War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

From now to the 9th of October 07:00 GMT
take part in the “Corsair battle” tournament

We invite you to take part in a “free-for-all” mode tournament, this time you will be flying various modifications of the F4U “Corsair”
All participants are your rivals, only the pilot who is first to destroy 8 enemies wins!

You will receive a preset lineup with Corsairs - from the early versions up to the latest. It is up to you in what order you use them though.
Available aircraft will be: F4U-1a, F4U-1a USMC, F4U-1d, F4U-1c and the new F4U-4 and F4U-4B we recently told you about in our Devblog

  • Every victory brings 120,000 Silver Lions to a winner
  • The top 10 players in the RB and AB leaderboards will receive a premium F4U-1a (Japan)
  • Players from 11th to 50th place will receive a 50% discount for the premium F4U-1a (Japan) but if these players already own a non premium F4U-4 or F4U-4B they will instead receive a 75% discount.
  • You must have at least one of the participating aircraft purchased
  • The event is held in a 8 vs 8 format in Arcade and Realistic battles (you can not earn SL or RP in these battles)
  • Every pilot gives 15,000 Silver Lions when he joins the event
  • The winners will be announced after 11:00 GMT on October 9th
  • If a player hits the top 10 of the leaderboard and he already owns the F4U-1a (Japan) they will receive Golden Eagles
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

From now to the 9th of October 07:00 GMT
take part in the “Corsair battle” tournament

We invite you to take part in a “free-for-all” mode tournament, this time you will be flying various modifications of the F4U “Corsair”
All participants are your rivals, only the pilot who is first to destroy 8 enemies wins!

You will receive a preset lineup with Corsairs - from the early versions up to the latest. It is up to you in what order you use them though.
Available aircraft will be: F4U-1a, F4U-1a USMC, F4U-1d, F4U-1c and the new F4U-4 and F4U-4B we recently told you about in our Devblog

  • Every victory brings 120,000 Silver Lions to a winner
  • The top 10 players in the RB and AB leaderboards will receive a premium F4U-1a (Japan)
  • Players from 11th to 50th place will receive a 50% discount for the premium F4U-1a (Japan) but if these players already own a non premium F4U-4 or F4U-4B they will instead receive a 75% discount.
  • You must have at least one of the participating aircraft purchased
  • The event is held in a 8 vs 8 format in Arcade and Realistic battles (you can not earn SL or RP in these battles)
  • Every pilot gives 15,000 Silver Lions when he joins the event
  • The winners will be announced after 11:00 GMT on October 9th
  • If a player hits the top 10 of the leaderboard and he already owns the F4U-1a (Japan) they will receive Golden Eagles
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

In the recent update we implemented changes that will significantly improve shell (bullet) synchronization between a client and the server.

War Thunder is an online game where players who fight in one battle may be situated thousands of kilometers from each other. But the game is designed in such a way that 99.9% of the time you will never notice this - interaction with your vehicle is as smooth as if you are playing a single-player game.

You can have a look at this article for more details about War Thunder net code. Today we want to tell you about specific improvements to this code that influence interactions with your opponents which primarily affect aircraft - both in air only and combined battles.

In the recent update we implemented changes that will significantly improve shell (bullet) synchronization between the client and the server - any direct interaction with your opponents.

Shell (bullet) trajectory calculation begins at the same time on both server and client and uses the same physical model. But from now on it will also be synchronized, using the same time sampling rate. This means that now shell (bullet) trajectory on the client will not only be virtually the same as that on the server but in 99% of cases, match it completely, moreover trajectory calculation on the client will no longer depend on your client’s FPS in our game.

As a result of these changes, situations where you see a registered hit in your client but it doesn’t appear to count on the server are reduced to the absolute minimum possible in our net sync model. However you should keep in mind that an unstable connection (unstable ping, packet loss) may still cause problems since the server needs to know whether a shot was fired and also, high ping affects the relevance of the image visible to a client to what is actually being represented on the server.

We would also like to point out that there still exists a myth that in a computer game it is impossible to synchronize and calculate all the ordnance that has been fired by a gun or cannon. This is incorrect - in all our war-related projects we have always calculated every single shell which does not depend on either fire rate or calibre (doesn't matter whether we are talking about a 7mm Machine Gun or a 30mm auto-cannon). Sometimes there may be many hundreds of thousands of bullets flying through the air simultaneously.

The War Thunder Team
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

In the recent update we implemented changes that will significantly improve shell (bullet) synchronization between a client and the server.

War Thunder is an online game where players who fight in one battle may be situated thousands of kilometers from each other. But the game is designed in such a way that 99.9% of the time you will never notice this - interaction with your vehicle is as smooth as if you are playing a single-player game.

You can have a look at this article for more details about War Thunder net code. Today we want to tell you about specific improvements to this code that influence interactions with your opponents which primarily affect aircraft - both in air only and combined battles.

In the recent update we implemented changes that will significantly improve shell (bullet) synchronization between the client and the server - any direct interaction with your opponents.

Shell (bullet) trajectory calculation begins at the same time on both server and client and uses the same physical model. But from now on it will also be synchronized, using the same time sampling rate. This means that now shell (bullet) trajectory on the client will not only be virtually the same as that on the server but in 99% of cases, match it completely, moreover trajectory calculation on the client will no longer depend on your client’s FPS in our game.

As a result of these changes, situations where you see a registered hit in your client but it doesn’t appear to count on the server are reduced to the absolute minimum possible in our net sync model. However you should keep in mind that an unstable connection (unstable ping, packet loss) may still cause problems since the server needs to know whether a shot was fired and also, high ping affects the relevance of the image visible to a client to what is actually being represented on the server.

We would also like to point out that there still exists a myth that in a computer game it is impossible to synchronize and calculate all the ordnance that has been fired by a gun or cannon. This is incorrect - in all our war-related projects we have always calculated every single shell which does not depend on either fire rate or calibre (doesn't matter whether we are talking about a 7mm Machine Gun or a 30mm auto-cannon). Sometimes there may be many hundreds of thousands of bullets flying through the air simultaneously.

The War Thunder Team
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

From now until the 2nd of October at 07:00 GMT
"Battle Royale" in AB and RB

Only one attempt and one target - become the last player alive among dozens of opponents in a shrinking battle area.

  • Battle locations: Port Novorossiysk, Abandoned factory, Stalingrad and Finland.
  • There’s a bonus that can be picked up during battle that includes:
    • Artillery — extremely powerful strike that destroys anything within specific radius but it takes long before barrage begins. Available for all vehicle types. Is not available at the end of the battle
    • Repair kit - repairs all modules and restores all ammo.
    • Med kit — restores the crew.
    • Fire extinguisher
  • Additional rewards for the top 3 players.
  • Leaderboard is disabled for this event
  • You may participate in vehicles of BRs from 4.7 to 6.7
  • Your enemies will be matched on a “Battle Rating” basis, same as in random battles.
  • You can only play solo (not as squad)

[Enduring Confrontation] Zhengzhou and Ardennes in RB

Prove your skill in Realistic Battles in EC mode. Choose an aircraft of your liking and join the battle!

for more information, read the full article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

From now until the 2nd of October at 07:00 GMT
"Battle Royale" in AB and RB

Only one attempt and one target - become the last player alive among dozens of opponents in a shrinking battle area.

  • Battle locations: Port Novorossiysk, Abandoned factory, Stalingrad and Finland.
  • There’s a bonus that can be picked up during battle that includes:
    • Artillery — extremely powerful strike that destroys anything within specific radius but it takes long before barrage begins. Available for all vehicle types. Is not available at the end of the battle
    • Repair kit - repairs all modules and restores all ammo.
    • Med kit — restores the crew.
    • Fire extinguisher
  • Additional rewards for the top 3 players.
  • Leaderboard is disabled for this event
  • You may participate in vehicles of BRs from 4.7 to 6.7
  • Your enemies will be matched on a “Battle Rating” basis, same as in random battles.
  • You can only play solo (not as squad)

[Enduring Confrontation] Zhengzhou and Ardennes in RB

Prove your skill in Realistic Battles in EC mode. Choose an aircraft of your liking and join the battle!

for more information, read the full article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - OrsonES1
War Thunder presents

Update 1.71 "New E.R.A."

We are adding a 6th rank for tanks and invite you to play the vehicles of the Cold War and Vietnam war period. Ground vehicles in War Thunder will receive new armour types - composite and Explosive Reactive Armour. Veterans and beginners alike will be able to use new aircraft Gunner's view. Try out the vehicles, maps and admire reworked, improved models that we have delivered to you in Update 1.71.

View the full list of changes on the Changelog here!

Many new and exciting changes, including:

New vehicles

M60A1 Rise (P)


M50 Ontos


T114 BAT

P-51H Mustang

New locations

The Fulda Gap

Emperor's Garden

New Features

New E.R.A

Gunner's view

Explosive reactive & composite armour

...and much more!
View the full list of changes on the Changelog here!
See you on the battlefield.
The War Thunder Team
War Thunder - Fest
War Thunder presents

Update 1.71 "New E.R.A."

We are adding a 6th rank for tanks and invite you to play the vehicles of the Cold War and Vietnam war period. Ground vehicles in War Thunder will receive new armour types - composite and Explosive Reactive Armour. Veterans and beginners alike will be able to use new aircraft Gunner's view. Try out the vehicles, maps and admire reworked, improved models that we have delivered to you in Update 1.71.

View the full list of changes on the Changelog here!

Many new and exciting changes, including:

New vehicles

M60A1 Rise (P)


M50 Ontos


T114 BAT

P-51H Mustang

New locations

The Fulda Gap

Emperor's Garden

New Features

New E.R.A

Gunner's view

Explosive reactive & composite armour

...and much more!
View the full list of changes on the Changelog here!
See you on the battlefield.
The War Thunder Team
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

In War Thunder’s upcoming major update 1.71 “New E.R.A”, pilots will have the chance to try out the worthy successor to the legendary D3A carrier dive bomber. Welcome two versions of Japan’s best late-war naval dive bomber - the D4Y Suisei!

The D4Y series of aircraft were developed by the Japanese in the late 1930s as a replacement for the aging D3A naval dive bomber. Although the initial plan was to replace the legendary D3A with the Heinkel He-118, this option was quickly discarded once the German candidate proved itself unsuitable. Once Japanese engineers acquired license copies of the German DB601A engine, they started working on their own design, taking inspiration from the failed German design. The new aircraft, designated D4Y Suisei first took flight in December 1940 and subsequently entered serial production after successfully passing testing in 1942.

Keep your eyes peeled for two new additions coming to the Japanese air forces research tree, along with others, in the next major update 1.71 “New E.R.A”! Stay tuned!

For more information, read the Full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

In War Thunder’s upcoming major update 1.71 “New E.R.A”, pilots will have the chance to try out the worthy successor to the legendary D3A carrier dive bomber. Welcome two versions of Japan’s best late-war naval dive bomber - the D4Y Suisei!

The D4Y series of aircraft were developed by the Japanese in the late 1930s as a replacement for the aging D3A naval dive bomber. Although the initial plan was to replace the legendary D3A with the Heinkel He-118, this option was quickly discarded once the German candidate proved itself unsuitable. Once Japanese engineers acquired license copies of the German DB601A engine, they started working on their own design, taking inspiration from the failed German design. The new aircraft, designated D4Y Suisei first took flight in December 1940 and subsequently entered serial production after successfully passing testing in 1942.

Keep your eyes peeled for two new additions coming to the Japanese air forces research tree, along with others, in the next major update 1.71 “New E.R.A”! Stay tuned!

For more information, read the Full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums!