Loadout - arctyc
We'll have a hotfix build going live within the hour. It addresses minor network fixes as we prepare for the weekend.
Feb 5, 2014
Loadout - arctyc
Just completed our first official ban wave - thanks to all of you who submitted reports and provided links to videos of folks being dirty jerkface cheaters!

While we sadly cannot prevent people from creating hacks, nor can we prevent players from buying said hacks, please note the following truths:
  • If you install and/or use a cheat program/trainer/overlay/editor/whatever - WE WILL FIND OUT.
  • Buying cheat programs from some shady character who claims that his program is undetectable is not a good idea. Of course they're going to say that - they want your money, and are more than happy to lie to you to get it.
  • If we ban you for cheating, don't bother arguing with us - we will ignore you. Please take your cheating butt elsewhere to feed your inner troll.
  • If you've recently started using a cheat program, keep in mind that we have a ZERO tolerance policy on cheating. Do not make yourself a target for the wrath of the Banhammer!

I may not always announce when ban waves are going out, but I wanted to talk about this one a bit to give folks a better understanding of how serious we are about keeping things fun and as exploit-free as possible. Contrary to what some hack authors might claim, we do indeed have anti-cheat software in place, and we will take you out with impunity if need be.

Originally posted our the Report Bans/Hackers official forum.
Loadout - arctyc
When: Today at 4pm EST | 9pm GMT
Where: Loadout Twitch TV Channel


Today we'll be discussing some of the challenges and hurdles we're facing now that the game has officially launched. Community members will have an opportunity to ask the dev team questions about the current state of the game, plans for the future, or anything that comes to mind (we're not shy about answering questions).

During the stream we will have community moderators and other members of the dev team providing in-game redemption codes for those interested in free goodies. Seeing as this is our 56th Developer Live Stream, most of you should assume that we're very, scarily consistent about our streams. As such, we encourage you to follow the stream if you want to see new updates and unreleased features delivered by the dev team on a weekly basis.

We hope to see you there!
Loadout - arctyc
The hot fix we recently released has temporarily disabled the game mode Annihilation and the ability to rejoin matches. These two changes were made to alleviate some strain on the network, while we continue to improve the performance and stability. The build that has the following changes and fixes:

  • Temporarily removed Annihilation from playlist selection
  • Disabled Rejoin Button
Increased countdown timer in lobbies.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug causing players to remain stuck in a server.
  • Improved several stability issues with the network
Loadout - arctyc
We wanted to provide an update on the status of some of our social features in the game. We know many of you are excited to play and are gathering your friends to "party up" while doing so. Unfortunately, in wake of the huge surge in players, we're experiencing strains on our network that are overloading the friend's list and partying up with your friends to play. These social features are functional, but become unstable during peak hours.

We have currently put measures in place that prevent the Friends List and Parties from adding additional stress to our network during the game’s peak hours. Our intent with this decision is to allow players to play the game instead of allowing these features to stall the entire network and make it unplayable for everyone. Furthermore, we will be issuing a build that will remove Annihilation for a brief period of time to continue to stabilize the network. The game mode will return as soon as we have more network stability.

We are currently dedicating many of our resources to increase the overall performance of the network and make sure that the ability to “Party Up” with your friends is working properly. We understand how important it is to be able to play with your friends and we want to make sure you all can enjoy the game together! Rest assured we are working around the clock to make all of our features functional, regardless of the population size.

Feb 2, 2014
Loadout - arctyc
We recently released a fix that seems to have addressed issues with matchmaking. We're still experiencing overload issues with the party system and friends list.

We are aware of those issues and attempting to address them.
Loadout - arctyc
We released a build that fixed a bug on game servers where servers could incorrectly report that a disconnected user was still connected to the server preventing that user from matchmaking until the server shut down.

We're continuing to monitor in-game traffic and are working to resolve issues you all are experiencing with servers!
Jan 31, 2014
Loadout - arctyc
We're working around the clock to get players back in game and playing! We're starting to see players connecting to matches once again. Continue SLAMMING those servers so we can fix issues that we're seeing!

We appreciate all the support and we're sorry you all can't play right now! Stay posted!

We have an update thread going on the Steam Forums.

An update from Rob: http://steamcommunity.com/app/208090/discussions/0/558746745840098280/
Loadout - arctyc
It’s officially LAUNCH DAY! That means Loadout is Free to Play, so make sure to grab your friends and jump in the game! We are very excited to give gamers around the world the ability to enjoy the game that the community helped create!

We would like to thank all of our closed beta and Early Access participants for their support throughout the beta! Your feedback and support will continue to be vital in the growth and improvement of the game!
Loadout - arctyc
It’s a bit bittersweet, but the last days of Early Access are here! We know some of you here within our Steam Community are already Closed Beta participants; however, we’d like you to spread the word to your friends that the Closed Beta Hoodie will no longer be obtainable once we Launch.

Thank you for all of your support during the Early Access Closed Beta. We’re looking forward to your continued input and support!

If you have any questions, concerns or feedback you can always hop over to the official website and interact with the team there too!