War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

‘There are no evil spirits’, some people claim... Well, if that’s the case, what causes your shells to ricochet? Hah, checkmate engineers! According to old beliefs, evil spirits, during the night of the 1st of November, might do more than just interfere with your shells; so, wouldn’t it be fitting if you were to take the place of these evil spirits? Take part in spooky races in the sky, and on the ground, to win some prizes!

Aircraft event: “Witch Hunt”
From 15:00 GMT on the 30th of October until 07:00 GMT on the 2nd of November

Fly a special "Night Witch" aircraft! Get ahead of your rivals on a twisting track. Take first place - appease the spooky spirits, and receive a trophy with one of the prize decals.

 Ground event: “Tank race on the dark path”
From 15:00 GMT on the 30th of October until 07:00 GMT on the 2nd of November

 Today, you won’t be able to hide yourself from the Jack-o-lanterns. The M18 “Hellcat”, under the control of brave tankers, will also fight for first place, and the prize will be a trophy with one of the spectacular 3D decorations or decals.

For more information, check out fhe full article on the Official War Thunder Website!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

It’s amazing how fast time flies! It seems like only yesterday we were flying through the clouds with only the use of aircraft. How far we’ve come; look at us now: War Thunder is a unique project where all fans of military vehicles will find something to their liking. We’ve crossed the six-year milestone, and there are many more milestones yet to come!

Visit our website for more details!

The War Thunder Team
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

With the release of update 1.83 “Masters Of The Sea”, fleets in War Thunder will go into the OBT stage and will become available for all players! From now on, every daredevil will be able to try on the commander's tunic and lead their ship into battle!

US, German and Soviet ships have become available to research and purchase for all players, but the Royal Navy will need the best of the best. That’s why we’ve called for testers again, who will be the first to unlock access to the British fleet!

How to start fleet research

In the “Research” tab in-game, the new “Fleet” tab is now available. Naval battles are available in Arcade Battles and Realistic Battles under the “Battle” button.

In Naval battles, you will also be able to join a battle with the player’s aircraft or an aircraft issued in accordance with respawn points.

Keep in mind that the aircraft in the crew slots, as well as ships, are participating in the matchmaker mechanics (pursuant to their corresponding BR)!

For more information, read the full article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Dominic Tarason)

After a lengthy closed beta, Gaijin’s free-to-play multi-sim War Thunder has finally rolled out its naval combat component. The game now allows players to shoot holes in each other in the air, on the ground and now at sea in around 100 different ships. While the British navy is still in paid, closed beta testing and Japanese ships are still a ways off, ships for America, Russia and Germany are now a standard feature, along with helicopters. The full patch notes for update 1.83 – Masters Of The Sea – can be found here, and a trailer below, mostly showing off the in-testing British ships.


War Thunder - Fest
Meet update 1.83 “Masters of the Sea”

Naval battles OBT, British Royal Navy, German helicopters, new ground vehicles and aircraft, and much more! All aboard!

Check out the full list of changes and bug fixes here!

Navy of the three nations has been tested and added to the game - over German, Soviet and American vessels join the game. Also several locations in various climat zones have been prepared. We are happy to invite you to Naval battles - OBT begins today! Join and decide how navy in War Thunder will look like.

Great Britain that was called the Mistress of the seas for a reason finally joins War Thunder

Here's a taste of what's to come:

And many other awesome features and changes in new update 1.83 “Masters of the Sea” Download and play now!

Check out the full list of changes and bug fixes here!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

We would like to present you a new researchable module for one of the top tanks of the USSR/Russian armored vehicle tech tree – an explosive reactive armor set for the T-80B.

In the previous War Thunder update, we introduced T-80B, a top main battle tank of the USSR/Russian tech tree. In update 1.83 Masters of the Sea, we will introduce a new researchable module for this vehicle – the Kontakt-1 add-on explosive reactive armor. It will significantly boost the tank’s defense against HEAT projectiles, such as chemical rounds and anti-tank guided missiles. In combination with the main passive armour of the vehicle, this will provide increased anti-HEAT protection of up to 850-900 mm, helping it to withstand fire from even the most powerful ATGMs.

You can read about explosive armor and how it works in our devblog.

Explosive Reactive Armor and Composite Armor
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

Briefly: A British interwar destroyer, comparable in performance with some of the other early destroyers already present in War Thunder.

HMS Grafton was laid down in August 1934 as the fifth ship of nine G-class destroyers being built by British dockyards in the interwar years. Almost two years later, in March 1936, the ship was completed and joined the ranks of the Royal Navy.

HMS Grafton spent her early service days as part of the 1st Destroyer Flotilla operating in the Mediterranean. During the Spanish Civil War, HMS Grafton assisted in enforcing the non-intervention policy alongside warships of other nations.

HMS Grafton will be available during the CBT of War Thunder’s Royal Navy to all aspiring commanders of this vessel as a rank III British destroyer. Make sure to give HMS Grafton a try as you progress through the ranks of the Royal Navy and be wary of torpedo attacks! All hands on deck!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

In the mid-60s, the Japanese Military Administration made the decision to boost their Self-Defense Forces’ power with a mobile MLRS on a tracked chassis. As a base, it was suggested that the promising tracked armoured personnel carrier, that was at the time being developed by the Mitsubishi company, be used.

The military vehicle was subsequently put into service under the designation Type 73 APC and became a base for a whole series of assault and support vehicles of the Japanese army. In order to equip their army with a modern multiple rocket launcher system, the Japanese used an APC as a base to develop the brand new Type 75 MLRS, as well as two other support vehicles – a mobile weather station and a command vehicle – to ensure the launcher’s combat readiness. The Type 75 was put into service in 1975 and built up serially to 1985 inclusive. The vehicle fired at its opponents using its 130 mm rockets located on 30 launching tubes inside a rotating pod (the horizontal guidance angle was 50 degrees). The Type 75 had a three-man crew and could reach a speed of 50 km/h.

The Type 75 is a truly unpredictable vehicle for high-rank battles. It will definitely please its owner and cause quite a lot of trouble for their opponents. Players will be able to give the new vehicle a go with the release of the new update 1.83 titled “Masters of the Sea”! We will see you there!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
Oct 18, 2018
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The upcoming, promising bomber that was to replace the Ju 88 had to outclass its predecessor in every single way – it had to be faster, more powerful, better defended, and capable of carrying a greater bomb load.

In 1939, the Junkers company began work on a new bomber that was supposed to replace the Ju 88 bombers in service at the time. The new aircraft had to surpass the predecessor across all parameters. The plan was to fit the upcoming model with new, more powerful engines, significantly boost the firepower of the defensive armament, and, of course, increase the payload. The first prototypes took to the skies when the Jumo 222A/B engines, which the aircraft were supposed to be equipped with, had not been installed yet. Instead, the BMW engines were used. Extensive work began on the experimental models of the new series, which received the designation Ju 288, with the aim of enhancing the bomber’s characteristics. This explains why the first eight prototypes were significantly different from one another.

The new German bomber will appear in update 1.83 “Masters of the Sea”. Keep an eye out for our Developer Diaries if you want to be the first to learn the news! See you soon!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The British Battle-class destroyer was Britain’s last wartime destroyer design and represented a radical shift in design philosophy compared to previous classes. One of the first ships of this class, HMS Armada, will become available to all captains in the closed beta testing of War Thunder Royal Navy forces!

Briefly: The last British wartime destroyer class, focusing heavily on anti-aircraft firepower.

In War Thunder, HMS Armada will be available to the Royal Navy testers as a researchable destroyer of rank III. Unlike previous destroyers, HMS Armada puts heavy emphasis on anti-air capabilities, making her the most fitting choice for aspiring Royal Navy captains looking to establish a no-fly zone.

HMS Armada is anchored at port and is eagerly awaiting new captains in the closed beta test of the Royal Navy in War Thunder. Make sure to give HMS Armada a try on your way through the ranks of the Royal Navy. But until then, happy hunting and calm seas!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Website!