Europa Universalis IV - MagnusPDX
Good morning! Last week I revealed that the focus of the next update is South-East Asia, and gave a brief overview of the map setup for the mainland part of that region. Following on from that, today we’re going to look at Maritime South-East Asia.

This rework is somewhat more radical than the rework of the mainland, which focussed primarily on adding detail and tactical depth to the existing setup. For the Maritime region I wanted to provide a very different and much more engaging campaign experience that reflected the thriving and diverse Malay world that existed historically.

First thing to note is that all of the surrounding sea zones have been converted to Inland Seas, meaning that galleys get combat bonuses in the region. Naval warfare was very important in the Malay world, and Malay fleets tended to consist of smaller vessels not unlike those used in Mediterranean warfare.

Let’s take a closer look at the map:

Seen here is the Malay Peninsula and the island of Sumatra. Pattani and Kedah are no longer one-province minors; Pattani receives the inland province of Gerik, which historians believe may have been the origin of the kingdom, whie Kedah receives Penang, which would eventually become a point of conflict between the Sultanate and the British East India Company.

Malacca remains the dominant power on the Peninsula, but no longer controls the eastern half. The Sultanate of Kelantan and the Kingdom of Pahang are now independent. Pahang is the last non-Muslim polity on the Peninsula, and would historically be conquered by Malacca in 1454 and made into a vassal state. Its last Maharaja, Dewa Sura, sits upon a precarious throne. Kelantan is another city-state that would eventually fall to Malacca, and in 1444 shares a dynasty with the Sumatran nation of Jambi. Malacca has gained the province of Singapura, modern Singapore. Singapura is the origin of the Malacca Sultanate, and according to legend also the origin of many other Malay dynasties.

Quite a lot has changed on Sumatra. Besides its many additional nations and provinces, the central inland part of the island is now impassable. This to emphasize the importance of navies in the region and reflect how difficult it was to march armies across this hostile terrain.

There are several accounts of the origins of the Aceh Sultanate, located at the northern tip of Sumatra. It is generally considered to have come into being at the end of the 15th Century, being preceded by a kingdom named Lamuri about which we know little. I have opted to take a slightly ahistorical route and represent Aceh as a Sultanate in 1444. Aceh is one of the historical “winners” of the region; Sultan Iskandar Muda launched a successful campaign in the 17th Century that resulted in the conquests of much of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula, and prior to that Aceh was already the dominant power in northern and western Sumatra. Aceh is also referred to as the “Porch of Mecca” owing to its importance in the spread of Islam to Maritime South-East Asia.

Western Sumatra is ruled by the Hindu and Buddhist nations of Barus, Pagaruyung, and Indrapura. Eastern Sumatra is far more Islamized, with the Sultanate of Deli, Siak, and Jambi having embraced the Sunni faith and leaving Palembang as the last Hindu state on that side of the island. On the topic of Palembang, it remains under the rule of Chinese elites following the expulsion of the pirates by Zheng He, and players that own Golden Century still have the option to restore the pirates to power. Palembang has received an additional province on the southern tip of the island; the area today known as Lampung produced an immense amount of pepper and as such has been given a significant goods produced modifier.

Onwards to Java! The familiar kingdoms of Majapahit (Mahajapit, Majahapit, Mapajahit, Mahapajit, Mapajahit, Majahapit?) and Sunda have received a fair few additional provinces - Java is a very populated place both historically and today. Sunda is now the home of the Sundanese people, a new culture in the Malay group made distinct from Javanese. Two new nations appear on the map in 1444: Blambangan and Bali. Both are represented as Tributary States of Majapahit. Majapahit is a nation in its death throes. An empire that once spanned across Maritime South-East Asia is now struggling to hold together its remaining Javanese territory. We’ll talk more about the fall (and potential resurgence) of Majapahit in a later dev diary.

Here we have Borneo (left), Sulawesi (center) and the Moluccas (right). These more distant nations, with the very notable exception of Brunei, have yet to embrace Islam and follow a mix of Hindu and Animist faiths. The Hindu kingdoms of Borneo are Sambas, Berau, Kutai, and Banjar. The Animist kingdoms of Sulawesi are Makassar, Bone, Luwu, and Buton. Coastal Borneo would become dominated by the Bruneian Empire during our period, which will be reflected in Brunei’s mission tree. The interior of Borneo remains impassable. Even today it is extremely difficult to traverse except by its indigenous tribal people, and no nation in our time period attempted to make incursions into the interior, being fully aware of the impossibility of maintaining rule.

Ternate and Tidore are the only nations in the aptly named Spice Islands. Tidore and Ternate share a small mission tree that allows them to colonize the surrounding islands. In 1444 they have a monopoly on a new trade good: Cloves. Cloves initially exist only on Tidore and Ternate themselves, but have a very high chance of being discovered on colonized provinces in the surrounding islands. With a base price of 8, a province effect of +20% local trade power, and a trading bonus of +5% trade efficiency Cloves are by far the most desirable trade good in the game prior to the availability of Coal. Note that as always, numbers presented in dev diaries are not final.

The formable nation of Malaya has undergone several changes. Firstly, the requirements have changed to owning at least 40 provinces in the Malaya or Indonesia regions, as well as several specific provinces depending on your religion. When you form Malaya, you’ll immediately get an event giving you the option of what to name your new nation. You can always choose Malaya or Nusantara (a geographical Malay term for the entire region). If you have the Srivijaya dynasty - Malacca begins with it in 1444 - you can choose Srivijaya, while if you form the nation as Majapahit you can choose to name yourself the Majapahit Empire. This uses the same cosmetic name change mechanic that we introduced with the Kingdom of God in 1.30.

That’s all for this week! I haven’t yet decided on the topic of next week’s dev diary - most likely we’ll focus on a major nation in South-East Asia. If there’s any nation either in Mainland or Maritime South-East Asia you want me to talk about in more detail for next week, let me know in the comments and I’ll consider it. Until then, have a great week!
Europa Universalis IV - MagnusPDX
Click here for the Forum post.

Good afternoon! I am once again eschewing the traditional Swedish summer vacation, this time because I’d prefer to wait until I can safely travel rather than taking a dull staycation in my Stockholm apartment. What that means for you lovely people is that you get summer content dev diaries! Let’s get right into it!

Those of you who know me even slightly will be aware that I love all things South-East Asia (SEA). After 2.5 years on the project, I finally have the opportunity to create the SEA map rework of my dreams. Shown above is Mainland SEA. Burma/Myanmar is excluded from the map rework as I feel that the treatment I gave it during the development of Dharma still holds up. There will certainly be new content for nations in that region however, including what another dev fondly described as the “Shan mission stick” when we played MP this weekend.

The country setup has not been radically altered. The only new additions to the 1444 setup are the tribes inhabiting what is today the Central Highlands of Vietnam. I have, however, added many new provinces and increased the total development of the region significantly. According to the logs, the indo_china_region now contains 64 provinces with 542 total development. Note that these numbers, like all numbers presented in dev diaries, are not final. I’m especially satisfied with how Lan Na fits into its 5-province state, bordered on its west by impassable terrain. Speaking of impassable terrain, the Annamite Range now separates Vietnam from much of Laos, making Dai Viet a drastically more defensible nation.

A design goal for Mainland SEA nations in the 1.31 update is to emphasize vassal play and the development of capital super-cities. We’ll talk about various ways that this will be achieved another time, but one prerequisite for the goal is having nations to vassalize:

Several releasable nations now have cores on territory held in 1444 by Lan Xang and Dai Viet. These nations actually already exist in the game files, but are very rarely seen in 1.30 due to their lack of cores. Unfortunately there aren’t really any sensible ways that I’ve found to divide Ayutthaya or Khmer, though in Ayutthaya’s case Sukhothai can still serve as a vassal to which you can feed your Thai provinces.

I’ve also taken a look at culture groups in the region. Central Thai and Northern Thai are now simply “Thai”, which belongs to the Siamese culture group that it shares with Lao and Shan. Countries in this culture group are able to form Siam, though Ayutthaya can only do so via its new mission tree. The “Indochinese” culture group is admittedly fairly arbitrary, but does serve to encompass regions of “natural” Vietnamese expansion on their “nam tiến” (southward advance). Cham has been moved to this group to reflect that we no longer equate culture and language.

Next week we’ll take a similar look at Maritime SEA - modern Indonesia and Malaysia. In terms of scripted content you can expect plenty of historical events, mission trees, disasters, government reforms, estate privileges, and more from the 1.31 update. We’ll get to these in later weeks, but for now that’s all I have to say. Until next time, have a good week!
Europa Universalis IV - BjornB
1.30.3 Changelog

# AI
# Other
- AI won't push through the entire council of trent in one day anymore

# Interface
# Icons/Art
- Added missing icon for governing cost modifier

# Bugfixes
- Added DLC check to support independence agenda
- British and Spanish missions that require passing an HRE reform are now updated for Emperor
- Burgundian mission fallback will no longer join hre if it doesn't exist
- Fixed Ansbach succession event requiring wrong ruler for Ansbach
- Fixed Bohemian mission requiring wrong rival when PLC exists
- Fixed CTD that can happen when AI was working with an agent that only consisted of mercs
- Fixed OOS that happen if you have negative seperatism in a province.
- Fixed Peace treaty to enforce peasant republic on others
- Fixed bug where it wouldn't give full payout in gold peace treaty
- Fixed duplicate mission id's in script, which was causing some mission art to display incorrectly
- Fixed no loc for Hussite Traditions event for non-Hussites
- Fixed no tier 3 gov reforms for rev empires without emperor dlc
- Fixed some development agendas picking non-state core provinces
- French Auld Alliance mission no longer requires the British country to be independent
- Hotkey for Attach army no longer overlaps, it is now 'h'. You might need to reset hotkeys through the new manager to make it work
- Italian nations must now lose a war to the Emperor to be considered reined in for Shadow Kingdom, rather than losing any war
- Lubeck mission can no longer grant a CB against Norway if it doesn't exist
- Pope should now always be Catholic when released as a vassal
- Updated location of Genoa trade node for All Your Trade achievement
- Fixed bug with how scaling reform desire modifier was applied
Europa Universalis IV - BjornB
We've been hard at work making a hotfix for 1.30.x to resolve the issues that has been reported to us following the release last week.

1.30.2 does not necessarily break saves from 1.30.1, but as usual: We always recommend that you start a new game after the update. If you continue on old saves there is always a risk that something will behave unexpectedly.

1.30.2 Changelog

# Gamebalance
# Religion
- Golden Bulls base cost is now 400 ducats.
- Investigate heresy now costs 500 Curia Treasury
- Investigate heresy now only available to pope
- Investigate heresy now scales by 50% reform desire instead of only 10%.
- Switched around some modifiers in tiered defender of the faith

# War & Peace
- Modern Firearm Techniques Policy now gives 10% Inf Combat Ability

# Other
- Can no longer combine both Golden Liberty & Increased Levies
- Halved Cossacks development bonus privilege on steppe provinces.
- Low crownland penalty now tops off at 0.4 monthly autonomy gain.
- Lowered Base Crown Land Influence to 60%
- Lowered IA gain from Imperial Princes
- Statutory Rights privilege is now locked for 20 years after being given
- Supremacy over the Crown now adds more influence
- Supremacy over the Crown should now trigger way less
- Estate disasters now start progressing at 50% Loyalty and won't lose progress while you have more than 100% influence
- The Estate Bailout event for Statutory Rights MTTH have been increased from 24 to 128.

# AI
# Tooltips
- Made Crown Land effect tooltip more explanatory

# Other
- AI will now be a bit less zealous on using assign heir
- Understands now better how low loyalty of estates will impact them if they seize land from them

# Interface
# Other
- Attaching now has shortcut of 'd'
- Holding Shift while pressing Attach will now attach to first unit.

# Bugfixes
- Burgundian mission firing an incident now requires no active incident
- Controlled provinces by enemy won't prevent them from being added to the empire now in Force into HRE cb
- Countries that leave the HRE via Incidents now get an opinion penalty with the Emperor, and if AI will never again join the HRE
- Fixed Austrian mission requiring HRE reform only available without Emperor DLC
- Fixed Council of Trent event firing without Emperor DLC
- Fixed all remaining instances of negative opinion decay
- Fixed bug where mercs would break if in construction and chaning subunit type
- Fixed bug where unrest would stack weirdly and cause it to grow exponentionally
- Fixed negative opinion decay in Sforza opinion modifier
- Fixed so you don't get PU CB if your religion don't believe in those things when using the assign heir
- Fixed some Franconian minor missions disappearing on reload
- Fixed trigger for Spheres of Influence mission for Italian minors
- Fixes so you can't split out merc units with boats
- Force into HRE CB will now only appear for targets where the peace treaty is valid
- Hungary loses its core on Belgrade when ceding it to Serbia via mission/event
- Netherlands no longer gets its government change event if it is a subject nation.
- Player will no longer be told an incident will happen to due Burgundian mission when it won't. Clarified tooltip for Join the Empire mission.
- Production agenda for Jain and Vaishyas will no longer target gold provinces
- Secure the Succession mission should now always be completable
- Fixed CTD in Excommunication action
Europa Universalis IV - (Lauren Morton)

The game that’s spawned more offspring than some actual emperors has popped out another. Them strategy game folks at Paradox Interactive have released the new Emperor expansion for Europa Universalis IV. It’s all about keeping the faith and controlling the people with new Pope abilities to help you stand against revolutions. Alongside the new expansion is a free update for all EU4 players.


Europa Universalis IV - BjornB
STOCKHOLM - 09 June 2020 - Power for the sake of power is empty. No truly great ruler seeks a legacy of selfish adoration. Do it to raise the people. Do it to shield the faith. Do it to preserve centuries of tradition. Rule as the Emperor to rewrite history and remake the world. Rule in Europa Universalis IV: Emperor.

Emperor is the latest expansion to Paradox Development Studio’s flagship series, Europa Universalis IV. This add-on to the best-selling grand strategy game about the Early Modern world returns its focus to Europe, with changes and additions to game concepts familiar to players. The Catholic Church is given new energy, the Holy Roman Empire is more interactive and Revolutions spread from hotbeds of discontent.

Features of Europa Universalis IV: Emperor include:

  • A Powerful Pope: Appoint cardinals, publish Papal Bulls and gather tithes. The Vatican and Papal Controller now have new abilities to sway the souls of Christendom.
  • New Holy Roman Empire Systems: Imperial Incidents provide new challenges to the Emperor's power and authority. Will your empire follow a course to a centralized monarchy or decentralized federation?
  • Revolutions Revamped: The spirit of Revolution is a contagion that must be either embraced or vigorously opposed. Use the zeal of revolutionary guard units to fight reactionaries at home and abroad.
  • The Hussite Faith: Bohemia has an early game chance to embrace heresy and stand alone against the Pope until The Reformation.
  • Hegemonies: Seize the mantle of global leadership if you accumulate great wealth and armies, but be prepared to face great opposition from those who question your right to rule.
  • New Missions: Over 20 new unique mission trees for a variety of European nations
  • Defender of Faith: With great responsibility comes great power. Defending a major religion should be different from defending an insignificant one. Now it is!
  • The Council of Trent and Counter-Reformation: Join other Catholic rulers to slow down the spread of the Reformation by making concessions to the unruly mob or harshly imposing the will of God.
  • Provoke Rebellions: Risk a larger rebellion now while you think you can manage it instead of waiting for discontent to take its course

As is customary, Emperor is released alongside a major update to Europa Universalis IV, freely available to all players. This update makes changes to the game map, how estates work, mercenary recruitment and much more.
Europa Universalis IV - BjornB
So we actually didn't get to release 1.30 before we decided we should do 1.30.1 instead, so here you will get two changelogs at once! Enjoy.

We strongly recommend you finish any ongoing games you have before updating your game as old saves will behave very strangely if they work at all. For instructions on how to play the game on a previous version,please go here!

######################### #########################

# Gamebalance
# Other
- Propagate Religion Policy now targets non-abrahmic religions instead of being limited by continent restriction

# AI
# Economy
- AI considering themselves being "recovered" after a hell war a bit earlier and will dismiss mercs earlier.

# War
- AI will always consider Merc Armies now splinter armies and not main armies. Solves issues with non moving Army stacks and it constantly trying to merge things together.
- AI now better at recognizing Mercs and not trying to merge them with their regular main armies.

# Interface
# Icons/Art
- Hussites now have their own pick aspect icon
- Recentered the Monastic Elections icons to be more centered

# Tooltips
- Added tooltip to show that Absolute Reichstabilität gives access to new Expand Empire CB.

# Other
- Now hides properly leagues scrollbar when they are disabled.
- Rebel demands if large enough should no longer overflow on the interface
- TC Investments in the state view no longer stretches outside of the window

# Usermodding
# Other
- on_loan_repaid on action now called when you use pay back all money button

# Script
# Setup
- Added back missing Bahmanis cores on provinces Washim, Karanja and West Berar.

# Bugfixes
- Added Mahayana as a conversion option for pagans via decision
- Bible Translated now checks if Pope exists to add opinion modifier
- Can no longer escape the Revolution through forming nations with special governments (Bukhara, Mongol Empire, Mughal Empire, Persia, Russia, Ruthenia, Sokoto, Switzerland, Rum)
- Can no longer get Vaishyas & Jains Workshop Agenda on Gold provinces.
- Can now become Rev Empire without Rights of Man DLC.
- Dutch Revolt no longer have duplicate modifiers to progress. So Dutch Revolt should not happen instantly anymore.
- Fixed CTD that can happen in the war dec screen.
- Fixed Ewiger Landfriede modifier loc if playing with Emperor
- Fixed loc for mechanic to create revolutionary client states
- Forming post-colonial nations now checks for provinces being fully colonized
- Hansa incident can no longer happen if Lübeck is a subject
- Korean missions will no longer appear in random setup
- Macrobuilder should now show correctly what investment has been fully built and not
- Savonarola is no longer an immortal lich.
- Trying to add privilege when you don't have enough crown land now have proper loc
- When forming new tag you now keep your revolutionary target if you were it.
- Can no longer generate inf admin mana by swapping muslim scholars.
- Fixed CTD from when you click on province view shield for rebels
- Fixed CTD that could happen if several Governemnt Reforms become invalid at same time and they fiddle with Estates.
- Fixed CTD when you both accept culture in dialog and press accepting another culture at the same time.
- Fixed OOS that happens from effect setting religious school
- Fixed a crash that can happen when you try to grant free city status and do not own The Cossacks DLC.
- Fixed random CTD when AI is picking options in imperial incidents
- Removed DLC Lock on the 3 Base Estate's Events
- Removed DLC Lock on the Free Cities events.
- Removed Nation Designer Common Sense DLC Lock on Free Cities
- Repaying back all loans now also counts for removing the Indebted to the Burghers privilege

######################### #########################

# Free Features
- Reworked Mercenary system that uses Mercenary Companies instead of individual Mercenary Regiments.
- Overhauled and better integrated Estates mechanics with Privileges & Agendas.
- Removed Corruption from Territories and made a whole new Government Capacity mechanic. States, TC's & Territories have different weights on this.
- Expand administraion mechanic that let's you spend government reform progres for increased governing capacity.
- Added an indication of who views you as a rival when picking a rival!
- Added new option to allow people to change countries multiple times, must be off for achievements.
- Free cities are now enabled in the base game.
- Government Reform Mechanics is now baseline, while Dharma and Emperor unlocks a fair amount of unique reforms.
- Reworked Dutch Revolt to include a Disaster
- Add 3 missions for Bulgaria
- Added 10 missions for Franconia (of which available for Franconian minors, depending on the tag).
- Added 4 new missions for French Duchies
- Added 5 missions for Albania
- Added 5 missions for Hannover, Brunswick, Luneburg and Calenberg and 4 further missions for Hannover.
- Added 6 new events about Mercenary Companies
- Added 8 free missions for minor Italian states
- Added 8 new missions for Brittany.
- Added 8 new missions for Flanders and Brabant
- Added 9 missions for the Palatinate.
- Added Bonfire of the Vanities disaster that adapts and adds to the old Savonarola event chain for Florence.
- Added Chinese, Hindustan/Bharat and Mughal Revolution flavour.
- Added Crusader State government for Jerusalem
- Added Golden Ambrosian Republic disaster for Milan, incorporating the existing event and adding 8 new events, including events about the rise of Sforza and a potential military dictatorship.
- Added Hussite religion and associated flavour events
- Added Italian Wars dynamic historical event, beginning when a major power is at war with an Italian nation. Enables special mercenary companies and a triggered modifier for around 50 years for active participants.
- Added Junker Stratocracy government reform and legacy government. Available for Prussia if it becomes a republic. Generals become rulers.
- Added Military Dictatorship government reform and legacy government. Rulers reign for life, and the best General succeeds on ruler death.
- Added Pazzi Conspiracy event for Florence/Tuscany
- Added Protectorate Parliament government reform and legacy government for the English Commonwealth under Cromwell.
- Added Signoria government reform, available to Italian Republics. Florence, Bologna, and Pisa begin with this reform. Allows dynastic candidates in elections without any monarch skill penalties. Also allows Royal Marriage.
- Added a mission tree for Swabian minors and an expanded tree for the Swabian formable (11 missions in all).
- Added a new event chain concerning the succession to the Neapolitan throne in the 15th century.
- Added a non-OP starting government reform (and legacy government) for Austria.
- Added an Industrialization institution, which hits from 1750 onwards.
- Added an event chain surrounding the attempted Serene Neapolitan Republic (S.P.Q.N.) in the 17th century.
- Added better colours for most countries' Revolutionary flags.
- Added estate privileges to the game.
- Added event for France that spawns the Duchy of Alencon after reconquering the province.
- Added mission tree for Croatia and Ragusa
- Added mission tree for Dithmarschen. Break the chains!
- Added several events surrounding the breakup between Saxony and Thuringia.
- Added the Borgia Papacy event chain, covering the election of Rodrigo Borgia and the career of his son Ceasare
- Added three new missions for HRE Republics to replace the ones to become Emperor (which is impossible for republics).
- Added two dynamic historical events about the Jews of Selanik
- Reworked the Black Army so that it is now a mercenary company with reduced cost and extra discipline
- The Observer can now access information in the ledger when it is locked or limited
- Unlocked 15 event pictures that were previously only for owners of Art of War.
- Optimised the performance of Hindu monarch events (1-day MTTHs were eradicated).
- Added subject interactions for Golden Century users to block or allow AI subjects from using settlement growth.
- Added "marines" type of infantry, that unloads much faster, but you can only have a fraction of in your forcelimit. REQUIRES Golden Century or Rule Britannia.
- Custom nations can now setup how they want their units to look from the players purchased sprite packs.
- Added a States Macro Builder that should make States micro a lot nicer.
- Added Go to buttons in Events.
- War Taxes is now a toggle that costs 2 Mil points a month if you are at war

...and much more that doesn't fit in a Steam announcement. Please visit our official forum for a complete changelog!
Jun 8, 2020
Europa Universalis IV - MagnusPDX
Today at 1700 CEST our Game Director Johan, and Game Designer Groogy, will be answering your question about the 1.30 Austria update and the Emperor DLC! Tune in on Twitch to see the answers to the questions you the fans want to know.
Crusader Kings II - (Imogen Beckhelling)

Paradox Interactive, the makers of Crusader Kings and Stellaris, have announced the “impending completion” of a collective bargaining agreement with the labour unions for its employees in Sweden. By the end of this month, Paradox employees should have a formal way of influencing their pay, benefits and responsibilities, and be generally better protected by the unions they’re part of. If you’re a little confused on what all this “collective agreement” business means though, bear with me while I have a go at explaining it.


Europa Universalis IV - MagnusPDX
Hello everyone! So we're getting close to release and it's time to show off the changelog for 1.30. The changelog for the Austria Patch has 1076 entries, or at least that's the amount I could remember. It's our largest one yet ever released for EU4. For comparison Holy Fury changelog is somewhere around ~600 entries.

############################################################ ######################### ######################### ############################################################ ################### # Expansion Features ################### - Added Golden Bulls that let's the Curia Controller affect the entire faith. - Pope can now appoint cardinals in other countries or within his own. - The catholic faith collect tithe from it's adherents to be spent on new features. - New Council of Trent mechanics to let Catholics to stem the tide of the Protestant Reformation. - Added Imperial Incident system for HRE that will make Central Europe feel more alive and dynamic. - Added two paths for Imperial Reforms for the HRE, Decentralized and Centralized. - Added Hegemony status mechanics for the greatest of the Great Powers. - There are now tiers of Defender of the Faith dependent on the strength of the Faith. - You can now introduce a new heir if you currently have none in a monarchy! - Added 10 new Defender of the Faith events, including Jihads for Muslim holy cities and opportunities for Catholics to repair relations with rivals. - Added 13 new events about the Papal Tithe and Curia Trasury. - Added Hussite Church Aspects - Added Institutionalized Black Army government reform, available near the start of the Age of Reformation. Also available to Dharma owners. - Added a Revolutionary Satellite State government reform that the Revolutionary Target can impose on its client states and enemies. It has some of the characteristics of a Revolutionary Republic but a lower max revolutionary zeal and none of the benefits of being the Revolutionary Target. - Added an Imperial Incident that triggers once the League War concludes if the majority of the HRE's provinces are owned by Reformed princes, forcing the Emperor to address their demands. - Added events adding flavour to the spread of revolutionary ideas in Europe and the colonies. - Added expanded mission tree for France - Added mission tree for Brandenburg/Prussia - Added mission tree for Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, with unique branches for both tags - Added mission tree for Provence - Added mission tree for Switzerland - Added mission tree for the Crusader states (The Knights, Epirus, Cyprus, Athens, and Jerusalem) - Added missions for Naples and the Two Sicilies - Added new Bohemian mission tree - Added new Papal State missions - The ideals of the Revolution now spreads over provinces and incurs harsh penalties on absolutist countries. - Allowed you to choose to support or oppose the Revolutionaries in the Revolution and French Revolution disasters. Picking a side and winning will leave you stronger; picking it and losing is not however advised. - Players can now provoke rebels into revolting immediately with extra strength - Revolutionary Zeal replaces Absolutism mechanics for Revolutionary countries - Added several new unique reforms for Revolutionary countries, both Republic and Empire. - Added unique Revolutionary Guard special unit for Revolutionary countries - Revolutionary Countries can now take over the torch of the Revolution from the Revolutionary Target. - Added Decline of the Hanseatic League Incident - Added King in Prussia Imperial Incident - Added PU Subject Joins the Empire Incident - Added Pope and the Empire imperial incident - Added Question of Holstein Imperial Incident - Added Switzerland and the Empire Imperial Incident - Added an incident for Burgundy joining the Empire - The Bugdundian inheritance is now an Imperial Incident - Added 21 new missions for Lübeck - New peace treaty to spread the Revolution - Added Saxon mission tree with 16 missions (available for Saxony and Thuringia). - Added a Savoyard mission tree. - Added an extended Genoese mission tree. - Added estate agendas to the game. - Added an expanded Bavarian mission tree, with 15 new missions. - Added new Milanese mission tree. - Added an extended Hungarian mission tree. - Added several 18th century events e.g. The Flour Wars that enhance the build-up to the Revolution and make it more likely to happen in the country where they take place. - Added Netherlands Mission tree - Added Austrian mission tree - Added new mission tree for Serbia - Added Florence mission tree. - Added Italy Mission tree - Added Genoa Mission Tree - Added Venice Mission Tree - Added Burgundy missions - Added Provence Mission tree ################### # Free Features ################### - Reworked Mercenary system that uses Mercenary Companies instead of individual Mercenary Regiments. - Overhauled and better integrated Estates mechanics with Privileges & Agendas. - Removed Corruption from Territories and made a whole new Government Capacity mechanic. States, TC's & Territories have different weights on this. - Expand administraion mechanic that let's you spend government reform progres for increased governing capacity. - Added an indication of who views you as a rival when picking a rival! - Added new option to allow people to change countries multiple times, must be off for achievements. - Free cities are now enabled in the base game. - Government Reform Mechanics is now baseline, while Dharma and Emperor unlocks a fair amount of unique reforms. - Reworked Dutch Revolt to include a Disaster - Add 3 missions for Bulgaria - Added 10 missions for Franconia (of which available for Franconian minors, depending on the tag). - Added 4 new missions for French Duchies - Added 5 missions for Albania - Added 5 missions for Hannover, Brunswick, Luneburg and Calenberg and 4 further missions for Hannover. - Added 6 new events about Mercenary Companies - Added 8 free missions for minor Italian states - Added 8 new missions for Brittany. - Added 8 new missions for Flanders and Brabant - Added 9 missions for the Palatinate. - Added Bonfire of the Vanities disaster that adapts and adds to the old Savonarola event chain for Florence. - Added Chinese, Hindustan/Bharat and Mughal Revolution flavour. - Added Crusader State government for Jerusalem - Added Golden Ambrosian Republic disaster for Milan, incorporating the existing event and adding 8 new events, including events about the rise of Sforza and a potential military dictatorship. - Added Hussite religion and associated flavour events - Added Italian Wars dynamic historical event, beginning when a major power is at war with an Italian nation. Enables special mercenary companies and a triggered modifier for around 50 years for active participants. - Added Junker Stratocracy government reform and legacy government. Available for Prussia if it becomes a republic. Generals become rulers. - Added Military Dictatorship government reform and legacy government. Rulers reign for life, and the best General succeeds on ruler death. - Added Pazzi Conspiracy event for Florence/Tuscany - Added Protectorate Parliament government reform and legacy government for the English Commonwealth under Cromwell. - Added Signoria government reform, available to Italian Republics. Florence, Bologna, and Pisa begin with this reform. Allows dynastic candidates in elections without any monarch skill penalties. Also allows Royal Marriage. - Added a mission tree for Swabian minors and an expanded tree for the Swabian formable (11 missions in all). - Added a new event chain concerning the succession to the Neapolitan throne in the 15th century. - Added a non-OP starting government reform (and legacy government) for Austria. - Added an Industrialization institution, which hits from 1750 onwards. - Added an event chain surrounding the attempted Serene Neapolitan Republic (S.P.Q.N.) in the 17th century. - Added better colours for most countries' Revolutionary flags. - Added estate privileges to the game. - Added event for France that spawns the Duchy of Alencon after reconquering the province. - Added mission tree for Croatia and Ragusa - Added mission tree for Dithmarschen. Break the chains! - Added several events surrounding the breakup between Saxony and Thuringia. - Added the Borgia Papacy event chain, covering the election of Rodrigo Borgia and the career of his son Ceasare - Added three new missions for HRE Republics to replace the ones to become Emperor (which is impossible for republics). - Added two dynamic historical events about the Jews of Selanik - Reworked the Black Army so that it is now a mercenary company with reduced cost and extra discipline - The Observer can now access information in the ledger when it is locked or limited - Unlocked 15 event pictures that were previously only for owners of Art of War. - Optimised the performance of Hindu monarch events (1-day MTTHs were eradicated). - Added subject interactions for Golden Century users to block or allow AI subjects from using settlement growth. - Added "marines" type of infantry, that unloads much faster, but you can only have a fraction of in your forcelimit. REQUIRES Golden Century or Rule Britannia. - Custom nations can now setup how they want their units to look from the players purchased sprite packs. - Added a States Macro Builder that should make States micro a lot nicer. - Added Go to buttons in Events. - War Taxes is now a toggle that costs 2 Mil points a month if you are at war ################### # Gamebalance ################### # Economy - Added State House Manufactory that gives lowered state wide governance cost and lowered minimum cap on autonomy. Can only have one per state. - Added Impressement Offices manufactory that gives a flat 250 sailors boost and an extra 250 in provinces with salt, naval supplies, tropical wood or fish. Available at Naval Ambition Dip tech (7) - Added Ramparts manufactory that gives +1 hostile attrition and 15% Local Defensiveness. Available at Workshop Adm tech (6) - Added Soldier's Households manufactory that gives a flat 750 manpower boost and an extra 750 in food provinces. Available at Military Experimentation Adm tech (15) - Expelling minorities in colonies is now using the expel_minorities_cost modifier only, and no extra define on the colonial maintenance. - Coring cost can no longer be below 1 power. - All created countries should now start with proper states setup. - War reparation expenses is now taken into account in the balance estimation. - Tradecompany bonus on production in the trade node is now clearer to see, and they are now only applied to non-tc provinces, and is stronger in the end game. - Siphoning money from a subject will not count subsidies. - Pirates no longer are considered to be monopoly in a tradenode. - Looting and Blockades are now actual expenses for the target country. - Added 2 new buildings for coastal provinces. Coastal Defence and Naval Battery. - Trade Company Investments are made a bit cheaper. - Trade Company Investment Tier 1 & 2 got buffed to +50% & 100% - Trade Company Investment Tier 3 now gives +2% Marines FL and lowered local autonomy cap in entire region - Can now only build one Tier 3 Investment in every region. # Governments - Remove cap on Reform Progress - Removed tech requirement for War Against the World CB - Revolutionary Empires no longer have access to Estates - A country that takes the Mandate of Heaven will now start at 60 Meritocracy (rather than 0). - Republics can now get +100% reform progress with 100% RT. - Prussian republic & Prussian Monarchy reforms now gives -50% governing capacity. - Pirate Republics now have +75% more governing cost. - Penalty to Militarised Society now ticks in from being over governing capacity. - Merchant Republics no longer has a hardcoded limit of 20 province. Instead they have a higher governing cost for their provinces. - Changed the effects of the Council of Indies to be something more appropriate. - - Added an event for Pirate Republics and Revolutionary Satellites that has a Mutineer Council / Caretaker Committee regency (2/2/2) take over if Republican Tradition is below 20. It will block elections from happening until RT rises above 50 again. # Religion - Centers of Reformation conversion speed is now affected by Reform Desire. - Christian Centers of Reformation base conversion lowered to 2 from 5. # Units - Added scaling -50% Regiment Drill Loss to Professionalism - All engaged ships will now fire each day, instead of behing randomly selected - Increased Regiment Drill modifiers for Shock/Fire damage taken to -25% from -10%. - Reduced yearly drill decay from -2.5 to -2 - Ships now have a base chance of disengaging when demoralized - Revolts can now get fractions of regiment contributions from their provinces instead of forced always minimum 1. - Mercenaries can no longer be recruited during bankruptcy. - Made attrition modifers apply after supply limit checks, and supply limit attrition is a bit more forgiving. - Arrival Attrition is now applied always when out of range and on open seas both for the navy and any loaded armies. - Amount of ships to blockade each development is now reduced to 50% of before. - All non-supply related sources of attrition is ignored on friendly territory. - Force march now only applies penalty if the unit is actually moving so you don't have to micro it on and off. # War & Peace - Small changes to revolutionary wargoals. - All countries can now crush revolutions, even if republics or theocrats. - You can no longer support the independence of a subject of one of your alllies. - You can no longer stackwipe an army through overrun mechanic if they have enough men to fill a full combat width (30k), even if you have more than 10 times as many. - You can no longer adapt to template to remove shattered retreat. - Wars declared on a colonial nation will now make the overlord of the colonial nation automaitcally discover your capital. - The Emperor only needs positive relation with target to enforce peace within the empire. - Subjects of allies occupying or being electors will no longer block dismantling hre. - Replaced Blockade percent sort with a economical impact from war column in the war overview. - AI Desire to peace from threathened mandate is now halved - Subjects will now get reduced Liberty Desire from being given land in a peace deal. They'll be extra happy if you give them one of their cores back. - Fabricate Claim should be 50% more expensive inside the HRE. - Naval Combat under the hood have been overhauled and ships can now flee the combat. Combat shouldn't be anymore "all or nothing". # AI - AI will now get -15% missionary maintenance cost on Hard difficulty. - AI will now get -30% missionary maintenance cost on Very Hard difficulty. - Lucky Nations will now get -10% Missionary maintenance cost - Trading cities in trade-leagues will not intiiate alliances and are very much against that concept. (-100 acceptance) # Other - Added Nordic Rulers Legacy as first idea which gives 10% Shock Damage - Added cost based on distance to target to move capital. - Age now affects leaders chance to die slightly, however this is now ignored by monarchs meaning they don't double dip as much in the "Death by just hanging around" like they did before. - All instances of possible_manpower modifiers have now been replaced with manpower_modifier - As we now have TC's everywhere, Propagate Religion is now limited to only outside of Europe. - Attacking HRE prince as the Emperor under Ewiger Landfriede now counts as attacking a Free City with -3 stab hit and AE penalty added. - Banners now start at full strength - Buffed Korean idea Geobukseon to give +10% ship durability like the similarly themed Japanese idea does, since Korea should definitely not have less durable ships than Japan. Increase the requirements for mission "Set Sail the Turtle Ships" to reflect this. - Can now build streltsy through macro builder, costs manpower and money. The streltsy spawned from russian government is still free though. - Changing Government Reforms now cost 50 Reform Progress instead. - Cost for Development difference between current and new capital lowered - Estate Loyalty and Influence have now been integrated more into different mechanics in the game - Estate disasters will now tick up a lot slower, as it is easier to encounter them and harder to deal with them in the new estates system. - Ewiger Landfride will no longer lock you out from declaring war entirely. - Generals are now taught courage and will be in the first wave when using automatic transports. - Governor General's Mansion now also gives 2% Marine Force Limit - Granadan Succession War now requires a Nasarid heir to not happen - Halved attrition from Monsoons - Halved the Yearly DrillDecay of armies not drilling - Hindu events giving monarch points are now far less frequent, making being a Hindu less of a monarch point farming scheme. - Leaving the Empire reduces Imperial Authority. - Marathas and Rajputs now have a base of 10 influence. - Mercenary regiments no longer disband when taking damage at 0 strength. - Merchant Republics may now only form trade leagues with OPMs that are in a trade node they have at least 1% trade share in (i.e. Genoa may no longer form a trade league with Hamburg). - Missionary maintenance is now a lot cheaper - Morale Recovery penalty of Forced March now only applies while actually moving. No need anymore to micro to toggle it for monthly tick. - No longer restricted by 50% dev must be on continent to move capital - Provinces belonging to Trade Companies now have 80% Local Autonomy. - Rebalanced various spread modifiers in Institutions from Printing Press onwards (especially Manufactories and Enlightenment) to try and allow for more of a technological rift in the late game. - Reduced Coastline development cost penalty to 15% - Reduced arid and tropical development cost penalty to 10% - Regiments being transported in open sea now takes 10% attrition - Set the cap for the reduction of mana points gained for razing a province due to higher mil tech levels to 80% (i.e. gain 5 mana per dev razed) rather than 20% (gain 20 mana per dev razed). The cap will now be reached at tech 23 rather than tech 8. - Subjects part of HRE can now add provinces if they or overlord is already part of empire. - Swapping government type via event will now cost 4 reform tiers if you are a Republic, and otherwise 2 tiers. - Switched out Max States with a new Mechanic called Governing Capacity. Each province development becomes a weight upon the Government to manage which it needs to deal with. - Territories no longer cause corruption - Territories now limited to 90% Local Autonomy - The ability of the Shogun to have a Pirate Daimyo is now unique to So: Other Pirate Republics will now become regular Daimyos. - The special units Cossacks, Rajputs, Marines & Revolutionary Guard are now built through constructions in a province meaning they take a little bit of time. - There are now Trade Companies for the entire old world - Tier 1 and Tier 2 Trade Company Investments now cost 200 & 400 ducats respectivley. - Tier 3 Trade Company Investments can now only have one built in a region, you can no longer build all 5 in a single Trade Company. - Trade Companies now take 50% Governing Capacity - Trade Companies upgraded to work with Local Autonomy instead of having their penalties hacked into a local modifier. - War Taxes Modifier for Custom nation now limited to two levels of -50% and -100%. - War Taxes is now a toggle that costs 2 Military Mana a month. It is only enabled if you are at war and will only cost mana if at war. No longer need to deal with a popup every second year. - War of the Roses now requires a Plantanget, York or Lancaster to be heir to not happen - When attaching to your own armies the army will now walk with the slowest movement speed of your units. This does not apply to if an ally attaches to you to avoid where AI screws over your movement speed. - You can now get the Revolution or French Revolution disaster by having a larger army or higher development than everyone else in Europe. - Demand unlawfull territory is now sent to overlord of a subject. - you now get passive spynetwork effects on colonial nations as well. - Removed power_cost from expelling minorities - Rebels now scale much linearly with player POSSIBLE forcelimit in a province. - A province added to a trade company is now immediately removed from the Empire. - Monopoly share will now actually impact privateers. - Colonising adjacent to home area will now convert religion/culture even if TC. Lex Siberia! - The elected Emperor can always join the empire. - The Empire is now dismantled if it no longer a monarchy after being inheritable. - Subjects can no longer have their VC's progress. - Recruiting act policy now gives marines - Portugal get marines through their naval doctrines. - Pioneer Policy is now also +5% colonist placement chance - Fixed so decay can not be negative for traditions - Expelled Minorities are now far harder to convert. - Expel Minorities no longer change the religion and culture of the origin, but instead moves the development gained in the target away from the origin. - Decreasing Autonomy now removed the recent uprising modifier from the province. - Buffed yearly absolutism gain across the board - Administrative Efficiency is capped at 90% - Absolutism is now only providing up to 30% Admin Eff, down from 40%. - A province in a trade company can NOT be added to the Holy Roman Empire. - Added Trade Companies to the entire world, minus colonial regions. - Trade Companies can now be created anywhere as long as it's now your super region, no continent switching anymore for TC's. - Trade Companies now have 90% autonomy penalty but reduced effect on trade things. ################### # AI ################### # Diplomacy - Made AI less likely to accept trade charters in some super-regions. - AI Emperor will now always attempt to make all who wants to be free cities free cities. - AI will now respond to diplomatic actions immediately the same day, instead of you waiting a day (and circumstances changing causing problems etc..) # Government - Added AI weighting to government reforms, so that the AI will be more likely to pick unique reforms it is eligible for and in some cases will not pick reforms that will give it little benefit. # Economy - Made AI more likely to budget money for upgrading CoT. - Made AI more likely to upgrade CoTs in profitable trade nodes. - Only colonizers (nations with at least one colonist, ie. mainly historical colonizers) will try to charter company - AI is now much better at understanding benefits of manufactories, especially those of other types. - AI will no longer debase currency if it has >10k gold. # War - AI will now reduce war exhaustion when at war as well. # Other - AI will boost the hell out of those states when all reforms are enacted. - Increased the priority the AI assigns to protecting its own lands. - Large AI nations no longer voluntarily implode by reforming into merchant republics (and releasing an unrealistic amount of vassals afterwards). - Added Manage Estates AI setting ################### # Interface ################### # Country - Add rebel army size in handle rebels interface - Add rebel army size in outliner - Button in the military view to detach a general from the unit he is attached to - Continue displaying the reform progress after enacting the last reform. - In the Declare War window, a warning will appear if you have ships out of port. - When declaring war you will now get a detailed list on the two sides forces. If playing with locked/limited ledger you need to infiltrate administration. - The reform progress label inside the progress bar will show the current amount of reform progress even if all the reforms are enacted. - Add boost state button - Added Core All button to Stability view. - Can now review other countries military in the diplomacy interface instead of having to go through the ledger. - Can now view your subjects mission trees - Covert interactions are now ordered based on when they get unlocked by dip tech - Will no longer show local minimum autonomy in the country modifier screen - Will now show province development in fabricate claim interface # Icons/Art - There's now a little drill icon in the general selection interface for generals who are drilling their armies. - In Declare war interface, allies of the target that are in a coalition against the player are highlighted with an icon next to the entry. - Battle Prediction Icon now will also consider the order that units are updated to see if units will be in same province at same time. # Mapmodes - Add military access mapmode - Altered the superregion setup by splitting Africa and South America, moving some regions between superregions, and renaming some superregions - Cardinals will now be shown on the religious mapmode - Selecting a province in the trade goods mapmode now hides all the icons of the other trade goods and only show the selected one - Trade goods mapmode now fades out the icons when zooming out to be able to clearly see the colors on the provinces - Added Revolutionary Mapmode - Clicking revolution target now centers the map on the center and switches mapmode to the revolution. - Imperial mapmode no longer breaks if no valid emperor. # Tooltips - Made Tooltip a bit better for that you can only have one specific trade company investment in a region. - Prepare for War now describes it's exact effect. - Yearly Change of Opinion is now summarized in Opinion tooltip. - Now shows hire date and age of general/admirals in their tooltip. - Trying to join the Empire will now list all reasons why you can't join - The build to unit buttons will always show force limit now. - Added a tooltip and highlight for the option "executing the bailiff" in event 710 for republics and the emperor of China. - Improved tooltip for when at war and trying to charter a trade company. - Forts on borders with rivals with cost reduction now has correct tooltip in buldings UI. - Fixed sell ship tooltip talking about send gifts when target is bankrupt or in debt. - Fixed a tooltip issue with flipping into a New World nation - Country Effects on Garrison Growth is now shown in tooltips. # Unitmodels - Inuit sprites now use guns as technology advances. - The Catholic League Unit Pack now directly enables tier 2 artillery sprites for the Papal State, using the pack's tier 2 Papal Infantry sprite. - Becoming a Pirate Republic via the decision will apply appropriate pirate unit models # Other - Add Reform Desire in Curia view - Added Grant Free city Diplomatic Action to Macro Builder - Added unique startup screens to Byzantium, Naples, Genoa. - Added unique startup screens to various countries. - Banner state interface will now allow you to raise as many banners as the country can support - Can now ask for Gold up until Accpetance of AI in peace view using Shift + LMB. Shift + RMB now does maximum amount - Can now click on map to select provinces for Threathen War action - Can now click on map to select provinces for fabricate claim action. - Can now pick what unit you will attach your army to - HRE League Members now have a scrollbar if there are enough of them - Offer Loan can now be set to better numbers in the interface. Decimal increment and durations lasting hundreds of years are now possible. - Renamed Promote Military Recruitment to Increased Enlistment to get it a little bit smaller - Revised startup screen for France. - Show engaged, disengaged, demoralized and reserve ships in naval battle UI - Special regiments are now built through macrobuilder with other land units - You now get warning for cap at mana when you are 3 monhts away from cap, when you hit cap the alert goes red. - Can now click on map to select provinces for subject interactions - The Claims alert now shows when claims will expire as well - Added alert for when you can use a Muslim piety action - Tech and Idea alert will now turn red if you are in the grace period of where innovativeness gain might expire. - Can now mass build units using shift/ctrl when clicking out units. - Made the Diplomat Anti-Coalition Macro Builder a little bit smarter - siege chance is now same display in all UI - Now shows other countries corruption in ledger - You can now detach the leader as well when detaching a siege force, by holding shift. - Revoking a Free City now warns you that it will reduce IA by 5. - Fixed occupation text clipping - Fixed color of discipline <100% in military screen. - Economical Ledger data should now always use this months data from province incomes. - Coal is now hidden in the ledger until discovered. - Clarified that base tax income is the yearly tax income - Improved the dialog for offering loans to antoher nation. ################### # Usermodding ################### # Commands # Effects - Add override_country_name effect, to change the name of a country without having to change the tag. Requires localization for the country name. The new name is persisted. - Add restore_country_name effect, to restore the name of a country to the original value. - add_curia_treasury effect to add cash to the Curia Treasury - Added 'add_revolutionary_zeal' - Added add_company_manpower effect - Added add_years_of_estate_land_income which scales yearly income with how much land the estates own. - Added kill_mercenary_leader - Added num_of_owned_areas trigger which works like a combined num_of_states & num_of_territories - Added random_hired_mercenary_company - Added set_revolution_in_province effect - Added spawn_center_of_revolution and remove_center_of_revolution effetcts - Can now script succession crisis using create_succession_crisis effect - added 'support_independence_of' and 'add_power_projection' effects - Added 'join_trade_league = tag' effect to join the tag to the scopes trade league. - Added 'transfer_trade_power = tag' effect. - Added 'add_rival' && 'remove_rival' effects. - Added ' use_monarch_as_leader = yes' to spawn_rebels # Logging # Modifiers - Added 'is_mercenary_modifier' flag for static modifiers targeting mercenary company regiments - Rajput will now proeprly apply it's drill loss modifier on casulties - Renamed Drill Decay modifier to Regiment Drill Loss to more clearly communicate it also protects against the drill loss from when the regiment has lost strength. - There is now a cap of at least 10% loss of drill - female_advisor_chance now affects how likely your heir is female. - split religious_conversion_resistance into two seperate modifiers. - local missionary cost will no longer clutter the country o

Edit: I just noticed there's some entries I forgot to move, so changelog is smaller by 2 or 3 entries :p

And since we usually also have a dev diary for renders of the new unit sprites, I'll include that here today since we we've had so much to talk about when it comes to features in Emperor and Austria patch.

Next week we'll be releasing Emperor and the 1.30 patch! Hope you are as excited as I am! Cya then!