War Thunder - pryanick
We are happy to introduce some new features of the next Major Update 1.71 “New E.R.A”: composite and explosive reactive armour for the ground vehicles

When rounds that could penetrate up to 400mm of armoured steel were invented, engineers had to find a new approach to tank protection. One of these solutions became composite armour - protection that consists of several layers of different materials, and though it has significantly less mass than conventional steel armour, it is equally durable. The second option was reactive armour. Such “armour” consists of metal containers with explosives and metal plates. When the container is hit - the explosive jet causes detonation and the plates “fly towards” the jet, thus the jet penetrates new sections of the plates losing focus and penetration.

The War Thunder Team
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

After undergoing modernization efforts in the ‘70s to prolong its service life, the upgraded M60A1 (RISE) became the final old school US MBT that would be fielded, before newer, more modern tank designs would make their appearance. The M60A1 (RISE) is now also undergoing its final testing before its expected release with War Thunder’s 1.71 update!

During the mid 1970s, the M60A1 went through a short series of modernization efforts which improved engine reliability of the vehicle, in order to prolong its service life until a new fighting vehicle was ready to replace it. Designated M60A1 (RISE), the modernized vehicle entered service with US Army units in the late 1970s.

The introduction of the M60A1 RISE (P) to the game will bring many firsts with it, as the vehicle will not only be among the first rank six vehicles to be added, but will also be the first vehicle in the game to feature ERA protection. Meet the new and improved M60A1 RISE (PASSIVE) in the upcoming update 1.71 for War Thunder!

For more information, read the full article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

After undergoing modernization efforts in the ‘70s to prolong its service life, the upgraded M60A1 (RISE) became the final old school US MBT that would be fielded, before newer, more modern tank designs would make their appearance. The M60A1 (RISE) is now also undergoing its final testing before its expected release with War Thunder’s 1.71 update!

During the mid 1970s, the M60A1 went through a short series of modernization efforts which improved engine reliability of the vehicle, in order to prolong its service life until a new fighting vehicle was ready to replace it. Designated M60A1 (RISE), the modernized vehicle entered service with US Army units in the late 1970s.

The introduction of the M60A1 RISE (P) to the game will bring many firsts with it, as the vehicle will not only be among the first rank six vehicles to be added, but will also be the first vehicle in the game to feature ERA protection. Meet the new and improved M60A1 RISE (PASSIVE) in the upcoming update 1.71 for War Thunder!

For more information, read the full article on the Official War Thunder Forums!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

Win a GeForce® GTX 1070 Mini
by participating in our Gamescom contest!

Pilots and Tankers!

There's a special treat from our friends over at Zotac waiting for a lucky War Thunder player out there! Join our contest to win a GeForce® GTX 1070 Mini - all you need to do is comple the tasks in plugin (which can be accessed via the full article linked) and a bit of luck!

There will be 3 winners, but only one will win the GPU. 2nd and 3rd place will receive additional rewards such as S-204 Lang Naval pack and Fiat G.55 Advanced pack containing unique premium vehicles, premium account and Golden Eagles.

How can I participate?

To participate, click here to view the full article on the Official War Thunder Website!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

Win a GeForce® GTX 1070 Mini
by participating in our Gamescom contest!

Pilots and Tankers!

There's a special treat from our friends over at Zotac waiting for a lucky War Thunder player out there! Join our contest to win a GeForce® GTX 1070 Mini - all you need to do is comple the tasks in plugin (which can be accessed via the full article linked) and a bit of luck!

There will be 3 winners, but only one will win the GPU. 2nd and 3rd place will receive additional rewards such as S-204 Lang Naval pack and Fiat G.55 Advanced pack containing unique premium vehicles, premium account and Golden Eagles.

How can I participate?

To participate, click here to view the full article on the Official War Thunder Website!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

Developed in the early 1960s, the T-64 was the first tank in the world to feature composite armour protection and was, in many ways, a revolutionary design that would not only kick off development of the next generation of Soviet tanks, but would also announce the dawn of a new era of tank development. The T-64 is being readied to join the fight in War Thunder’s 1.71 update, to once more change the face of the battlefield forever.

Initially, in the early days of the Cold War, it seemed like the USSR had both the technological and numerical advantage over the western allies, when it came to their ground forces, specifically their tanks. Vehicles like the T-54/55 and IS-3 proved to be in many ways superior over some of the top performing vehicles fielded by the West. This remained so until the introduction of the British Royal Ordnance L7 105mm cannon and its variants. The new cannon featured high accuracy and penetrating capabilities, even at long range, making the superior armour protection on the Soviet tanks neigh irrelevant.

After its introduction to service, the T-64A was given to dedicated tank and special units, becoming an elite tank in its own right. Now that this steel beast is joining the brand new rank sixth of the Soviet ground forces tree, do you feel ready to become part of the elite yourself? Find out in the upcoming major update 1.71 for War Thunder!

See you there!

For more information, read the full article here!

The War Thunder Team
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

Developed in the early 1960s, the T-64 was the first tank in the world to feature composite armour protection and was, in many ways, a revolutionary design that would not only kick off development of the next generation of Soviet tanks, but would also announce the dawn of a new era of tank development. The T-64 is being readied to join the fight in War Thunder’s 1.71 update, to once more change the face of the battlefield forever.

Initially, in the early days of the Cold War, it seemed like the USSR had both the technological and numerical advantage over the western allies, when it came to their ground forces, specifically their tanks. Vehicles like the T-54/55 and IS-3 proved to be in many ways superior over some of the top performing vehicles fielded by the West. This remained so until the introduction of the British Royal Ordnance L7 105mm cannon and its variants. The new cannon featured high accuracy and penetrating capabilities, even at long range, making the superior armour protection on the Soviet tanks neigh irrelevant.

After its introduction to service, the T-64A was given to dedicated tank and special units, becoming an elite tank in its own right. Now that this steel beast is joining the brand new rank sixth of the Soviet ground forces tree, do you feel ready to become part of the elite yourself? Find out in the upcoming major update 1.71 for War Thunder!

See you there!

For more information, read the full article here!

The War Thunder Team
War Thunder - CyberStonka

Update 1.71 “New E.R.A.” means rank 6 armoured vehicles, reactive and composite armour, new aircraft and locations. Welcome to the new era!

Watch live streams from Gamescom 2017 from some of our more popular youtubers from the War Thunder community who will show you new combat machines!

  • 22nd August: 14:00 GMT
  • 23rd August: 14:00 GMT
  • 24th August: 14:00 GMT
alconafter (in Russian)
  • 22nd August: 15:00 GMT
  • 23rd August: 16:00 GMT
  • 24th August: 16:00 GMT
Ezida (in Russian)
  • 22nd August: 16:00 GMT
  • 23rd August: 15:00 GMT
  • 24th August: 15:00 GMT
And of course follow our news to learn all the details about the coming update.

At Gamescom 2017 we will introduce the new major update 1.71 “New E.R.A”. The name was coined for several reasons - first, we are adding a 6th rank and invite you to test the vehicles of the Cold War and Vietnam war period. Ground vehicles in War Thunder will receive new armour types - composite and Explosive Reactive Armour. This new era in tank construction marked the switch to brand new technologies in protection against powerful HEAT rounds and missiles that could easily destroy any WW2 armour. New infantry support machines will join combat - we are ready to tell you about some of them in the next few days. Stay tuned!
And don’t forget about prizes! Do you know much about your favourite game? Give at least 7 correct answers for 10 questions in our War Thunder Mastermind Quiz dedicated to update 1.71 “New E.R.A.” and receive a unique title “War Thunder Mastermind” and a RP booster!

Now you know even more about update 1.71 “New E.R.A.” vehicles! Exchange your knowledge for the prizes! Give at least 7 correct answers for 10 questions of the quiz and receive a unique title “War Thunder Mastermind” and a RP booster!

A New Era is coming - welcome to War Thunder update 1.71!

The War Thunder Team
War Thunder - CyberStonka

Update 1.71 “New E.R.A.” means rank 6 armoured vehicles, reactive and composite armour, new aircraft and locations. Welcome to the new era!

Watch live streams from Gamescom 2017 from some of our more popular youtubers from the War Thunder community who will show you new combat machines!

  • 22nd August: 14:00 GMT
  • 23rd August: 14:00 GMT
  • 24th August: 14:00 GMT
alconafter (in Russian)
  • 22nd August: 15:00 GMT
  • 23rd August: 16:00 GMT
  • 24th August: 16:00 GMT
Ezida (in Russian)
  • 22nd August: 16:00 GMT
  • 23rd August: 15:00 GMT
  • 24th August: 15:00 GMT
And of course follow our news to learn all the details about the coming update.

At Gamescom 2017 we will introduce the new major update 1.71 “New E.R.A”. The name was coined for several reasons - first, we are adding a 6th rank and invite you to test the vehicles of the Cold War and Vietnam war period. Ground vehicles in War Thunder will receive new armour types - composite and Explosive Reactive Armour. This new era in tank construction marked the switch to brand new technologies in protection against powerful HEAT rounds and missiles that could easily destroy any WW2 armour. New infantry support machines will join combat - we are ready to tell you about some of them in the next few days. Stay tuned!
And don’t forget about prizes! Do you know much about your favourite game? Give at least 7 correct answers for 10 questions in our War Thunder Mastermind Quiz dedicated to update 1.71 “New E.R.A.” and receive a unique title “War Thunder Mastermind” and a RP booster!

Now you know even more about update 1.71 “New E.R.A.” vehicles! Exchange your knowledge for the prizes! Give at least 7 correct answers for 10 questions of the quiz and receive a unique title “War Thunder Mastermind” and a RP booster!

A New Era is coming - welcome to War Thunder update 1.71!

The War Thunder Team
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The Waffenträger concept was conceived to combine German artillery tractors and SPGs into one vehicle type that would salvage precious resources, like field guns, from the battlefield in the later stages of the war. Though the concept did undergo testing, it never received its real baptism by fire, thus War Thunder tankers can look forward to having the honour of testing out the Waffenträger in real combat themselves in the upcoming 1.71 update!

Work on the Waffenträger project started in early 1944, being part of the E-series of standardized, next-generation German tanks. Waffenträgers (eng; weapons carrier) were intended to merge two types of vehicles used by the German army into one - artillery tractors and self-propelled guns. This new vehicle type would be a mobile, lightly-armoured tank destroyer that could both use its cannon itself or, depending on the circumstances, unequip it and hand it over to other units to be used as field artillery. This concept was seen as highly practical by the Germans, given how it not only gave the German army one vehicle for the price of two, but was also saving on vital resources of which Germany suffered a great shortage of in the late stages of the war. Nearly all renown German companies that produced military equipment or vehicles took up the task, resulting in 4 different Waffenträger designs.

The Waffenträger will soon reinforce the higher ranks of the German ground forces tree in an effort to turn the tide of battle, in War Thunder’s upcoming 1.71 update. Until then, commanders!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog on the Official War Thunder Forums!