War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The American F-100D Super Sabre supersonic turbo-jet fighter was developed as a fighter-bomber, so in addition to breathtaking speeds, it also features a rich assortment of suspended weaponry. It’s arguably the best American aircraft in the game!

In War Thunder, the F-100D Super Sabre will be the first supersonic fighter of rank VI in the American air force research tree. Its very high speed when flying horizontally, and excellent rate of climb, by no means suggest that the F100D can only fly straight, however, its enhanced controls and increased fin area make this aircraft quite obedient and pleasant to fly. The fantastic flying ability of this new top aircraft is supported by excellent weaponry. Four high-speed 20mm M-39A1s with 200 rounds per gun are installed in the Super Saber’s nose section. This is an upgraded version of the FMC T-160, a gun that should be familiar to War Thunder pilots from the F-86F-2 fighter. Its excellent accuracy, low recoil, and extremely high rate of fire make this the best aircraft gun in its class; just keep an eye on your remaining ammo.

The F-100D Saber will be available to all War Thunder players at rank VI in the American aircraft research tree as soon as our huge 1.85 “Supersonic” update launches. Welcome to the supersonic era!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

We would like to tell you about a new aircraft class in War Thunder and also about guided air-to-air missiles and other new features in air battles that we will begin to implement after the release of update 1.85 “Supersonic”.

Aircraft have always been a very important part of War Thunder - it was the first vehicle type available in the game. Since the early days of War Thunder, we have recreated over 650 aircraft models - that’s the largest digital interactive collection of aviation in the world. And these are not just visual models, their flight characteristics, armament and other systems are thoroughly recreated in the game.

Initially we deliberately limited aircraft time periods with the golden age of piston-engine aircraft to the beginning of jet aviation, since these machines truly demonstrate the personal and tactical skill of a pilot. Guided missiles seemed to be a feature that will level all pilots independent of their skills, this is why we did not initially plan to implement them in the game. But the community has become more and more interested, so we decided to study the issue thoroughly and to find a way to implement this feature in our game.

We ran the first tests with ingame prototypes back in 2017 and we have been working on new game systems and new aircraft ever since. Finally, we are happy to introduce all of this to our players. Meet a new age of War Thunder aviation - rank 6 aircraft!

The first rank 6 aircraft and air-to-air missiles

In update 1.85 “Supersonic” we will introduce the first supersonic jets: The Soviet MiG 19PT, the American F-100D Super Sabre and the British Javelin Mk.9. All these aircraft are supersonic and they are armed with a new weapon type - air-to-air missiles with infrared (heat) seeking.

Air-to-air missiles are a new type of munitions in our game. Historically they appeared in the second half of the 20th century and were designed to solve the problem of hitting targets that were flying at extremely high speeds. The relative speeds of jet fighters were so high, that pilots could hardly aim efficiently with machine guns and cannons.

Air-to-air missiles have a long history of development, like aircraft. Modern missiles have great capabilities at finding and homing in to a target and their maneuverability surpasses that of modern jets.

If a target is captured by a homing device this usually means that it will achieve a hit. However this has not always been the case. The first air-to-air missiles had limited capabilities with capture range and possible overload. To capture a target a homing device needs some time to lock on to a target and all this time the pilot has to hold the target in a pretty narrow sector.

When noticing a missile launch, a targeted pilot could relatively easily evade it with sudden maneuvers or by flying the aircraft against the sun - infrared devices would lose their targets against such bright obstacle.

Being implemented in the game all these features and limitations allow us to believe that the new weapon type will not dramatically change the air battle experience but will add new opportunities that will make gameplay more diverse.

New systems and balance

New armament types will be introduced not only to combat planes, but to helicopters also. Helicopters will receive new types of defense to counter air-to-air missiles: heat flares, exhaust infrared suppression system and counter-optical-electronic systems. This will allow a reduction in the range of air-to-air missiles when launched from one helicopter to another and will allow interruption in missile guidance thus keeping primary weapons still useful.

We will also add a simulation of a visual detection of a missile launch, that will be displayed in the interface. It will depend upon crew skills.

We hope that all of these features will make our game more exciting and diverse, and you will like it. Looking forwards to your feedback, see you in the skies!

For more information, read the article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The B1 Centauro is an Italian wheeled tank destroyer, built as a joint venture of several well-known Italian companies in the mid 1980s. Today, we’ll cover one of the B1 Centauro modifications that will be available to players at the top ranks of the Italian ground forces tree coming to War Thunder with update 1.85!

In War Thunder, the B1 Centauro will be one of the vehicles awaiting War Thunder tank commanders at the very top of the Italian ground forces tree, coming to the game with the release of the upcoming update 1.85. What really makes the B1 Centauro stand out and blend into War Thunder top tier battles at the same time is its mobility. Simply put - it’s unmatched among its peers!

The B1 Centauro will charge into battle with the release of the upcoming update 1.85 and will be available to all tankers as part of the top rank of the Italian ground forces tree coming to War Thunder very soon. Stay tuned to the news for more information on the next major update coming to War Thunder! Until then, tankers!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder website!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The M3 Bradley is a member of the Bradley family of American fighting vehicles which entered service with the U.S. Army in the early 1980s. Tankers may look forward to the addition of this iconic and much-anticipated vehicle to War Thunder with the upcoming update 1.85!

In War Thunder, the Bradley will be the first infantry fighting vehicle coming to the top rank of the American ground forces tree with the release of update 1.85. Extremely mobile and well armed, despite not seeming like it at first, the Bradley is able to strike fear into tankers commanding even the most heavily armored top tier MBTs!

The long-awaited M3 Bradley is finally coming to War Thunder with the upcoming update 1.85 and will be available to all tankers at the top rank of the American ground forces research tree. In the meantime, stay tuned to the news for more information regarding the next major update. Until then, tankers!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder website!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The Challenger Mk.3 is an upgraded modification of the well-known British Challenger MBT, introducing, most notably, additional reactive armour elements to bolster the vehicle’s protection against HEAT rounds. Meet the new and improved Challenger MBT coming to War Thunder as part of the upcoming update 1.85!

Several updates ago, we introduced the mighty Challenger Mk 2 MBT to the top rank of the British ground forces tree, giving British tankers their own modern high performance MBT, as a counter to other nation’s vehicles with similar performance. In the upcoming update 1.85, we are pleased to present a new modification of the revered Challenger 2, sporting additional ERA and composite armour packs that increase the vehicle’s protection.

The overall performance of the new Challenger Mk.3 doesn’t change compared to the existing Mk.2 already available in War Thunder. The vehicle still uses the same engine, suspension, gun, ammunition and armour layout. However, what does separate the Mk.3 from the Mk.2 is the addition of add-on ERA and composite armour elements to the front and sides of the vehicle’s hull.

Be sure to try out the new Challenger Mk.3 main battle tank, coming to the top rank of the British ground forces tree with the upcoming War Thunder update 1.85. In the meantime, stay tuned to the news to see what else update 1.85 has in store for you. Until then, happy hunting tankers!

Check out the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder website!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The Sho’t represents the Israeli version of the British Centurion tank, which entered service with the IDF in the late 1950s. Soon, fans of British armour will have the chance to command an exotic modification of the Israeli Centurion, fitted with a more powerful engine and additional armour protection. Meet the new king of the desert in War Thunder update 1.85!

In the late 1950s, Israel struck a deal with Great Britain to purchase a number of Centurion Mk.5 tanks as a response to Egypt’s own rearmement efforts at the time. Deliveries continued well into the 1960s, with Israel fielding more than 300 Centurion tanks prior to the Six-Day War in 1967.

Although the Centurion, or Sho’t as it was called by the Israelis, was the most modern tank in service with the IDF at the time, it wasn’t very liked among Israeli tank crews due to its low reliability in desert conditions. Therefore, the decision was made to modernize the vehicles in May 1967 by replacing the petrol engine with a more powerful and reliable Continental diesel engine. Further upgrades included the fitting of a new transmission, larger fuel tanks and other minor improvements.

The vastly improved performance of the Sho’t Kal Dalet and its rather unique visual appearance make the vehicle very interesting in itself. However, it’s also worth mentioning that the Sho’t with all of its premium benefits nets higher rewards for every performed action in battle, thus substantially speeding up your progress through the higher ranks of the British ground forces tree.

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The M14/41 is a further development of the Italian M13/40 medium tank, intended to replace its mechanically flawed predecessor. Soon, tankers will get the chance to support their allies with the M14/41, coming to War Thunder as part of the Italian ground forces tree with update 1.85!

In War Thunder, the M14/41 will await tankers at rank II of the Italian ground forces tree, coming to the game with update 1.85. Being very comparable to other tanks at its rank, the M14/41 will perfectly suit both new and experienced tankers, climbing up the ranks of the Italian ground forces tree.

Fun Fact: A limited number of captured M14/41s were also briefly in service with British and Australian troops.

The M14/41 will become available as part of the second rank of the Italian ground forces tree, coming to War Thunder with the upcoming update 1.85. In the meantime, stay tuned to the news to find out what else is coming in the next major update to the game. Until then, tankers!

Check out the full article on the Official War Thunder website!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The Breda 501 is a late-war Italian wheeled tank destroyer prototype, built upon the experiences gained during the North African campaign. Tankers in War Thunder will soon have the chance to use the Breda 501 to deadly effect with the release of the upcoming update 1.85!

Briefly: A nimble truck chassis modified into a lightly armored, but effective tank hunter equipped with a powerful 90mm AT gun.

During the North African campaign, the Italian military quickly realized the effectiveness of their 90mm heavy AA cannon, commonly mounted on utility trucks. The cannon turned out to be just as good at dealing with enemy tanks as it was combating aircraft, being able to pierce the armor of virtually any allied tank it faced in the deserts of North Africa. However, whilst the mounting on truck chassis allowed the guns to be moved around with relative ease, the large silhouette and lack of armor protection heavily exposed these vehicles and their crews to even rifle-caliber fire, yet alone to shrapnel from nearby explosions. In 1942, the military top brass came up with a set of requirements for a new vehicle which would build up on the proven gun truck concept used in North Africa by increasing protection and mobility. The new vehicle would be designed as a dedicated SPG, intended solely to provide support to armored regiments in combating enemy tanks. Shortly after, the Breda company began work on a vehicle around those specifications. Breda based their new design on a chassis of an existing utility truck and added armor plating to the vehicle’s front and sides. The 90mm cannon would be installed in an open fighting compartment in the vehicle’s rear. In 1943, the prototype was finished and began undergoing testing as the Breda 501. Although the Breda 501 had successfully proven itself during testing, further development and potential mass production was hindered by Italy’s capitulation in late 1943. The project was ultimately cancelled with the signing of the armistice in late 1943 with only a couple prototypes of the Breda 501 being built of which none saw any combat use.

The Breda 501 will join War Thunder ground battles as part of the highly-anticipated Italian ground forces tree coming to the game with update 1.85. Make sure to give Italy’s very own Pakwagen a go as you progress through the ranks of the Italian ground forces tree coming to the game very soon. Until then, tankers!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The Semovente 105/25 M43 is one of the more advanced tank destroyers, built by Italy in the later stages of the war.

Soon, War Thunder tankers will have the chance to command the Semovente 105/25 M43 as they climb up the ranks of the highly anticipated Italian ground forces tree, coming to the game with update 1.85!

Armed with a large caliber 105mm cannon, the Semovente 105/25 represents a serious threat to its enemies at the third rank. However, as any low-velocity cannon, the 105mm on the Semovente will perform best at short-range engagements, offered by urban environments for example.

The Semovente 105/25 M43 will be available to all testers at the third rank of the Italian ground forces tree, coming to War Thunder with the upcoming 1.85 update. We highly recommend giving it a try as there’s rarely something as satisfying as netting a single shot kill from a high caliber gun and the Semovente 105/25 will most certainly provide that to fans of Italian armor! Until then, happy hunting commanders!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder website!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

We would like to share with you a major announcement! Now, all nations in War Thunder will have their own ground forces branch. In update 1.85, we will introduce the Italian ground vehicles research tree, and so you will soon be able to experience the distinguished originality of Italian tanks and armoured vehicles!

Early and mid-rank ground vehicles are of familiar design - such as the P40, already well-known to players. However, you will also find some unusual ones, such as the Breda 501 SPG, which has a considerably powerful gun, but with a limited horizontal drive; the vehicle is built to be based on the three-axis truck chassis.

Higher ranks introduce armoured cars with recoilless guns, extremely powerful SPAA’s, and tanks, which are not inferior in their combat effectiveness to the tanks of the other nations in-game.

Thus, Italian armoured vehicles are sure to bring more diversity ro ground battles in War Thunder - Are you itching to try the Italian ground force vehicles out?

For more information, read the full article on the Official War Thunder Forums!