War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk
The British Sea Venom FAW.20 carrier-based jet fighter will be another new addition in War Thunder 1.57. Meet the first two-seater jet in the game!

The carrier-based Sea Venom FAW.20 fighter appeared as a version of the two-seater (seats for the pilot and radar operator) ground-launched Venom NF.Mk2 fighter, fitted with radar equipment. At the request of the navy, the base interceptor was equipped with an arrestor hook, a “folding” mechanism to store the wings for convenient storage on aircraft carriers, and a tail bumper to protect the tail unit from strikes on the deck. The aircraft completed testing and went into service with the “all-weather fighter” designation (FAW – Fighter, All-Weather). This unusual two-seater aircraft is coming to War Thunder with update 1.57.

The Sea Venom model has been recreated by the War Thunder model artists in all its glory. Here we can see the unusually shaped arrestor hook, the complex wing “folding” mechanism and the large flaps with two-piece air brakes.

Read the full Dev Blog harticle here!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk
The British Sea Venom FAW.20 carrier-based jet fighter will be another new addition in War Thunder 1.57. Meet the first two-seater jet in the game!

The carrier-based Sea Venom FAW.20 fighter appeared as a version of the two-seater (seats for the pilot and radar operator) ground-launched Venom NF.Mk2 fighter, fitted with radar equipment. At the request of the navy, the base interceptor was equipped with an arrestor hook, a “folding” mechanism to store the wings for convenient storage on aircraft carriers, and a tail bumper to protect the tail unit from strikes on the deck. The aircraft completed testing and went into service with the “all-weather fighter” designation (FAW – Fighter, All-Weather). This unusual two-seater aircraft is coming to War Thunder with update 1.57.

The Sea Venom model has been recreated by the War Thunder model artists in all its glory. Here we can see the unusually shaped arrestor hook, the complex wing “folding” mechanism and the large flaps with two-piece air brakes.

Read the full Dev Blog harticle here!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk
4 engines, 8 crew members, sleeping quarters for a relief crew, three turrets, bombs, even spare propeller blades – all this easily fits on board the British S.25 Sunderland flying boat.

Based on a civilian mail and passenger aircraft, the British S.25 Sunderland became one of the most famous flying boats of the Second World War. The seaplane was developed to meet the needs of the coastal command of Britain’s air force as a long-range scout and submarine hunter, but over its years of service, the Sunderland also worked as a transport plane, a warrior, and even a VIP transport – the royal family of Greece was evacuated in one. Because of its gigantic size and capacity, British pilots dubbed the plane ‘the flying hotel’ – apart from its 7-10 crew members, the Sunderland could comfortably house a relief crew in sleeping quarters, fixed frontal and turret machine guns with a large ammunition complement, up to 2,000 pounds of bombing equipment (roughly 907 kg), radar equipment and even spare blades for the propellers. The historical fact that the aircraft evacuated 82 people (not counting its crew members) in a single flight speaks to the Sunderland’s capacity.

In War Thunder update 1.57, we present the S.25 Sunderland in its later Mk III modification, which differs from its predecessors first and foremost in the flowing contours of its bilge lines to improve the aerodynamic properties of the flying boat. For the Sunderland, like the other flying boats and seaplanes in the game, our artists recreated the transmissive landing gear which allowed the aircraft to land on terra firma also.
The four 9-cylinder single-row air-cooled radial Bristol Pegasus engines with an output of 1065 horsepower had extremely interesting flame suppressors. We tried to duplicate their shape on our model of the Sunderland.
In spite of its size, the Sunderland’s bomb load is small – up to only 2,000 pounds. To avoid ruining the hermetic seal on the underside, engineers from the Short Brothers company located the bomb hatches in the side of the fuselage just below the wing root – an electric mechanism extended the bombs out on special rails along the sides of the flying boat, from where they were then dropped. This engineering solution has been recreated in our in-game model.
The Sunderland was developed in the early 1940s. It had a low speed and machine gun armament, so this flying boat will be found in the low-ranked battlefields in War Thunder. Any true connoisseur of legendary aircraft simply must have a Sunderland in their hangar! Meet this two-story ‘flying hotel’ in War Thunder Update 1.57. See you in battle!

See video of this aircraft in action here!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk
4 engines, 8 crew members, sleeping quarters for a relief crew, three turrets, bombs, even spare propeller blades – all this easily fits on board the British S.25 Sunderland flying boat.

Based on a civilian mail and passenger aircraft, the British S.25 Sunderland became one of the most famous flying boats of the Second World War. The seaplane was developed to meet the needs of the coastal command of Britain’s air force as a long-range scout and submarine hunter, but over its years of service, the Sunderland also worked as a transport plane, a warrior, and even a VIP transport – the royal family of Greece was evacuated in one. Because of its gigantic size and capacity, British pilots dubbed the plane ‘the flying hotel’ – apart from its 7-10 crew members, the Sunderland could comfortably house a relief crew in sleeping quarters, fixed frontal and turret machine guns with a large ammunition complement, up to 2,000 pounds of bombing equipment (roughly 907 kg), radar equipment and even spare blades for the propellers. The historical fact that the aircraft evacuated 82 people (not counting its crew members) in a single flight speaks to the Sunderland’s capacity.

In War Thunder update 1.57, we present the S.25 Sunderland in its later Mk III modification, which differs from its predecessors first and foremost in the flowing contours of its bilge lines to improve the aerodynamic properties of the flying boat. For the Sunderland, like the other flying boats and seaplanes in the game, our artists recreated the transmissive landing gear which allowed the aircraft to land on terra firma also.
The four 9-cylinder single-row air-cooled radial Bristol Pegasus engines with an output of 1065 horsepower had extremely interesting flame suppressors. We tried to duplicate their shape on our model of the Sunderland.
In spite of its size, the Sunderland’s bomb load is small – up to only 2,000 pounds. To avoid ruining the hermetic seal on the underside, engineers from the Short Brothers company located the bomb hatches in the side of the fuselage just below the wing root – an electric mechanism extended the bombs out on special rails along the sides of the flying boat, from where they were then dropped. This engineering solution has been recreated in our in-game model.
The Sunderland was developed in the early 1940s. It had a low speed and machine gun armament, so this flying boat will be found in the low-ranked battlefields in War Thunder. Any true connoisseur of legendary aircraft simply must have a Sunderland in their hangar! Meet this two-story ‘flying hotel’ in War Thunder Update 1.57. See you in battle!

See video of this aircraft in action here!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk
The Japanese heavy Ki-83 fighter, one of the heroes of the War Thunder 1.57 update, is capable of amazing things. What hides under the veneer of this twin-engine hulk?

When experts of an American army research centre hurriedly restored the airframe of a captured prototype Japanese twin-engine Ki-83 and prepared it for a test flight, nobody suspected such exceptional flight characteristics from such a bulky airplane. The sole surviving example of the Ki-83, which was damaged by an air raid and then captured by the American army and brought to the USA, filled with 100-octane fuel and sent into the air. Imagine the surprise of the testers when the heavy Japanese aircraft reached an incredible 762 km/h in horizontal flight and completed a full loop within a diameter of just 670 meters in 31 seconds!

The Ki-83 is a Japanese twin-engine aircraft which has been long awaited in War Thunder. The Japanese heavy fighters are represented in the game by the line of Ki-45 modifications, along with the Ki-102 with its automatic 57mm cannon. All of these vehicles have excellent firepower (even including the “Schräge Musik” system for firing forwards and upwards) but all the models’ speed and maneuverability leave something to be desired. Any skirmish with a more or less experienced enemy fighter will inevitably lead to the Japanese fighter having to immediately disengage, whilst throwing requests for assistance to its teammates in chat.

The Ki-83 is a welcome change from the usual state of the Japanese twin-engine fighter and of heavy fighters in general. It’s fast, unbelievably agile for its dimensions, and fields more than acceptable weaponry in its two 30mm and two 20mm cannons, which are capable of destroying any opponent in the air in a short burst. It also has two small 50 kg bombs, just in case it needs to destroy small targets on the ground. The Ki-83 can escort friendly bombers and hunt enemy bombers without difficulty. It is also capable of fighting against other twin-engine aircraft (including the F7F-1 Tigercat) and even single-engine fighters.
Behind the deceptive appearance of the Ki-83 twin-engine monster hides excellent speed and maneuverability for a twin-engine aircraft, which, in concert with its powerful armament, makes it one of the most interesting aircraft in War Thunder 1.57. Look for the Ki-83 at the top of Japan’s twin-engine fighter line at rank IV. Good luck in the skies!

See video of this aircraft in action here!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk
The Japanese heavy Ki-83 fighter, one of the heroes of the War Thunder 1.57 update, is capable of amazing things. What hides under the veneer of this twin-engine hulk?

When experts of an American army research centre hurriedly restored the airframe of a captured prototype Japanese twin-engine Ki-83 and prepared it for a test flight, nobody suspected such exceptional flight characteristics from such a bulky airplane. The sole surviving example of the Ki-83, which was damaged by an air raid and then captured by the American army and brought to the USA, filled with 100-octane fuel and sent into the air. Imagine the surprise of the testers when the heavy Japanese aircraft reached an incredible 762 km/h in horizontal flight and completed a full loop within a diameter of just 670 meters in 31 seconds!

The Ki-83 is a Japanese twin-engine aircraft which has been long awaited in War Thunder. The Japanese heavy fighters are represented in the game by the line of Ki-45 modifications, along with the Ki-102 with its automatic 57mm cannon. All of these vehicles have excellent firepower (even including the “Schräge Musik” system for firing forwards and upwards) but all the models’ speed and maneuverability leave something to be desired. Any skirmish with a more or less experienced enemy fighter will inevitably lead to the Japanese fighter having to immediately disengage, whilst throwing requests for assistance to its teammates in chat.

The Ki-83 is a welcome change from the usual state of the Japanese twin-engine fighter and of heavy fighters in general. It’s fast, unbelievably agile for its dimensions, and fields more than acceptable weaponry in its two 30mm and two 20mm cannons, which are capable of destroying any opponent in the air in a short burst. It also has two small 50 kg bombs, just in case it needs to destroy small targets on the ground. The Ki-83 can escort friendly bombers and hunt enemy bombers without difficulty. It is also capable of fighting against other twin-engine aircraft (including the F7F-1 Tigercat) and even single-engine fighters.
Behind the deceptive appearance of the Ki-83 twin-engine monster hides excellent speed and maneuverability for a twin-engine aircraft, which, in concert with its powerful armament, makes it one of the most interesting aircraft in War Thunder 1.57. Look for the Ki-83 at the top of Japan’s twin-engine fighter line at rank IV. Good luck in the skies!

See video of this aircraft in action here!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk
The top-range British FV4004 Conway SPG, which was created to fight against Soviet IS-3 tanks, will be one of the new additions in War Thunder 1.57.

The Victory Parade in Germany and the new Soviet IS-3 tanks forced the allies to stop and think – if they were to go to war with the USSR, these vehicles would cause them a mass of problems. They had thick armour set at steep angles, round cast turrets and powerful cannons. The Americans and British engineers came up with their own ways of defeating IS tanks. One of these was the FV4004 Conway SPG, with a high turret on a Centurion chassis, it was a British attempt to provide an answer to the heavy tanks of the Soviets. How did it turn out? Let’s take a look at this SPG model in War Thunder.

A Centurion Mk 3 chassis served as the basis for the Conway. The SPG received the Centurion’s armour, ground wheels and engine without modifications. However, the 120 mm L1 cannon with its massive breech required a new turret. The engineers mounted the vehicle’s cannon and three crew members in a rather tall turret, which, in spite of its size, did not significantly add to the vehicle’s weight. The Conway retained the Centurion’s maximum speed of 21.5 miles per hour (roughly 35 km/h).

An undeniable advantage of the Conway over many other SPGs is its rotating turret. At first glance, the turret looks as if it provides no serious protection for the crew, but this is not so. We contacted The Tank Museum in Bovington for technical documentation on the Conway (incidentally, the only prototype of the Conway is also in Bovington). The documents found provide evidence of very reliable protection of the habitable compartment of the Conway’s turret – the front of the turret is over 130 mm thick.
When War Thunder update 1.57 is released, the FV4004 Conway will be placed at rank V in Britain’s SPG branch. Its excellent gun and rotating turret compensates for its low speed. The Conway will receive two types of ammunition: high explosive squash head (HESH) and armour-piercing discarding sabot (APDS). The SPGs crew consists of 4 members.

We’ll find out how the Conway fairs against the IS range and other heavy tanks at ranks IV and V as soon as War Thunder update 1.57 is released. See you on the battlefield!

See video of this tank in action here!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk
The top-range British FV4004 Conway SPG, which was created to fight against Soviet IS-3 tanks, will be one of the new additions in War Thunder 1.57.

The Victory Parade in Germany and the new Soviet IS-3 tanks forced the allies to stop and think – if they were to go to war with the USSR, these vehicles would cause them a mass of problems. They had thick armour set at steep angles, round cast turrets and powerful cannons. The Americans and British engineers came up with their own ways of defeating IS tanks. One of these was the FV4004 Conway SPG, with a high turret on a Centurion chassis, it was a British attempt to provide an answer to the heavy tanks of the Soviets. How did it turn out? Let’s take a look at this SPG model in War Thunder.

A Centurion Mk 3 chassis served as the basis for the Conway. The SPG received the Centurion’s armour, ground wheels and engine without modifications. However, the 120 mm L1 cannon with its massive breech required a new turret. The engineers mounted the vehicle’s cannon and three crew members in a rather tall turret, which, in spite of its size, did not significantly add to the vehicle’s weight. The Conway retained the Centurion’s maximum speed of 21.5 miles per hour (roughly 35 km/h).

An undeniable advantage of the Conway over many other SPGs is its rotating turret. At first glance, the turret looks as if it provides no serious protection for the crew, but this is not so. We contacted The Tank Museum in Bovington for technical documentation on the Conway (incidentally, the only prototype of the Conway is also in Bovington). The documents found provide evidence of very reliable protection of the habitable compartment of the Conway’s turret – the front of the turret is over 130 mm thick.
When War Thunder update 1.57 is released, the FV4004 Conway will be placed at rank V in Britain’s SPG branch. Its excellent gun and rotating turret compensates for its low speed. The Conway will receive two types of ammunition: high explosive squash head (HESH) and armour-piercing discarding sabot (APDS). The SPGs crew consists of 4 members.

We’ll find out how the Conway fairs against the IS range and other heavy tanks at ranks IV and V as soon as War Thunder update 1.57 is released. See you on the battlefield!

See video of this tank in action here!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

Featuring mountain passes, snow-covered foliage, a quiet town and a railway station. This peaceful serenity has been disturbed by the destructive nature of war and the town is now deserted, the trains have been de-railed from the railway tracks, bombs have destroyed the stone bridge across the gorge and traces of tank tracks now run atop the snow-covered hills. Engines can be heard roaring from within the valley, cannon shots echoing throughout the ancient mountains and the chairlifts swing, the air disturbed due to low flying aircraft. The battle for a critical foothold in the Alps has begun!
Read the full Dev Blog here!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

Featuring mountain passes, snow-covered foliage, a quiet town and a railway station. This peaceful serenity has been disturbed by the destructive nature of war and the town is now deserted, the trains have been de-railed from the railway tracks, bombs have destroyed the stone bridge across the gorge and traces of tank tracks now run atop the snow-covered hills. Engines can be heard roaring from within the valley, cannon shots echoing throughout the ancient mountains and the chairlifts swing, the air disturbed due to low flying aircraft. The battle for a critical foothold in the Alps has begun!
Read the full Dev Blog here!