War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The F.6 is devoid of the shortcomings of its predecessors, an improved fighter modification of the Hawker Hunter jet fighter, which joined the ranks of the RAF in the mid ‘50s. Fans of British aviation will not only rejoice the addition of this highly requested aircraft to War Thunder as part of update 1.89 “Imperial Navy”, but will also look forward to the unique missile armament that comes with it!

With the availability of the more powerful Rolls-Royce Avon 200 series engines in the early 1950s, the Hawker company began developing a new modification of their Hunter jet fighter, which would eventually result in the creation of the Hunter F.6 - one of the last dedicated fighter modifications of this aircraft.

We bet you can’t wait for the release of update 1.89 “Imperial Navy” to try out the Hunter F.6 for yourself, along with its deadly new air-to-air missile complement - it will be destined to become a must-have for all those jet-jockeys out there with an aggressive playstyle. Until then, keep a close eye on your six pilots. We’ll see you in the next one!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The Karo-Tei Type 2 is a sub-chaser boat used by the Japanese in the later stages of WW2 to combat submarine threats in the waters of Okinawa and the Philippines. In update 1.89 “Imperial Navy”, the Karo-Tei Type 2 will be one of the first vessels unlocked by future IJN captains in War Thunder!

The Karo-Tei Type 2 sub-chaser was developed in the later stages of WW2 and commissioned into service in 1944. The vessel’s primary task was to protect the Japanese naval bases at Okinawa and the Philippines from light allied assaults and submarines in particular. The vessel only saw limited use due to the ever worsening war situation for Japan at the time.

Now we just need to wait for update 1.89 “Imperial Navy” to try this boat out. Smooth waters commanders!

Check out the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Fourms!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

Briefly: The Super AMX-30 is an upgraded export version of the serial AMX-30B with a gun stabilizer, side skirts, and a more powerful engine.

What does the Super AMX-30 have to offer fans of the French tank line in War Thunder? First of all, it’s got the long-awaited gun stabilizer. It realizes the full offensive potential of the AMX-30 by making it possible to fire at low and medium speeds. The new engine is more responsive, which generally increases the tank’s capabilities in duels and firefights from cover. One advantage for many players is the number of smoke grenades – the German engineers rejigged the entire smokescreen system, and the number of grenade launchers and grenades is now greater. The Super AMX-30 also has side skirts, which is nice too – they provide additional defence against HEAT shells.

When it comes to the tank’s disadvantages, we should mention that the vehicle’s armour is insufficient – almost all shots fired by other tanks in its class are a threat to it, which is a problem for the entire series. For tank commanders who already have experience using the AMX-30 in battle, this should be a familiar feature. The main thing is to try not to take damage at all. The Super AMX-30’s improved dynamics and excellent stabilizer help the tank roll out from behind cover, fire, and take cover again to reload, all without having to stop. Another important factor is that, as in certain other modifications of the AMX-30, the 20mm cannon has been replaced by a 12.7mm machine gun, which means that a main gun shot will probably be required to destroy light armoured vehicles.

Look for the Super AMX-30 in our store, stay tuned to the Developer Diary, and join us as we look forward to the big new update: War Thunder 1.89. It’s coming soon!

Check out the full Dev Blog article on the official War Thunder website!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

Furutaka is the lead ship of her class and also the first heavy cruiser commissioned by the Imperial Japanese Navy in the 1920s. Also coming to War Thunder as part of update 1.89, a highly modernized version of the Furutaka will be available as the top heavy cruiser to all aspiring captains of the upcoming Japanese naval tree!

Furutaka, although being the lead ship of her class, was laid down after her sister ship Kako in December 1922 at the Mitsubishi shipyard in Nagasaki. Despite construction on Furutaka starting later than on her sister ship, she was completed sooner and was commissioned into service with the IJN in March 1926.

During the interwar period, Furutaka served alongside her sistership before being assigned as a reserve in the early 1930s. During this time, Furutaka underwent overhaul work which, amongst other changes, modernized her anti-air armament. Following the completion of the modernization effort, Furutaka was recommissioned into active service.

As the top heavy cruiser of the upcoming Japanese naval tree, Furutaka is expected to dock in player ports with the release of War Thunder update 1.89. In the meantime, stay tuned to the news for the latest information about the incoming major update coming to the game. Until then, happy hunting captains!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The Messerschmitt Me 264 is a German strategic bomber, initially developed during the late 1930s as a long-range reconnaissance aircraft. In the upcoming update 1.89, pilots may look forward to getting the chance to fly aircraft of the well-known German Amerikabomber project!

Development of the Me 264 began in the late 1930s when Messerschmitt conducted work on developing a long-range reconnaissance aircraft, designated P.1061. In early 1941, six prototypes of the P.1061 were ordered and the aircraft received the formal designation of Me 264. However, the initial order for six prototypes would shortly afterwards be dropped to three.

Progress on constructing the ordered prototypes was slow at start, but development quickly picked up the pace with the start of the Amerikabomber project in spring 1942. The project called for new very long range strategic bomber designs, resulting in several designs being proposed, among them also the Me 264.

Last but not least, the Me 264’s bomb load, while not as impressive as that of the He 177, is still quite considerable and will most certainly be responsible for causing ample destruction among the enemy lines. With its total payload going up to 4,4 tons, pilots of the Me 264 can choose between a variety of different bomb calibers and ordnance presets, ranging from 250kg bombs to the mighty 1,800kg SC1800 bomb!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

Akizuki is the lead ship of her class of 12 destroyers, built for the Imperial Japanese Navy from 1940 until the end of the war. Developed specifically to provide effective anti-air cover for carrier task forces, Akizuki will offer its captains the best anti-air platform available in the destroyer line of the upcoming Japanese naval forces tree, coming to War Thunder with update 1.89!

In the late 1920s, the first Japanese aircraft carrier task force was created, consisting of two carriers and two destroyers. The two destroyers proved unsuitable as carrier escorts due to lack of capabilities and range, resulting in the need for more specialized vessels becoming apparent.

Akizuki is arriving in War Thunder as part of the Japanese naval forces tree, coming to the game with the release of the upcoming update 1.89. In the meantime, stay tuned to the news for more information about the next major update coming soon. Until then, calm seas captains!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

A heavy, powerful tank with an 18-round automatic loader and a 120-mm cannon, the AMX-50 Surblindé is the main prize of the upcoming World War season "Recon under Fire".

The AMX-50 Surblindé will be the prize in the first season of World War - we will give this tank to the best fighters from squadrons and the most skillful fighters in the overall leaderboard. The tank inspires respect for one kind or tank or another - with "size" almost like the "Mouse" or we see the Soviet "pike nose" or with the familiar tracks of a "King Tiger. Indeed, the tank had received an increased armour at the front of the hull as well as a more massive gun mantlet. Despite the increased weight, the power of the German "Maybach" engine is still enough for this giant to move at a speed of 51 km/h.

AMX-50 Surblindé is an excellent tank at rank V, a real colossus among peers. Yes, it is visible from the respawn; yes, it has no fashionable HEAT shells. But it has an awesome cannon, a powerful frontage, a fearsome 18 (eighteen!) shots, “ricochets” and “not penetrated” hits, a 20 mm anti-aircraft gun and an amazing maximum speed for its mass. Battle for the honour of owning it in World War, it will be well worth it!

Check out the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder website!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk
“Each scenario includes a global map of the real world where the armies are located. Armies are presented with vehicles which were, at this period of time, at the disposal of the commanders of the operation. Players are invited to play for one of the opposing sides, playing the real course of history or changing it - perhaps correcting tactical mistakes documented by historians. Squadron commanders begin on a map of the operation of battle - the mechanics will be similar to that of regular battles. In such battles, not only squadron members are involved, but all players when they choose their side in the conflict and the appropriate battle.”

-World War developer - Dmitry Gordeev

Historical and game maps of The Battle of Vitebsk.

We have already described that World War mode in War Thunder will be open for everyone. Battles in it differ from classical regular battles in that, that they are based on the real historical battles and entire operations, whose participants play out the real course of the war or, conversely, change history.

Today we will begin to present to you the first scenarios in which commanders and participants of battles will show their tactical skills.

The Battle of Vitebsk

Moscow - the key goal of the German offensive in 1941. To the rear of the Germans - Warsaw and Minsk, on to the capital of the USSR remains little more than 700 kilometers, where the confident movement of the 2nd and 3rd tank groups of army "Center" in the direction of Vitebsk has been halted by two Soviet mechanized corps of the 20th Army of the Western Front.

On the 6th of July, a fierce tank battle began, which lasted 5 days.

In War Thunder we have recreated this historical event, where the Soviet side is required to hold the approaches to Vitebsk for given time which will give them enough to win, while the Germans will have to be active in order to break through the complex defense. After all, nature is on the side of the Soviets - the Western Dvina River reliably covers almost half the front, leaving large tank units of the Wehrmacht even fewer ways for a large-scale offensive.

The German side in this operation is significantly superior with the amount of medium-sized tanks it has, while from the side of the USSR although there is a smaller number, they do have the legendary KV-1 and the reliable T-34. Go ahead, warriors, write your own story!

Learn more about the tasks of the combatants and the vehicles involved in this operation on the War Thunder WIKI.

The Battle of Vitebsk in the Wiki
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The Leclerc S1 is the first production model of the French main battle tank, developed during the 1980s as a replacement for the outdated AMX-30. Soon, French tankers will have the chance to get their hands on one of the most requested additions to War Thunder, arriving at long last with the upcoming update 1.89!

In War Thunder, the long-awaited Leclerc MBT will appear at the top rank of the French ground forces tree in its early production version with the release of the upcoming update 1.89. Tankers and connoisseurs of French ground vehicles may finally look forward to commanding one of the most requested additions to War Thunder ground forces in recent times!

The highly anticipated Leclerc S1 is making its way to War Thunder ground battles and will arrive to the game with the release of the upcoming update 1.89. Meanwhile, be sure to stay tuned to the news for more information regarding the latest update coming soon to War Thunder. See you in the field, commanders!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

— Greetings, Dmitry. Tell us how the idea of creating a World War mode come about?

Hi there. Even when War Thunder first began, it was obvious to us that a game such as ours would require a historical game mode allowing players to feel like a hero of real military historical events without any restrictions inherent in wall-to-wall battles, as is common in other similar games.

In contrast, historical battles are battles that are strict on the participants, in which the two sides can fight in dramatically different conditions, with different combat tasks and available vehicles. Such mechanics are not suitable for classical random sessions, because the way in which the teams must play, in order to win in such battles, is different. At the same time, the battles of World War are linked by a major goal - total operational victory. The unpredictability, complexity, and uniqueness of this mode are the major features which will help define what you might come to expect in World War.

— We would like to know more about how the mode works

It's a big thing. At first, we created our own engine for World War mode. Scenarios are available to players - these exhibit ‘slices’ of the known stages of the historical battles of various theaters of war. Players manage armies on a real world map, engage in separate battles, and influence the current state of affairs in operations, either following history or radically changing it.

World War itself will be built from regular seasons, in which we will present new scenarios, different in years, theater of operations, participating vehicles and tasks. At the end of the season, the most effective squadron and players will receive valuable prizes - individual for each new season.

Detailed elaboration of operations, which takes into account the historical balance of forces in the beginning while allowing for an unpredictable outcome, will remain unchanged in the seasons.

— What goes on inside a scenario?

As mentioned above, a scenario is a real battle held in the past during WWII. Each includes a global map of the real world where the armies are located. Armies are presented with vehicles which were, at this period of time, at the disposal of the commanders of the operation. Players are invited to play for one of the opposing sides, playing the real course of history or changing it - perhaps correcting tactical mistakes documented by historians. Squadron commanders begin on the map of the operation of battle - the mechanics will be similar to that of regular battles. In such battles, not only squadron members are involved, but all players when they choose their side of the conflict and the appropriate battle.
— And what do these battles look like to their participants?

Technically, these are familiar sessions, but what happens at the beginning of the battle will be determined by the type of armies, the vehicles and current status of the armies, their armaments, and even the sector in which the armies collide - all of which will affect the type of mission and its objectives.

— For example?

Let's say an aviation army is attacking a ground army - their aim is to attack the vehicle column, and the defensive side controls the SPAAG while trying to repel the attack.

At the same time, on the other side of the front, the tank army will attack the enemy's entrenched position - obviously, this will make the task more difficult for the attackers, whose goal is to capture a well-fortified position. There will already be entrenched forces there (as you will see), and time will not be on the side of the attackers. To help one’s fighters, the commander of the attacking side will send attackers (aircraft) into this battle, which will be immediately available to the attacking players.

There are many options! We have prepared a WIKI article about missions, but in general, each battle is a small World War.
— It sounds ambitious and interesting, but how will the mode be developed in the future?

Obviously, we will be adding new scenarios and awards, implementing even more missions, and following your feedback and suggestions on your World War mode experience very closely.

In the future, naval forces may also be involved in World War, and there may be post-war scenarios, and perhaps interesting ideas on alternative history, if appropriate.

— What else are you going to tell us about World War?

There is one important detail to tell you about, without which, World War mode would, at best, have been delayed. Entire squadrons and single players helped us develop the mode by participating in lengthy testing and the sharing of ideas, many of which we have implemented.

We thank Dmitry Gordeev, the Gaijin game designer and developer of the World War mode, for an interesting conversation.

In our up and coming Devblogs, we will tell you more about World War scenarios, but you can already find a lot of information about the mode in our Wiki

CBT participants, thank you very much for your help! This contribution is hard to overestimate.