Jun 3, 2021
Rust - holmzy
Contact System

We've added a new system for keeping track of the players you interact with.

You'll find a new tab on your inventory screen which will open the contacts panel. From there you'll be able to use the various controls to flag a player as either friendly or enemy. This will change how their name tag shows up when you encounter them in the world. Players are automatically added to the 'seen' category if you've been in close proximity for several seconds.

Any player who kills you will be added to your Enemy list.

You can select any contact from the list and filter by category (friendly/seen/enemy) as well as assign a contact to a category.

Binoculars have also received a buff, and will allow you to see a colored pip above players indicating if they are an enemy or a friend.

There is a rudimentary reputation system in the works which will very slightly shade your nametag either blue or red based on how likely you are to kill on sight. This system is a work in progress and will be expanded upon in the future.

Any server can disable the contacts system with the convar relationshipmanage.contacts false

The nametag system has also changed and you can now display your name plate at long distances to anyone you are looking at by using the 'wave' gesture. We hope this will allow players to avoid killing other 'friendly' players and grant the ability to signal your intentions.

As for the majority of hardcore rust players who kill everyone on sight anyway, you may as well pretend this system does not exist as it will not affect you. However for those less inclined to destroy and kill every living thing that passes infront of them. This system might help you find some like-minded players to team up with.

Wire Colour Coding

This was suggested on Reddit and we all felt like it was a good idea so I added the ability to colour code your electrical wires and hoses this month.

Simply hold Reload while holding the Wire Tool/Hose Tool to select which colour you’d like to use.

Demo Shot System

This month we’re adding the first iteration of a more advanced feature set for viewing and manipulating demos. This has primarily been built to improve our internal production tools, but considering the rich and diverse community of Rust content creators out there we’d love for this to be a tool that all of you can use.

Once you load a demo with “demo.hud” turned on, you’ll see a variety of new options including a shot manager and scrubbable timeline. Pressing the ALT key at any time will switch control between the demo UI and debug camera.

You can now create and manage 'shots' within demos, which are individual recordings of camera motion as well as properties such as FOV and DOF. These shots can then be played back in-sync with the demo scene.

To create a shot, simply press the “New Shot” button, give it a name and then hit record - your live camera movement will now be recorded. To end a shot recording, press the Escape key.

For added management, shots can be sorted into folders, moved between folders, renamed and deleted all from the in-game interface. Folders can also be renamed/deleted by right clicking on them in the shot list.

This current shot system is the first stage of a comprehensive cinematic toolset we’ve planned out. Our goal for the future is to expand on this system by adding features such as keyframe editing, redubbing elements of shots post-recording, UI for modifying world conditions (eg. weather, time of day) and export options so you can render your shots into actual video or image files.

Are you making videos in Rust? Let us know how this tool can help you!


The first phase of the AI rework is finished and it replaces multiple different AI systems across different game locations with a single new one.

Making changes to an established game as big and complex as Rust is scary, especially due to the multiplayer nature, so there's bound to be some initial bugs. Please report anything you find and I'll get it fixed.

The advantages of having everything running on one AI system are numerous, the main one being it should be easier to keep the AI updated going forwards. New features will be easier to add, and they will work across all of the AI, and not just for AI in certain areas or specific monuments.

So whilst there's still plenty more to come in this area, there are already some new features such as animal packs to look out for.


Rust+ now works with IFTTT! You'll be able to connect Rust to other apps, services, and devices through IFTTT to automate all kinds of tasks. For example, all of the deep sleepers who wanted Rust+ to have a louder alarm can now connect Rust's smart alarms to your actual smart home alarm, your bedroom lights, and other services which support IFTTT.

The IFTTT integration depends on having Rust+ set up on your phone so you can pair your Rust servers - so if you aren't using it already, install the Rust+ app on your phone! Once you're all set up with Rust+ you'll need to create or sign into your IFTTT account and head over to the Rust service page on IFTTT where you can link Rust+ to IFTTT and then build applets.

The current IFTTT integration does not support controlling smart switches at the moment - this is something we're looking into supporting in the future.

Updated Animals

The animals in Rust have sucked for far too long. They stand out more than ever now with the team dropping the amazing world revamp last month.

We've updated them with brand new models and materials, as well as a fuzzy fur shader for the longer bits of hair. This gets culled beyond LOD0 so we don't anticipate a big hit on performance - in fact, in the process of updating we discovered each model had a lot of redundant bones which we've stripped out!

Along with the new models came the arduous task of updating rigs, skinning & animation.

Some animals proved more challenging than others as the updated models correct issues in proportions of the previous models, which meant changing bone placements.

Creating new controller rigs for the whole suite of animals would of increased the workload by months & also meant every single existing animation would have needed to be replaced just to get things functional.

I decided to try and force the current rigs into submission for any animation updates, although as mentioned all redundant bones have been removed. The idles took quite a while to get something natural, but are a big improvement on what we have. I've also updated walks & some runs where possible, but this really is a baseline to build upon.

I'll be looking to update more anims like attacks/cycles, and once the ai becomes more advance we can hopefully increase their motives/goals/states and I can start to add more animations to support this. There are also current issues with some of the code-based turn movement as well which I'd really like to improve and have a greater degree of control over.

Improvements & Fixes Highlights

Procgen Improvements & Fixes: Multiple Improvments & fixes To Procgen Generation

Tree Minigame: Improved tree X markers positioning

Solar Panel Update: Updated Solar Panel model

Twitch Drops

No Twitch drops this month, they'll resume in July.

Hapis Island

This has been a frequently asked question, as mentioned last month: Due to the huge world revamp Hapis Island is currently removed from the map pool while Petur works on bringing the map up to date with the new visuals.

No update on this as of yet but progress is being made.


  • New Demo shot system
  • Contact system
  • Rust+ IFTTT integration
  • Fixed certain monuments sometimes spawning partially underwater
  • Fixed terrain height artifacts that were causing extreme slopes on certain seeds
  • Fixed edge case where tunnel entrance would not connect to tunnel network
  • Fixed tunnel network gap when two stations were spawned right next to each other and a tunnel tried to cross them
  • Fixed harbors and fishing villages spawning at ridiculous slopes
  • Fixed edge case that could make rivers overlap each other
  • Fixed being able to break Injured animation by playing a gesture
  • Fixed demos over an hour not displaying time correctly in the demo list
  • Fixed being able to shoot over a ledge while in a beach chair at extreme height differences
  • Fixed some headgear blocking vision while injured (Lunar New Year masks, NVG goggles, etc)
  • Fixed M39 viewmodel sometimes ejecting two shells every shot
  • Sleeping players will no longer blink
  • Fixed some potential gib errors when destroying bases (likely resulting in a disconnect)
  • Fixed Storage Monitor bounds, often causing LOS to fail resulting in not sending the paring notification to app
  • Don't spawn harbors in tight places where they end up adjusting the coastline opposite to them (looks bad, leads to glitchy topologies)
  • Full rewrite of monument prefab prioritization when determining their spawn locations and which monuments not to spawn if there isn't enough space for all of them
  • Changed giant excavator monument to default priority
  • Changed mining_quarry_c monument to default priority
  • Can now press Reload to change the colour of placed electrical wires and hoses
  • Added a tooltip when first using a grenade to explain the controls
  • Prevented tree X markers from travelling too far down the tree
  • Ladder hatches that hit a vehicle while opening will now cancel their animation (like regular doors)
  • Allow gestures to be used while mounted on Secretlab chair
  • Reduced road vehicle wrecks to lessen the impact on roadside junkpiles
  • Improved small battery placement
  • Small battery can now be rotated before deployment
  • Small battery can now be deployed on tables / boxes
  • Censorplayerlist now enabled by default on servers
  • Rock colliders improved, still requires continued work
  • Icelakes not generating on procedural maps - this will be fixed in July's update.
  • Bone error in SkeletonProperties - this is a harmless server warning which can be ignored. We're investigating the cause.
May 6, 2021
Rust - holmzy

A Whole New World

This month Rust has received a huge visual update, the biggest to date! From new terrain, trees, rocks, cliffs, decor, grass, monument reworks and so much more.

This is the culmination of work by several people that took place on and off over the last couple of years. It greatly improves how the game feels and gives it a fresh look.

Most of the new visuals were developed alongside the transition of the game to the High Definition Render Pipeline of Unity (HDRP) that we subsequently dropped after unsatisfactory performance results. We didn’t want to waste the efforts made to make the game look better during that time and ported them to the current version of the game instead.

We also took the opportunity in the last two months leading up to this update to fix a vast amount of long-standing issues revolving around monuments, world procedural generation, and exploits.

For example, you'll find cliffs, road, terrain, river generation much improved.

We re-worked some monuments completely such as the Junkyard, Satellite dish and integrated many of them inside the procedurally generated world more seamlessly than before. For example, you'll now see larger monuments and hubs now have bespoke subway tunnel entrances within their perimeter.

When it comes to performance, we did our best to keep the current status quo or improve upon it in some areas of the game. But since this update adds more content than it removes, we do not expect a major improvement in performance overall.

The Bandit Town is known for one if not the worst performance area, and this gave us the perfect opportunity to address this. We reduced the number of NPCs, reduced the forest density and completely remodelled the huts.

This is only touching the surface of changes, and you'll find many more changes and new additions while playing.

Junkyard Revamp & Crane

The Junkyard monument has received a complete overhaul, our original vision just didn't work out as well as we hoped. Once we adding flight into Rust it only made things worse. The revamp should hopefully resolve all the commonly complained about issues and make it a hotspot for action.

Not only did the Junkyard receive a complete overhaul we've also added a driveable crane that can pick up vehicles and drop them in the shredder located at the centre of the yard. Dropping cars into the shredder will yield scrap.

- Moving the crane too far away from the Junkyard will destroy the crane

Bush Displacement

Since the HDRP content backport comes with much nicer foliage, we noticed during playtesting that bushes got in the way when building a base a lot more than with the old foliage. To counteract this, bushes are now removed when building on top of them. Of course bushes won't be gone forever and will automatically respawn in suitable locations around the map.

This uses the same system as trees, which guarantees that a nice and even coverage across the map will be preserved and we don't end up with large areas that don't have any bushes at all.

Nvidia Reflex

Nvidia Reflex is now available! Reflex can be enabled via the options menu for all Nvidia users using GeForce GTX 900 Series or newer. Enabling Reflex has shown up to 38% reduced input latency within Rust.

Improvements & Fixes Highlights

Mounted Gestures
Gesture while on horses, boats, seats, etc

Alt Look
Restored 3rd person feedback when a player is alt looking

Poker Table
Multiple poker table fixes and improvements

Bandit Camp Recycler
Due to popular demand the Bandit camp now has an extra recycler

Hitch & Trough Improvments
Doubled health recovered by horses and decay time reset after eating food

Junkyard Carlift
Public carlift can now be used at the revamped Junkyard

Check out the changelog for more changes.

Server Changes

As of this update, the servers that were moved temporarily due to the fire at the OVH datacenter in Strasbourg have now been moved to a permanent home, we'll be moving all the player blueprints etc. over so the affected servers may be delayed by a few minutes starting back up.

The following EU servers have moved to new IP:

  • Facepunch EU3 -
  • Facepunch EU4 -
  • Facepunch EU Small 1 -
  • Facepunch EU Large 1 -
  • Facepunch EU5 -
  • Facepunch EU Softcore 1 -
  • Facepunch EU Softcore 2 -
  • Facepunch EU11 -
  • Facepunch EU12 -
  • Facepunch EU Small 2 -
  • Facepunch EU Small 3 -
  • Facepunch EU Small 4 -
  • Facepunch EU13 -
  • Facepunch EU14 -
  • Facepunch EU Small 9 -
  • Facepunch EU17 -
  • Facepunch EU18 -
  • Facepunch EUS10 -
  • Facepunch EU Softcore 3 -
  • Facepunch EU Softcore 4 -
  • Facepunch EU Softcore 5 -

Please note due to these servers moving they'll no longer display within your history or favourites list.

Hapis Island Temporary Removed

Due to the huge world revamp Hapis Island is currently removed from the map pool while Petur works on bringing the map up to date with the new visuals. We expect these changes will be completed within a few weeks, we'll keep you updated on Hapis Island progress.

Facepunch Hapis Islands servers will stay online but will now run a procedural map for the time being.

Twitch Drops

Starting from today till May 13th 18:00UTC Twitch drops are enabled for Rust Twitch streamers. You can earn special and unique skins simply by watching your favourite Rust Twitch streamers.

We've teamed up with Abe, Tacularr, Spoon kid, Shiphtur, PeterParkTV, Masayoshi,imPheetus, Enardo, Brit, Big Chase, Berne and Fuslie to bring you special unique drops which can only be earned by watching their channels.

Learn more at http://twitch.facepunch.com

Community Map Making Contest

Later this month in the community update post we'll be announcing details for the first community map-making contest. If you're interested keep an eye out!

  • New generation cliff placement and cliff visuals
  • New terrain visuals
  • New terrain clutter visuals
  • New terrain foliage visuals
  • New cliffs and rocks visuals
  • New roadside junkpiles
  • New forest populations
  • New Satellite Dish Monument
  • New Junkyard monument
  • New workshop scene
  • New ice sheets visuals and spawn rules
  • New young and dead pine tree variants
  • Updated Sewer Branch monument
  • Updated Dome monument visuals and puzzle
  • Updated Trainyard monument middle and north sections for improved cover/flow, better visuals
  • Updated all monuments road connections to procedural roads to be more seamless
  • Larger monuments and hubs now have bespoke subway tunnel entrances within their perimeter
  • Biome dependant foliage, foliage at monuments will display the right type for the biome they are in
  • Updated colliders of large hero trees in the swamps to be more accurate, easier to build around
  • Fixed areas of the Military Tunnels not inflicting any radiation
  • Fixed several monuments sometimes being flooded
  • Fixed a large amount of stairs colliders that were stee-through but not shoot-through
  • Fixed puzzle bypasses at Trainyard
  • Fixed a large amount of 'low object quality settings' visual exploits around monuments
  • Fixed the 'red pipe of death' at Launch Site, where velocity could kill you
  • Fixed Launch Site south puzzle door exploit
  • Fixed exploit where you could jump inside vents at various monuments to gain peak advantage
  • Fixed some props that allowed exploitable one way shooting (oilrig in particular)
  • Fixed getting stuck inside Outpost/Compound decor by the way of roofs
  • Fixed an issue whereby dropping items on the floor in Water Treatment Plant would not let you pick them up
  • Fixed an exploit at Water Treatment Plant allowing to skip green card puzzle steps
  • Fixed Out of Bounds/fly hack violations issues around Water Treatment Plant sewer tunnels
  • Fixed Out of Bounds/fly hack violations issues inside Launch Site tunnels happenning on certain seeds
  • Fixed exploits at both oilrigs whereby players would swim up pipes to gain advantage
  • Fixed being unable to harvest trees around some monuments
  • Fixed Giant Excavator mining the wrong resource when mining Metal Fragments
  • Fixed dropped items falling into Bandit Camp shop keepers cabins
  • Roadside props LOD distances now cull later, preventing revealing players hiding behind them
  • Extended cover props LOD distances at Airfield to ensure players remain hidden behind them
  • Various fixes for poker gameplay
  • Electrical counter font size now scales smaller when the number doesn't fit
  • When dismounting the Work Cart train seat, sometimes the player's view angle would be incorrect. This is now fixed
  • Fixed horse trough sometimes not affecting decay time when a horse eats from it
  • Fixed belt items sometimes being visible in a players hand even if the item wasn't equipped
  • Fixed tree billboards sometimes getting stuck and sticking around forever
  • Fixed first person lights/particle effects still being visible when gesturing
  • Improved procedural terrain generation, ring road generation also improved as a result
  • Improved terrain grass displacement
  • Improved dynamic foliage to reduce floating over terrain
  • Improved lighting volumes inside Military Tunnels, no more shadow clip in the distance
  • Improved distant LODs for Oilrigs
  • Improved lighthouse visuals at night
  • Improved monuments 'fading' into procedural map, better looking player paper map visuals
  • Improved a large amount of colliders around which gun fight occurs whereby bullets were blocked before
  • Improved visuals at Bandit Camp
  • Optimized decor at Bandit Camp
  • Most of static art now uses shadow proxies for improved performance
  • Harbors only spawn on mainland
  • Bushes hide when building on top of them
  • Poker players are no longer obliged to show their hand at the end of the round unless they're the winner in a showdown. Anyone can optionally show their hand by pressing R
  • It's not possible to still see what cards you had after you've folded
  • Can now use gestures while mounted (with some exceptions)
  • Restored 3rd person feedback when a player is alt looking
  • Improved tree and bush billboards
  • Improved visuals for fallen logs and wood stump pickups
  • Improved contact shadows settings, enabling will no longer create black outlines around grass
Rust - holmzy
The combination everybody needed! See what happens when two worlds of survival are brought together and meet in the midst of a zombie apocalypse! Don’t worry, though, we won’t leave you without proper equipment. Grab the free Rust DLC to get a set of unique items that will help you make it through the dangers of the unforgiving world.

When your life’s at stake, there’s only one thing you can do—grab whatever you find and use it to your advantage. Like that Heavy Plate outfit that’s apparently all the rage and will show everyone around how inventive you are. Or the Salvaged Cleaver with which you’ll chop both zombies and bandits as if they were veggies (quick disclaimer: do NOT eat the zombies! Or the bandits!). Prefer fighting from a distance? Then shoot your enemies with the Custom SMG or the Rust Assault Rifle, the latest advance in unconventional weapon-making. And for the final piece of your survivor’s kit—the new buggy, Rust Bucket—the capstone of your engineering skills. You can be sure it’ll put to shame all who have ever doubted your talent as well as remind you that nothing is impossible. Even building a car in the middle of a post-apocalyptic wilderness.

Now, let’s put all that equipment to good use and see just how long you can survive against flesh-hungry zombies and ruthless bandits. What’s more, the scientists from Rust must’ve heard about the Harran virus and have come to investigate the deadly pathogen. Surprise them with your amazing parkour skills and show them what you’ve learned from years of fighting the infected. They’re not the only enemies you’ll encounter, though. In both the Slums and the Old Town, you’ll find outposts full of Rais’ bandits. They’re dangerous places, but you’ve been to such by now, haven’t you? Crash through the front door and wreak havoc among the enemy lines or take them silently, through stealth. They won’t know what hit them, and you’ll leave with powerful elemental C4 explosives. You’ll use them better anyway, right?

Still, surviving in Harran may prove harder than expected—but you already know that. Fortunately, you’re a skilled inventor and a full-fledged survivor. Who better to build something out of nothing than you? With the right materials, you’ll be able to research and craft improved versions of your weapons. Look for the necessary resources and let ’em see how deadly scrap can become in the right hands.

The bundle contains:
  • Heavy Plate outfit
  • Buggy skin—Rust Bucket
  • Short axe—Salvaged Cleaver
  • SMG—Custom SMG
  • Assault rifle—Rust Assault Rifle

Global goal:
Hunt down bandits (1 000 000).
Reward: A docket for the C4 Elemental Variation Blueprints

Local goals:

Research bounties:

Collect Scrap (30) and Plastic Tubes (2)
Reward: Gold Rust Assault Rifle Blueprint

Collect Scrap (20) and Nails (10)
Reward: Gold Rust Custom SMG Blueprint

Collect Scrap (10) and Tin Cans (5)
Reward: Gold Rust Salvaged Cleaver Blueprint

Raiding bounties:

Find and raid Rais' Bandit Outpost in the Slums
Reward: Elemental C4 Bundle

Find and raid Rais' Bandit Outpost in the Old Town
Reward: Elemental C4 Bundle

The Rust crossover event and the Rust DLC will come to PC on April 19, 19:00 CET. The event’ll last for a whole week (until April 26, 19:00 CET).

Both the crossover event and the Rust DLC will appear on consoles mid-May.

What are you waiting for? Grab the Rust Weapon pack DLC for Dying Light HERE
Apr 1, 2021
Rust - holmzy


You can now express yourself with a new selection of gestures, available to everyone in a simple popup menu during gameplay. Just press B (by default) to open the menu and look at your options. These new gestures have been built to be used in first person, so you get nicely animated hand movements instead of just seeing your shadow gesture. This new system for gestures is a bit more flexible than the old system, and it has already supports some future features like looping animations and third person gestures.

A core goal of this new gesture system was reducing as much risk as possible when using them during tense gameplay. Gestures will now no longer unequip your weapon and can be cancelled at any point, with a small (~0.2s) delay before your weapon is fireable again. Feel free to wave at your victims when roof camping!

Fun fact: these gestures are all left-handed because they were initially meant to be used while holding the weapon at the same time (which is generally in the right hand), however we felt it limited our future options for gestures - clapping with one hand is tricky.

As we felt that the quality of the legacy gestures weren't up to scratch compared to these new animations, we've made the decision to remove support for playing the old gestures. You can however still bind these new gestures using the same commands/keybinds if you don't want to use the gesture wheel.

Poker Tables

We've added Poker Tables to Bandit Town this month, completing our casino barge overhaul that we started last month. You'll find a variety of tables supporting anywhere from two to six players.

Deposit at least 100 scrap to the storage at your seat to get started. Once you're in a game, use the button prompts on the right of the screen to play. Standard Texas Hold 'Em rules apply. Be sure to take your winnings at the end of your session!

While in a poker game you'll have access to a poker chat window for you to chat with your fellow players, and you can also use your mic.

Server Optimizations

We've made a variety of optimisations on the server to improve performance when lots of players are online:

  • Floating junkpiles will no longer process buoyancy if no players are nearby
  • Better balanced server load when lots of turrets are scanning for targets
  • Upgraded SQLite and removed lots of GC allocations in the connector code
  • Update Facepunch.Steamworks with buffer pooling for swnet (Steam Networking only)
  • Rewrite NetWrite to have less CPU overhead
  • Add caching to TechTreeData since it could cause short CPU spikes on the server
  • Got rid of some small GC allocations that happened every frame

Slot Machines

The Slot Machines we added to Bandit Town proved popular last month, but I wanted to make some changes to make it a more interesting experience. I've rebalanced the payout scale to have fewer possible rewards, but the chance of getting a proper payout (three matching symbols) should be much higher than before. The majority of scrap payed out last month was via the wildcard symbols which felt a bit unexciting.

I've also added a multiplier option, so you can increase your bet and multiply your winnings accordingly. You can change the multiplier on a machine when depositing your scrap. Be sure to check the spin cost before spinning on a new machine!

Unity 2019.4.22

We've upgraded from Unity 2019.4.4 to Unity 2019.4.22 this week. This release contains mostly fixes, but we've been waiting for some of those fixes for a long time and they've finally been backported to our LTS version. If you notice any sort of compatibility issues you didn't have before, definitely let us know.

Mac Improvements

Over a year ago, we filed a bug report regarding Unity's graphics jobs feature causing a crash on macOS after a few minutes of gameplay. This has finally been fixed and backported, so we re-enabled graphics jobs on macOS. This should greatly improve performance.

We also re-enabled incremental GC on macOS, which should reduce stalls from the garbage collector. We've had issues with this feature causing huge stalls in the past, which is the opposite of what it's supposed to do, so definitely contact us if you're playing on macOS and you notice any second-long stalls you didn't have before.

Hapis Update

We've tackled the Red Keycard shortage by making them available in all corners of the island again.
In addition, we've added a marketplace and gambling den to the Compound.

Viewmodel Jitter Fix

The view model jitter is finally fixed. It's an issue that's as old as Rust itself (and no it wasn't on purpose). The reason that this happens is because of floating point precision, the further away from 0 you get, the less precise things get.

Pretty much every game that has View Models, probably has some kind of hack to support them. In the past we didn't really think it was worth using hacks to fix it. HDRP was supposed to allow us to fix this kind of issue, but since we aren't going to be switching to HDRP I decided to see if I could fix it with some not so new Unity features that I'm pretty sure wasn't available when we started Rust.

Improvements & Fixes Highlights

  • Disable Blood Option - Blood can now be disabled through the options menu
  • Player Hitbox Bug - Fixed projectiles fired at players joints not impacting
  • News Menu Update - News section now displays the full content of the blogs
  • Hostile Timer Reduced - Safezone hostile timer reduced from 30 minutes to 5
  • Heavy Armour Riding - Players can no longer mount horses with heavy armour equiped
  • L96 Skinnable - L96 skins coming this month
  • Team Member Mounting - Team members can now mount vehicles after purchased
  • Vehicles Reposessed - Vehicles are now reposessed after 5 minutes instead of 2
  • Revolver & SAP Recoil - Tightened up recoil response on revolver/sap including animations

HDRP Backport Beta

In May 2019 the team set out on a mammoth task to explore and switch Rust over to Unity's HDRP pipeline. HDRP boasted many visual fidelity improvements and new tech, best of all it was said HDRP was more optimized resulting in better performance. Switching and updating all our assets over to HDRP was months of work but we figured it would be worth it in the end. Long story short after months of work, testing and profiling we never saw the performance gains we expected from HDRP, in fact, it was worse. Faced with this dilemma we took the difficult and long overdue decision to halt all progress on HDRP and begin to backport all the updated assets back to the current pipeline.

After many more months we're now at a stage we feel the backport is approaching the final stages and ready for public testing and feedback. Wednesday, April 7th we'll be opening HDRP backport publically which will be available to play from the "Rust - Staging" client via Steam by opting into the "Aux01" beta branch.

The backport has updated nearly all of the world objects, rocks, foliage, trees and even many monuments have received some love.

Due to the nature of continued changes on the backport wipes will be frequent, we do not recommend regular play, at least until later into the month.

Mapmakers be aware a number of assets have been removed/updated which may have an impact on your existing designs.

If testing and feedback prove positive we'll be aiming to release the backport on Thursday, May 6th. We don't expect performance to be better than release but we also don't expect it to be worse.

Easter Event

For the next week, every 24-38 hours in-game hours an easter egg hunt will begin. You'll have 3 minutes to collect as many eggs as you can. The top 3 players are given special eggs as a reward. These eggs can be cracked open for various types of loot ranging from scrap all the way up to an M249!

If you don't make the podium, that's okay. The painted eggs you collect can be upgraded to Bronze eggs once you collect 10. If you collect 10 bronze eggs then you can upgrade to a silver egg, eventually all the way to gold!

There are various items available to help you during your hunt. The Easter Basket will allow instant pickup of eggs and the Bunny Onesie and Ears will provide you an advantage via Egg Vision.

Have fun!

New Items

This year we've added a new workcart themed Rustigé Egg and a Bunny hat with wobbly ears and eyes.

In addition to this weeks skins, You can find these items available on the Item Store

Mar 4, 2021
Rust - holmzy
This month we've added an underground transit system, slot machines, a new round of Twitch drops and more improvements and fixes.

Rail Network

You'll now find train entrances scattered across the world, typically you'll find entrances next to existing monuments. Upon the first inspection, they may not appear to be anything special but after venturing inside deep below the terrain, you'll now find a vast rail network with drivable workcarts.

When entering the train entrances you'll notice the huge spiral staircases penetrating deep into the terrain, central to the stairs you'll find a much quicker, but perhaps less safe elevator shaft.

Everything in Rust wants you dead, these tunnels are no exception. Upon reaching the bottom of the shafts you'll encounter some not so friendly tunnel dwellers. From this point forward you'll likely to encounter many more dwellers if you decide to continue exploring.

With risk comes reward, while the dwellers may be unwelcoming the loot they protect could well worth the risk.

After exploring the shafts and tunnels you'll finally be standing at the rail platform. On each platform, you'll encounter more dwellers but increasingly better loot.

At the end of each platform, you'll find a driveable workcart.

Consider this a first pass of a new dungeon system. Everything here is procedurally generated and we plan to add new track segments, bespoke entrances at each monument, puzzles, new NPCs, and eventually use this system to procedurally generate the cave network.


Each station of the Freight Transit Line will have two workcarts facing opposite directions. Running on Low Grade Fuel, these can be used to rapidly traverse the map. There are 6 throttle settings (3 forward and 3 reverse) and the vehicle will remain in operation even after you depart the cabin.

You may also encounter NPC barricades deep in the tunnel system. Be sure to slow down when approaching as hitting barricades or other work carts at high speeds will damage your workcart. Don't worry though, when a collision is imminent, a proximity alarm will sound and you can adjust the throttle accordingly. Barricades can be broken through without damage to your cart if approached at low speed.

If you encounter a track junction, you can use your left or right strafe key to choose which track to follow. Lastly, damage will slow the speed of a workcart and it can be repaired with a hammer for metal fragments.

Slot Machines

Test your luck with 3 new Slot Machines in the gambling room of Bandit Town. To operate the Slot Machine you need to mount it and then deposit Scrap to start betting.

Each bet is 10 Scrap and the payouts range anywhere from 3 to 6k Scrap. Be sure to grab your winnings and any unused betting Scrap before leaving. Good luck!

Server Browser

As I'm sure many people are aware, there are quite a few issues with the server browser. You will likely never be able to see every Rust server out there due to the how Steam implements this functionality, but it can be improved. I made a few internal changes to the server browser to improve discoverability of servers:
  • Empty servers are now hidden by default
Unless you're on the official, friends, history, or favorites tabs (they will always be shown here)
Note: This means you will need to enable showing empty servers sometimes
  • The "Show Empty" filter will now apply filtering within Steam
This means when "Show Empty" is off you should see no empty servers and see more of them
Toggling the "Show Empty" filter will force a refresh of the community and modded tabs

We also made the tags look less terrible. We're working towards a UI refresh for the server browser so the filtering will improve even more in the future. We're also always working on cleaning up the server list to remove servers that are spamming, advertising, or lying to try and get ahead.

Server Performance

Whilst looking through the server profiles recently, We noticed that certain entities were updating and sending data more than they needed to. Two of the biggest offenders were entities with buoyancy (boats) and horses. Now we try our best to not update them if there aren't any players around or they aren't in use.

Combining these fixes with some fixes that Jarryd made with entity flag networking, servers should handle more players a bit better both in terms of CPU and bandwidth usage.

Steam Family Share

Players abusing Steam family share to circumvent bans and other malicious behaviour is not uncommon, on February 17th we disable Steam family sharing for the foreseeable future.

We currently have no plans to re-enable Steam family share.

Improvments & Fixes Highlights

Healing 3rd Person Animations Bandage and syringe 3rd person animations when used on another player

Oilrig RF Frequency Fixed Oilrig RF constantly enabled

Smoother Horse Movement Smoother horse movement when traversing bumpy terrain

Mixing Table Box Due to popular demand you can now place a small box under the mixing table

Marketplace Flat Fee Marketplace now charges a flat fee for delivery instead of per quantity

Compound Monument Spawn The compound will no longer spawn in the arctic / snow biome

Puzzle Loot Reset All puzzle room loot is destroyed before respawning - no half looted boxs

Substation Radiation Radiation is now removed from all roadside subtations

Skin Picker Update Skin picker now places the last picked skin to the front of the queue after closing UI.

Twitch Drops

Starting from today till March 11th Twitch drops are enabled for Rust Twitch streamers. You can earn special and unique skins simply by watching your favourite Rust Twitch streamers.

We've teamed up with blooprint, Ricoy, Bnans, Willjum, deathwingua, Shroud, Swales, iRiskpvp, albin, r00t, Vice Versa Gaming and TwinkleCave to bring you special unique drops which can only be earned by watching their channels

Learn more at twitch.facepunch.com.

Change List

  • Added Rail Network
  • Added Rail Monument
  • Added Workcart
  • Added Slot Machines to Bandit Town
  • Thompson viewmodel - Fixed finger clipping on admire anim
  • Bow viewmodel - Fixed thumb clipping through glove meshes
  • Bow 3p - fix for incorrect arrow material, updated arrow model
  • Medical syringe viewmodel - Fixed floating elements during anims
  • Fixed sometimes not being able to throw Mace
  • Fixed missing downloadable workshop meshes for Jackhammer
  • Fixed bandage and syringe 3rd person animations not playing when using these items on another player
  • Fixed item spend notifications not appearing (while repairing, building and upgrading)
  • Fixed Dropbox deployment difficulty on stone walls
  • Fixed heavy helmet overlay covering chat UI
  • Fixed RFBroadcaster stackable
  • Fixed wind generator volume prevent building and deploy volume mismatches causing confusing behaviour
  • Fixed fridge excessively large prevent building volume
  • Fixed XL neon signs blocking windows
  • Fixed heavily charged batteries displaying incorrect time remaining (used 12h format)
  • Fixed constant RF spam at oil rig
  • Jackhammer viewmodel - Added admire anim
  • Jackhammer 3p - Updated pose and anims
  • Sheet Metal Gloves Skinnable
  • Vending machines at different heights will now group together on the map
  • Marketplace now charges a flat fee for delivery instead of per quantity
  • Improved server and network performance for Boats
  • Removed radiation from road side substations
  • Holding RF Transmitter no longer flags the player as hostile
  • Allow small box placement under mixing table
  • Stricter large swimming pool volumes
  • Reduced Gong crafting cost
  • Smoother horse movement when traversing bumpy terrain
  • All puzzle room loot is destroyed before respawning - no half looted boxs
Feb 11, 2021
Rust - holmzy
Happy Lunar new year to everyone! To help everyone celebrate we have added some new and old items to the Steam item store.

First off, throughout the Lunar New Year celebration, everyone will be able to craft a set of throw-able firecrackers to make a racket. Traditionally set off to scare away evil spirits, many people would set them off when opening the front door before they went out. We somehow doubt these will scare off a dedicated door camper but you can try!

Server update is required to enable craftable firecrackers - experience on community servers may vary.

Ox Mask
To celebrate the year of the Ox we have created a beautiful Metal Ox Mask with jiggling tassles. Similar to last years Rat Mask, it replaces the wolf headdress.

The Ox mask can be purchased on the Rust item store.

New Year Items

In addition to this year's Ox mask, we’ve added items back from prior years sale to the item store, the Dragon Door Knocker, Gong, Fireworks Packs and the Chinese Lantern.

Also, Don't forget Rust is currently 33% off in the Steam Lunar New Year Sale until the 15th February, now is the perfect time to get your friends involved!
Feb 4, 2021
Rust - holmzy
This month we launch the Softcore Gamemode to soften the Rust experience for those that want it, a new automated drone delivery service for your vending needs, work on the Hapis revamp as well as the usual fixes and improvements.

More details can be found by clicking the link

  • Added Jackhammer admire
  • Added Drones
  • Added Drone marketplace
  • Added game mode support
  • Added softcore gamemode
  • Now catching disk I/O exceptions when e.g. trying to take a screenshot with a full hard drive
  • Death screen now displays death by poison correctly
  • Fixed water jug filling sound not using positional audio
  • Fixed items losing their skin when a stack is split (satchel charges)
  • Fixed instrument midi playback still working when wounded
  • Fixed not being able to buy/sell spacesuits in vending machines (is treated as a distinct item)
  • Fixed couch and chair dismount issues
  • Fixed deploying items on top of auto turrets
  • Fixed keylock floating
  • Fixed building plan conflicting phrases and inconsistencies
  • Fixed finger clipping on admire Thompson
  • Fixed thumb clipping through glove meshes with bow equipped
  • Fixed metal shopfront preventing construction placement in certain builds
  • Multiple anticheat improvements
  • Can now wield items while sitting on the sofa deployable
  • Improved padding and removed dead space when scrolling through skins (crafting/repair bench)
  • Skin picker will now sort by recently used
  • Stricter Vending machine placement
  • Can now deploy items inside deployable watch towers
  • Jackhammer skinnable
  • Returned blue barrel
  • Shotgun trap now has more accurate colliders
  • Wooden shopfront default BP
  • Reduced wooden shopfront cost
  • Lowered high end weapons drop rate from APC crate
  • Removed wooden shopfront from the loot table
  • Change lock position on tool cupboard to not clip with cupboard handle
  • Fixed being able to play instruments when wounded
  • Keylocks now auto-lock on deploy
  • Large wooden box can no longer be clipped into world layer
  • Monument loot container size reduced
  • Stricter shotgun trap placement
Jan 7, 2021
Rust - holmzy
Santa is packing up and clearing out the bodies, we hope you enjoyed the Holiday Season. We're getting back to work after a couple of weeks off which is why this is a light blog and we are looking forward to the journey ahead in 2021!

We're happy to announce Twitch Drops are now enabled for all Rust Twitch streamers. You can earn special and unique skins simply by watching your favourite Rust Twitch streamers.

Additionally, we've teamed up with Auronplay, Jacksepticeye, lilypichu, ludwig, Myth, pokimane, shroud, Sykkuno and xQc to bring you special unique drops which can only be earned by watching their channels - Learn more by clicking the Link


  • Fixed some clothing casting incorrect shadows
  • Fixed respawn icons not properly merging when creating a combined respawn icon
  • Fixed push to talk setting not being respected when talking on a phone (if this is enabled you need to hold your push to talk key to speak into a Telephone)
  • Fixed some non English characters in player names causing display issues in the inventory
  • Fixed being able to slide open the windows of a locked armoured cockpit module that's directly in front of a taxi module that a player is riding in
  • Sleeping bags that are too close to another sleeping bag will now be tinted orange while placing (also affects Beds and Beach Towels)
  • Fixed some incorrect sound effects on the Telephone
  • Voice audio transmitted through Telephones now has some audio filters applied
  • Car lock info tooltips wait a while before showing up again
  • SAM sites no longer target hot air balloons that aren't inflated
  • Reduced research cost of T2 engine parts
  • Reduced weather event chances - more clear skies
  • Allow players to boost voices from the options menu rather than needing to use the console
  • Disabled Xmas event and craftable item

Dec 17, 2020
Rust - holmzy
From everyone at Facepunch, we'd like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! The Christmas Event is once again live! If you haven't been around for this before, here's what you can expect:

Every once in a while you will hear the sound of jingle bells. Run outside and look for a gift! Two gifts are spawned per player, in a radius of about 40m from where you are standing. Run up and bash it open to receive your Christmas presents. They come in three sizes: small, medium, and large. If you have enough small presents stashed, you can "trade up" to a medium or large. The contents of each present vary, but you'll find a mix of resources, weapons, and candy. We've also added wrapping paper allowing you to wrap up items as gifts to other players, perhaps sold in your vending machine...

Once again, you will be able to find Santa hats and reindeer antlers, both of which can be worn and provide a decent amount of protection. There’s also a lickable candy cane club, and two types of stockings. If you hang a stocking inside your base when the jingle bells ring the stocking will fill up with loot. The larger stocking has a higher chance for better items and both last around 5-10 refills.

More details on the new items can be found on the link

Dec 3, 2020
Rust - holmzy
This month we have added the tech tree which will give you the choice of how you unlock your blueprints, this has also led to a huge update on item crafting recipes, tiers and the loot you will find in airdrops and heli/bradley crates.

For more details follow the link to veiw the blog post!

  • Added Workbench Tech Tree
  • Fixed Stables safezone overlapping other monuments
  • Reduced Stables safezone slightly
  • Fixed top gap when placing vending machine inside a doorway
  • Fixed broken cave_large_sewers_hard culling volume section
  • Fixed unable to plant next to Pumpkin in phases mature, fruiting and dying while planted in a planter
  • Fixed modular car chassis allowing repair with a hammer (had no useful effect, only modules should allow for repair)
  • Fixed some spacing issues on sleeping bag buttons on death screen
  • Fixed some issues with Skull Spike skins
  • Fixed gib issues on Skull Spikes and crate_basic
  • Fixed camera clipping on vm chainsaw when wearing jacket
  • Kayak Paddle model and animation update
  • AND Switch Stackable
  • Audio Alarm Stackable
  • Binoculars no longer require a workbench
  • Blocker Stackable
  • Boats and rideable horses now spawn procedurally again
  • Button Stackable
  • Can now pick up Kayak with hammer, loses 25% condition each time it's picked up
  • Chainlink Fence Stackable
  • Chair Stackable
  • Counter Stackable
  • Diving Fins can be recycled
  • Diving Mask can be recycled
  • Diving Tank can be recycled
  • Door Controller Stackable
  • Double shotgun now requires two pipes and an additional 25metal fragments
  • DropBox Stackable
  • Electric Fuse Stackable
  • Electric Heater Stackable
  • Electrical Branch Stackable
  • Elevator Stackable
  • Flasher Light Stackable
  • Floor grill Stackable
  • Floor triangle grill Stackable
  • Fluid Combiner Stackable
  • Fluid Splitter Stackable
  • Greatly reduced the amount of dehydration when consuming anti-radiation pills
  • Hazmat suit can now be repaired
  • Hazmat suit now uses condition
  • Hide Vest protection rebalance
  • Hide Vest reduced crafting cost
  • Holosight workbench Tier 2
  • Hoodie crafting cost reduced
  • Hoodie protection rebalance
  • Igniter Stackable
  • Increased Long Sword condition
  • Increased Mace condition
  • Increased Machete condition
  • Increased Prison Cell Gate health
  • Increased Prison Cell Wall health
  • Increased rocket launcher deploy delay
  • Increased Salvaged axe crafting time
  • Increased Salvaged Cleaver condition
  • Increased Salvaged Sword condition
  • Large medkit now provides small amount of instant health
  • Large Solar Panel Stackable
  • Laser Detector Stackable
  • Launch site floodlight towers now have radiation
  • Long sleeve T-Shirt protection rebalance
  • Memory Cell Stackable
  • Nail gun reload time now matches animation (reloads slightly quicker)
  • OR Switch Stackable
  • Paddle no longer requires a workbench to be crafted
  • Prison Cell Wall Stackable
  • RAND Switch Stackable
  • Reduced 8x weapon attachment crafting time
  • Reduced Advanced ore tea yield to 35%
  • Reduced AND Switch crafting cost
  • Reduced Assault Rifle crafting time
  • Reduced Audio Alarm crafting cost
  • Reduced Auto Turret crafting time
  • Reduced Bass crafting time
  • Reduced Beancan crafting time
  • Reduced bear rug crafting cost
  • Reduced Bed crafting time
  • Reduced Binoculars crafting cost
  • Reduced Blocker crafting cost
  • Reduced Bolt Action Rifle crafting time
  • Reduced Bone armour crafting cost
  • Reduced Bone Armor crafting time
  • Reduced Bone Helmet crafting cost
  • Reduced Bone Helmet crafting time
  • Reduced Bucket Helmet crafting time
  • Reduced building planner crafting time
  • Reduced Burlap Gloves crafting time
  • Reduced Burlap Headwrap crafting time
  • Reduced Burlap Shirt crafting time
  • Reduced Burlap Shoes crafting time
  • Reduced Burlap Trousers crafting time
  • Reduced Button crafting cost
  • Reduced Clatter Helmet crafting time
  • Reduced Coffee Can Helmet crafting time
  • Reduced Computer Station crafting cost
  • Reduced Counter crafting cost
  • Reduced Cowbell crafting time
  • Reduced Custom SMG crafting time
  • Reduced Door Controller crafting cost
  • Reduced double armoured door crafting cost
  • Reduced Double Barrel Shotgun crafting time
  • Reduced double metal door crafting cost
  • Reduced Double Sign Post crafting cost
  • Reduced Double wooden door crafting cost
  • Reduced Electrical Branch crafting cost
  • Reduced Elevator crafting cost
  • Reduced F1 Grenade crafting time
  • Reduced Flame Thrower crafting time
  • Reduced Flame turret crafting time
  • Reduced Flame turret crafting time
  • Reduced Flasher Light crafting cost
  • Reduced Fluid Combiner crafting cost
  • Reduced Fluid Splitter crafting cost
  • Reduced Fluid Switch & Pump crafting cost
  • Reduced Flute crafting time
  • Reduced Gate external high stone crafting time
  • Reduced Gate external high wood-crafting time
  • Reduced Guitar crafting time
  • Reduced gunpowder crafting cost of landmine
  • Reduced HBHF Sensor crafting cost
  • Reduced HE grenade radius and damage
  • Reduced Heavy Plate Helmet crafting time
  • Reduced Heavy Plate Jacket crafting time
  • Reduced Heavy Plate Pants crafting time
  • Reduced Hide Vest crafting cost
  • Reduced Hitch and Trough crafting cost
  • Reduced Hitch and Trough crafting time
  • Reduced Holo sight attachment crafting time
  • Reduced Hoodie crafting cost
  • Reduced Hose Tool crafting cost
  • Reduced Huge Wooden Sign crafting time
  • Reduced Icepick crafting time
  • Reduced Igniter crafting cost
  • Reduced Incendiary 5.56 rifle ammo crafting time
  • Reduced Incendiary Pistol Bullet crafting time
  • Reduced Jerry Can Guitar crafting time
  • Reduced Kayak crafting cost
  • Reduced Key lock crafting cost
  • Reduced Key lock crafting time
  • Reduced Landmine crafting time
  • Reduced Landscape Photo Frame crafting time
  • Reduced Landscape Picture Frame crafting time
  • Reduced Lantern crafting time
  • Reduced Large Banner Hanging crafting time
  • Reduced Large Banner on pole crafting time
  • Reduced Large Furnace crafting time
  • Reduced Large furnace crafting time
  • Reduced Large medkit crafting cost
  • Reduced Large medkit crafting time
  • Reduced Large Photo Frame crafting time
  • Reduced Large Rechargeable Battery crafting cost
  • Reduced Large Solar Panel crafting cost
  • Reduced Large Wooden Sign crafting time
  • Reduced Large wooden storage box crafting time
  • Reduced Laser Detector crafting cost
  • Reduced Laser sight attachment crafting time
  • Reduced Longsword crafting cost
  • Reduced Longsword crafting time
  • Reduced Mace crafting time
  • Reduced Medical Syringe crafting time
  • Reduced Medium Rechargeable Battery crafting cost
  • Reduced Medium Wooden Sign crafting time
  • Reduced Memory Cell crafting cost
  • Reduced Metal Chest Plate crafting time
  • Reduced Metal Facemask crafting time
  • Reduced metal Pickaxe crafting time
  • Reduced MP5 crafting time
  • Reduced Muzzle booster attachment crafting time
  • Reduced Muzzle break attachment crafting time
  • Reduced Oil Refinery crafting time
  • Reduced One Sided Town Sign Post crafting time
  • Reduced OR Switch crafting cost
  • Reduced Portrait Photo Frame crafting time
  • Reduced Portrait Picture Frame crafting time
  • Reduced Powered Water Purifier crafting cost
  • Reduced Prison Cell Gate crafting time
  • Reduced Prison Cell Wall crafting time
  • Reduced Prison Cell Wall reduced crafting cost
  • Reduced Prison Gate reduced crafting cost
  • Reduced Pump Shotgun crafting time
  • Reduced Pure ore tea yield to 50%
  • Reduced Python Revolver crafting time
  • Reduced RAND Switch crafting cost
  • Reduced reinforced glass window health (350)
  • Reduced Repair Bench crafting time
  • Reduced Research Table crafting cost
  • Reduced Research Table crafting time
  • Reduced Revolver crafting time
  • Reduced RF Broadcaster crafting cost
  • Reduced RF Pager crafting cost
  • Reduced Riot Helmet crafting time
  • Reduced Road sign jacket crafting cost
  • Reduced Road sign jacket crafting time
  • Reduced Road sign kilt crafting cost
  • Reduced Road sign kilt crafting time
  • Reduced Root Combiner crafting cost
  • Reduced Salvaged Cleaver crafting time
  • Reduced Salvaged Sword crafting time
  • Reduced Satchel crafting time
  • Reduced Search light crafting time
  • Reduced Sign Hanging crafting time
  • Reduced Silencer attachment crafting time
  • Reduced Simple sight attachment crafting time
  • Reduced Siren Light crafting cost
  • Reduced small furnace crafting time
  • Reduced Small Generator crafting cost
  • Reduced Small Rechargeable Battery crafting cost
  • Reduced Small Wooden Sign crafting time
  • Reduced Spinning Wheel crafting time
  • Reduced Splitter crafting cost
  • Reduced Sprinkler crafting cost
  • Reduced Stash crafting time
  • Reduced Stone spear crafting time
  • Reduced Stone Stone spear crafting cost
  • Reduced Stone tools craft time
  • Reduced Switch crafting cost
  • Reduced Tall Picture Frame crafting time
  • Reduced Tambourine crafting time
  • Reduced Tank Top crafting time
  • Reduced Tesla Coil crafting cost
  • Reduced Thompson crafting time
  • Reduced Tier 1 Workbench crafting time
  • Reduced Tier 2 Workbench crafting time
  • Reduced Tool Cupboard crafting time
  • Reduced Trumpet crafting time
  • Reduced Tuba crafting time
  • Reduced Tuba crafting time
  • Reduced Wall external high stone crafting time
  • Reduced Wall external high wood crafting time
  • Reduced Watchtower crafting cost
  • Reduced Watchtower crafting time
  • Reduced Water Barrel crafting time
  • Reduced Water catcher large crafting time
  • Reduced Water catcher small crafting time
  • Reduced Water pipe shotgun crafting cost
  • Reduced Water Pump crafting cost
  • Reduced Wind Turbine crafting cost
  • Reduced Wire Tool crafting cost
  • Reduced Wood Armor Pants crafting time
  • Reduced Wood Chestplate crafting time
  • Reduced Wood Storage Box crafting time
  • Reduced Wooden floor spikes crafting time
  • Reduced XL Picture Frame crafting time
  • Reduced XOR Switch crafting cost
  • Reduced XXL Picture Frame crafting time
  • Reinforced Glass Window renamed to Strengthened Glass window
  • Reinforced window bars health reduced (500)
  • Reinforced window bars now have glass
  • Reinforced window bars renamed to Reinforced Glass Window
  • Relaxed rug placement to allow deployment on ceilings again
  • Ripe potato plants yield more potatoes
  • Root Combiner Stackable
  • Scarecrow Stackable
  • Secret Lab Chair Stackable
  • Shirt collared requires cloth instead of leather
  • Shirt protection rebalance
  • Siren Light Stackable
  • Small oil refinery now uses similar deployment behaviour as the Large furnace
  • Small Stash Stackable
  • Smart Alarm Stackable
  • Smart Switch Stackable
  • Smoke grenade craftable and researchable (T2)
  • Smoke grenade now stacks to 3
  • Snap Trap Stackable
  • Snowman Stackable
  • Splitter Stackable
  • Sprinkler Stackable
  • Survival Fish Trap Stackable
  • Switch Stackable
  • T-shirt protection rebalance
  • Tank Top no longer requires workbench
  • Tank Top now requires cloth instead of leather
  • Tank Top protection rebalance
  • Tesla Coil Stackable
  • Timer Stackable
  • Wetsuit can be recycled
  • Wooden barricade cover no longer requires workbench
  • XOR Switch Stackable
  • Can now use Delete or Backspace in Code Lock UI
  • Planters will now slowly fill up with water when exposed to rain
  • Can now equip sunglasses with more face and head attire (including moustaches)
  • Added Phone Booths to Harbor, Supermarkets and Gas Stations
  • Added maxconnectionsperip server convar to limit the number of connections from the same IP (default=5)
  • Added build_terraincheck server convar to protect against exploits to build inside terrain (default=true)
  • Monument markers fall back to root game object name when phrase is not set
  • Added assets/bundled/prefabs/modding/monument_marker.prefab for custom map monument markers (displayed name is taken from the PrefabData "category" string)
  • Added support for maxreceivetime to Steam Networking (client perf)
  • Fixed async disconnect callback race condition in Steam Networking (could result in corrupt connection)
  • Optimized Steam Networking packet processing server overhead
  • Metal Embrasures now Workbench level 2
  • Glass Window now Workbench level 2
  • Garage door now Workbench level 2
  • RF Detonator now Workbench level 2
  • Rand Switch now Workbench level 2
  • Memory Cell now Workbench level 2
  • Laser Detector now Workbench level 2
  • Storage Monitor now Workbench level 2
  • Smart Switch now Workbench level 2
  • Smart Alarm now Workbench level 2
  • Tesla coil now Workbench level 2
  • Advanced Horse Shoes now Workbench level 2
  • Roadsign Horse armour now Workbench level 2
  • High External Gate now Workbench level 2
  • Saddle price reduced to 75 scrap
  • Boat cost reduced to 125 scrap
  • Rhib cost reduced to 300 scrap
  • Revamped Air supply crate
  • Updated APC event crate
  • Updated Attack helicopter event crate
  • Chainsaw never takes more than 3 attempts to start
  • Chainsaw uses 75% less fuel
  • Removed blueprint drops from barrels and crates