Dungeon Defenders II - iamisom

May Mission Madness
Each weekend in May, get a new Daily Mission every 8 hours! The event begins tomorrow!

Remember: You can stack up to three Daily Missions, so be sure to clear out your Daily Missions every day in order to take full advantage of the event.

Series EV2 Devstream Tomorrow
Join us on the TrendyEnt channel tomorrow as we reveal more details about Series EV2! We’re also giving more free costumes to viewers in the chat.

Show starts at 5PM EDT!
Dungeon Defenders II - [TrendyEnt] iamisom

May Mission Madness
Each weekend in May, get a new Daily Mission every 8 hours! The event begins tomorrow!

Remember: You can stack up to three Daily Missions, so be sure to clear out your Daily Missions every day in order to take full advantage of the event.

Series EV2 Devstream Tomorrow
Join us on the TrendyEnt channel tomorrow as we reveal more details about Series EV2! We’re also giving more free costumes to viewers in the chat.

Show starts at 5PM EDT!
Apr 27, 2016
Dungeon Defenders II - iamisom

In this week's Dev Log, we talk about the newest Unholy Catacombs update, share some work-in-progress EV2 details and show off some more images of an upcoming magma level!

Daniel Haddad, Design Director (Blacksmith)
This week was one of those weeks where we had plenty to do but very little time to do it. The goal for the week was to get EV2 functional by Friday so that we can start playtesting her. This week was also our first mid-milestone release. I designed the Sword of Unholy Fire for the Squire with the hope that we’d finally have our first viable DPS Squire. We originally wanted to have the passive to vary the damage, range and angle of the flamethrower shield. Unfortunately our system didn’t support that and after working late one night to try and get it to work, we decided to just have it vary damage.

From there I transitioned back to working on the lovely EV2. Like I mentioned earlier, we got her functional this week and now we are playtesting and tweaking. I put a lot of time and effort into making some variations for her canisters. For example, if you are lucky you might find a Bow Canister that fires like the GIF at the top.

Or you might find a shotgun canister whose bullets explode after they reach their max travel distance into a wide area of damage:

I hear you like weapons that fire multiple projectiles in a spread! Well check this guy out below. He’s a rare Polearm Canister that should have your enemies PLOTTING their revenge!

(get it? Plotting? Because… it’s like a grid? Yea?)

Her Defenses and Heat mechanic are where we need to focus most of our attention going forward, but she is coming together nicely. Only a few more weeks of intense work and she should be ready for you all to play and enjoy!

While you are looking at all these cool gifs we’ve made for you, remember that her visuals are still subject to change and that involves everything from how her projectiles look to how she moves and animates.

Elliot Cannon, Creative Director
The Unholy Catacombs update is here! 

This mini-release has tons of cool stuff and some new things we’ve never tried before. Usually we have a big backlog of items we bundle together into a single theme and a major patch release, but we currently have tons of long-term things in progress, (strategy revamp, Game Browser, more UI improvements, and new heroes to name just a few), so we thought it would be cooler to have a mid-milestone release with gameplay and new stuff for you to have fun with. Let us know if you like it!

If you've checked our Dev Logs over the last few months, you’ve probably spotted the Unholy Catacombs map, which is a reimagining of the classic Dungeon Defenders map, Foundries and Forges. Well, now it’s available for play with lots of variations.
  • A regular tower defense map across ALL skill levels. So if you want a new map with a different layout, this is your stop!
  • A new Spectral Knight Incursion for Nightmare I-IV. This is where coordinating with your friends becomes critical to win unless you have mad solo skillz. Steve intentionally made it hard for players who want a group challenge to tackle with their friends.
The Spectral Knight Incursion has two exclusive drops: the Squire’s Sword of Unholy Fire and the first iPWR 750 chest piece. We showed off the Sword of Unholy Fire in our last Dev Log. It has a pulsing taunt so if you’re tough enough, you can round up enemies and drag them somewhere else without having to use your Provoke ability. Once you have a nasty stack of baddies, turn and block, and a flaming skull appears on your shield and belches unholy fire on your enemies. It’s super fun and makes the Squire a riot. The damage scales off Ability Power and can drop up to iPWR 750.

I promised Steve not to give anything away about the map. Go play!

Brian Goodsell, President of Responsibilities (bgoodsell)
Working on Series EV2 VFX. Experimenting with bouncing sparks on her base attacks.

Built some cool visuals for the weapon canister for EV2 as well.

On the backend (where I do most of my best work), I've spent time updating our VFX libraries to use a newer base material system. This allows for more options when it comes to a particle's ability to drive and modify material properties. While redundant work, this really helps when it comes to being able to rapidly prototype VFX.

Also helped transition Series EV2 out of prototype phase. I hooked up all the backend archetypes and systems to see what we can do vs. what features are still needed that we do not have.


Currently Listening To: "Boom Boom" - jennylee

Steven Collins, Lead Level Designer (Esorath)
Revamp underway! Working on feedback and making tweaks to really push the changes to be super impactful. There is some changes still to come that will make towers much more deadly to enemies of different genotypes.

Jesus Diaz, World Builder (N3oDoc)
We are almost done with the magma level thing! Still have to polish it up a bit though.

At this point if you are a true Etherian Defender, you should know what level it is. And because In.Session asked for it, here's another picture!

Daniel Diaz, World Builder (DanielKaMi)
Finishing up the world building phase on the magma map! We are pushing the lighting and polishing it up a little more.

In addition I would like to mention that this level will feature a cool secret on the last wave!

Jason Yu, Associate Producer (Urfyness)
There are a number of really cool things we’re working on outside of EV2 that I wanted to share.
  • We’re bringing back the Dragolich as the May monthly quest reward. Now everyone will have an opportunity to earn one of the most sought after pets in the game.
  • The Goblin Siege Tank enemy is starting to come together. Our goal is to have it ready for playtesting by the end of the week.
  • The strategy revamp went out to the Remote Playtest Group, and we appreciate all of your feedback! Seriously, we spend hours digesting the feedback and discussing plans moving forward.
  • I was able to see the first pass UI for the session browser the other day and even though it’s not fully functional yet, this is one of my most anticipated features. No release date yet, but it’s in the works!

Dani Moore, Remote QA Manager (Dani)
More testing, more planning for testing. Thanks to the folks that applied to RPG last week. We’re almost ready to let you guys in and test out the current state of the revamp. We’re currently changing a few processes here and there. Once we’re done with the initial (there will be more!) revamp testing, we’re be moving on to EV2!

Speaking of EV2, the RQA folks having been pouring over EV2’s new frame and testing out her expanded and deadly arsenal. She might need some work, some oil changes and some other spare parts, but she’s already decidedly deadly.
Apr 27, 2016
Dungeon Defenders II - [TrendyEnt] iamisom

In this week's Dev Log, we talk about the newest Unholy Catacombs update, share some work-in-progress EV2 details and show off some more images of an upcoming magma level!

Daniel Haddad, Design Director (Blacksmith)
This week was one of those weeks where we had plenty to do but very little time to do it. The goal for the week was to get EV2 functional by Friday so that we can start playtesting her. This week was also our first mid-milestone release. I designed the Sword of Unholy Fire for the Squire with the hope that we’d finally have our first viable DPS Squire. We originally wanted to have the passive to vary the damage, range and angle of the flamethrower shield. Unfortunately our system didn’t support that and after working late one night to try and get it to work, we decided to just have it vary damage.

From there I transitioned back to working on the lovely EV2. Like I mentioned earlier, we got her functional this week and now we are playtesting and tweaking. I put a lot of time and effort into making some variations for her canisters. For example, if you are lucky you might find a Bow Canister that fires like the GIF at the top.

Or you might find a shotgun canister whose bullets explode after they reach their max travel distance into a wide area of damage:

I hear you like weapons that fire multiple projectiles in a spread! Well check this guy out below. He’s a rare Polearm Canister that should have your enemies PLOTTING their revenge!

(get it? Plotting? Because… it’s like a grid? Yea?)

Her Defenses and Heat mechanic are where we need to focus most of our attention going forward, but she is coming together nicely. Only a few more weeks of intense work and she should be ready for you all to play and enjoy!

While you are looking at all these cool gifs we’ve made for you, remember that her visuals are still subject to change and that involves everything from how her projectiles look to how she moves and animates.

Elliot Cannon, Creative Director
The Unholy Catacombs update is here! 

This mini-release has tons of cool stuff and some new things we’ve never tried before. Usually we have a big backlog of items we bundle together into a single theme and a major patch release, but we currently have tons of long-term things in progress, (strategy revamp, Game Browser, more UI improvements, and new heroes to name just a few), so we thought it would be cooler to have a mid-milestone release with gameplay and new stuff for you to have fun with. Let us know if you like it!

If you've checked our Dev Logs over the last few months, you’ve probably spotted the Unholy Catacombs map, which is a reimagining of the classic Dungeon Defenders map, Foundries and Forges. Well, now it’s available for play with lots of variations.
  • A regular tower defense map across ALL skill levels. So if you want a new map with a different layout, this is your stop!
  • A new Spectral Knight Incursion for Nightmare I-IV. This is where coordinating with your friends becomes critical to win unless you have mad solo skillz. Steve intentionally made it hard for players who want a group challenge to tackle with their friends.
The Spectral Knight Incursion has two exclusive drops: the Squire’s Sword of Unholy Fire and the first iPWR 750 chest piece. We showed off the Sword of Unholy Fire in our last Dev Log. It has a pulsing taunt so if you’re tough enough, you can round up enemies and drag them somewhere else without having to use your Provoke ability. Once you have a nasty stack of baddies, turn and block, and a flaming skull appears on your shield and belches unholy fire on your enemies. It’s super fun and makes the Squire a riot. The damage scales off Ability Power and can drop up to iPWR 750.

I promised Steve not to give anything away about the map. Go play!

Brian Goodsell, President of Responsibilities (bgoodsell)
Working on Series EV2 VFX. Experimenting with bouncing sparks on her base attacks.

Built some cool visuals for the weapon canister for EV2 as well.

On the backend (where I do most of my best work), I've spent time updating our VFX libraries to use a newer base material system. This allows for more options when it comes to a particle's ability to drive and modify material properties. While redundant work, this really helps when it comes to being able to rapidly prototype VFX.

Also helped transition Series EV2 out of prototype phase. I hooked up all the backend archetypes and systems to see what we can do vs. what features are still needed that we do not have.


Currently Listening To: "Boom Boom" - jennylee

Steven Collins, Lead Level Designer (Esorath)
Revamp underway! Working on feedback and making tweaks to really push the changes to be super impactful. There is some changes still to come that will make towers much more deadly to enemies of different genotypes.

Jesus Diaz, World Builder (N3oDoc)
We are almost done with the magma level thing! Still have to polish it up a bit though.

At this point if you are a true Etherian Defender, you should know what level it is. And because In.Session asked for it, here's another picture!

Daniel Diaz, World Builder (DanielKaMi)
Finishing up the world building phase on the magma map! We are pushing the lighting and polishing it up a little more.

In addition I would like to mention that this level will feature a cool secret on the last wave!

Jason Yu, Associate Producer (Urfyness)
There are a number of really cool things we’re working on outside of EV2 that I wanted to share.
  • We’re bringing back the Dragolich as the May monthly quest reward. Now everyone will have an opportunity to earn one of the most sought after pets in the game.
  • The Goblin Siege Tank enemy is starting to come together. Our goal is to have it ready for playtesting by the end of the week.
  • The strategy revamp went out to the Remote Playtest Group, and we appreciate all of your feedback! Seriously, we spend hours digesting the feedback and discussing plans moving forward.
  • I was able to see the first pass UI for the session browser the other day and even though it’s not fully functional yet, this is one of my most anticipated features. No release date yet, but it’s in the works!

Dani Moore, Remote QA Manager (Dani)
More testing, more planning for testing. Thanks to the folks that applied to RPG last week. We’re almost ready to let you guys in and test out the current state of the revamp. We’re currently changing a few processes here and there. Once we’re done with the initial (there will be more!) revamp testing, we’re be moving on to EV2!

Speaking of EV2, the RQA folks having been pouring over EV2’s new frame and testing out her expanded and deadly arsenal. She might need some work, some oil changes and some other spare parts, but she’s already decidedly deadly.
Dungeon Defenders II - iamisom

The Unholy Catacombs Update is out now! Here's the update trailer and the patch notes:


Mission Madness Weekend Events
  • Starting this weekend, we’re having a Mission Madness event every weekend in May! Get a new Daily Mission every 8 hours during the weekends!
  • Remember: You can hold up to 3 Daily Missions at a time, so be sure to login and finish your dailies to take full advantage of these events.

  • New Map: Unholy Catacombs
    • It’s the return of Foundries and Forges from Dungeon Defenders!
    • More DD1 map remakes are on the way! We hear everybody loved Sky O’ Love...
  • New Spectral Knight Incursion
    • Available only on Nightmare I-IV.
    • Complete the incursion for a chance to receive two exclusive drops: the Squire’s Sword of Unholy Fire and the first iPWR 750 chest piece!
  • Sword of Unholy Fire (Squire)
    • Found only in the Spectral Knight Incursion. (We put this here again because we know someone, somewhere, didn’t read the bullet point above. WE’RE LOOKING AT YOU, TRAVIS.)
    • Adds a friggin’ flamethrower to the Squire’s shield block.
    • Taunts nearby enemies every few seconds.
    • Drops up to iPWR 750.
    • Scales off of Ability Power.
    • Grants +10 Charisma, which doesn’t exist in our game but you’ll swear it does when you wield this sword.
  • iPWR 750 Chest Piece
    • Found only in, you guessed it, the Spectral Knight Incursion.
    • Can roll up to iPWR 750, so not every piece will be a perfect 750.
  • Guardian of the Storm Monk Elemental Variant Costume
    • Show your support and help us keep cool new stuff comin’ by splurging 4,800 gems on the Guardian of the Storm elemental variant! Thanks to all of the dedicated Defenders who help support our development. Because of you, DD2 will continue to grow and improve!
  • Other Changes:
    • Blank Hero Cards are now available for 2,000 Defender Medals.
    • All four Hero Deck Slots are available immediately.
    • Item Enhancement Levels now gives a flat rate of 2 enhancement points per upgrade level. This is retroactive so all players will have their allocated points reset. Some items will have more points now, some will have less. Be sure to reallocate your points upon entering the game.
    • If you have an unlocked costume and you create a hero with that costume selected, the created hero will now equip that costume.
    • Lockboxes with accessories for the Abyss Lord’s default costume can now drop in-game.

Hero / Melee Gameplay Update
  • Reduced the speed of enemy melee attacks
    • Slower attacks give melee heroes slightly more time to interrupt them
    • Warboar, Orc, Javelin Thrower, and Drakkin melee attacks take 0.1 - 0.2s longer to animate
    • Revised Warboar and Orc damage values to keep DPS consistent
  • Increased the frequency of hero melee attacks causing knockback (interrupt)
    • Affects Monk and Squire, all weapon stances (Light/Medium/Heavy)
    • Should generally be slightly easier to consistently lockdown opponents in melee
  • Rebalanced Hero Damage for non-Huntress Base Heroes
    • Apprentice +25% Hero Damage Ratio
    • Monk +20% Hero Damage Ratio
    • Squire +7% Hero Damage Ratio

Bug Fixes
  • Added a potential solution for the black screen issue that happens on startup (usually after the Trendy logo appears). If you’re still getting this issue, please let us know.
  • Clicking between the Inventory and the Hero Deck tabs in the Forge will no longer cause a long delay before the UI refreshes.
  • Fixed the broke-♥♥♥ scrollbar in the Session List.
  • Removed the Abyss Stone placement spam. Removed the Abyss Stone placement spam.
  • Removed the Abyss Stone placement spam. Removed the...
  • Fixed an issue where flying enemies were getting stuck on Little-Horn Valley.
  • For some reason, Skyguards were shooting at the guards and core in Throne Room. Maybe they know something we don’t…
  • Fixed spelling and grammar issues on the Abyss Lord’s accessories.
  • Fixed spelling and grammar issues on the Squire’s accessories.
  • Fixed spelling and grammar issues on the Huntress’s accessories.
  • Forced every Trendy employee to take spelling and grammar lessons.
  • Fixed an icon issue for the Abyss Lord’s Healing Fountain.
  • Pet Boxes and Lockboxes can now be opened when accessing the Inventory through the ESC Menu. Players no longer have to access the Inventory through the Forge to open these.
    Fixed an issue where having repair/upgrade/sell defense active while looking at an enemy that died would cause their HP bar to remain.
  • Fixed an issue where if you built multiple Colossi in a map with separate Abyss Lord heroes (say you have multiple with different gear/builds) and then tried to move each with the respective builder, you could only move the first one built from the first Abyss Lord. The other units from the other Abyss Lords will not respond.
  • When players are in a party together, there is now an icon next to their name in the Session List along with a specific text color to indicate they are party members.
  • Fixed some issues with accessory rarity in the lockboxes.
  • Abyss Lord’s right click will now spin the Squire's Training Dummy right round, baby, right round like a record, baby.

Known Issues
  • Several of the tooltips for accessories in the Costume Shop have grammar errors or incorrect “unlocked from” descriptions.
  • All unlockable objects from the Carnival Lockboxes are listed as Epic tier.
  • When cleansing a Spectral Knight in the Foundries Incursion, no sound effects will play.
  • Ranged enemies (most noticeably Javelin Throwers and Lightning Bugs) sometimes like to get hung up around corners in the Foundries map.
  • Spectral Knights will not be cleansed if the player is standing still. You must run into them to cleanse them.
  • The Skull VFX on shields applied by the Unholy Fire stat will not show up the first time you block after a transition while the sword is equipped.
  • The fire VFX from the Unholy Fire stat will display incorrectly for the first second of its effect.
  • The spawn icons for air lanes on the Foundries map on Free Play Easy go away before the wave starts.
  • Walking into the Abyss Lord’s Healing Fountain while the cleansing buff is active will temporarily cause the timer to display 0 seconds left.
  • Heroes cannot be deleted using the Escape Menu flow while in a map.
  • Loot gained from Victory Chests are not respecting the iPWR range on certain maps.

See you in Etheria!

The Trendy Team
Dungeon Defenders II - [TrendyEnt] iamisom

The Unholy Catacombs Update is out now! Here's the update trailer and the patch notes:


Mission Madness Weekend Events
  • Starting this weekend, we’re having a Mission Madness event every weekend in May! Get a new Daily Mission every 8 hours during the weekends!
  • Remember: You can hold up to 3 Daily Missions at a time, so be sure to login and finish your dailies to take full advantage of these events.

  • New Map: Unholy Catacombs
    • It’s the return of Foundries and Forges from Dungeon Defenders!
    • More DD1 map remakes are on the way! We hear everybody loved Sky O’ Love...
  • New Spectral Knight Incursion
    • Available only on Nightmare I-IV.
    • Complete the incursion for a chance to receive two exclusive drops: the Squire’s Sword of Unholy Fire and the first iPWR 750 chest piece!
  • Sword of Unholy Fire (Squire)
    • Found only in the Spectral Knight Incursion. (We put this here again because we know someone, somewhere, didn’t read the bullet point above. WE’RE LOOKING AT YOU, TRAVIS.)
    • Adds a friggin’ flamethrower to the Squire’s shield block.
    • Taunts nearby enemies every few seconds.
    • Drops up to iPWR 750.
    • Scales off of Ability Power.
    • Grants +10 Charisma, which doesn’t exist in our game but you’ll swear it does when you wield this sword.
  • iPWR 750 Chest Piece
    • Found only in, you guessed it, the Spectral Knight Incursion.
    • Can roll up to iPWR 750, so not every piece will be a perfect 750.
  • Guardian of the Storm Monk Elemental Variant Costume
    • Show your support and help us keep cool new stuff comin’ by splurging 4,800 gems on the Guardian of the Storm elemental variant! Thanks to all of the dedicated Defenders who help support our development. Because of you, DD2 will continue to grow and improve!
  • Other Changes:
    • Blank Hero Cards are now available for 2,000 Defender Medals.
    • All four Hero Deck Slots are available immediately.
    • Item Enhancement Levels now gives a flat rate of 2 enhancement points per upgrade level. This is retroactive so all players will have their allocated points reset. Some items will have more points now, some will have less. Be sure to reallocate your points upon entering the game.
    • If you have an unlocked costume and you create a hero with that costume selected, the created hero will now equip that costume.
    • Lockboxes with accessories for the Abyss Lord’s default costume can now drop in-game.

Hero / Melee Gameplay Update
  • Reduced the speed of enemy melee attacks
    • Slower attacks give melee heroes slightly more time to interrupt them
    • Warboar, Orc, Javelin Thrower, and Drakkin melee attacks take 0.1 - 0.2s longer to animate
    • Revised Warboar and Orc damage values to keep DPS consistent
  • Increased the frequency of hero melee attacks causing knockback (interrupt)
    • Affects Monk and Squire, all weapon stances (Light/Medium/Heavy)
    • Should generally be slightly easier to consistently lockdown opponents in melee
  • Rebalanced Hero Damage for non-Huntress Base Heroes
    • Apprentice +25% Hero Damage Ratio
    • Monk +20% Hero Damage Ratio
    • Squire +7% Hero Damage Ratio

Bug Fixes
  • Added a potential solution for the black screen issue that happens on startup (usually after the Trendy logo appears). If you’re still getting this issue, please let us know.
  • Clicking between the Inventory and the Hero Deck tabs in the Forge will no longer cause a long delay before the UI refreshes.
  • Fixed the broke-♥♥♥ scrollbar in the Session List.
  • Removed the Abyss Stone placement spam. Removed the Abyss Stone placement spam.
  • Removed the Abyss Stone placement spam. Removed the...
  • Fixed an issue where flying enemies were getting stuck on Little-Horn Valley.
  • For some reason, Skyguards were shooting at the guards and core in Throne Room. Maybe they know something we don’t…
  • Fixed spelling and grammar issues on the Abyss Lord’s accessories.
  • Fixed spelling and grammar issues on the Squire’s accessories.
  • Fixed spelling and grammar issues on the Huntress’s accessories.
  • Forced every Trendy employee to take spelling and grammar lessons.
  • Fixed an icon issue for the Abyss Lord’s Healing Fountain.
  • Pet Boxes and Lockboxes can now be opened when accessing the Inventory through the ESC Menu. Players no longer have to access the Inventory through the Forge to open these.
    Fixed an issue where having repair/upgrade/sell defense active while looking at an enemy that died would cause their HP bar to remain.
  • Fixed an issue where if you built multiple Colossi in a map with separate Abyss Lord heroes (say you have multiple with different gear/builds) and then tried to move each with the respective builder, you could only move the first one built from the first Abyss Lord. The other units from the other Abyss Lords will not respond.
  • When players are in a party together, there is now an icon next to their name in the Session List along with a specific text color to indicate they are party members.
  • Fixed some issues with accessory rarity in the lockboxes.
  • Abyss Lord’s right click will now spin the Squire's Training Dummy right round, baby, right round like a record, baby.

Known Issues
  • Several of the tooltips for accessories in the Costume Shop have grammar errors or incorrect “unlocked from” descriptions.
  • All unlockable objects from the Carnival Lockboxes are listed as Epic tier.
  • When cleansing a Spectral Knight in the Foundries Incursion, no sound effects will play.
  • Ranged enemies (most noticeably Javelin Throwers and Lightning Bugs) sometimes like to get hung up around corners in the Foundries map.
  • Spectral Knights will not be cleansed if the player is standing still. You must run into them to cleanse them.
  • The Skull VFX on shields applied by the Unholy Fire stat will not show up the first time you block after a transition while the sword is equipped.
  • The fire VFX from the Unholy Fire stat will display incorrectly for the first second of its effect.
  • The spawn icons for air lanes on the Foundries map on Free Play Easy go away before the wave starts.
  • Walking into the Abyss Lord’s Healing Fountain while the cleansing buff is active will temporarily cause the timer to display 0 seconds left.
  • Heroes cannot be deleted using the Escape Menu flow while in a map.
  • Loot gained from Victory Chests are not respecting the iPWR range on certain maps.

See you in Etheria!

The Trendy Team
Dungeon Defenders II - iamisom
The Unholy Catacombs update comes out tomorrow! Also, every weekend in May we're going to do a Mission Madness Weekend event, starting this weekend! Get a new Daily Mission every 8 hours during the weekends!

What's In The Update?
  • The Unholy Catacombs map (our remake of DD1’s Foundries & Forges)
  • Spectral Knight Incursion
  • Unique Map Drop: Sword of Unholy Fire (Squire). Unique Legendary item that adds a flamethrower to the Squire's shield block and adds a chance to oil enemies (so you can activate the Ignite combo)! This sword can roll up to iPWR 750!
  • Unique Map Drop: iPWR 750 Chest Piece. Drops for any hero!
  • Blank Hero Cards (formerly known as “hero slots”) will be purchasable for 2,000 Defender Medals!
  • Guardian of the Storm Elemental Variant Monk Costume
We'll see you in Etheria!

The Trendy Team
Dungeon Defenders II - [TrendyEnt] iamisom
The Unholy Catacombs update comes out tomorrow! Also, every weekend in May we're going to do a Mission Madness Weekend event, starting this weekend! Get a new Daily Mission every 8 hours during the weekends!

What's In The Update?
  • The Unholy Catacombs map (our remake of DD1’s Foundries & Forges)
  • Spectral Knight Incursion
  • Unique Map Drop: Sword of Unholy Fire (Squire). Unique Legendary item that adds a flamethrower to the Squire's shield block and adds a chance to oil enemies (so you can activate the Ignite combo)! This sword can roll up to iPWR 750!
  • Unique Map Drop: iPWR 750 Chest Piece. Drops for any hero!
  • Blank Hero Cards (formerly known as “hero slots”) will be purchasable for 2,000 Defender Medals!
  • Guardian of the Storm Elemental Variant Monk Costume
We'll see you in Etheria!

The Trendy Team
Dungeon Defenders II - iamisom
The Unholy Catacombs update comes out next week!

What's In The Update?
  • The Unholy Catacombs map (our remake of DD1’s Foundries & Forges)
  • Spectral Knight Incursion
  • Unique Map Drop: Sword of Unholy Fire (Squire). Unique Legendary item that adds a flamethrower to the Squire's shield block and adds a chance to oil enemies (so you can activate the Ignite combo)! This sword can roll up to iPWR 750!
  • Unique Map Drop: iPWR 750 Chest Piece. Drops for any hero!
  • Blank Hero Cards (formerly known as “hero slots”) will be purchasable for 2,000 Defender Medals!
  • Guardian of the Storm Elemental Variant Monk Costume
We'll see you in Etheria!

The Trendy Team
Dungeon Defenders II - [TrendyEnt] iamisom
The Unholy Catacombs update comes out next week!

What's In The Update?
  • The Unholy Catacombs map (our remake of DD1’s Foundries & Forges)
  • Spectral Knight Incursion
  • Unique Map Drop: Sword of Unholy Fire (Squire). Unique Legendary item that adds a flamethrower to the Squire's shield block and adds a chance to oil enemies (so you can activate the Ignite combo)! This sword can roll up to iPWR 750!
  • Unique Map Drop: iPWR 750 Chest Piece. Drops for any hero!
  • Blank Hero Cards (formerly known as “hero slots”) will be purchasable for 2,000 Defender Medals!
  • Guardian of the Storm Elemental Variant Monk Costume
We'll see you in Etheria!

The Trendy Team