Community Announcements - loquee
One week left to reach 50 points in the gold tier to get an additional steam key!

Do that and provide proof with a screenshot of your score in the leaderboards.
Send the screen to and we will respond with your hard earned key!
(Of course you will not be punished if you already are above that score - you can also grab that key with a mail and a screen :) )

This challenge ends on Sunday March 2nd.
Feb 21, 2014
Community Announcements - loquee
Win an additional steam key!
Ten days to reach 50 points in the gold tier to get an additional steam key you can give to a friend, trade, sell, print out and frame ...

Do that and provide proof with a screenshot of your score in the leaderboards.
Send the screen to and we will respond with your hard earned key!
(Of course you will not be punished if you already are above that score - you can also grab that key with a mail and a screen :) )

This challenge ends on Sunday March 2nd.

Good luck and have fun!
Community Announcements - loquee
We have worked very hard on the next step and we are proud to announce major improvements in Ærena - Clash of Champions.

New Features:

  • From now on you will level up as you progress through matches. Gaining levels will unlock new content and features and give rewards.

  • Player profile:
    - Players have a master profile page now, which can be accessed by clicking on the name in the bar at the bottom of the screen
    - The page displays the player's experience score, badges, current tier, the leaguepoints score and rank in the tier leaderboard
    - Players are able to check on their badge progress and can set their master image - a picture shown besides their name in the matche UI, player profile, profile bar and in the chat

  • Shillings have been introduced to game-play as currency, with which players get rewarded after completed battles and for getting level ups/achievements. Shillings can be spent for Shell-packages, ships and champions.

  • Two new ships:
    - The Packer has only 12 Health but starts with 3 Aether
    - The Sparrow also has a slightly reduced health (13), but will not take damage on the two outer ship-tiles
    - The ships that have no distinctive specialty yet were removed temporarily: Tesla, Valiant and Mac. Those ships will eventually come back at some point of the development

  • The user interface has been redone:
    - The turn-order icons are now static and will no longer cycle through. A magnifying effect now highlights the champion in turn
    - Basic attack doesn't need an extra button any more. A red outline indicates the champion's attack range and a blue overlay indicates the movement range
    - The ships received a hitpoint and AEther marker
    - During match, the information about a champion's base attack, range and attack pattern is now shown below the portrait on the right
    - During match, the player’s names are shown left and right from the turn timer
    - Skill and shell info are now displayed on mouse over

  • Two new shells: Teleport and Backdoor.

  • When spawning a character, a character sheet now gives information to the selected champion (attacks, movement, health).

  • Implemented appropriate combat marker for different attacks:
    - a fist symbol for melee attacks,
    - a spear symbol for spear attacks and
    - a crosshair symbol for range attacks


  • Martel's Ultimate skill no longer leaves a blazing trail sticking next to the targeted ship

  • New Year Season ends on 10/02/14. Alpha Season 3 starts on 10/02/14 and ends on 05/03/14.

  • The League points calculation has been changed to allow faster progress in the lower tiers. Bronze tier players won´t lose any points and lower tiers lose less for a defeat than before.

  • Fixed a display bug in the match preparation screen, where items where placed too far on one side after switching category

  • Effect of the Shell "Light'em'up" is now played on all affected targets

  • Clients no longer show a white screen if they were not able to retrieve the news screen

  • Shell generation time has been increased to 3 hours per shell since shell packages are now available

  • The falling animations of agents pushed off the platform have been fixed

  • Fixed typo in Mary's info panels

  • Gaining ship Æther will now be visualized with an Æther bolt being released from the point of the appropriate action to the gathering device of the ship that gathers the Æther

  • Top three players of each tier are now correctly shown in Season End screen

  • Tutorial texts have been updated.

  • Tutorial window for placing a character in the first combat is now shown correctly

  • The ship portraits are now centered upon entering the loadout or the ship shop.

  • All loading screens have been given a visual makeover.

  • Only ten matches are needed now to reach AI level VI instead of 20

  • Adjusted sorting of players into tiers at start of future seasons

Community Announcements - loquee
We have to shut down the servers for a few hours today.
The game will not be playable for a few hours between approximately 15:00 and 23:00 GMT.

After today's downtime, progress will be lost due to technical necessities.
Sorry for the inconvenience but it is necessary on our side!
Community Announcements - loquee
Incoming updates and changes will require a reset of the shells you posses, so don´t hoard them, use them in the Ærena!
Community Announcements - loquee
Missed it? Still some time left!
Go here:

The Beat the dev challenge is also still ongoing!
Community Announcements - loquee
Join us at
and win additional steam keys!
Community Announcements - loquee
Climb one tier and get the same amount of points you had in the current one for a steam key and a little surprise!

More info in the forums:
Jan 31, 2014
Community Announcements - loquee
A new challenge where everybody stands almost an equal chance of winning:
Get the same amount of leaguepoints you have now in the tier above yours!

Make a screen and win an additional steam key and a little surprise (outside the game)!

Example: if you are bronze with 40LP, reach at least 40 in silver or above!
Send us the screen to

Have fun :)
Jan 28, 2014
Community Announcements - loquee
Reach at least silver to qualify for a duel with loquee.
Winning will award an additional Ærena steam key.

Friend loquee on steam and insult him via chat. (Most creative insults will be posted in the forum)
He then will demand satisfaction and you´ll agree on a time and place to settle this. Then you only need to win, which is the easiest part, since he is too lazy to think more than three turns ahead.

But here is the real deal:
Beating loquee will qualify you for the next round, in which you will face one of the designers of Ærena. Victory over one of them will be awarded with one of the most epic prices in gaming history: A piece of Ætherwear!

Go for it!