Steam Marines - apsyse
Marines get new fire/reload/projectile animations, a random event system is introduced, a bunch of balances and tweaks were implemented, and bugs were squashed! Space weather was rolled into the new random event system. Watch out for gamma rays!

Two new game options 1) 0 AP facing, and 2) auto-facing toggle allows for easier repositioning and simplified gamepad (dpad) play.

Full changelogs are on the discussion forums!
Steam Marines - apsyse
Marines get new fire/reload/projectile animations, a random event system is introduced, a bunch of balances and tweaks were implemented, and bugs were squashed! Space weather was rolled into the new random event system. Watch out for gamma rays!

Two new game options 1) 0 AP facing, and 2) auto-facing toggle allows for easier repositioning and simplified gamepad (dpad) play.

Full changelogs are on the discussion forums!
Steam Marines - Valve
Steam Marines is Now Available on Steam Early Access and is 10% off for the first week to celebrate!*

Steam Marines is a squad based Roguelike set on a steampunk spaceship. It features tactical play focused on positioning and careful use of resources. Built to keep you on your toes as you progress through the decks of your besieged ship while clearing enemies and trying to reach each level's elevator.

*Offer ends November 5 at 10AM Pacific Time

Oct 26, 2013
Steam Marines - apsyse
Everyone who previously purchased Steam Marines will be getting Steam keys after the game launches on Steam. Moreover all future purchases from Humble/Desura/Indie Game Stand will also include Steam keys.
Oct 26, 2013
Steam Marines - apsyse
Everyone who previously purchased Steam Marines will be getting Steam keys after the game launches on Steam. Moreover all future purchases from Humble/Desura/Indie Game Stand will also include Steam keys.