for the past year or so, bringing you content like Permanent Employment and the Leviathan Parades.

I know Eladrin said no more diaries until after summer… But he is not around to stop me!

I couldn’t wait to present the initial relic balance changes and to give all of you lovely folks a chance to voice your feedback. Summer is historically a time of experimentation when it comes to Paradox, and why not experiment with how we gather feedback?

So let’s get started with some of my biggest bugbears regarding how the relics currently work, what I have done to address the issues, and why.

Crisis Relics

The relics you get from defeating the various crises in the game are pretty tame - compared to all other relics, they are actually quite balanced. That is not good enough. These are your final reward for defeating the most powerful foe in the galaxy! Let’s give you a bit of a victory lap and have some fun with this.

As you can see, you no longer will gain a measly 30 Society Research. Instead, a massive 50% modifier to all society techs is in your future.

Precursor Relics

Another issue that has plagued Stellaris for quite some time is the viability of your starting precursor. While we are not giving you the ability to choose which precursor you spawn with, I wanted to make each relic at least somewhat useful for most empires. Here, I also felt the need for some slight adjustments to the Cybrex and the Baol, as both are a bit too powerful in the early game, without removing their usefulness in the late game.

The Baol Decision now has an activation time, but you also gain hive Nu-Baol pops if you are a hivemind. If the 10% resource output wasn’t enough there is also a reason to keep using the relic on existing Gaia worlds to get a special form of Gaia Habitability on your organic pops.

The Cybrex War Forge might start out slower, but as the game progresses you’lll notice that it becomes more powerful than ever before, capable of processing additional minerals after each use.

What this rebalance also allows us to do is to make some relics slightly less annoying to use. At the top of my list, we have the Javorian Pox Sample — memed about being the worst relic in the game. Having to activate a relic and then go in and micro every fleet only for the bombardment stance to fall off a few years later made it a real frustrating relic to use as well.

Now we will always be ready to spread some plague.

Event Relics

Finally, we got some event relics that vary from powerful to forgettable. Here the main goal was to spice up the use of relics that might not have benefits for every playstyles. Blade of the Huntress is gaining diplomatic weight as your envoy swings it around the galactic community floor; the Omnicodex can now produce hivemind pops if you are one yourself.

You can find all currently planned changes below, these are of course subject to change:

Precursor Relics:

Javorian Pox:
  • Passive: +20 Leader Lifespan
  • Active: Javorian Pox Orbital Bombardment stance
  • Passive: Bombardment Stance and +20 Leader Lifespan
  • Active: 50% increased biology research
The Last Baol:
  • Active instantly creates a Gaia world
  • The active decision takes 5 years to create a Gaia world
  • If the decision is activated on a Gaia World, all organic pops on the world get an empowered Gaia World Habitability preference granting them +5% resource output on Gaia Worlds.
  • The Nu-Baol will be hivemind if you are a hivemind
Yuht Cryo Core:
  • Passive: +1 pop on every new colony
  • Passive: +1 pop on every new colony, +20% energy weapon fire rate
Psionic Archive:
  • Passive:
  • -50% Shroud Cooldown
  • Better Shroud odds
  • Active:
  • Event granting numerous boons, including a 500 experience boost which becomes quite lacking in the late game.
  • Passive:
  • -50% Shroud Cooldown
  • Better Shroud odds
  • Unlocks an edict granting leader XP, longevity, and accident prevention for a zro upkeep.
  • +5 Ruler Max Level
  • Active: The knowledge option now always levels your ruler up a level instead of granting a flat xp bonus.
Cybrex Warforge:
  • Passive: 5% More alloys, and allowing the building of the most powerful buildable army in the game.
  • Active: Spend 10000 minerals and gain 5000 alloys.
  • Passive: Allows the building of the most powerful buildable army in the game.
  • Active: Spend 2000 minerals and gain 1000 alloys. Effect Increases by 2000 minerals and 1000 alloys each time it’s activated up to a cap of 20,000 alloys.
Vultaum Reality Perforator:
  • Active: Grants one of 4 random buffs lasting for 1 year.
  • Active: Grants one of 4 random buffs lasting for 1 - 5 years.
Event Relics:

Blade of the Huntress:
  • Passive: +25% Army Morale +2 Planet Sensor Range
  • Active: +25% Sublight Speed for 10 years
  • Passive: +25% Army Morale 20% more diplo weight
  • Active: +25% Sublight Speed for 10 years
  • Active: Adds 3 pops of a random species
  • Active: Adds 3 pops of a random species, if you are a hivemind they are also hive-minded.
Ether Drake Trophy:
  • Active: 10% more happiness
  • Active: 10% more happiness and 10 stability to every planet.
The Surveyor:
  • Active: Can grant 3-5 rare resources among other deposits.
  • Active: Can grant 1-3 rare resource deposits. Nothing else changed.
Note: The Surveyor has half the cooldown and only costs energy to activate. It’s still an excellent peacetime relic.

Crisis Relics:

Extradimensional Warlock:
  • Passive: +15% Sublight Speed
  • Active: +100% more jumpdrive range
  • Passive: +30% Sublight speed, +20% weapon range
  • Active:
  • +100% more jumpdrive range
  • -50% jump cooldown reduction
  • +75% more accuracy and range on your Quantum Catapult
Prethoryn Brood-Queen:
  • Passive: +30 society research
  • Active: Spawns a small fleet
  • Passive: +50% society research
  • Active: Spawns a sizeable fleet

Isolated Contingency Core:
  • Passive: +100% Pop Assembly Speed
  • Passive:
  • +100% Pop Assembly Speed
  • Allows the construction of 2 of each megastructure instead of 1.


Khan's Throne
  • Felt like it had a solid theme already with a solid bonus.
Head of Zarqlan
  • Has both an early game and a late-game bonus as well as superb flavor.
Miniature Galaxy
  • Research is always top tier and random should stay random.
The Defragmentor
  • Allows you to convert unity into energy. The passive not having any benefit to a spiritualist empire does feel kinda bad. Might look into it.
Scales of the Worm
  • There is no way we can ever make this relic comparable to the bonus you get for embracing the Worm. It would have to be the strongest relic on this list.
The Rubricator
  • One of two ways to get a repeatable source of Minor Artifacts, very powerful.
The Galatron
  • Is the Galatron

Now I want to hear from you! Are you terrified of what I did to the Yuht Cryo Core? Annoyed that I skipped the Miniature galaxy? Still not feeling like activating the Pox Sample? Please feel free to analyze and make tier lists. Hopefully, after this next patch, every relic will be a bit more attractive!