Mar 12, 2021
Prison Architect - Fifnaril

Welcome to Show and Cell, our little corner to showcase the creativity of the Prison Architect community! Here you can find some inspiration and read about the people that create fan art, gameplay videos, or building some awesome prisons!

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Show and Cell are finally back, and this time will dive into 6 Points Correctional Facility, created by mkit3. This amazing prison was inspired by aerial photographs of real-life maximum-security prisons. We had the pleasure to ask mkit3 about the creating process.

How long did it take to create 6 Points Correctional Facility?​
It took me about 96 hours of in-game time for the save game that was uploaded to the workshop. I didn’t reload from an earlier save while building this prison at all, so that’s accurate.

However, I also did some planning of the cell block layout for about 10-12 hours on an empty map; and I tried several designs until I was happy with the three-pod design for a housing unit that I ended up using for this prison. Thus 116-118 hours would be a better estimate if you also take into account pre-planning.

Finally, I did indicate in the description that this prison is the result of more than 600 hours of experience in the game, and that is absolutely correct in the sense that I learned a great deal from my previous two ~100h prisons.

What was your goal when you started this prison?​
My goals were to build the ultimate, best maximum security prison after such extensive experience in this game, as well as lots of research that I had done on real-life prisons. Best in terms of profitability, control of prisoners – 0 staff fatalities were a must, reoffending rate and inescapability in escape mode.

I also wanted to both surpass my then-best prison – NoESC SuperMax – in terms of these achievements. Finally, I wanted to give my new prison a layout that resembles the aerial perspective of real-life prisons. As in you see the shape of the buildings and walls, and it’s immediately clear that this is a penal institution!

How did you come up with the name?​
The prison is named after Five Points Correctional Facility, which is a maximum-security prison in upstate New York. Incidentally, it is the prison that David Sweat was initially transferred to after his spectacular escape from Clinton Correctional Facility with Richard Matt.

The real-life Five Points prison has five housing units, and that is simply where the name comes from. My prison has six housing units, so I simply called it “6 Points”. I used the number “6” instead of the written “six” just because that made my welcome message at the top of the screen fit.

Anything else you want to mention about the prison?​
I believe the grading stats speak for themselves: achieving a stable 1-2% reform rate with maximum security prisoners is quite extraordinary in this game. At least I haven’t seen it achieved before in a workshop prison. On top of that this prison is also practically inescapable in escape mode without the help of bugs or cheats.

Perhaps something else that is worth mentioning is what I learned, or better what building and running this prison has taught me, about dealing with problem prisoners. When I started out with this prison, I thought that you would have to put legendary, volatile or deadly prisoners in a separate supermax wing in indefinite lockdown in order to keep the peace. However, because my prison was functioning so extraordinarily well at satisfying needs - and inciting fear where needed - I was able to allow most legendary prisoners to join the general population. They didn’t actually get involved in a single incident!

There was a rather regrettable story in the prison’s early days where I had a legendary inmate and I put him in permanent solitary before my supermax wing was complete. He escaped from his solitary cell several times and was stopped by a sniper each time. As a result, his reoffending prediction went up from 32% to 97%. Eventually, he was killed by my armed guards. I felt like I failed this prisoner because I made him worse than what he arrived at, and he eventually became a problem prisoner because of the way that I had mistreated him.

Did you plan the layout of the prison before you built it?​
This is an interesting one. I did actually do some extensive preplanning for my new housing units on a separate, empty map. Like in my previous prison, NoEsc SuperMax, I used what is called a direct supervision layout. So instead of arranging cells in corridors like in a hospital, they are arranged around a central guard station so that prisoners are always in view of the guards. This helps eliminate violent incidents quickly before they can turn into riots. Prisoners also misbehave much less often when they are being watched.

What I think is really cool is that I have adapted this layout from real prison design principles, so I think it speaks for the game that a layout that works for real prisons also works really well in Prison Architect!

However, I didn’t initially plan to build the final version of the prison on the map that I started building on. I just wanted to test whether my new housing unit layout works! So what actually happened is that I started building one of those housing units just pretty randomly placed on the map just to see how well it would run, and then sort of went from there. I even forgot to turn off the automatic intake, so I was delivered with a truckload of prisoners on day 2, and I had no facilities ready to house them. I hurried to create cells for them, but of course I had no reform programs running yet. What I think is even more remarkable is that these early prisoners were the only ones among the 333 released inmates that went through my prison who actually reoffended. You can see this by looking at the history of the reoffending rate.

How long have you been playing Prison Architect?​
I first started playing the game in the summer of 2017 and I have been coming back to it on a regular basis ever since. Probably the most amount of time that I spent on the game was during the Covid-19 lockdown and around the time that Cleared for Transfer was released.

What made you start playing Prison Architect?​
Somehow I have a longstanding interest in prisons and punitive criminal justice, especially given the large cultural differences that exist between the USA and European countries, When I first read about sentences of 20+ years for robbery, mass incarceration and prison gangs in the US, I could hardly believe the stark differences to the relatively tame prisons in Europe. I think on an emotional level, I was most affected by the article about Kalief Browder in the New Yorker that I read in 2014.

What I think is really interesting about prison architect is that the game can really help you understand how such comparatively inhumane treatment of prisoners can become normalised: If you play the game, there’s a natural impulse to harshly punish prisoners who misbehave, but they are more likely to misbehave the worse you are at meeting their basic needs. Then you start punishing your prisoners harsher, and they misbehave more. It is a vicious cycle, and in the end, you end up putting some of them in indefinite solitary confinement, which is exactly what has been happening in the US.

Any tips for someone new to the game on how to get better at planning and building their prison?
First of all, I think the most important part of any game is to have fun and not overthink things too much. I personally do enjoy theorising and pre-planning to a considerable extent but have only started doing so after I got a good handle on the mechanics and general feel of the game.
  • I am quite opinionated about this, but I believe that there is no point in ever taking in minimum-security prisoners because their sentences are too short in order to achieve meaningful reductions in reoffending rates.
  • Medium security prisoners don’t pay enough to justify single cells, as floor space is very expensive to build in this game and manning a larger prison also requires more staff.
  • The only way to truly achieve high income is through a workshop; number plates are good, but carpentry with forestry is a gold mine. Training takes time, and that’s where maximum security prisoners truly shine: they have long sentences! I make sure that there are enough jobs for 60-70% of prisoners, plus programs.
  • Another really good way to both earn money and boost reoffending rates is to offer enough parole sessions for everybody; it means that well-behaving prisoners are cycled through quicker and poorly behaving ones stay longer, so they also get to do more programs (hopefully) that eventually reform them.
  • Insane prisoners pay quite handsomely now, but they won’t work and you can’t get them paroled early, so I tend to not include them in my prisons at the moment.
  • I don’t see any point in ever building singles cells larger than 2x3 or even luxury single cells for higher cell grading. For dormitories, this matter is very different and upgrading a medium-security dorm to a higher grading than a maximum-security single cell can be an important part of encouraging better behaviour.

Do you want to try this prison? Then you can get it here!​
6 Points Correctional Facility

Thank you for this time, and see you for the next Show and Cell!
The Prison Architect Team
Prison Architect - Fifnaril

Busting out of the prison has never been so fun!

Together with Team 17, we present you "The Prison Bundle"! Double the fun with Prison Architect x The Escapists 2 Daily Deal and get up to 75% OFF on Base Games + 10% OFF on the bundle.

Offer ends March 10 at 19:00 CET

Don't miss your chance to get other Prison Architect editions at a great price:
Prison Architect: Psych Ward 40% OFF
Prison Architect: Island Bound 50% OFF
Prison Architect - Fifnaril


We just received a letter from the CEO telling us that it would be good to start using green energy to save both money and the environment!

How do we build a prison running on green power? Luckily the CEO also sent us a beginners guide on how to set up solar panels!

Step 1:
First, we need to place the solar panels in a good location. To unlock the next green power sources (Turbines), you will need to place three solar panels. Additionally, to unlock hybrid energy, you will need to place three turbines.

Step 2:
After the solar panels are placed, we need a transformer to convert the solar power to energy!

You can also rotate the transformer by pressing R, you will see arrow indicators change and indicate which way the power will flow.

Step 3:
We connect each row of the solar panel to their separate transformer. Now we have power to different sections of the prisons and further on we can start exporting energy. If you are looking to get out even more power, you can connect all the rows of solar panels to a single transformer to boost the output.

Step 4:
When we finally get some green power, we can connect the transformer's power lines to the area that needs electricity! You can find how much units of power that is produced and required on the tooltip by hovering over the transformer.

Step 5:
To store the energy, we need to get some batteries, so we still have power when the night comes! Each battery is charging slowly, but sooner than you know you will have a lot of energy stored!

Step 6:
It's time to add a Power Export Meter to one of the transformers to start exporting some electricity and making some money! Power will only be exported at the end of the day, and as such the power export value will only appear within the finance menu on the day after the export.

That's all! Great work, wardens! It's time to continue building and waiting for the next letter from the CEO with new instructions!
Prison Architect - Fifnaril

The Going Green bug fix update is now live! If you want to take a closer look at all the changes and improvements that came with the patch, you can find the complete changelog in our previous post!
Prison Architect - Fifnaril

Later today, we will be releasing a new patch with many new fixes and improvements. We really appreciate all your reports and help in locating them. You can find the full changelog below.

Bug fixes and improvements
  • Fixed: Orderlies turn Large Prison Doors as they go through them.
  • Fixed: Damaged items will reset their rotation.
  • Fixed: The staff can endlessly transport Laundry Baskets between the Laundry and Reception rooms.
  • Fixed: Prisoners standing on the spot during a "Free Time" regime slot.
  • Fixed: Reform rating for individual prisoners is always displayed at 200%.
  • Fixed: Clone Tool charges the player twice on the cost of objects in the cloned room.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from placing additional capacitors in the "Death Row" mission.
  • Fixed an issue that made it possible to place objects like the Sink & Mirror without a wall.
  • Repairing damaged Transformers is faster now.
  • Improved the behavior for using "All Switch On" and "All Switch Off" options for green energy objects.
  • Fixed false "No Route" errors being displayed while any building UI is open
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to install prison staff via the "Connect" menu.
  • Fixed: Moving storage shelves with ingredients to the edges of a room causes the ingredients position to end up in between walls.
  • The staff alert "The prison is running out of money" has the correct staff sprite now
  • Fixed: Game crashes after assigning any type of Guard to a deep water area in the middle of the lake.
  • Fixed: Some objects are not in crates when stored on the Storage Shelf.
  • Fixed: Every time the Intelligence menu is opened, the Produced Narcotics Demand bar is raised from 0 to accurate level.
  • Fixed: Moving a water valve that's turned off retains function on original tile
  • Fixed: Recent misconduct text string overlapping with other text strings in prisoner experience tab
  • Fixed: Trees can be planted next to a wall or on the wall when using the Grove Quick Build room.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to sell crops seeds from Farmer's hands during the "Plant Crop" action.
  • Fixed: Prisoners will not plant flowers if seeds are located in different Sheds
  • Improved the interaction of moving Sheds.
  • Fixed some issues with the sprites of Windows
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when cloning any room from DLCs without them being enabled.
  • Fixed: Pipes cannot be placed under the Practice Solar Panel.
  • Fixed: Some types of walls do not have padding on the inside walls of Padded Cells.
  • Fixed: Family cells are defined as insecure after a cell room is drawn.
  • Fixed: Family cells can be linked to the Canteen.
  • Fixed: Constructing Quick Rooms on top of already built structures results in texture flickering
  • Fixed: Auto Harvester & Auto Scythe can be used to harvest trees is Fruit Orchard.
  • Fixed: Wall lights can be placed inside a wall.
  • Fixed: Tooltip flickers on "Reports" window if the fps of the game is higher than the screen refresh rate.
  • Fixed: Crop won't be planted again if there was a garbage bag in the same square.
  • Fixed: Extra cost charged when cancelled a clone room.
  • Fixed: Some cloned room price not showing correctly.
  • Fixed: Can't construct objects in Quick Rooms while they are still under construction
  • Fixed: Cloning Farming Field and placing it on walls causes the crops to be planted on the walls.
  • Fixed: Time of Prisoner Intake can go to negative value if prison has Riot Underway.
  • The button to close the window is now displayed in the Ingredients menu.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented blackouts from occurring after players connected two power sources
  • Fixed a false staff alert about the prison's capacity on the Green Power Plant map
  • Moving electrical appliances will no longer delete existing cables of other appliances next to them.
  • Fixed: Some objects are not in crates when stored on Storage Shelf
  • Fixed an issue that caused any form of zoning or dragged construction (e.g. water pipes or patrol routes) to get canceled when the construction of a Quick Build room was completed at the same time.
  • Fixed false "No Route" errors being displayed while any building UI is open.
  • Fixed: Recent misconduct text string overlapping with other text strings in prisoner experience tab.
  • Fixed an issue where farming rooms would not be flagged as insecure when they should have been.
Island Bound
  • Fixed: Tired staff gets stuck on Ferry piers
  • Fixed visual artifacts that occured when the Inmate Ferry was moving downwards
  • Fixed issues with civilians not arriving at the prison via helicopters
  • Made improvements to the task progress on the client's "To do" list.
  • Improved the synchronicity of host and client.
  • Fixed: Sound after connecting Power Export Meter to Transformer is heard all the time in Client's game.
Prison Architect - Fifnaril

We have just released an update with fixes and improvements that we mentioned last week! We appreciate all the feedback we are receiving, and we are still looking into solving more of the issues, and we plan to have another update coming with more fixes and improvements soon!

Thank you for your support!
Prison Architect - Fifnaril

We're planning to release an update with fixes to most of the issues found after the Going Green DLC release, incorporating the feedback from many of you. Thank you all for your patience with the bugs reported.

This update is expected to be released by Tuesday next week.

List of what to expect in the upcoming bug fix update:

Staff Alerts
  • Fixed Staff alerts: pop-up are closed/not spawned when research, graphs or grading screens are up.
  • Fixed Staff alerts: now displaying Psychologist instead of the Psychiatrist.
  • Staff alert pop-ups no longer show in the main menu.
  • Pop-ups now show for all Staff alerts, not just the new going green ones.
  • Holding cell staff alert that factors in the overflow of prisoners, now takes into account prisoners in dormitories.

Going Green
  • Serving Table inconsistency: small serving table can now be placed outside.
  • Fixed Green Power generator: it doesn't connect to the transformer if being moved one tile.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Green Energy Goals to show a progress counter despite players having completed the task.
  • Fix Green Power Sources generating power when not connected to Transformer.
  • Trees can no longer be planted next to a wall or on the wall when using Grove from Quick Build.
  • Continuous fertilizer will no longer do repeat orders when it's already fertilized a plant.
  • Indoor Tree Planter cannot be moved when a tree is planted.
  • Prisoners will no longer only plant flowers when it is a High Priority task.
  • No more industrial sounds when packing fruits to boxes.
  • Sounds from working on crop fields can no longer be heard from any part of the map.
    • Contraband that is specific for Going Green Produced narcotics and booze will only be shown if the player owns the DLC.
  • Fixed wrong Staff icons used in Jobs tab.
  • Prisoner icon now used when tending flowers by prisoners;
  • Farmer icon used when moving harvested ingredients inside farm room.

Escape Mode
  • Escape mode punishment timers now show a countdown.
  • Fixed issue where escaping or being released via helicopter was not registering.
  • Fixed helicopter export.
  • After escaping from prison, killed Farmers no longer appear as Electrical Cable on score board.
  • Player can now be assigned to dormitories in Escape mode.

Other fixes
  • Minor localization fixes.
  • Fixed issue with borderless windows displaying incorrectly on the monitor.
  • Fixed crash when loading a savegame from the “Bootstraps” mission.
  • Selling flooring cannot be cancelled anymore, and will happen instantly to be more aligned with other forms of selling.
  • Building plans with the Planning tool now deducts money instead of adding it.
  • The Valuation tab is now visible from the Reports UI without any DLC turned on.
  • Added counting of Recycle Bin to Staff Alert about lack of Bins.
  • Crisis toolbar no longer flickers in the top left corner for a frame before moving to its appropriate and correct position.
  • Players are no longer able to build Outdoor Objects in Quick Build Indoor rooms
  • Added storage shelf and scanner as suggested items to storage room.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from placing objects like Paintings or Sinks on t-shaped wall intersections.
  • Fridges and tall fridges in storage rooms can now only store food.
  • Prioritize Area (Farmer) button is no longer visible in the base game without any DLC turned on.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from expanding the land when starting a game with the “Land expansion” option enabled.
  • Cooks will now prepare all required meals before an “Eat” regime slot instead of only half.

Known Issues
  • Damaged items will reset their rotation. This can lead to them no longer working as intended, e.g. if the affected item is a door that separates security sectors
    • As a workaround, players can select the “move” option to correct the item placement after the repair.
  • Large Prison Doors will change their rotation if Orderlies are walking through them
    • We recommend using small Jail Doors only if players are playing with the Psych Ward expansion and when having Orderlies in the prison.
  • The staff can endlessly transport Laundry Baskets between the Laundry and Reception rooms.
    If players are using Quick Rooms that require parts of the prison to be demolished, the game will prevent them from building utilities in that area until the construction of the Quick Room has been completed.
  • It is not possible to build objects or walls in Quick Rooms while they are under construction.
  • Clone Tool charges the player twice on the cost of objects in the cloned room.
  • There are issues with starting Escape Mode on the Green Power Plant map that can cause players to spawn in the top left corner of the map.
  • Staff Alert "The prison is not efficiently disposing of waste" does not disappear when placing Recycling Bins.
  • Sink and Mirror objects can be placed anywhere even without a wall.
  • Repairing a damaged Transformer takes a lot of time and it's texture is not changing immediately after being fixed.
  • There are some issues with syncing task progress in multiplayer that we are planning to fix for the next patch.
  • Dragged construction (e.g. water pipes) can get canceled when the construction of a quick room is completed.
  • The game can falsely displays “No Route” errors while any construction menu is opened
  • The Contraband staff alert does not disappear automatically.
  • The “Death Row” story mission cannot be completed if players move the Power Station of the prison.
  • Game crashes after assigning any type of Guard to a deep water area in the middle of the lake.
  • Electrical appliances are deleting existing electrical cables when moved & placed beside them
  • Timer of Prisoner Intake can go to a negative value if the prison has a Riot underway
We appreciate all the feedback, and we are still looking into solving more issues that you all have been reporting, and we plan to have another update coming with more fixes and improvements!

Thank you for your support!

Feb 11, 2021
Prison Architect - Fifnaril

🏮Happy Lunar New Year!🏮
New festive decorations have appeared in the game — launch Prison Architect and check them out!

Get ready for the Lunar New Year celebration! Set off fireworks with four new decorative items to celebrate the Spring Festival!

🐃 Ox Statue
🧧 Traditional New Year couplet
🐲 Red Dragon Banner
🏮 Paper Lanterns

The Steam Lunar New Year Sale kicks off with a bang!
Prison Architect: Base Game 75% OFF
Prison Architect: Island Bound 40% OFF
Psych Ward: Warden's Edition 35% OFF
Prison Architect - Fifnaril
Want to know how to reduce your Prison's carbon footprint? CharliePryor is here to help!

Learn more about farming and renewable energy from his Going Green DLC review!
Prison Architect - Fifnaril
Hey, Wardens!
The Glasshouse free update and Going Green DLC are now available! 🎉
Check out the patch notes and learn all the details!

Join us today at 4 pm CET / 10 am EST on Twitch to watch Madde and an advocate for prison reform, motivational speaker, ex-convict, and YouTuber, Larry Lawton take on the new DLC!
