War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The Type 1936A (Mob) is a further development of the base model Type 1936 destroyer already familiar to many players. This improved and upgunned version of the Type 1936 will soon be awaiting new captains in the upcoming War Thunder update 1.87!

In the upcoming update 1.87, War Thunder captains and fans of German naval forces will have the chance to command the Type 1936A (Mob) class destroyer, represented by the Z32 - a destroyer which saw extensive use during its relatively short service life and even clashed with HMCS Haida on her last engagement in 1944.

Overall, this upgraded modification of the proven Type 1936-class destroyer will most certainly make for a fearsome adversary in naval battles and should under no circumstances be underestimated, even by light cruiser captains!

Check out the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder website!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

HMNZS Leander is the lead ship of the British Leander-class light cruisers, which primarily served under the flag of New Zealand during WW2. In update 1.87, captains and fans of British warships may look forward to the addition of the Leander to the ranks of the Royal Navy in the next major War Thunder update!

In War Thunder, HMNZS Leander will become available to all captains as a new light cruiser of the fourth rank of the British naval tree with the release of the upcoming update 1.87. The Leander features typical mobility, firepower and protection for British light cruisers of the time which makes it a highly versatile “jack of all trades, master of none” type of warship.

HMNZS Leander is steaming at full speed towards War Thunder naval battles! Until then, be sure to stay tuned to the news for more information regarding the next major update coming to the game very soon. We’ll see you on the high seas captains!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder website!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The M1A1 is a later development of the well-known American Abrams MBT, which primarily introduced major improvements in firepower. Soon, War Thunder tankers will have the chance to command the arguably most iconic version of the Abrams, coming to the game as part of update 1.87. Buckle up!

Almost as soon as the first production M1 Abrams MBTs began rolling off the assembly line, did American engineers begin working on an upgunned version of the Abrams. They succeeded in this endeavour in 1981, after a prototype Abrams, designated M1E1, was successfully fitted with a 120mm Rheinmetall smoothbore cannon.

Meet the new M1A1 Abrams, coming to top ranks of the American ground forces tree. In the meantime, be sure to stay tuned to the news for more information regarding the next major update. Until then, happy hunting tankers!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

“Coral islands” is a new location for naval battles in update 1.87. Let’s have a look!

In our new location “Coral islands”, fleet vessels and aircraft will battle for control over an atoll in the Pacific.

While light cruisers and destroyers will be engaging each other outside the ring of rocks, patrol and motor torpedo boats will be fighting in the centre of the atoll: aggressive maneuvers, artillery tracers and wakes of deadly torpedoes.

Let’s enjoy breathtaking views of the pacific nature and look forward to the new update 1.87 “Locked on!” - coming soon!

See more on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The H-34 Choctaw is a further development of the overall concept used in the development of the well-known Sikorsky H-19 helicopter model. A licence-built version of the H-34 Choctaw will await all pilots as the starting machine of the upcoming French helicopter tree, arriving in War Thunder with the upcoming update 1.87!

In War Thunder, the H-34 will be available as the first helicopter awaiting pilots in the upcoming French helicopter tree, arriving to the game with the release of update 1.87. Similar in design and purpose as the Soviet Mi-4AV, the H-34 offers a good selection of ordnance options and solid performance for an early combat helicopter.

In the meantime, stay tuned to the news for more information regarding the next major update coming to the game. Until then, clear skies pilots!

Check out the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder website!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

Improved Squadron Activity Mechanic

here will be major changes added to the squadron activity mechanic in one of the next upcoming updates. Squadron activity was originally introduced to make it easier for players and squadron commanders to understand the activity level of a squadron or the individual players within it outside of squadron battles. It did this very well, but there was still place for improvement. Players who left comments about this mechanic have always wanted activity to be more than just a number – they want it to represent something more and be more useful to the players who are earning it. Well, we feel the same way, so it’s finally going to happen in the next update!

Activity points earned by squadron members can now be spent to research special squadron vehicles. Squadrons can now combine their efforts to unlock new aircraft, tanks and ships.


Player activity is the sum of activity points gathered by the player during the last 14 days. Activity points are earned in all battles in which Research Points are accrued to the vehicles. One activity point is given for every 200 RPs.

To get activity, it is not necessary to play squadron battles - it is enough be a squadron member and play random battles.

Squadron Vehicles Coming in Update 1.87

Three new vehicles will become available for research in update 1.87:
  • The M901 ITV, a rank VI American ATGM SPG
  • The SKR Pr.35, a rank III Soviet ship
  • The B-48 Firecrest, a rank IV British fighter/attack aircraft
All three vehicles will have the earning power on the linear vehicle level.

If a player leaves their squadron and joins another one, all of the squadron activity points they have spent on vehicles will be retained, and the vehicles themselves too, so you can leave your squadron if you need to without worrying about having to research your squadron vehicles all over again.

For more information, including info about changes to Squadron activity calculations and researching vehicles, read the full article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The G.91Y is a further development of the successful Italian G.91 fighter which considerably improved the aircraft’s flight characteristics. Coming to War Thunder as part of update 1.87 “Locked on!”, Italian pilots may look forward to their first rank VI aircraft, represented by a prototype version of the G.91Y. Pilots, meet the G.91YS!

During the 1960s, Fiat began developing a successor to their previous G.91 fighter, which had thus far managed to obtain a favorable reputation with its operators. Fiat based their new aircraft heavily on the two-seat trainer version of the G.91 and decided outfit the aircraft with two General Electric J58 afterburning engines contrary to the preceding single-engine G.91.

During the 1960s, Fiat began developing a successor to their previous G.91 fighter, which had thus far managed to obtain a favorable reputation with its operators. Fiat based their new aircraft heavily on the two-seat trainer version of the G.91 and decided outfit the aircraft with two General Electric J58 afterburning engines contrary to the preceding single-engine G.91.

While certainly not being the fastest of all rank VI aircraft in the game, the G.91YS makes up for this by providing its pilots with exceptional maneuverability similar to previous versions of the G.91. The G.91YS retains this signature agility thanks to its more powerful engines and the addition of leading edge slats which improve the aircraft’s maneuverability despite increases in size and weight.

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

KMS Nürnberg is the second and final ship of the German Leipzig-class of light cruisers, which themselves are an improved version of the preceding K-class. In the upcoming update 1.87 “Locked on!”, War Thunder captains will have the chance to command this brand new light cruiser, coming to the top ranks of the Kriegsmarine very soon!

In War Thunder, KMS Nürnberg will be a new addition to the German light cruiser line, coming to the game with the upcoming update 1.87. This ship looks rather different from the Köln that precedes it, and captains will certainly appreciate its improvements - ranging from protection to firepower

KMS Nürnberg is already steaming at full speed ahead towards War Thunder naval battles. Be sure to stay tuned to the news for more information regarding the next major update coming to the game. Until then, calm seas captains!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The SA.316 Alouette III is a French utility helicopter designed by Sud-Aviation in the late 1950s and was the successor to the popular SA.313 Alouette II. The SA.316B will soon become available to War Thunder pilots as part of the upcoming French helicopter tree, arriving to the game with update 1.87!

In War Thunder, the SA.316B Alouette III will be an intermediate vehicle of the upcoming French helicopter tree, arriving to the game as part of update 1.87. Bridging the gap between the first helicopters in French military service and more advanced designs, the SA.316B will represent a stepping stone towards the higher ranking helicopters, while allowing pilots to fully capitalize on their experiences gained with previous machines.

The SA.316B Alouette III awaits eager pilots in the upcoming French helicopter tree, arriving to War Thunder as part of update 1.87. To help pass the time, be sure to stay tuned to the news in order to stay updated on the latest developments for the next patch coming to the game very soon. Until then, happy hunting pilots!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The 2S6 Tunguska is an advanced 1970s Soviet hybrid SPAA vehicle, intended to replace the highly successful, yet outdated Shilka. Coming as part of update 1.87 "Locked on!", the Tunguska will soon become the new guardian angel of Soviet top tier ground vehicles in War Thunder!

In War Thunder, the 2S6 Tunguska will be a new top tier Soviet SPAA vehicle, available to all tankers with the release of the upcoming update 1.87. Unlike any existing SPAAG in the game, the Tunguska offers a mixed set of two anti-air weapon types, both of which are used and perform differently. This feature will give the Tunguska its very own unique playstyle and will provide tankers with more variety as far as high tier SPAA gameplay is concerned.

The Tunguska’s standout feature is its hybrid anti-air armament. Unlike other contemporary SPAAGs, the Tunguska utilizes both conventional anti-air armament, represented by the dual 30mm autocannons, as well as advanced ground-to-air guided missiles.

The 2S6 Tunguska is coming to the top ranks of the Soviet ground forces tree with the release of the War Thunder update 1.87 "Locked on!". In the meantime, be sure to stay tuned to the news for more information regarding the next major update coming to the game. Until then, happy hunting tankers!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums!