Dec 28, 2023
DCS World Steam Edition - bignewy
DCS World
  • AI aircraft. Fire and smoke adjustments for AI planes: F-5E, F-86F, L-39, MiG-15bis, A-10A, Su-27, Su-33, F-15C, MiG-29A/S, MiG-31, Su-24M/MR, Tu-22M3, Yak-40, KC-135
  • Weapons. Ka-50. When launched without a locked target, Igla turned with maximum g-load and locked its own aircraft. Now the missile will fly straight in uncontrolled flight.
  • ME. TF-51D had no RADIO tab in properties - Added the radio panel
  • FLIR. IR Moon representation in daytime light conditions corrected
  • TV / CCD sensor issue at night with ZOOM fixed and improved lightmap performance for narrow FOV
  • Flat Shadows Blur option creates shadows going towards the Sun - fixed

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics
  • Fixed: FCR TGT Report is not sent when SEND button pressed

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics
  • Fixed: Pilot-operator cannot launch ATGM in multicrew

DCS: F/A-18C by Eagle Dynamics
  • Fixed crash on AGM-88 launch in PB mode in some conditions
  • Fixed: Cannot designate with the A/G radar
  • Updated RU Hornet manual - 2023 edition, expanded and revised (it was added earlier, but not mentioned):
    entirely new radar section
    added ATFLIR, Litening II
    added JHMCS section
    added SLAM and SLAM-ER weapon sections
    added ASPJ section
    expanded NAV section

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics
  • Fixed: CBU-103/105 is unlabelled in SMS

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations
  • NEW: Added TARPS pod for both F-14A and F-14B (visual model only) - gameplay features to follow
  • NEW: Added boarding ladder to static and AI aircraft.
  • Added TARPS loadouts.
  • Adjusted loadout restrictions for TARPS pod.
  • Fixed broken normals on both -A and -B

DCS: AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations
  • Fixed inconsistencies in AI collision model

DCS: Black Shark 3 by Eagle Dynamics
  • MP. Synced gear animation between clients

DCS: UH-1H Huey by Eagle Dynamics
  • Huey VOIP bindings fix (it was added earlier, but not mentioned)

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations
  • Fixed: LS-6 and GB-6

DCS: Persian Gulf Map by Eagle Dynamics
  • Persian Gulf at sunset. Flat Shadows Blur option creates shadows going towards the Sun - fixed

  • DCS: P-51D Debden Eagles Campaign by Reflected Simulations
  • Added special liveries for P-47, Spitfire and Yak-52.
  • Corrected position of every P-51
DCS World Steam Edition - OBWKB
Merry Christmas
DCS Winter Sale 2023

Dive into the Winter Sale on both the DCS World EShop and Steam platforms. This is the perfect time to expand your hangar with up to 50% discount across all our most popular modules.

Ground AI
Development Progress

2023 saw several improvements to AI ground units in both game performance and behavior. To enhance game performance, AI anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) calculations were optimized and large missions with many ground units now take advantage of the performance gains afforded by multi-threading. Multiplayer was also improved with the synchronization of artillery impact points. Route following of both ground and naval units is important and further improvements will be delivered in early 2024.

Ground units saw some welcome additions such as the ability to load and unload infantry units, the ability for the AI to select between ammunition types more wisely, new reloading sounds, and new voice over audio for player-controlled ground units using Combined Arms.

Radar-directed air defense gun systems got improved target trajectory prediction modeling and the new C-RAM and SA-10 SAM now default to RED alert status with no assigned route.

These efforts will continue in 2024 with more natural and randomized spacing of units in a column, improved ground unit suspension modeling over rough terrain, improved counter-battery tactics for indirect fire systems, new and improved air defense unit responses to anti-radiation missile attack, and more realistic damage modeling and visual effects to ships.

DCS in 2023
2023 in Retrospect

2023 was a big year for both Eagle Dynamics SA and our 3rd party partners. Much of our work focused on improving the DCS core with important enhancements and bug fixes. Some of the more notable core improvements included:

  • Multithreading. This has allowed DCS to better utilize multiple CPU cores to provide much improved performance for most players. Players can now crank up their graphic details and/or achieve higher frame rates in 2D and VR.
  • DLSS and FSR. Deep Learning Super Sampling and FX Super Resolution (FSR) were also added in 2023 to further improve game performance. Combined with multithreading, 2023 has seen the most significant performance increase in DCS history.
  • Enhanced Voice Chat. Voice Chat received substantial improvements in 2023 with the addition of a better interface, enhanced stability, and communication options.
  • Improved procedural grass distribution tech was implemented to look more natural adding better shading with ambient occlusion and more realistic traction to wind and rotor blast.
Other important DCS core improvements included a new datalink architecture systems across several aircraft platforms, enhancements to weapon modeling, new visual target sighting options, improved Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) modeling, the addition of new weapon types, updated air-to-air radar modeling, new and improved models for several AI-only units, multiplayer performance and stability improvements, new liveries, multicrew improvements, many new and free missions, several new pilot models, and enhancements to the Mission Editor, to name just a few.

In addition to these DCS core improvements, 2023 saw the release of many exciting DCS modules and campaigns that included the F-15E from RAZBAM, the Mirage F1 EE and BE from Aerges, the Normandy 2 map from Ugra Media, the Sinai map from OneReTech, and many fantastic campaigns.

2023 also saw continued development and improvements across numerous aircraft, maps, assets, and campaigns.

In the spirit of the season, we wish you a Merry Christmas filled with joy, warmth, and memorable moments. Thank you for being a part of our family. DCS is a community-driven project, and your passion fuels our dedication to delivering a world-class simulation. As we navigate towards the skies of 2024, exciting developments lie ahead.

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
DCS World Steam Edition - OBWKB
New campaign - DCS: P-51D Debden Eagles Campaign by Reflected Simulations

DCS World
  • Numerous DCS netcode improvements to functions like TACAN, AI ground unit targeting, radio, datalink, and other improvements to improve server performance. Thanks to Closed Beta testers and online communities like Enigma Cold War, Grim Reapers, 4YA, Combat flight, DCAF, JTF-1, Growling Sidewinder, and others for participating in debugging efforts!
  • Improved procedural grass diversity and shading.
  • Minor GPU performance improvement by removing redundant clear UAVs. Thanks to _picon.
  • Fixed incorrect mirrors behaviour in tracks depending on the "Mirrors" option
  • Voice Chat changes:
    - Fixed. 'Helmet' slider in options that doesn't affect VC volume.
    - Fixed. Sound available in the left channel only during the mic test.
    - Server list window. Added an icon that indicates if a server has Voice Chat enabled.
  • AI Aircraft. S-3B Viking pilots stay in the cockpit after ejection - fixed. Corrected fuel capacities. Corrected points of countermeasures dispensers.
  • Corrected damage and collision models. Update of textures.
  • AI Aircraft. S-3B tanker had trouble refuelling itself. The lights of the D-704 refuelling pod were inaccurate. Updated textures - all fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. Su-34. Corrected damage model.
  • AI Aircraft. Pilot doesn't eject after being damaged in some cases - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. AI wingmen don't mimic the anti-collision light state of the player - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. UH-60. Corrected damage model.
  • AI Aircraft. AIs could crash into the ground during BFM. This was more frequent on the Nevada map - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. Helicopters cannot retrieve cargo from moving ships - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. Incorrect flight group behaviour after destruction of flight lead during taxi - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. F/A-18C does not attack ground targets that are assigned from the advanced tasks panel as Attack Map Object - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. Collision between the second pair AIs in a flight during landing - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. AIs will no longer be able to maintain flight with severe damage.
  • AI Aircraft. Hardcoded AI helicopter gun and gear animations changes. Modders please note. Details on forum
  • FLIR. Restored missing shadows.
  • FLIR. Moon looks more natural in FLIR devices.
  • Weapons. Cruise missiles could go to orbit without reason - fixed.
  • Weapons. AGM-84E could accidentally lose control - fixed.
  • Weapons. AIM-120 missing target when under 50 ft AGL. Adios low-fliers - fixed.
  • Weapons. Integrated rear-aspect-only AA R-60 (AA-8) air-to-air missile for some soviet aircraft.
  • Weapons. YJ-62 and YJ-83 ASM do not separate booster and not unfolding wings - fixed.
  • Weapons. RIM-116 missile guidance system correction.
  • AI ground. Unit could skip a point if there is too short distance - fixed.
  • AI ground. Fixed tilting of static units.
  • AI ground. Tuned mortar accuracy.
  • AI Ships. Fixed an issue with changing the course of ships at low speed.
  • Incorrect helicopter parking after landing - fixed bounding boxes.
  • Revert previous changes for getCategroy() function (subclasses is returning their own category). Now function for subclasses returning first is Object.getCategory() and second is their own category. Also added a new function getCategoryEx which returns the subclasses own category.
  • Possible crash on track restart - fixed.
  • ME. GUI Error when trying to remove static object - fixed.

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics
  • Added Control Page and Laser Spot Tracker for TGP.
  • Added LAU-68 and LAU-131 Rocket Pods.
  • Added AIM-9P/P3/P5 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles.
  • Added Freeze function for HSD.
  • Fixed: Dogfight Mode re-locking.
  • Fixed: AIM-9 SLAVE mode - seeker does not follow radar LOS until uncaged.
  • Fixed: AIM-9 not Slaving to Target in Boresight.
    Video for the seven above items: DCS: F-16C Viper | December 2023 Update (COMING SOON)
  • Added warning light for hook down.
  • Fixed: Pressing Enter when changing the HARM table causes CTD.
  • Fixed: AIM-9 diamond sizing.
  • Fixed: T.O. LAND CONFIG light logic on ground.
  • Fixed: Stores config caution.
  • Fixed: HMCS Hands-On Blanked Behavior.
  • Fixed: AG radar is able to maintain and restore target lock in impossible positions.
  • Fixed: New contact beeps are overlapped by new AA or AG chirp sounds.
  • Fixed: CCRP/TGP GBU-12 impact position mismatch.
  • Fixed: ASE size changes back and forth in STT.
  • Fixed: If overwhelmed by SAM emitters, RWR will no longer prioritise threats.
  • Fixed: TGP unstows itself in STBY if cursor slew applied.
  • Fixed: TGP MGC not working.
  • Fixed: Clock chrono function has swapped hands.
  • Fixed: Can load 2x training GBU on inner pylons, but not 2xGBU-12.
  • Fixed: A-G radar FZ partially blanks out when undesignating outside of gimbal limit.
  • Fixed: Radar changes from GMT to GM mode when changing the master mode.
  • Fixed: Missiles selectable in A-A/GUN master mode (sound).
  • Fixed: SMS reports non-AA missiles as "M" with AA missile selected.
  • Fixed: Ground start GM radar shows when on ground
  • Fixed: GBU-38, no bomb readiness message (RDY) after ALIGN procedure.
  • Fixed: Anti-Skid key binding not working from Parking Brake.
  • Fixed: TGP does not stow when switching to master mode with TGP in STBY.
  • TGP Masking
    - fixed overlapping L and M
    - fixed mask indication on HUD with TGP off
    NOTE: MASK messages will appear as long as the TGP is enabled and not OFF or in STBY.

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics
  • Added Ground Targeting Mode (GTM) of the Fire Control Radar. (Work in progress). Other modes and functions will come later like LINK, C-SCOPE, ZOOM, ATM, TPM, and RMAP.
    DCS: AH-64D | Fire Zones
    DCS: AH-64D | Fire Control Radar Introduction (COMING SOON)
    DCS: AH-64D | Fire Control Radar Pages & Controls (COMING SOON)
    DCS: AH-64D | FCR Prioritization & Weapons Engagement (COMING SOON)
    DCS: AH-64D | Backseat FCR and Radar Hellfire (COMING SOON)

  • Slight improvements to Attitude Hold (ATT-Hold) behaviour.
  • Added Shot Page. Video coming, Wags needs a video break.
  • COORD page corrections.
  • Added FLIR texture for the pilot models.
  • Added user livery - 12th Combat Aviation Brigade Weathered by ouky1991
  • Updated DCS AH-64D: Early Access Guide EN - Added Datalink chapter.
  • Fixed: CPG HDU and TDU video source and symbology format.
  • Fixed: George refused to close his canopy out of spite for players poking fun at him.
  • Fixed: TSD range 25000 (When starting up from cold and dark, the AH64 TSD range starts at 25 000).
  • Fixed: Set Map AC and ELEV Altitude Control.
  • Fixed: Autostart procedure IHADSS alignment stage.
  • Fixed: TSD map forgets map scale, it should retain the chosen scale.
  • Fixed: TADS "footprint" should be based on CPG range source not raw laser distance.
  • Fixed: TEDAC FREEZE not boxed when active.
  • Fixed: TSD Ownship and IDM Subscriber symbols should have a black underlay.
  • Fixed: Present Position report ID Control Measure symbols are showing more than 3 characters.
  • Fixed: TADS is not slaving correctly to a TSD point.
  • Fixed: TSD persists as background in black and white after restart of acft.
  • Fixed: Bob-Up Box Chaotic movement.
  • Fixed: Misrepresentation of threat positions in TSD when N-Up.
  • Fixed: AUDIO PANEL - NDB Audio not silenced when ADF's knob is pulled.
  • Fixed: TSD FRZ should be disabled when CAQ or BAM are exited if FRZ was not selected prior.
  • Fixed: MPD button text mis-alignment.
  • Fixed: Text options along the top row of MSG-REC page should be hidden when DEL "YES"/"NO" options are displayed.
  • Fixed: Setting ACQ to "PHS" or "GHS" on the TSD page is changing the TSD scale.
  • Fixed: Blurred main rotor animation is broken.
  • Fixed: TAD page zoom button blinks on radar turn right button press.
  • Fixed: Dynamic color banding based on Ghostship and set elevation.
  • Fixed: Missing Bleed Air Indication.
  • Fixed: TSD Range Scale Increment-Decrement.
  • Fixed: NVS Mode control binds for gunner say PLT.
  • Fixed: Mirror image zooms out when user moves closer to mirror.
  • Fixed: IHADSS + NVG Third Person animation is wrong.
  • Fixed: SAI knob wrongly named in keybinding/SAI knob incorrect operation with keybinds.
  • Fixed: George continues to press the slave button after shutdown. George being spiteful, again.
  • Fixed: Misaligned fuel tank after reload.
  • Fixed: Auto start will activate windshield wipers on both cockpits.
  • Fixed: Control sync with HOСAS is not recognized with CMWS panel.
  • Fixed: DL TARGET DATA and RF HANDOVER message sizing on TDU FCR page.
Note: Multicrew sync for FCR to follow in future updates.

DCS: F/A-18C by Eagle Dynamics
  • Pilot Model - adjusted FLIR levels.
  • Fixed: Lessons 24 and 25 (JDAM and JSOW) narration stops after first attack.
  • Fixed: GBU-24 erratic behaviour after rearming.
  • Fixed: Takeoff From Ground: GBU-12 Always Miss - fix 0 WYPT altitude for ground starts.
  • Fixed: Controls frozen on 2nd takeoff from a non SC module carrier.
  • Fixed: Datalink (TNDL) members switched when using AI as leader.
  • Fixed: STT with 1 LOOK RAID does not show additional track files in ATTK page. Tracks showing in STT.
  • Fixed: TWS SCAN RAID does not show any trackfiles other than the original L+S in ATTK page
  • Fixed: Non-designated track files disappear in RWS, if brick trail fades out. Tracks and contacts display.
  • Fixed: OAP designation is incorrect with CCRP - fixed calculating relative TD OAP position.
  • Fixed: Waypoint Offset Bearing input broken + wrong reported bearing.
  • Fixed: STT from VS only updates range every 2 NM.
  • Fixed: STT with RAID or 1 LOOK RAID enabled will indefinitely maintain a (false) trackfile out of gimbal limits, never entering into Memory.

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics
  • Improved: SPO-10 RWR remodelling.
    - Each channel is now processed separately.
    - Detection based on radiation pattern of the antennas, power density of the incoming radiation and sensitivity of the detectors. The detection range will change depending on relative bearing and is not a linear function of emitting radar's range anymore.
    - Detection limited to radar sources within the operational frequency range of the system (7.5 to 16.6 GHz carrier frequency, 740-8000Hz PRF).
  • Fixed: Animation of operator looking into sight keeps playing when sight doors are closed automatically if Petrovich AI detects dangerous manoeuvres for sight gyro
  • Fixed: Pilot body reflection making big obstruction on the pilot ASP-17 sight refractor glass.
  • Fixed: Hiding stick and cockpit elements does not hide seat cushion anymore.
  • Remark: After recent updates you may have noticed that pilot’s ASP sight gives you firing solution for S-13 and S-24 rockets. This is expected behaviour as relays for sight calculations in cargo cabin have only S-8, S-5 and GUV options. So, when other rockets are equipped we leave this setting on the default S-8. Solution sight gives you for S-13 and S-24 rockets is not accurate for these respective rockets, sight just gives you solution for S-8 mode.

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics
  • Added Carrier TCN-ICLS-L4 Auto-Assignments.
  • Fixed: AI parking under deck during tight turns can be forced out of the ship.

DCS: A-10C II Tank Killer by Eagle Dynamics
  • Fixed. Open canopy is displayed after ejection from the external view.
  • Fixed. SPI line overlapping wedding cake.
  • Fixed. Default elevator trimmer key assignments are reversed.
  • Changed the CMSP initialization logic.
  • Added 1x and 2x varieties of weapon loadings on TERs for Mk-82, Mk-82AIR, SUU-25, and GBU-12.
  • 2x varieties of weapon loadings on TERs for LAU-68 and LAU-131.
  • Corrected default sequence for BRU-42.

DCS: Mosquito FB VI by Eagle Dynamics
  • Added the new physics for separate calculation of tire and shock absorber of the landing gear.
  • AI Mosquito now turns off the landing light after take off.

DCS: Spitfire LF Mk IX by Eagle Dynamics
  • Fixed. The bomb fuse interval does not work.

DCS: WWII Assets pack by Eagle Dynamics
  • B-17. Fixed. Dead crew members on the static aircraft.
  • Improved the visual effect of the searchlight.

DCS: NS430 navigation system by Eagle Dynamics
  • Fixed. MAGNETIC heading is stored as TRUE heading
  • Fixed. WPT pages texts overlap
  • Fixed. WPT pages 'APT' field stays empty as long as it is not highlighted
  • Fixed. When longitude degrees are 167 or more, 1 second gets automatically added
  • Fixed. Possibility to observe OBS course greater than 360 degrees
  • Fixed. Problems with the 2D mode windows movements
  • Removed the leading zero digit for latitude
  • Changed wrong town name Soukhumi -> Sukhumi

DCS: MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3 LLC
  • Added 3 customizable mouse inputs:
    - Comm menu
    - Zoom in slow
    - Zoom out slow

DCS: Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3 LLC
  • Added 3 customizable mouse inputs:
    - Comm menu
    - Zoom in slow
    - Zoom out slow

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulation
  • Fixed: unstoppable “ALTITUDE” warning
  • Updated SD-10A to match public info:
  • Max mach adjusted from 4 to 5
  • Max launch range adjusted to 70kg (A.k.a 70km)
  • Slightly adjusted flight model
  • Change display name to SD-10A (Missile name remains SD-10 to avoid remake of massive missions)

DCS: F-15E Suite 4+ by RAZBAM Simulations. Version
  • Added: AGM-154A JSOW
  • Added: Smart Weapons MC Synch
  • Added: Full featured IFF transponder
  • Added: Radar IFF Interrogator Modes 1/2/3/4
  • Added: Radar IFF AUTO ID
  • Added: Radar IFF AAI slave mode
  • Added: IFF Latched status displayed with cursor highlight
  • Added: IFF Interrogation possible in RBM
  • Added: Can stop AAI/EID with another long press
  • Added: IFF Mode 2 code configurable in Mission Editor
  • Added: TWS > STT retains IFF and NCTR tags
  • Added: Other seat scratchpad display
  • Added: Dumb bomb & CBU lofting
  • Added: A/G RDR Cursor BullsEye coordinates
  • Updated: All bombs have now a 30ms minimum release interval
  • Updated: A/G RDR quickstep relatches to PB17 first
  • Updated: BE points now allowed in A/G RDR PB17
  • Improved: NCTR behavior
  • Improved: Radar IFF correlation mechanism
  • Improved: BOT aiming significantly more accurate
  • Improved: Low drag bombs accuracy
  • Improved: CBU accuracy
  • Improved: Bomb calculator wind compensation
  • Improved: Station position accounted for in CDIP/AUTO
  • Improved: RBM gain logic
  • Fixed: GBU-31V3 x 2 load not showing in CFTs when selected
  • Fixed: CBU height/time release modes not being applied
  • Fixed: ASL issues
  • Fixed: RCD saving all mimpap sizes
  • Fixed: Frozen HRM patch images being lost when taking control
  • Fixed: Jumping cursor coords & symbols in RB
  • Fixed: A/G RDR behavior of cursor latched to an offscreen SP
  • Fixed: UFC Wind direction TO instead of FROM
  • Fixed: HUD laser cue not synchronised
  • Fixed: JDAM Terminal Angle is reversed
  • Fixed: JDAM laser code not used
  • Fixed: TGP ALAS mode fires the laser when it is not armed

DCS F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations
  • NEW: Added TARPS pod for both F-14A and F-14B (visual model only) - gameplay features to follow
  • NEW: Added boarding ladder to static and AI aircraft.
  • Added TARPS loadouts.
  • Adjusted loadout restrictions for TARPS pod.
  • Fixed broken normals on both -A and -B

DCS AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations
  • Fixed collision and suspension model for the main landing gear.
  • Rebuilt collision model from the ground up, fixing inconsistencies in AI collision, damage and other unwanted effects.
  • Updated RB-04 and RB-15 collision models - both ASM’s will now be more susceptible to CIWS.
  • Added new and reworked DS37 Data Cartridge model.
  • Revised all splinter liveries for more accurate M90 splinter pattern.
  • Renamed Splinter F7 Skaraborgs Flygflottilj 76.
  • Complete overhaul of the Red Flag Campaign 16-2 - by JonathanRL (thank you!):
    - Mission Dates now adjusted to reflect the time span of the real 16-2 Red Flag Exercise.
    - Weather has been adjusted to be accurate for the season.
    - All AJS-37 Viggen Aircraft have been given the correct squadron livery and correct serial numbers for aircraft stationed at F 7 Såtenäs.
    - All F-16C Aircraft have been updated to module status and given correct liveries and serial numbers for 77th Fighter Squadron “Gamblers” who attended Red Flag 16-2.
    - All F/A-18C Aircraft have been updated to module status and given correct liveries and numbers for VFA-314 “Black Knights” who attended Red Flag Alaska 16-2.
    - Radio Bug fixed in all missions.
    - AI flight orders and loadouts adjusted to make them more efficient in their respective roles across multiple missions. Their performance should now be far more consistent.
    - Minor changes to mission 7, 9 and 10 to reduce frustration over issues the player had no control over.

DCS Mirage F1 by Aerges
  • Flight model:
    - Fixed wing rock occurring on ground.
    - Correct angle of attack value is now provided for slats/flaps computation.
    - Restored missing cockpit vibrations when maximum IAS is exceeded.
    - Adjusted anti-slip system response speed to reduce the resulting yaw overshooting.
    - Adjusted wing buffet behaviour.
    - Improved the aircraft yaw behaviour at high aoa and asymmetric stalls.
  • Systems:
    - Firing trigger and safety can now be open and closed in the rear cockpit.
    - Fixed emergency jettison button getting stuck when commanded by a joystick/keyboard assignment.
    - Corrected the rear canopy partially open position (with the use of the hinge handle).
    - Mirage F1EE navigation indicator (IDN):
    Drum distance/bearing counter changed from units to decimals.
    A fix in the additional vector length and bearing modes - now the needle moves with the selected value.
    - Fixed pitch trim inconsistent initialization at ground start. The pitch trim was wrong at the first mission launch after DCS was started.
    - Fixed unreliable operation of Mirage F1EE "Transfer/filling switch guard".
    - Fixed a bug that caused some guards to act as toggles.
    - Added adequate joystick/keyboard inputs for air conditioning system guard clickability.
    - Improved afterburner effect. Now it varies depending on AB throttle settings.
  • Right mirror:
    - Fixed it being always initialised folded.
    - Now it should correctly react to the 'M' (toggle mirrors) key.
  • Fixed engine heat blur being always at its maximum value. Now the engine thrust affects it.
  • Fixed simplified gear logic in multicrew - the gear lever will be now correctly initialised at ground start.
  • Wheel brakes input in multicrew is now taken as the maximum value of two seats input.
  • Miscellaneous:
    - Fixed auto-start sequence:
    - Anti-skid (SPAD) switch and Nose wheel steering switch guards must be closed during cabin checks.
    - Ram air switch guard must be checked closed during cabin checks.
    - MATRA 550 or Sidewinder missile switch is now set to on during cockpit preparation for playability reasons.
  • Fixed joystick/keyboard inputs and some clickability of Mirage F1BE guards.
  • Fixed canopy-related joystick/keyboard inputs in Mirage F1BE.
  • Kneeboard: Added item "MATRA 550 OR SIDEWINDER MISSILE SWITCH – ON (at least 2 minutes before launching)" to weapons use checklist.
  • Added radar control default input bindings for ‘Lock’, ‘Break lock’, and strobe control commands.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev
  • Fixed rear canopy still being visible in multiplayer after canopy ejection.
  • Radio receiver/transmitter units are turned off now when radio panels are set to OFF at both seats. It will affect radio power status display in Voice Chat (grey radio status).

DCS: Flaming Cliffs 3 by Eagle Dynamics
  • Correct default noise level for FC3 radios

DCS: Black Shark 3 by Eagle Dynamics
  • ABRIS start to flicker in some cases - fixed

DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics
  • Fixed a bug with the camera moving underwater when switching between ground units.

DCS: Normandy 2.0 Map by Ugra Media
  • Fixed errors in taxiways on airfields: Biggin Hill, Abbeville Drucat, Lympne, Merville Calonne, Manson, Saint-Omer Wizernes.
  • Fixed errors in the scenes of Detling and Lympne airfields.
  • Fixed parking numbers in Kenly, Abbeville Drucat, Detling.
  • Updated ground on Detling airfield.

DCS: UH-1H The Huey Last Show Campaign by SorelRo
  • Mission 2. Take-off pad is colliding with an existing static object - fixed
  • Mission 52. Triggers approaching LZ tweaked

DCS: F/A-18C Flaming Sunrise Campaign by Sandman Simulations
  • All missions: JTAC frequencies fixed.
  • Frequency information in kneeboards and charts updated.

DCS: MAD Black Shark Campaign by Stone Sky
  • Mission 10. FM radio broadcast bug fixed
  • Mission 8. Radio bug fixed

P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations
  • Frequency updates due to map changes

Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger Campaign by Reflected Simulations
  • Frequency updates due to map changes

DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations
  • Skin updates
  • Optional new hi-viz skin for the player
  • Kissoff animation improvements

DCS: F-14A Fear the Bones Campaign by Reflected Simulations
  • S-3 skin update (Thanks to Tomcatter87)
  • Skip refueling option added
  • Minor fixes

DCS: F-14 Speed & Angels Campaign от Reflected Simulations
  • S-3 skin update (Thanks to Tomcatter87)
  • Minor fixes

DCS: A-10C / A-10C II Basic Flight Training Qualification Campaigns by Maple Flag Missions
  • Corrected the Radio trigger issue for the A-10C II in BFT campaign missions
  • Corrected bug in BFT08 mission causing incorrect altitude trigger execution

DCS: F/A 18C Rise of the Persian Lion Campaign by Badger633
  • Mission 9: Comms fixed.
  • Mission 6: EZ refuel corrected.
  • Mission 15: matrix miss boat fixed.

DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion II Campaign by Badger633
  • Mission 1: Correct boat name / fix vehicle tracks airport.
  • Mission 3: Bog hammer attack fixed. Safety added to Bog hammers.

DCS: F/A- 18C Serpent’s Head 2 Campaign by Badger633
  • Mission 8: JTAC fixed.

DCS: F/A-18C Raven One: Dominant Fury Campaign by Baltic Dragon
  • Mission 9: Fixed issue with Tomcat running into the tail of E2 on deck
  • Mission 10: Fixed issue with Sluggo not attacking SA3 site or mission not progressing if SAM does not shoot
  • Updated the mission for newest solutions (limiting number of space bar presses, new prompts, use of I/R button)
  • Mission 14: Fixed issue with AI not taking off properly from the aircraft carrier. Fixed issue with Olive refusing to hold orbit and wandering off from the AO. Updated the mission for newest solutions (limiting number of space bar presses, new prompts, use of I/R button).

DCS: A-10C II Iron Flag Part I Campaign by Baltic Dragon
  • All missions: updated presets to avoid problems with player not hearing Biff at start of some of the missions
  • Updated location of transmitters for better radio quality

The Enemy Within 3.0 Campaign by Baltic Dragon
  • Mission 5: Fixed problem with first target being destroyed on mission start
  • Mission 6: Fixed problem with main target being destroyed too early.
  • Mission 19: Fixed issue with huey landing not being detected and mission not progressing.
  • Fixed problem with cargo ship in port ramming into leisure boat.

DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Сampaign by Baltic Dragon
  • Mission 1: Fixed incorrect frequency for USS Valley Forge.
  • Mission 3: Fixed problem with Wingman taxiing before clearance.
  • All missions: Updated pilot skins and helmets for all Raven birds
DCS World Steam Edition - OBWKB
Open Beta
Development Progress

In addition to the AH-64D FCR and important F-16C improvements, the next DCS Open Beta update also includes memory leak fixes when changing slots in 2.9 multiplayer. The update covers more enhancements for dedicated servers, Voice Chat, and AGM-154 tuning.

AH-64D Update
Fire Control Radar

The AN/APG-78 FCR was designed to enhance the target acquisition and engagement process of the AH-64D when faced with large numbers of enemy armor units moving across the battlefield. More than just a sensor for detecting and engaging targets, the FCR is a target classification and prioritization system that automates and accelerates the process of acquiring targets and determining which of those targets should be engaged to have the maximum effect on the battlefield with the limited number of munitions on board the aircraft. The FCR is housed in a dome located above the main rotor mast. The APG-78 is capable of simultaneously tracking up to 128 targets and engaging up to 16 at once, and an attack can be initiated within 30 seconds. The datalink allows FCR data to be shared with other Deltas and allows them to coordinate attacks using fire zones.

The FCR can target static targets out to 6 km and moving targets out to 8 km and be able to ripple fire AGM-114L radar-guided Hellfire missiles from behind cover. Combined with the creation and datalink sharing of Priority Fire Zones (PFZ), the FCR combined with the radar-guided Hellfires can engage a specified area and engage targets according to threat priority. FCR Introduction video.

We will soon be releasing the FCR with Ground Target Mode (GTM) that will allow it to engage static and moving targets, including helicopters. Following the release of GTM mode, other modes and capabilities will be added to this powerful force multiplier. Priority Fire Zones video. Please also check out the FCR Pages and Controls video and how engage with the FCR and radar-guided Hellfire from only the backseat.

P-51D Debden Eagles
Campaign by Reflected Simulations

For fans of classic warbirds, we're delighted to announce the release of the new Reflected Simulations. You will join the 4th Fighter Group following the D-day landings, and relive missions exactly the way they happened 80 years ago.

DCS: P-51D Debden Eagles campaign by Reflected Simulations includes 11 historical missions based on original documents, squadron records, combat reports, and extensive research, 5 further cut-scenes based on historical events, realistic briefings and briefing images, including separate PDF mission files and much much more!

We hope that you enjoy the latest DCS Open Beta update and that the progress on DCS: AH-64D is to your satisfaction. Please make sure to check out the latest DCS: P-51D Debden Eagles Campaign available soon. If you are looking for more DCS news in video format, please check out HIP Games on Youtube.

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
DCS World Steam Edition - OBWKB
Mosquito FB VI

We have developed new multi-component physics for the landing gear of DCS: Mosquito FB VI. This system simulates tire and shock absorber dynamics separately, which provides a new and more realistic feeling of how the aircraft should behave while in motion on the ground, especially on rough terrain.

The new system has been added to the Mosquito as an initial proof of concept in particular due to its large low pressure tires and short shock absorber movement range, making it an excellent technology demonstrator. After the upcoming release we will continue integrating the new landing gear physics into other aircraft, both WWII and modern.
Please check out the new landing gear on the Mosquito in the next Open Beta update and write your comments on our forum here:

Development Report

One of the most anticipated features is the Airboss (PRIFLY deck) functionality, which will add a new layer of realism and functionality to carrier operations.

The Airboss will offer a superb view of the entire flight deck and provide important information such as weather, carrier speed and heading, and more. It will also give direct control of the carrier’s heading and speed for players to manoeuvre the ship, turn the carrier into the wind for launch and set up recovery operations. An ATC display provides an indication of air traffic around the carrier with integrated radios and Voice Chat interoperability. Arrayed around the PRIFLY deck are a number of video displays such as the landing PLAT camera with further functionality planned such as carrier light management and elevator controls.

We are also making good progress with the finalization of the Briefing Room. This will provide a centralized hub for mission planning and coordination. It will feature a fully 3D briefing room that can be customized per squadron. Each pilot will have a multi-function tablet capable of equipping their aircraft and planning their mission route. The goal of the Briefing Room is to allow both single player and multiplayer pilots to have an immersive and realistic mission preparation phase that places them into the action, even before entering the cockpit. Stay tuned for further updates as we continue to refine these long awaited additions to the Supercarrier module.

Virtual International Air Festival

Hosted live from the Payerne Military Aviation Museum, get ready for two days of professionally broadcasted virtual flight show action, surrounded by real, iconic aircraft. Have a sneak peek of what is to come in the VIAF trailer.

During the event, Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthogs and DCS modules will be given away, courtesy of Thrustmaster and Eagle Dynamics. There will be interviews and Q&As of 2019 Aerobatics World Champion Louis Vanel, retired fighter pilots, and more...

Of course, everything is done live! Event starts Saturday at 10:00 UTC, on the VIAF Twitch Channel. Find the schedule here and we will see you there!

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
DCS World Steam Edition - OBWKB
Advanced Weapons Dynamics

Following a review of weapon development processes and available materials, we have developed improved and more accurate modelling of the Kh-29 air-to-surface, guided missile. In particular, the aerodynamic characteristics have been refined. The seeker model has also been reworked to more accurately reflect the restrictions on target acquisition based on target range, maximum gimbal angles, and angular target velocity. A realistic model of the guidance and stabilisation system has been introduced that also accounts for the modelling of actuators, animation of fins, and seeker movements.

Guidance is a sequential combination of three different methods that increase the target Probability of Kill (Pk).
  1. At the initial phase, homing is provided with a constant bearing angle, about plus 6 degrees, to increase the approach angle to the target. This is clearly noticeable when launching from low altitudes, less than 500 metres, where the missile will perform a lofting trajectory.
  2. When the required angle of the line of sight inclination to the horizon in the vertical plane is reached (23 degrees max), it switches to an intermediate mode with a constant G.
  3. Once the angle between the missile axis and the target direction becomes less than 8-degrees, a transition to proportional navigation guidance occurs. This is the terminal guidance phase.

In the next update, similar improvements will be brought to the Kh-25 (Х-25) family of missiles.

In the included screenshot, you can see the first phase of guidance in which the missile lofts whilst the missile seeker is pointed down toward the target.

Shadow Trophy 2023

VIRPIL Tournament Finale

This Saturday 2nd of December, DCS helicopter pilots will compete for premium VIRPIL hardware and modules from Eagle Dynamics! Please note that the tournament organisers have prepared an audience contest with a VIRPIL Store €100 coupon up for grabs! Join the live broadcast on the official YouTube channel @VIRPILControls and answer the question to enter in the prize draw!

We hope you enjoyed the DCS Autumn Sale 2023 and found something truly special. Please stay tuned for more weapons updates and make sure to show your support at the VIRPIL Shadow Trophy Tournament 2023 finale!

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
Nov 29, 2023
DCS World Steam Edition - OBWKB
New campaigns:

New aircraft:
Mirage F1BE addition to DCS: Mirage F1. DCS: Mirage F1 BE

Introducing multicrew functionally for DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight by Eagle Dynamics

Introducing warehouse management functions for DCS: World Scripting Engine

  • NEW: Added support for Nvidia DLSS. Using upscaling, Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) can dramatically improve game performance if you are Graphics Processor Unit (GPU) limited. Please note that if your CPU is limited, DLSS will have little to no performance effect. Owners of Nvidia 40-series graphics card will most benefit from this. With DLSS selected as the Upscaling option, you can further refine quality versus performance with Quality, Balance, Performance, and Ultra Performance presets. WIP
  • NEW: Added support for AMD FSR 2, FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) also using an upscaling algorithm to improve performance. Also like DLSS, it will have little to no effect if you are CPU-limited. WIP.
  • NEW: Anti-Aliasing. If Upscaling is set to OFF, three anti-aliasing modes are available.
  • Multi-Sampling Anti-Aliasing (MSAA)
  • Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA)
  • Deep Learning Anti-Aliasing (DLAA)
  • NEW: Added graphics option for Screen Space Shadows (SSS). This adds improved shadow detail to grass, bushes, and tree shadows. This is most evident with moving grass and tree shadows at long view distances. WIP.
  • NEW: Color Grading. Select between nine image color gradients that allow you to adjust the tint of the image to provide the desired effect. This can be most useful for video creators.
  • NEW: LOD Switch Factor. The Level of Detail (LOD) slider allows you to adjust the distance at which a unit transitions to lower level of detail models. 1 is the default value, but by setting a lower value, game performance can be increased.
  • NEW: Sharpening. The slider adjusts the image sharpness between 0.00 (default) and 1.00. Sharpening can help make it look crisp and clear by enhancing the edges of objects in the image. However, adding too much sharpness can actually make an image look worse, or it can lead to a loss in image detail. When using DLSS, we suggest a setting of 0.5 and 0.8-1.0 for FSR.
  • NEW: Cinematic Camera View - Right Control + F2. In combination with the mouse, the WASD keys can be used to move the camera forward, back, and laterally, and the Q and E keys can move the camera up and down. This allows the camera to be positioned in reference to the unit’s coordinate system, allowing much greater camera control for cinematic scenes.
  • NEW: 3D Models. Newly created models for the B-1B, B-52H, S-3B (S-3B Tanker to follow shortly), “Centurion” C-RAM, and SA-10 (S-300PS).
  • NEW: Ability to create, save, delete and rename custom weapons loadouts using in game rearm/refuel menu.
DCS World
  • Added warehouse management functions to DCS: World Scripting Engine:
    - airbase:getWarehouse()
    - warehouse:getInventory()
    - Warehouse.getResourceMap()
    More about them here: (Thank you to Grimes for initial testing and feedback and overall creative multiplayer and mission content creators community for driving us forward)
  • WWII Assets pack. Fixed. If WWII assets pack is absent, its units show a black Encyclopedia page
  • New feature. Added F10 Map Coordinates Picker like in Mission Editor. Call it with LALT + Left Mouse click.
  • F10 map. Added ability to Show Airdrome data window always, regardless of the F10 view options
  • ME. Payload panel. Added two separated icons: S-25-O and S-25-OFM
  • ME. Cannot Enter Decimals in Frequency Window - fixed
  • ME. The triangular target mark from task remains on map after deleting task in some case - fixed
  • ME. GUI Error when click on the triangular marker from task Cargo Transportation - fixed
  • MP. System bar popups on top layer over the role selection window in some cases - fixed
  • AI aircraft. Fixed helicopters collision on taxiway after destroying one ship in group
  • AI aircraft. Helicopter group blocks the airfield in some cases - fixed
  • AI aircraft. Crash after damage to wingman from AI group during taxi in some cases - fixed
  • AI aircraft. Helicopters can't land on the ship in some cases - fixed
  • AI aircraft. AI planes do not start from ramp in some cases - fixed
  • AI aircraft. The logic of attack maneuvering high-speed fighters of low-speed aircraft has been corrected.
  • AI aircraft. B-1B. Collision AI with a bomb after release - fixed
  • AI aircraft. P-51 and Bf-109 - AI fourth wingman can not maintaining climb of group - fixed
  • Weapons. Torpedo. Will not use improper exhaust effect
  • Weapons. Torpedo. Added torpedo splash effect
  • Weapons. Kh-59M missile. Added radio altimeter. Missile is able to terrain follow over rolling hills
  • Weapons. Fixed IR missiles tracking an aerial targets masked by buildings (
  • Score system. Player Score SP Missions, Not being registered - fixed
  • Ground units. Fixed smoking infantry after damage.
  • Ground units. Fixed crash when trying to select empty storage in the tank.
  • Ground units. Fixed enemy units will not attack a train.
  • Ground units. Fixed units getting stuck when attacking.
  • Ground units. Fixed crash when assigning a task disembarking from trigger to a player.
  • JTAC. Fixed not mentioning APKWS for 9-line activities
  • Multicrew. Added role to request query for join
  • Improved “spotting dots” added (WIP):
    - Increased dot size at high resolutions
    - Zoom is not affecting dots size
    - In order to disable new “spotting dots” and revert to previous logic user can put “DotRendererExperiment = False” in autoexec.cfg file located in \Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Config\
  • Improved Replays/Tracks: Improved track replay for human controlled aircraft by conducting more frequent continuity checks, WIP. - Note, increased track file data size when saved to disk.
  • NEW: Advanced Waypoint Action for Unlimited Fuel Option for AI. Please note the task must be at the top of Advanced Waypoint Actions list to make sure it works properly.
  • NEW: Perform Task/Strafing for aircraft and helicopters as Advanced Waypoint Action. You can now set placement, length, attack direction and attack quantity.
  • NEW: Added helicopter rotor downwash influence on vegetation.
  • Voice chat.
    - Added realistic voice filters for all radio units
    - Added realistic sounds at the end of transmission and effects of multipath interference
    - All options moved to the Audio options page
    - All controls moved to the Voice Chat page and aircraft pages
    - Fixed Voice Chat window not opening after changing the mission on the server
    - Fixed Master Volume and Cockpit Volume knobs not working for Voice Chat transmission
  • Graphics: Improved helicopter rotor dust effects.
  • AI Aircraft. AI runs off the end of the runway at Vaziani (Caucasus) and never attempts to turn back towards the parking ramp - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. AI F-16 will not rearm at a Rearm/Refuel Waypoint - fixed
  • AI Aircraft. Error during radio message when helicopters passing waypoint - fixed
  • AI Aircraft. AWACS detects bandits and share data with radar off - fixed
  • AI Aircraft. After Evade Fire Horizontally is triggered, AI no longer follows waypoints - fixed
  • AI Aircraft. WW2 Big Formation, un-natural flight attitude - fixed
  • AI Aircraft. FARP takeoff with moderate wind causes AI helicopters to oscillate - fixed
  • AI Aircraft. Fixed. С-47 Only one cargo is unloaded.
  • AI Aircraft. B-1B ground collision after takeoff in some cases.
  • AI Aircraft. Tornado aircraft will taxi with unfolded wings, not folded.
  • AI Aircraft. Fixed H-6J drag when bombs hatch.
  • Ground Units. Fixed - units slide down a slope.
  • Ground Units. Added reload sound for S-60.
  • Ground Units. Added belts for KORD and DSHK on pickup.
  • AI SAM. Fixed missile explodes after launch when the tracking fails.
  • Fixed: AI Helicopters in certain situations can become indestructible.
  • GUI Sporadic Multiplayer server list screen error when user trying to change nickname - fixed
  • DS. Dedicated Server crash on woCar::onNetHumanTakeControl - fixed
  • GUI. GUI Error when clicking on F/A-18C Lot 20 wingman in some cases. (Datalink) - fixed
  • GUI Error when using combination for drop down list in dynamic weather window - fixed
  • MT. Fix labels visibility jittering.
  • ME. Added the coordinate picker copy button.
  • Graphic. HUD casting reflections on the water surface - fixed
  • Caucasus Map. Human controlled vehicles drive through trees. No collisions with trees - fixed
  • B-1B and B-52. Corrected masses of launchers.
  • Incorrect positioning of the cargo after task Cargo Unload - fixed
  • MP. Aircraft MP phantoms. Landing gear always spinning when retracted - fixed
  • Graphics. When flying at high altitude, at certain angles, the aircraft, lights and even effects can be seen reflected on the water surface in the far distance - fixed
  • ME. “No Pylon” payload restriction does not work - fixed
  • Soil crater is drawn on water surface in certain cases - fixed
  • MT. Graphics. No ground vehicle dust/snow trail - fixed
  • GUI. Scale GUI messes with characters alignment - corrected
  • Memory leak when DCS window minimized to taskbar (both ST and MT) - fixed
  • ME. Refused from “ИПМ”, “КПМ” markings for non-Westerns due to improper assignment.
  • AI Ships. Aircraft with start from the deck of Kuznetsov spawn in the air - fixed
  • Crash on track restart in some cases - fixed
  • JTAC. During LGB delivery JTAC marked the target with smoke instead of laser and says to use a gun - fixed
  • FLIR. Added radar heating.
  • Ships. Fixed sound for CV Kuznetsov.
  • VR Option. Added Controller position sliders. Ultraleap special option. Added position sliders.
  • MT. Trains jitter when moving - fixed
  • IR-pointer visible without NVG, even in broad daylight (changed nvd turned on logic for laser ray) - fixed
  • MP. Net protocol up, old MP version won't see new
  • Crash when destroying vehicle with Insurgent AK-74 - fixed.
  • Fixed crash on Lua states created outside of the ED_lua_open() wrapper
  • Crash GetGeoInfoW DCS_server.dll creating aircraft without 3d model. Added protection against creating aircraft without 3d model.
  • AI aircraft. B-52 wheel chock_NM texture
  • AI aircraft. B-52 corrected textures name in LOD_0. Now not use pilots textures from bazar
  • VR. NVG mask in VR covers entire FOV
  • Weapons. Fixed KD-20/KD-63 launch range
  • Incorrect display of player ping - fixed
  • AI aircraft. Transport planes. Removed debug geometry in public ST build.
  • AI aircraft. B-1B. Wing flex adjusted. Bomb bay doors open too wide for rotary launcher - fixed.
  • AI aircraft. S-3B. Added new sounds and sounder.
  • ME. S-3B service ceiling in ME is too low - adjusted.
  • ME. Beacons list. Combined corresponding pairs together.
  • SSE. Group.getSize and Group.getUnits can fail to return anything when called in birth event - fixed.
  • 3D model. SA-10. Driver model from SAM S-300 looks ugly - fixed.
  • 3D model. S-3B updated.
  • 3D model. B-1B updated.
  • 3D model. B-52H. Damage model corrected.
  • Weapons. RCS value of some bombs changed: GBU-38: 0.05 -> 0.035; GBU-54: 0.05 -> 0.035; BLU-107 (Durandal): 0.05 -> 0.025.
  • Weapons. AIM-9P3 missile added to payloads of some aircraft.
  • Weapons. CBU-97. Skeet submunition exploding mass increase from 0.3 -> 0.9 kg.
  • GUI. Options. Added maxFPS slider.
  • Cameras. Reorganised cameras code for better performance.
  • Crash by switching camera to bomblets - fixed.
  • FLIR. Cannon round impacts and tracers show as cold - fixed.
  • Crash on mission exit if there is unit LARC-V with Explosion trigger - fixed.
  • MP. FARP icons are hidden for first spawned slot - fixed.
  • Weapons. Sea disappears after the RB-04E missile hits the target - fixed.
  • Weapons. Igla missile fired from the Ka-50 loops back to target. Fix proper position lock for IR seeker, fix on gimbal limits and stabilisation.
  • AI Helicopters. Ground start have trouble taking off when positioned in the vicinity of a FARP - fixed.
  • Fixed position of static units.
  • Voice chat
    - Fixed: Minimising the widget button does not work in the Radio mode.
    - Fixed: Problem with connection when some players in the session have their VC turned off
    - Fixed: Crash on the microphone self-test
  • ME. Resource manager. Supplier arrow from previous mission remains in some case - fixed
  • MP. Ships livery does not match livery specified in mission - fixed
  • AI aircraft. S-3B Tanker. Updated 3d model
  • Stennis CVN-74 is not available for spawn and landing without the SC module - fixed
  • MP. Aircraft and missiles in flight "jitter" back and forwards - fixed
  • AI aircraft. IL-76MD middle section can endure too many hits - fixed
  • MP. TACAN range stuck at 20 nm whenever Voice Chat is disabled - fixed
  • Graphics. Some graphical options can be changed in the simulation without affect to picture: Anti-Aliasing, Flat Shadows Blur, SSS - fixed
  • Graphics. Screen Space Shadows with DLSS cause Shadow issues - fixed
  • MP. The new rotor wash effect is not visible other clients - fixed
  • Graphics. DLSS. FC3 aircraft HUD blurs with rapid movement - fixed
  • The scripting function coalition.getPlayers() doesn't return CA controlled objects. Only aircraft set to player/client that are occupied are returned. As a result it is impossible to know which units are directly being controlled by Combined Arms players - fixed.
  • MP. Net protocol changed, so old version servers will not be shown in the server list.
  • Weapons. New implementation of A2A missiles (by ED) for MiG-21 and AJS-37: R-3S, R-3R, R-13, R-13M1, Rb-24/24J, and Rb-74.
  • Weapons. Fixed inaccuracies in several versions of the AIM-9.
  • Weapons. Added AIM-9P3 and R-60A missiles.
  • Weapons. Fixed R-60 payload drag.
  • Weapons. AIM-120 has a more advanced 3rd order tracking filter and double-contoured tracking loop that provides faster transient process and higher resistance to ECM blinking.
  • Weapons. Introduced ejector mechanics for bombs.
  • Weapons. F/A-18C. AIM-7 missile is incorrectly attached to pylon 4 and 6 - fixed
  • Weapons. MK-82Y. Huge aiming miss - fixed
  • Weapons. Wind correction for CBU-105 WCMD inaccuracy - fixed
  • Weapons. Sea Cat's and Sea Wolf's proximity fuzes are disabled by default - fixed
  • Weapons. When dropping a CBU-97 from a low altitude, submunitions would sometimes get stuck in the ground - fixed
  • Weapons. BGM-109C. Incorrect name in debriefing - fixed
  • Weapons. Kh-29 - missiles got updated FM and realistic autopilot / guidance system.
  • Weapons. Increased dispersion of air rockets.
  • Weapons. Updated eject/release effect of all air-to-ground weapons in China Asset Pack.
Please read the full changelog on our website.

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
DCS World Steam Edition - OBWKB
Up to 50% Off Savings
Autumn Sale

Whether you're a dogfighting enthusiast, a precision strike aficionado, or a carrier operations expert, there's something for everyone in this spectacular DCS Autumn Sale. Get up to 50% discounts across most modules on our Shop and on Steam. Happy flying, and may your autumn skies be filled with air combat thrills that only DCS can offer!

Sale Details:
Steam Sale: Now until November the 28th, 2023 at 18:00 GMT
E-Shop Sale: Now until December the 3rd, 2023 at 23:59 GMT

Please make sure to take this golden opportunity to save big on aircraft, terrains, tech packs and campaigns. Shop now!

Development Report

We have recently been developing infrared (IR) textures for ships, deck personnel, and more ground units. This required gathering and analysing various references. As a result, we created IR textures for units that correspond to engine locations, exhaust systems, electronic devices, and weapons. They will have the ability to noticeably heat up and cool down based on operation. Authentic IR maps have also been developed for the DCS: Supercarrier deck crew, where the thickness of clothing, equipment, masks, and human body heat are considered. Please stay tuned for more news on this subject soon.

Tempest’s Blue Flash
Multiplayer Server

The sister server of Enigma's Cold War is back with version 3! This evolution focuses on a curated, hand-crafted multimap/multi-mission campaign that begins in the Persian Gulf with a battle for Dubai. Territorial control will initially stretch across the Syria and Sinai maps as sides advance through tailor-made objectives.

The Tempest server has created a detailed Blue Flash V3 presentation. The community is mostly Discord-based where you can ask questions, provide feedback, and make suggestions. Because this is an open beta test of the new server campaign, please feel free to post in the Tempest’s Discord channels if you come across any issues. Good hunting!

Thank you again for your passion and support, and thank you for all your valuable feedback.

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
DCS World Steam Edition - OBWKB
DCS World
IR-pointer visible without NVG, even in broad daylight (changed nvd turned on logic for laser ray) - fixed
MP. Net protocol up
Crash when destroying vehicle with Insurgent AK-74 - fixed.
Fixed crash on Lua states created outside of the ED_lua_open() wrapper
Crash GetGeoInfoW DCS_server.dll creating aircraft without 3d model. Added protection against creating aircraft without 3d model.
AI aircraft. B-52 wheel chock_NM texture
AI aircraft. B-52 corrected textures name in LOD_0. Now not use pilots textures from bazar
VR. NVG mask in VR covers entire FOV

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics
Updated German Flight manual

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics
Fixed crash if two tankers added as member

DCS: MAD Campaign by Stone Sky
In all missions, the bug with automatic installation of UHF in the Gazelle has been fixed.
Fixed compatibility issues in some missions.

DCS: MAD AH-64D Campaign by Stone Sky
Added DATALINK function to all missions
Information about setting up DATALINK has been added to the briefing and the document.

DCS: MAD Black Shark Campaign by Stone Sky
Missions 3 and 11, have been adjusted for players without the Supercarrier module.
Mission 7, the attack scene at the start of the mission has been adjusted.
DCS World Steam Edition - OBWKB
Targeting Spotting
Development Progress

In the latest DCS Open Beta update, we added a new target spotting algorithm that allows the rendering of objects to not be affected by view zoom level and have a maximum rendering distance based on the object size. Some community members have responded positively to these changes; however, we have also received some critical feedback, especially from VR users. In the most recent DCS 2.9 Open Beta update, we will be adding a settings toggle to switch this algorithm ON or OFF. If set to OFF, the rendering is reverted to the previous method. We continue to improve this feature for VR, and we would like to extend our thanks for your feedback.

SATAC 2023

The 51st PVO Regiment proudly announces SATAC 2023. SATAC, Squadron Air-to-Air Championship, is an annual event for competitive air-to-air sportsmanship that welcomes all squadrons and airframes to participate! The inception of SATAC dates back to 2011, and it offers a highly immersive and realistic, online combat environment. The format is designed to promote combat flight simulation skills like the use of different weapon types (ARH/SARH/IR), dissimilar air combat training (DACT), and the full range of modern DCS aircraft.

The sign-up deadline is the 31st December 2023. Register as a squad, and please cite your squadron name, aircraft selection, and individual pilot callsigns. Squadrons are also encouraged to register a GCI officer. We highly recommend having reserves. Stay tuned for more details.

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics