Hotline Miami - (Emily Gera)

Ah man, this one’s pretty good. A while back the producers at ComplexTV flew out to London to interview the reclusive developers of Hotline Miami [official site]. You can watch the results below: A just-about 30 minute-long documentary telling the tale of how two Swedish hipsters created one of the greatest indie games of all time. One of the guys cries in it, so you know it’s good.

… [visit site to read more]

Hotline Miami - br33dlove
The Hotline Miami Story from Complex is an official and definitive look at the creation of the series with interviews from those involved. Thanks to all of you for your support from the first step and the love you've shown for the series. This is for you and we hope you enjoy it!
Hotline Miami - br33dlove
The Hotline Miami Story from Complex is an official and definitive look at the creation of the series with interviews from those involved. Thanks to all of you for your support from the first step and the love you've shown for the series. This is for you and we hope you enjoy it!
Hotline Miami - (Alec Meer)

Adam’s already run his review of Dennaton’s sequel to neon-hued tactical murder party Hotline Miami, but while he’s a big fan, Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number hasn’t been met with universal praise. Alec, more cautious about the game, joins Adam to discuss what may and may not be deliberate about its design choices, its bewildering story and its bugs.

… [visit site to read more]

Hotline Miami - (Adam Smith)

Live. Die. Repeat.

Live. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Die. Repeat.

Hotline Miami 2 [official site] is wonderful.>

… [visit site to read more]

Hotline Miami - (Ben Barrett)

Better than gamer emissions, believe me.

I’ve been a fan of lovely game-related tat in oversized boxes for some time, so here’s a thing that’s cool to me. RPS allies Gamer Network have announced a service for helping independent developers to create AAA-tier collector’s editions called Gamer’s Edition [official website]. They’re partnering up with Idea Planet Collectibles to allow devs and their fans to set the specifications and then crowdfund a one-off production load through pre-orders. The first games to get the GE treatment will be Papers, Please and a double pack of Hotline Miami and its sequel.

… [visit site to read more]

Hotline Miami - (Alec Meer)

the cover is my  favourite bit tbh

It’s difficult to accept that Hotline Miami – the sound of the future – was three long years ago. It’s more difficult still to accept that there might not have been anything which put quite such a fire under me since. This foul-mouthed ‘guide‘ is one of my favourite things I’ve ever published here, and I’d love to know how to commune again with the part of me which made it. I can’t see Hotline Miami 2 [official site] doing it, because despite controversial content the surprise factor probably isn’t going to be there. I’m sure it will be an interesting evolution of HLM’s rhythmic brutality, but can it manage OH MY GOD YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS again?

Anyway, there’s a free prequel comic out on Steam. I probably should said that to start with instead of picking fluff from my navel. … [visit site to read more]

Hotline Miami - (Alec Meer)

Have You Played? is an endless stream of game recommendations. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.>

The second game in this hyper-kinectic retro-violence series keeps making headlines for all the wrong reasons, and I’m not at all willing to make any sort of judgement about all that until I’ve played the thing. What I do want to do is flashback to when Hotline Miami, Dennaton’s hallucinogenic Drive-like stealth-murder game came out of nowhere rather than was any sort of known quantity. I’d so love to be able to play it again with knowledge or association, to be back in that ‘what the hell is this / this is incredible’ mindset. … [visit site to read more]

Hotline Miami
Payday 2 Hotline

In case you'd forgotten, or you'd assumed it was some kind of dream: Payday 2 is getting some Hotline Miami-themed DLC. The live-action trailer didn't tell us much other than the date, but now we have a few more details ahead of tomorrow's release. $6.99/ 4.99 will get you some new weapons, some animal-themed masks, and will put you on the trail of a Russian mobster known as The Commissar.

We have a new DLC webpage to thank for those details, revealing that you (and any co-op chums you have with you) are doing favours for someone called The Dentist, in order to get a lead on Old Hoxton, your captured companion. It's a multi-part plan: first you'll need to "apply pressure" to a district attorney with connections to the Russian mob. Then you'll need to track down a shadowy figure named The Commissar and force him to reveal himself (so to speak) by causing "substantial damage to his interests". To make things feel a bit more Hotline Miami-y, a range of animal masks will be available, along with some new weapons that will be revealed tomorrow.

It would be nice if there was some sort of 80s video filter, or psychadelic colour scheme, to the first-person co-op heisting action, but we'll need to wait until tomorrow to see screens and video of the DLC in action. Until then, the above info and the following live-action trailer are all we have to go on.

Hotline Miami - (Graham Smith)

This makes sense. Co-operative bank robbery manshoot Payday 2 is getting a new piece of DLC which is themed around the propulsive, topdown, ultra-violent manbeat Hotline Miami. It’s called Payday 2: Hotline Miami, and there’s a live-action trailer below which contains little detail, followed by some further sentences which contain similarly little detail.

… [visit site to read more]
