Heroes & Generals - Reto.Hades

Welcome to the Community Creators blog! Every week we will scroll through YouTube, our Discord media page and our Community Hub on Steam to find your best creations!

Unfortunately we had to dealy this blogpost due to the new build, Pentecost and a lot of other blogposts. But now it's finally here! Community creations number 34!

Content Creator Program
Last year we have launched our brand new Content Creator Program. With this program we hope to show Heroes & Generals to the world with the help of our Creators. While at the same time help them to grow their channels and attract bigger audiences. Every week we start off the Community Creations blog by showing some of their footage. Do you think you have what it takes to join the content creator program? Take a look at the requirements and sign up!

Content Creators of the week!
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? NO! It's a BOMB! Evade Eva... Tricksho[T] is showing off his pilot skills in the epic video below! Be sure to check out this and his other videos!

Do you prefer to watch footage live? polski_ziomek may be up to your liking, be sure to check him out!

The impossible battle!
Soviet forces moving up, no support, no help. But that did not stop these brave American soldiers, giving their lives to slow down the enemy forces! Thank you Whisherz for sharing this image on our discord server.

They are coming!
After the push through the mountains, the Soviets have arrived at the town occupied by German troops. Will Claus and his fellow men be able to stop them? Thank you Infestica for sharing this image on discord.

Through fire and flames
Last up we have an epic image from Muqq on steam. I'm not entirely sure what is going on in this image, but it looks hot as hell!

Paratroopers a 1944 movie!
Staying with FeedDunk has done a lot of work in creating an epic 1944 story!

Don't forget to show some love to the creators of the videos, screenshots and artwork!
Do you want to be featured in the next instalment? Simply upload your screenshots or artwork to steam or join our discord and share your creations there.

Are you a twitch streamer? Make sure your viewers create some clips of your most epic moments!
Lastly, if you are a youtuber, don't forget to tag your videos with 'Heroes and Generals' as this is the tag we search on to find your videos! (only videos below 10 minutes have the chance to be featured).

See you next week!
Heroes & Generals - Reto.Umbra

Update 1.22.2 – Vehicle Rebalance brings significant improvements to vehicles, new vehicle paint jobs, reworked rocks for hills and forests, new shooting positions for co-gunners taking cover and much more!
Vehicle Rebalance
Based on community feedback we have worked on the vehicle balance, mainly tanks.

We have given each tank their advantages and disadvantages by making lower tier tanks more interesting to use. Lower tier tanks now tend to be stronger against infantry, while higher tier tanks tend to be better against other tanks.

Increased Firepower
Furthermore we have massively increased the damage of AP shells, they now do more armor damage than APCR shells, however without the penetration advantage that APCR shells bring.

In order to make tank combat more fun for everyone, we have increased the damage output in/for tank versus tank combat.
Decreased Armor Damage
Thick armor stays thick just a little bit longer! Your armor now takes longer to break down.

Increased Speed
To take on the tanks with the most armor, flanking is key and for flanking, speed is key! We have tweaked the speed of many tanks and most of them received a speed boost (especially off-road).

Other tweaks
We have also tweaked the HE-shells, cone-fire, tank models, turret turning speeds and many other aspects of our tanks!

But wait! There’s more!
All the improvements we want to make could not make it to this update. ore changes will follow to improve the tank gameplay even further and we are always looking to your feedback to improve!

A big thanks to everyone who made suggestions and who helped test the changes on our prototype server!

New Vehicle Paint Jobs
In order for all tanks to have the same amount of paint jobs we have added quite a few!

Single-Color Paint Jobs
(Here's a few images showcasing some of them, click to make large!)

  • M10
  • M36
  • M4A3E8
  • M20 recon car

Multi-color Paint Jobs
(Here's a few images showcasing some of them, click to make large!)

  • M36
  • M20

Shooting While Taking Cover
In order to address being too exposed as co-gunner in tanks and terrain vehicles you are now able to shoot away while taking cover!

Anti-Air Vehicles
We have moved Anti-Air guns to terrain vehicle category to prevent conflict with APCs. Additionally we raised the minimum depression angle but increased the deploy time.

Updated Rocks on Mountain Terrain

We have taken a look at the rocks on hard to reach places, hills and forests.
Bigger rocks can now be used as cover and are more visible than the stealthy small rocks tankers used to get stuck on!



Heroes & Generals - Reto.Hades
The prototype test is now open! You can download the prototype server through https://prototype.heroesandgenerals.com/

This test was all about vehicle balancing, specifically about tank balance. Seeing the rebalancing proved such a massive undertaking, we have split it into two parts. In this part we are mostly focussing on the basic mechanics, in the next part we will fine-tune it more and give certain tanks more individuality. The second part does not have a release date just yet, but should follow in a few months. Further in the future we will also address planes as well as anti-tank weapons.

Due to the fact we are already quite close to release, we will have 2 test rounds, the first one will be from today till Friday. The second one will be over the weekend. On Friday we will make some tweaks based on your feedback and based on the feedback over the weekend we will make some more changes for release. We are limited to what we can change due to limited time, but everything we cannot fix right away will be taken into account in the second tank balancing update.

The main goals of the changes have been:
- Give lower tier tanks in the same category a better function, so all tanks have their strengths and weaknesses
- Increase overall damage, to speed up tank versus tank combat
- Increase the value of armor thickness, to make it more difficult for lighter cannons to penetrate thick armor
- Increase the chance of shells bouncing off of armor (partially done)
- Massively reduce the damage HE-shells do, and increase the explosion radius based on the cannon size
- A ton of other tweaks related to tank speeds, turret speeds etc.

Below you will find the changelog, please note that we cannot specify every change made as that list would simply be too long. But we will try to provide some more details


General tank changes:
- All APCR shells have received an increased damage of 7,5% or more
- All AP shells now do 20% more damage than APCR shells
- Both AP shells and APCR shells have received higher min. damage and lower max. damage so damage is more predictable
- Max penetration from AP shells has been decreased
- Min penetration of most APCR shells has been increased, most max penetration have been increased. On average penetration values should be around the same (but less random)
- AP shells do more damage than APCR, APCR has better penetration than AP

Changes regarding HE-shells:
Formerly all tanks had a 7,5 meter radius, light tanks with 330 damage, other tanks 700+ damage
- Light tanks now do 220 damage, with 6 meter radius
- PZII L & C now do 300 damage with 3 meter radius
- T1 medium tanks now do 250 damage with 9 meter radius
- Chaffee, Lee & T2 medium tanks now do 200 damage with 9 meter radius
- T3 medium tanks now do 175 damage with 9 meter radius
- Tank destroyers vary, based on medium/heavy tank cannon
- Su-76 now does 250 damage with 9 meter radius
- Tier 1 heavy tanks do 175 damage with 9 meter radius
- Tier 2 heavy tanks do 195 damage with 12 meter radius (IS-2 210 damage)

Speed adjustments:
- Road speed increased: Tiger I, SU-76
- Road speed decreased: M2A2, Tiger II
- Offroad speed increased: (L) T-38, PZIIC, T26, PZ38, M24, T70, (M) PZIII, T-28, T34/76, PZIV, T-34/85, (H) Tiger I, KV-85, M26 (TD) Hetzer, SU-76, STUG
- Off-road speed decreased: (L) M5A1, (H) IS-2 (TD) M10
- Reverse speed increased: (L) T-26, BT-7, M24, PZIIL (M) M3, PZIII, M4A1, M4A3E8, Panther, (H) M36, Jagdpanther
- Reverse speed decreased: (M) T34/76, T34/85 (H) Jumbo, SU-85, SU-100

- Light tanks from 0.06 to 0.25 or 0.3
- Medium tanks from 0.06 to 0.2 or 0.25
- Heavy tanks from 0.06 to 0.2 or 0.15
- Tank destroyers from 0.06 to 0.1 or 0.15

ArmorHullHP (armor degration health *1000):
- Light Tanks: 3 -> 10
- Medium Tanks: 5 -> 15
- Heavy: 7 - 20
- SU-76, Hetzer, M18: 3 -> 8
- M10, M36: 5 -> 12
- Stug III, SU-85: 5-> 15
- M36B1, JagdPanther, SU-100: 5-15
- General: 1.5 -> 3
- T8: 5 -> 8
- BA-11: 2 -> 4
- Half-Track: 1.5 -> 3
Armorpenetration angles:
- Decreased armorcorrection across the board
- (further changes planned for round 2)

Hitbox changes:
- M26 Fuel tank size reduced.
- Tiger I barrel diameter reduced.
- Panzer II L ammo split up into two components.
- T-70 Fuel tank size reduced.
- Panther ammunition hitboxes reclassified: Medium->Small, Large->Medium.

- PzIV H: 0.747475 -> 1
- M24 Chaffee deploypoolcost reduced from 800 to 700
- Halftrack and recon vehicle hitpoints increased from 750 to 900.
- Turret rotation speed tweaked.
- Self Propelled AA gun depression limited to 10º
- Added armor damage decrease over distance for shots (default set to 50% at max penetration range. 10% for AT rifles. 100% for HEAT rockets)

- Some other changes related to the new build may also be present, but are not ‘important’ for this test.

We will mostly look at our discord server for feedback, so if you want to make sure your feedback gets heard, join our discord at: https://discord.com/invite/heroesandgenerals
Heroes & Generals - Reto.Umbra

Heroes & Generals WWII now in Japanese

The Japanese localization of Heroes & Generals WWII is now LIVE!

Our community keeps growing all over the world and we would like to thank all our Japanese players who now have the ability to play the ultimate WWII experience in Japanese!

Team up with other Japanese-speaking Heroes & Generals WWII gamers around the world and recruit your family and friends into your squad!


May 18, 2021
Heroes & Generals - Reto.Umbra

It is time to gear up and expand your arsenal with Ingame Bundles, Limited time only!
30% OFF Ingame Bundles with Gold


* Sale ends Tuesday, May 25th 2021 @ 10AM CEST
Heroes & Generals - Reto.Hades

Welcome to the Community Creators blog! Every week we will scroll through YouTube, our Discord media page and our Community Hub on Steam to find your best creations!
Content Creator Program

Last year we have launched our brand new Content Creator Program. With this program we hope to show Heroes & Generals to the world with the help of our Creators. While at the same time help them to grow their channels and attract bigger audiences. Every week we start off the Community Creations blog by showing some of their footage. Do you think you have what it takes to join the content creator program? Take a look at the requirements and sign up!

Content Creators of the week!
Canal do Neo is our Portuguese streamer and is ready for some action! Check out hit latest video below.

Do you prefer to watch footage live? wolfbane may be up to your liking, be sure to check him out!

Night raid!
With the sun and moon back in the skies, back on discord we held an event to create a screenshot of the sun or the moon. Montebaldo won the challenge (and with that a special helmet skin!) with this epic image. Of course it is slightly edited, but the result is amazing.

Speaking off the challenge, we have a new challenge every week! Be sure to check out our discord and participate in the current challenge!

Into the light!
The second winner, CorvoAttano, also shared an awesome image for the challenge. A friendly soldier happens to be exactly in front of the sun when this screenshot was made. That is some timing!

United States Infantry
The last image comes from discord user Ohora, which looks pretty darn cool. I don't know exactly how he made it, but the result is amazing.

The German faction!
Staying with Oroha he has also create a pretty darn epic video with some amazing effects! Be sure to check his video out and subscribe to his channel!

Don't forget to show some love to the creators of the videos, screenshots and artwork!
Do you want to be featured in the next instalment? Simply upload your screenshots or artwork to steam or join our discord and share your creations there.

Are you a twitch streamer? Make sure your viewers create some clips of your most epic moments!
Lastly, if you are a youtuber, don't forget to tag your videos with 'Heroes and Generals' as this is the tag we search on to find your videos! (only videos below 10 minutes have the chance to be featured).

See you next week!
Heroes & Generals - Reto.Umbra

Event Concluded. Post Updated 17/05 4:00PM
Thank you to everyone who participated. You fought hard and you fought bravely!

All winners have now received their reward!


We need you on the frontlines to fill whatever role is needed!
Join ‘Quick Battle – Any Soldier, Any Faction’ and fight to win!

Choose your own pace and reach the reward tier you want!

Fight battles using the ‘Quick Battle – Any Soldier, Any Faction’ and stay for the whole duration of the battle.

Depending on how many battles you have completed, the following rewards are given out.
All rewards will be given out after the event has been concluded.

15 Battles Completed
  • 15.000 Credits
30 Battles Completed
  • 30.000 Credits
  • 15.000 Warfunds
  • 1x Tactical Ribbon Booster
  • 1x Physical Training Ribbon Booster
50 Battles Completed
  • 1 Day Veteran Membership
  • 50.000 Credits
  • 30.000 Warfunds
  • 2x Tactical Ribbon Boosters
  • 2x Physical Training Ribbon Boosters


* Event runs from 10th May. to 17th May. 10AM CEST
** A battle will only be counted if you stay until the end and have at least 1 kill

Heroes & Generals - Reto.Umbra

We’d like to apologize for the increased maintenance downtime last week. Additionally the recent update introduced a login issue for some of you. We have since then applied a fix and everything should be up to speed now.

We’d like to compensate with a 3 Days of Veteran Membership voucher for everyone.

Voucher Code:

Thank you for your patience,

* Voucher code is redeemable ingame until 10/05/2021 @ 10AM CEST

  1. Start the game
  2. Log in
  3. Click the Menu button (looks like a cogwheel) in the top right corner
  4. Click on the “Redeem Voucher” button
  5. Paste or type in the voucher code and click “OK”

Heroes & Generals - Reto.Umbra

Your weapons look like they are in poor condition, take care of your guns in the next 24 hours and save yourself some of your hard earned cash!
30% OFF Weapon Repair with Credits and Gold in the next 24 hours!


* Sale ends 6th May 2021 @ 10:00am CEST
Heroes & Generals - Reto.Hades

Welcome to the Community Creators blog! Every week we will scroll through YouTube, our Discord media page and our Community Hub on Steam to find your best creations!

Content Creator Program
Last year we have launched our brand new Content Creator Program. With this program we hope to show Heroes & Generals to the world with the help of our Creators. While at the same time help them to grow their channels and attract bigger audiences. Every week we start off the Community Creations blog by showing some of their footage. Do you think you have what it takes to join the content creator program? Take a look at the requirements and sign up!

Content Creators of the week!
gryfciu is a Polish youtuber who uploads videos on weekly basis. Check out how he holds a city for the United States in this epic video below!

Not even officially added to the content creator group yet, majorwhitegaming will be the newest addition to the content creator team. Be sure to check out his streams!

A pack of Jumbo's!!
Discord user Geddy is up showing off a pack of Jumbo tanks! You do not want to be on the receiving end of these beasts!

Catching a bullet!
Speaking off being on the receiving end, Sandlycut is taking fire! It looks like this Soviet opponent does not want his picture to be taken.

Fake news!
I am a bit scared to share this last image, as it is very much a joke! We are not planning on such a thing at all. It gave me a laugh though and that is why I want to share it either way. Thank you Vaticano for sharing this image on discord!


Memes & Chaos!
DzoserisD has been playing with his friends and captured some nice footage. Of course he did not just share the raw footage on his channel, check out some nice memes and a lot of chaotic moments!

Don't forget to show some love to the creators of the videos, screenshots and artwork!
Do you want to be featured in the next instalment? Simply upload your screenshots or artwork to steam or join our discord and share your creations there.

Are you a twitch streamer? Make sure your viewers create some clips of your most epic moments!
Lastly, if you are a youtuber, don't forget to tag your videos with 'Heroes and Generals' as this is the tag we search on to find your videos! (only videos below 10 minutes have the chance to be featured).

See you next week!