Blade Symphony - fug4life
Blade Symphony - fug4life
Blade Symphony - fug4life

Two teams will battle it out in the Community PUSH Event
Starts at 2pm Central US 27/04/14

Event info below:

NOTE: If you have signed up to participate in the event you should make sure you have the latest version of the map well in advance of the event (see link above) as there is an issue with downloading custom maps from servers currently, install the map into you bladesymphony\berimbau\maps folder.
Blade Symphony - fug4life

Two teams will battle it out in the Community PUSH Event
Starts at 2pm Central US 27/04/14

Event info below:

NOTE: If you have signed up to participate in the event you should make sure you have the latest version of the map well in advance of the event (see link above) as there is an issue with downloading custom maps from servers currently, install the map into you bladesymphony\berimbau\maps folder.
Blade Symphony - Flux
Ludum Dare Game jam is happening!

Also Puny Human Dev Hangout:

Watch on Youtube

Or Twitch (way better)

Follow us on twitter!
Blade Symphony - Flux
Ludum Dare Game jam is happening!

Also Puny Human Dev Hangout:

Watch on Youtube

Or Twitch (way better)

Follow us on twitter!
Blade Symphony - Flux
Seriously guys? You put us through HELL. How the heck are we supposed to decide who the winner of the Screenshot contest is when there is just so many amazing submissions?

After the four sleepless nights of deliberation we've exited our jury chamber, holding laminated prints and all, smelling like week old tacos, and stepped into the sunlight with our decision.

Was it a just decision? No, it was the only possible outcome. It seemed so simple now.

Everyone who contributed to the screenshot contest gets a screenshot contest cape!

Here are a random smattering of ones we really liked, just so you can feel even more special. You jerks.

My vain attempt at turning Steam Announcement page into tumblr is almost working, so yeah, follow, or like, or upvote, or god forbid, G PLUS this post to your friends or whatever it is that you do on the interblogs. You can check out the rest of the images here: sorted from most popular kids to least popular kids.
Blade Symphony - Flux
Seriously guys? You put us through HELL. How the heck are we supposed to decide who the winner of the Screenshot contest is when there is just so many amazing submissions?

After the four sleepless nights of deliberation we've exited our jury chamber, holding laminated prints and all, smelling like week old tacos, and stepped into the sunlight with our decision.

Was it a just decision? No, it was the only possible outcome. It seemed so simple now.

Everyone who contributed to the screenshot contest gets a screenshot contest cape!

Here are a random smattering of ones we really liked, just so you can feel even more special. You jerks.

My vain attempt at turning Steam Announcement page into tumblr is almost working, so yeah, follow, or like, or upvote, or god forbid, G PLUS this post to your friends or whatever it is that you do on the interblogs. You can check out the rest of the images here: sorted from most popular kids to least popular kids.
Apr 23, 2014
Blade Symphony - Flux

Phalanx's new Air Forward attack

We've got a patch for you waiting on Steam. Lots of game balance and other changes requested by the community made it into this version, so thank you for helping make the game better!

Game Balance
  • Increased grab damage from 20 to 25 to make up for the buffed wakeup time from last patch
  • Reduced shuffle cancel time from 0.3 to 0.22 to prevent "shuffle jump" exploit
  • Made jumping velocity take a penalty during hit-stun so jumping isn't as good of a way to get out of bad situations (currently velocity is halved)
  • Recovery attack now given extra warmup frames to prevent insta-punishing T3 knockdowns
  • Reduced air hitstun animation movement duration from 0.2s to 0.1s so that gravity takes over even sooner, making opponents land earlier when 'juggled'
  • New Balanced Right T3
  • Increased tracers for B3T1
  • Swapped B1T2 with B1T3
  • Fast Left T1 damage reduced from 17 to 12
  • Fast Right T1 damage reduced from 24 to 18, T2 damage from 27 to 24, and T3 damage from 29 to 26
  • New voice-over work for several Balanced and Heavy moves
  • Re-timed the SFX for her new attacks
  • New ledge grab animation

Pure's new Balanced Right Tier 3

  • Replaced Air 1 with a new attack animation
  • Updated throwing star animation
  • Added sfx to throw star animation

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed several bugs and exploits related to string counter (resetting strings via canceling, etc)
  • Fixed a prediction error that happens when side canceling into another stance
  • Fixed a bug where foil was not able to deal damage for the first 10 seconds of a map
  • Fixed potential heap corruption issues in server
  • Fixed some potential crashes
  • Fixed disconnect confirmation not closing itself when game starts with +map in launch properties
  • Fixed highgpu override being ignored when sm3 was not detected
  • Rebuilt game engine libraries with fixes to Source Engine
  • Added binding translations for controller
  • Added workshop item editing
  • Fixed some issues when reloading / editing shared resources between multiple items by completely ignoring all mounted VPKs in edit mode
  • Added workshop file overview panel
  • Added a bb_lookat_enabled to enable or disable head turning for screenshots
  • Added bb_cam_thirdperson_x_offset and bb_cam_thirdperson_y_offset to offset the camera for taking screenshots
  • Made some animations not turn their heads (eg rolls)
  • Added text coloring to sword details menu
  • Added some workshop localization for client-side mods
  • Changed default sit binding to T
  • Secret items
Apr 23, 2014
Blade Symphony - Flux

Phalanx's new Air Forward attack

We've got a patch for you waiting on Steam. Lots of game balance and other changes requested by the community made it into this version, so thank you for helping make the game better!

Game Balance
  • Increased grab damage from 20 to 25 to make up for the buffed wakeup time from last patch
  • Reduced shuffle cancel time from 0.3 to 0.22 to prevent "shuffle jump" exploit
  • Made jumping velocity take a penalty during hit-stun so jumping isn't as good of a way to get out of bad situations (currently velocity is halved)
  • Recovery attack now given extra warmup frames to prevent insta-punishing T3 knockdowns
  • Reduced air hitstun animation movement duration from 0.2s to 0.1s so that gravity takes over even sooner, making opponents land earlier when 'juggled'
  • New Balanced Right T3
  • Increased tracers for B3T1
  • Swapped B1T2 with B1T3
  • Fast Left T1 damage reduced from 17 to 12
  • Fast Right T1 damage reduced from 24 to 18, T2 damage from 27 to 24, and T3 damage from 29 to 26
  • New voice-over work for several Balanced and Heavy moves
  • Re-timed the SFX for her new attacks
  • New ledge grab animation

Pure's new Balanced Right Tier 3

  • Replaced Air 1 with a new attack animation
  • Updated throwing star animation
  • Added sfx to throw star animation

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed several bugs and exploits related to string counter (resetting strings via canceling, etc)
  • Fixed a prediction error that happens when side canceling into another stance
  • Fixed a bug where foil was not able to deal damage for the first 10 seconds of a map
  • Fixed potential heap corruption issues in server
  • Fixed some potential crashes
  • Fixed disconnect confirmation not closing itself when game starts with +map in launch properties
  • Fixed highgpu override being ignored when sm3 was not detected
  • Rebuilt game engine libraries with fixes to Source Engine
  • Added binding translations for controller
  • Added workshop item editing
  • Fixed some issues when reloading / editing shared resources between multiple items by completely ignoring all mounted VPKs in edit mode
  • Added workshop file overview panel
  • Added a bb_lookat_enabled to enable or disable head turning for screenshots
  • Added bb_cam_thirdperson_x_offset and bb_cam_thirdperson_y_offset to offset the camera for taking screenshots
  • Made some animations not turn their heads (eg rolls)
  • Added text coloring to sword details menu
  • Added some workshop localization for client-side mods
  • Changed default sit binding to T
  • Secret items