War Thunder - magazine2

Hello, soldiers! Join the War Thunder Exotroops on Twitch and get rewards!

Watch War Thunder streams from April 7th (13:00 UTC) until April 17th (13:00 UTC), to get:

Exosnail PURPLE Decal
Exosnail GREEN Decal
Exosnail RED Decaln
  • “Tactical Helmet” Decor

  • RP Booster
  • SL Booster

Twitch Drops FAQ

[expand type=details]
— What are Twitch Drops?
These are game rewards for stream viewers on Twitch.

— You mean I can get something in War Thunder?
Yep! The longer you watch War Thunder streams, the more rewards you’ll get.

— Awesome! What do I need to do to be able to get the rewards?
You need to link your Gaijin and Twitch accounts:
1. Sign up or enter your Twitch account details on the website.
2. Enter the information from your Gaijin account you are playing War Thunder with on this page and click the “Link” button.

3. Press the “Allow” button!

— What broadcasts do I need to watch to be able to earn rewards?
Watch War Thunder streams marked “Drops enabled!”.

— How do I know that I have received a reward?
You will receive a reward message on the Twitch broadcast page. Once you see it, you will need to click on the “Get” button. You can also do this in your Drops inventory.

— Which platforms are rewards available for?
Rewards are available for everyone who plays War Thunder on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series.

— How do I enable Drops on my channel if I’m a streamer?
In short, participate in our Partnership Program, enable Drops in your settings and stream War Thunder:

ATTENTION! We want each active and passionate War Thunder streamer to find a new audience thanks to Twitch Drops. As such, in no way do we encourage streamers who create their streams only for “farming” Drops using third party content, video clips and any other format that doesn’t include their direct participation with the game. Channels with such content will be disconnected from Drops.

War Thunder - magazine2

We received feedback from players about possible problems with damage models of the top attackers Su-25 and A-10A. Now we will tell you about what problems we found and how we solved them.

Hi there! Recently we received several reports on possible problems with attackers of the Su-25 and A-10A series - players complained about oddities in the damage model of these aircraft, in particular from damage by the striking elements of the anti-aircraft missiles. We carefully studied the damage scenarios for these attack aircraft, found problems and fixed them. Some of the corrections will also involve refining the damage models for other aircraft from kinetic hits from close bursts of guided missiles and artillery rounds. On the example of Su-25 and A-10 we want to tell you about the results of this work.

A-10A tended to frequently tear off the tail section of the fuselage and destroy both engines. At the same time damage to the front of the fuselage didn’t result in any significant damage to the aircraft. Now depending on the angle, a close burst of a guided missile or a hit in the rear hemisphere results more often in damage or failure of one of the engines rather than both at once. Hits in the forward hemisphere will now be more likely to damage control rods as well as other internal modules of the aircraft. The probability of damage to internal modules increases if the fuselage has been already heavily damaged (black areas on the damage indicator at the bottom corner of the screen). These fuselage damage model refinements will affect all aircraft in the game - damage will be applied correctly.

Su-25 engines could withstand considerable damage from close bursts and kinetic elements because of the error in the damage calculation. We found and fixed this problem. Now depending on the angle and power of the shell or missile hitting the rear of the fuselage will more often cause one of the engines to fail, direct hits between the engines or on other critical modules will lead to fatal damage of the aircraft. As with the A-10A hits to the front part of the fuselage are more likely to disable control mechanisms and internal components.

As for the survivability of the Su-25 and А-10А, both aircraft have a good chance of surviving a hit from a small SAM or other small calibre guided missile. Of course this depends on many factors and will usually force pilots to return urgently to the airfield for repair. Direct hits from large calibre guided missiles with considerable explosive weight and number of submunitions will always lead to the defeat of any aircraft, including the Su-25 and A-10, for which such missiles have been created.

Fly confidently, trust your aircraft but remember that even the strongest aircraft has limits on survivability! Good hunting!
Apr 7, 2023
War Thunder - magazine2

  • A bug that made hits from 30 mm automatic cannons of a low velocity look and sound like hits of high velocity cannons (3000 - 6000 rpm) has been fixed.
  • Firing sounds of the player’s automatic cannons have been corrected by volume in relation to main calibre cannons and machine guns.
  • The sounds of falling cannon casings of ground vehicles have received more volume and are now louder.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.
War Thunder - magazine2

  • The conditions for receiving rewards containing Golden Eagles under the “Invite friend” program have been changed.
  • Now, to get the second (100 GE and 300,000 SL) and the third (2,500 GE) rewards, as well as the starting reward of 50 GE for an invited friend, an inviting player must have 2-step authentication activated. If, at the moment of completing the condition for reward, the 2-step authentication was not activated, the reward will still be issued after activation and re-login: first for the invited players, then for inviting. The change will not affect previously issued rewards.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.
War Thunder - magazine2

Ground vehicles
We continue the planned increase of the Battle Ratings for top ranked vehicles - some vehicles beginning at BR 9.7 will receive a simultaneous increase one step higher. In addition to top ranked ground vehicles, the BR of helicopters and some high ranked aircraft will also change one step higher. This change will noticeably improve the situation for vehicles with BR 8.7-9.0. In the future changes will also affect these vehicles but only after gathering statistics on the result of the current change.

Table of BR changes here (navigate to "Open the table in new window")

Want to leave feedback on these BR changes and recommend any others? Leave it here.

Aircraft Simulator Battles
The increase of the maximum BR for aircraft led to the fact that in [Enduring Confrontation] missions in one battle depending on the rotation could meet aircraft of BR 9.7 and 12.0. We plan to add one another top range [9] [Enduring Confrontation] which will cover the following ranges: 11.7-12.0, 11.3-12.0 and also 11.0-12.0.

In addition we plan to change the initial BR ranges in the 1st and 4th variants.


Apr 5, 2023
War Thunder - magazine2

In the “Mobile Infantry” event you got a good look at exo-suits in intense urban battles. The battles will continue and the battlefield is littered with spent exo-suits - battered, damaged, inoperable. It’s a good time to get behind the scenes and help them get back to action. Prepare some combat-ready exo-suits and get exclusive vehicles in return!

From 12:00 GMT on the 6th of April until 12:00 GMT on the 17th of April

Restore combat exo-suits and get unique prizes!


AMD 35 SA35 (rank I) — premium, coupon
Shcherbakov (rank V) — event vehicle, coupon
QN-506 (rank VI) — event vehicle, coupon
A-7K (rank VII) — event vehicle, coupon
Cost: 1 Acceptance Certificate
Cost: 3 Acceptance Certificates
Cost: 3 Acceptance Certificates
Cost: 3 Acceptance Certificates
A fast French armoured vehicle with a new turret to house a 47mm cannon.
The light cruiser “Shcherbakov” offers commanders an excellent balance of rapid-fire main calibre, good mobility, and a reinforced air defence battery.
A modern Chinese tank support vehicle with an automatic cannon, launch containers for four ATGMs, and 20 small guided missiles to defeat lightly armoured vehicles.
A two-seat variant of one of the best strike aircraft in the game. The A-7K Corsair II is a big flying arsenal of guided and unguided weaponry!

How to participate
Fight in random battles! After each battle, required materials will be available in the following menu “Workshop → Repair Factory”.

First you need to disassemble the malfunctioning exo-suits into individual parts. Some of the parts will be damaged - here you will need to repair them with materials, some of them will be broken - in this case you will need to disassemble them into materials and assemble a repaired part instead. Once the exo-suit is completely disassembled and all its parts are in good working order you should assemble them into a combat-ready exo-suit and load it into the shipping container. When all five exo-suits issued to you are in good working order and loaded into containers, ship them off and receive an Acceptance Certificate which can be exchanged for prize vehicles directly in the Workshop.

Key items

Crate Modules
Factory Upgrade Toolkit
Required for repairing and reassembling parts. Open the box of materials after the battle.
  • Will be issued for every 2500* mission scores.
  • Each box contains from 3 to 6 materials.
Will be combined into shipping crates which will be used for shipping of the finished exo-suits.
  • Will be issued for every 7500* mission scores.
  • With a small chance the whole crate can be found.
By accumulating the necessary amount of them, you can improve your factory which will accelerate all the processes that require time.
  • Will be issued for 1st place in a battle.

* — the base mission score, without taking into account the game mode multiplier and vehicle rank.

Several boxes with materials and crate modules can be obtained during a single battle. Remaining accumulated time will be transferred into the next battle.

How to make parts
Click the “To the Factory” button in the “Workshop → Repair Factory'' window. Assembly takes place in the following order: Disassemble exo-suits → repair and re assembling parts → assembling of the exo-suits → loading of the exo-suits into crates → shipping of the crates

Trading the materials
Trading materials can be sold and purchased on the market. To create a trading material you need to combine the base material with the blank smart contract in the workshop window. Blank smart contracts will be dropped from the box with materials. Trading material will be exchanged for a base material used for repair and assemble parts at a 1:1 ratio in the Workshop.

In this event the mechanics of trading (exchanging) materials on the Market will be different from previous assembly events. Initially the non-linearity of the passage, that is, the event is somehow different during sequential passage and between different players. This applies primarily to the dropping of the materials for assembling of the event items. Even in cases where the final number and nomenclature of dropped out items fully cover the needs of the assembly - they will be dropped randomly. And then to speed up the assembly process players must resort to using the Market for the exchanging of materials among themselves.

Over time the number of players trading materials grew noticeably faster than the number of purchasers which prompted us to make separate tradable materials, which were initially assembled from two, and then from three units of ordinary material. In the end, this decision still did not balance supply and demand, but it had some notable undesirable effects. Firstly, there was no "fair" exchange of materials, since to purchase one material you had to sell three less necessary ones. Secondly, players who collected traded materials by mistake, though they could return them to normal materials for further assembly, lost two materials.

The traded materials are now visually different from those used for assembly and will be also assembled in a new way. When you open the box with materials you will get not only the materials but also a brand new item - Blank smart contract. The blank smart contract goes into the Workshop window and can be used to convert any material into its traded counterpart at a 1:1 ratio. Thus if you have mistakenly made the material tradable - you will lose only the blank smart contract. And you won't have to spend as much as three units of other material to purchase the missing material on the Market.

The blank smart contract will tentatively drop 10-20% of the base materials, but this number can be adjusted as you go along or between events. We hope to balance supply and demand so that in the middle or even near the end of the event the cup is not overflowing with sell orders and players can still exchange materials, albeit with a delay.

How to receive awards
Acceptance Certificates can be exchanged for exclusive event vehicles!

  • QN-506, A-7K and Shcherbakov can be obtained from the start of the event and until 12:00 GMT on the 1st of May.
  • AMD 35 SA35 can be obtained from 12:00 GMT on the 24th of April and until 12:00 GMT on the 1st of May. PlayStation and Xbox players can get these vehicles from 12:00 GMT on the 17th of April and until 12:00 GMT on the 1st of May.

All event vehicles will be issued in the form of coupons that can be activated on your account or traded on the Market.

  • All event items can be obtained in the following game modes:
    • Ground arcade, realistic and simulator battles.
    • Aircraft arcade and realistic battles.
    • Naval arcade and realistic battles.
    • “Mobile Infantry” event.
  • The number of items received in battles is limited.
    • Box with materials — up to 30 per day and up to 300 for the whole event (until 12:00 GMT on the 17th of April).
    • Crate Modules — up to 10 per day and up to 80 for the whole event (until 12:00 GMT on the 17th of April).
    • Factory Upgrade Toolkit — up to 300 for the whole event (until 12:00 GMT on the 17th of April)
  • You can track the progress of obtaining event items as well as the daily and total limits by clicking on your nickname and selecting in the menu Achievements → Repair Factory.
  • Multipliers for earning mission points depend on the game mode and the maximum rank of the vehicle used in the battle and are specified in the description of each task.
  • Boxes with materials and crate modules can be earned not only on the vehicles of rank III or higher but also on all event vehicles that were obtained in major game events. The vehicle cards of such vehicles contain the names of the events in which they first became available in the game.
  • Event times:
    • Boxes with materials, crate modules and factory upgrade toolkits will be dropped out in the battles from 12:00 GMT on the 6th of April until 12:00 GMT on the 17th of April.
    • You can disassemble and repair exo-suits until 12:00 GMT on the 24th of April.
    • All event items except vehicle coupons can be traded on the market until 11:30 GMT on the 24th of April.
    • At 12:00 GMT on the 24th of April all event items with the exception of acceptance certificates and vehicle coupons will be deleted from the inventory and the market.
    • At 12:00 GMT on the 1st of May acceptance certificates will be removed from the inventory. Have time to exchange them to the event vehicles before this moment!

Apr 5, 2023
War Thunder - magazine2

We continue to use all means to prevent cheating in War Thunder: Easy Anti-Cheat watches out for banned software, while we pay attention to the player’s reports. You can use the replay feature on our website to tell us about the players who violate the Terms of Use and EULA.

During March of 2023 we blocked 158 accounts that were violating the rules. For full transparency, we have published the full ban list in a special thread on the forum.

This list will be available within two weeks of publication.

Set a strong password for your account and enable two-step authentication in your profile - this will protect your account from fraudsters. Don’t use forbidden client modifications and never share your account information with anyone!

Apr 5, 2023
War Thunder - Blitzkrieg Wulf

In this digest we would like to tell you about our continuing work on improvements and fixes in the game. You can find information about all updates that have been released in War Thunder in the website special section.

Improving mobile infantry

Mobile infantry from the April event is a great new addition to War Thunder, but since it just appeared in the game, it needed some tweaks. The rangefinders of mobile infantry now work correctly, and third-person camera has been pulled back and up to improve your view when controlling an exoskeleton.

Acquisition rate of more mobile exoskeleton classes, such as ATGM, MANPADS, and Assault has been increased, while Snipers who control the battlefield from afar had it reduced. Check out these changes in battles and let us know what you think!

There’s always a place for decorations

3D decorations are a very important part of the look of your ground vehicles, and we try to make them easy and intuitive to use. Before, if a decoration couldn’t be placed due to an overlap with a part of the vehicle, the decoration was coloured in red. But if another decoration was in the way, the players only received an error after they tried to attach a new decoration.

Now it’s easier! If an old decoration is obstructing installation of a new one, the new one will be highlighted in red to show where there’s no room for it. Spice up the look of your vehicles for everyone to see!

Especially now that the error that caused some decorations (that were actually on your vehicle) not to appear in the hangar has been fixed. Now in your hangar you’ll see exactly the vehicle that other players will meet in battles!

Reworked sound

We’re always working on improving the audio aspect of War Thunder and are trying to make the battles sound better from every possible perspective. This time we’ve paid special attention to tanks: from the gunner's point of view you’ll clearly feel the blast from the shot, while from the third person view fire from your tank and other vehicles will sound less bright.

To make the overall sound of the game more dynamic, we’ve lowered the volume of the game, and that allowed us to make the difference between quiet and loud sounds more pronounced. It’s especially noticeable in case of explosions that we’ve also reworked: now the closer they are, the more bright and sharp they sound.

That’s Not All

You’ll find the full list of improvements in the separate changelog - there are many interesting things there. Take-off & landing tutorial can now be completed in the SB mode when using a gamepad with no issues, destroyed vehicles no longer keep up smokescreens, and if you haven’t received your achievement rewards, then the “Achievements” tab will automatically open when you clock on your profile.

More improvements

For this digest we have prepared a large set of useful fixes and game improvements. Be sure to read the full list below - there are many interesting things.

Once again, many thanks for all your bug reports that you submitted using our special service.


  • Tornado F.3 — reflection of the minimap display on the canopy glass has been removed.
  • Tornado GR.1 — visual artefacts that might appear on the canopy in night maps have been fixed.
  • A bug has been fixed that prevented completion of the take-off/landing tutorial in SB mode when using a gamepad (report).
  • BV 238 — incorrect position of the crew in xray mode has been fixed.
  • Me 262 A1/U4 — an incorrect fuse delay of HE-T rounds has been fixed.
  • Bf 109G-10, Bf 109G-14 — a bug with incorrect display of the МK-108 and МG-151 cannons in xray mode has been fixed (report).
Ground vehicles
  • Error indicator has been added, if one decoration interferes with another.
  • A bug has been fixed that might cause a FPS drop while zooming in to a vehicle with decals.
  • A bug has been fixed where a smoke generator remained on the destroyed vehicle.
  • A bug has been fixed where bush decorations might disappear completely or partially in the hangar.
  • Pantsir-S1 — missing “Adjustment of fire” modification has been restored (report).
  • Type 87 — a bug has been fixed where the gun was unable to be controlled after the gunner was knocked out with the control dubbing for commander enabled .
  • 105mm T279 — the in-flight weight of the projectile has been increased from 4.2 to 4.5 kg (report).
  • HMS Hood — watering and heeling parameters have been adjusted. Ship doesn’t roll onto its side, watering takes longer and more smoothly.
  • MPK 204 — a bug has been fixed that prevented damage control when the crew number reduced to 5%.
  • T-51b — a bug has been fixed that resulted in torpedo launch while firing the autocannon.
  • Duguay-Trouin — a bug has been fixed that caused damage on the second main gun turret with destruction of the third one.
  • IJN Chidori — a bug has been fixed that prevented the stern main gun turret firing.
  • Ground vehicle shots when heard from the gunner view now have a sound blast that compensates the clanging of the gun breech.
  • Ground vehicle shots from third person view, as well as shots from allies/ enemies are now less bright.
  • The sound mix has been rebalanced in order to improve the dynamics of the sound picture. I.e. The volume difference between quiet and loud sounds has increased and the general volume of the game has reduced.
  • The volume of explosions has become more consistent with the distances they occur. Close explosions sound sharp and bright; the further they are, the less bright and loud they are, with characteristic rolling echo.
"Mobile Infantry" event
  • Rangefinders of the exoskeletons have been fixed.
  • Twitching movement by fast clicking the right/left buttons has been fixed.
  • A bug has been fixed that prevented secondary fragments of the 9М336М and FIM-92X anti-air missiles.
  • Lock-on distance of the 9М336М and FIM-92X seekers has been increased.
  • Acquisition rate of exoskeletons has been increased for Assault, ATGM and MANPADS classes.
  • Acquisition rate of Sniper exoskeletons has been reduced.
  • The 12.7mm HE-I round of the 6P51 machine gun has been changed to AP-I round.
  • Third-view camera has been shifted back and up.
  • If a player has one of the achievement rewards not redeemed. Each time the profile window is opened, a player will be able to see the Achievement tab with an unredeemed reward.
  • A bug has been fixed where the squadron list might automatically scroll on top.
  • A bug has been fixed which made the booster icons look distorted.
  • A bug has been fixed where the radar mode name on the “Khrizantema-S” was out the screen edge.
  • The possibility to track the progress of sub-challenges in the Battle Pass window has been added.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.
Apr 4, 2023
War Thunder - magazine2

The QN506 is a modern Chinese concept for a fighting vehicle to support tanks. The branded feature of the vehicle is the unmanned turret with automatic cannon and multipurpose missiles of different calibers.

QN506, light tank, China, rank VI. Event vehicle.

  • Unmanned turret
  • Two types of missiles, including “fire and forget”
  • High profile

The QN506 tank support fighting vehicle will be the main tank prize of the upcoming War Thunder crafting event. The vehicle will appear at rank VI in the Chinese armored vehicles tech tree as an event vehicle. The long-awaited high rank ATGM carrier for China - what will it be like?

The experimental QN506 is a true fair of the modern military technologies. The entire crew is located in the hull compartment, which allows the vehicle to operate safely from low shelters. The unmanned combat module includes a 30-mm autocannon with a coaxial machine gun and an ammunition load of 200 rounds, including armor-piercing ones. The cannon is capable of penetrating most tanks from the side, and light vehicles and helicopters in any projection. Much more interesting, however, is the QN506 missiles. Missile launchers of various calibers are installed in the turret’s sides. The main anti-tank caliber of the vehicle is QN502 “fire and forget” missiles. They are located in four launchers. Above the QN502 launchers there are minor launchers of the QN201 multipurpose missiles. These small missiles are guided via sight and feature much less penetration values, however you will be able to take 20 missiles into battle!

In order to save the budget of the project, the engineers kept the original ZTZ59 engine for the QN506. As a result, the vehicle has quite good dynamics, but sometimes the maximum speed of 50 km/h may not be enough. Another factor that future commanders should pay attention to is the high profile of the vehicle due to the high position of the optics.

The QN506 will be a great addition to China's top setup, making it more flexible and adaptable to different combat situations and remaining respawn points. Very soon we will present you a complete list of rules for the upcoming crafting event in War Thunder - stay tuned!
War Thunder - magazine2

A new two-seater Corsair II comes to War Thunder as the main prize in the upcoming Repair Factory event.

A-7K Corsair II, strike aircraft, USA, rank VII

  • Max payload 12,000 lb
  • Variety of weapons available
  • Thermal imaging targeting pod
  • Subsonic

In War Thunder, the two-seat A-7K Corsair II strike aircraft will become the main aviation prize of the Repair Factory event and will be added to the game as an US event aircraft at rank VII.

The new Corsair II is very similar in terms of performance characteristics and the range of weapons used to the A-7D version, on the basis of which the two-seat version was created, but differs from by the LANA thermal imaging pod. In our game, the Corsair II strike aircraft are among the best of their kind, and rightly so. The new event aircraft will only confirm the glory of her family!

Despite its comparatively low top speed, which makes it highly dependent on allied fighter cover, the A-7K is capable of delivering truly devastating strikes against ground targets in any game mode. Pilots will have the opportunity to equip the vehicle as a heavy “bomb truck” that carries over 6 tons of bombs in various calibers to enemy bases. For mixed battles, the best choice would be rockets, as well as guided munitions - GBU-8 guided bombs (up to four at once) and AGM-65B Maverick missiles (up to six missiles at once). By the way, a thermal imager will also come in handy here. The pilot will be able to combine all these weapons, as well as incendiary bombs, cannon pods and, which is especially nice, AIM-9J and AIM-9L Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, in the secondary weaponry editor before each mission.

Take part in the big spring Repair Factory event to get the A-7K Corsair II strike aircraft and many other prizes! Full list of terms comes tomorrow!